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Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing: 13th International Conference, GPC 2018, Hangzhou, China, May 11-13, 2018, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11204)

by Shijian Li

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing, GPC 2018, held in Hangzhou, China, in May 2018.The 35 full papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 101 initial submissions. They are organized in the following topical sections: network security, and privacy-preserving; pervasive sensing and analysis; cloud computing, mobile computing, and crowd sensing; social and urban computing; parallel and distributed systems, optimization; pervasive applications; and data mining and knowledge mining.

Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing: 14th International Conference, GPC 2019, Uberlândia, Brazil, May 26–28, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11484)

by Rodrigo Miani Lasaro Camargos Bruno Zarpelão Erika Rosas Rafael Pasquini

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing, GPC 2019, held in Uberlândia, Brazil, in May 2019. The 17 full papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 38 initial submissions. They are organized in the following topical sections: machine learning; Internet of Things and mobility; cloud and related technologies.

Grokking Bitcoin

by Kalle Rosenbaum

SummaryIf you think Bitcoin is just an alternative currency for geeks, it's time to think again. Grokking Bitcoin opens up this powerful distributed ledger system, exploring the technology that enables applications both for Bitcoin-based financial transactions and using the blockchain for registering physical property ownership. With this fully illustrated, easy-to-read guide, you'll finally understand how Bitcoin works, how you can use it, and why you can trust the blockchain.Foreword by David A. Harding, Contributor to Bitcoin documentation.Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.About the TechnologyInflation, depressed economies, debased currencies ... these are just a few of the problems centralized banking has caused throughout history. Bitcoin, a digital currency created with the ambition to shift control away from change-prone governments, has the potential to bring an end to those problems once and for all. It's time to find out how it can help you.About the BookGrokking Bitcoin explains why Bitcoin's supporters trust it so deeply, and why you can too. This approachable book will introduce you to Bitcoin's groundbreaking technology, which is the key to this world-changing system. This illustrated, easy-to-read guide prepares you for a new way of thinking with easy-to-follow diagrams and exercises. You'll discover how Bitcoin mining works, how to accept Bitcoin, how to participate in the Bitcoin network, and how to set up a digital wallet.What's insideBitcoin transactionsThe blockchainBitcoin miningBitcoin walletsAbout the ReaderIntended for anyone interested in learning about Bitcoin technology. While a basic understanding of technical concepts is beneficial, no programming skills are necessary.About the AuthorKalle Rosenbaum is a computer scientist, an avid Bitcoin supporter, and the founder of Propeller, a Bitcoin consultancy.Table of ContentsIntroduction to BitcoinCryptographic hash functions and digital signaturesAddressesWalletsTransactionsThe blockchainProof of workPeer-to-peer networkTransactions revisitedSegregated witnessBitcoin upgrades

Grokking Deep Learning

by Andrew W. Trask

SummaryGrokking Deep Learning teaches you to build deep learning neural networks from scratch! In his engaging style, seasoned deep learning expert Andrew Trask shows you the science under the hood, so you grok for yourself every detail of training neural networks.Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.About the TechnologyDeep learning, a branch of artificial intelligence, teaches computers to learn by using neural networks, technology inspired by the human brain. Online text translation, self-driving cars, personalized product recommendations, and virtual voice assistants are just a few of the exciting modern advancements possible thanks to deep learning.About the BookGrokking Deep Learning teaches you to build deep learning neural networks from scratch! In his engaging style, seasoned deep learning expert Andrew Trask shows you the science under the hood, so you grok for yourself every detail of training neural networks. Using only Python and its math-supporting library, NumPy, you'll train your own neural networks to see and understand images, translate text into different languages, and even write like Shakespeare! When you're done, you'll be fully prepared to move on to mastering deep learning frameworks.What's insideThe science behind deep learningBuilding and training your own neural networksPrivacy concepts, including federated learningTips for continuing your pursuit of deep learningAbout the ReaderFor readers with high school-level math and intermediate programming skills.About the AuthorAndrew Trask is a PhD student at Oxford University and a research scientist at DeepMind. Previously, Andrew was a researcher and analytics product manager at Digital Reasoning, where he trained the world's largest artificial neural network and helped guide the analytics roadmap for the Synthesys cognitive computing platform.Table of ContentsIntroducing deep learning: why you should learn itFundamental concepts: how do machines learn?Introduction to neural prediction: forward propagationIntroduction to neural learning: gradient descentLearning multiple weights at a time: generalizing gradient descentBuilding your first deep neural network: introduction to backpropagationHow to picture neural networks: in your head and on paperLearning signal and ignoring noise:introduction to regularization and batchingModeling probabilities and nonlinearities: activation functionsNeural learning about edges and corners: intro to convolutional neural networksNeural networks that understand language: king - man + woman == ?Neural networks that write like Shakespeare: recurrent layers for variable-length dataIntroducing automatic optimization: let's build a deep learning frameworkLearning to write like Shakespeare: long short-term memoryDeep learning on unseen data: introducing federated learningWhere to go from here: a brief guide

