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The Populist Moment: A Short History Of The Agrarian Revolt In America

by Lawrence Goodwyn

This condensed version of Lawrence Goodwyn's Democratic Promise, the highly-acclaimed study on American Populism which the Civil Liberties Review called "a brilliant, comprehensive study," offers new political language designed to provide a fresh means of assessing both democracy andauthoritarianism today.

The Populist Moment: The Left After the Great Recession (Jacobin)

by Anton Jager Arthur Borriello

A Left-wing populist insurgency exploded across the West in the wake of the Great Financial CrisisAfter decades of retreat, the last decade saw a left resurgence from the US to Western Europe and the Mediterranean. This revival of anti-establishment left-wing candidates was not only left but also populist. Though in most cases these movements ran out of steam before effectively being in a position wield state power, many of the parties and figures associated with this wave of left populism have entered government and others are still contesting high office.Providing a blow-by-blow history of the rise and defeat of left electoral movements in the West, Boriello and Jaeger guide us through the conditions that shaped this wave of insurgencies. These include extreme and rising inequality, the collapse of civic life, and a lack of trust in traditional institutions.In this context, Boriello and Jaeger argue that some or another form of populism was all but inevitable. And, despite defeats, left offensives of present and future will be populist in nature. This is because the conditions that shaped the first left populist wave are still very much with us.

Populist Parties and Democratic Resilience: A Cross-National Analysis of Populist Parties’ Impact on Democratic Pluralism in Europe (Routledge Studies in Extremism and Democracy)

by Ben Crum and Alvaro Oleart

Populist Parties and Democratic Resilience focuses on populist parties as the main agents of populism and examines when these parties turn anti-democratic and when they remain loyal to the democratic system. Following the Brexit referendum, the election of Donald Trump, and the rise of populist parties around the globe, many observers suggested that democracy was in serious trouble. Nevertheless, while some democratic systems have been seized by populists, most of them have proven resilient. In this volume, the authors identify the conditions under which populist parties become inimical to political and societal pluralism. They offer in-depth analyses of the trajectory of populist parties in eleven European Union countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, Romania, and Spain). The book shows that, reflecting the diversity of national contexts, there are multiple pathways whereby populist parties’ power can remain contained and subject to democratic checks and balances. Moreover, populist parties can — at times voluntarily, at other times by force of external conditions — come to adhere to the democratic rules of the game. On this basis, the volume outlines different ways in which European democracies can successfully accommodate populist parties through strategies that carefully navigate between the extremes of uncritical acceptance and outright ostracization. Drawing on the literature on democratic theory and comparative politics, this book directly contributes to the public debate on the state of democracy in Europe. It will be of interest to researchers of comparative politics, European politics, party politics, democracy, and populism.

The Populist Persuasion: An American History

by Michael Kazin

In The Populist Persuasion, the distinguished historian Michael Kazin guides readers through the expressions of conflict between powerful elites and "the people" that have run through our civic life, filling it with discord and meaning from the birth of the United States until the present day. Kazin argues persuasively that the power of populism lies in its adaptable nature. Across the political spectrum, commentators paste the label on forces and individuals who really have just one big thing in common: they are effective at blasting "elites" or "the establishment" for harming the interests and betraying the ideals of "the people" in nations that are committed, at least officially, to democratic principles. Kazin’s classic book has influenced debates over populism since its publication. The new preface to this edition brings the story up to date by charting the present resurgence of populist discourse, which was front and center in the 2016 elections and in the Brexit debate.

Populist Rhetorics: Case Studies and a Minimalist Definition (Rhetoric, Politics and Society)

