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Showing 32,751 through 32,775 of 53,320 results

Online, Blended, and Distance Education in Schools: Building Successful Programs (Higher Education Ser.)

by Michael Grahame Moore Cathy Cavanaugh Tom Clark Michael K. Barbour

Co-Published with the Microsoft Corporation Online, Blended and Distance Education in Schools provides students enrolled in Education Technology, Educational Administration and related Masters and PhD programs with expert opinions and insights on the practice and policy in K-12 online, blended and distance education, online and blended programs, including curriculum, instruction, technology and management aspects. It describes the status and trends of the field, provides illustrative program examples, explores the issues and challenges that programs face and highlights ongoing research in key areas related to program effectiveness. Topics discussed:* The current status of K-12 online, distance and blended learning in the U.S.* Policy, funding, and management issues in relation to program implementation* Research on effective programs within governmental jurisdiction and various program types* Global case studies that represent the variety of ways programs are being successfully implemented * A synthesis of key findings and lessons learned, and local and global visions for the future of K-12 distance and online learningThis text is highly appropriate for students enrolled in Educational Technology, Educational Administration and related Masters and PhD programs. An online companion resource provides pedagogical features that enhance text use in a classroom setting.

Moodle Course Design Best Practices

by Michelle Moore Susan Smith Nash

This book is an easy-to-follow guide with a hands-on approach that will help you learn the best practices for designing attractive and highly interactive courses with the help of Moodle. This book can be used by training managers, teachers, instructors, Moodle network specialists, instructional designers, and e-learning entrepreneurs. If you are involved in online, cloud-based education, training, or professional development, this is the book for you. No prior experience with Moodle is required, though it would be helpful to understand the basics of using HTML and also working with different multimedia file formats and social media. If you would like to find a very easy and convenient way to organize learning activities along with group projects and activities, then this is the book for you.

Trustworthy Communications and Complete Genealogies: Unifying Ancestries for a Genealogical History of the Modern World (Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services)

by Reagan W. Moore

This book discusses how a genealogical history of the modern world can be created by linking the Royal Families of Western Europeans database to Unifying Ancestry. This new edition extends the original analysis by including a coherence metric to evaluate the content of the Unifying Ancestry database, which is freely available online educational software within the CoreGen3 analysis workbench. The author discusses why common ancestors of the Royal Families of Western Europe comprise an optimal Unifying Ancestry experience and further illustrates this by using historically influential people as examples. Specifically, algorithms for validating the Unifying Ancestry are applied to a 330,000-person Research Genealogy and then used to link to historical royal descendants. Genealogical evaluation properties for consistency, correctness, closure, connectivity, completeness and coherence are demonstrated. These properties are applied to a Research Genealogy to generate a unifying ancestry for western Europeans. The unifying ancestry is then used to create a genealogical history of the modern world. All the analyses can be reproduced by readers using the Unifying Ancestry CoreGen3 program.

Unreal Development Kit Beginner’s Guide

by Richard J. Moore

This beginner's guide focuses on getting you quickly through all the major learning points in a smooth, logical order. You'll also learn how to avoid some common pitfalls. Aspiring game developers who want to learn how to create their own levels, maps, game worlds and environments. You don't need game design or game development experience and no experience of UDK is required

SEL at a Distance: Supporting Students Online (Social and Emotional Learning Solutions #0)

by Stephanie L. Moore

How to foster social and emotional learning, even when teaching remotely. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic posed multiple dilemmas for educators; the most immediate one, when schools closed their physical doors, was how to switch nimbly from classroom instruction to emergency remote teaching. But educators also face a related, ongoing challenge: how to meet the social and emotional needs of their learners when separated by distance, whether in the middle of a traumatic event or on an unremarkable day of schooling. In this essential volume of the SEL Solutions Series, online learning expert Stephanie Louise Moore shows how teachers can seamlessly integrate effective SEL practices into their online instruction, beginning with the all-important creation of a social learning community. Strategies and resources are provided throughout to help with every step, including: understanding the individual needs of diverse distanced learners; developing students’ navigational and focusing skills in the digital learning environment; increasing the level of interaction in online lessons; building in flexibility and choice; and assessing learning in a remote context.