Group Decision and Negotiation: 19th International Conference, GDN 2019, Loughborough, UK, June 11–15, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #351)

by Danielle Costa Morais Ashley Carreras Adiel Teixeira de Almeida Rudolf Vetschera

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, GDN 2019, held in Loughborough, UK, in June 2019. The field of Group Decision and Negotiation focuses on decision processes with at least two participants and a common goal but conflicting individual goals. Research areas of Group Decision and Negotiation include electronic negotiations, experiments, the role of emotions in group decision and negotiations, preference elicitation and decision support for group decisions and negotiations, and conflict resolution principles. The 17 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 98 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: preference modeling for group decision and negotiations; collaborative decision making processes; conflict resolution; behavioral OR, and negotiation support systems and studies.

Grundlagen und Anwendung von Information Security Awareness: Mitarbeiter zielgerichtet für Informationssicherheit sensibilisieren (essentials)

by Kristin Weber Andreas E. Schütz Tobias Fertig

Kristin Weber, Andreas E. Schütz und Tobias Fertig zeigen in diesem essential, wie Mitarbeiter in acht Schritten für das Thema Informationssicherheit sensibilisiert werden können. Vorgestellt wird ein Vorgehen, welches Erkenntnisse aus der Verhaltenspsychologie berücksichtigt und somit eine passgenaue Auswahl von Sensibilisierungsmaßnahmen erlaubt. Projektbeispiele illustrieren die Umsetzbarkeit des Modells. Damit beschreiben die Autoren eine konkret anwendbare Methode, die auch bei kleinem Budget eine erfolgreiche Mitarbeitersensibilisierung verspricht.

La Guia Completa del Dispositivo Roku: TV, Express, Ultra, Dispositivos, Canales, Apps,Cuenta

by Bob Babson

Guia para Usuarios Roku. Esta guia le mostrará algunos consejos para usar su dispositivo Roku ademas de todos los beneficios con los que cuenta al haberlo adquirido.

Guía de las GoPro Hero y Fusion: Cómo usar sus GoPro Fusion, Hero 4/5/6/7 Stock, White y Black

by Hiddenstuff Entertainment

¡Aprenda a usar su dispositivo GoPro como profesional! Esta guía es para cualquiera que busque capturar videos sorprendentes con su dispositivo GoPro. Es válida para las GoPro Fusion, y Hero 4, 5, 6 y 7. Este libro incluye todo lo que necesita saber: -Hacer fotos y videos sorprendentes -Fotos de time lapse -Fotos giratorias -Compartir sus videos y fotos -Fotografía subacuática -Composición al filmar -Uso de la batería -Resolución y campo de visión -Técnicas de edición de video -¡Y MÁS!

Guía de Usuario de Alexa 2019: A - Z Guía de referencia de Amazon Alexa para principiantes y usuarios avanzados

by Paul Garten

Aprende cómo usar Alexa con tu Smartphone y todos los dispositivos Amazon Echo. Edición 2019. Como el título sugiere, este libro está diseñado para ser una guía de referencia para todo lo que necesitas de los dispositivos Amazon Alexa y Echo smart. Descubre cómo configurar tus dispositivos Smart Home con Alexa. Domina tus Dispositivos Echo y Alexa en una hora. Mejora tu vida inteligente con esta guía. Desde Comunicación con Alexa, Skills, Entretenimiento, Productividad, Deporte, Compras por Voz, Noticias e Información, Configuración y Personalización dentro de la aplicación de Alexa, este libro lo cubre todo. Puedes tener una rápida vista previa del libro para ver su tabla de contenido.