by Christian Kock Lisa Villadsen

This book proposes a unified approach to populism that sees it as a primarily rhetorical concept. Populism is on the rise worldwide with both populist leaders and movements gaining power, and the term “populism” resounds in political debate, journalism, and scholarship. Populism as a phenomenon seems to instantiate perennial issues besetting rhetoric (e.g., the charges of manipulation, exclusive reliance on opinion over knowledge, and abuse of emotional appeals), yet relatively little research on populism has emerged from the discipline of rhetoric. This volume investigates the theory and practice of populism under the heading of rhetoric but as an interdisciplinary effort involving scholars in rhetoric as well as neighbouring disciplines such as political science and sociology. Seven case studies covering Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, UK, USA, and Venezuela offer conceptual discussions as well as close analyses applying both historical and theoretical approaches. In the introduction, the editors outline the problem of populism and their project, presenting the book’s wide-spanning case-based explorations. In an afterword they seek to distil a “minimal” rhetorical definition of populism. The claim or pretense to speak for “the people” emerges as the feature that connects the highly diverse instances studied in the book—and populisms in general, the editors hypothesize. They argue that this prevalent rhetorical move, often glossed over as unremarkable and banal, is in principle more debatable and deserving of more vigilant scrutiny than usually assumed.

The Populist Vision

by Charles Postel

The Populist movement has been both dismissed as an irrational response of backward-looking farmers to modernity and romanticized as a resistance movement of tradition-based communities to modern, commercial society. Now, in a wide-ranging and provocative reassessment, based on a deep reading of archival sources, The Populist Vision argues the opposite - that the Populists understood themselves as, and in fact were, modern people, pursuing an alternative vision for modern America. Taking into account the leaders and the led, The Populist Vision uses a wide lens - focusing on the farmers, both black and white, men and women - but also looking at wage workers and bohemian urbanites. Ranging from Texas to the Dakotas, from Georgia to California, Charles Postel shows how farmer Populists strove to use the new innovations for their own ends. They sought scientific and technical knowledge, formed highly centralized organizations, launched large-scale cooperative businesses, and pressed for reforms on the model of the nation's most elaborate bureaucracy - the Postal Service. Hundreds of thousands of women joined the movement, too, seeking education, employment in schools and offices, and a more modern life. Miners, railroad workers, and other labor Populists joined with farmers to give impetus to the regulatory state. Activists from Chicago, San Francisco, and other new cities provided Populism with a dynamic urban dimension. The winner of a prestigious Bancroft Prize and the Organization of American Historian's Frederick Jackson Turner Award, this highly original account of the Populist movement is essential reading for anyone interested in the politics, society, and culture of modern America.


by Jose Garcia Hamilton

Por qué crecen los países pretende responder a una pregunta que en todo el mundo se formula cotidianamente en los ámbitos académicos y de la gente común: por qué algunas naciones "funcionan" y otras no. Describiendo con agilidad la evolución histórica mediante la cual algunos pueblos han podido elaborar sociedades democráticas y prósperas, José Ignacio García Hamilton nos ilustra sobre libertad y despotismo, ley e instituciones, propiedad privada y socialismo, y desarrolla ideas que son complementarias de las tratadas en El autoritarismo hispanoamericano y la improductividad, el libro que lo consagrara como un autor argentino muy leído y respetado en el mundo hispanohablante y le valiera invitaciones de las Universidades de Cambridge (Inglaterra), Harvard, Georgetown, Wisconsin y varias otras de Estados Unidos. Con observaciones válidas para todas las repúblicas de la América Española, con agudas comparaciones entre el mundo anglosajón, latino, alemán y ruso, con elevado nivel académico pero lenguaje llano, Por qué crecen los países presenta a un García Hamilton tan lúcido, polémico y contundente como en cada una de sus obras.

¿Por qué importa la filosofía?

by Carlos Peña

¿Cómo justificar la reflexión filosófica a la luz de esos objetivos de política pública que la filosofía no es capaz por sí misma de satisfacer? En este necesario y perspicaz ensayo, Carlos Peña se hace cargo críticamente del menosprecio del que, de un tiempo a esta parte, es objeto la filosofía. En base a acusaciones de despilfarro e inutilidad, ha sido progresivamente desplazada de los planes educativos en pro de una enseñanza enfocada en lo técnico y lo útil. Es por eso que el autor se pregunta si efectivamente la enseñanza de la filosofía carece hoy de justificación y sentido.

