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Vartaman Thirthankar Shree Simandhar Swami: वर्तमान तीर्थंकर श्री सीमंधर स्वामी

by Dada Bhagwan

या काळात या क्षेत्रातून सरळ मोक्ष प्राप्ति शक्य नाही’ असे शास्त्रात सांगितले आहे. परंतु दीर्घकाळापासून महाविदेह क्षेत्रात, श्री सीमंधर स्वामींच्या’; दर्शनाने मोक्षप्राप्तीचा मार्ग तर चालूच आहे ना ! संपूज्य दादाश्री त्याच मार्गाने मुमुक्षुंना मोक्षाला पोहोचविण्यात निमित्त आहेत, आणि मुमुक्षुंना ह्या मोक्षप्राप्तीची खात्री निश्चयाने प्रतीत होत असते. या काळात, या क्षेत्रात तीर्थंकर नाहीत, पण या काळात महाविदेह क्षेत्रात वर्तमान तीर्थंकर श्री सीमंधर स्वामी भगवंत विराजमान आहेत,आणि ते भरत क्षेत्रातील मोक्षार्थी जीवांना मोक्ष प्राप्ति करविण्यासाठी प्रबळ निमित्त आहेत. ज्ञानीपुरुष स्वतः त्या मार्गाने प्राप्ति करून इतरांना तो मार्ग दाखवतात. प्रत्यक्ष-प्रकट तीर्थकरांची ओळख होणे, त्यांच्याप्रति भक्तिभाव जागृत होणे, आणि रात्रंदिवस त्यांचे अनुसंधान करून शेवटी त्यांचा प्रत्यक्ष दर्शनाने केवळज्ञान प्राप्त होणे, हाच मोक्षप्राप्तीचा सुरुवातीपासून ते शेवटपर्यंतचा प्रवास (मार्ग) आहे. असे ज्ञानींनी सांगितले आहे. श्री सीमंधर स्वामींची आराधना जेवढी अधिक प्रमाणात होईल तेवढेच त्यांच्यासोबतचे अनुसंधान सविशेष रूपाने होईल. यामुळे त्यांच्याबरोबरचे अनुसंधान प्रगाढ होईल. शेवटी परम अवगाढ दशेपर्यंत पोहोचून त्यांच्या चरणकमळातच स्थान प्राप्तीची मोहोर लागते.

Vartaman Tirthankar Shree Simandhar Swami: वर्तमान तीर्थकर श्री सीमंधर स्वामी

by Dada Bhagwan

इस काल में इस क्षेत्र से सीधे मोक्ष पाना संभव नहीं है, ऐसा शास्त्रों में कहा गया हैं। लेकिन लंबे अरसे से, महाविदेह क्षेत्र में श्री सीमंधर स्वामी के दर्शन से मोक्ष प्राप्ति का मार्ग खुला ही हैं। लेकिन परम पूज्य दादाश्री उसी मार्ग से मुमुक्षुओं को मोक्ष पहुँचानें में निमित्त हैं और इसकी प्राप्ति का विश्वास, मुमुक्षुओं को निश्चय से होता ही है। इस काल में, इस क्षेत्र में वर्तमान तीर्थंकर नहीं हैं। लेकिन महाविदेह क्षेत्र में वर्तमान तीर्थंकर श्री सीमंधर स्वामी विराजमान हैं। वे भरत क्षेत्र के मोक्षार्थी जीवों के लिए मोक्ष के परम निमित्त हैं। ज्ञानीपुरुष ने खुद उस मार्ग से प्राप्ति की और औरों को वह मार्ग दिखाया है। प्रत्यक्ष प्रकट तीर्थंकर की पहचान होना, उनके प्रति भक्ति जगाना और दिन-रात उनका अनुसंधान करके, अंत में, उनके प्रत्यक्ष दर्शन पाकर, केवलज्ञान को प्राप्त करना, यही मोक्ष की प्रथम और अंतिम पगडंडी है। ऐसा ज्ञानियों ने कहा हैं। श्री सीमंधर स्वामी की आराधना, जितनी ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा होगी, उतना उनके साथ अनुसंधान विशेष रहेगा। इससे उनके प्रति ऋणानुबंध प्रगाढ़ होगा। अंत में परम अवगाढ़ दशा तक पहुँचकर उनके चरणकमलों में ही स्थान प्राप्ति की मोहर लगती है।

