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Superconnected: The Internet, Digital Media, And Techno-social Life (Sage Sociological Essentials Ser.)

by Mary Chayko

Superconnected: The Internet, Digital Media, and Techno-Social Life, Second Edition brings together the latest research from many relevant fields to examine how contemporary social life is mediated by various digital technologies: the internet, social media, and mobile devices. The book explores such topics as how digital technology led to the modern information age, information sharing and surveillance, how digital media shape socialization and development of the self, digital divides that separate groups in society, and the impact of digital media across social institutions. The author’s clear, nontechnical discussions and interdisciplinary synthesis make Superconnected an essential text for any course that examines how social life is affected when information and communication technology enter the picture. Dr. Mary Chayko is a sociologist, Teaching Professor of Communication and Information, and Director of Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies at the School of Communication and Information (SC&I) at Rutgers University. For more on the author and for instructor resources, visit her book blog at New to the Edition Current events, the latest statistics and new research findings are reflected throughout the book, including richly-detailed sections on the rise of “fake” news and information, the human-machine relationship, and the history and implications of the “dark web” and the “deep web.” The book’s companion blog,, now includes customizable lecture slides and discussion questions for each chapter. Short podcasts, recorded by the author and posted to her blog, provide fun, unique points of access to every chapter.

Superconnected: The Internet, Digital Media, And Techno-social Life (Sage Sociological Essentials Ser.)

by Mary Chayko

Superconnected: The Internet, Digital Media, and Techno-Social Life, Second Edition brings together the latest research from many relevant fields to examine how contemporary social life is mediated by various digital technologies: the internet, social media, and mobile devices. The book explores such topics as how digital technology led to the modern information age, information sharing and surveillance, how digital media shape socialization and development of the self, digital divides that separate groups in society, and the impact of digital media across social institutions. The author’s clear, nontechnical discussions and interdisciplinary synthesis make Superconnected an essential text for any course that examines how social life is affected when information and communication technology enter the picture. Dr. Mary Chayko is a sociologist, Teaching Professor of Communication and Information, and Director of Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies at the School of Communication and Information (SC&I) at Rutgers University. For more on the author and for instructor resources, visit her book blog at New to the Edition Current events, the latest statistics and new research findings are reflected throughout the book, including richly-detailed sections on the rise of “fake” news and information, the human-machine relationship, and the history and implications of the “dark web” and the “deep web.” The book’s companion blog,, now includes customizable lecture slides and discussion questions for each chapter. Short podcasts, recorded by the author and posted to her blog, provide fun, unique points of access to every chapter.

Study Guide for Psychology to Accompany Neil J. Salkind's Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics

by Dr Neil J. Salkind Ryan J. Winter

This Study Guide for introductory statistics courses in psychology departments is designed to accompany Neil J. Salkind’s best-selling Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics, Sixth Edition. Extra exercises; activities; and true/false, multiple choice, and essay questions (with answers to all questions) feature psychology-specific content to help further student mastery of text concepts. Two additional appendix items in this guide include: Practice with Real Data!, which outlines four experiments and provides students with the datasets (at to run the analyses, plus Writing Up Your Results – Guidelines based on APA style.

Study Guide for Psychology to Accompany Neil J. Salkind's Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics

by Dr Neil J. Salkind Ryan J. Winter

This Study Guide for introductory statistics courses in psychology departments is designed to accompany Neil J. Salkind’s best-selling Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics, Sixth Edition. Extra exercises; activities; and true/false, multiple choice, and essay questions (with answers to all questions) feature psychology-specific content to help further student mastery of text concepts. Two additional appendix items in this guide include: Practice with Real Data!, which outlines four experiments and provides students with the datasets (at to run the analyses, plus Writing Up Your Results – Guidelines based on APA style.

Study Guide for Psychology to Accompany Neil J. Salkind's Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics

by Dr Neil J. Salkind Ryan J. Winter

This Study Guide for introductory statistics courses in psychology departments is designed to accompany Neil J. Salkind’s best-selling Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics, Sixth Edition. Extra exercises; activities; and true/false, multiple choice, and essay questions (with answers to all questions) feature psychology-specific content to help further student mastery of text concepts. Two additional appendix items in this guide include: Practice with Real Data!, which outlines four experiments and provides students with the datasets (at to run the analyses, plus Writing Up Your Results – Guidelines based on APA style.