Por qué miramos a los animales

by John Berger

Nadie como el premio Booker John Berger para enseñarnos a ver y a vernos. «Desde D. H. Lawrence no ha habido un escritor como Berger, capaz de ofrecer al mundo tal atención sobre los problemas humanos más disímiles, con una sensualidad que no renuncia a los imperativos de la conciencia y la responsabilidad».Susan Sontag John Berger revolucionó nuestra manera de ver el arte, la sociedad y la naturaleza, animándonos a mirar el mundo como si se tratara de la primera vez. Este libro es una buena muestra de ello: variando en tono desde la anécdota tierna hasta el ensayo profundo, el ganador del Premio Booker se pregunta cómo y por qué nos hemos vuelto incapaces de ver realmente a los animales, a los que hemos convertido en muñecos, juguetes y personajes de cuentos infantiles. Berger nos ofrece un diagnóstico, pero también una salida: la solidaridad entre oprimidos, la creación de un lenguaje común y una nueva mirada emancipadora tanto para el que mira como para el que es mirado.Alfaguara recoge los ensayos, algunos inéditos en castellano, que Berger dedicó a nuestra relación con los animales y a diversas luchas sociales en un libro que muestra una vez más la sensibilidad y el compromiso del autor en temas de intensa relevancia actual. La crítica ha dicho...«Su obra parece labrada con una precisión de relojero, y una intimidad que podría confundirse con ternura».The New York Times Book Review «Fue el Leonard Cohen de otra clase de rotunda melancolía: la de la tristeza (social, íntima) que provoca el auténtico saber en mitad de la sociedad capitalista de fauces abiertas y hambre incansable».Diego Medrano, El Comercio«Berger es el fecundo, sugerente e irónico escritor de las verdades».Manuel Rivas «Una de las voces esenciales para comprender el estado de nuestra sociedad [...]. Combina a la perfección compromiso y reflexión».El Confidencial «Sus contemporáneos más cercanos en términos de audacia estética podrían ser Umberto Eco o el tardío W. G. Sebald, pero resulta difícil compararlo a cualquier autor inglés del último medio siglo. Berger, simplemente, rompió todos los moldes».The Guardian «Fue la voz de los frágiles, residuos del mundo moderno a los que su obra otorgó dignidad de reyes [...]. Poeta, novelista, ensayista y crítico de arte, toda su obra literaria es el testimonio de alguien que contempla un universo que se desvanece ante sus ojos».Javier Rodríguez Marcos, El País «Un faro de luz tenue pero inagotable, constante, esperanzada».Àlex Susana, Ara «Los libros de Berger poseen la peculiar cualidad de parecer libros solo por azar. Hechos de palabras, las portan, sin embargo, con indulgencia, casia regañadientes, como si igual pudieran estar hechos de lienzo y pintura o, aún mejor, de polvo y paja, barro y hueso».Herald Tribune

Por una democracia progresista

by Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas

La Revolución Mexicana es indetenible, ya que su propósito siempre ha sido erigir un pueblo esencialmente democrático. Figura central de la transición a la democracia en nuestro país y dirigente de la izquierda mexicana, Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, en este nuevo libro, hace una revisión histórica y crítica del proceso revolucionario iniciado en 1910. Con un desglose de los principales documentos, analiza las diversas etapas, desde los antecedentes, la fase armada (1910-1920), el periodo de estabilización (1920-1934), el momento más alto de las realizaciones revolucionarias (1934- 1940), el declive (1941-1982) y el ciclo del desmantelamiento institucionalizado (1982-2018). Por una democracia progresista demuestra que la Revolución Mexicana es una revolución viva, cuyo propósito sigue siendo la edificación de una amplia, sólida y perdurable democracia. Así, a partir de argumentos rotundos y una consistente visión del futuro, concluye que la nación atraviesa por una crisis institucional donde debe volverse a los principios y a la ideología de la Revolución, pues todavía propone soluciones inmediatas y le resta mucho camino por andar.

