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The Right to Home: Exploring How Space, Culture, and Identity Intersect with Disparities

by Tasoulla Hadjiyanni

This book explores how the design characteristics of homes can support or suppress individuals’ attempts to create meaning in their lives, which in turn, impacts well-being and delineates the production of health, income, and educational disparities within homes and communities. According to the author, the physical realities of living space—such as how kitchen layouts restrict cooking and the size of social areas limits gatherings with friends, or how dining tables can shape aspirations—have a salient connection to the beliefs, culture, and happiness of the individuals in the space. The book’s purpose is to examine the human capacity to create meaning and to rally home mediators (scholars, educators, design practitioners, policy makes, and advocates) to work toward Culturally Enriched Communities in which everyone can thrive. The volume includes stories from Hmong, Somali, Mexican, Ojibwe, and African American individuals living in Minnesota to show how space intersects with race, gender, citizenship, ability, religion, and ethnicity, positing that social inequalities are partially spatially constructed and are, therefore, malleable.

Dieta Vegana: Perdi Grasso Corporeo E Raggiungi Il Tuo Peso Forma

by Sarah Green

Questo libro contiene passi e strategie comprovati su come trovare le giuste ricette vegane a seconda delle esigenze della persona. Lo stile di vita vegano è spiegato dettagliatamente in questa guida. Non c'è più bisogno di sopportare di mangiare cibo insipido e disgustoso. Questo libro insegnerà ai vegani come cucinare pasti deliziosi con tutti i nutrienti necessari per uno stile di vita più sano. Un piano alimentare equilibrato può essere fatto usando le ricette fornite in questo libro. Diventare vegani può sembrare una prospettiva scoraggiante per molte persone. Rinunciare ai tuoi cibi preferiti che contengono carne, latticini e zuccheri raffinati suona come se non fosse facile. Tuttavia, le ricette che troverai in questo libro dimostreranno che questo mito è sbagliato. Puoi gustare la colazione, il pranzo, la cena e anche il dessert che è ricco, delizioso e saporito anche quando fai la dieta vegana. Se si desidera perdere peso, sentirsi energici e vivere una vita sana, è necessario modificare la dieta e iniziare a mangiare sano come stile di vita e non una soluzione rapida per i problemi di peso. Questo è ciò che significa essere vegani; è uno stile di vita. Se vuoi essere un vegano e non sei abbastanza sicuro di ciò che comporta, cosa mangiare, i cibi da evitare e alcune ricette incredibili che puoi preparare (oltre ai fagioli), allora questo è il libro che fa per te.

Sistemi di sicurezza per la casa II (Come fare ... #20)

by Owen Jones

Salve, e grazie per aver acquistato questo ebook dal titolo “Sistemi di sicurezza per la casa II”. Spero che troviate queste informazioni utili, valide e vantaggiose. Le informazioni in questo ebook riguardanti vari aspetti della protezione della vostra famiglia e della vostra casa, e le idee correlate, sono suddivise in 15 capitoli di circa 500-600 parole ciascuno. Spero che sia interessante per coloro che si preoccupano della sicurezza della propria famiglia, della propria casa e dei propri beni. Come bonus aggiuntivo, vi do il permesso di utilizzare il contenuto sul vostro sito web o sui vostri blog o newsletter, anche se è consigliabile che prima lo riscriviate con parole vostre. Potete anche suddividere il libro e rivendere gli articoli. Infatti l’unico diritto che non avete è quello di rivendere o distribuire il libro così come lo avete ricevuto.

Town Planning: The Basics (The Basics)

by Tony Hall

The planning of urban and rural areas requires thinking about where people will live, work, play, study, shop and how they will get about the place, and to devise strategies for long time periods. Town Planning: The Basics provides a general introduction to the components of urban areas, including housing, transportation and infrastructure, and health and environment, showing how appropriate policies can be developed. Explaining planning activity at different scales of operation, this book distinguishes between the "big stuff", the grand strategy for providing homes, jobs and infrastructure; the "medium stuff", the design and location of development; and the "small stuff" affecting mainly small sites and individual households. Planning as an activity is part of a complex web stretching way beyond the planning office, and this book provides an overview of the many components needed to create a successful town. It is invaluable to anyone with an interest in planning, from students learning about the subject for the first time to graduates thinking about embarking on a career in planning, to local councillors on planning committees and community boards.