Study Guide for Health & Nursing to Accompany Neil J. Salkind's Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics

by Dr Neil J. Salkind Michele M. Wood

This Study Guide for introductory statistics courses in health and nursing departments is designed to accompany Neil J. Salkind’s Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics, Sixth Edition. Extra exercises; activities; and true/false, multiple choice, and essay questions (with answers to all questions) feature health-specific content to help further student mastery of text concepts. Also included on the open-access study site at are SPSS datafiles containing survey data from health students, which are used for the exercises in the Study Guide.

Study Guide for Health & Nursing to Accompany Neil J. Salkind's Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics

by Dr Neil J. Salkind Michele M. Wood

This Study Guide for introductory statistics courses in health and nursing departments is designed to accompany Neil J. Salkind’s Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics, Sixth Edition. Extra exercises; activities; and true/false, multiple choice, and essay questions (with answers to all questions) feature health-specific content to help further student mastery of text concepts. Also included on the open-access study site at are SPSS datafiles containing survey data from health students, which are used for the exercises in the Study Guide.

The Matrix of Race: Social Construction, Intersectionality, and Inequality

by Abby L. Ferber Rodney D. Coates Dr David L. Brunsma

The Matrix of Race, for race and ethnic relations courses, is written by three leading scholars -- Rodney D. Coates, David L. Brunsma, and Abby L. Ferber -- and reflects a very contemporary way of looking at race, minorities, and intergroup relations. Older texts use a "categorical" approach and feature a series of chapters that examine one minority group at a time (African Americans, Latino/a Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, etc.). Newer texts designed within the last 5-10 years are more likely to be organized topically, discuss various racial and ethnic minorities within the context of these topics, and use the most current theories and perspectives in this field. The Matrix of Race is built around these core ideas: -Race is a both a social construction and a social institution -Race is intersectional--it is embedded within other statuses (such as gender, social class, sexuality) -Concepts of race change over time and as we move from one physical location to another -We are all active agents in upholding, reproducing, or resisting constructions of race.

La felicidad en tus relaciones y el trabajo de constelaciones familiares sistémicas

by José Pedro Galindo Macías Marc Baco

Utiliza este libro de apoyo para aprender: Cómo liberarte y tener una relación satisfactoria Cómo superar los enredos, patrones y bloqueos poco saludables en tu relación de pareja Cómo activar los recursos para tu amor Cómo crecer juntos en una relación, mediante el conocimiento de constelaciones familiares Cómo crear una relación consciente y respetuosa Cómo alimentar tu alma con amor Este libro es para aquellos que desean alcanzar la felicidad en una relación de amor. Está dirigido a los clientes y a los facilitadores de constelaciones familiares sistémicas. Aunque no reemplaza la participación activa en una constelación familiar sistémica, sí ayuda a prepararse para ella. Los ejemplos de sesiones de constelación incluyen ejercicios que puedes hacer en casa. Aprende de otros que han tenido éxito a través de constelaciones familiares sistémicas, a nutrir las relaciones de amor, de manera que fluyan, crezcan y prosperen.

Macho Alfa

by Guido Galeano Vega Eunice T Andre

Livro que trata de aspectos sociais e culturais de líderes em grupos animais e humanos. Macho Alfa Este conceito é mais bem aplicado no âmbito da natureza ou no sistema biológico animal. Nas sociedades modernas, é aplicado também para definir certo tipo de pessoas, que se caracterizam por sua capacidade de liderança. Como o conceito tem uma relação mais direta com o mundo animal, e mais ainda vinculado a certas espécies de predadores, implacáveis, de extrema eficiência no processo de caçada grupal, atividade motivada para garantir ou melhorar a possibilidade de sobrevivência em contextos de natureza selvagem, como é o caso dos lobos. Ele tem sido aplicado também nos grupos humanos com um estilo de vida de características similares.