The Porch: Meditations on the Edge of Nature

by Charlie Hailey

Come with us for a moment out onto the porch. Just like that, we’ve entered another world without leaving home. In this liminal space, an endless array of absorbing philosophical questions arises: What does it mean to be in a place? How does one place teach us about the world and ourselves? What do we—and the things we’ve built—mean in this world? In a time when reflections on the nature of society and individual endurance are so paramount, Charlie Hailey’s latest book is both a mental tonic and a welcome provocation. Solidly grounded in ideas, ecology, and architecture, The Porch takes us on a journey along the edges of nature where the outside comes in, hosts meet guests, and imagination runs wild. Hailey writes from a modest porch on the Homosassa River in Florida. He sleeps there, studies the tides, listens for osprey and manatee, welcomes shipwrecked visitors, watches shadows on its screens, reckons with climate change, and reflects on his own acclimation to his environment. The profound connections he unearths anchor an armchair exploration of past porches and those of the future, moving from ancient Greece to contemporary Sweden, from the White House roof to the Anthropocene home. In his ruminations, he links up with other porch dwellers including environmentalist Rachel Carson, poet Wendell Berry, writers Eudora Welty and Zora Neale Hurston, philosopher John Dewey, architect Louis Kahn, and photographer Paul Strand. As close as architecture can bring us to nature, the porch is where we can learn to contemplate anew our evolving place in a changing world—a space we need now more than ever. Timeless and timely, Hailey’s book is a dreamy yet deeply passionate meditation on the joy and gravity of sitting on the porch.

The Porch: Meditations on the Edge of Nature

by Charlie Hailey

Come with us for a moment out onto the porch. Just like that, we’ve entered another world without leaving home. In this liminal space, an endless array of absorbing philosophical questions arises: What does it mean to be in a place? How does one place teach us about the world and ourselves? What do we—and the things we’ve built—mean in this world? In a time when reflections on the nature of society and individual endurance are so paramount, Charlie Hailey’s latest book is both a mental tonic and a welcome provocation. Solidly grounded in ideas, ecology, and architecture, The Porch takes us on a journey along the edges of nature where the outside comes in, hosts meet guests, and imagination runs wild. Hailey writes from a modest porch on the Homosassa River in Florida. He sleeps there, studies the tides, listens for osprey and manatee, welcomes shipwrecked visitors, watches shadows on its screens, reckons with climate change, and reflects on his own acclimation to his environment. The profound connections he unearths anchor an armchair exploration of past porches and those of the future, moving from ancient Greece to contemporary Sweden, from the White House roof to the Anthropocene home. In his ruminations, he links up with other porch dwellers including environmentalist Rachel Carson, poet Wendell Berry, writers Eudora Welty and Zora Neale Hurston, philosopher John Dewey, architect Louis Kahn, and photographer Paul Strand. As close as architecture can bring us to nature, the porch is where we can learn to contemplate anew our evolving place in a changing world—a space we need now more than ever. Timeless and timely, Hailey’s book is a dreamy yet deeply passionate meditation on the joy and gravity of sitting on the porch.

Porn - Philosophy for Everyone

by Gram Ponante Dave Monroe Fritz Allhoff

This anthology takes the ever-controversial discussion of pornography out of solely academic circles; it expands the questions about porn that academics might tackle and opens the conversation to those who know it best--the creators and users of porn.Features essays on non-traditional issues in porn, including celebrity sex tapes, virtual sex, S&M, homosexual porn, and technology's impact on the porn industryFeatures fascinating insights from psychologists, a lawyer, and an English professor, as well as industry insiders such as Dylan RyderA fun, entertaining, and philosophically provocative approach to pornography, written for the general reader

Porous Becomings: Anthropological Engagements with Michel Serres

by Andreas Bandak and Daniel M. Knight

One of the foremost intellectuals of his generation, French philosopher of science Michel Serres (1930–2019) broke free from disciplinary dogmas. His reflections on science, culture, technology, art, and religion have proved foundational to scholars across the humanities. The contributors to Porous Becomings bring the inspirational and enigmatic world of Serres to the attention of anthropology. Through ethnographic encounters as diverse as angels and religious conversion in Ethiopia, the percolation of war in Bosnia, and incarcerated bodies crossing the Atlantic, the contributors showcase how Serres’s interrogation of the fundamentals of human existence opens new pathways for anthropological knowledge. Proposing the notion of "porosity" to characterize permeability across boundaries of time, space, literary genre, and academic discipline, they draw on Serres to map the constellations that connect humans, time, technology, and planet Earth. The volume concludes with a conversation between the editors and Vibrant Matter author Jane Bennett.Contributors. Andreas Bandak, Jane Bennett, Tom Boylston, Steven D. Brown, Matei Candea, Alberto Corsín Jiménez, David Henig, Michael Jackson, Daniel M. Knight, Celia Lowe, Morten Nielsen, Stavroula Pipyrou, Elizabeth Povinelli, Andrew Shryock, Arpad Szakolczai

