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Showing 28,651 through 28,675 of 72,911 results

Glow: Animals with Their Own Night-Lights

by W. H. Beck

Why be afraid of the dark when there is so much to see? Whether it's used to hunt, hide, find a friend, or escape an enemy, bioluminescence--the ability to glow--is a unique adaptation in nature. In this fun and fascinating nonfiction picture book, join world-renowned photographers and biologists on their close encounters with the curious creatures that make their own light. Author's note and bibliography included.

Glow15: A Science-Based Plan to Lose Weight, Rejuvenate Your Skin & Invigorate Your Life

by Naomi Whittel

THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERIn addition to natural wear and tear that our bodies experience, environmental toxins accumulate in our cells, accelerating the signs of aging. Autophagy is the cellular process that removes these toxins and repairs the damage left behind. On GLOW15, you start each day with an autophagy-activating ketogenic tea and a light, full-fat breakfast, followed by intermittent fasting and protein cycling. You eat foods that activate autophagy - like dairy, red wine, grains and a blueberry smoothie.It can be that simple to see dramatic results in just 15 days - fast weight loss and glowing, radiant skin. You don't count calories. You don't give up entire food groups. And you don't obsess about the gym. You do, however, get Naomi Whittel's advice for sleep, travel, stress reduction and productivity, as well as delicious and nutritious recipes for eating the GLOW15 way - everything that this 42-year-old CEO and mother of four young children does to look and feel amazing.

Glowing Bunnies!?: Why We're Making Hybrids, Chimeras, and Clones

by Jeff Campbell

Our brave new world is here. With modern genetic technologies, science fiction's "what if?" has become the scientist's "why not?" Bioengineering has the potential to remake animals in almost any way we can imagine, and it's being used to solve a range of urgent global problems, including climate change, species extinctions, the destruction of natural habitats, and human health issues. But just because we can do all these things, does that mean we should? In the pages of Glowing Bunnies!? you will encounter some of the strange and wonderful genetically modified animals of tomorrow. Learn why scientists are going to such lengths to mess with genes and what the ethical and health-related consequences might be. By understanding both the science and the stakes, you too can judge the potential of this budding science to save—or ruin—the world. Presented as a compendium of existing and proposed creatures, this book describes the animals being created, the scientific techniques involved, and each animal's purpose. Additionally, it addresses bioethics, unintended consequences, and animal welfare.

The Glozel Artifacts: Fact or Fake? (Fountas & Pinnell LLI Purple #Level V)

by Sarah Brockett

Archeologists search out clues to the past hidden beneath the ground. The artifacts they find help them piece together knowledge about people who lived long ago.

Glück gehabt! Zwölf Gründe, warum es uns überhaupt gibt

by Olaf Fritsche

Eigentlich dürfte es uns gar nicht geben …Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass ein Universum mit einem Sonnensystem entsteht, zu dem ein steiniger Planet gehört, der seinen Stern im richtigen Abstand umkreist, damit Wasser weder gefriert noch sofort verdunstet, und dass sich dort auf wundersame Weise kohlenstoffbasierte Moleküle zu einem selbstreproduzierenden System organisieren, das wir als „Leben“ bezeichnen, und über Jahrmilliarden hinweg allen von außen kommenden und selbst produzierten Gefahren trotzt, bis schließlich eine einzige Sorte aufrecht gehender, warmblütiger Hominiden beginnt, sich Gedanken über die Wahrscheinlichkeit ihres Daseins zu machen … also, diese Wahrscheinlichkeit ist so verschwindend und über alle Maßen gering, dass ein Außenstehender eigentlich mit einem lässigen Achselzucken gefahrlos behaupten dürfte, dass so etwas sicherlich niemals geschehen wird. Und trotzdem sind wir da.… Wir haben eben unverschämtes Glück gehabt. Gleich zwölfmal.Olaf Fritsche, Biologe, Wissenschaftsjournalist und Buchautor, zeichnet in diesem Buch die unglaubliche Geschichte unserer Existenz nach. Entstanden ist ein zutiefst unterhaltsamer Rückblick auf den langen Weg vom Urknall bis zum modernen Menschen._____Es hätte so leicht schiefgehen können.Ob wir daran denken, wie anders das Universum aussehen würde, wenn einige Naturkonstanten nur leicht abweichende Werte angenommen hätten, oder welche Rolle die Säugetiere heutzutage spielen würden, wenn die Dinosaurier nicht ausgestorben wären – immer wieder in der Geschichte des Universums, der Erde und der Evolution gab es Gabelungen, an denen die Entwicklung durchaus hätte falsch abbiegen können. Ein einziger Fehler hätte gereicht, und die Erde hätte ohne den Menschen auskommen müssen.Das Buch Glück gehabt! Zwölf Gründe, warum es uns überhaupt gibt stellt ein Dutzend solcher entscheidender Wendepunkte auf dem Weg vom Urknall zum Menschen vor. Es liefert dem Leser auf unterhaltsame Weise Einblicke in die physikalischen, chemischen, geologischen und biologischen Prozesse an diesen Umschlagpunkten, stellt ihm die wichtigsten Forscher vor und nimmt ihn mit zu ihren Entdeckungen. Dabei ist es so leicht verständlich geschrieben, dass es sich als Bettlektüre eignet, enthält aber zugleich alle notwendigen Informationen, um den Leser auf den aktuellen Stand des Wissens zu heben.Glück gehabt! Zwölf Gründe, warum es uns überhaupt gibt ist ein Buch für all jene, die es nicht verlernt haben, zu staunen und sich zu wundern, warum die Welt ausgerechnet so ist, wie sie ist. Nun: Wir haben eben unwahrscheinlich viel Glück gehabt!