Guia do Microsoft Surface Tablet Go Pro 3, 4, & 5: Como Usar, Dicas e Truques (Versão Não Oficial)

by Bob Babson

Introdução, Configuração, Como usar, Dicas, Truques, Acessórios e muito mais! Descrição do livro: Você usa o seu dispositivo Microsoft Surface regularmente? Deseja aprender a usar o seu dispositivo Microsoft Surface como ninguém e economizar tempo? Compatível com todas as versões Go e Pro 2, 3 e 4. Se você respondeu sim a alguma dessas perguntas, este guia é para você. Você sabia que o seu dispositivo Microsoft Surface é capaz de milhares de funções, o que facilitará sua vida e permitirá que você economize mais tempo. No entanto, como existem muitas funções secretas, pode ser difícil saber exatamente como usar seu dispositivo de forma otimizada. O que está incluído: -Como configurar. -Como navegar. Recursos de dispositivos. -Como economizar tempo. -Como economizar esforço e concluir tarefas com facilidade. -Saiba como usar seu dispositivo como os profissionais. -Resolver problemas. + MUITO MAIS! Se você quiser aprender a usar o dispositivo como ninguém, este guia é para você. -> Role até o topo da página e clique em adicionar ao carrinho para comprar instantaneamente Aviso Legal: Este autor e ou o(s) proprietário(s) dos direitos não faz reivindicações, promessas ou garantias com relação à precisão, integridade ou adequação do conteúdo deste livro e se isenta expressamente da responsabilidade por erros e omissões no conteúdo deste. Este produto é apenas para uso de referência. Consulte um profissional antes de agir sobre qualquer um dos conteúdos encontrados nele.

Guia do Usuário não Oficial do Chromebook: O Guia Completo para Aplicativos, Configuração, Ferramentas, Dicas, Uso do Dispositivo e Muito Mais

by Bob Babson

Guia do usuário não oficial do Chromebook: o guia completo para aplicativos, configuração, ferramentas, dicas, uso do dispositivo e muito, Este material guia é para referência pessoal será de grande utilidade e benéfico para seu aperfeiçoamento, habilidades e conhecimento do item descrito.

Guía no Oficial para Microsoft Surface Tablet Go Pro 3, 4, y 5

by Bob Babson

Aprenda de manera sencilla y rápida como sacar mayor provecho a los dispositivos Microsoft Surface Go Pro 3, 4 y 5, y disfrutar al máximo de sus capacidades y posibilidades.

Guía para sobrevivir al presente: Atrapados en la era digital

by Santiago Bilinkis

Santiago Bilinkis aborda en su nuevo libro un tema central del presente: cómo esa supercomputadora de bolsillo que es el teléfono celular está afectando nuestras vidas. El impacto de las nuevas tecnologías sobre el cerebro, la educación, el trabajo y el uso del tiempo libre, bajo la mirada del autor de Pasaje al futuro. ¿Qué impacto tienen los aparatos digitales sobre nuestras vidas?¿Qué efectos produce su uso permanente en nuestros cerebros y los de nuestros chicos?¿Por qué pasamos tanto tiempo atrapados en las redes? Basta alzar la vista para corroborarlo: hoy vivimos mirando el celular. Y no es casual: científicos y empresas trabajan intensamente para aprovechar los últimos avances en neurociencia y psicología y profundizar la dependencia con sus sitios y aplicaciones. Con el objetivo de incrementar sus ganancias, las principales compañías de tecnología se encuentran en una guerra por conquistar nuestro tiempo. Y la están ganando: sin siquiera darnos cuenta, desbloqueamos el celular 120 veces al día. Esta es la primera vez que una herramienta, apenas comenzamos a usarla, empieza a usarnos a nosotros. ¿Cuál es el resultado de esta manipulación? Niños enchufados a las pantallas a edades cada vez más tempranas; redes sociales y aplicaciones de citas que vapulean la autoestima de adolescentes y adultos; numerosas personas que, enganchadas en un consumo maratónico de series, reducen al mínimo su descanso. La tentadora promesa de novedades permanentes esconde una trampa detrás de cada app, a menudo a costa de nuestros intereses prioritarios y hasta de nuestra salud. Develando los mecanismos que han convertido al celular en un objeto irresistible, Santiago Bilinkis propone en esta Guía para sobrevivir al presente una manera apasionante de desbloquear nuestra ingenuidad frente a los dispositivos. Y nos ofrece ideas para utilizar los aparatos digitales para conectarnos y vivir experiencias compartidas en vez de encerrarnos en nuestra propia pantalla. En definitiva, nos invita a recuperar el control sobre la vida personal, familiar y laboral, y así disfrutar de los beneficios y las oportunidades que brinda la tecnología sin quedar atrapados en ella.