Routledge Research Companion to Landscape Architecture

by Ellen Braae Henriette Steiner

The Routledge Research Companion to Landscape Architecture considers landscape architecture’s increasingly important cultural, aesthetic, and ecological role. The volume reflects topical concerns in theoretical, historical, philosophical, and practice-related research in landscape architecture – research that reflects our relationship with what has traditionally been called ‘nature’. It does so at a time when questions about the use of global resources and understanding the links between human and non-human worlds are more crucial than ever. The twenty-five chapters of this edited collection bring together significant positions in current landscape architecture research under five broad themes – History, Sites and Heritage, City and Nature, Ethics and Sustainability, Knowledge and Practice – supplemented with a discussion of landscape architecture education. Prominent as well as up-and-coming contributors from landscape architecture and adjacent fields including Tom Avermaete, Peter Carl, Gareth Doherty, Ottmar Ette, Matthew Gandy, Christophe Girot, Anne Whiston Spirn, Ian H. Thompson and Jane Wolff seek to widen, fuel, and frame critical discussion in this growing area. A significant contribution to landscape architecture research, this book will be beneficial not only to students and academics in landscape architecture, but also to scholars in related fields such as history, architecture, and social studies.

Houden van Koi Karp (Hoe U... #1)

by Owen Jones

Houden van Koi Karp De inhoud van dit e-boek over Koi-tuinvijvers en aanverwante onderwerpen is onderverdeeld in achttien hoofdstukken, die je zullen helpen om een site voor je Koi Carp Pond te kiezen, deze het hele jaar door in te stellen en te onderhouden en te zorgen voor je waardevolle vis tijdens de verschillende seizoenen en zelfs in bijzonder ongunstige weersomstandigheden. Het kan zelfs helpen om je in een nieuwe carrière te begeven. Het minste dat het zal doen is u honderden besparen op professioneel advies. Als een toegevoegde bonus, verleen ik u toestemming om de inhoud op uw eigen website of in uw eigen blogs en nieuwsbrief te gebruiken, hoewel het beter is om deze eerst in uw eigen woorden te herschrijven. U kunt het boek ook splitsen en de artikelen doorverkopen. In feite is het enige recht dat u niet hebt, het opnieuw verkopen of weggeven van het boek zoals het aan u is bezorgd. Als u feedback heeft, laat deze dan achter bij het bedrijf waar u dit boek van heeft gekocht of stuur het naar mij op Je kunt meer boeken vinden zoals deze waar je deze hebt gekocht

Una vida ordenada: 7 pasos para disfrutar tu tiempo, tu hogar y tu vida

by Marietta Vitale

Una vida ordenada, el nuevo libro de la interior planner Marietta Vitale, tiene como objetivo sumar la organización personal y hacer foco en nuestra primera casa, es decir, nuestro cuerpo. ¿Cómo hacer para que nos rindan las 24 horas del día, que parecen no alcanzar nunca para todo lo que debemos -y queremos- hacer? El fin de este libro es articular el orden de los espacios con la organización personal. Lograr un día a día más simple es posible. ¡Basta de "no tengo tiempo para nada"! En siete pasos, Marietta Vitale propone aprovechar el tiempo de la mejor manera. La autora ha ayudado a centenares de personas a cambiar su vida a partir del orden. Sin embargo, a veces otros aspectos de la vida siguen desorganizados. Para estar en equilibrio, este es el momento de centrarte en tus tiempos y tu cuerpo. La creadora de Terapia del orden ahora va un paso más allá con una guía pensada para que, a través del orden, hagas todo lo que querés, maximizando tu bienestar y el de quienes te rodean.

Community Livability: Issues and Approaches to Sustaining the Well-Being of People and Communities

by Fritz Wagner Roger W. Caves

What is a livable community? How do you design and develop one? What does government at all levels need to do to support and nurture the cause of livable communities? Using a blend of theory and practice, the second edition of Community Livability addresses evidence from international, state and local perspectives to explore what is meant by the term "livable communities." The second edition contains new chapters from leading academics and practitioners that examine the various factors that constitute a livable community (e.g., the influence and importance of transportation options/alternatives to the elderly, the importance of walkability as a factor in developing a livable and healthy community, the importance of good open space providing for human activity and health, restorative benefits, etc., the importance of coordinated land use and transportation planning), and the relationship between livability and quality of life. A number of chapters focus on livable communities with case studies from an international perspective in USA, Canada, Australia, Peru, Sweden, South Korea, Japan, and Austria.