Glucocorticoid Signaling

by Jen-Chywan Wang Charles Harris

This timely volume provides a comprehensive overview of glucocorticoids and their role in regulating many aspects of physiology and their use in the treatment of disease. The book is broken into four sections that begin by giving a general introduction to glucocorticoids and a brief history of the field. The second section will discuss the effects of glucocorticoids on metabolism, while the third section will cover the effects of glucocorticoids on key tissues. The final section will discuss general topics, such as animal models in glucocorticoid research and clinical implications of glucocorticoid research. Featuring chapters from leaders in the field, this volume will be of interest to both researchers and clinicians.

Glucose Nonfermenting Gram-Negative Bacteria in Clinical Microbiology (Routledge Revivals)

by Gerald L. Gilardi

First published in 1978: This book is devoted to the medically significant glucose nonfermenting Gram-negative bacteria. The objective of this reference book is to accumulate scientific information in the discipline of glucose nonfermenting bacteria encountered in clinical microbiology by assembling a group of specialists in this area.

Glucose-sensing Receptor in Pancreatic Beta-cells

by Itaru Kojima

Since the 1970s, there has been much discussion about the “glucoreceptor” and “substrate site” and which of these two is the dominant theory, but new findings on the glucose-sensing receptor have now shed new light on the “glucoreceptor theory.”This volume reviews recent advances concerning the glucose-sensing receptor in pancreatic beta-cells.The history of research into pancreatic beta-cells is long and complex; accordingly, the first chapters present the history of this field and explain the hypothesis of insulin secretion mechanisms: “glucoreceptor theory”. Subsequent chapters examine the function and activity of the glucose-sensing receptor in pancreatic beta-cells, such as identification, channel pathway, receptor signal and physiological role. Readers will gain a thorough understanding of the glucose-sensing receptor and glucose metabolism in pancreatic beta-cells, new insights into the pathophysiology of diabetes, and learn about new targets for the treatment of diabetes.

Glucuronidation of Drugs and Other Compounds (Routledge Revivals)

by Geoffrey Dutton

Published in 1980: In a previous publication on glucuronic acid both free and conjugated, the author expressed the hope that glucuronic acid studies over the following few years might expand vigorously. The have expanded, and none more vigorously that the study of biosynthesis of simple glucuronides.

Glutamate and ATP at the Interface of Metabolism and Signaling in the Brain

by Vladimir Parpura Arne Schousboe Alexei Verkhratsky

ATP acts as main energy source and is pivotal for numerous signaling cascades both inside the cells (by fuelling various transport systems and donating phosphate groups) and between the cells (by chemical transmission). Similarly glutamate acts as an important molecule for both intercellular signaling though glutamatergic transmission and cell energetics by contributing to ATP production. In this collection of chapters, written by the leading experts in the field of cell metabolism and energetics, intracellular signaling and neurotransmission we covered various aspects of the interfacing between these two fundamental molecules. This book will be particularly useful for researchers, students, physicians and psychotherapists working in the field of neurobiology, neurology and psychiatry.