Roller Coaster Diaries

by João Rosa de Castro

Finally, the Diary Book, where we find the author’s everyday life, his particularities and reflections that colours the happenings of his daily life. What to say about this writing that many times seems to be unreal for the reader, but that in João Rosa de Castro’s experience appears to have much meaning? The reader is not up to decipher the enigmas nor understand them, but enjoy the words of the writer’s intimacy that lead us to seversal situations lived by him and that he wished to share. Like the writing in which he reveals to be the best hour, the best day, the best month and the best year of his life, or when he discusses the matter drugs based on the discussion held by Maria Rita Kehl in the “Philosophical Café”, or even the confession that he doesn’t know how to console when the matter is death, when he knew of the death of the dog of his Januário’s muse. At last, getting into this book means allowing to open oneself to the perceptions, reflections of its author and enjoy his words.

13 Almas

by Sara De Miguel Júlio Machado

O meu nome é Sara. Quando tinha 13 anos diagnosticaram-me um pequeno tumor benigno no úmero. Os médicos não lhe deram muita importância, disseram que, como estava em idade de crescimento, com certeza que se reabsorveria por si mesmo. Eu continuei, com certa inconsciência própria da idade, com a minha vida de adolescente. Terminei o liceu com boas notas, sobrevivi a uma situação familiar muito difícil, e tive as minhas primeiras experiências como pessoa adulta. Decidi estudar psicologia porque gosto das pessoas, mas não gosto de as ver sofrer, e pensava poder ajudar os meus semelhantes a sentirem-se melhor consigo mesmos e com aquilo que os rodeia. O tumor estabilizou até que, quando tinha 19 anos, cresceu de forma súbita e rápida. Invadiu toda a zona do úmero e tive de ser operada com caráter de urgência. Removeram-me o tumor e fizeram-me um excerto de ósseo da anca com osso artificial. Precisei de mais de um ano e meio para recuperar parte da mobilidade. Foi um processo lento e doloroso, sobretudo a nível emocional, já que implicou ter uma vida de pessoa doente enquanto todos os meus amigos tinham uma vida "normal". Foi uma experiência que me afetou muito a todos os níveis. Fez-me repensar as minhas prioridades e valorizar os pequenos momentos e as relações com as pessoas da minha vida. Esta experiência precoce de doença e a presença da possibilidade (ainda que longínqua, de não podermos evitar de pensar nela) de morrer, fez com que aprofundasse na área da psicologia que trabalha com as pessoas doentes. Queria ouvi-las, partilhar a sua dor física e emocional e poder ajudá-las em tudo o que me fosse possível. O meu primeiro trabalho enquanto psicóloga foi na área da saúde mental, e, paralelamente, durante aqueles sete anos a trabalhar com os doentes com problemas graves de psiquiatria, formei-me e especializei-me em psicologia dos cuidados paliativos. �

Angustie di un pesce volante

by Pedro Marangoni Federico Jorio

Il più patetico tra gli animali, l’Uomo-pesce volante, in questo salto di un secondo di coscienza transitoria colleziona tutto quanto può racimolare, piume di penna al vento, granelli di polvere, foglie che, casualmente, galleggiasse sulla superficie. Si lancia sul pesce che salta al suo fianco, prendendo l’iniziativa. E dopo scompare in mare, creando schizzi che rapidamente si dissolvono. Se, nel micro momento prima che la testa impatti con l’oceano del Nulla, gli domandassimo il colore del meraviglioso cielo che ha appena terminato di percorrere, non conoscerebbe la risposta…Transitorietà è la parola che ben definiva Arthur, perché si sentiva così: un essere che passava da una forma all’altra. Si vedeva come un pesce volante che nacque quando cominciò ad uscire dall’acqua per il suo salto e che, dopo alcuni istanti, sarebbe ricaduto nuovamente nell’incoscienza, allorché tornava a toccare la superficie limpida, tranquilla, indifferente di un mare infinito chiamato Universo. Sapeva che in questo rientro, per quanto si agitasse, avrebbe creato degli schizzi, che si sarebbero dissolti subito dopo. Sapeva di essere tutto e nulla allo stesso tempo, giacché era fatto di Arthur, di pietre, d’alberi, d’acqua e di tutto il resto di cui era composto il Tutto, pezzi intercambiabili che costruivano il caso. E il caso dotò Arthur di una qualità dubbiosa, quella di far uso di una coscienza transitoria, di vedersi e sentirsi, di osservare, in questo salto millimetrico ed effimero. Era un povero essere umano, il più inutile delle creature in una realtà ugualmente inutile.