Creating Emotionally Intelligent Workspaces: A Design Guide to Office Chemistry

by Edward Finch Guillermo Aranda-Mena

Emotions in the workplace have until recently been seen simply as a distraction. We often think of work as rational, logical and non-emotional. But organisations are waking up to the key role of emotions and affect at work. Emotions influence how we make decisions, how we relate with one another and how we make sense of our surroundings. Whilst organisations are slowly embracing the pivotal role of emotions, designers and managers of workplaces have been struggling to keep up. New insights from hard sciences such as neuropsychology are presenting a radically different interpretation of emotions. Yet workplace designers and facilities managers still rely on measuring non-specific states such as satisfaction and stress. In this book we attempt to capture modern-day interpretations of emotion, looking at emotion in terms of transactions and processes rather than simple cause and effect. We entertain the idea of an ‘emotionally intelligent building’ as an alternative to the much-hyped intelligent building. The assertion is that we should create environments that are emotionally intelligent. Rather than focusing on the aptitudes or shortcomings of individuals at work, we should place closer attention on the office environment. It’s not that we are emotionally disabled – it’s the environment that disables us! The ability of you and me to interpret, control and express emotions may not simply be a result of our own make-up. A radically different outlook considers how our workspace and workplace debilitates or enables our emotional understanding. In the modern workplace there are many innovations that can undermine our emotional intelligence, such poorly implemented hot-desking or lean environments. Contrariwise there are key innovations such as Activity Based Working (ABW) that have the potential to enhance our emotional state. Through a series of unique case studies from around the world, we investigate key concepts that can be used by designers and facilities managers alike. No longer should designers be asked to incorporate emotional elements as intangible un-costed ‘add-ons’. This book provides a shot in the arm for workplace design professionals, pointing to a new way of thinking based on the emotional intelligence of the workplace.

The Planner's Use of Information

by Hemalata C. Dandekar

For more than 35 years, planners have depended on The Planner's Use of Information to help them address their information needs. While the ability to manage complex information skillfully remains central to the practice of planning, the variety and quantity of information have ballooned in the last two decades. The methods of accessing and handling information––although often ultimately easier and faster––require new technical savvy. At the same time, planners themselves, and the constituents they serve, have changed. This completely revised and updated third edition of this popular book will serve the new generation of planners who work in a world where social media, cell phones, community-embedded development, and a changing population have revolutionized the practice of planning. Edited again by Hemalata C. Dandekar, with chapters by leading experts in data collection, analysis, presentation, and management, The Planner's Use of Information empowers practitioners to use and address the impacts of twenty-first-century technologies. The book offers a range of methods for addressing many kinds of information needs in myriad situations. It is an invaluable day-to-day resource for practicing planners and an ideal classroom text for courses in planning communication and analytical methods. Illustrations, real-life examples, cartoons, exercises, bibliographies, and lists of online resources enrich the text.

Living on Campus: An Architectural History of the American Dormitory

by Carla Yanni

An exploration of the architecture of dormitories that exposes deeply held American beliefs about education, youth, and citizenshipEvery fall on move-in day, parents tearfully bid farewell to their beloved sons and daughters at college dormitories: it is an age-old ritual. The residence hall has come to mark the threshold between childhood and adulthood, housing young people during a transformational time in their lives. Whether a Gothic stone pile, a quaint Colonial box, or a concrete slab, the dormitory is decidedly unhomelike, yet it takes center stage in the dramatic arc of many American families. This richly illustrated book examines the architecture of dormitories in the United States from the eighteenth century to 1968, asking fundamental questions: Why have American educators believed for so long that housing students is essential to educating them? And how has architecture validated that idea? Living on Campus is the first architectural history of this critical building type. Grounded in extensive archival research, Carla Yanni’s study highlights the opinions of architects, professors, and deans, and also includes the voices of students. For centuries, academic leaders in the United States asserted that on-campus living enhanced the moral character of youth; that somewhat dubious claim nonetheless influenced the design and planning of these ubiquitous yet often overlooked campus buildings. Through nuanced architectural analysis and detailed social history, Yanni offers unexpected glimpses into the past: double-loaded corridors (which made surveillance easy but echoed with noise), staircase plans (which prevented roughhousing but offered no communal space), lavish lounges in women’s halls (intended to civilize male visitors), specially designed upholstered benches for courting couples, mixed-gender saunas for students in the radical 1960s, and lazy rivers for the twenty-first century’s stressed-out undergraduates. Against the backdrop of sweeping societal changes, communal living endured because it bolstered networking, if not studying. Housing policies often enabled discrimination according to class, race, and gender, despite the fact that deans envisioned the residence hall as a democratic alternative to the elitist fraternity. Yanni focuses on the dormitory as a place of exclusion as much as a site of fellowship, and considers the uncertain future of residence halls in the age of distance learning.

