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Sid the Science Kid: The Trouble with Germs (I Can Read! #Level 1)

by Jennifer Frantz

Sid's dad has a cold. He is sneezing. His nose is runny. But how come Sid has to keep washing his hands, if his dad is the one who's sick?

Siddhartha's Brain: The Science of Meditation, Mindfulness and Enlightenment

by James Kingsland

WINNER OF THE GOLD PRIZE FOR RELIGION / SPIRITUALITY OF EASTERN THOUGHT AT THE 2016 NAUTILUS BOOK AWARDS.Can meditation and mindfulness exercise make us sharper, smarter, healthier, happier? In Siddhartha's Brain, James Kingsland reveals that a complete scientific theory of how these practices work is now within our grasp and may be the key to treating a wide range of afflictions of the human mind. Some twenty-five centuries ago, an Indian sage called Siddhartha Gautama - the man who would become known as the Buddha - developed a programme for improving mental well-being which has been passed down to us by generations of monks and nuns. Today, secular mindfulness courses are proving their worth for tackling many of the problems associated with the demands of our frenetic, technology-driven modern world.Research has shown that mindfulness can be used to treat stress, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, hypertension and drug addiction, as well as improving concentration, empathy, emotion regulation and the quality of interpersonal relationships. There have even been hints that it could enhance immune function, slow cellular ageing and help keep dementia at bay. Taking us on a journey back to the time of the Buddha to track changes in his brain as he travels the path leading to enlightenment, Siddhartha's Brain explains how meditation and mindfulness transform the human mind.

Siddhartha's Brain: Unlocking the Ancient Science of Enlightenment

by James Kingsland

A groundbreaking exploration of the “science of enlightenment,” told through the lens of the journey of Siddhartha (better known as Buddha), by Guardian science editor James Kingsland.In a lush grove on the banks of the Neranjara in northern India—400 years before the birth of Christ, when the foundations of western science and philosophy were being laid by the great minds of Ancient Greece—a prince turned ascetic wanderer sat beneath a fig tree. His name was Siddhartha Gautama, and he was discovering the astonishing capabilities of the human brain and the secrets of mental wellness and spiritual “enlightenment,” the foundation of Buddhism.Framed by the historical journey and teachings of the Buddha, Siddhartha’s Brain shows how meditative and Buddhist practice anticipated the findings of modern neuroscience. Moving from the evolutionary history of the brain to the disorders and neuroses associated with our technology-driven world, James Kingsland explains why the ancient practice of mindfulness has been so beneficial and so important for human beings across time. Far from a New Age fad, the principles of meditation have deep scientific support and have been proven to be effective in combating many contemporary psychiatric disorders. Siddhartha posited that “Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think.” As we are increasingly driven to distraction by competing demands, our ability to focus and control our thoughts has never been more challenged—or more vital.Siddhartha’s Brain offers a cutting-edge, big-picture assessment of meditation and mindfulness: how it works, what it does to our brains, and why meditative practice has never been more important.

Side Effects

by Amy Goldman Koss

This is the story of the diagnosis, hospitalization and treatment of a 15-year-old girl who learns she has lymphoma. The treatment is described in excruciating detail. Izzy has a sense of humor, which lightens the story somewhat, and fortunately she is one of the 88 per cent who survives. There is mild swearing and "bad" language common among today's teenagers, understandable especially in one going through what Izzy goes through. Her life and interests outside the hospitalization are also told.

The Side Effects Bible

by Frederic Vagnini Barry Fox

An indispensable resource for every home--simple and healthy solutions for counteracting some of the uncomfortable and often dangerous side effects of over 300 common drugsFatigue, dry mouth, weight gain, nausea, liver damage, stroke, heart failure. Every year tens of millions of Americans suffer from such unwelcome consequences of over-the-counter and prescription drugs. Most believe these side effects are the inevitable price they must pay for restoring health. But that is not the case. Drawing on cutting-edge scientific research, The Side Effects Bible reveals that up to thirty percent of drug-induced side effects are caused because the drug saps the human body of essential vitamins and minerals--everyday nutrients that can easily be replaced by following the simple, healthy dietary and supplement guidelines outlined in this first-of-its-kind reference guide. Even minor deficiencies of necessary nutrients can bring on major difficulties, and The Side Effects Bible will tell readers what to eat for every drug they take.

