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Showing 27,776 through 27,800 of 39,443 results

Cómo Recuperar A Tu Ex: Una Solución Completa Para Ganar El Corazón

by Catherine Peters

Muy pronto estarás en el camino correcto para comenzar el proceso que te devolverá a tu ex. Al leer este libro, aprenderás consejos sobre cómo hacer para que tu ex vuelva contigo y cuando lo recuperes, experimentarás una relación más afectuosa y duradera. Este libro te permitirá resolver estas situaciones y te dará la mejor solución para recuperar a tu expareja. Obviamente, no puedo prometer que esto funcionará el 100% del tiempo. Sin embargo, con las estrategias que aprenderás, ¡Tendrás la mejor oportunidad posible de arreglar las cosas! Descarga tu copia hoy!

Fairies: Discover the Magical World of the Nature Spirits (Hay House Basics Ser.)

by Flavia Peters

Awaken the mystery of the old ways and restore balance and harmony in your life by connecting with the magical world of the nature spirits.Fairies are nature spirits and the guardian angels of the natural world. Flavia Kate Peters has been communing with them since childhood and is a wisdom keeper of the fairy realm. In this book, she introduces readers to the mysterious fairy world and explains how fairies can work with those who have a love of nature, an affinity to healing or a belief in a world beyond our own.You will discover: •Where to find fairies and how to communicate with them •Spells, meditations, invocations and exercises for connecting to fairy energy •The different types of fairies –gnomes, sylphs, salamanders and undines – and their roles •Rituals for receiving help and healing from the fairies •Ceremonies to strengthen your connection to the natural world

Dieta Cetogénica: Deliciosas Recetas De La Dieta Cetogénica Para Principiantes Para Bajar De Peso.

by Jacob Peters

¿Estás cansado de aumentar de peso? ¿Estás cansado de sentirte agotado y sin energía? Si es así, entonces este libro es para ti! Al introducir una dieta cetogénica en su vida, logrará transformarse física y psicológicamente para perder peso y mejorar su calidad de vida en general. Este libro le enseña los fundamentos de la Dieta Ketogénica y le da recetas paso a paso que son fáciles de seguir y que lo lanzarán a esta dieta. Hay muchos beneficios de la dieta Keto que va a ser capaz de aprender en este libro, como el hecho de que la dieta Keto puede ser útil para los episodios convulsivos. Sin embargo, va a tener que tener cuidado con la Dieta Ketogénica porque viene con su propio y justo número de riesgos. No espere más para descubrir SU LLAVE para una vida nueva y mejor.

The Little Book of Breathwork: Find Calm, Improve Your Focus and Feel Revitalized with the Power of Your Breath

by Jo Peters

Learn how to use the power of your breath to gain clarity, peace and better health with this beginner's guide to the ancient practice of breathworkIf you're looking for ways to boost your overall health and well-being, and tools that can bring you instant calm, then breathwork is the answer. Breathwork combines meditation and mindfulness with the ancient traditions of yoga and qigong, with simple exercises that anyone can try.Once you've started learning the art of breathwork, you'll have the knowledge at your disposal to help you: Relieve stress and anxiety and create a deeper sense of calm Enhance your mental clarity and increase your focus Improve your overall physical health and well-being Harness your natural energy and boost athletic and motivational performance Cultivate a deeper connection with your mind, body and soul With an overview of the history of breathwork around the world, and step-by-step instructions for carrying out different techniques safely in your own home, The Little Book of Breathwork provides everything you need to embark on your journey to feeling great every day.

The Little Book of Breathwork: Find Calm, Improve Your Focus and Feel Revitalized with the Power of Your Breath

by Jo Peters

Learn how to use the power of your breath to gain clarity, peace and better health with this beginner's guide to the ancient practice of breathworkIf you're looking for ways to boost your overall health and well-being, and tools that can bring you instant calm, then breathwork is the answer. Breathwork combines meditation and mindfulness with the ancient traditions of yoga and qigong, with simple exercises that anyone can try.Once you've started learning the art of breathwork, you'll have the knowledge at your disposal to help you: Relieve stress and anxiety and create a deeper sense of calm Enhance your mental clarity and increase your focus Improve your overall physical health and well-being Harness your natural energy and boost athletic and motivational performance Cultivate a deeper connection with your mind, body and soul With an overview of the history of breathwork around the world, and step-by-step instructions for carrying out different techniques safely in your own home, The Little Book of Breathwork provides everything you need to embark on your journey to feeling great every day.