Glutamate and Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Current and Emerging Treatments

by Zoran M. Pavlovic

This volume provides a comprehensive overview of recent advances in targeting glutamate signaling for the treatment of major psychiatric and neurological disorders. It draws on the latest findings in glutamate neurobiology and offers valuable insights into the application of translational principles in neuroscience drug discovery and development. In each chapter, glutamate as a neurotransmitter, its receptors and transporters, and their interplay with other neurotransmitters and neurotrophic factors, are discussed in the context of a specific, highly prevalent and disabling CNS disease. Most recent and detailed information is provided on Ischemic Stroke, Chronic Stress, Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Alzheimer’s Dementia, Schizophrenia, Impulsive Aggression, Substance Use Disorders (SUD), Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Chronic Pain, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Migraine, Epilepsy and Anxiety disorders. Moreover, the book includes an extensive overview of glutamatergic treatments already available on the market, and those which are currently in pharmaceutical drug development pipelines. The primary beneficiaries will be neurology and psychiatry specialists and residents, neuroscientists, neuropharmacologists, pharmaceutical industry and clinical research organization professionals, academics, and clinicians working with psychiatric and neurological patients with comorbidities such as cardiologists, pulmonologists, and endocrinologists. This book will also appeal to psychiatry and neurology subspecialists and clinicians working in neuroscience labs seeking an easy-to-understand yet comprehensive overview of contemporary evidence-based clinical insights backed by basic science (preclinical) research evidence. Given its scope, the book is also a unique and indispensable resource for both preclinical and clinical neuroscientists, medical advisors, and clinical research specialists in the pharmaceutical industry. In addition, it will appeal to neuroscience and neuropsychopharmacology students and guide them through the complexities of glutamate involvement in the pathophysiology of the most common debilitating brain diseases with high unmet medical needs.

Glutamine: Biochemistry, Physiology, and Clinical Applications

by Dominique Meynial-Denis

Glutamine: Biochemistry, Physiology, and Clinical Applications describes the different functions of glutamine (Gln) in animals and humans. Gln is both a nutrient and a signaling molecule, and its functions go beyond those of a simple metabolic fuel or protein precursor. This book has gathered together, in an unbiased and critical manner, all the available evidence and research on Gln including pathology (neurological diseases, intestinal diseases, critical illness, and cancer), physiology (successful aging), catabolic states, immunity, and exercise. Special attention is given to the potential benefit of Gln in states of insulin resistance and the role of Gln as a "conditionally essential" amino acid. The contributors are either pioneers or experts in the area of Gln from all around the globe, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Europe, China, and the United States. This book is a valuable source of information for nutrition scientists, medical doctors, sports scientists, food scientists, dietitians, and anyone interested in nutrition. It is also a valuable resource for students in these fields and will be an important addition to university libraries.

Glutamine and Glutamate Mammals: Volume II

by Elling Kvamme

Based on the joint effort of a great many top scientists, this book covers most aspects of the metabolism and function of glutamine and glutamate in mammals.

Glutamine and Glutamate Mammals: Volume I

by Elling Kvamme

Based on the joint effort of a great many top scientists, this book covers most aspects of the metabolism and function of glutamine and glutamate in mammals.

Glutathione (Oxidative Stress and Disease #1)

by Leopold Flohé

This is the first serious attempt to synthesize all that became known of glutathione over the last three decades. The book contains an update of glutathione biosynthesis with special emphasis on its regulation in adaptive stress responses. Other chapters review glutathione transport systems and glutathione peroxidases and their differences in substrate specificities and localization. Further contributions center on the diversified roles of different glutathione-S-transferases and the roles of nitrosoglutathione and glutaredoxins - a subfamily of redoxins. The book closes with discussions of the analogous or homologous thiol metabolism in pathogens and the potential suitability of involved enzymes as drug targets.Key selling features: Summarizing the way glutathione is involved in stress responses Compiling the multiple ways glutathione affects inflammatory responses Disclosing how glutathione dampens programmed cell death such as ferroptosis Exploring the enigma of how enzymes accelerate glutathione-dependent processes Discussing how detoxification and redox regulation is mediated by glutathionylation Reviewing the ways glutaredoxins catalyze protein disulfide reduction Highlighting the medical impact of glutathione-related metabolic pathways Illustrating the role thiol metabolism of pathogens might play in drug discovery

