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Francis Galton: Pioneer of Heredity and Biometry

by Michael Bulmer

If not for the work of his half cousin Francis Galton, Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory might have met a somewhat different fate. In particular, with no direct evidence of natural selection and no convincing theory of heredity to explain it, Darwin needed a mathematical explanation of variability and heredity. Galton's work in biometry—the application of statistical methods to the biological sciences—laid the foundations for precisely that. This book offers readers a compelling portrait of Galton as the "father of biometry," tracing the development of his ideas and his accomplishments, and placing them in their scientific context.Though Michael Bulmer introduces readers to the curious facts of Galton's life—as an explorer, as a polymath and member of the Victorian intellectual aristocracy, and as a proponent of eugenics—his chief concern is with Galton's pioneering studies of heredity, in the course of which he invented the statistical tools of regression and correlation. Bulmer describes Galton's early ambitions and experiments—his investigations of problems of evolutionary importance (such as the evolution of gregariousness and the function of sex), and his movement from the development of a physiological theory to a purely statistical theory of heredity, based on the properties of the normal distribution. This work, culminating in the law of ancestral heredity, also put Galton at the heart of the bitter conflict between the "ancestrians" and the "Mendelians" after the rediscovery of Mendelism in 1900. A graceful writer and an expert biometrician, Bulmer details the eventual triumph of biometrical methods in the history of quantitative genetics based on Mendelian principles, which underpins our understanding of evolution today.

Francis Of Assisi And His "canticle Of Brother Sun" Reassessed

by Brian Moloney

Bringing the skills of a literary historian to the subject, Brian Moloney considers the genesis of Saint Francis of Assisi's Canticle of Brother Sun to show how it works as a carefully composed work of art. The study examines the saint's life and times, the structure of the poem, the features of its style, and the range of its possible meanings.

Francis Watkins and the Dollond Telescope Patent Controversy (Science, Technology and Culture, 1700-1945)

by Brian Gee edited by McConnell

Francis Watkins was an eminent figure in his field of mathematical and optical instrument making in mid-eighteenth century London. Working from original documents, Brian Gee has uncovered the life and times of an optical instrument maker, who - at first glance - was not among the most prominent in his field. In fact, because Francis Watkins came from a landed background, the diversification of his assets enabled him to weather particular business storms - discussed in this book - where colleagues without such an economic cushion, were pushed into bankruptcy or forced to emigrate. He played an important role in one of the most significant legal cases to touch this profession, namely the patenting of the achromatic lens in telescopes. The book explains Watkins's origins, and how and why he was drawn into partnership with the famous Dollond firm, who at that point were Huguenot incomers. The patent for the achromatic telescope has never been satisfactorily explained in the literature, and the author has gone back to the original legal documents, never before consulted. He teases out the problems, lays out the evidence, and comes to some interesting new conclusions, showing the Dollonds as hard-headed and ruthless businessmen, ultimately extremely successful. The latter part of the book accounts for the successors of Francis Watkins, and their decline after over a century of successful business in central London.

Franciscans and the Elixir of Life: Religion and Science in the Later Middle Ages (The Middle Ages Series)

by Zachary A. Matus

One of the major ambitions of medieval alchemists was to discover the elixir of life, a sovereign remedy capable not only of healing the body but of transforming it. Given the widespread belief that care for the body came at the cost of care for the soul, it might seem surprising that any Franciscan would pursue the elixir, but those who did were among its most outspoken and optimistic advocates. They believed they could distill a substance that would purify, transmute, and ennoble the human body as well as the soul. In an age when Christians across Europe were seeking material evidence for their faith and corporeal means of practicing their devotion, alchemy, and the elixir in particular, offered a way to bridge the terrestrial and the celestial.Framed as a history around science, Franciscans and the Elixir of Life focuses on alchemy as a material practice and investigates the Franciscan discourses and traditions that shaped the pursuit of the elixir, providing a rich examination of alchemy and religiosity. Zachary A. Matus makes new connections between alchemy, ritual life, apocalypticism, and the particular commitment of the Franciscan Order to the natural world, shedding new light on the question of why so many people claimed to have made, seen, or used alchemical compounds that could never have existed.

Frank Einstein and the Antimatter Motor

by Jon Scieszka

In his Grandpa Al's garage workshop, child genius Frank Einstein tries to invent a robot that can learn on its own, and after an accident brings wisecracking Klink and overly expressive Klank to life, they set about helping Frank perfect his Antimatter Motor until his archnemesis, T. Edison, steals the robots for his doomsday plan.