Slow: Finding Peace and Purpose in a Hectic World

by Jo Peters

Endless work deadlines, family and social responsibilities, runaway to-do lists, FOMO… do you ever wish you could press the pause button to catch a breath?Discover ways to slow down time with this invaluable guide to slow living. It will not only boost your physical and mental well-being but enrich your relationships and help you to reconnect with what’s really important.With practical advice on self-care, breathing techniques, mindfulness, ethical living and eating, and how best to cultivate quiet moments every day, Slow is your companion to a happier, calmer you.

Slow: Finding Peace and Purpose in a Hectic World

by Jo Peters

Endless work deadlines, family and social responsibilities, runaway to-do lists, FOMO… do you ever wish you could press the pause button to catch a breath?Discover ways to slow down time with this invaluable guide to slow living. It will not only boost your physical and mental well-being but enrich your relationships and help you to reconnect with what’s really important.With practical advice on self-care, breathing techniques, mindfulness, ethical living and eating, and how best to cultivate quiet moments every day, Slow is your companion to a happier, calmer you.

Dangerous Games to Play in the Dark

by Lucia Peters

What begins as a test of bravery or a sleepover activity—chanting in front of a mirror, riding an elevator alone, taking pictures in the dark—can become something . . . dangerous. This compendium collects the most spine-chilling games based on urban legends from around the world. Centuries–old games such as Bloody Mary and Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board are detailed alongside new games from the internet age, like The Answer Man, a sinister voice that whispers secrets to whomever manages to contact him with a cellphone. With step-by-step instructions, historical context, and the stakes for each game, this black handbook is the ideal gift for anyone looking for a late-night thrill—but beware who, or what, may come out to play.

Patient Zero: Solving the Mysteries of Deadly Epidemics (G - Reference, information and Interdisciplinary Subjects)

by Marilee Peters

Engrossing true stories of the pioneers of epidemiology who risked their lives to find the source of deadly diseases—now revised to include updated information and a new chapter on Covid-19. <p><p>More people have died in disease epidemics than in wars or other disasters, but the process of identifying these diseases and determining how they spread is often a terrifying gamble. Epidemiologists have been ignored, mocked, or silenced all while trying to protect the population and identify “patient zero”—the first person to have contracted the disease, and a key piece in solving the epidemic puzzle. <p><p> Patient Zero tracks the gripping tales of eight epidemics and pandemics—how they started, how they spread, and the fight to stop them. This revised edition combines a brand-new design with updated information and features diseases such as Spanish Influenza, Ebola, and AIDS, as well as a new chapter on Covid-19.

Dieta Vegana: Elimine o Consumo de Carne e Fique Saudável e com Boa Forma

by Piper Peters

O começo perfeito para qualquer dia é uma dieta Vegana feita para estimular sua mente e corpo, enquanto auxilia nas suas restrições alimentares. É nesta hora que a Série de Cozinha Essencial chega para o resgate com Receitas de Cafés da Manhã Veganos, uma coleção impressionante de receitas. São destinadas a satisfazer aqueles mais meticulosos consumidores e agradar o paladar mais perspicaz. Nunca mais o cereal frio dominará suas refeições matinais, com mínimo esforço, você transformará o café da manhã em uma descoberta de sabores. Vai sair? Leve seu estilo de vida com você e seja confiante nas escolhas que faz. Você está prestes a descobrir o poder da dieta vegana, e como implementar a dieta vegana para transformar seu corpo, saúde e aumentar muito seus níveis nutricionais. Este livro explica tudo que você precisa saber, e mais. Não espere mais para descobrir SUA CHAVE para uma vida nova e melhor.

Dieta Vegetariana : Elimina El Consumo De Carne Y Ponte Saludable Y En Forma .

by Piper Peters

*** Just a note here. I kinda feel this description does not match the book. If you have another book description, please send it to me so I can translate it accordingly. *** El inicio perfecto para cualquier día es una dieta vegana diseñada para alimentar tu mente y tu cuerpo, mientras apoya sus restricciones dietéticas. Aquí es donde la Serie de Cocina Elemental viene al rescate con Recetas para desayunos veganos, una impresionante colección de recetas. Están diseñadas para satisfaces los comensales más quisquillosos y los paladares más exigentes. Los desayunos fríos no dominarán tus mañanas de nuevo, pero con mínimo esfuerzo convertirás tu desayuno en una odisea de sabores. ¿Para llevar? Lleva tu estilo de vida contigo y estate seguro de las decisiones que estás tomando. Estás a punto de descubrir el poder de la dieta vegana y cómo implementar la dieta vegana para transformar tu cuerpo e impulsar tus niveles, Este libro explica todo lo que necesitas saber y más.