Sidewalk Oracles

by Robert Moss

Synchronicity is when the universe gets personal. Through this book of games and enchanting stories, you'll learn how to monitor the play of coincidence and the symbolic resonance of incidents in daily life in order to tap into the deeper logic of events, receive extraordinary counsel, and have wonderful fun. You will be invited to become a kairomancer: someone who is poised to catch the messages in special moments when synchronicity is in play -- and to take action to seize the opportunities those moments present. To be a kairomancer, you need to trust your feelings as you walk the roads of this world, to develop your personal science of shivers, and to recognize in your gut and your skin that you know far more than you hold on the surface of consciousness. This is a way of real magic, which is the art of bringing gifts from a deeper world into this one. Follow it, and you will put a champagne fizz of enchantment into your everyday life.

A Sideways Look at Time

by Jay Griffiths

"A wonderful, delightfully humorous polemic against everything wrong with the way we deal with time today. " (The Independent[London], Books of the Year) "An irresistibly provocative and political analysis of time in our personal lives. . . . Her wittily enthusiastic thesis is that time has too long been used as a tool to power: as a manifesto it could cause a revolution. " (The Times[London], Books of the Year) "A Sideways Look at Timedoes for time what Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenancedid for philosophy. . . With this book Griffiths may just have beaten the clock. Passionately written and cogently argued, it's a book you should make time to read. (Time Out London) Why does time seem so short? How does women's time differ from men's? Why does time seem to move slowly in the countryside and quickly in cities? In A Sideways Look at Time, Jay Griffiths takes readers on a mind-bending tour of time as we know it. In this delightfully eye-opening book that poet Gary Snyder calls "an exercise indeed in Dharma, poetry, and philosophy," Griffiths reintroduces us to dimensions of time that are largely forgotten today. She presents an infectious argument for other, more extraordinary times, the diverse cycles of nature, of folktale or of carnival, when time is unlimited and on our side. This book could change the way we view time-forever.

Siéntete mejor, de inmediato y para siempre

by Daniel G. Amen

Si deseas sentirte feliz, optimista y fuerte, este revelador libro del doctor Daniel Amen es para ti. En algún momento de la vida todos nos hemos sentido ansiosos, tristes, traumatizados, estresados, enojados o desesperanzados. Es perfectamente normal atravesar crisis emocionales o vivir períodos de incertidumbre. La forma en que respondas a estos desafíos es lo que marcará la diferencia en cómo te sientas, no solo de inmediato, sino también para siempre. Desafortunadamente, muchas personas se automedican, comen en exceso y acuden a las drogas, el alcohol y conductas sexuales arriesgadas. Otras pierden el tiempo viendo televisión, jugando videojuegos, navegando en Internet o comprando sin sentido. A pesar de que estos comportamientos pueden aliviar temporalmente la sensación de malestar, por lo general solo prolongan y agravan los problemas o causan otros más serios. El renombrado psiquiatra doctor Daniel Amen, fundador de Amen Clinics, revela en estas páginas que es posible superar las emociones negativas y reemplazarlas a largo plazo con sentimientos positivos sólidos. En Siéntete mejor de inmediato y para siempre descubrirás estrategias para controlar rápidamente la ansiedad, las preocupaciones, la tristeza, el estrés y el enojo, fortaleciendo tu poder para superarlos y dar a tu vida alegría y propósito.

Siéntete radiante en 8 semanas

by Pilar Benítez

Este es un libro eminentemente práctico que ofrece soluciones efectivas para que las mujeres gocen de más energía, salud y bienestar. 8 semanas para sentirte radiante y plena. A través de una alimentación saludable, los beneficios de la respiración y la meditación, el ejercicio y la gestión de tu talento personal, este libro te da la información necesaria para transformarte en la mejor versión de ti misma. Sencillos y sabrosos menús, recetas y listas de la compra, tips y trucos para explorar nuevos alimentos, planes semanales de ejercicios y guías para aprender a meditar componen la fórmula que, con poco esfuerzo, genera unos beneficios impresionantes a todos los niveles. Siguiendo este plan, sentirás que tu energía aumenta, aprenderás nuevas recetas, tu concentración mejorará, perderás peso, descubrirás cómo controlar tu salud, dormir mejor, reducir el estrés, mejorar el estado de tu piel. En definitiva, te sentirás radiante y plena.

