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Showing 27,501 through 27,525 of 27,971 results

25Days: A Proven Program to Rewire Your Brain, Stop Weight Gain, and Finally Crush the Habits You Hate--Forever

by Drew Logan Myatt Murphy

Celebrity trainer and cast member of NBC’s Strong, Drew Logan shows us how to rewrite our neurological patterns and break the habits that prevent us from losing weight and living a healthy life.What if we could train our brains to stop weight gain in our quest to be lean, healthy, and fit? Well, we can. Celebrity trainer and cast member of NBC’s Strong, Drew Logan knows firsthand how the brain affects our ability to perform and function at our best. After dying three times in three hours—becoming the world’s only known medical case to survive three sudden cardiac arrests—he lost his short-term memory. He could no longer follow the complicated diet and fitness regimens he’d used on himself and his clients. He needed to create something simpler. He was shocked to discover that the resulting program was even more effective than his complicated regime of the past. In 25 Days, Drew outlines a unique, multifaceted approach that helps readers rewrite their neurological patterning—what lies underneath those pesky habits that get in our way over and over again—so that the brain’s neural pathways, biochemistry, and hormones work together effectively, seamlessly, and efficiently. He defines what neurological patterns are, how they form, and the reason they’re secretly behind why most people fail to lose weight and get in shape. He breaks down these “unhealthy” patterns and shows how to erase them by creating healthier ones with diet, exercise, and a reward system. Included in the book are the 25 Days Grading System, Diet, and Workout Plan, as well as tools that will alert and assist readers throughout the book. 25 Days is one of the easiest—and effective—diets to follow, and Drew will show you that all you need is to adjust your diet and retrain your brain to be in peak shape.

250 Treasured Country Desserts: Mouthwatering, Time-honored, Tried & True, Soul-satisfying, Handed-down Sweet Comforts

by Andrea Chesman Fran Raboff

Nothing beats chocolate chip cookies still warm from the oven, freshly baked shortcake, or a perfect apple pie cooling on the windowsill. 250 Treasured Country Desserts is packed with tried-and-true recipes for the homey treats you’ve loved all your life, with practical tips on how to make gingery ginger snaps, clean-cut brownies, dreamily frosted layer cakes, and much more. You’ll turn to this reliable guide again and again for sweet, satisfying dessert classics.

25 Jours pour Perdre Rapidement des Kilos: Comment brûler les graisses et manger sain Régime Détox

by James Abbott

25 jours pour perdre rapidement des kilos Comment brûler les graisses et manger sain Régime Détox faible en glucide pour les hommes de James Abbott Un guide sain et détaillé pour savoir comment éliminer la graisse corporelle naturellement en 25 jours ou moins. Ce guide vous aidera à exploiter la capacité naturelle de votre corps à brûler les graisses et à être en forme. Basé sur une science éprouvée, ce livre vous apprendra à: - Réduire votre appétit - Avoir de meilleures habitudes pour perdre des kilos - Connaitre les meilleurs aliments pour perdre du poids - Connaitre les meilleurs exercices pour perdre du poids - Boostez votre énergie et votre métabolisme Si vous voulez avoir plus d'énergie tout en perdant du poids, ce livre est pour vous

The 25 Greatest Top Secret Recipes: America's Best Copycat Recipes for Duplicating Your Favorite Foods at Home:An eS pecial from Plume

by Todd Wilbur

America's original Clone Recipe King shares 25 of his all-time tastiest and most popular copycat recipes for easy home versions of your favorite famous foods.