Ethics and Educational Technology: Reflection, Interrogation, and Design as a Framework for Practice

by Stephanie L. Moore Heather K. Tillberg-Webb

Ethics and Educational Technology explores the creation and implementation of learning technologies through an applied ethical lens. The success of digital tools and platforms in today’s multi-faceted learning and performance contexts is dependent not only on effective design and pedagogical principles but, further, on an awareness of these technologies’ interactions with and implications for users and social systems. This first-of-its-kind book provides an evidence-based, process-oriented model for ethics in technology-driven instructional design and development, one that necessitates intentional reflective practice, a critical and theoretically informed interrogation of technology, and a participatory approach to technology design and applications. Rich with real-world ethics examples and design cases, supported by reflection questions and applied activities, and attentive to ethical codes among preeminent educational technology organizations, this is an ideal resource for students, faculty, researchers, and professionals across educational technology, instructional design, learning sciences, learning engineering, organizational training, and other disciplines.

Dotknij, przesu?, potrz??nij. Od pomys?u do gry na iPhone'a i iPada

by Todd Moore

Zrealizuj swój pomys? na gr? i odnie? sukces!Nawet je?li rynek gier i aplikacji mobilnych nie prze?cignš? jeszcze rynku tych produktów dla komputerów osobistych, to wkrótce to zrobi. Miliony u?ytkowników, przyst?pne ceny oraz powszechny dost?p do ekranów dotykowych, GPS i internetu — wszystko to sprawia, ?e gry na iPhone’a czy iPada sš cz?sto o wiele bardziej atrakcyjne ni? ich odpowiedniki przeznaczone na zwyk?e komputery. Najwa?niejszy jest pomys? na gr?. Musi by? nowatorski, atrakcyjny i wcišgajšcy. Je?li ju? go masz, ten przewodnik poka?e Ci, w jaki sposób przej?? do utworzenia prawdziwej i-aplikacji. Przedstawiony proces konstruowania rzeczywistej gry pozwoli Ci zdoby? podstawy dotyczšce narz?dzia Xcode i j?zyka Objective-C. Jednocze?nie nauczysz si?, jak implementowa? logik? gry, przygotowywa? grafik? i efekty d?wi?kowe, a tak?e opracowa? sztucznš inteligencj? dla gracza-komputera. Ju? wkrótce mo?esz zdoby? s?aw? i czerpa? z tego wymierne korzy?ci! Z tš ksiš?kš w r?ku ka?dy programista zamieni pomys? na rzeczywisty produkt, gotowy do rozpowszechniania w sklepie iTunes App Store.Zacznij od prostej gry, wymagajšcej utworzenia jedynie oko?o dwudziestu wierszy koduZbuduj ca?kowicie od poczštku gr? w hokeja na stolePoznaj najlepsze praktyki w zakresie ?ledzenia wielu dotyków na ekranieStwórz animacj? i przygotuj funkcje wykrywania kolizjiWykorzystaj niezb?dne narz?dzia do przygotowania atrakcyjnej grafiki dla gryDopracuj fizyk? w grze, aby nada? jej wi?kszy realizmNagraj i przeprowad? edycj? efektów d?wi?kowych oraz utwórz w?asnš muzyk? odtwarzanš w tleZaprojektuj gracza-komputer, grajšcego na ró?nych poziomach trudno?ciZamie? pomys? na produkt gotowy do rozpowszechniania w sklepie iTunes App Store!Todd Moore za?o?y? firm? TMSOFT, by konstruowa? wyjštkowe aplikacje i gry przeznaczone dla smartfonów. Stworzona przez niego popularna gra Card Counter zosta?a wyró?niona przez Engadget, "Los Angeles Times" oraz CNET TV. Najpopularniejsza aplikacja Todda — White Noise — zdoby?a uznanie iTunes App Store, "Health Magazine", "Washington Post", "PC Magazine" i Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.