Rightsizing Your Life: Simplifying Your Surroundings While Keeping What Matters Most

by Gail Sheehy Ciji Ware

Whether it's going from the multi-bedroom suburban house to the city condo, or from a country and city house to one cozy cottage, millions of Americans in the coming years will face the task of planning a shift to smaller or more practical quarters, paring down a lifetime of possessions and furnishing their new lives with things that have meaning. This simplification of surroundings and "stuff" will liberate people in mid-life to pursue their passions such as travel or hobbies without the responsibilities of a big house weighing them down. Rightsizing will be more than a handbook about the process of planning a new environment, jettisoning a lifetime's worth fo surplus household items, and moving painlessly into a more suitable space. It will also be the first comprehensive guide to the emotional passage that this winnowing process entails, providing a prescription for the internal hurdles that can easily sabotage sensible decision making.

GNSS Atmospheric Seismology: Theory, Observations and Modeling

by Shuanggen Jin R. Jin X. Liu

GNSS can detect the seismic atmospheric-ionospheric variations, which can be used to investigate the seismo-atmospheric disturbance characteristics and provide insights on the earthquake. This book presents the theory, methods, results, and modeling of GNSS atmospheric seismology. Sesimo-tropospheric anomalies, Pre-/Co-/Post-seismic ionospheric disturbances, epicenter estimation, tsunami and volcano ionospheric disturbances, and volcanic plumes detection with GNSS will be presented and discussed per chapter in the book.

Where on Earth: A Guide to Specialty Nurseries and Gardens in California

by Nancy Conner Barbara Stevens Demi Lathrop

Ever since its initial publication in 1993, this guide to California's specialty plant nurseries has been an invaluable tool for gardeners and landscapers, and it is now available in an expanded and completely revised edition. Organized by geographic region, each listing provides essential information, including address, contact information, hours, plant offerings, and a detailed description of the facility and its owners. In addition to featuring specialty nurseries, Where on Earth catalogs notable garden centers, plant societies, education programs, and horticultural attractions throughout the state, as well as mail-order sources for bulbs, seeds, and rhizomes. The coauthors also include twelve essays, one for each region, that address that area's special features and gardening concerns. Whether you're searching for antique roses on the foggy North Coast, water-wise succulents and native shrubs around Los Angeles, or a palm doctor for your sickly cycads in the Central Valley, this book gives current, detailed advice for plant lovers to see, shop, and savor.

Wild Suburbia: Learning to Garden with Native Plants

by Barbara Eisenstein

Wild Suburbia guides us through the process of transforming a traditional, high water-use yard into a peaceful habitat garden abounding with native plants. Author Barbara Eisenstein emphasizes that gardening is a rewarding activity rather than a finished product, from removing lawns and getting in touch with a yard's climate to choosing plants and helping them thrive. Supplementing her advice with personal stories from her decades of experience working with native plants, Eisenstein illuminates the joys of tending a native garden-and assures us that any challenges, from managing pests to disapproving neighbors, should never sap the enjoyment out of a pleasurable and fulfilling hobby. For plant lovers curious about their own ecosystems, Wild Suburbia offers a style of gardening that nurtures biodiversity, deepens connection to place, and encourages new and seasoned gardeners alike to experiment and have fun.

Cleveland's Millionaires' Row (Images of America)

by Alan F. Dutka

The incredible affluence and extravagance of Euclid Avenue's Millionaires' Row have fascinated Clevelanders for more than a century. Within these stately mansions, US presidents enjoyed dinners and discussions with powerful politicians and influential industrial and banking leaders. Through photographs and meticulously researched captions, Cleveland's Millionaires' Row provides authoritative visual and written answers to the most often-asked questions regarding the famous avenue: where were these mansions located, how did their occupants acquire such enormous wealth, what caused the street's demise, and what replaced the famous old homes? The book also reveals the progress in remaking Euclid Avenue's four-mile stretch from Public Square to University Circle. Cleveland's Millionaires' Row vividly illustrates the birth, glamor, decline, and renaissance of the grand old avenue.