25 giorni di Ricette di dolci natalizi

by Pennie Mae Cartawick

25 giorni di ricette di dolci natalizi (dolci fatti in casa da biscotti, caramelle, torte, budini, tronchi di Natale, torte di Natale e molto altro ancora). Delizioso assortimento di 25 ricette di Natale da casa e in tutto il mondo. Stagione delle vacanze di Natale 2014. Disponibile anche in versione economica e audio. All'improvviso le case sono adornate di luci, le ghirlande abbracciano le porte, lo shopping inizia, e comincio a pensare a tutte le chicche che voglio cucinare durante le vacanze. Ho pensato che sarebbe stata una buona idea cucinare 25 giorni prima del giorno di Natale. Ho incorporato alcune ricette da tutto il mondo, oltre a bevande stagionali .... Cucinare è facile e fai un grande regalo alla tua famiglia e agli amici durante le festività natalizie. Torta natalizia islandese Torta alle mele di campagna Torta limone e cocco Cheesecake alla zucca Torta banana e cocco Biscotti allo zucchero vecchio stile Cupcakes al cioccolato con glassa alla menta Albero di Natale francese Torta all'ananas tradizionale sottosopra Fonduta di cioccolato e arachidi Biscotti messicani Torta alla frutta delle Barbados Torta al caffè e zabaione con glassa di zabaione Torta delle vacanze alla pera Cheesecake di Natale con ripieno di toffee inglese Torta di Natale Magia al centro Impasto di biscotti alla vaniglia Turbinii di cioccolato al forno e a fette Biscotti con i baci di zucchero candito Pane glassato allo zabaione Christmas pudding caraibico con burro al brandy Tronco natalizio di cioccolato svizzero e lamponi Torta di mirtilli rossi, pere e noci con crema di formaggio e glassa all'arancia Crostata al caramello, al burro, mela e mora Cacao allo zucchero candito Zabaione natalizio Mirtillo rosso brulè delle vacanze

25 Essentials: Techniques for Planking

by Karen Adler Judith Fertig

Got wood? You should. Cooking on a plank is the simplest way to infuse your food with the subtle taste and aroma of smoke. Best part is, you don't need a fancy rig, special equipment, or complicated directions to start planking. All you really need is a board and this book. With the 25 essential techniques you'll find in these pages, you'll be planking like a pro in no time--outdoors and in. This book features tempting fare such as Griddle-Planked Brie with Amaretto-Peach Chutney and Cranberry Conserve, Plank-Roasted Pears with Blue Cheese, Cheese- and Herb-Stuffed Planked Portobello Mushrooms, and Garlic and Rosemary-Slathered Planked Pork Chops. Armed with this concise and handy primer, anyone can become a planking and grilling pro in no time!

25 Essentials: Techniques for Grilling

by Ardie A. Davis

Grilling: It's not rocket science. But some cookbooks sure make it look that way. Not this one. In this short and sweet volume you'll learn 25 essential techniques for cooking food on the grill, summed up in 25 delicious recipes that demonstrate those techniques. It's all essentials. 'Nuff said. Armed with this concise and handy primer, anyone can become a grilling pro in no time.

25 Essentials: Techniques for Smoking

by Ardie A. Davis

25 techniques, recipes, and photos for smoking.

25 Essentials: Techniques for Grilling

by Ardie A. Davis

Grilling: It's not rocket science. But some cookbooks sure make it look that way. Not this one. In this short and sweet volume you'll learn 25 essential techniques for cooking food on the grill, summed up in 25 delicious recipes that demonstrate those techniques. It's all essentials. 'Nuff said. Armed with this concise and handy primer, anyone can become a grilling pro in no time.

25 Essentials: Techniques for Smoking

by Ardie A. Davis

25 techniques, recipes, and photos for smoking.

25 Essentials: Techniques for Grilling Fish

by Judith Fertig Karen Adler

There's something fishy going on - on the grill, that is. That's a good thing, when we're talking grilled seafood. It's easy to cook up great fish and shellfish on the grill, once you've mastered the essentials. Lucky for you, you've found those essentials, right here in this book. With this handy guide by your side, you won't be fishing for compliments - they'll swim right up to you. Go fish, anyone? Recipes in this handy volume include Grilled Tilapia with Spicy Lemon Pepper Rub, Asian Tuna Burgers with Wasabi Mayo, Herb-Grilled John Dory with Rosemary Aioli, Pernod-Buttered Lobster Tail, and Grilled Crab Cakes with Chile-Lime Sauce.

25 Essentials: Techniques for Planking

by Judith Fertig Karen Adler

Got wood? You should. Cooking on a plank is the simplest way to infuse your food with the subtle taste and aroma of smoke. Best part is, you don't need a fancy rig, special equipment, or complicated directions to start planking. All you really need is a board and this book. With the 25 essential techniques you'll find in these pages, you'll be planking like a pro in no time--outdoors and in. This book features tempting fare such as Griddle-Planked Brie with Amaretto-Peach Chutney and Cranberry Conserve, Plank-Roasted Pears with Blue Cheese, Cheese- and Herb-Stuffed Planked Portobello Mushrooms, and Garlic and Rosemary-Slathered Planked Pork Chops. Armed with this concise and handy primer, anyone can become a planking and grilling pro in no time!