Minimalismo - Um guia completo para desentulhar sua vida e viver melhor com menos

by Seth Peters

Você está cansado da dependência que você se encontra após perseguir todas as coisas boas que todos parecem querer o tempo todo? Você descobriu que elas não parecem acrescentar na sua felicidade? A TV a cabo, a larga TV, os muitos pares de sapatos, as muitas roupas, etc; Elas te trouxeram felicidade? Apesar do que a sociedade nos ensinou através de propagandas, bens materiais não aumentam a felicidade! Aprenda técnicas neste livro para melhorar sua qualidade Imagine se você pudesse entrar no seu guarda roupa e fosse capaz de escolher um conjunto em minutos sem reconsiderar ou encarar uma montanha de roupas que muito provavelmente não viu a luz do dia por meses ou até anos. Quando você tem controle sobre seus pensamentos e ações, então a sua autoestima aumentaria, e você irá aprender também como se desenvolver em uma maneira que você se tornaria uma pessoa melhor e mais forte. Aprenda como desenvolver sua autoestima e aproveite a vida com as dicas providas por este livro. Leia e descubra!

The Attachment Pregnancy

by Tracy Wilson Peters Laurel Wilson

Your resource for raising a healthy child from the moment of conception! Studies have shown that parents have more influence over their child, both emotionally and physically, during pregnancy and the first years after birth than at any other point in life. With The Attachment Pregnancy, you will learn how to use this important time to form a deeper connection and introduce your child to a loving environment--even before birth. Childbirth experts Tracy Wilson Peters and Laurel Wilson guide you through each stage of development with advice for providing consistent and nurturing care as your baby grows, so that you can ensure that every need is always met. From the moment your child is conceived to the day of delivery, The Attachment Pregnancy shows you how to strengthen your bond and give your baby the best life possible from the very beginning.

Sticky Fingers' Sweets

by Doron Petersan

A Food Network Cupcake Wars winner shares her scrumptious recipes in a new cookbook that has vegans and omnivores alike clamoring for more. When Sticky Fingers Sweets & Eats opened in 2002, it instantly became one of the most popular bakeries in D.C.-a bakery that just happens to be vegan. Soon, Sticky Fingers was voted D.C.'s best bakery by The Washington City Paper, and chef Doron Petersan found herself beating out traditional bakers on the Food Network's Cupcake Wars.Sticky Fingers' Sweets is packed with one hundred of her beloved recipes- from indulgent snacks like Fudgetastic Brownies and Oatmeal Raisin Cookies to breakfast treats like Pecan Spice Coffee Cake and Cranberry Ginger Scones, and from celebratory desserts like Chocolate Seltzer Cake and Red Velvet Cupcakes to Sticky Fingers' most popular sweets- Little Devils, Cowvins, and Sticky Buns. Petersan also includes "love bite" nutritional tips and valuable tricks-of-the- trade techniques that every home baker will appreciate.The number of people embracing a vegan lifestyle continues to grow. Like Erin McKenna's BabyCakes and Isa Chandra Moskowitz's bestselling cookbooks, Sticky Fingers' Sweets and Petersan's delectable-and secretly healthy-recipes will be greeted enthusiastically by anyone and everyone who loves to bake.

Eat Bacon, Don't Jog: Get Strong. Get Lean. No Bullshit.

by Grant Petersen

This is your brain on Grant Petersen: Every comfortable assumption you have about a subject is turned upside down, and by the time you finish reading you feel challenged, energized, and smarter. In Just Ride—“the bible for bicycle riders” (Dave Eggers, New York Times Book Review)—Petersen debunked the bicycle racing– industrial complex and led readers back to the simple joys of getting on a bike. In Eat Bacon, Don’t Jog, Petersen upends the last 30 years of conventional health wisdom to offer a clear path to weight loss and fitness. In more than 100 short, compelling directives, Eat Bacon, Don’t Jog shows why we should drop the carbs, embrace fat, and hang up our running shoes, with the latest science to back up its claims. Diet and Exercise make up the bulk of the book, with food addressed in essays such as “Carbohydrate Primer”—and why it’s okay to eat less kale—and “You’ll Eat Less Often If You Eat More Fat.” The exercise chapters begin with “Don’t Jog” (it just makes you hungry and trains muscle to tolerate more jogging while raising stressors like cortisol) and lead to a series of interval-training exercises and a suite of kettlebell lifts that greatly enhance strength and endurance. The balance of the book explains the science of nutrition and includes more than a dozen simple and delicious carb-free recipes. Thirty years ago Grant Petersen was an oat-bran-, egg-white-, lean-meat-eating exercise fanatic who wasn’t in great shape despite all that. Today, at sixty, he is in the best shape of his life with the blood panel to prove it.