13 Souls

by Sara De Miguel Jesus M. Gonzalez

It is curious that every time someone asks me what I do for a living, and I answer that I am a palliative care psychologist, they automatically change the subject. Almost no one asks me about my work, almost nobody wants to hear about illness, much less death, when the only thing certain in our life is that we will die. My name is Sara, and my greatest learning these years has been that if we listened more to the people who are nearing death, we would help them to die better. And above all, that if we listen more to the people who are nearing death, we would learn to live better.

Do This, Not That: What to Do (and NOT Do) in 75+ Difficult Workplace Situations (Do This Not That)

by Jenny Foss

A must-have step-by-step guide on what to do (and what NOT to do) in the workplace featuring clear instructions and helpful scripts so you can deal with any unexpected situation at work.How do you deal with a difficult boss who is always unavailable? How should you handle a coworker who never completes their portion of a project on schedule? How can you establish a strong work-life balance when starting a new job? The workplace can be full of challenging situations and no matter how passionate, frustrated, excited, or downright angry you feel, it&’s important to stay polite and professional. Whether you struggle with finding the right words or simply aren&’t sure how to approach a topic, Do This, Not That: Career is here to help! This book gives you the tools you need to move forward productively so you can learn when to let go and move on. You&’ll find more than 75 common workplace issues that cover everything from your first day on the job to your last. For each situation, discover what to do and what to avoid, then learn exactly how to make it happen. Find tips to reframe your thinking, simple scripts to help you figure out what to say, and even advice on your next steps depending on your initial response. Do This, Not That: Career is your one-stop-shop to handling any situation that work throws your way so you can prepare yourself for a successful career.

Happy at Work: How to Create a Happy, Engaging Workplace for Today's (and Tomorrow's!) Workforce

by Robyn L. Garrett

Revamp your workplace culture with these 100 accessible strategies for creating a supportive, flexible, productive, and happy work environment, perfect for managers, human resource representatives, and other workplace leaders.It&’s time to update your workplace culture! One of the most important reasons people today choose to stay—or leave—a job is the culture of the company. As people become more socially conscious; focus more on wellness, self-care, and work-life balance; and seek jobs where they feel a real connection, it&’s more important than ever to think about the elements of a job between the work itself. But how do you create a culture that people enjoy while staying productive and successful? In Happy at Work, you&’ll first learn a bit more about why a happy workplace is so important and how it can benefit both the individual employees and the company as a whole. Then, it&’s time to take action. Considering new trends in the workplace and the ever-changing workplace, this book provides 100 strategies for improving your work environment. You&’ll learn to tackle big topics that are important to people today, such as: -Providing fair compensation and benefits -Giving your employees real recognition and rewards -Respecting diverse needs -Cultivating a healthy work-life balance -And much more! This book not only provides great ideas for changing your workplace for the better, but also provides clear guidance on how to make those changes happen. Whether you&’re a new manager, a long-time HR representative, or another leader ready to make a change, Happy at Work gives you everything you need to know to revitalize your workplace and make you (and your employees) happy to come to work every single day.

You Are Awesome: How to Navigate Change, Wrestle with Failure, and Live an Intentional Life (The\book Of Awesome Ser.)

by Neil Pasricha

From Neil Pasricha—New York Times, million-copy bestselling author of The Book of Awesome series and The Happiness Equation, thought leader for the next generation, and one of the most popular TED speakers in the world—comes a revelatory and inspiring book that will change the way we view failure and help us build resilience.Why is life getting harder instead of easier? How do I get back up after life knocks me down? And how do I grow stronger and live more intentionally? What happened to famines? Great Depressions? Plagues? For most of us, these are distant memories. We&’re living in an era with highest-ever rates of longevity, education, and wealth. Cars drive us home as our phones entertain us before we arrive to food delivered to the front door. We have it all! But there&’s just one side effect. We no longer have the tools to handle failure...or even perceived failure. When we fall, we lie on the sidewalk crying. When we spill, we splatter. When we crack, we shatter. We are turning into an army of porcelain dolls. A rude email from the boss means calling in sick. Only two likes on our post means we don&’t have friends. Cell phones show us we&’re never good enough. Yesterday&’s butterflies are tomorrow&’s panic attacks. Record numbers of students have clinical anxiety. And what about depression, loneliness, and suicide? All rising! What do we desperately need to learn? RESILIENCE. And we need to learn it fast. Read You Are Awesome to learn: —The single word that keeps your options open after failure —Why you need to have more one-night stands —What every commencement speech gets wrong —3 ways to dramatically accelerate your ability to learn and adapt —The 2-minute morning practice that helps eliminate worry —Why you need an Untouchable Day (and how to get one) And much, much more... Because the truth is, you really are awesome.