25 Essentials: Every Technique Paired with a Recipe (25 Essentials)

by A. Cort Sinnes

Master of backyard cooking A. Cort Sinnes presents 25 sure-fire techniques for cooking with a wood-fired oven, each introduced by a delectable, smoke-infused recipe—including breads and pizzas, fish, poultry, meats, vegetables, and sides. Mouthwatering photography with every recipe provides incentive to fire up. Succulent, smoky, and sublime. Wood-fired ovens are all about enjoyment: enjoying the process of cooking with them and enjoying the deeply flavorful results. This essential guide to cooking with both white and black fire ovens teaches you to embrace and master the unpredictability of wood-fired cooking. An introduction provides the basics of cooking in a wood-fired oven, including the types of ovens available, general guidelines, cooking temperatures and times, a guide to what accessories to have on hand, and tips on safety. Then move right on to impressing your guests with these amazing dishes and more: ·Pizza Bianca ·Swordfish Fillets Wrapped in Prosciutto ·Whole Roasted Butterflied Turkey ·Cowboy Steak with Whiskey Sauce ·Smashed New Potatoes with Miso MayonnaiseTurn your wood-fired oven into an indispensable tool in your outdoor cooking arsenal with this must-have reference.

25 Essentials: Techniques for Gas Grilling

by A. Cort Sinnes

Gas grills are easy, convenient, and clean. But the challenge, for new owners and even for seasoned vets, is to infuse the robust, soulful flavor of charcoal-grilled food, or, ideally, of smoke-cooked barbecue, into meals cooked on a gas grill. In 25 Essentials: Techniques for Gas Grilling, A. Cort Sinnes, author of the bestselling The New Gas Grill Gourmet, shows how to do just that. Built around 25 techniques, each exemplified with a tempting recipe and a handsome color photo, this is a competitively priced, gift-appropriate title, sure to improve the backyard cooking skills of any gas-grill owner. Front matter addresses how to choose, maintain, accessorize, and use a gas grill, and the 25 recipes cover beef, lamb, pork, chicken, fish, and vegetarian options. The techniques include foil-packet grilling, how to grill delicate fish, grilling sliced vegetables, and 22 more.

25 Días Para Perder Peso Rápidamente: Como Quemar Grasas Y Comer Sano

by James Abbott

Queremos tomarnos un momento para agradecerte que hayas comprado nuestra guía online. HiddenStuff Entertainment es una de las principales aplicaciones y editores de e-books online. Nuestra objetico es darle la máxima información para mejorar su vida. Sinceramente esperamos que esta guía te sea útil y beneficiosa en la aventura por mejorar. Queremos dar al lector el conocimiento y ayudarlo a conseguir las capacidades para llegar al más alto nivel en el tema que nos ocupa. En su medida contribuir a disfrutar de una experiencia más positiva y agradable. Después de todo, creemos que todo en la vida tiene que ser disfrutado y tan positivo como sea posible.

25 Días de Recetas de Pastelería de Navidad

by Pennie Mae Cartawick

25 Días de Recetas de Pastelería de Navidad. Recetas festivas para hornear desde galletas, caramelos, tartas, magdalenas, pastel francés, hasta pasteles de Navidad y mucho más. Incluye bebidas navideñas. Una variedad deliciosa de 25 recetas navideñas para hornear en casa y alrededor del mundo. Temporada de Navidad de 2014. También disponible en edición de bolsillo y en audio. De repente, las casas están adornadas con luces, coronas de flores abrazan las puertas, comienzan las compras y empiezo a pensar en todas las cosas que quiero hornear durante las vacaciones. Pensé que sería una idea divertida hornear 25 días antes del día de Navidad. He incorporado algunas recetas de todo el mundo para un poco de dinamismo extra, además de bebidas de temporada adicionales. Cocinar es fácil y sería un gran regalo para la familia y los amigos en esta temporada de festividades. Pastel de Navidad de Islandia Tarta Rústica de Manzanas Pastel de Limón y Coco Pastel de Queso con Doble Capa de Calabaza Pastel de Coco con Plátano Galleta de Azúcar a la Antigua Magdalenas de Chocolate con Glaseado de Menta Pastel Francés (Buche De Noel) Tarta de Piña al Revés Caramelos de Maní con Chocolate Biscochitos Mexicanos Pastel de Frutas de Barbados Pastel de Café Glaseado Tarta de Pera Festiva Tarta de Queso de Navidad con Relleno de Caramelo Inglés Pastel de Navidad Magia en el Medio Masa para Galletas de Vainilla Remolinos de Chocolate Bastón de Caramelo con Kisses Pan Glaseado con Ponche de Huevo Pastel de Navidad Caribeño con Mantequilla de Brandy Tronco de Navidad Suizo de Chocolate e Frambuesa Pastel Navideño de Arándano, Peras y Nuez con Queso Crema y Glaseado de naranja Tarta de Migas, Manzana y Zarzamora Bonus: Bebidas