Vartaman Tirthankar Shri Simandhar Swami: વર્તમાન તીર્થંકર શ્રી સીમંધર સ્વામી

by Dada Bhagwan

શાસ્ત્રો કહે છે કે આજે આ કાળમાં આપણા આ જગત માંથી સીધા મોક્ષે જવું શક્ય નથી, છતાંપણ હંમેશને માટે લાંબા કાળથી વાયા મહાવિદેહ ક્ષેત્ર ( બીજા ક્ષેત્ર નું જગત ) રસ્તો ખુલ્લો જ છે. તે માટે મહાવિદેહ ક્ષેત્રે જઇ જીવતા તીર્થંકર શ્રી સીમંધર સ્વામીના દર્શન કરવાથી અંતિમ મોક્ષ મળે છે. દાદાશ્રીએ બધા મુક્તિના ઇચ્છુકોને (મુમુક્ષુઓને) પહેલાં આત્મજ્ઞાન આપ્યુંને પછી તેઓ બધા અંતરની પાક્કી ખાતરી સાથે મહાવિદેહના પંથે ચડ્યા છે. આ ધરતી પર આ કાળમાં કોઈ જીવતા તીર્થંકર નથી, પરંતુ અત્યારે મહાવિદેહ ક્ષેત્રમાં તીર્થંકર શ્રી સીમંધર સ્વામી જીવે છે. સીમંધર સ્વામી આ પૃથ્વીના મુમુક્ષુઓને મોક્ષ આપી શકે છે. જ્ઞાનીઓએ આ રસ્તો ફરી ખુલ્લો કર્યો છે અને તેઓ મુમુક્ષુઓને આ રસ્તે મોકલી રહ્યા છે. જીવતા તીર્થંકરને ઓળખી, તેમની પ્રત્યેનો સમર્પણ ભાવ જાગૃત કરી, દિવસ અને રાત તેમની ભક્તિ કરી, તેમની સાથે અનુસંધાન કરી અને અંતે તેમના પ્રત્યક્ષ દર્શન કરી, કેવળજ્ઞાન પ્રાપ્ત કરી મોક્ષે જવાય છે એમ જ્ઞાનીઓ કહે છે. જેમ જેમ સીમંધર સ્વામી પ્રત્યે સમર્પણભાવ વધશે, તેમ તેમ તેમની સાથેનું જોડાણ વધતું જશે અને આ જોડાણથી તેમની સાથે આવતા ભવનું ઋણાનુબંધ બંધાશે. અંતે આ ગાઢ બનેલું ઋણાનુબંધ ભગવાનના ચરણો સુધી પહોંચાડશે અને મોક્ષે લઇ જશે.

Vaster Than Sky, Greater Than Space

by Mooji

In ever-growing gatherings worldwide, the revered teacher Mooji has opened the eyes of thousands through his rare ability to shine light on the ineffable with uncommon clarity, humour and warmth. Now, in Vaster Than Sky, Greater Than Space, Mooji invites and inspires readers everywhere to discover the true essence from which we all arise. Throughout the book he addresses various questions that come up for seekers, such as: How do I find peace, joy, love and happiness?Is it really possible for an ordinary person with a job and family to attain enlightenment?Are intimate relationships a help or a hindrance to awakening? I don't believe in God, and I don't consider myself a devotional type of person, but the word Truth resonates with me - are your teachings relevant to me?You use the phrase 'timeless presence'. What does it mean? How can anything be timeless? How does one transcend personal conditioning and suppressed emotions, and so come to lasting freedom?If we are essentially free, why does it seem so difficult and distant, so remote or rare to realise the Truth? Through our own earnest search for truth, Mooji helps us arrive at the answers, not by offering concepts but by leading us back to our hidden yet inherent knowing.

VaVa Learns About Love and Happiness

by Renee Duane

Despite the grumpy disposition of his housemate, Durga Va Va, the cat, becomes grateful to her for the lessons he learns about the vastness of love and the folly of attempting to seek happiness outside himself.

VaVa Learns About Safety: Vava Learns About Safety

by Renee Duane

Uh Oh, I fell in the pool! Va Va in his continuing journey from kitten to adult cat discovers the potential dangers that lurk in his environment. This third book in the Va Va lessons series warns little ones to consider the unwelcome consequences that may arise from hasty thoughtless actions.