The Portable Benjamin Franklin

by Benjamin Franklin Larzer Ziff

It takes a very inclusive anthology to encompass the protean personality and range of interests of Benjamin Franklin, but The Portable Benjamin Franklin succeeds as no collection has. In addition to the complete Autobiography, the volume contains about 100 of Franklin’s major writings—essays, journalism, letters, political tracts, scientific observations, proposals for the improvement of civic and personal life, literary bagatelles, and private musings. The selections are reprinted in their entirety and organized chronologically within six sections that represent the full range of Franklin’s temperament. The result is a zestful read for Franklin scholars and anyone wanting to know and enjoy this American icon. First time in Penguin Classics Published to coincide with the 300th anniversary of Franklin's birthday The only anthology of its kind to present essays and letters of Franklin's in their entirety .

The Portable Edmund Burke

by Edmund Burke Isaac Kramnick

The intellectual wellspring of modern political conservatism, Edmund Burke is also considered a significant figure in aesthetic theory and cultural studies. As a member of the House of Commons during the late eighteenth century, Burke shook Parliament with his powerful defense of the American Revolution and the rights of persecuted Catholics in England and Ireland; his indictment of the English rape of the Indian subcontinent; and, most famously, his denouncement of English Jacobin sympathizers during the French Revolution. The Portable Edmund Burke is the fullest one- volume survey of Burke's thought, with sections devoted to his writings on history and culture, politics and society, the American Revolution, Ireland, colonialism and India, and the French Revolution. This volume also includes excerpts from his letters and an informative Introduction surveying Burke's life, ideas, and his reception and influence in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. .

The Portable Enlightenment Reader

by Isaac Kramnick Various

The Age of Enlightenment of the 18th century, also called the Age of Reason, was so named for an intellectual movement that shook the foundations of Western civilization. In championing radical ideas such as individual liberty and an empirical appraisal of the universe through rational inquiry and natural experience, Enlightenment philosophers in Europe and America planted the seeds for modern liberalism, cultural humanism, science and technology, and laissez-faire Capitalism This volume brings together works from this era, with more than 100 selections from a range of sources. It includes examples by Kant, Diderot, Voltaire, Newton, Rousseau, Locke, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, and Paine that demonstrate the pervasive impact of Enlightenment views on philosophy and epistemology as well as on political, social, and economic institutions.

The Portable Enlightenment Reader

by Various Isaac Kramnick

The Age of Enlightenment of the eighteenth century, also called the Age of Reason, was so named for an exultant intellectual movement that shook the foundations of Western civilization. In championing radical ideas such as individual liberty and an empirical appraisal of the universe through rational inquiry and natural experience, Enlightenment philosophers in Europe and America planted the seeds for modern liberalism, cultural humanism, science and technology, and laissez-faire capitalism. This volume brings together the era's classic works, with more than a hundred selections from a broad range of sources--including works by Kant, Diderot, Voltaire, Newton, Rousseau, Locke, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, and Paine--that demonstrate the pervasive impact of Enlightenment views on philosophy and epistemology as well as on political, social, and economic institutions. Included are seminal discourses on science and religion, on the social contract, on the equality (and inequality) of the sexes and the races, and on economics and markets, as well as homages to nature and sexual pleasure, and poetry and opera librettos that embody the movement's social ideals.

