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Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Virtual, Augmented, and Intelligent Environments: 12th International Conference, UAHCI 2018, Held as Part of HCI International 2018, Las Vegas, NV, USA, July 15-20, 2018, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10908)

by Margherita Antona Constantine Stephanidis

This two-volume set LNCS 10907 and 10908 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, UAHCI 2018, held as part of HCI International 2018 in Las Vegas, NV, USA, in July 2018.The total of 1170 papers and 195 posters included in the 30 HCII 2018 proceedings volumes was carefully reviewed and selected from 4373 submissions.The 48 papers presented in this volume were organized in topical sections named: virtual and augmented reality for universal access; intelligent assistive environments; and access to the web, social media, education, culture and social innovation.

Universal Coding and Order Identification by Model Selection Methods (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)

by Élisabeth Gassiat Anna Ben-Hamou

The purpose of these notes is to highlight the far-reaching connections between Information Theory and Statistics. Universal coding and adaptive compression are indeed closely related to statistical inference concerning processes and using maximum likelihood or Bayesian methods. The book is divided into four chapters, the first of which introduces readers to lossless coding, provides an intrinsic lower bound on the codeword length in terms of Shannon’s entropy, and presents some coding methods that can achieve this lower bound, provided the source distribution is known. In turn, Chapter 2 addresses universal coding on finite alphabets, and seeks to find coding procedures that can achieve the optimal compression rate, regardless of the source distribution. It also quantifies the speed of convergence of the compression rate to the source entropy rate. These powerful results do not extend to infinite alphabets. In Chapter 3, it is shown that there are no universal codes over the class of stationary ergodic sources over a countable alphabet. This negative result prompts at least two different approaches: the introduction of smaller sub-classes of sources known as envelope classes, over which adaptive coding may be feasible, and the redefinition of the performance criterion by focusing on compressing the message pattern. Finally, Chapter 4 deals with the question of order identification in statistics. This question belongs to the class of model selection problems and arises in various practical situations in which the goal is to identify an integer characterizing the model: the length of dependency for a Markov chain, number of hidden states for a hidden Markov chain, and number of populations for a population mixture. The coding ideas and techniques developed in previous chapters allow us to obtain new results in this area. This book is accessible to anyone with a graduate level in Mathematics, and will appeal to information theoreticians and mathematical statisticians alike. Except for Chapter 4, all proofs are detailed and all tools needed to understand the text are reviewed.

Universal Design for Learning in the Early Childhood Classroom: Teaching Children of all Languages, Cultures, and Abilities, Birth – 8 Years

by Pamela Brillante Karen Nemeth

Universal Design for Learning in the Early Childhood Classroom focuses on proactively designing PreK through Grade 3 classroom environments, instruction, and assessments that are flexible enough to ensure that teachers can accommodate the needs of all the students in their classrooms. Typically developing students, gifted students, students who are impacted by poverty, children who speak multiple languages or have a home language that is different than the classroom language, and students with identified or potential developmental or learning disabilities are all covered within this highly practical, easy-to-use guide to UDL in the early years.

An Unofficial Encyclopedia of Strategy for Fortniters: Duos and Squads Strategies (Encyclopedia for Fortniters)

by Jason R. Rich

In addition to the Solo game play mode (which pits each gamer up against up to 99 others in a real-time battle), the Duos mode allows gamers to team up with one friend in a quest to defeat all other gamers during a match. Meanwhile, the Squads mode allows teams of four players to enter into a match and work together as they battle against up to 96 other gamers. The Duos and Squads game play modes are permanent features built into the game, and they’ve proven to be extremely popular, since Fortnite: Battle Royale is, for the most part, cross-platform compatible. Thus, someone experiencing the game on a PS4 can team up with a PC user, for example, to play against a random section of other gamers, in real-time. An Encyclopedia of Strategies for Fortniters: Duos and Squads Strategies will be the first book in this unofficial strategy guide series to offer in-depth coverage of Fortnite: Battle Royale’s team-oriented game play modes. Thus, this unofficial strategy guide will be chock full of proven strategies and game play tips designed to help teams achieve victory in the Fortnite: Battle Royale matches they participate in. This expanded (approximately 176-page) guide will include a comprehensive overview of the Fortnite: Battle Royale game, with a special focus on the game’s team-oriented game play modes. The full-color book will appeal to readers age 8 and up, regardless of which gaming platform they’re using. Throughout each match, gamers must: Focus on survival Avoid the deadly storm Explore the island Gather resources Build structures and fortresses Find, collect, and utilize weapons and ammunition Acquire and use loot items Engage in combat against enemy soldiers with the goal of becoming the last person alive at the end of the match When experiencing any of the team-oriented game play modes, cooperative gameplay (teamwork) and communication with team members become vital. An Encyclopedia of Duos and Squads Strategies will soon be an indispensable resource for gamers experiencing the Duos or Squads game play modes (or any of the other team-oriented game play modes added to Fortnite: Battle Royale on a temporary basis).