iPhone- und iPad-Spiele entwickeln - Von der Spielidee zur ersten App

by Todd Moore

Sie haben eine einmalige Idee für eine Spiele-App, aber keine Erfahrung mit Objective-C und Xcode? Dann können Sie jetzt loslegen. Dieses Buch bietet einen praxisnahen Einstieg in die App-Entwicklung und zeigt anhand eines einfachen Beispielprojekts, wie Sie eine iPhone- bzw. iPad-App entwickeln und in den App Store bringen. Das Buch richtet sich an Leser, die bereits Programmiererfahrung mitbringen, aber noch nie für die iOS-Plattform entwickelt haben. Einführung in Xcode Erkunden Sie Apples Entwicklungsumgebung und machen Sie sich mit der Codestruktur und den Möglichkeiten vertraut, eine Spiellogik in Xcode abzubilden. Hello Pong Ihre ersten praktischen Erfahrungen mit Xcode sammeln Sie, indem Sie Pong nachbauen - das ebenso einfache wie beliebte Konsolenspiel, das Atari in den 70er Jahren herausgebracht hat. So simpel es klingt: Mit dieser Fingerübung haben Sie bereits die wichtigsten Elemente der App-Entwicklung kennengelernt. Grafiken und Sound Ohne eine Spielschmiede im Hintergrund müssen Sie sich vermutlich selbst um Grafiken und Sound für Ihre App kümmern. Todd Moore gibt Ihnen Grundlagen, Tipps und Tricks an die Hand, um diese Aufgabe sicher zu bewältigen. Sparring-Partner gefällig? Damit Ihr Spiel auch gegen einen Computergegner gespielt werden kann, brauchen Sie eine Spielstrategie, an der sich Ihr technischer Gegner orientieren kann. Darauf aufbauend gestalten Sie dann die verschiedenen Schwierigkeitslevel des Spiels. Und ab in den App Store Apples Zertifizierungsprozess für neue Apps ist berühmt bis berüchtigt. Lassen Sie sich von einem alten Hasen bei diesem Prozess begleiten und profitieren Sie von den vielen Erfahrungen, die der Autor im Laufe der Zeit mit dem App Review Team gemacht hat.

Tap, Move, Shake: Turning Your Game Ideas into iPhone & iPad Apps

by Todd Moore

Got a great game idea? This complete do-it-yourself guide shows you how to make your game idea a reality for the iPhone and iPad. By developing a real game hands-on through the course of this book, you'll get a thorough introduction to Xcode and Objective-C, while learning how to implement game logic, sophisticated graphics, game physics, sounds, and computer AI. Author Todd Moore taught himself how to create an iPhone game in a week, with no previous knowledge of Apple's development tools. Now he develops smartphone games and apps full time. With this book, any coder can turn game ideas into real products, ready for the App Store. Get started by writing a simple game in only 20 lines of code Build a complete air hockey game from scratch Learn best practices for tracking multiple screen touches Use animation loops and create collision functions Get the tools you need to build your own stunning game graphics Apply game physics to give your game a sense of realism Record and edit lifelike sound effects, and create your own background music Design a computer player with different levels of difficulty Featuring an introduction by Steve Wozniak Todd Moore founded TMSOFT to create unique smart phone applications and games. His most popular game title, Card Counter, was featured by Engadget, the Los Angeles Times, and CNET TV. Todd's most popular application, White Noise, was featured by iTunes, Health Magazine, The Washington Post, PC Magazine, and Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.

Monomial Ideals and Their Decompositions (Universitext)

by W. Frank Moore Mark Rogers Sean Sather-Wagstaff

This textbook on combinatorial commutative algebra focuses on properties of monomial ideals in polynomial rings and their connections with other areas of mathematics such as combinatorics, electrical engineering, topology, geometry, and homological algebra. Aimed toward advanced undergraduate students and graduate students who have taken a basic course in abstract algebra that includes polynomial rings and ideals, this book serves as a core text for a course in combinatorial commutative algebra or as preparation for more advanced courses in the area. The text contains over 600 exercises to provide readers with a hands-on experience working with the material; the exercises include computations of specific examples and proofs of general results. Readers will receive a firsthand introduction to the computer algebra system Macaulay2 with tutorials and exercises for most sections of the text, preparing them for significant computational work in the area. Connections to non-monomial areas of abstract algebra, electrical engineering, combinatorics and other areas of mathematics are provided which give the reader a sense of how these ideas reach into other areas.

