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Showing 28,176 through 28,200 of 64,221 results

المفصل في صنعة الإعراب

by أبو القاسم ، الزمخشري جار الله

كتاب "المفصل في صنعة الإعراب" لأبو القاسم الزمخشري هو احد كتب علوم النحو و الصرف يحتوي على جملة قواعد الاعراب

رسالة في إسم الفاعل

by أحمد بن قاسم العبادي

كتاب "رسالة في اسم الفاعل " لاحمد بن قاسم الصباغ العبادي هو احد كتب علوم اللغة و النحو والصرف

مسائل خلافية في النحو

by أبي البقاء العكبري

كتاب "مسائل خلافية في النحو" لأبي البقاء العكبري هو احد كتب علم النحو والصرف ويناقش فيه بعض الماسائل النحوية المختلف عليها

ديوان ابن الزقاق البلنسي

by ابن الزقاق البلنسي

علي بن عطية بن مطرف أبو الحسن اللخمي البلنسي بن الزقاق (490 - 528 هـ) شاعر له غزل رقيق ومدائح اشتهر بها

ديوان ابن سهل الأندلسي

by ابن سهل الأندلسي

هو إبراهيم بن سهل ويكنى بأبو إسحاق، الإشبيلي (605 - 649 هـ) كان كاتبا وشاعرا وأديبا، له قصائد عديدة، أصله من أشبيلية في الأندلس وسكن سبتة في المغرب

ديوان ابن عبد ربه

by ابن عبد ربه

أبو عمر أحمد بن محمد بن عبد ربه (246 - 328 هـ) شاعر أندلسي، وصاحب كتاب العقد الفريد.

ديوان أبي فراس الحمداني

by أبي فراس الحمداني

أبو فراس الحارث بن سعيد بن حمدان الحمداني التغلبي الوائلي،(320 - 357 هـ) شاعر من أسرة الحمدانيين، وهي أسرة عربية حكمت شمال سوريا والعراق وكانت عاصمتهم حلب في القرن العاشر الميلادي .

ديوان أبي منصور الثعالبي

by أبي منصور الثعالبي

عبد الملك بن محمد بن إسماعيل (350 هـ - 429 هـ ) الذي يُعرف بأبي منصور الثعالبي النيسابوري، أديب عربي فصيح عاش في نيسابور وضلع في النحو والأدب وامتاز في حصره وتبيانه لمعاني الكلمات والمصطلحات.

ديوان أسامة بن منقذ

by أسامة بن منقذ

ؤيد الدولة أبو المظفر أسامة بن مرشد بن منقذ (488-584هـ) فارس وشاعر ولد في شيزر لبنو منقذ أمراء شيزر آلف آخر حياته العديد من المصنفات.

بهجة المجالس وأنس المجالس

by ابن عبد البر

يستشهد بكتاب الله وسنة رسول الله، ثم يورد الأشعار والحكم المأثورة عن الصحابة

بهجة المجالس وأنس المجالس

by ابن عبد البر

A global history of art unfolds over the eight volumes in this series. Focusing not only on chronological and stylistic periods, but also geographic regions, each volume examines key artworks--including architecture, sculpture, pottery and textiles--and movements from a multiplicity of cultures.

The 100 Greatest Americans of the 20th Century: A Social Justice Hall of Fame

by Peter Dreier

A hundred years ago, any soapbox orator who called for womenOCOs suffrage, laws protecting the environment, an end to lynching, or a federal minimum wage was considered a utopian dreamer or a dangerous socialist. Now we take these ideas for granted? because the radical ideas of one generation are often the common sense of the next. We all stand on the shoulders of earlier generations of radicals and reformers who challenged the status quo of their day. Unfortunately, most Americans know little of this progressive history. It isnOCOt taught in most high schools. You canOCOt find it on the major television networks. In popular media, the most persistent interpreter of AmericaOCOs radical past is Glenn Beck, who teaches viewers a wildly inaccurate history of unions, civil rights, and the American Left. "The 100 Greatest Americans of the 20th Century," a colorful and witty history of the most influential progressive leaders of the twentieth century and beyond, is the perfect antidote.