Sierra North

by Thomas Winnett Stacey Corless Kathy Morey Mike White

Now in its 9th edition, the completely updated and revised Sierra North showcases new trips and old favorites in regions such as Desolation Wilderness, Emigrant Wilderness, the proposed Castle Peak Wilderness, and the world-famous Yosemite National Park.

Sierra South

by Thomas Winnett Chris Tirrell Mike White Analise Elliot Heid Stacey Corless Kathy Morey

This completely revised and updated 8th edition of Sierra South now covers an expanded region of the Sierra, from the southern boundary of Yosemite National Park to southern Golden Trout Wilderness. With new trips and old favorites, Sierra South is the classic guide to backpacking in Sequoia and Kings Canyon national parks, Ansel Adams Wilderness, and Mt. Whitney.

The Sierras Weight-Loss Solution for Teens and Kids: A Scientifically Based Program from the Highly Acclaimed Weight-Loss School

by Daniel Kirschenbaum Lisa Tjelmeland Ryan Craig

The renowned Academy of the Sierras, the first year-round weight-loss program for children and teens, has helped children from all over the world achieve significant weight loss and keep it off. AOS students experience dramatic results--not only do their bodies change dramatically, but they also fundamentally transform their lives and build self-esteem.<P> The Sierras Weight-Loss Solution for Teens and Kids brings this effective plan to parents and children everywhere. Backed by the latest scientific research on weight control, the Sierras Solution outlines three proven, critical strategies for long-term weight loss -- a low-fat diet, consistent activity, and daily self-monitoring. This book offers:<P> *Six weeks of meal plans with recipes kids love, and easy-to-use shopping lists.<P> - A simple activity plan that makes movement fun<P> * Goal sheets and journaling methods to keep track of kids' progress<P> * Crucial advice for getting the whole family involved<P> Most important, the Sierras Solution arms parents and kids with behavioral strategies for staying motivated and committed to a healthy lifestyle forever. With inspiring stories from AOS graduates throughout, this book provides the most effective blueprint to ensure lasting success.

Siete cualidades para una vida plena: En modo mindfulness

by Javier Candarle

Desde su sólida experiencia profesional, Javier Cándarle nos ofrece aquí los conceptos esenciales de mindfulness junto con propuestas de prácticas enfocadas a la reducción del estrés y el bienestar. Podría confesar que me la he pasado luchando contra quien verdaderamente soy. De jovencito, creo que me detestaba. Veía con dolorosa claridad lo lejos que estaba de aquello que idealizaba y me costaba mucho habitar mi precariedad imperfecta y contradictoria. Somos seres imperfectos con ansias de eternidad, con intuición de perfección. Quizá fue la fuerza de la frustración la que me ayudó a entender que algo muy estéril había en aquella pelea permanente. ¿No deberíamos dejar de intentar ser lo que no somos? "La práctica de Mindfulness no implica intentar ir a ningún sitio ni sentir nada especial", nos comenta Jon Kabat-Zinn. Puedo decir que demoré bastante en comprender la importancia decisiva de la cualidad del corazón con la que uno practica. Y bastante más aún me llevó asumir que la práctica no me iba a conducir finalmente a ningún tipo de santidad. Sin embargo, paradójicamente, como dijo Carl Rogers: "Una vez que me acepté pude empezar a cambiar". Emergió entonces un enorme alivio, un amor intenso hacia lo imperfecto. Hacia las lágrimas, los sustos, mis caídas y las de mis prójimos. Podemos descansar y mecernos en el vaivén de la existencia, dejar de luchar contra la alternancia de las luces y las sombras, las imperfecciones y los dones, nuestros miedos y nuestro coraje. Sentirnos más cómodos, tanto en el lodazal como en los espacios de aguas claras y cristalinas. Se trata tan solo de aprender a descansar en quien se es verdaderamente. En quienes vamos siendo. Hoy me enternecen las batallas que libramos día a día a nuestras faltas. Expulsados del paraíso, nos hacemos bellos de tierra y en la tierra. De eso les quiero hablar en este texto. De la belleza de estar vivos y de la importancia de nuestro modo de vincularnos con todas las cosas que nos llegan y nos habitan.