VaVa Learns Confidence

by Renee Duane

In this cat tale, told by Va Va the cat, we get to experience the life lessons he learns while living and growing up with Durga, his older feline housemate and Mommy and Daddy, his human parents.

Vegan Love: Dating and Partnering for the Cruelty-Free Gal, with Fashion, Makeup & Wedding Tips

by Maya Gottfried Dame Darcy

In ever-increasing numbers, people around the world are opting for a vegan lifestyle (eating a plant-based diet and eschewing animal products such as leather), and those who do report feeling happy and healthier, with boundless energy and glowing skin among the benefits. But what happens when their love interest unapologetically orders a steak on a date?Vegan Love offers guidance on how to spread the vegan love and bring compassion for all beings into one’s romantic life. Going cruelty-free need not mean alienating potential partners or long-term lovers. Author Maya Gottfried shares her experiences of going vegan and playing the vegan dating game, as well as insights by notable vegan women, both straight and LGBT, from various walks of life, including Jane Velez-Mitchell of; Marisa Miller Wolfson of the film Vegucated; Jasmin Singer, author of Always Too Much and Never Enough; and Colleen Patrick-Goudreau of the Food for Thought podcast.Vegan Love also features a wealth of fun, practical advice about vegan makeup, vegan clothes, and vegan weddings, with a detailed resource guide.

The Vegan Way: 21 Days to a Happier, Healthier Plant-Based Lifestyle That Will Transform Your Home, Your Diet, and You

by Jackie Day

The Vegan Way is a book filled with everything Jackie Day has learned as a happy vegan, a health educator, and author of the popular vegan blog, My Vegan Journal. A lifestyle guide that's a real game-changer, The Vegan Way is for those who are intimidated by going vegan overnight, but don't want the transition to stretch out for months or even years. In a 21 day plan that emphasizes three core reasons for going vegan--being as healthy as you can be, being compassionate to animals, and respecting our planet--Jackie provides inspiration along with a specific goal to achieve with all of the support you need to accomplish it. It might be something as simple as switching out your coffee creamer for vanilla almond milk or kicking the cheese habit. Readers will learn where to dine and what to order when eating out, the most vegan-friendly places to visit, how to avoid clothing made from animals, and how to decipher those pesky ingredients lists. And throughout, Jackie will be providing glimpses into the finer points of vegan living, giving readers something to aspire to as they get past Vegan 101. Readers will also find a handful of easy and delicious recipes sprinkled throughout. The Vegan Way is a road map that puts positive thoughts about health, the environment, and animals into action, transforming your life into a vibrant, healthy, and compassionate one.

Vegetable Gardening (Idiot's Guides)

by John Tullock

Thanks to a "growing" interest in the local food movement, self-sustainability, as well as health and money-saving concerns, vegetable gardening is more popular than ever. Using full-color, step-by-step examples, Idiot's Guides: Vegetable Gardening covers all of the techniques and tools needed for every type of garden, including small plot, raised bed, container, and vertical. Ideal for all types of gardeners — whether they live in a rural, suburban, or urban setting — content includes planning, soil preparation, pest control, maintenance, harvesting, and much more!

The VegNews Guide to Being a Fabulous Vegan: Look Good, Feel Good & Do Good in 30 Days

by Jasmin Singer VegNews Magazine

Go vegan the fabulous way with this helpful guide from an editor of VegNews, an award-winning vegan media outlet.Maybe you're interested in it for the food, maybe it's the animals, or maybe climate change has got you thinking. Whatever your reason, maybe you don't quite know where to start. After all, doesn't going vegan mean you have to give up tasty snacks, cool shoes, a sense of humor, and your leather couch? (Nope, nope, no way, well . . . eventually.) Covering everything from nutrition (you will get enough protein, promise) to dating (vegans have better sex. It's true) to fitness (you want to lift a car over your head? Sure), Jasmin Singer and the team at VegNews bust all the myths and give you all the facts about a plant-based lifestyle. With 30 easy recipes to get you started, The VegNews Guide to Being a Fabulous Vegan will help you adopt a lifestyle that's better for you, the animals, and the planet. And what's more fabulous than that?

The Vein of Gold: A Journey to Your Creative Heart (Artist's Way)

by Julia Cameron

In the Vein of Gold: A Journey to Your Creative Heart, Julia Cameron, author of The Artist's Way, draws from her remarkable teaching experience to help readers reach out into ever-broadening creative horizons. As in The Artist's Way, she combines eloquent essays with playful and imaginative experiential exercises to make The Vein of Gold an extraordinary book of learning-through-doing. Inspiring essays on the creative process and more than one hundred engaging and energizing tasks involve the reader in "inner play," leading to authentic growth, renewal, and healing.