100 Tricks Every Boy Can Do

by Kim Stafford

Bret and Kim Stafford, the oldest children of the poet and pacifist William Stafford, were pals. Bret was the good son, the obedient public servant, Kim the itinerant wanderer. In this family of two parent teachers, with its intermittent celebration of "talking recklessly," there was a code of silence about hard things: "Why tell what hurts?" As childhood pleasures ebbed, this reticence took its toll on Bret, unable to reveal his troubles. Against a backdrop of the 1960s - puritan in the summer of love, pacifist in the Vietnam era - Bret became a casualty of his interior war and took his life in 1988. 100 Tricks Every Boy Can Do casts spells in search of the lost brother: climbing the water tower to stand naked under the moon, cowboys and Indians with real bullets, breaking into church to play a serenade for God, struggling for love, and making bail. In this book, through a brother's devotions, the lost saint teaches us about depression, the tender ancestry of violence, the quest for harmonious relations, and finally the trick of joy.

100 Tricks Every Boy Can Do

by Kim Stafford

Bret and Kim Stafford, the oldest children of the poet and pacifist William Stafford, were pals. Bret was the good son, the obedient public servant, Kim the itinerant wanderer. In this family of two parent teachers, with its intermittent celebration of "talking recklessly," there was a code of silence about hard things: "Why tell what hurts?" As childhood pleasures ebbed, this reticence took its toll on Bret, unable to reveal his troubles. Against a backdrop of the 1960s - puritan in the summer of love, pacifist in the Vietnam era - Bret became a casualty of his interior war and took his life in 1988. 100 Tricks Every Boy Can Do casts spells in search of the lost brother: climbing the water tower to stand naked under the moon, cowboys and Indians with real bullets, breaking into church to play a serenade for God, struggling for love, and making bail. In this book, through a brother's devotions, the lost saint teaches us about depression, the tender ancestry of violence, the quest for harmonious relations, and finally the trick of joy.

12 Years a Slave

by Steve Mcqueen Ira Berlin Henry Louis Gates Solomon Northup

The official movie tie-in edition to the winner of the 2014 Academy Award for Best Picture, starring Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender, and Lupita Nyong'o, and directed by Steve McQueen New York Times bestseller "I could not believe that I had never heard of this book. It felt as important as Anne Frank's Diary, only published nearly a hundred years before. . . . The book blew [my] mind: the epic range, the details, the adventure, the horror, and the humanity. . . . I hope my film can play a part in drawing attention to this important book of courage. Solomon's bravery and life deserve nothing less." --Steve McQueen, director of 12 Years a Slave, from the Foreword Perhaps the best written of all the slave narratives, Twelve Years a Slave is a harrowing memoir about one of the darkest periods in American history. It recounts how Solomon Northup, born a free man in New York, was lured to Washington, D.C., in 1841 with the promise of fast money, then drugged and beaten and sold into slavery. He spent the next twelve years of his life in captivity on a Louisiana cotton plantation. After his rescue, Northup published this exceptionally vivid and detailed account of slave life. It became an immediate bestseller and today is recognized for its unusual insight and eloquence as one of the very few portraits of American slavery produced by someone as educated as Solomon Northup, or by someone with the dual perspective of having been both a free man and a slave.

14 Minutes: A Running Legend's Life and Death and Life

by Alberto Salazar John Brant

In 2007, after collapsing on a practice field at the Nike campus, champion marathoner Alberto Salazar's heart stopped beating for 14 minutes. Over the crucial moments that followed, rescuers administered CPR to feed oxygen to his brain and EMTs shocked his heart eight times with defibrillator paddles. He was clinically dead. But miraculously, Salazar was back at the Nike campus coaching his runners just nine days later.Salazar had faced death before, but he survived that and numerous other harrowing episodes thanks to his raw physical talent, maniacal training habits, and sheer will, as well as—he strongly believes—divine grace.In 14 Minutes, Salazar chronicles in spellbinding detail how a shy, skinny Cuban-American kid from the suburbs of Boston was transformed into the greatest marathon runner of his era. For the first time, he reveals his tempestuous relationship with his father, a former ally of Fidel Castro; his early running life in high school with the Greater Boston Track Club; his unhealthy obsession to train through pain; the dramatic wins in New York, Boston, and South Africa; and how surviving 14 minutes of death taught him to live again.