Frank Einstein and the Brain Turbo

by Jon Scieszka Brian Biggs

<P>More clever science experiments, funny jokes, and robot hijinks await readers in book three of the New York Times bestselling Frank Einstein chapter book series from the mad scientist team of Jon Scieszka and Brian Biggs. <P>The perfect combination to engage and entertain readers, the series features real science facts with adventure and humor, making these books ideal for STEM education. This latest installment examines the quest to unlock the power behind the science of "the human body."

Frank Julian Sprague: Electrical Inventor and Engineer (Railroads Past And Present Ser.)

by William D. Middleton

Frank Julian Sprague invented a system for distributing electricity to streetcars from overhead wires. Within a year, electric streetcars had begun to replace horsecars, sparking a revolution in urban transportation. Sprague (1857-1934) was an American naval officer turned inventor who worked briefly for Thomas Edison before striking out on his own. Sprague contributed to the development of the electric motor, electric railways, and electric elevators. His innovations would help transform the urban space of the 20th century, enabling cities to grow larger and skyscrapers taller. The Middletons' generously illustrated biography is an engrossing study of the life and times of a maverick innovator.

Frank Tannenbaum: The Making of a Convict Criminologist (Routledge Advances in Criminology)

by Matthew G. Yeager

Frank Tannenbaum and the Making of a Convict Criminologist is a historical biography about Columbia University professor Frank Tannenbaum and his contribution to American criminology. Tannenbaum was a major figure in criminology in the early twentieth century, and is known for his contributions to labeling theory, particularly his conception of the "dramatization of evil" presented in his 1938 book, Crime and Community. Tannenbaum served a year on Blackwell’s Island in New York City for labor disturbances in 1914 and subsequently became a prison reformer, writing about his experiences with the American penal system and serving as the official reporter for the Wickersham Commission’s study on Penal Institutions, Probation, and Parole in 1931. This book explores his unique early career, and his influence on convict criminology, drawing on his personal papers housed at the Butler Library at Columbia University.

Frankenstein: Annotated for Scientists, Engineers, and Creators of All Kinds

by Mary Shelley

The original 1818 text of Mary Shelley's classic novel, with annotations and essays highlighting its scientific, ethical, and cautionary aspects.Mary Shelley's Frankenstein has endured in the popular imagination for two hundred years. Begun as a ghost story by an intellectually and socially precocious eighteen-year-old author during a cold and rainy summer on the shores of Lake Geneva, the dramatic tale of Victor Frankenstein and his stitched-together creature can be read as the ultimate parable of scientific hubris. Victor, “the modern Prometheus,” tried to do what he perhaps should have left to Nature: create life. Although the novel is most often discussed in literary-historical terms—as a seminal example of romanticism or as a groundbreaking early work of science fiction—Mary Shelley was keenly aware of contemporary scientific developments and incorporated them into her story. In our era of synthetic biology, artificial intelligence, robotics, and climate engineering, this edition of Frankenstein will resonate forcefully for readers with a background or interest in science and engineering, and anyone intrigued by the fundamental questions of creativity and responsibility. This edition of Frankenstein pairs the original 1818 version of the manuscript—meticulously line-edited and amended by Charles E. Robinson, one of the world's preeminent authorities on the text—with annotations and essays by leading scholars exploring the social and ethical aspects of scientific creativity raised by this remarkable story. The result is a unique and accessible edition of one of the most thought-provoking and influential novels ever written.Essays byElizabeth Bear, Cory Doctorow, Heather E. Douglas, Josephine Johnston, Kate MacCord, Jane Maienschein, Anne K. Mellor, Alfred Nordmann

Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus

by Mary Shelley

This deluxe ebook package features Mary Shelley’s classic gothic novel plus an extended excerpt of award winning author Kenneth Oppel’s thrilling prequel, This Dark Endeavor! What happens when an obsession defies your control? Victor Frankenstein has long sought the answer to creating new life. When he finally achieves his goal, he’s horrified by the results and abandons his creation, ready to forget what he’s done. But when tragedy befalls his family, Victor returns home to discover his creation is hiding nearby. To save his family from further despair, Frankenstein’s creature asks him to do the one thing he swore he never would do again. Mary Shelley’s novel explores with chilling dimensions the questions that reside at our core. What is the fabric of life and the soul? Where are the limits of our imagination? Can man’s reach shatter the boundaries between science, nature and God?