Unraveling the Voynich Codex (Fascinating Life Sciences)

by Arthur O. Tucker Jules Janick

Unraveling the Voynich Codex reviews the historical, botanical, zoological, and iconographic evidence related to the Voynich Codex, one of the most enigmatic historic texts of all time. The bizarre Voynich Codex has often been referred to as the most mysterious book in the world. Discovered in an Italian Catholic college in 1912 by a Polish book dealer Wilfrid Voynich, it was eventually bequeathed to the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library of Yale University. It contains symbolic language that has defied translation by eminent cryptologists. The codex is encyclopedic in scope and contains sections known as herbal, pharmaceutical, balenological (nude nymphs bathing in pools), astrological, cosmological and a final section of text that may be prescriptions but could be poetry or incantations. Because the vellum has been carbon dated to the early 15th century and the manuscript was known to be in the collection of Emperor Rudolf II of the Holy Roman Empire sometime between 1607 and 1622, current dogma had assumed it a European manuscript of the 15th century. However, based on identification of New World plants, animals, a mineral, as well as cities and volcanos of Central Mexico, the authors of this book reveal that the codex is clearly a document of colonial New Spain. Furthermore, the illustrator and author are identified as native to Mesoamerica based on a name and ligated initials in the first botanical illustration. This breakthrough in Voynich studies indicates that the failure to decipher the manuscript has been the result of a basic misinterpretation of its origin in time and place. Tentative assignment of the Voynichese symbols also provides a key to decipherment based on Mesoamerican languages. A document from this time, free from filter or censor from either Spanish or Inquisitorial authorities has major importance in our understanding of life in 16th century Mexico. Publisher's Note: For the eBook editions, Voynichese symbols are only rendered properly in the PDF format.

Unterrichtsmethoden für den Informatikunterricht

by Andreas Zendler

Zu den meisten Unterrichtsfächern findet man heute umfangreiche Standardwerke zum Thema Unterrichtsmethoden, nur für das Fach Informatik existiert keine vergleichbare Literatur. Dabei zeigt ein Blick auf die Bildungspläne aller Bundesländer, dass sich die Informatik als Unterrichtsfach in den Sekundarstufen I und II etablieren wird. Das vorliegende Buch versteht sich als ein Beitrag zur Schließung dieser Lücke in der Informatikdidaktik. Unterrichtsmethoden sind für den Lernerfolg im Unterricht von entscheidender Bedeutung und bilden auch den Dreh- und Angelpunkt dieses Buches. Unterrichtsmethode wird verstanden als klar umrissener, begrifflich herauslösbarer, selbstständiger, wenn auch integrierter Bestandteil des Unterrichts. Als Beispiele für dieses Verständnis von Unterrichtsmethoden werden unter anderem die Vor- und Nachteile des problemorientierten Unterrichts, des entdeckenden Lernens, der Computersimulation, des Frontalunterrichts und der Modellmethode für die Informatikdidaktik erläutert. So entsteht ein Überblick über 20 verschiedene und für den Informatikunterricht relevante Methoden, die anhand von Vorgehensmodellen und konkreten Beispielen für den Einsatz im Unterricht illustriert werden. Außerdem haben Informatiklehrer die verschiedenen Methoden in Hinblick auf ihre Lerneffektivität eingeschätzt. Die Grundlage für dieses erste Übersichtswerk zu Unterrichtsmethoden für den Informatikunterricht bilden verschiedene Forschungsprojekte der Pädagogischen Hochschule Ludwigsburg, die zwischen 2015 und 2018 Daten zu diesem Thema gesammelt haben. Auch dieses wissenschaftliche Fundament macht das Buch zu einer unbedingten Empfehlung für alle (angehenden) Informatiklehrer, die schon lange nach einem Titel mit Unterrichtsmaterialien für den Informatikunterricht gesucht haben.