Veinticuatro Horas al Dia (Twenty Four Hours A Day)

by Anonymous

This Spanish edition of the best-selling meditation book for those in recovery offers daily thoughts, meditations, and prayers for living a clean and sober life.Spanish language translation of Twenty-Four Hours a Day. Since 1954, Twenty-Four Hours a Day has become a stable force in the recovery of many alcoholics throughout the world. With over nine million copies in print (the original text has been revised), this "little black book" offers daily thoughts, meditations, and prayers for living a clean and sober life. A spiritual resource with practical applications to fit our daily lives. "For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision" is part of the Sanskrit proverb quoted at the beginning of the book which has become one of the basic building blocks for a life of sobriety. In addition to a thought, meditation and prayer for each day of the year, this handy, pocket-sized volume also contains the Serenity Prayer and the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. It is a simple, yet effective way to help us relate the Twelve Steps to everyday life and helps us find the power not to take that first drink each day.

The Velveteen Principles: Hidden Wisdom from a Children's Classic

by Toni Raiten-D'Antonio

In this book the author,Toni Raiten-D'Antonio, uses the story of the Velveteen Rabbit to teach us twelve principles.These principles or ideas will help us become real just like the rabbit in the story book.

The Velveteen Principles for Women: Shatter the Myth of Perfection and Embrace All That You Really Are

by Toni Raiten-D'Antonio

The Velveteen Principles for Women is a motivational guidebook for those who want to identify the sources of their unhappiness and become genuinely Real themselves. It is essential reading for women who want to free themselves from self-doubt, silence their inner critics, and live as the Real, unique, and valuable women they are meant to be.

Ven otra vez, ven: Celebrando la alegría de la vida (OSHO habla de tú a tú #Volumen)

by Osho

Este compendio de preguntas y respuestas capta toda la esencia del mensaje de Osho y lo resume en una única y rotunda frase: «la totalidad de mi enseñanza se sintetiza en dos únicas palabras: meditación y amor.» En este nuevo libro cargado de humor, Osho explora e introduce su particular visión de un nuevo hombre que encarna toda la sabiduría de esta única lección: Zorba el Buda. A través de esta singular identidad, Osho logra aproximar la frescura de Zorba el Griego y la paz silenciosa de Buda, y así el Zorba terrenal y el etéreo Buda se funden para convertirse en un silencio que puede cantar y bailar.

Vence A Tus Pensamientos o Ellos Te Vencerán A Ti: Aprende a educar tu mente

by Danilo H. Gomes

Hace muchos años, grandes científicos preveían que, en un futuro muy próximo, la depresión sería uno de los mayores males que asolaría la humanidad. Ellos acertaron. Vivimos en un mundo caótico en el que es cada vez más raro encontrar la paz. La agitación de lo cotidiano transforma mentes quietas en espacios llenos de ruido. ¿Tu mente se encuentra en este estado? Es hora de hacer algo. En este libro, de una forma bien explicada, encontrarás buenas reflexiones y formas de vencer las voces que permean el campo de nuestras mentes. Educa tu mente con la ayuda de este libro y aprende a dar la debida atención a las voces que realmente merecen nuestra atención.

Vence tus preocupaciones

by John Edmund Haggai

Este libro clásico y éxito de ventas (más de 2 millones impresos en varios idiomas) ha sido revisado y actualizado para los retos singulares que enfrentan los lectores de hoy en día. El mensaje convincente del Dr. Haggai sobre cómo controlar las preocupaciones llegará a una nueva generación de lectores con verdades bíblicas que pueden liberarlos, al mostrárles cómo aumentar la seguridad financiera, superar el sufrimiento paralizante de la culpabilidad, mantener la serenidad en medio de la angustia y mucho más. This classic bestseller (over 2 million in print in numerous languages) has been newly revised and updated for the unique challenges readers face today. Dr. Haggai's compelling message on controlling worry will reach a new generation of readers with biblical truths that can set them free.