25 Días de Pérdida de Peso Rápido Dieta de Desintoxicación Para Mujeres

by Mirna García James Abbott

Una guía detallada y saludable para comprender y eliminar la grasa corporal de forma natural en 25 días o menos. Esta guía te ayudará a aprovechar la capacidad natural de tu cuerpo para quemar grasa y ponerte en forma. Basado en ciencia sólida y probada, este libro le enseñará cómo: - Suprime el apetito - Los mejores hábitos para perder peso - Las mejores comidas para perder peso - Mejores entrenamientos para bajar de peso - Mejora tu energía y tu metabolismo

25 Days Fast Weight Loss Come bruciare i grassi e mangiare sano: La dieta low-carb detox per le donne

by James Abbott

Una guida salutare dettagliata per capire come eliminare il grasso corporeo in modo naturale in 25 giorni o anche meno. Questa guida ti aiuterà a sfruttare la naturale capacità del tuo corpo di bruciare i grassi e mettersi in forma. Basato su una scienza solida e comprovata, ecco cosa offre questo libro: - Controllare l'appetito - Le migliori abitudini per perdere peso - I migliori cibi per perdere peso - I migliori allenamenti per perdere peso - Aumenta la tua energia e il metabolismo Se vuoi avere più energia perdendo peso, questo libro è per te. -> Scorri fino all'inizio della pagina e fai clic su aggiungi al carrello per acquistare immediatamente

The 24-Hour Turnaround: The Formula for Permanent Weight Loss, Anti-Aging, and Optimal Health—Starting Today

by Jay Williams

With a glut of health information assailing readers, there's never been a better time to bring the best, most reliable facts together in one source.Jay Williams inspiring book offers a total life makeover, including all the latest information on:* exercise that changes your metabolism by combining cardio and weights for the most effective workout; * diet that interacts with exercise and hormones for maximum anti-aging effects; * motivation: a new technique that can be used for weight loss - and anything else in your life;* stress reduction: yoga, meditation, and other proven methods;* hydration: the little secret that gives major results;* hormones and how they affect weight loss, energy and aging; and* sleep and its profound effects on aging, weight loss, hormones and mood.Jay Williams provides a proven, quick 'jumpstart' action that will give you results within 24 hours - and inspire to keep going with more valuable lifestyle changes.

The 24/7 Body: The Sunday Times bestselling guide to diet and training

by Matt Morsia

The first book by Matt Morsia, the UK's #1 Fitness Vlogger***THE SUNDAY TIMES TOP TEN BESTSELLERAS SEEN IN BBC ONE'S GLADIATORS TV SERIES AS LEGEND'Powerfully dispels myths with science and humour - every gym bag deserves a copy' ROSS EDGELY, #1 bestselling author of The Art of Resilience and The World's Fittest Book'More fitness viewers than Joe Wicks . . . Matt Morsia trained for the Olympics, beat an eating disorder and overcame depression. Now he has published The 24/7 Body, a book based on cutting-edge science which dispels the myths about fad diets and workouts' THE SUN'Shatters diet myths and clears up a wealth of misinformation' SUNDAY TIMES______________________________________ Whatever your goals or your level of fitness, this book offers you a plan to make you look and feel great 24/7. I've tried every workout and fad diet so you don't have to.As a former PE teacher, athlete, personal trainer and now one of the biggest fitness YouTubers in the World (a.k.a an absolute weirdo who films themselves doing stuff), the most common question I get from followers and even people in the street is, 'How do I get a body like yours?'People will almost whisper it, as if I'm going to usher them into a dark alleyway and reply with some kind of mystical secret. Like they're expecting to be told that they need to drink 263ml of maple syrup three times a day whilst reading the complete works of Shakespeare to their dog. Other times they seem to want me to reveal a protocol of supplements, with an inference that I must be taking steroids or other drugs, because having a good body without chemicals is now seen by some as almost impossible. It's not.This book is my attempt to shatter all of those myths and give it to you entirely straight. It is about understanding how to live your life in a more healthy, sustainable and happy way-and how to maintain that forever. And I'm not talking about becoming a monk and only eating lettuce. If you want to eat McDonald's, go for it. Eating crappy food doesn't make you fat and by the time you're done with the book you'll understand why. I want to arm you with your own set of tools so that you can tailor my methods and experiences to you and your own unique situation.