Intersections: Women On Law, Medicine And Technology (Routledge Revivals)

by Kerry Petersen

First published in 1997, this volume explores how we live in a society which is developing beyond human experience and comprehension – fast. Advances in technology and medicine are profoundly affecting the manner of human living from the beginning through to the end of life. These advances present exciting and demanding challenges to law-makers, policy-makers and healthcare providers, who make decisions about genetics, human reproduction, competence, medical treatment priorities and dying. They also compel us to pay attention to human rights. This international collection of essays combines the thoughts and ideas of women scholars writing about these complex developments and aims at provoking debate and dissension as well as an opportunity for reflection. The writers explore a range of common themes in different areas and provide a coherent framework for law and policy-making, to serve as a foundation for the challenges ahead.

The Next Ten Minutes

by Andrew Peterson

The desire to discover meaning in our lives is a powerful motivator for many people. Some turn to psychotherapy and counseling for help, some turn to spiritual teachings, and many turn to both. The Next Ten Minutes is the guide to help us discover the seeds of transformation and meaning in even the most ordinary routines. The Next Ten Minutes consists of a collection of exercises originally created for use in Dr. Peterson's successful counseling practice. Rather than taking readers out of the everyday, Dr. Peterson invites them to move more deeply into the familiar tasks of ordinary life, such as turning simple breathing, eating, physical love, or throwing out the trash into meditative exercises that can transform your day. Based on both Buddhist philosophy and proven psychology techniques, these succinct and accessible meditations also offer simple and effective methods for therapeutic counseling and personal growth. The power to seize the day is but a few simple steps away. methods for therapeutic counseling and personal growth. The power to seize the day is but a few simple steps away.

Making the Most of Bed Rest: Tips, Tools, and Resources for a Rewarding Recovery from Any Health Challenge

by Barbara Peterson

For the more than one million people who face an extended period of bed rest every year, this practical and reassuring guide turns recuperation into a productive and rewarding experience. Forced to spend months in bed during her first pregnancy, author Barbara Edelston Peterson knows what it takes to triumph over a drawn-out confinement. Find out how to transform a bed into "Command Central" -- beat loneliness by staying connected to the world via family, friends, and the Internet; plan weekly and daily schedules of tasks and events; start personal projects like reading, learning a craft, or volunteering; create special quality time in bed with your children; and maintain a warm relationship with your partner. With firsthand accounts of people who have successfully come through a long-term confinement, plus helpful appendices offering sources for more information and support, Making the Most of Bed Rest transforms confinement into productive and fulfilling contentment.

Making the Most of Bed Rest

by Barbara Edelston Peterson

For the more than one million people who face an extended period of bed rest every year, this practical and reassuring guide turns recuperation into a productive and rewarding experience. Forced to spend months in bed during her first pregnancy, author Barbara Edelston Peterson knows what it takes to triumph over a drawn-out confinement. Find out how to transform a bed into "Command Central" - beat loneliness by staying connected to the world via family, friends, and the Internet; plan weekly and daily schedules of tasks and events; start personal projects like reading, learning a craft, or volunteering; create special quality time in bed with your children; and maintain a warm relationship with your partner. With firsthand accounts of people who have successfully come through a long-term confinement, plus helpful appendices offering sources for more information and support, Making the Most of Bed Rest transforms confinement into productive and fulfilling contentment.

Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility

by C. Matthew Peterson Douglas T. Carrell

Management of the modern reproductive endocrinology and infertility clinic has become very complex. In addition to the medical and scientific aspects, it is crucial that the modern director be aware of of incongruent fields such as marketing, accounting, management, and regulatory issues. Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility: Integrating Modern Clinical and Laboratory Practice was developed to assist the practicing reproductive endocrinologist and/or laboratory director by providing an overview of relevant scientific, medical, and management issues in a single volume. Experts in all pertinent areas present concise, practical, evidence-based summaries of relevant topics, producing a key resource for physicians and scientists engaged in this exciting field of medicine. As novel technologies continue to amplify, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility: Integrating Modern Clinical and Laboratory Practice offers insight into development, and imparts extra confidence to practitioners in handling the many demands presented by their work.