Guía Paso a Paso para Desbloquear Fire Stick Alexa TV

by Jonathan Gates

Guía que explicará paso a paso como desbloquear su TV utilizando Fire Stick Alexa en sencillos pasos.

Guida non ufficiale ai Samsung Galaxy Tab 3, 4, & S: consigli, trucchi, & come impostare ed usare il tuo dispositivo

by Hiddenstuff Entertainment

Usi il tuo dispositivo Samsung regolarmente? Vorresti imparare ad utilizzare il tuo dispositivo Samsung come un professionista e risparmiare tantissimo tempo? Compatibile con tutte le versioni 3, 4, e S. Se hai risposto sì ad una di queste domande, allora questo manuale è per te. Sapevi che il tuo dispositivo Samsung è in grado di svolgere centinaia di funzioni, tutte capaci di renderti la vita più semplice e farti risparmiare moltissimo tempo? Ad ogni modo, visto che ci sono una marea di funzioni segrete, può essere difficile sapere esattamente come ottimizzare l'uso del tuo dispositivo. Cos'è compreso: -Come impostare il dispositivo. -Come navigare. -Capacità del dispositivo. -Come risparmiare tempo. -Come evitare sforzi e completare compiti facilmente. -Imparare ad usare il dispositivo come un professionista. -Risoluzione dei problemi. + MOLTO ALTRO! Se vuoi imparare ad utilizzare il tuo dispositivo come un professionista, questo manuale è per te. --> Vai in cima alla pagina e clicca su aggiungi al carrello per acquistare immediatamente Disclaimer: This author and or rights owner(s) make no claims, promises, or guarantees in regards to the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this book, and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents within. This product is for reference use only. Please consult a professional before taking action on any of the contents found within.

Guidance Information Processing Methods in Airborne Optical Imaging Seeker (Unmanned System Technologies)

by Tianxu Zhang Yuehuan Wang Sheng Zhong

This book covers all main aspects of guidance information processing technologies for airborne optical imaging seekers, including theoretical models; image pre-processing; automatic target detection, recognition and tracking; and embedded real-time processing systems. The book is divided into three major sections: firstly, a theoretical model for optical-seeker information processing is introduced; then information processing methods are presented, including target modeling, online image pre-processing, typical surface fixed-target detection and recognition, and moving-target detection and recognition; lastly, embedded real-time processing systems are introduced, including new system architectures, image processing ASIC/SoC design, embedded real-time operating systems, system implementation aspects, and system testing and evaluation technologies. The book offers a unique and valuable resource, helping readers understand both fundamental and advanced information processing technologies employed in airborne optical imaging seekers.