It Takes A Village To Raise The Bar: A New Paradigm For Black America

by Dr Boyce Watkins

For 400 years, African Americans have struggled against oppressive forces that are beyond control and push resources to the limit. Excessive incarceration, unemployment, urban violence and broken families have come to plague the black family in ways that are being glorified in mainstream media. Dr. Boyce Watkins explains that African Americans must dramatically and immediately shift the way they think about wealth, education, family and community. They must educate their own children, own their own businesses, strengthen their families and do what is necessary to ensure that the next generation is able to compete in a global, high-tech society. This book provides the template and guidelines necessary to develop a generation of builders and leaders. Dr. Watkins teaches how to apply 21st century solutions to solving 21st century problems.

The Economic Sociology of Development (Economy and Society)

by Andrew Schrank

Bringing the study of international inequality back into the core of sociological theory, this book offers a user-friendly introduction to development and underdevelopment. In doing so, it places various approaches to the definition, measurement, and understanding of “development” against the backdrop of broader sociological debates. Schrank draws concrete examples from different regions and epochs to explore sociological thinking about development and underdevelopment informed by the latest currents in economic sociology. Across a series of chapters, he identifies relationships between mainstream and Marxist approaches to the study of international inequality; uses classical and contemporary social theory to develop a parsimonious typology of national development outcomes; addresses cross-border learning and diffusion in light of the latest developments in organization theory; considers the roles of religious, racial, and gender identities in the development process in different places and times; and portrays contemporary global challenges ‒ such as populism, pandemics, and climate change ‒ as distinctly sociological problems in need of multifaceted solutions. Enriched with expository figures, tables, and diagrams, this accessible book simultaneously distills and develops the sociological approach to the study of development and underdevelopment for both undergraduate and graduate students across the social sciences.

Planetary Gentrification

by Ernesto López-Morales Hyun Bang Shin Loretta Lees

This is the first book in Polity's new 'Urban Futures' series.At the beginning of the twenty-first century, proclamations rang out that gentrification had gone global. But what do we mean by 'gentrification' today? How can we compare 'gentrification' in New York and London with that in Shanghai, Johannesburg, Mumbai and Rio de Janeiro? This book argues that gentrification is one of the most significant and socially unjust processes affecting cities worldwide today, and one that demands renewed critical assessment.Drawing on the 'new' comparative urbanism and writings on planetary urbanization, the authors undertake a much-needed transurban analysis underpinned by a critical political economy approach. Looking beyond the usual gentrification suspects in Europe and North America to non-Western cases, from slum gentrification to mega-displacement, they show that gentrification has unfolded at a planetary scale, but it has not assumed a North to South or West to East trajectory ? the story is much more complex than that. Rich with empirical detail, yet wide-ranging, Planetary Gentrification unhinges, unsettles and provincializes Western notions of urban development. It will be invaluable to students and scholars interested in the future of cities and the production of a truly global urban studies, and equally importantly to all those committed to social justice in cities.

Social Policy for Social Work: Placing Social Work in its Wider Context

by Lorraine Green Karen Clarke

Contemporary social work cannot be understood without an appreciation of the broader context of social policy in which it takes place. Such an understanding is increasingly important as social workers are expected to work across institutional, professional and even national boundaries in new ways profoundly affected by the changing global context. This insightful book examines how shifts in the dominant political ideology have affected the nature of welfare provision, the kinds of social problems addressed by policy, and the balance of responsibilities for well-being between individuals, the family, voluntary organizations, the market and the state. It explains the impact of these developments on the organization of social work and on relationships between social workers and service users. The book discusses contested concepts central to social work - such as justice, liberty, equality, difference, need and risk - and illustrates these through a range of examples.The critical analysis provided in this book offers students of social work a crucial foundation for negotiating difficult and sensitive practice situations and defending their profession, providing them with the tools and knowledge to uphold key professional values.