Voices Of Alzheimer's: Courage, Humor, Hope, And Love In The Face Of Dementia

by Elisabeth Peterson

Betsy Peterson spent fourteen years caring for her husband who was suffering from dementia, an experience that put her in touch with others inside the struggle to have or to care for someone with the disease. A combination of contributions from patients, their families, friends, and caregivers, Voices of Alzheimer's gathers the poignant stories, funny quotes, and priceless encouragement that Peterson heard and that helped her along the way. Capturing the many dimensions of the Alzheimer experience-the challenges, the struggles, the humor, and even the rewards-aVoices presents a varied, and realistic, look at what it's like to be affected by the disease. With compassion, humor, and grace, it offers the simple advice, wisdom, and understanding of others who have traveled the same uncertain path.

Orientation to Counseling

by J. Vincent Peterson Bernard Nisenholz

The field of counseling continues to become an increasingly significant part of the health industry of America. In late 1996, Congress passed a bill which helped to include mental health services with other health services. This bill legislatively formalized the tendency that was already sweeping the nation. And as counseling is gaining greater acceptance, larger numbers of people are choosing to enter this field. This book introduces the field and tenets of counseling and provides an up-to-date look at the current issues surrounding counseling. It also is tailored to the eight required categories for accreditation and licensure, content areas specified by the National Board for Certified Counselors. This book takes a personal approach to introducing readers to the field of counseling. Believing that human development is multi-sided, the authors recognize physical, cognitive-behavioral, social, emotional, and spiritual development. The book includes sections on stress management, career choices, responsibilities of counselors, learning counseling skills, theory and practice, and specific foundation areas like group, family, school and community. Also included throughout the text is a great attention to multicultural issues.

She Walked by Faith Not by Sight

by Jenny Peterson

Jenny Peterson's life changed when she had a rare condition that left her legally blind and aware of God. Over the next thirty-three years she grew in her faith and allowed God to take control. With that control God led Jenny to doctors who not only saved her life but restored her sight.

Frequently Asked Questions about Sleep and Sleep Deprivation

by Judy Monroe Peterson

The book describes the importance of sleep and its effects on the body, including common sleeping disorders, why some people do not get enough sleep, and medical aids for sleeping.

Health Care for Lesbians and Gay Men: Confronting Homophobia and Heterosexism

by K Jean Peterson

Health Care for Lesbians and Gay Men educates practitioners about the special needs of gay and lesbian patients and how to look critically at the impact of homophobia and heterosexism on the provision of care. It provides an overview of critical health care issues for lesbians and gay men and offers concrete suggestions to health practitioners and social workers on how to address these issues in order to guarantee the best care for their patients and clients. Authors in Health Care for Lesbians and Gay Men give health care providers and mental health workers practical interventions; suggestions for advocacy, social change, grassroots efforts, and alternative programs; and lessons about how to use existing procedures to more effectively meet the unique health care needs of gays and lesbians. Practitioners also learn how to utilize legal action in securing and protecting patients’and clients’personal health care wishes. Chapters in this book cover: how homophobia and negative attitudes can directly compromise the care given to lesbians and gay men. heterosexism and biases which exclude the partners of gay men and lesbians from participating in the care of their loved ones. legal issues and the need for legal recognition of gay and lesbian relationships, both to enhance the provision of care and for financial access to health care presently available to only heterosexual, married couples. legal protection and special legal documents that ensure that the wishes of gay men and lesbians are honored and the integrity of their relationships not violated.Health Care for Lesbians and Gay Men starts with special issues confronting adolescents and the special role health care providers can play in supporting the struggles of lesbian and gay adolescents. It then continues to look at these issues over the life cycle. Three themes emerge as authors try to explain problems and possible solutions for lesbians and gay men seeking health care: the pervasive homophobia and heterosexism found throughout the health care system and the impact these attitudes and beliefs have on the health care of lesbians and gay men; the need for education in professional programs on special health issues of gay men and lesbians; and the critical role that social workers can play in both educating others about the special needs of their gay and lesbian clients and in advocating for their clients in various health care settings.Health Care for Lesbians and Gay Men is essential reading for social work and social service practitioners and students working in the health care field, advanced undergraduates and graduate students of social work, professionals and students of nursing and medicine, and others concerned with the quality and equality of health care services. It urges students and professionals to challenge and evaluate their own attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors in order to ensure quality services to all clients and patients.

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