Guide to Ambient Intelligence in the IoT Environment: Principles, Technologies And Applications (Computer Communications and Networks)

by Zaigham Mahmood

Ambient intelligence (AmI) is an element of pervasive computing that brings smartness to living and business environments to make them more sensitive, adaptive, autonomous and personalized to human needs. It refers to intelligent interfaces that recognise human presence and preferences, and adjust smart environments to suit their immediate needs and requirements. The key factor is the presence of intelligence and decision-making capabilities in IoT environments. The underlying technologies include pervasive computing, ubiquitous communication, seamless connectivity of smart devices, sensor networks, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and context-aware human-computer interaction (HCI). AmI applications and scenarios include smart homes, autonomous self-driving vehicles, healthcare systems, smart roads, the industry sector, smart facilities management, the education sector, emergency services, and many more. The advantages of AmI in the IoT environment are extensive. However, as for any new technological paradigm, there are also many open issues and limitations. This book discusses the AmI element of the IoT and the relevant principles, frameworks, and technologies in particular, as well as the benefits and inherent limitations. It reviews the state of the art of current developments relating to smart spaces and AmI-based IoT environments. Written by leading international researchers and practitioners, the majority of the contributions focus on device connectivity, pervasive computing and context modelling (including communication, security, interoperability, scalability, and adaptability). The book presents cutting-edge research, current trends, and case studies, as well as suggestions to further our understanding and the development and enhancement of the AmI-IoT vision.

Guide to Automotive Connectivity and Cybersecurity: Trends, Technologies, Innovations and Applications (Computer Communications and Networks)

by Dietmar P.F. Möller Roland E. Haas

This comprehensive text/reference presents an in-depth review of the state of the art of automotive connectivity and cybersecurity with regard to trends, technologies, innovations, and applications. The text describes the challenges of the global automotive market, clearly showing where the multitude of innovative activities fit within the overall effort of cutting-edge automotive innovations, and provides an ideal framework for understanding the complexity of automotive connectivity and cybersecurity.Topics and features: discusses the automotive market, automotive research and development, and automotive electrical/electronic and software technology; examines connected cars and autonomous vehicles, and methodological approaches to cybersecurity to avoid cyber-attacks against vehicles; provides an overview on the automotive industry that introduces the trends driving the automotive industry towards smart mobility and autonomous driving; reviews automotive research and development, offering background on the complexity involved in developing new vehicle models; describes the technologies essential for the evolution of connected cars, such as cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things; presents case studies on Car2Go and car sharing, car hailing and ridesharing, connected parking, and advanced driver assistance systems; includes review questions and exercises at the end of each chapter.The insights offered by this practical guide will be of great value to graduate students, academic researchers and professionals in industry seeking to learn about the advanced methodologies in automotive connectivity and cybersecurity.

Guide to Mobile Data Analytics in Refugee Scenarios: The 'Data for Refugees Challenge' Study

by Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye Xiaowen Dong Patrick Vinck

After the start of the Syrian Civil War in 2011–12, increasing numbers of civilians sought refuge in neighboring countries. By May 2017, Turkey had received over 3 million refugees — the largest refugee population in the world. Some lived in government-run camps near the Syrian border, but many have moved to cities looking for work and better living conditions. They faced problems of integration, income, welfare, employment, health, education, language, social tension, and discrimination. In order to develop sound policies to solve these interlinked problems, a good understanding of refugee dynamics isnecessary.This book summarizes the most important findings of the Data for Refugees (D4R) Challenge, which was a non-profit project initiated to improve the conditions of the Syrian refugees in Turkey by providing a database for the scientific community to enable research on urgent problems concerning refugees. The database, based on anonymized mobile call detail records (CDRs) of phone calls and SMS messages of one million Turk Telekom customers, indicates the broad activity and mobility patterns of refugees and citizens in Turkey for the year 1 January to 31 December 2017. Over 100 teams from around the globe applied to take part in the challenge, and 61 teams were granted access to the data.This book describes the challenge, and presents selected and revised project reports on the five major themes: unemployment, health, education, social integration, and safety, respectively. These are complemented by additional invited chapters describing related projects from international governmental organizations, technological infrastructure, as well as ethical aspects. The last chapter includes policy recommendations, based on the lessons learned.The book will serve as a guideline for creating innovative data-centered collaborations between industry, academia, government, and non-profit humanitarian agencies to deal with complex problems in refugee scenarios. It illustrates the possibilities of big data analytics in coping with refugee crises and humanitarian responses, by showcasing innovative approaches drawing on multiple data sources, information visualization, pattern analysis, and statistical analysis.It will also provide researchers and students working with mobility data with an excellent coverage across data science, economics, sociology, urban computing, education, migration studies, and more.