Young Guns: Obsession, Overwatch, and the Future of Gaming

by Austin Moorhead

Moneyball meets Bringing Down the House in the behind-the-scenes dramatic story of the rise of global pro gaming leaguesWelcome to the high-stakes world of esports where shit-talking teenage gamers, billionaire sports franchise owners, and celebrity entrepreneurs are all competing to understand and conquer the fast-emerging future of entertainment. The burgeoning frontier of professional gaming has moved beyond the niche corners of the internet to become a global phenomenon, upending youth viewership for the major sports leagues and opening a generational rift over the nature of "athletics." Soon, professional video game competitions may well be as ingrained in our culture as Monday Night Football. YOUNG GUNS: Obsession, Overwatch, and the Future of Gaming takes readers behind the scenes of the esports boom and into the lives of the gamers and game changers leading the charge, unfurling a wry, unexpected, and often hilarious narrative about the rise of professional gaming and the business of electronic sports. An avid gamer himself, author Austin Moorhead became fascinated by pro gaming, in particular the Overwatch League (OWL) after sports titans Robert Kraft, Stan Kroenke, and Jeff Wilpon each paid $20 million for a team. At the same time that he began investigating the inner-workings of the league, OWL launched esports into the American mainstream, inking TV deals with ABC and ESPN, selling out NBA stadiums for live competitions, and minting a new version of young pro athletes. Embedding with two top teams in the Overwatch League, the San Francisco Shock and the London Spitfire, as they embark on the inaugural season, Moorhead pulls back the curtain on the grueling practice schedules and spartan lifestyles of the league's most popular players. In addition to the "gamer houses" and competitions in which the pros hone their skills, Moorhead takes readers into the board room of Overwatch-developer Blizzard Entertainment, where entrepreneurs eager to capitalize on youth culture take bets on new esports franchises for tens of millions. The result is a rollicking story about the superstars of the future and the absurd collision of adolescent prodigies and high-stakes industry, an uproarious look at the future of sports and entertainment that is part Bringing Down the House, part Moneyball.

Translation Quality Assessment: From Principles to Practice (Machine Translation: Technologies and Applications #1)

by Joss Moorkens Sheila Castilho Federico Gaspari Stephen Doherty

This is the first volume that brings together research and practice from academic and industry settings and a combination of human and machine translation evaluation. Its comprehensive collection of papers by leading experts in human and machine translation quality and evaluation who situate current developments and chart future trends fills a clear gap in the literature. This is critical to the successful integration of translation technologies in the industry today, where the lines between human and machine are becoming increasingly blurred by technology: this affects the whole translation landscape, from students and trainers to project managers and professionals, including in-house and freelance translators, as well as, of course, translation scholars and researchers. The editors have broad experience in translation quality evaluation research, including investigations into professional practice with qualitative and quantitative studies, and the contributors are leading experts in their respective fields, providing a unique set of complementary perspectives on human and machine translation quality and evaluation, combining theoretical and applied approaches.

Resilience Assessment and Evaluation of Computing Systems

by Aad Van Moorsel Katinka Wolter Alberto Avritzer Marco Vieira

The resilience of computing systems includes their dependability as well as their fault tolerance and security. It defines the ability of a computing system to perform properly in the presence of various kinds of disturbances and to recover from any service degradation. These properties are immensely important in a world where many aspects of our daily life depend on the correct, reliable and secure operation of often large-scale distributed computing systems. Wolter and her co-editors grouped the 20 chapters from leading researchers into seven parts: an introduction and motivating examples, modeling techniques, model-driven prediction, measurement and metrics, testing techniques, case studies, and conclusions. The core is formed by 12 technical papers, which are framed by motivating real-world examples and case studies, thus illustrating the necessity and the application of the presented methods. While the technical chapters are independent of each other and can be read in any order, the reader will benefit more from the case studies if he or she reads them together with the related techniques. The papers combine topics like modeling, benchmarking, testing, performance evaluation, and dependability, and aim at academic and industrial researchers in these areas as well as graduate students and lecturers in related fields. In this volume, they will find a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in a field of continuously growing practical importance.

Dynamics of Information Systems: 6th International Conference, DIS 2023, Prague, Czech Republic, September 3–6, 2023, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14321)

by Hossein Moosaei Milan Hladík Panos M. Pardalos

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Dynamics of Information Systems, DIS 2023, which took place in Prague, Czech Republic, in September 2023. The 18 full papers included in the book were carefully reviewed and selected from 43 submissions. They deal with topics ranging from theoretical, algorithmic, and practical perspectives in information systems, to offering readers valuable information, theories and techniques.