Frankenstein and STEAM: Essays for Charles E. Robinson

by Susan J. Wolfson Mark A. McCutcheon Lisa Crafton Siobhan Watters Lisbeth Chapin L. Adam Mekler Brian Bates Robin Hammerman

Charles E. Robinson, Professor Emeritus of English at The University of Delaware, definitively transformed study of the novel Frankenstein with his foundational volume The Frankenstein Notebooks and, in nineteenth century studies more broadly, brought heightened attention to the nuances of writing and editing. Frankenstein and STEAM consolidates the generative legacy of his later work on the novel's broad relation to topics in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM). Seven chapters written by leading and emerging scholars pay homage to Robinson's later perspectives of the novel and a concluding postscript contains remembrances by his colleagues and students. This volume not only makes explicit the question of what it means to be human, a question Robinson invited students and colleagues to examine throughout his career, but it also illustrates the depth of the field and diversity of those who have been inspired by Robinson's work. Frankenstein and STEAM offers direction for continuing scholarship on the intersections of literature, science, and technology. Published by the University of Delaware Press. Distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press.

Frankenstein's Cat: Cuddling Up to Biotech's Brave New Beasts

by Emily Anthes

From the petri dish to the pet shop, meet the high-tech menagerie of the near future, as humans reinvent the animal kingdom Fluorescent fish that glow near pollution. Dolphins with prosthetic fins. Robot-armoured beetles that military handlers can send on spy missions. Beloved pet pigs resurrected from DNA. Scientists have already begun to create these high-tech hybrids to serve human whims and needs. What if a cow could be engineered to no longer feel pain - should we design a herd that would assuage our guilt over eating meat? Acclaimed science writer Emily Anthes travels round the globe to meet the fauna of the future, from the Scottish birthplace of Dolly the sheep and other clones to a 'pharm' for cancer-fighting chickens. Frankenstein's Cat is an eye-opening exploration of weird science - and how we are playing god in the animal world.

Frankensteins Katze: Wie Biotechnologen die Tiere der Zukunft schaffen

by Emily Anthes

Schöne neue Tierwelt?Fluoreszierende Fische, die bei UV-Bestrahlung leuchten. Delfine mit künstlichen Flossen. Zu Robotern umfunktionierte Käfer, die vom Militär auf Spionagemissionen ausgesandt werden können. Innig geliebte Haustiere, die man mithilfe ihrer DNA wieder auferstehen lässt.Forscher in aller Welt sind bereits dabei, solche Wesen in die Welt zu setzen. Mancher Weg führt von der Petrischale geradewegs ins Zoogeschäft. Dieses Buch wagt einen – beunruhigenden, aber zugleich faszinierenden – Blick in die High-Tech-Menagerie der nahen Zukunft. Erfinden wir das Tierreich gerade neu? Zu welchem Zweck: um menschliche Launen oder Bedürfnisse zu befriedigen? Spielen wir uns in der Biotechnologie oder Technobiologie zum Schöpfer auf? Wenn sich Kühe gentechnisch so verändern ließen, dass sie keine Schmerzen mehr empfinden – könnten solche Tiere unser schlechtes Gewissen beim Fleischverzehr beruhigen?Die Wissenschaftsjournalistin Emily Anthes ist um die Welt gereist, um die Fauna der Zukunft kennenzulernen, vom schottischen Geburtsort des Klonschafes Dolly über die Forschungsstätten, in denen Lebewesen technisch aufgerüstet werden, bis zu einer „Pharm“ für Hühner, die bei der Krebsbekämpfung helfen sollen. Frankensteins Katze nimmt Sie mit auf eine Entdeckungsreise durch ein wundersames und oft bizarres Wissenschaftsgebiet – und stellt kritische Fragen.Emily Anthes berichtet von den verrückteren Seiten der Tier-Biotechnologie. NatureGeistreich und gut recherchiert. The New York TimesFaszinierend, scharf beobachtet und ein wenig beängstigend. New Scientist_____Schon seit Jahrhunderten verändern wir unsere tierischen Begleiter: Wir haben Hunde gezüchtet, die jagen oder Schafe hüten, Kühe mit verbesserter Milchleistung, Hauskatzen, die genau wie Tiger aussehen, und kleine Schweine, die in eine Handtasche passen. Aber jetzt hat eine neue Phase der Manipulation tierischer Organismen begonnen, in der uns die Wissenschaft einen immer vielfältigeren Werkzeugkasten für das „Basteln“ mit dem Leben bereitstellt. Emily Anthes führt uns in eine Welt zwischen Petrischale und Zoohandlung, zwischen Bauernhof und Militärlabor, in der Biotechnologen die Zukunft unserer pelzigen und gefiederten Freunde und unserer Nutztiere gestalten.Es gibt eine Katze, die grün leuchtet, wenn man sie mit UV-Licht bestrahlt. Den geliebten Familienlabrador lassen wir durch Klonen wieder auferstehen. In Tiefkühlzoos wird die Erbsubstanz zahlreicher seltener Tiere archiviert, schwer verletzte Tiere können mit Prothesen wieder ein fast normales Leben führen, Kühe, Schweine und Hühner werden mit Krankheitsresistenzen ausgestattet. Die Manipulationen gehen über die Biologie hinaus. Seehunde schwimmen mit eingepflanzten Sensoren durch die Meere, um Umweltbedingungen zu messen und Daten zu übermitteln, Ratten werden für militärische oder humanitäre Zwecke ferngesteuert, mit Roboterschaben soll im Unterricht neurobiologisches Wissen vermittelt werden.Anthes berichtet von Begegnungen mit Wissenschaftlern, Naturschützern, Ethikern und Unternehmern. Und sie stellt kritische Fragen: Welchen Nutzen haben die vorgenommenen Veränderungen? Soll alles, was möglich ist, auch getan werden? Welche Konsequenzen hat die neue Macht der Biotechnologie für unsere Tierwelt? Und was verraten uns die neu geschaffenen Kreaturen über uns selbst? Frankensteins Katze beleuchtet diesen abenteuerlichen Weg, auf dem Science Fiction-Vorstellungen zu Realität werden, und geht den Verheißungen und Gefahren dieser Entwicklungen nach.