Unterrichtsmethoden für MINT-Fächer

by Andreas Zendler

Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften (Biologie, Chemie, Physik) und Technik - seit Jahren findet in der breiten Öffentlichkeit eine angeregte Diskussion über diese sogenannten MINT-Fächer statt. Denn das in den MINT-Fächern vermittelte Wissen ist die unverzichtbare Grundlage für die Ausbildung der in Deutschland dringend benötigten Fachkräfte. Darum fordern Politik und Wirtschaft eine stärkere Gewichtung der Fächer, aber auch eine Verbesserung der Unterrichtsqualität. Dieses Buch stellt 20 verschiedene, wissenschaftlich fundierte Methoden für den MINT-Unterricht vor und erläutert die Rolle der digitalen Medien als fächerübergreifendes Element. Die interdisziplinäre Betrachtungsweise bietet Lehrern einen umfassenden Überblick über die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten und Ansätze für den eigenen Unterricht. Für jede der vorgestellten Methoden geben die Autoren wissenschaftliche fundierte Einschätzungen zu ihrer Lerneffektivität und erleichtern so Lehrkräften die Auswahl der geeignetsten Methoden für den eigenen Unterricht. Detaillierte Unterrichtsmodelle helfen bei der Umsetzung in der Praxis. Damit erhalten Lehrer und Lehramtsstudenten einen umfassenden Einblick in die effektivsten Unterrichtsmodelle für ein prozess- und ergebnisorientiertes Lernen in den MINT-Fächern. Dieses Buch lässt sich ideal fächerübergreifend einsetzen und dient dazu, die Lerneffektivität speziell im MINT-Unterricht bei Schülerinnen und Schülern zu verbessern.

Uproarious Riddles for Minecrafters: Mobs, Ghasts, Biomes, and More (Jokes for Minecrafters)

by Brian Boone Amanda Brack

Uproarious Riddles for Minecrafters is the fifth book in the Jokes for Minecrafters series, which is complete with more than eight hundred riddles! "Dig in" to these funny brainteasers about Minecraft mobs, tools, and biomes that will really make you think! You'll have such a BLAST reading all of these crafty riddles and jokes. All of your favorite parts of the Minecraft game are included in the book, and the riddles will have you continuing the Minecraft fun! <p><p> For kids ages five and up, this is the perfect book for at home, at school, or really anywhere! You’ll enjoy telling these silly jokes to your friends and family. As a bonus there are silly illustrations throughout for extra laughs!

Urban Wind Environment: Integrated Climate Sensitive Planning And Design (Springerbriefs In Architectural Design And Technology Ser.)

by Chao Yuan

In the context of urbanization and compact urban living, conventional experience-based planning and design often cannot adequately address the serious environmental issues, such as thermal comfort and air quality. The ultimate goal of this book is to facilitate a paradigm shift from the conventional experience-based ways to a more scientific, evidence-based process of decision making in both urban planning and architectural design stage. This book introduces novel yet practical modelling and mapping methods, and provides scientific understandings of the urban typologies and wind environment from the urban to building scale through real examples and case studies. The tools provided in this book aid a systematic implementation of environmental information from urban planning to building design by making wind information more accessible to both urban planners and architects, and significantly increasing the impact of urban climate information on the practical urban planning and design. This book is a useful reference book to architectural postgraduates, design practitioners and planners, urban climate researchers, as well as policy makers for developing future livable and sustainable cities.