Hybrid Learning Spaces (Understanding Teaching-Learning Practice)

by Yishay Mor Einat Gil Yannis Dimitriadis Christian Köppe

As we have come to accept the duality of physical and virtual learning spaces as a permanent feature of our educational landscape, we begin to question its validity. Is this really a dichotomy, or is it a continuum? Should this be the primary dimension around which we cluster educational experiences - how does it intersect and interact with other axes, such as formal-informal, vocational-recreational, open-closed, teacher-student? How do we adapt, as teachers, learners, designers, policy makers, to this changing landscape? How do we shape it to offer an optimal learning experience? Such questions led us to conduct a series of academic and professional events on the theme of Hybrid Learning Spaces (HLS) - spaces which challenge and defy the dichotomies above. This edited book collates some of the products of that endeavor, offering a multi-vocal, interdisciplinary approach to hybridity in education. It connects practical examples, design directives and theoretical analysis, combining perspectives from technology research and development, educational theory and practice, architecture and space and product design. This book addresses researchers, practitioners, innovators and policy makers in education, technology and design, offering broad perspectives and then distilling practical insights in the form of design principles and patterns, pedagogical models, and predictions of future trends.

Engineering and Management of IT-based Service Systems

by Manuel Mora Jorge Marx Gómez Leonardo Garrido Francisco Cervantes Pérez

Intelligent Decision-Making Support Systems (i-DMSS) are specialized IT-based systems that support some or several phases of the individual, team, organizational or inter-organizational decision making process by deploying some or several intelligent mechanisms. This book pursues the following academic aims: (i) generate a compendium of quality theoretical and applied contributions in Intelligent Decision-Making Support Systems (i-DMSS) for engineering and management IT-based service systems (ITSS); (ii) diffuse scarce knowledge about foundations, architectures and effective and efficient methods and strategies for successfully planning, designing, building, operating, and evaluating i-DMSS for ITSS, and (iii) create an awareness of, and a bridge between ITSS and i-DMSS academicians and practitioners in the current complex and dynamic engineering and management ITSS organizational. The book presents a collection of 11 chapters referring to relevant topics for both IT service systems and i-DMSS including: problems of selection of IT service providers, optimization of supply chain systems, IT governance decisions, clinical decision support, dynamic user-interface adaptation, re-engineering of processes, and generic decision problems. Advanced IT technologies used in some chapters are: fuzzy multi-criteria mechanisms, semantic processing, data mining processing, and rough sets. Other chapters report traditional DSS mechanisms but used or suggested to be used in innovative mode for IT service engineering and management tasks.

Development Methodologies for Big Data Analytics Systems: Plan-driven, Agile, Hybrid, Lightweight Approaches (Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence)

by Manuel Mora Fen Wang Jorge Marx Gomez Hector Duran-Limon

This book presents research in big data analytics (BDA) for business of all sizes. The authors analyze problems presented in the application of BDA in some businesses through the study of development methodologies based on the three approaches – 1) plan-driven, 2) agile and 3) hybrid lightweight. The authors first describe BDA systems and how they emerged with the convergence of Statistics, Computer Science, and Business Intelligent Analytics with the practical aim to provide concepts, models, methods and tools required for exploiting the wide variety, volume, and velocity of available business internal and external data - i.e. Big Data – and provide decision-making value to decision-makers. The book presents high-quality conceptual and empirical research-oriented chapters on plan-driven, agile, and hybrid lightweight development methodologies and relevant supporting topics for BDA systems suitable to be used for large-, medium-, and small-sized business organizations.

Formal Methods in Architecture: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Formal Methods in Architecture (6FMA), A Coruña 2022 (Digital Innovations in Architecture, Engineering and Construction)

by Plácido Lizancos Mora David Leite Viana Franklim Morais Jorge Vieira Vaz

This book comprises the select proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Formal Methods in Architecture (6FMA), A Coruña 2022. The contents focus on the use of methodologies, especially those that have witnessed recent developments stemming from mathematical and computer sciences and are developed in a collaborative way with architecture and related fields. This book constitutes a contribution to the debate and to the introduction of new methodologies and tools in the mentioned fields that derive from the application of formal methods in the creation of new explicit languages for problem-solving in architecture and urbanism. Some of the themes in the book are CAD and BIM, mixed realities, photogrammetry and 3D scan, architectural design automation, urban and building performance analysis, SCAVA-space configuration, accessibility and visibility analysis. This book proves a valuable resource for those in academia and industry.