Frankie Sparks and the Big Sled Challenge (Frankie Sparks, Third-Grade Inventor #3)

by Megan Frazer Blakemore

Frankie Sparks uses her inventing skills to build the best sled ever in this third chapter book in the STEM inspired Frankie Sparks, Third-Grade Inventor series.Frankie Sparks can&’t wait to enter the town-wide sled design contest. With the help of a team, she must design and build a sled using only cardboard and duct tape. And there are PRIZES! Each team in the contest will be judged on: 1. Best looking sled. 2. Fastest sled. 3. Most team spirit. Even though Frankie might know a lot about building a sled, it turns out she still has a lot to learn about building a team. With lots of twists, turns, and big bumps along the way, can Frankie and her fellow super-sled designers create a dream machine—and a dream team?

Frankie Sparks and the Class Pet (Frankie Sparks, Third-Grade Inventor #1)

by Megan Frazer Blakemore

Ivy and Bean meets Aliens in my Pocket in this start to a brand-new chapter book series about Frankie Sparks, a third grader who uses her love for science and math to help her solve problems she comes across in her daily life.The best thing EVER is happening in Frankie Sparks’s third grade class: They are getting a class pet! Their teacher, Miss Cupid, tells them they will vote on their pet, but it has to meet some “parameters.” Their pet must: 1. Fit in aquarium. 2. Cost less than $50. 3. Be easily portable. 4. Be able to be left alone for the weekend. Frankie thinks that a rat—just like the rats in her beloved Aunt Gina’s lab—would be the perfect fit. But her best friend, Maya, doesn’t think a rat would be great at all. They are kind of gross and not as cool as a hermit crab, which is Maya’s top choice. Using her special workshop, can Frankie find a way to convince her teacher and her best friend that Team Rat is the way to go?

Frankie Sparks and the Lucky Charm (Frankie Sparks, Third-Grade Inventor #4)

by Megan Frazer Blakemore

Frankie Sparks uses her inventing skills to trap a leprechaun in this fourth chapter book in the STEM inspired Frankie Sparks, Third-Grade Inventor series.It&’s springtime in Ms. Cupid&’s class, and the entire class is excited to build their very own leprechaun traps. Maybe, if they catch one, they will all get the gift of good luck! And after a few magical clues, it looks like there might be a leprechaun on the loose in Frankie Sparks&’s house! Her best friend, Maya, is convinced the leprechaun exists, but Frankie has her doubts—especially when it feels like every trap she designs fails! Will Frankie and Maya find their lucky charm, or figure out how to create some luck all on their own?

Frankie Sparks and the Talent Show Trick (Frankie Sparks, Third-Grade Inventor #2)

by Megan Frazer Blakemore

Frankie Sparks uses her inventing skills to help her friend overcome stage fright in this second chapter book in the STEM inspired Frankie Sparks, Third-Grade Inventor series.It’s time for the annual school talent show, and Frankie is excited to audition with her magic act! She wants to be just like her idol, Adelaide Herrmann, Queen of Magic. But on the day of the audition, Frankie’s best friend and Magician’s Assistant, Maya, gets a big, scary case of stage fright! How can Maya be Frankie’s helper on stage if she can’t bring herself to speak in front of their audience? It’s up to Frankie Sparks to invent just the perfect thing to help her best friend cope with the spotlight!