Los siete dominios del corazón: Una sencilla técnica para activar el amor en nosotros y conseguir la armonía y felicidad

by Lita Donoso

Una sencilla técnica para activar el amor en nosotros y conseguir la armonía y la felicidad Los grandes aprendizajes se logran cuando nos hacemos conscientes de nuestras limitaciones. Para transformarnos y ser mejores personas debemos dar con aquello que nos hace bien. Lita Donoso, psicóloga y creadora de Alkymia, nos ofrece un método para conquistar los Siete Dominios del Corazón. En cada nivel encontraremos las claves para analizar nuestro interior e ir dejando atrás la culpa, el egoísmo, las adicciones emocionales y todo aquello que nos impide lograr una vida plena. A través de simples ejercicios, esta práctica permite despertar la inteligencia del corazón, y nos abre a la posibilidad de conseguir la armonía y la felicidad en todas las áreas de nuestra vida.

Las siete moradas

by Caroline Myss

Una invitación para que encontremos el verdadero yo que habita en nosotros. Caroline Myss nos ofrece un camino interior sumamente original para llegar a conocernos a nosotros mismos. Como esquema principal para este moderno y extraordinario viaje espiritual, Myss se sirve de los queridos y respetados textos de El castillo interior de Teresa de Ávila. Adaptando la visión que santa Teresa tenía del alma, como un bello castillo de cristal que contiene muchas moradas, Myss nos guía de un aposento a otro y nos ayuda a enfrentarnos a diferentes aspectos de nuestro yo, nuestra alma y nuestro espíritu, preparándonos para el definitivo encuentro con Dios y nuestra propia divinidad.

Los siete pasos hacia el amor

by Dalai Lama

El líder budista más destacado habla de forma elocuente de cómo transformar las relaciones de nuestra vida a través del amor. Su Santidad el Dalai Lama, el líder budista más respetado en todo el mundo y premio Nobel de la Paz, ofrece en este libro las claves del camino que tenemos que seguir para alcanzar la verdadera felicidad y la plenitud en nuestras vidas a través del amor. En un proceso escalonado en siete pasos, el Dalai Lama nos enseña a ampliar nuestro concepto del amor hasta convertirlo en la quintaesencia de nuestra alegría y satisfacción personal: solo si nos despojamos de nuestros prejuicios y aprendemos a volcarnos en los demás desde la compasión, dejando atrás los convencionalismos, alcanzaremos la auténtica sabiduría. En Los siete pasos hacia el amor el Dalai Lama lanza un mensaje inspirador que nos empuja a abrir nuestros corazones a una nueva e ilimitada experiencia del amor que transformará parasiempre nuestras vidas. Abramos nuestros corazones y nuestras mentes a un amor sin límites.

Siete Pasos Hacia lo Fabuloso: ¿Estás listo para la alfombra roja? Actualiza tu vida, ¡ahora!