My Creative Space: How to Design Your Home to Stimulate Ideas and Spark Innovation

by Donald M. Rattner

48 Techniques to Boost Your Creativity at Home, According to Science A great deal of psychological and productivity research has gone into discovering how the design of the physical environment can improve creative performance, yet nearly all of it has focused on the workplace, commercial spaces, and schools. What has been largely overlooked is the one place we spend more time in than anywhere else and where more people than ever are now working: the home. My Creative Space shows how readers can boost their creative output by applying science-backed techniques to the design and decoration of their home regardless of size, type, style, or location. With over 200 stunning color photographs of creative spaces, including many designed by top architects and interior decorators, this lavishly produced book will inspire readers while offering practical and specific ways to transform your own home into a creative haven. Readers will: Learn practical techniques to shape a home for peak idea generationAcquire insights into how everyday activities at home can boost creative performance at work, play, and schoolDiscover hands-on household products designed to foster creative skillsGain a new understanding of the meaning and psychology of creativity Read about the best lighting to foster a creative environment, how to use walls to capture ideas, why round shapes spur greater creativity than straight lines, the benefits of incorporating nature into your surroundings, and more. Whether you're an artist, design professional, writer, entrepreneur, work in a creative industry, or pursue a personal passion for pleasure, this book is an invaluable guide for turning living space into creative space.

BOSH!: How to Live Vegan

by Ian Theasby Henry David Firth

From the international phenomenon and bestselling sensation Bosh!—”the vegan Jamie Olivers” (Times, UK)—comes this fully comprehensive guide to vegan living, whether you’re thinking about adopting a plant-based lifestyle or a committed vegan looking for new information and insights. Do you want to go vegan but have no idea where to start? BOSH!, the pioneers of simple, delicious plant-based cooking and the guys behind the biggest vegan video channel on the web, are here to help!BOSH!: How to Live Vegan covers all aspects of vegan living from plant-based food and wine to vegan toiletries, travel, and clothes. Henry and Ian address the benefits of veganism on our health and the planet and answer a variety of questions on living life without animal products. Should you be eating avocados? Is it okay to wear an old leather belt? What do you tell your friends when they offer you a glass of non-vegan wine?Pioneering a new way of thinking, BOSH! is helping to make a sustainable and ethical lifestyle accessible to everyone. Whether you’re a committed vegan, looking to improve your lifestyle, or starting out for the first time, this book has all the know-how and inspiration you need to pursue and enjoy a plant-based life.

Real Simple Organize Your Home

by The Editors of Real Simple

The editors of Real Simple Magazine present Organize Your Home.

Hydroponic Tomatoes (Into Reading, Level Q #10)

by Heather Hammonds Sharyn Madder

NIMAC-sourced textbook. Hydroponic tomatoes are different! They are grown in greenhouses, where they are protected from wildlife and wind. But how do hydroponic tomatoes taste?

The Way of the Woodshop: Creating, Designing & Decorating with Wood

by Aleksandra Zee

Shop Class as Soulcraft meets Norwegian Wood in this gorgeously illustrated DIY guide for aspiring woodworkers of all levels.“There’s just something about wood. It’s an imperfect material with cracks, knots, and irregularities. As an imperfect being, I find that by working with wood and all its inconsistencies, I can also tackle my own.” –Aleksandra ZeeRoll up your sleeves and get ready to master the basics of woodworking in Aleksandra Zee’s cozy Bay Area studio. The Way of the Woodshop is a meditative guidebook and a feast for the eyes, an illustrated journey through the joys of working, decorating, and crafting with wood. Packed with gorgeous photography and do-it-yourself projects ranging from easy to advanced, The Way of the Woodshop takes you step by step through the process of creating nesting cutting boards, a blanket ladder, a daybed, a table and bench, and more. Zee covers the basics, from choosing the right lumber, to understanding different wood types and grains, to curating a tool collection, along with tips on decorating with wood and curating a space that you love. Along the way, she encourages you to tap into your creativity and relish the joys of working with your hands, and she shares lessons from her own empowering journey, as a woman carving out her space in a stereotypically male profession.Whether you want to decorate your home, create personal gifts, or just love handmade objects, The Way of the Woodshop will inspire you to grab a sander and discover the joy of making!