Usability Matters: Mobile-first UX for developers and other accidental designers

by Matt Lacey

SummaryUsability Matters: Mobile-first UX for developers and other accidental designers gives you practical advice and guidance on how to create attractive, elegant, and useful user interfaces for native and web-based mobile apps. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.About the TechnologyJust because a mobile app works doesn't mean real people are going to like it. Usability matters! Most mobile developers wind up being part-time designers, and mastering a few core principles of mobile UI can make the difference between app and crap. About the BookUsability Matters is a guide for developers wrestling with the subtle art of mobile design. With each expertly presented example, app developer and designer Matt Lacey provides easy-to-implement techniques that instantly boost your design IQ. Skipping highbrow design theory, he addresses topics like gracefully handling network dropouts and creating intuitive data inputs. Read this book and your apps will look better, your users will be happier, and you might even get some high-fives at the next design review. What's InsideUnderstanding your users Optimizing input and output Creating fast, responsive experiences Coping with poor network conditions Managing power and resources About the ReaderThis book is for mobile developers working on native or web-based apps. About the AuthorMatt Lacey is an independent mobile developer and consultant and a Microsoft MVP. He's built, advised on, and contributed to apps for social networks, film and TV broadcasters, travel companies, banks and financial institutions, sports companies, news organizations, music-streaming services, device manufacturers, and electronics retailers. These apps have an installed base of more than 500,000,000 users and are used every day around the world.Matt previously worked at a broad range of companies, doing many types of development. He has worked at startups, small ISVs, national enterprises, and global consultancies, and written software for servers, desktops, devices, and industrial hardware in more languages than he can remember. He lives in the UK with his wife and two children. Table of Contents IntroductionPart 1 - ContextWho's using the app?Where and when is the app used?What device is the app running on?Part 2- InputHow people interact with the appUser-entered dataData not from a userPart 3 - OutputDisplaying items in the appNon-visible outputPart 4 - ResponsivenessUnderstanding the perception of timeMaking your app start fastMaking your app run fastPart 5 - ConnectivityCoping with varying network conditionsManaging power and resources

Usando o Snapchat: Guia para o Aplicativo, Filtros, Emojis, Lentes, Fontes, Streaks & Muito Mais!

by Ken Rogers André Rodrigues

Um guia passo a passo sobre como usar e dominar o Snapchat. Aprenda a enviar mensagens, usar bitmojis, editar snaps, criar stories, transferir dinheiro e muito mais!

User Research: A Practical Guide to Designing Better Products and Services

by Stephanie Marsh

Many businesses are based on creating desirable experiences, products and services for users. However in spite of this, companies often fail to consider the end user - the customer - in their planning and development processes. As a result, organizations find themselves spending huge sums of money creating products and services that, quite simply, don't work. User experience research, also known as UX research, focuses on understanding user behaviours, needs and motivations through a range of observational techniques, task analysis and other methodologies. User Research is a practical guide that shows readers how to use the vast array of user research methods available. Covering all the key research methods including face-to-face user testing, card sorting, surveys, A/B testing and many more, the book gives expert insight into the nuances, advantages and disadvantages of each, while also providing guidance on how to interpret, analyze and share the data once it has been obtained.Ultimately, User Research is about putting natural powers of observation and conversation to use in a specific way. The book isn't bogged down with small, specific, technical detail - rather, it explores the fundamentals of user research, which remain true regardless of the context in which they are applied. As such, the tools and frameworks given here can be used in any sector or industry, to improve any part of the customer journey and experience; whether that means improving software, websites, customer services, products, packaging or more.

User Science and Engineering: 5th International Conference, i-USEr 2018, Puchong, Malaysia, August 28–30, 2018, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #886)

by Natrah Abdullah Wan Adilah Wan Adnan Marcus Foth

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Conference on User Science and Engineering, i-USEr 2018, held in Puchong, Malaysia, in August 2018. The 32 papers accepted for i-USEr 2018 were selected from 72 submissions with a thorough double-blind review process. The selected papers illustrate how HCI is inclusive and omnipresent within the domains of informatics, Internet of Things, Quality of Life, and others. They are organized in the following topical sections: design, UX and usability; HCI and underserved; technology and adoption; human centered computing; HCI and IT infrastructure; and HCI and analytics.

Uses of Technology in Primary and Secondary Mathematics Education: Tools, Topics And Trends (ICME-13 Monographs)

by Paul Drijvers Lynda Ball Hans-Stefan Siller Silke Ladel Michal Tabach Colleen Vale

This book provides international perspectives on the use of digital technologies in primary, lower secondary and upper secondary school mathematics. It gathers contributions by the members of three topic study groups from the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education and covers a range of themes that will appeal to researchers and practitioners alike. The chapters include studies on technologies such as virtual manipulatives, apps, custom-built assessment tools, dynamic geometry, computer algebra systems and communication tools. Chiefly focusing on teaching and learning mathematics, the book also includes two chapters that address the evidence for technologies’ effects on school mathematics. The diverse technologies considered provide a broad overview of the potential that digital solutions hold in connection with teaching and learning. The chapters provide both a snapshot of the status quo of technologies in school mathematics, and outline how they might impact school mathematics ten to twenty years from now.