by Ellen Frazer-Jameson

¿Eres más triste que glamurosa? ¿Estás mirando más allá de tu fecha de caducidad? ¿Podrías hacer una revisión? ¿Sí? Entonces este libro es para TI. Ellen Frazer-Jameson cree que ser fabulosa es fantástico y lo que es incluso más fantástico es que cualquiera puede serlo. A través de los años Ellen se ha dado cuenta que solo siete pasos la han ayudado a lograr su fabuloso estilo de vida y que siguiendo estos simples pasos, tú también puedes verte, sentirte y ser fabulosa. Mientras abraces y practiques los ¡Siete Pasos hacia lo Fabuloso! te encontrarás creciendo con más confianza, más prospera y más amada. Emitirás un vibrante brillo interno que atraerá a personas maravillosas, situaciones y oportunidades. Te verás y sentirás fabuloso solo por incorporar estos siete pasos en tu vida. No te demores – toma los pasos – ¡AHORA! PASO 1: ENFRENTA LOS HECHOS, PASO 2: SÉ ETERNO, PASO 3: TRAE RIQUEZA A TU VIDA, PASO 4: LUCE BIEN, SÉ APASIONADO, PASO 5: IDENTIFICA TU SUEÑO, PASO 6: HAZ LAS COSAS SUCEDER, PASO 7: AMAR Y SER AMADO. En esta guía divertida y reveladora, la autora y entrenadora de vida, Ellen Frazer-Jameson, ofrece siete pasos para dar rienda suelta a los fabuloso que hay dentro de ti. ¡Practícalos a diaro y pronto te verás, sentirás y serás verdaderamente FABULOSA!

Siete Pasos para Navegar Siendo Una persona Fabulosamente

by Ellen Frazer-Jameson

Gracias a todas las mujeres FABULOSAS que siguieron los Siete Pasos y se tomaron el tiempo para compartir los resultados que lograron y cómo el libro cambió sus vidas. Estoy segura de que le van a encantar sus historias. Si tuviste una experiencia que te gustaría contarle a otros lectores, solo escríbeme y quizas podamos incluir tu historia en una nueva edicion Siempre nos encanta escuchar tus comentarios . Por favor, tómese el tiempo para contar algo sobre su vida FABULOSA y compartir ideas e inspiraciones, y tal vez nos este dando a todos sus propios consejos y Pasos Secretos de como ser una persona totalmente FABULOSA. El arte de lo fabuloso puede quedarse contigo durante toda tu vida. No es una cuestión de edad o peso o altura, no depende del estatus, el trabajo, las relaciones o el dinero. Lo Fabuloso es una luz interior, una vitalidad, un deseo de vida que trasciende lo mundano. Lo Fabuloso te eleva a un reino de conexión espiritual-forja una conexión a un lugar mágico, fuera de la comprensión ordinaria. ¡Practica los Siete Pasos para Navegar siendo Fabuloso! todos los días. Puedes meditarlos, crecer con ellos y colocar tu pensamiento en un plano superior. Lo Fabuloso puede transformar tu vida tanto como la lámpara de Aladino produjo un genio que concedía deseos. Escondido dentro de cada compromiso de vivir y proyectar una vida fabulosa hay una conexión sagrada que trasciende este mundo y proporciona gracia y resplandor. Crea y celebra la nueva persona fabulosa que eres. Y pásalo a los demás.

Los Siete Pilares De La Salud: La manera natural para una vida más saludable

by M.D. Don Colbert

Estudios revelan que se puede reducir a un 80 por ciento el riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades del corazón y a más de un 60 por ciento el padecer de cáncer con sólo tomar una dieta y un estilo de vida saludables. Deje que el Dr. Don Colbert le muestre cómo. Su salud depende de usted, y es hora de tomarla en serio. ¿Qué tal si en sólo cincuenta días usted pudiera experimentar más energía, sentirse mejor, verse mejor, reducir la tensión, evitar enfermedades, ser más eficiente en su trabajo y disfrutar cada día? ¿Lo haría? Si contestó sí, entonces dé el siguiente paso. ¿Podría contestar las siguientes preguntas con absoluta certeza?¿Cuánta AGUA se debe consumir diariamente?¿Qué siete señales indican que está falto de SUEÑO?¿Por qué el ESTRÉS puede engordarlo y afearlo?¿Cómo los ALIMENTOS que ingiere producen vida o muerte?¿Qué dice la Biblia sobre el EJERCICIO y sus beneficios?¿Qué nueve cosas efectúan la DESINTOXICACIÓN del cuerpo?¿Cuáles NUTRIENTES importantes necesita consumirse al día?Si titubeó al contestar alguna pregunta, es hora de que cambie su vida y ponga en práctica el plan de Dios para un futuro saludable. Empiece a dar pasitos para cambiar su vida hoy.