Glutathione (CRC Press Revivals)

by Jose Vina

The aim of this important book is to present the reader with developments concerning glutathione research. This work focuses on the synthesis-degradation and oxidation-reduction cycles of glutathione, the physiological functions of glutathione (especially in mammalian cells), and the analytical methods used to accurately measure the glutathione status of cells. This resource addresses specific modification of glutathione metabolism that is of special interest in the treatment of some tumors. This rare volume also introduces some different, new techniques on how to accurately measure glutathione, specifically in its oxidized form. Anyone involved with biochemistry, physiology, toxicology, pharmacology, nutrition and radiation biology will find this publication interesting and filled with useful information. It is also a valuable reference for research scientists in such fields as aging, metabolism disorders, and glutathione research.

Glutathione In The Nervous System

by Christopher A. Shaw

The goal of this text is to focus readers attention on three major areas; the origin and localization of GSH in the nervous system; the multiple effects of GSH on neural health activity; and the potential for alterations on GSH status to lead to neurological damage of the type observed in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and other neurological disorders. The text also touches upon the additional roles of the antoxidant GSH, including possible neurotransmitter action, redox modulation of ionotropic receptor function, and neuroprotection against exicitoxic actions of glutamate.

Gluten Sensitivity: About Gluten-Associated Disorders and the Purpose of a Gluten-Free Diet (essentials)

by Cordula Harter

Gluten sensitivity is a multifactorial phenomenon. In the medical context, it is associated with symptoms that occur after the consumption of gluten-containing foods. However, not all cases of perceived gluten sensitivity are medically diagnosable. Only for celiac disease and wheat allergies clear diagnostic criteria exist. In most cases patients have non-Celiac Non-Wheat Allergy Wheat Sensitivity (NCWS). Gluten can rarely be detected as a causative agent in NCWS. Rather, other ingredients of wheat, such as ATI or FODMAP, or a disturbed intestinal microbiota may be considered as triggers for the disease. Cordula Harter puts it straight: gluten sensitivity is a fashion trend that is followed by many more people than there are diagnosed patients. The author shows that gluten-containing cereals are nutritionally high-quality foods that provide valuable nutrients and fiber. Elimination is rarely medically indicated and often benefits the food industry more than the consumer. This Springer essential is a translation of the original German 1st edition essentials, Gluten-Sensitivität by Cordula Harter, published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2019. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.

Glutenunverträglichkeit: Über Gluten-assoziierte Erkrankungen und den Sinn einer glutenfreien Ernährung (essentials)

by Cordula Harter

Glutenunverträglichkeit ist ein multifaktorielles Phänomen. Im medizinischen Kontext werden damit Symptome assoziiert, die nach dem Verzehr von glutenhaltigen Nahrungsmitteln auftreten. Jedoch sind nicht alle Fälle einer wahrgenommenen Glutenunverträglichkeit medizinisch diagnostizierbar. Nur für Zöliakie und Weizenallergien bestehen eindeutige Diagnosekriterien. In den meisten Fällen besteht eine Nicht-Zöliakie-Nicht-Weizenallergie-Weizensensitivität (NCWS). Gluten kann bei NCWS nur selten als verursachendes Agens nachgewiesen werden. Vielmehr kommen andere Inhaltsstoffe von Weizen, wie ATI oder FODMAP, oder eine gestörte intestinale Mikrobiota als Krankheitsauslöser in Frage. Cordula Harter stellt klar: Glutenunverträglichkeit ist ein Modetrend, dem viel mehr Menschen folgen, als es diagnostizierte Patienten gibt. Die Autorin zeigt, dass glutenhaltige Getreide ernährungsphysiologisch hochwertige Nahrungsmittel sind, die wertvolle Nährstoffe und Ballaststoffe liefern. Eine Eliminierung ist nur selten medizinisch indiziert und nutzt der Nahrungsmittelindustrie oft mehr als dem Verbraucher.​Die Autorin:Dr. Cordula Harter ist Privatdozentin und Lehrkoordinatorin am Biochemie-Zentrum der Universität Heidelberg.