Vencedores: Ocho maneras de vivir con una fuerza imparable, una fe inamovible y un poder increíble

by David Jeremiah

Vivimos en un tiempo de profunda incertidumbre. Aun así, la Biblia promete que podemos vivir la vida de libertad que fue diseñada para nosotros, incluso en tiempos en los que el mundo que nos rodea parece lleno de oscuridad. Fuimos creados para ser vencedores, y para superar los mayores obstáculos de nuestras vidas.En su nuevo libro, el estimado profesor David Jeremiah dirige su entendimiento a uno de los pasajes más citados, pero menos comprendido de la Biblia: la recomendación del apóstol Pablo a los efesios de que tomen toda la armadura de Dios (Efesios 6:10-18). Con la profundidad de lo caracteriza, de su sabiduría y de su compasión, el Dr. Jeremiah analiza la poderosa importancia de la armadura espiritual como herramienta crítica en nuestra vida cotidiana, al confrontar los retos específicos de nuestras vidas y de nuestra época.Si ya estás harto de vivir en derrota, es hora de encontrar una fuerza renovada y reclamar las promesas de la palabra de Dios de vencer las mayores amenazas de la vida.

Venda su Historia a Hollywood: Guía de Bolsillo Para Irrumpir en la Industria

by José Reinaldo Amato

Este pequeño libro tiene como objetivo ayudarlo a descubrir cómo contar su historia en pantallas grandes o pequeñas. No le dará reglas y regulaciones, porque hoy simplemente no existen. Cualquier regla se ha roto y se romperá. En cambio, lo que ofrece este libro son casi treinta años de observación de cómo suceden las cosas en el mundo del espectáculo, el negocio del entretenimiento (más conocido en todo el mundo como Hollywood). La experiencia del Dr. Ken Atchity en Hollywood abarca desde la escritura hasta la gestión de escritores y la producción de sus películas para cine y televisión. Atchity, ha visto el mercado de las historias de Hollywood desde casi todos los ángulos, incluidos los asuntos legales y comerciales.

Venda sua história para Hollywood

by Kenneth Atchity

A influência crescente da Internet e a transformação das empresas do ramo editorial e cinematográfico em grandes corporações tornou o caminho de um livro para a telinha e/ou para a telona mais complicado, mais excêntrico e mais empolgante. O objetivo deste pequeno livro é mostrar o caminho que a sua história terá de percorrer para chegar a ser contada na tela. Não há uma série de regras e regulamentos, porque não existem mais. Qualquer regra que venha a ser implantada já foi e continuará sendo desobedecida. O que este livro oferece é o resultado de quase trinta anos observando como as coisas acontecem no show business, o ramo do entretenimento (mais conhecido no mundo inteiro como Hollywood). A experiência do Dr. Ken Atchity em Hollywood vai de agenciar escritores a produzir seus filmes para o cinema e para a televisão. Ele já viu o mercado de histórias em Hollywood sob todos os ângulos possíveis e imagináveis, incluindo as questões jurídicas e comerciais. NOTA DO TRADUTOR: Se você está lendo este livro em português, é sinal de que o caminho da sua história até Hollywood será mais longo ainda, pois ela terá de chegar lá traduzida, em inglês, para concorrer em pé de igualdade com as que foram escritas originalmente no idioma local. Mas não deixe que isso o desiluda em relação a este livro. Se você escreve histórias que os leitores dizem que poderia dar um filme, aprender duas técnicas detalhadamente exemplificadas aqui, o tratamento e a cobertura, e aplicar uma ou outra no seu livro, vão passar a dizer que o certamente daria um ótimo filme. Além disso, há muito material interessante, que serve para matar a curiosidade sobre o caminho trilhado por um livro, quando o vemos encenado no cinema e na TV.

El vendedor de sueños: ¿Pagarías por alcanzar la felicidad?

by Jorge I. Aguadero Casado

<P>Un libro que te ayudará a conocerte mejor y no dejar atrás los sueños que te inspiraban y ponían a volar. <P>"Podría haber seguido así hasta el final de mis días, pero me aterra que llegue la horrorosa vejez y, al echar la vista atrás, lamente entre sollozos el tiempo que perdí. La vida es breve y quero disfrutarla". <P>En una ciudad del Mediterráneo convergen diversos personajes, cuyas historias se entrelazan por la necesidad de descubrir que en los sueños -aquellos de los que se rehúye y que se han mantenido ocultos en lo más recóndito del corazón- se esconde la verdadera felicidad. <P>Un vendedor de sueños le mostrará es estos personajes que el cruce que divide posibles de imposibles sólo se puede tomar una decisión: hacerle frente a la vida para vivirla con amor o permanecer siempre como observador pasivo. Un libro en el que descubrirás que el límite es el que te impones tú mismo.