The Hackable City: Digital Media and Collaborative City-Making in the Network Society

by Michiel De Lange Martijn De Waal

This open access book presents a selection of the best contributions to the Digital Cities 9 Workshop held in Limerick in 2015, combining a number of the latest academic insights into new collaborative modes of city making that are firmly rooted in empirical findings about the actual practices of citizens, designers and policy makers. It explores the affordances of new media technologies for empowering citizens in the process of city making, relating examples of bottom-up or participatory practices to reflections about the changing roles of professional practitioners in the processes, as well as issues of governance and institutional policymaking.

Hackathons: Von der Idee zur erfolgreichen Umsetzung

by Andreas Kohne Volker Wehmeier

Erfahren Sie in diesem Buch mehr über das Phänomen HackathonsEs gibt Events, die ermöglichen es ihren Akteuren, interdisziplinär in einen kreativen Dialog zu treten. Dieses Buch widmet sich den sogenannten Hackathons – einem Veranstaltungsformat, das sich seit Jahren großer Beliebtheit erfreut. Die Erfolgsgeschichte begann wie so oft in Amerika, mittlerweile wird das disruptive Brainstorming jedoch weltweit erfolgreich durchgeführt, umin kürzester Zeit Technologien, Geschäftsmodelle und Produkte zu entwickeln.neues Personal zu rekrutieren.interdisziplinäre Teams effizient zusammenzubringen.Das Ergebnis kann u. a. eine kollaborative Software- und Hardwareentwicklung sein. Dieses Buch von Andreas Kohne und Volker Wehmeier widmet sich nicht nur der Frage, was ein Hackathon ist, sondern erklärt Ihnen zudem, wie Sie einen Hackathon organisieren und worauf Sie bei der Durchführung eines solchen Events achten sollten.Programmieren, Recruiting und InnovationenDie Entwicklung neuer Ideen, Konzepte und Lösungen sowie das Testen verschiedener Projekte stehen stets im Fokus der Teilnehmer unterschiedlicher Branchen. Gleichzeitig bieten sie Start-ups die perfekte Gelegenheit, um ihr Geschäftsmodell von Experten bewerten zu lassen. Sie können sich vorstellen, wie wichtig daher die Planung eines solchen Events für alle Beteiligten ist. In diesem Buch über Hackathons erhalten Sie einen ebenso praxisnahen wie kompakten Überblick über folgende Bereiche:PlanungDurchführungNachbereitungMehrwertUm Ihnen den Einstieg in die Thematik zu erleichtern, finden Sie am Ende des Werkes neben prägnanten Checklisten auch Ablaufübersichten. Das Buch fokussiert sich nicht nur auf die Veranstalter eines Hackathons. Es berücksichtigt ebenfalls die Teilnehmersicht sowie die Stimmen aus der Wirtschaft und Verwaltung. Dadurch erhalten Sie umfassenden Input von beiden Seiten.

Hacking and Data Privacy: How Exposed Are We? (Looking Forward)

by The New York Times Editorial Staff

Hackers can break into government websites, nuclear power plants, and the NSA. They can steal corporate secrets, top-secret security code, and credit card numbers. Through social media, they can plant ideas, manipulate public opinion, and influence elections. And there's precious little we can do to stop them. this book documents the dramatic increase in hacking and data mining incidents in recent years. The articles within it explore how these incidents affect world events, such as the United Kingdom's Brexit vote and the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Investigative articles reveal who is behind these incidents, why they happened, and how we can protect our data.

Hacking Life: Systematized Living and Its Discontents (Strong Ideas)