Using Mobile Technologies in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics (Mathematics Education in the Digital Era #12)

by Nigel Calder Kevin Larkin Nathalie Sinclair

Mobile technologies influence the way that we interact with the world, the way that we live. We use them for communication, entertainment, information and research. In education settings, there has been substantial investment in mobile devices, often without a concomitant investment in developing pedagogy and practices. With mobile technologies evolving rapidly, and the number of educational apps growing, there is a need for research into how they facilitate mathematics learning. Such research is of particular importance regarding how such devices may be used to open up new ways of envisaging mathematics and mathematics education, and to help develop conceptual rather than procedural or declarative knowledge. This volume draws upon international research and reports on a range of research projects that have incorporated mobile technologies for mathematics education. It presents research on the use of mobile technologies, such as iPads, iPods, iPhones, Androids, and Tablets, across a diverse range of cultures, year levels and contexts. It examines the ways in which mobile technologies, including apps, might influence students’ engagement, cognition, collaboration and attitudes, through the reshaping of the learning experience. In addition, the book presents appropriate ways to integrate mobile technologies into teaching and learning programmes. It is a significant reference book for those involved with teaching mathematics or using mobile technologies in education, while also offering insights and examples that are applicable to the use of digital technologies in education generally.

Using MVVM Light with your Xamarin Apps

by Paul Johnson

Learn how to use the popular MVVM Light development framework with a focus on reliable, maintainable code that can be deployed across any of the .NET-supported mobile platforms. Clear examples are provided of the advantages of the MVVM platform along with step-by-step demonstrations of how to create applications at different levels of complexity. Application development is covered for iOS, Android, and Windows phone (UWP) using MVVM Light as the central framework. The model-view-view-model (MVVM) pattern is valued by many developers as an excellent way to create sophisticated modern applications. Its clear separation of presentation and business logic produces a clean implementation that promotes speed, scalability, and code reuse in applications with a complex UI. These characteristics have long been highly valued by WPF developers, and now that benefit is available to Xamarin developers, too. What You'll Learn Set up and install MVVM Light Understand the advantages and disadvantages of MVVM Discover why inversion of control is important in MVVM Conduct unit testing of MVVM apps Convert your existing apps to use MVVM Use MVVM Light within a Xamarin Forms app Use webservices Be introduced to the new .NET 2.0 Standard Class Library and how to use MVVM Light with it

Using Your Web Skills To Make Money: Secrets Of A Successful Online Course Creator And Other Income Strategies That Really Work

by Azat Mardan

Discover what you need to learn to thrive and master online course creation and other income generating strategies that really work. This short book is the story of what worked and what didn’t for author Azat Mardan, giving you the best tools and inspiration to achieve your monetary, career, creative, or contributorship goals.Are you happy with your current level of passive income? Do your products or businesses make you money while you're asleep? When it comes to money and passive income, the only person you can rely on is yourself. Using Your Web Skills To Make Money will navigate you past any obstacles you may face in generating multiple income streams... especially if you're doing it for the first time. What You'll LearnCreate online courses in your spare timeReview apprenticeshipsMaster one-on-one coachingUnderstand the value of membership communitiesWho This Book Is For

UX for Lean Startups: Faster, Smarter User Experience Research and Design

by Laura Klein

p>Great user experiences (UX) are essential for products today, but designing one can be a lengthy and expensive process. With this practical, hands-on book, you’ll learn how to do it faster and smarter using Lean UX techniques. UX expert Laura Klein shows you what it takes to gather valuable input from customers, build something they’ll truly love, and reduce the time it takes to get your product to market.No prior experience in UX or design is necessary to get started. If you’re an entrepreneur or an innovator, this book puts you right to work with proven tips and tools for researching, identifying, and designing an intuitive, easy-to-use product.Determine whether people will buy your product before you build itListen to your customers throughout the product’s lifecycleUnderstand why you should design a test before you design a productGet nine tools that are critical to designing your productDiscern the difference between necessary features and nice-to-havesLearn how a Minimum Viable Product affects your UX decisionsUse A/B testing in conjunction with good UX practicesSpeed up your product development process without sacrificing quality