Vendedores Perros

by Blair Singer

Prologue by Robert Kiyosaki By knowing the five basic breeds of people -the Pit Bull, the Golden Retriever, the Poodle, the Chihuahua, and the Basset Hound -readers will have the necessary insight to improve their business and sales. This book will reveal five simple but critical revenue-generating skills to generate endless streams of qualified buyers and life-long sales and teach you how to radically change your attitude and direct your financial results.

La ventaja del introvertido: Cómo los introvertidos compiten y ganan

by Matthew Owen Pollard

Matthew Pollard, un reconocido experto en ventas y un introvertido, ha creado y perfeccionado un sistema de venta transparente, auténtico y de baja presión, sin técnicas de cierre duro o de venta de bulldogs. La ventaja del introvertido te equipará con un sistema completo enfocado a la venta transparente, auténtica y de baja presión. Los extrovertidos rara vez se quedan cortos de palabras, y sus conversaciones y argumentos de venta nunca se sienten forzados para ellos. El mundo de las ventas es natural para los extrovertidos. Pero los introvertidos no se sienten cómodos con las tácticas tradicionales como empujar agresivamente un producto o hablar sobre las objeciones de un cliente. Lo que hace que La ventaja del introvertido sea tan poderoso y práctico es que explica cómo los introvertidos pueden sentirse igual de cómodos y sinceros en el mundo de las ventas también, ¡sin cambiar lo que son! La estrategia de 7 pasos de Matthew esboza lo que se necesita para obtener resultados fiables y repetibles, desde la implementación de preguntas bien preparadas hasta la adopción del poder de la historia. En La ventaja del introvertido aprenderás: * Cómo encontrar la confianza natural * Cómo prepararte para cada situación * Cómo esquivar las objeciones que de otra manera expondrían tu incomodidad * Cómo pedir la venta (sin preguntar) * Cómo beneficiarte de un proceso que no depende de la personalidad, y ¡simplemente disfrutar de las ventas! Tanto si persigues las ventas como una carrera como si eres un pequeño empresario que no quiere vender, pero necesita hacerlo, La ventaja del introvertido es tu guía para el éxito de las ventas. The Introvert's Edge Matthew Pollard, an awarded sales authority and fellow introvert, has created and perfected a system for selling in a transparent, authentic and low-pressure way–with no hard closing or bulldog sales techniques. The Introvert’s Edge will equip you with a comprehensive system focused on transparent, authentic, and low-pressure selling. Extroverts are rarely short on words, and their conversations and sales pitches never feel sales-y to them. The world of sales just comes natural to the extrovert. But introverts aren’t comfortable with traditional tactics like aggressively pushing a product or talking over a customer’s objections. What makes The Introvert’s Edge so powerful and practical is that it explains how the introvert can feel equally comfortable and sincere in the sales world as well—without changing who they are! Matthew’s 7-step strategy outlines what you need for reliable and repeatable results, from implementing well-prepared questions to embracing the power of story. In The Introvert’s Edge you will learn: * How to find natural confidence * How to prepare for every situation * How to sidestep objections that would otherwise expose their uncomfortableness * How to ask for the sale (without asking) * How to profit from a process that doesn’t rely on personality, and simply enjoy sales! Whether you’re pursuing sales as a career or you’re a small business owner who doesn’t want to sell but needs to, The Introvert’s Edge is your guide to sales success.

Ventana de Esperanza: Luz en el túnel y en la confusión de la vida.

by Yinka Akintunde

La desesperanza, el sentirse acorralado y las situaciones sin salida son experiencias comunes en el mundo actual del destino injusto. Sin embargo, todavía es posible ver un rayo de luz; darle una oportunidad a la vida es siempre más sabio que rendirse. Una ventana de esperanza es todo lo que necesitas para ver la puerta de las oportunidades gritándote todo el tiempo con señas inaudibles. Ve cosas simples que hacen una gran diferencia y le dale un salto a tu vida. Pasa de la larga y oscura noche del ayer a la brillante esperanza del nuevo día, mira el brillo del sol y percibe el horizonte. Aférrate al momento y alcanza el futuro; nada ha sido malo porque has cambiado. En sólo unas pocas páginas, tu vida nunca volverá a ser la misma. Ve la ventana de la esperanza

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