20.25 Quice mujeres hablan de Eva Perón

by Lilia Lardone

Quince testimonios de mujeres construyen un retrato de Evita, desde unaperspectiva de género. El 26 de julio de 1952 se escuchó por radio: «Son las 20.25, hora en queEva Perón entró en la inmortalidad». El hecho marcó la historiaargentina y Eva es considerada a nivel mundial icono de la justiciasocial, más allá de los colores políticos. Cómo la recuerdan las mujeresque fueron niñas o jóvenes en aquellos años. Cómo construyó la culturaargentina la imagen pública de Eva Perón. Cómo se generó este relato delmito.Lilia Lardone ha entrevistado a quince mujeres de diversas inclinacionespolíticas, de distintas clases sociales, para armar el rompecabezas queconstituye Evita, una figura de dimensión épica. La mujer pasional,entregada, polémica, provocadora. La mujer que promovió el voto femeninoo planes de vivienda al mismo tiempo que lecturas obligatorias en lasescuelas.Con prólogo de María Teresa Andruetto, este libro fundamental analizapor primera vez, desde un punto de vista estrictamente femenino, a lamujer que cambió para siempre la historia de los argentinos.

26 personas para salvar el mundo

by Jorge Lanata

A partir de un texto de época que parece ser una profecía y que dice quese necesitan 26 personas para salvar al mundo, Jorge Lanata entrevista apersonalidades y reflexionan juntos acerca de esta poderosa idea. «Creo que en los meses y meses que duró el viaje de 26 personas parasalvar al mundo, pudimos encontrarnos con algunos de los tipos másinteligentes de estos tiempos; todos, en algún momento, eran niñosapasionados y graves, indignados y curiosos, y ninguno estaba resignado.El mundo está, otra vez, pensándose a sí mismo: la revolucióntecnológica produjo ese sacudón. Marx fue declarado obsoleto por cuatrochicos en un garaje de Silicon Valley. Y las ciencias humanas aún no sedan por enteradas. Asistimos a la crisis de un nacimiento; de nosotrosdependerá el futuro de ese niño. Este libro contiene algunas respuestasde quienes intentan pensar su tiempo. Tal vez sirva para acercarnos aver lo que somos y lo que queremos ser». Jorge LanataEntrevistas a: Eduardo Galeano - Mario Vargas Llosa - Zygmunt Bauman -Martin Amis - Lucy Hawking - Juan Carr - Carter Emmart - Jeffrey A.Hoffman - Matthieu Ricard - Manuel Lozano - Robert Gupta - ZacharyDellinger - Steve López - Jimmy Wales - Juan José Millás - AndreaFassina - Emmanuel Jal - Nicholas Negroponte - Miguel Brechner Frey -Abel Albino - Rosario Quispe - Boris Izaguirre - Nigel Townson - Sofíade Roa - Fabio Gándara - Howard Gardner - Étienne Klein

26 Reasons to Run: Inspirational Running Stories from Women Like You

by Ruth Field

I wouldn't go to my husband's Christmas party because I had nothing to wear that fitted me and refused to buy anything. I vowed that night that I would shift the excess weight. It was shortly after this that I read Run Fat B!tch Run - and it has changed my life around completely. Now five-and-a-half stone lighter I am now training to compete in The Dublin Marathon in October of this year. Are you suffering from Motivation Meltdown? Have your well-worn-in trainers lain dormant for a few months, or are you simply looking for that first push to get up, lace up and RUN?Then look no further, for here are the stories from 26 women who have been exactly where you are (on the sofa, right?) and fought back . . . with a little help from The Grit Doctor. Their stories are all here to give you a Motivation Marathon every time you're tempted to give up and give in to the takeaway menu. Funny, moving and incredibly inspiring, each of these women found their own reasons to get running and beat the bulge and so can you.