The Glycaemic Index: A Physiological Classification of Dietary Carbohydrate

by Thomas M. S. Wolever

The glycaemic index (GI) is a measure of the ability of a food to raise blood sugar. Written by one of the co-inventors of the term, this is a clear and balanced review of current knowledge on this controversial concept. The book explores all the key issues of the definition of the GI, how to measure the GI of a food, how to apply GI information to meals and diets, the reasons why foods have different GI values and the impact of altering a diet GI on health and disease. The book highlights the benefits and the problems surrounding the GI concept, while encouraging readers to think critically about the issues involved.

Glycan Microarrays: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2460)

by Michelle Kilcoyne Jared Q. Gerlach

This volume encompasses short targeted reviews and methods featuring the construction and use of glycan microarray platforms. Chapters guider readers through glycan microarrays comprised of synthetic glycans, natural biomolecules, bacteria, neoglycoproteins, various applications and progress of these platforms. Written in the format of the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, each chapter includes an introduction to the topic, lists necessary materials and reagents, includes tips on troubleshooting and known pitfalls, and step-by-step, readily reproducible protocols. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Glycan Microarrays: Methods and Protocols aims to highlight the interdisciplinary nature of the development and use of the glycan microarray platform.

Glycans in Diseases and Therapeutics

by Mauro S.G. Pavão

Initially believed to be inactive molecules, glycans are now considered essential for life, both under normal and pathological conditions. This volume of the series "Biology of Extracellular Matrix" reviews the most recent findings on the role of glycans in the development of diseases and the possible therapeutic use of this class of molecules. It shows how the interaction of glycans with growth factors, growth factor binding proteins, extracellular proteases, protease inhibitors, chemokines, morphogens, and adhesive proteins regulates inflammation, infection, cancer, atherosclerosis, thrombosis and embryonic stem cell biology. Furthermore, an extensive survey about the structure and pharmacological effects of unique marine glycosaminoglycans is discussed as well as the possibility of using these glycans as therapeutic agents.

Glycerine: A Key Cosmetic Ingredient

by Eric Jungermann Norman O.V. Sonntag

This book comprehensively covers the chemical and physical properties and manufacturing and handling procedures of glycerine and the use of this material in cosmetic and personal care products and in other industrial areas such as testing laboratories and manufacturing and marketing sectors.


by Claudio J. A. Mota Bianca Peres Pinto Ana Lúcia de Lima

This book is aimed at providing a concise discussion on the use of glycerol as a renewable raw material for the chemical industry. With the increasing use of biodiesel produced from oils and fats, there is a surplus of glycerol in the world. This abundant and rather cheap raw material can be transformed in commodities and specialty chemicals, as well as in fuels. The book describes the main processes of chemical transformation of glycerol, highlighting those that are currently in commercial use and pointing out potential processes to be used in the future. The first chapter introduces the concept of biofuel and briefly describes the production of biodiesel. It also highlights glycerol as the main byproduct of biodiesel synthesis and presents some numbers regarding the world production of glycerol. The second chapter shows the common uses of glycerol and addresses the point whether or not they can drain the large amounts of glycerol produced from biodiesel. The chapter addresses pros and cons of each use. The third chapter covers the main biotechnological processes of glycerol transformation. The fourth chapter thoroughly describes the main thermochemical processes to transform glycerol into commodities, products that will be further used in the chemical industry to produce polymers, for instance. The fifth chapter covers the production of glycerol derivatives of high added-value. The sixth chapter addresses the use of glycerol in the context of a biorefinery. The main idea is to show that many of the processes described in the previous chapters could be entirely green, using exclusively renewable raw materials.


by Alexandra Castilho

Conceived with the intention of providing an array of strategies and technologies currently in use for glyco-engineering distinct living organisms, this book contains a wide range of methods being developed to control the composition of carbohydrates and the properties of proteins through manipulations on the production host rather than in the protein itself. The first five sections deal with host-specific glyco-engineering and contain chapters that provide protocols for modifications of the glycosylation pathway in bacteria, yeast, insect, plants and mammalian cells, while the last two sections explore alternative approaches to host glyco-engineering and selected protocols for the analysis of the N-glycans and glyco-profiling by mass spectrometry. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and extensive, Glyco-Engineering: Methods and Protocols offers vast options to help researchers to choose the expression system and approach that best suits their intended protein research or applications.

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