UX Fundamentals for Non-UX Professionals: User Experience Principles for Managers, Writers, Designers, and Developers

by Edward Stull

Demystify UX and its rules, contradictions, and dilemmas. This book provides real-world examples of user experience concepts that empower teams to create compelling products and services, manage social media, interview UX candidates, and oversee product teams.From product decisions to performance reviews, your ability to participate in discussions about UX has become vital to your company's success as well as your own. However, UX concepts can seem complex. Many UX books are written by and for UX professionals. UX Fundamentals for Non-UX Professionals serves the needs of project managers, graphic designers, copyeditors, marketers, and others who wish to understand UX design and research.You will discover how UX has influenced history and continues to affect our daily lives. Entertaining real-world examples demonstrate what a massive, WWII-era tank teaches us about design, what a blue flower tells us about audiences, and what drunk marathoners show us about software.What You'll LearnKnow the fundamentals of UX through real-world examples Acquire the skills to participate intelligently in discussions about UX design and researchUnderstand how UX impacts business, including product, pricing, placement, and promotion as well as security, speed, and privacyWho This Book Is ForProfessionals who work alongside UX designers and researchers, including but not limited to: project managers, graphic designers, copyeditors, developers, and human resource professionals; and business, marketing, and computer science students seeking to understand how UX affects human cognition and memory, product pricing and promotion, and software security and privacy.

Valley of Genius: The Uncensored History of Silicon Valley (As Told by the Hackers, Founders, and Freaks Who Made It Boom)

by Adam Fisher

"This is the most important book on Silicon Valley I've read in two decades. It will take us all back to our roots in the counterculture, and will remind us of the true nature of the innovation process, before we tried to tame it with slogans and buzzwords." -- Po Bronson, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Nudist on the Late Shift and Nurtureshock A candid, colorful, and comprehensive oral history that reveals the secrets of Silicon Valley -- from the origins of Apple and Atari to the present day clashes of Google and Facebook, and all the start-ups and disruptions that happened along the way.Rarely has one economy asserted itself as swiftly--and as aggressively--as the entity we now know as Silicon Valley. Built with a seemingly permanent culture of reinvention, Silicon Valley does not fight change; it embraces it, and now powers the American economy and global innovation. So how did this omnipotent and ever-morphing place come to be? It was not by planning. It was, like many an empire before it, part luck, part timing, and part ambition. And part pure, unbridled genius...Drawing on over two hundred in-depth interviews, VALLEY OF GENIUS takes readers from the dawn of the personal computer and the internet, through the heyday of the web, up to the very moment when our current technological reality was invented. It interweaves accounts of invention and betrayal, overnight success and underground exploits, to tell the story of Silicon Valley like it has never been told before. Read it to discover the stories that Valley insiders tell each other: the tall tales that are all, improbably, true.

Valuing Data: An Open Framework

by Dewey Ray

The past decade has seen a dramatic increase in the amount and variety of information that is generated and stored electronically by business enterprises. Storing this increased volume of information has not been a problem to date, but as these information stores grow larger and larger, multiple challenges arise for senior management: namely, questions such as "How much is our data worth?" "Are we storing our data in the most cost-effective way?" "Are we managing our data effectively and efficiently?" "Do we know which data is most important?" "Are we extracting business insight from the right data?" "Are our data adding to the value of our business?" "Are our data a liability?" "What is the potential for monetizing our data?" and "Do we have an appropriate risk management plan in place to protect our data?" To answer these value-based questions, data must be treated with the same rigor and discipline as other tangible and intangible assets. In other words, corporate data should be treated as a potential asset and should have its own asset valuation methodology that is accepted by the business community, the accounting and valuation community, and other important stakeholder groups. Valuing Data: An Open Framework is a first step in that direction. Its purpose is to: Provide the reader with some background on the nature of data Present the common categories of business data Explain the importance of data management Report the current thinking on data valuation Offer some business reasons to value data Present an "open framework"—along with some proposed methods—for valuing data The book does not aim to prescribe exactly how data should be valued monetarily, but rather it is a "starting point" for a discussion of data valuation with the objective of developing a stakeholder consensus, which, in turn, will become accepted standards and practices.