Problem Spaces: How and Why Methodology Matters

by Celia Lury

In this innovative book, Celia Lury argues that the time has come for us to explore the world not only with new methods, but with a new approach to methodology itself. Fundamental changes are taking place in how we produce knowledge, how we communicate it and, indeed, what we consider to be knowledge. These changes demand innovative and creative responses to research questions. Lury's rethinking of the nature of social inquiry starts by reconceptualizing the 'problem space'. Problems are not static or a 'given'; rather, they are created and continually recomposed as part of the methodological process itself. Following the line of thought that methods are practices that articulate as much as capture a social problem, Lury further develops the notion of compositional methodology to think through its implications. With remarkable fluency, the book draws into conversation a range of hot-button issues, both longstanding and novel, from observation, reflexivity, recursive measurement and feminist methodologies, to participation, context, datafication and platformization. Always with an eye to the methodological potential of new trends, the book provides a strong challenge to much received wisdom and argues that a combination of techniques can contribute to better understanding of the problem spaces we all inhabit.

Why Austerity Persists

by Jon Shefner Cory Blad

Several nations in the Global North have turned to austerity policies in an effort to resolve recent financial ills. What many failed to recognize is the longer history and varied pattern of such policies in the Global South over preceding decades – policies which had largely proven to fail. Shefner and Blad trace the 45-year history of austerity and how it became the go-to policy to resolve a host of economic problems. The authors use a variety of international cases to address how austerity has been implemented, who has been hurt, and who has benefited. They argue that the policy has been used to address very different kinds of crises, making states and polities responsible for a variety of errors and misdeeds of private actors. The book answers a number of important questions: why austerity persists as a policy aimed at resolving national crises despite evidence that it often does not work; how the policy has evolved over recent decades; and which powerful people and institutions have helped impose it across the globe. This timely book will appeal to students, researchers, and policymakers interested in globalization, development, political economy, and economic sociology.

The Sociology of Health and Illness

by Sarah Nettleton

Sarah Nettleton’s The Sociology of Health and Illness has become a cornerstone text, popular with students and academics alike for its rigorous and accessible overview of the field. Building on these strengths, the fourth edition integrates fresh insights from the current literature with the core tenets of traditional medical sociology, providing students with a thorough grounding in the sociology of health and illness. The text covers a diversity of topics and draws on a wide range of analytic approaches, spanning issues such as the social construction of medical knowledge, the analysis of lay health beliefs, concepts of lifestyles and risk, the experience of illness and the sociology of the body. It also explores matters that are central to health policy, such as professional–patient relationships, health inequalities and the changing nature of health care work. A new chapter has been added, on the sociology of mental health; other chapters have been updated with illustrative examples and questions for discussion. Written for students of the social sciences, this book will also appeal to students taking vocational degrees, such as nursing, medicine and public health, who require a sociological grounding in the area. Thoroughly revised and fully updated, this fourth edition will prove invaluable to anyone looking for a clear and engaging introduction to contemporary debates within the sociology of health and illness.

Social Capital: A Comparative Analysis Of China, Taiwan And The Us (Key Concepts)

by Joonmo Son

Social capital is a principal concept across the social sciences and has readily entered into mainstream discourse. In short, it is popular. However, this popularity has taken its toll. Social capital suffers from a lack of consensus because of the varied ways it is measured, defined, and deployed by different researchers. It has been put to work in ways that stretch and confuse its conceptual value, blurring the lines between networks, trust, civic engagement, and any type of collaborative action. This clear and concise volume presents the diverse theoretical approaches of scholars from Marx, Coleman, and Bourdieu to Putnam, Fukuyama, and Lin, carefully analyzing their commonalities and differences. Joonmo Son categorizes this wealth of work according to whether its focus is on the necessary preconditions for social capital, its structural basis, or its production. He distinguishes between individual and collective social capital (from shared resources of a personal network to pooled assets of a whole society), and interrogates the practical impact social capital has had in various policy areas (from health to economic development). Social Capital will be of immense value to readers across the social sciences and practitioners in relevant fields seeking to understand this mercurial concept.

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