The Portable Ethicist for Mental Health Professionals: An A-Z Guide to Responsible Practice

by Barton E. Bernstein Thomas L. Hartsell

Everything you need to know to protect your practice against ethical violations and complaints. The Portable Ethicist for Mental Health Professionals is a valuable, easy-to-use resource for all mental health service providers. Written by two attorneys specializing in legal and ethical issues in mental health, this indispensable guide arms you with the expert knowledge you need to avoid an ethical violation-or to handle the situation if a complaint is filed. Barton Bernstein and Thomas Hartsell Jr. tackle dozens of ethical questions using the codes of several mental health professional associations and provide practical guidelines for avoiding ethically questionable behavior. Organized alphabetically for easy reference, this complete A-to-Z guide: Provides clear, concise answers to ethical questions-from the simple to the complex Covers key categories, including confidentiality, dual relationships, sexual misconduct, false and misleading statements, malpractice, drug and alcohol use, documentation, record keeping, closing a practice (retirement or death), responding to a subpoena, and more Features step-by-step guidance, helpful case studies, and "ethical flash points" that alert you to warning signs and help you steer clear of ethically questionable situations Covers the role of state licensing boards and national mental health associations in responding to complaints of ethical violations Even an unintentional ethical violation can lead to personal and professional disaster. The Portable Ethicist for Mental Health Professionals helps you protect yourself, your future, and your practice-and lets you focus on the best interests of your clients.

The Portable Greek Historians

by M. I. Finley

Essential passages from the works of four "fathers of history"--Herodotus's History, Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War, Xenophon's Anabasis, and Polybius's Histories.

The Portable Hannah Arendt

by Hannah Arendt

This biography includes generous selections from The Origins of Totalitarianism, The Human Condition, and her controversial Eichmann in Jerusalem. It also includes selection of Arendt's letters to other formative thinkers of the century.

The Portable Karl Marx

by Karl Marx Eugene Kamenka

Includes the complete Communist Manifesto and substantial extracts from On the Jewish Question, the German Ideology, Grundrisse, and Capital, a broad representation of his letters, and lesser-known works, especially his long-unavailable, early works.

The Portable Kristeva (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism)

by Julia Kristeva

As a linguist, Julia Kristeva has pioneered a revolutionary theory of the sign in its relation to social and political emancipation; as a practicing psychoanalyst, she has produced work on the nature of the human subject and sexuality, and on the "new maladies" of today's neurotic. The Portable Kristeva is the only fully comprehensive compilation of Kristeva's key writings. The second edition includes added material from Kristeva's most important works of the past five years, including The Sense and Non-Sense of Revolt, Intimate Revolt, and Hannah Arendt. Editor Kelly Oliver has also added new material to the introduction, summarizing Kristeva's latest intellectual endeavors and updating the bibliography.

The Portable Machiavelli

by Niccolo Machiavelli Peter Bondanella Mark Musa

In the four and a half centuries since Machiavelli's death, no single and unanimously accepted interpretation of his ideas has succeeded in imposing itself upon the lively debate over the meaning of his works. Yet there has never been any doubt about the fundamental importance of Machiavelli's contribution to Western political theory. The Portable Machiavelli brings together the complete texts of The Prince, Belfagor, and Castruccio Castracani, newly translated by Peter Bondanella and Mark Musa especially for this volume. In addition, the editors include an abridged version of The Discourses; a play, The Mandrake Root, in its entirety; seven private letters; and selections from The Art of War and The History of Florence.

The Portable Nietzsche (Portable Library)

by Friedrich Nietzsche Walter Kaufmann

The works of Friedrich Nietzsche have fascinated readers around the world ever since the publication of his first book more than a hundred years ago. As Walter Kaufmann, one of the world's leading authorities on Nietzsche, notes in his introduction, "Few writers in any age were so full of ideas," and few writers have been so consistently misinterpreted. The Portable Nietzsche includes Kaufmann's definitive translations of the complete and unabridged texts of Nietzsche's four major works: Twilight of the Idols, The Antichrist, Nietzsche Contra Wagner and Thus Spoke Zarathustra. In addition, Kaufmann brings together selections from his other books, notes, and letters, to give a full picture of Nietzsche's development, versatility, and inexhaustibility. "In this volume, one may very conveniently have a rich review of one of the most sensitive, passionate, and misunderstood writers in Western, or any, literature." --Newsweek

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