Urban Connections in the Contemporary Pedestrian Landscape

by Philip Pregill

Urban Connections in the Contemporary Pedestrian Landscape explores the significant physical and cultural changes in our urban areas following the implementation of design strategies and increased pedestrian activity. Beginning with a history of the urban grid, the book then discusses experiential factors of pedestrianized urban landscapes in three scales, arterials, collectors and locals, with an emphasis on inductive and deductive design alternatives. It closely examines elements derived from current urban pedestrian experiences including form, scale, surfaces and identity and provides alternative design solutions for the future. Uniquely focusing on a hierarchical discussion of the quality of contemporary landscape design applications within the urban grid, and with illustrated examples throughout the text, this will be useful recommended reading for academics, researchers and postgraduate students on urban landscape and design courses.

The Year of Cozy: 125 Recipes, Crafts, and Other Homemade Adventures

by Adrianna Adarme

From the author of the popular blog, A Cozy Kitchen, comes a beautifully photographed one-stop-shop book with all the recipes and projects you’ll need for some cozy inspiration this holiday season—and all year long. You’ll love Adrianna Adarme’s easy-to-follow instructions and will enjoy getting lost in her warm and comforting photographs. Organized by the months of the year and by categories as “Live,” “Do,” and “Make, ” this book offers ideas for activities, recipes, and DIY projects that make the little moments in life just as exciting as the big. Adarme gives us special (but totally doable) things we can do for others and ourselves. From quick recipes to easy crafts, she focuses on simple, inexpensive undertakings that have a big reward: happiness. The Year of Cozy will surely inspire you to march into your kitchen and craft closet to make something you can truly be proud of.

Understanding Metropolitan Landscapes

by Andrew MacKenzie

Understanding Metropolitan Landscapes considers and reflects on the fundamental relationships between metropolitan regions and their landscapes. It investigates how planning and policy help to protect, manage and enhance the landscapes that sustain our urban settlements. As global populations become more metropolitan, landscapes evolve to become increasingly dynamic and entropic; and the distinction between urban and non-urban is further fragmented and yet these spaces play an increasingly important role in sustainable development. This book opens a key critical discussion into the relational aspects of city and landscape and how each element shapes the boundaries of the other, covering topics such as material natures, governance systems, processes and policy. It presents a compendium of concepts and ideas that have emerged from landscape architecture, planning, and environmental policy and landscape management. Using a range of illustrated case studies, it provokes discussions on the major themes driving the growth of cities by exploring the underlying tensions around notions of sustainable settlement, climate change adaption, urban migration, new modes of governance and the role of landscape in policy and decision making at national, provincial and municipal levels.

The Routledge Handbook of People and Place in the 21st-Century City

by Kate Bishop Nancy Marshall

Increasing urbanization and increasing urban density put enormous pressure on the relationships between people and place in cities. Built environment professionals must pay attention to the impact of people–place relationships in small- to large-scale urban initiatives. A small playground in a neighborhood pocket park is an example of a small-scale urban development; a national environmental policy that influences energy sources is an example of a large-scale initiative. All scales of decision-making have implications for the people–place relationships present in cities. This book presents new research in contemporary, interdisciplinary urban challenges, and opportunities, and aims to keep the people–place relationship debate in focus in the policies and practices of built environment professionals and city managers. Most urban planning and design decisions, even those on a small scale, will remain in the urban built form for many decades, conditioning people’s experience of their city. It is important that these decisions are made using the best available knowledge. This book contains an interdisciplinary discussion of contemporary urban movements and issues influencing the relationship between people and place in urban environments around the world which have major implications for both the processes and products of urban planning, design, and management. The main purpose of the book is to consolidate contemporary thinking among experts from a range of disciplines including anthropology, environmental psychology, cultural geography, urban design and planning, architecture and landscape architecture, and the arts, on how to conceptualize and promote healthy people and place relationships in the 21st-century city. Within each of the chapters, the authors focus on their specific areas of expertise which enable readers to understand key issues for urban environments, urban populations, and the links between them.

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