23 ricette salutari e deliziose da cucinare con le pentole in ghisa

by Jeff Ramsey

Non avete abbastanza tempo per cucinare dei pasti salutari e deliziosi? “23 ricette salutari e deliziose da cucinare con le pentole in ghisa” è stato ideato per preparare piatti veloci, salutari e gustosi e, allo stesso tempo, mostrare quanto e come sia facile imparare ad utilizzare correttamente e cucinare con le pentole in ghisa. Nessuna idea su cosa possano essere queste pentole e queste padelle così nere e lucide? Sono molto simili a quelle che le vostre mamme e nonne usavano per cucinare le pietanze con le quali siete cresciuti. Quando mangiate un piatto e lo confrontate con quello della nonna o della tata, vi domanderete certamente perché le loro ricette erano molto più saporite delle vostre. Potreste usare gli stessi ingredienti e seguire le stesse ricette, ma alla fine i vostri piatti non hanno esattamente lo stesso sapore. Non è molto difficile gustare delle pietanze invitanti con le pentole in ghisa. La parte più difficile è la corretta manutenzione delle vostre padelle in ghisa. Il problema di fondo della nostra generazione è l’assuefazione ai cibi da fast food oppure l’eccessiva attenzione alla salute. Se rientrate nella categoria dei salutisti, avrete già optato per delle padelle antiaderenti che richiedono una quantità minore di olio per cucinare. Qui si trova la differenza: la stessa pietanza cucinata in una padella di metallo, in altre parole in ghisa, avrà un sapore diverso, migliore. La parte migliore dell’uso delle pentole in ghisa è che potete provare la stessa ricetta, che solitamente cucinate in una padella antiaderente, e notare le differenze. In questo manuale vi abbiamo proposto molte ricette della classica cucina americana, dal corn bread (pane di mais) alle casserolle, dai tacos messicani ai noodle orientali, insieme a molte altre.Tutte queste ricette sono semplici e davvero facili da preparare. Oltre al ricettario, questo libro di cucina: illustrerà la storia delle

23 Recetas Saludables y Locamente Buenas usando Sartenes de Hierro Fundido

by Toscana Navas Mouton Jeff Ramsey

¿No tienes suficientes horas en el día para preparar comida saludable y deliciosa? 23 Recetas Saludables y Locamente buenas usando sartenes de hierro fundido fue creado para producir resultados rápidos, saludables y locamente Buenos en la cocina, hacienda el proceso lo mas fácil posible para la persona promedio que quiere aprender acerca de los utensilios de hierro fundido y como cocinar con estos. ¿Tienes alguna idea de que son estas cacerolas negras y lustrosas y para qué sirven? Bueno, son similares a lo que tu mama y abuela usaban para cocinar, mientras cocinaban la comida con la creciste. Cuando comes comida hecha por ti y las comparas con aquella comida de las abuelitas o las niñeras que cocinaban, te debes preguntar muchas veces ¿porque su comida era muchísimo más deliciosa que la que preparas tú en la actualidad? Puede tal vez que estés usando sus recetas, pero aun así, tus comidas no tienen el mismo sabor. Aceptémoslo, con las cacerolas y sartenes de hierro fundido, no es difícil preparar comida deliciosa. La parte difícil de esto es la planificación, la preparación y el mantenimiento de estos utensilios. El problema con nuestra generación es que tenemos elevadas preferencias hacia la comida chatarra, o al contrario, el extremo de la conciencia saludable en la cocina. Si eres uno de los del equipo de la consciencia saludable al cocinar, entonces apuesto a que siempre optas por comprar cacerolas anti adherentes, lo cual requiere usar menos aceite. Bueno, aquí es donde se encuentra la diferencia. El mismo plato cocinado en una cacerola de metal (hierro fundido) sabrá diferente (diferentemente mejor). Generalmente, la comida que es cocinada utilizando cacerolas de hierro, sabe mucho mejor que la comida cocinada en cualquier otro tipo de material. Nuestras madres, y las madres de nuestras madres lo pueden asegurar ¡y hasta jurar! Estas cacerolas y cazuelas también proveen muchos efectos saludables (