Big Data and Analytics: Strategic and Organizational Impacts

by Vincenzo Morabito

This book presents and discusses the main strategic and organizational challenges posed by Big Data and analytics in a manner relevant to both practitioners and scholars. The first part of the book analyzes strategic issues relating to the growing relevance of Big Data and analytics for competitive advantage, which is also attributable to empowerment of activities such as consumer profiling, market segmentation, and development of new products or services. Detailed consideration is also given to the strategic impact of Big Data and analytics on innovation in domains such as government and education and to Big Data-driven business models. The second part of the book addresses the impact of Big Data and analytics on management and organizations, focusing on challenges for governance, evaluation, and change management, while the concluding part reviews real examples of Big Data and analytics innovation at the global level. The text is supported by informative illustrations and case studies, so that practitioners can use the book as a toolbox to improve understanding and exploit business opportunities related to Big Data and analytics.

Lightweight Cryptography for Security and Privacy

by Amir Moradi Gregor Leander Tim Güneysu

Thisbook constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the 4thInternational Workshop on Lightweight Cryptography for Security and Privacy,LightSec 2015, held in Bochum, Germany, in September 2015. The9 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 17submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: cryptanalysis,lightweight constructions, implementation challenges.

A Machine Learning based Pairs Trading Investment Strategy (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Simão Moraes Sarmento Nuno Horta

This book investigates the application of promising machine learning techniques to address two problems: (i) how to find profitable pairs while constraining the search space and (ii) how to avoid long decline periods due to prolonged divergent pairs. It also proposes the integration of an unsupervised learning algorithm, OPTICS, to handle problem (i), and demonstrates that the suggested technique can outperform the common pairs search methods, achieving an average portfolio Sharpe ratio of 3.79, in comparison to 3.58 and 2.59 obtained using standard approaches. For problem (ii), the authors introduce a forecasting-based trading model capable of reducing the periods of portfolio decline by 75%. However, this comes at the expense of decreasing overall profitability. The authors also test the proposed strategy using an ARMA model, an LSTM and an LSTM encoder-decoder.

Jakarta EE Cookbook: Practical recipes for enterprise Java developers to deliver large scale applications with Jakarta EE, 2nd Edition

by Elder Moraes

An enterprise Java developer's guide to learning JAX-RS, context and dependency injection, JavaServer Faces (JSF), and microservices with Eclipse MicroProfile using the latest features of Jakarta EE Key Features Explore Jakarta EE's latest features and API specifications and discover their benefits Build and deploy microservices using Jakarta EE 8 and Eclipse MicroProfile Build robust RESTful web services for various enterprise scenarios using the JAX-RS, JSON-P, and JSON-B APIs Book Description Jakarta EE is widely used around the world for developing enterprise applications for a variety of domains. With this book, Java professionals will be able to enhance their skills to deliver powerful enterprise solutions using practical recipes. This second edition of the Jakarta EE Cookbook takes you through the improvements introduced in its latest version and helps you get hands-on with its significant APIs and features used for server-side development. You'll use Jakarta EE for creating RESTful web services and web applications with the JAX-RS, JSON-P, and JSON-B APIs and learn how you can improve the security of your enterprise solutions. Not only will you learn how to use the most important servers on the market, but you'll also learn to make the best of what they have to offer for your project. From an architectural point of view, this Jakarta book covers microservices, cloud computing, and containers. It allows you to explore all the tools for building reactive applications using Jakarta EE and core Java features such as lambdas. Finally, you'll discover how professionals can improve their projects by engaging with and contributing to the community. By the end of this book, you'll have become proficient in developing and deploying enterprise applications using Jakarta EE. What you will learn Work with Jakarta EE's most commonly used APIs and features for server-side development Enable fast and secure communication in web applications with the help of HTTP2 Build enterprise applications with reusable components Break down monoliths into microservices using Jakarta EE and Eclipse MicroProfile Improve your enterprise applications with multithreading and concurrency Run applications in the cloud with the help of containers Get to grips with continuous delivery and deployment for shipping your applications effectively Who this book is for This book is for Java EE developers who want to build enterprise applications or update their legacy apps with Jakarta EE's latest features and specifications. Some experience of working with Java EE and knowledge of web and cloud computing will assist with understanding the concepts covered in this book.