27: Brian Jones

by Chris Salewicz

Brian Jones, multi-instrumentalist, visionary and the "golden boy of the '60s", was, at the age of 27, the first rock casualty of his generation. A strange, somewhat impenetrable character, Brian Jones was a founding member and guiding spirit of The Rolling Stones. Adored and misunderstood in equal measure, Jones was perhaps the most creatively ambitious cultural force of his time, an artist whose commitment to the experimental and exotic remains profoundly influential. Always unconventional, Jones's voracious appetite for life's extremes led to unparalleled debauchery, drug and alcohol fuelled paranoia, and ultimately personal ruin.

27: Kurt Cobain

by Chris Salewicz

Kurt Cobain, Nirvana frontman, died aged just 27. In this insightful mini-biography, respected music critic Chris Salewicz examines Cobain's journey from sensitive loner to generational icon. Salewicz scrutinizes Cobain's tormented inner life, his tempestuous relationship with Courtney Love, and the importance of his cultural legacy.27: Kurt Cobain is the second in a series of exclusive music ebooks, an ambitious project examining the perils of genius, celebrity and excess. Other titles in the series include 27: Amy Winehouse, 27: Jimi Hendrix, 27: Jim Morrison and 27: Janis Joplin.

27: Brian Jones (The 27 Club Series)

by Chris Salewicz

Brian Jones, multi-instrumentalist, visionary and the 'golden boy of the '60s', was, at the age of 27, the first rock casualty of his generation.A strange, somewhat impenetrable character, Brian Jones was a founding member and guiding spirit of The Rolling Stones. Adored and misunderstood in equal measure, Jones was perhaps the most creatively ambitious cultural force of his time, an artist whose commitment to the experimental and exotic remains profoundly influential.Always unconventional, Jones's voracious appetite for life's extremes led to unparalleled debauchery, drug and alcohol fuelled paranoia, and ultimately personal ruin.27: Brian Jones is the third in a series of exclusive music ebooks, an ambitious project examining the perils of genius, celebrity and excess. Other titles in the series include 27: Amy Winehouse, 27: Jimi Hendrix, 27: Jim Morrison and 27: Kurt Cobain.

27: Brian Jones

by Chris Salewicz

Brian Jones, multi-instrumentalist, visionary and the 'golden boy of the '60s', was, at the age of 27, the first rock casualty of his generation.A strange, somewhat impenetrable character, Brian Jones was a founding member and guiding spirit of The Rolling Stones. Adored and misunderstood in equal measure, Jones was perhaps the most creatively ambitious cultural force of his time, an artist whose commitment to the experimental and exotic remains profoundly influential.Always unconventional, Jones's voracious appetite for life's extremes led to unparalleled debauchery, drug and alcohol fuelled paranoia, and ultimately personal ruin.27: Brian Jones is the third in a series of exclusive music ebooks, an ambitious project examining the perils of genius, celebrity and excess. Other titles in the series include 27: Amy Winehouse, 27: Jimi Hendrix, 27: Jim Morrison and 27: Kurt Cobain.

27: Kurt Cobain

by Chris Salewicz

Kurt Cobain, Nirvana frontman, died aged just 27. In this insightful mini-biography, respected music critic Chris Salewicz examines Cobain's journey from sensitive loner to generational icon. Salewicz scrutinizes Cobain's tormented inner life, his tempestuous relationship with Courtney Love, and the importance of his cultural legacy.27: Kurt Cobain is the second in a series of exclusive music ebooks, an ambitious project examining the perils of genius, celebrity and excess. Other titles in the series include 27: Amy Winehouse, 27: Jimi Hendrix, 27: Jim Morrison and 27: Janis Joplin.

27: Kurt Cobain (The 27 Club Series)

by Chris Salewicz

Kurt Cobain, Nirvana frontman, died aged just 27. In this insightful mini-biography, respected music critic Chris Salewicz examines Cobain's journey from sensitive loner to generational icon. Salewicz scrutinizes Cobain's tormented inner life, his tempestuous relationship with Courtney Love, and the importance of his cultural legacy.27: Kurt Cobain is the second in a series of exclusive music ebooks, an ambitious project examining the perils of genius, celebrity and excess. Other titles in the series include 27: Amy Winehouse, 27: Jimi Hendrix, 27: Jim Morrison and 27: Janis Joplin.

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