Franklin Chang-Diaz: In Space (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Vocabulary Readers #Leveled Reader:  Level: 4, Theme: 1.2)

by Patricia West

Brief biography of Franklin Chang-Diaz, an astronaut.

Frantastic Voyage (Franny K. Stein, Mad Scientist #5)

by Jim Benton

Goosebumps and Bill Nye the Science Guy fans, meet Franny!Franny&’s faithful Lab assistant, Igor, has swallowed a doomsday device that is ready to go off at any moment! For a regular scientist, it might seem like there&’s only one way to get the device out—um...make that two ways.But Franny K. Stein is no ordinary scientist, so she concocts her own way to get the device back and save her friend. With her miniaturization machine, Franny shrinks herself to the size of a pin and goes on a field trip like no other...through the body of a ticking time-dog! Fasten your seat belts, it&’s going to be a bumpy ride!

Fraud and Misconduct in Biomedical Research, 4th edition

by Frank Wells Michael Farthing

Now in its fourth edition, Fraud and Misconduct in Biomedical Research boasts an impressive list of contributors from around the globe and introduces a new focus for the book, transforming it from a series of monographs into a publication that will quickly become an essential textbook on all areas of research fraud and misconduct.Key features inclu

Fraud and Misconduct in Research: Detection, Investigation, and Organizational Response

by Nachman Ben-Yehuda Amalya Oliver-Lumerman

In Fraud and Misconduct in Research, Nachman Ben-Yehuda and Amalya Oliver-Lumerman introduce the main characteristics of research misconduct, portray how the characteristics are distributed, and identify the elements of the organizational context and the practice of scientific research which enable or deter misconduct. Of the nearly 750 known cases between 1880 and 2010 which the authors examine, the overwhelming majority took place in funded research projects and involved falsification and fabrication, followed by misrepresentation and plagiarism. The incidents were often reported by the perpetrator’s colleagues or collaborators. If the accusations were confirmed, the organization usually punished the offender with temporary exclusion from academic activities and institutions launched organizational reforms, including new rules, the establishment of offices to deal with misconduct, and the creation of re-training and education programs for academic staff. Ben-Yehuda and Oliver-Lumerman suggest ways in which efforts to expose and prevent misconduct can further change the work of scientists, universities, and scientific research.

Fraud Auditing Using CAATT: A Manual for Auditors and Forensic Accountants to Detect Organizational Fraud (Internal Audit and IT Audit)

by Shaun Aghili

This book discusses various common occupational and organizational fraud schemes, based on the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) fraud tree and assist fraud examiners and auditors in correctly choosing the appropriate audit tests to uncover such various fraud schemes. The book also includes information about audit test red flags to watch out for, a list of recommended controls to help prevent future fraud related incidents, as well as step-by-step demonstrations of a number of common audit tests using IDEA® as a CAATT tool.

Fraud Examination (Mindtap Course List)

by W. Steve Albrecht Chad O. Albrecht Conan C. Albrecht Mark F. Zimbelman

Learn to identify, detect, investigate and prevent financial fraud today with the latest edition of Albrecht/Albrecht/Albrecht/Zimbelman's FRAUD EXAMINATION, 6E. Develop fraud skills as you become a better interviewer, stronger and more skeptical document examiner, better technology user and more informed decision maker. Closely examine and gain a strong understanding of the types of fraud and nature of fraud investigation today with current business examples and numerous actual fraud cases, delivered first-hand from the authors' experience. FRAUD EXAMINATION presents today's most important fraud concepts with an emphasis on the growing areas of ebusiness and cyber fraud. Significant discussion familiarizes you with forensic analysis as well as legal options for victims of fraud. New discussion also highlights how experts use technology to accomplish fraud and detect fraud.

Fraud Examiners in White-Collar Crime Investigations

by Petter Gottschalk

In Fraud Examiners in White-Collar Crime Investigations, Petter Gottschalk examines and evaluates the investigative processes used to combat white-collar crime. He also presents a general theory regarding the economic, organizational, and behavioral dimensions of its perpetrators.Pool Your Resources for a Successful InvestigationGottschalk emphasiz

Fraud Hotlines: Design, Performance, and Assessment

by Chelsea A. Binns

This book provides a complete guide on fraud hotlines. It is designed to educate readers with respect to the history, purpose, operation, use and utility of fraud hotlines. It also equips readers with the knowledge to create, analyze and assess the performance of fraud hotlines.

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