The Siete Table: Nourishing Mexican-American Recipes from Our Kitchen

by Garza Family, The

From the Garza family, creators of Siete Family Foods brand, comes this flavorful collection of nourishing Mexican-American recipes. When the Garza family began experimenting with making grain-free tortillas eight years ago to support the dietary needs of a family member, they could never have imagined how many lives they would touch. Today, Siete Family Foods brings Mexican-American foods into kitchens across the country. And now, with their first cookbook, the Garzas are excited to share the beloved family recipes and traditions that inspire their best selling products. In The Siete Table, the Garzas share more than 100 delicious gluten-free Mexican-American dishes that span every course and occasion. Both Mexican food aficionados and health-conscious eaters will find plenty to love, since each dish can be made dairy-free and many can be adjusted to be vegetarian or vegan, so there’s something for everyone. From Shrimp Tostadas to Enchiladas Suizas, Barbacoa to Vegan Chorizo, Chiles Toreados to Salsa Cruda, and Churros to Passion Fruit Margaritas, the recipes in this book are versatile and meant to be shared, savored, and celebrated with loved ones. Rooted in the inspiring story of one family’s innovation and collaborative success, The Siete Table is a true reflection of the intersections of food and culture, wellness and tradition—with love of family at its center. ¡Buen provecho!The Siete Table includes more than 60 full-color photographs.

Sight Unseen: Science, UFO Invisibility, and Transgenic Beings

by Budd Hopkins Carol Rainey

The New York Times bestselling author of Witnessed, Intruders, and Missing Time -- three groundbreaking books on the UFO phenomenon -- returns with astonishing evidence that other-worldly beings are a very real -- and growing -- part of our lives. In Sight Unseen, Budd Hopkins and coauthor Carol Rainey show how fascinating discoveries in modern science support the plausibility of the UFO phenomenon. Featuring sixteen never-before-published cases, Sight Unseen probes two newly uncovered patterns in alien abduction: cases of UFO "invisibility" and reports of genetically altered alien beings who interact with humans during their routine lives. The "invisibility" accounts detailed by Hopkins include numerous daylight abductions in densely populated urban areas -- all apparently unseen and accomplished through a technology of invisibility. Two air force non-coms are snatched from the tarmac of a busy military airfield. An Australian family is levitated up into a hovering craft while the father remains paralyzed on the ground with a camera to his eye. The resulting evidence on film is discussed in terms of our own scientific advances. In the second series of cases, abductees report encounters with beings who appear human but apparently possess paranormal powers and stunted emotional ranges. Three young women, unknown to each other, are mysteriously summoned to "job interviews." In ordinary office settings, they encounter human-looking beings who lead them into baffling UFO abduction experiences. A Wisconsin farmer meets "Damoe," a man with odd behavior who closely resembles his son. Damoe eventually reveals himself as an accomplice of UFO occupants in a startling abduction of the farmer and his wife. Five-year-old Jen is abducted at night to a nearby playground. There she must teach the techniques and skills of "play" to twelve seemingly identical, quasi-human children. Along with these bizarre, first-person stories told by credible people, Hopkins and Rainey explore cutting-edge advances in our own technologies and scientific theories that show how these new UFO patterns could have a concrete basis in contemporary science. Included are an examination of cloaking devices for aircraft, mind-control technologies, and teleportation achieved in the lab. Perhaps the most compelling argument to support these cases lies in the startling and controversial new science of transgenics that actually allows for the creation of alien/human beings.