Vehicle Feedback and Driver Situation Awareness (Human Factors in Road and Rail Transport)

by Neville A. Stanton Guy H. Walker Paul M. Salmon

A potentially troubling aspect of modern vehicle design – some would argue - is a trend for isolating the driver and reducing vehicle feedback, usually in the name of comfort and refinement but increasingly because of automation. There is little doubt cars have become more civilised over the years, yet despite this, the consequences of driver behaviour remain to a large extent anecdotal. Readers will have heard such anecdotes for themselves. They usually take the form of drivers of a certain age recalling their first cars from the 1970s or 80s, in which "doing 70 mph really felt like it". The question is whether such anecdotes actually reflect a bigger, more significant issue that could be better understood. Related questions have been explored in other domains such as aviation, where the change to ‘fly-by-wire’ did indeed bring about some occasionally serious performance issues that were not anticipated. Despite some clear parallels, automotive systems have been left relatively unstudied. The research described in this book aims to explore precisely these issues from a Human Factors perspective. This means connecting the topics of vehicle feel, vehicle dynamics, and automotive engineering with the latest research on driver situation awareness. The problem is explored experimentally from a variety of theoretical viewpoints but the outcomes are consistently practical. Here we have a promising new avenue along which the driver experience can be enhanced in novel and insightful ways. Tools and templates are provided so that engineers and designers can try different ways to boost vehicle safety, efficiency and enjoyment from a human-centered perspective. Association of American Publishers (AAP) Finalist for the 2019 PROSE Award Features Diagnosis of how vehicle feel impacts driver situation awareness, and how this could aid future vehicle designs Multi-theory approach to driver situation awareness, and how different views of this important concept give rise to different insights Comprehensive analysis of situation awareness in driving, the information requirements of drivers, and how these needs can be supported Practical descriptions of how state-of-science Human Factors methods have been applied in practice

Vehicle-to-Vehicle and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communications: A Technical Approach

by Fei Hu

This book focuses on the most critical technical aspects of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications. It covers the smart city concept and architecture and explains how V2V and V2I fit into it. It describes the wireless communication protocols for V2V and V2I. It then explains the hardware design process for vehicle communication transceiver and antenna systems. It explains next-generation wireless technologies and their requirements for vehicle communication protocols. Case studies provide the latest V2V and V2I commercial design details. Finally, it describes how to implement vehicle communication protocol from practical hardware design angle.

Vehicular Communications for Smart Cars: Protocols, Applications and Security Concerns

by Niaz Chowdhury Lewis Mackenzie

This book covers a wide range of topics from the smart transportation domain. It discusses protocols, applications and security concerns in various vehicular networks using examples and easy-to-understand figures. The first four chapters focus on vehicular network protocols and applications, while the remaining four chapters incorporate security, trust and privacy issues with examples from real-life cases. The book concludes with a vision of what to expect in the near future and will be an invaluable resource for anybody interested in this nascent technology and its variegated applications. Dr. Niaz Chowdhury is a postdoctoral research associate at the Knowledge Media Institute, the Open University in England. Dr. Lewis M. Mackenzie is a senior lecturer in computing science at the University of Glasgow.

Veracity of Big Data: Machine Learning and Other Approaches to Verifying Truthfulness

by Vishnu Pendyala

Examine the problem of maintaining the quality of big data and discover novel solutions. You will learn the four V’s of big data, including veracity, and study the problem from various angles. The solutions discussed are drawn from diverse areas of engineering and math, including machine learning, statistics, formal methods, and the Blockchain technology. Veracity of Big Data serves as an introduction to machine learning algorithms and diverse techniques such as the Kalman filter, SPRT, CUSUM, fuzzy logic, and Blockchain, showing how they can be used to solve problems in the veracity domain. Using examples, the math behind the techniques is explained in easy-to-understand language.Determining the truth of big data in real-world applications involves using various tools to analyze the available information. This book delves into some of the techniques that can be used. Microblogging websites such as Twitter have played a major role in public life, including during presidential elections. The book uses examples of microblogs posted on a particular topic to demonstrate how veracity can be examined and established. Some of the techniques are described in the context of detecting veiled attacks on microblogging websites to influence public opinion.What You'll LearnUnderstand the problem concerning data veracity and its ramificationsDevelop the mathematical foundation needed to help minimize the impact of the problem using easy-to-understand language and examplesUse diverse tools and techniques such as machine learning algorithms, Blockchain, and the Kalman filter to address veracity issuesWho This Book Is ForSoftware developers and practitioners, practicing engineers, curious managers, graduate students, and research scholars

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