by Joseph M. Reagle

In an effort to keep up with a world of too much, life hackers sometimes risk going too far.Life hackers track and analyze the food they eat, the hours they sleep, the money they spend, and how they're feeling on any given day. They share tips on the most efficient ways to tie shoelaces and load the dishwasher; they employ a tomato-shaped kitchen timer as a time-management tool.They see everything as a system composed of parts that can be decomposed and recomposed, with algorithmic rules that can be understood, optimized, and subverted. In Hacking Life, Joseph Reagle examines these attempts to systematize living and finds that they are the latest in a long series of self-improvement methods. Life hacking, he writes, is self-help for the digital age's creative class.Reagle chronicles the history of life hacking, from Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanack through Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and Timothy Ferriss's The 4-Hour Workweek. He describes personal outsourcing, polyphasic sleep, the quantified self movement, and hacks for pickup artists. Life hacks can be useful, useless, and sometimes harmful (for example, if you treat others as cogs in your machine). Life hacks have strengths and weaknesses, which are sometimes like two sides of a coin: being efficient is not the same thing as being effective; being precious about minimalism does not mean you are living life unfettered; and compulsively checking your vital signs is its own sort of illness. With Hacking Life, Reagle sheds light on a question even non-hackers ponder: what does it mean to live a good life in the new millennium?

Hacks for Minecrafters: The Unofficial Guide to Tips and Tricks That Other Guides Won't Teach You (Hacks For Minecrafters Ser. #2)

by Megan Miller

From the bestselling author of Hacks for Minecrafters and Hacks for Minecrafters: Master Builder comes the most encompassing guide ever to combat in the world of Minecraft. Now in paperback for the first time and completely revised and updated! <P><P>With more than 100 million registered Minecraft accounts and rights picked up by Warner Brothers for an action-adventure film in the style of The Lego Movie, Minecraft is one of the world's biggest children's brands. While there are several successful game guides on the market already, Hacks for Minecrafters: Combat Edition is the first unofficial "hacker's" guide dedicated to combat and geared toward seven- to twelve-year-old Minecrafters. Now being released in paperback, Hacks for Minecrafters: Combat Edition has been updated for Minecraft 1.12, the World of Color update that added new function and crafting systems, illusioners, parrots, and building materials like glazed terracotta and concrete. <P><P>In Hacks for Minecrafters: Combat Edition, readers will learn how to defend their property and fight off hostile mobs and monsters like zombies, spiders, and skeletons! Other tips include: Updated enchanting for armor, weapons, and more <br>How to deal with new behaviors for hostile mobs <br>The best ways to defeat new hostile mobs, such as killer bunnies, ocean-dwelling guardians, elder guardian mini-bosses, and the rare endermite <br>And much more!Packed with expert tips, cheats, and hacks on fighting all types of enemies and with more than one hundred screenshots, <P><P>Hacks for Minecrafters: Combat Edition shows exactly how the experts defend themselves and fight attackers, from cave spiders to creepers to zombie pigmen. In Minecraft, the risk of attack is ever-present, and players need to know how to build weapons, set traps, and escape to safety.

Hacks for PUBG Players: An Unofficial Gamer's Guide

by Jason Rich

Before there was Fortnite: Battle Royale, PUBG was the multiplayer combat game that took the world by storm with its fast action, photorealistic graphics, and intense combat scenarios that pitted each gamer against up to 99 others in a real-time battle royale. Only one soldier can win each high intensity match. Survival depends on a gamer’s speed, shooting accuracy, combat strategy, and ability to safely get around the island where each match takes place. During each match, gamers are forced to battle against up to 99 other players, who are often unpredictable in terms of their actions and fighting techniques. This requires gamers to constantly tweak their strategies as new combat situations arise and different challenges present themselves around every turn. To help gamers develop their PUBG gaming skills and specialized fighting techniques, PUBG Hacks introduces new gamers to Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds, provides detailed directions on how to play like a pro on all compatible gaming platforms, and offers fighting, exploration, and survival strategies that can help lead a reader to victory! Using hundreds of full-color screenshots and easy-to-understand directions, PUBG Hacksis a “must read” for newbies as well as more experienced PUBG players looking to enhance their skills. This unofficial guide covers: How to get started playing PUBG on any gaming platform.Ways to customize a soldier with in-game purchases and items that get unlocked during gameplay by completing objectives.How to use popular types of weapons offered within the game.Proven combat strategies and survival tactics.Ways to safely navigate around the island on foot and using vehicles.How to use the island’s terrain to a soldier’s advantage.Strategies for successfully launching surprise attacks and ambushes.Techniques for outsmarting adversaries and surviving incoming attacks.Creative ways to use weapons, ammo, and tools to a player’s advantage.

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