Sight Unseen

by Budd Hopkins Carol Rainey

The New York Times bestselling author of Witnessed, Intruders, and Missing Time -- three groundbreaking books on the UFO phenomenon -- returns with astonishing evidence that other-worldly beings are a very real -- and growing -- part of our lives. In Sight Unseen, Budd Hopkins and coauthor Carol Rainey show how fascinating discoveries in modern science support the plausibility of the UFO phenomenon. Featuring sixteen never-before-published cases, Sight Unseen probes two newly uncovered patterns in alien abduction: cases of UFO "invisibility" and reports of genetically altered alien beings who interact with humans during their routine lives. The "invisibility" accounts detailed by Hopkins include numerous daylight abductions in densely populated urban areas -- all apparently unseen and accomplished through a technology of invisibility. Two air force non-coms are snatched from the tarmac of a busy military airfield. An Australian family is levitated up into a hovering craft while the father remains paralyzed on the ground with a camera to his eye. The resulting evidence on film is discussed in terms of our own scientific advances. In the second series of cases, abductees report encounters with beings who appear human but apparently possess paranormal powers and stunted emotional ranges. Three young women, unknown to each other, are mysteriously summoned to "job interviews." In ordinary office settings, they encounter human-looking beings who lead them into baffling UFO abduction experiences. A Wisconsin farmer meets "Damoe," a man with odd behavior who closely resembles his son. Damoe eventually reveals himself as an accomplice of UFO occupants in a startling abduction of the farmer and his wife. Five-year-old Jen is abducted at night to a nearby playground. There she must teach the techniques and skills of "play" to twelve seemingly identical, quasi-human children. Along with these bizarre, first-person stories told by credible people, Hopkins and Rainey explore cutting-edge advances in our own technologies and scientific theories that show how these new UFO patterns could have a concrete basis in contemporary science. Included are an examination of cloaking devices for aircraft, mind-control technologies, and teleportation achieved in the lab. Perhaps the most compelling argument to support these cases lies in the startling and controversial new science of transgenics that actually allows for the creation of alien/human beings.

Sight Unseen

by Georgina Kleege

<P>This elegantly written book offers an unexpected and unprecidented accout of blindness and sight. Legally blind since the age of eleven, Georgina Kleege draws on her experiences to offer a detailed testimony of visual impairment - both her own view of the world and the world's view of the blind. "I hope to turn the reader's gaze outward, to say not only 'Here's what I see' but also "here's what you see,' to show what's both unique and universal," Kleege writes. <P>Kleege describes the negative social status of the blind, analyzes stereotypes of the blind hat have been perpetuated by movies, and discusses how blindness has been portrayed in literature. She vividly conveys the visual experience of someone with severely impaired sight and explains what she cannot (and how her inability to achieve eye contact - in a society that prizes that form of connection - has affected her). <P>Finally she tells of the various ways she reads, and the freedom she felt when she stopped concealing her blindness and acquired skills, such as reading braille, as part of a new blind identity.

The Sign of the Dove: MaryRose's Messages from the Other Side

by Maryrose Occhino

In this illuminating book, psychic MaryRose Occhino offers insights into deciphering psychic signs. As she explains, everyone is given messages; all one needs to do is recognize them, understand synchronicity and coincidence-and surrender to it. She also stresses the importance of dreams, revealing what one can learn from them, and the best ways to make them come true-whether it's choosing the right life partner or the right job, or finding one's true purpose in life. Just read the signs. In this illuminating, inspiring, and powerful book, MaryRose Occhino explains how.

The Signless and the Deathless: On the Realization of Nirvana

by Bhikkhu Analayo

An insightful examination of the end of suffering that draws much-needed attention to two overlooked factors of Nirvana: signlessness and deathlessness.Nirvana is a critical part of the Buddhist path, though it remains a difficult concept to fully understand for Buddhist practitioners. In The Signless and the Deathless: On the Realization of Nirvana, scholar-monk Bhikkhu Analayo breaks new ground, or rediscovers old ground, by showing the reader that realizing Nirvana entails &“a complete stepping out of the way the mind usually constructs experience.&” With his extraordinary mastery of canonical Buddhist languages, Venerable Analayo first takes the reader through discussions in early Buddhist suttas on signs (Pali nimitta), the characteristic marks of things that signal to us what they are, and on cultivating concentration on signlessness as a meditative practice. Through practicing bare awareness, we can stop defilements that come from grasping at signs—and stop signs from arising in the first place. He then turns to deathlessness. Deftly avoiding the extremes of nihilism and eternalism that often cloud our understanding of Nirvana, Venerable Analayo shows us that deathless as an epithet of Nirvana &“stands for the complete transcendence of mental affliction by mortality&”—ours or others&’—and that it is achievable while still alive. Advanced practitioners and scholars alike will value the work for its meticulous academic expertise and its novel way of explaining the highest of all Buddhist goals—the final end of suffering.

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