The 22-Day Revolution Cookbook: The Ultimate Resource for Unleashing the Life-Changing Health Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

by Marco A. Borges Ryan Seacrest

From the author of the massive bestseller The 22-Day Revolution comes a plant-based cookbook full of the tools you need to live a healthier, happier life, with more than 150 all-new, mouth-watering recipes and customizable meal plans to create your own 22-Day Revolution program. Since health expert and exercise physiologist Marco Borges first introduced his groundbreaking plant-based program in The 22-Day Revolution, the revolution has become a movement, motivating thousands of readers and followers worldwide to take control of their health, lose weight, and create better habits in just 22 days. Now Marco shares more than 150 mouthwatering recipes he's cultivated over the years working with high-profile artists including Jay Z, Jennifer Lopez, Pharrell Williams, Gloria Estefan, Shakira, and Beyoncé--the food program is credited with creating some of the hottest bodies in Hollywood. Plant-based nutrition has taken center stage as more and more people achieve optimum health by significantly reducing their risk of serious health concerns like high cholesterol, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. The 22-Day Revolution Cookbook creates the road map for the journey. If you're looking to kick-start a healthy lifestyle, Marco has created four customizable meal plans that will help you reach your weight-loss and fitness goals--from serious weight loss to maintaining and building muscle. From decadent classics such as Mac 'n' Cheese and juicy Black Bean & Quinoa Burgers to the innovative flavors of the Teriyaki Veggie Bowl with Meatless Balls and Walnut Chili--The 22-Day Revolution Cookbook will delight your family and bring the incredible benefits of a plant-based lifestyle into your home.Foreword by Ryan SeacrestFrom the Hardcover edition.

The 22-Day Revolution: The plant-based programme that will transform your body, reset your habits, and change your life.

by Marco Borges

Join the revolution! From the fitness and nutrition guru who transformed the diets of Beyoncé, Jay-Z and Pharrell Williams comes practical advice and tools for switching to a plant-based lifestyle. Includes more than 65 healthy and delicious vegan recipes to help transform your life and body in just 22 days.If you want lose weight, if you want to be fitter and stronger than ever before, The 22-Day Revolution is the answer. Founded on the principle that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit - 'with 22 Days, you've found the way', as Jay-Z puts it - The 22-Day Revolution is an accessible plan for anyone seeking a healthier lifestyle, to lose weight, or to reverse serious health concerns. The benefits of a vegan diet cannot be overstated, it has been proven to help prevent cancer, lower cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of heart disease, decrease blood pressure, and even reverse diabetes.As one of today's most sought after health experts, exercise physiologist Marco Borges has spent years helping his exclusive list of high profile clients permanently change their lives and bodies through his innovative methods. Clients from Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Jennifer Lopez, Kanye West, and Pharrell Williams, to Gloria Estefan, Gwen Stefani, and Shakira have all turned to him for his expertise. Now, for the first time, he unveils his coveted and revolutionary manifesto, featuring the comprehensive fundamentals of starting a plant-based diet.Inside, you'll find motivating strategies, benefits and tips for staying the course, delicious recipes, and a detailed 22-day meal plan. With this program, you will lead a healthier, more energetic and productive life - helping you to live the life you want, not just the one you have.

The 22-Day Revolution

by Marco Borges Beyoncé Dean Ornish

With a Foreword by Beyonce, and an Introduction by Dr. Dean Ornish A groundbreaking vegan program designed to transform your mental, emotional, and physical health in just 22 days. Founded on the principle that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit, The 22-Day Revolution is a plant-based diet designed to create lifelong habits that will empower you to live a healthier lifestyle, to lose weight, or to reverse serious health concerns. The benefits of a vegan diet cannot be overstated, as it has been proven to help prevent cancer, lower cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of heart disease, decrease blood pressure, and even reverse diabetes. As one of today's most sought-after health experts, exercise physiologist Marco Borges has spent years helping his exclusive list of high-profile clients permanently change their lives and bodies through his innovative methods. Celebrities from Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Jennifer Lopez, and Pharrell Williams, to Gloria Estefan, and Shakira have all turned to him for his expertise. Beyonce is such an avid supporter that she's partnered with Borges to launch 22 Days Nutrition, his plant-based home delivery meal service. Now, for the first time, Borges unveils his coveted and revolutionary manifesto, featuring the comprehensive fundamentals of starting a plant-based diet. Inside, you'll find motivating strategies, benefits and tips for staying the course, delicious recipes, and a detailed 22-day meal plan. With this program, you will lead a healthier, more energetic, and more productive life--helping you to live the life you want, not just the one you have.From the Hardcover edition.

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