Java EE 8 Cookbook: Build reliable applications with the most robust and mature technology for enterprise development

by Elder Moraes

A practical guide for building effective enterprise solutions with Java EE 8Key FeaturesRecipes to get you up-and-running with Java EE 8 application development Learn how to apply the major Java EE 8 APIs and specificationsImplement microservices and Reactive programming with Java EE 8Book DescriptionJava EE is a collection of technologies and APIs to support Enterprise Application development. The choice of what to use and when can be dauntingly complex for any developer. This book will help you master this. Packed with easy to follow recipes, this is your guide to becoming productive with Java EE 8.You will begin by seeing the latest features of Java EE 8, including major Java EE 8 APIs and specifications such as JSF 2.3, and CDI 2.0, and what they mean for you.You will use the new features of Java EE 8 to implement web-based services for your client applications. You will then learn to process the Model and Streaming APIs using JSON-P and JSON-B and will learn to use the Java Lambdas support offered in JSON-P. There are more recipes to fine-tune your RESTful development, and you will learn about the Reactive enhancements offered by the JAX-RS 2.1 specification.Later on, you will learn about the role of multithreading in your enterprise applications and how to integrate them for transaction handling. This is followed by implementing microservices with Java EE and the advancements made by Java EE for cloud computing.The final set of recipes shows you how take advantage of the latest security features and authenticate your enterprise application.At the end of the book, the Appendix shows you how knowledge sharing can change your career and your life.What you will learnActionable information on the new features of Java EE 8Using the most important APIs with real and working codeBuilding server side applications, web services, and web applicationsDeploying and managing your application using the most important Java EE serversBuilding and deploying microservices using Java EE 8Building Reactive application by joining Java EE APIs and core Java featuresMoving your application to the cloud using containersPractical ways to improve your projects and career through community involvementWho this book is forThis book is for developers who want to become proficient with Java EE 8 for their enterprise application development. Basic knowledge of Java is assumed

Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Guide: Over 100 tips and tricks to help you get up and running with M365 quickly

by Gustavo Moraes Douglas Romao

Become a Microsoft 365 superuser and overcome challenges using the wide range of features offered by Microsoft 365 apps including SharePoint, Teams, Power Automate, Planner, and To-DoKey FeaturesEnhance your productivity with this consolidated guide to using all the tools available in Microsoft 365Improve your collaboration and maximize efficiency using various M365 featuresIntegrate project, task, and people management within one ecosystemBook DescriptionWith its extensive set of tools and features for improving productivity and collaboration, Microsoft 365 is being widely adopted by organizations worldwide. This book will help not only developers but also business people and those working with information to discover tips and tricks for making the most of the apps in the Microsoft 365 suite.The Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Guide is a compendium of best practices and tips to leverage M365 apps for effective collaboration and productivity. You'll find all that you need to work efficiently with the apps in the Microsoft 365 family in this complete, quick-start guide that takes you through the Microsoft 365 apps that you can use for your everyday activities. You'll learn how to boost your personal productivity with Microsoft Delve, MyAnalytics, Outlook, and OneNote. To enhance your communication and collaboration with teams, this book shows you how to make the best use of Microsoft OneDrive, Whiteboard, SharePoint, and Microsoft Teams. You'll also be able to be on top of your tasks and your team's activities, automating routines, forms, and apps with Microsoft Planner, To-Do, Power Automate, Power Apps, and Microsoft Forms.By the end of this book, you'll have understood the purpose of each Microsoft 365 app, when and how to use it, and learned tips and tricks to achieve more with M365.What you will learnUnderstand your Microsoft 365 apps betterApply best practices to boost your personal productivityFind out how to improve communications and collaboration within your teamsDiscover how to manage tasks and automate processesGet to know the features of M365 and how to implement them in your daily activitiesBuild an integrated system for clear and effective communicationWho this book is forWhether you're new to Microsoft 365 or an existing user looking to explore its wide range of features, you'll find this book helpful. Get started using this introductory guide or use it as a handy reference to explore the features of Microsoft 365. All you need is a basic understanding of computers.

Group Decision and Negotiation: 19th International Conference, GDN 2019, Loughborough, UK, June 11–15, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #351)

by Danielle Costa Morais Ashley Carreras Adiel Teixeira de Almeida Rudolf Vetschera

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, GDN 2019, held in Loughborough, UK, in June 2019. The field of Group Decision and Negotiation focuses on decision processes with at least two participants and a common goal but conflicting individual goals. Research areas of Group Decision and Negotiation include electronic negotiations, experiments, the role of emotions in group decision and negotiations, preference elicitation and decision support for group decisions and negotiations, and conflict resolution principles. The 17 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 98 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: preference modeling for group decision and negotiations; collaborative decision making processes; conflict resolution; behavioral OR, and negotiation support systems and studies.

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