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Parent's Guide to High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder, Second Edition: How to Meet the Challenges and Help Your Child Thrive

by Sally Ozonoff Geraldine Dawson James C. Mcpartland

Many tens of thousands of parents have found the facts they need about high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (ASD), including Asperger syndrome, in this indispensable guide. Leading experts show how you can work with your child's unique impairments--and harness his or her capabilities. Vivid stories and real-world examples illustrate ways to help kids with ASD relate more comfortably to peers, learn the rules of appropriate behavior, and succeed in school. You'll learn how ASD is diagnosed and what treatments and educational supports really work. Updated with the latest research and resources, the second edition clearly explains the implications of the DSM-5 diagnostic changes.

Helping Your Autistic Child: A self-help guide for parents (Helping Your Child)

by Ann Ozsivadjian

Practical, evidence-based advice for managing distressed behaviours and common situations involving autistic children. Autism affects about one per cent of the population, and whilst it can present very differently among individuals, there are some common challenges faced by autistic people. This self-help guide focuses on practical, proven techniques to help parents support their autistic children with commonly experienced areas of difficulty. Written by authors with extensive experience in research and in working clinically with children with a wide range of neurodevelopmental differences, this book uses a strengths-based approach to guide parents in helping their children to enhance their skills, as well as to manage some common challenges.This book will help you to: · Support your child through anxiety and social interaction issues · Manage sleep problems and feeding difficulties · Understand sensory responses in autism · Understand and manage distressed behaviour, including self-harm and demand avoidanceHelping Your Child is a series for parents and caregivers to support children through developmental difficulties, both psychological and physical. Each guide uses clinically proven techniques. Series editors: Dr Polly Waite and Emeritus Professor Peter Cooper

Helping Your Autistic Child: A self-help guide for parents (Helping Your Child)

by Ann Ozsivadjian

Practical, evidence-based advice for managing distressed behaviours and common situations involving autistic children. Autism affects about one per cent of the population, and whilst it can present very differently among individuals, there are some common challenges faced by autistic people. This self-help guide focuses on practical, proven techniques to help parents support their autistic children with commonly experienced areas of difficulty. Written by authors with extensive experience in research and in working clinically with children with a wide range of neurodevelopmental differences, this book uses a strengths-based approach to guide parents in helping their children to enhance their skills, as well as to manage some common challenges.This book will help you to: · Support your child through anxiety and social interaction issues · Manage sleep problems and feeding difficulties · Understand sensory responses in autism · Understand and manage distressed behaviour, including self-harm and demand avoidanceHelping Your Child is a series for parents and caregivers to support children through developmental difficulties, both psychological and physical. Each guide uses clinically proven techniques. Series editors: Dr Polly Waite and Emeritus Professor Peter Cooper

Character Strength Development: Perspectives from Positive Psychology

by Aneesh Kumar P. Tony Sam George Sudhesh N. T.

Character strengths are the foundations of life-long development and thriving. These strengths help individuals to deal with everyday challenges and move forward in life with confidence and resilience. Character Strength Development: Perspectives from Positive Psychology aims to document research and evidence-based practices in positive psychology with specific focus on character strengths. The arguments and perspectives shared by the experts in their respective chapters will help create new research avenues. It is an excellent resource for researchers, academicians, practitioners and teachers to develop a comprehensive understanding of different approaches, models and best practices for character education across the globe. Practitioners, educators and policymakers in the field of character education will also find this book immensely helpful for incorporating character strength-based approaches in their practice.

ACHTSAMKEIT: Lektionen zum Lesen vor dem Schlafengehen

by Dr Costa P.

Ieses Buch zielt darauf ab, einfache Geschichten, kleine, zugängliche Fabeln anzubieten, die es ermöglichen, die Welt, die anderen und sich selbst mit Abstand zu betrachten. Dies ist eine erste wesentliche Erkenntnis, damit die positiven Auswirkungen dieses Buches auch wirklich eintreten: Werden Sie sich der Sorgen, der Anforderungen von allen Seiten, der Last des Alltags, die auf den Schultern unseres Unterbewusstseins lastet, bewusst. Da ist diese kleine innere Stimme, die uns nie in Ruhe lässt. Kurz gesagt, es sind tiefgreifende Mechanismen am Werk, die dazu beitragen, uns das Leben zu "verderben". Dr. COSTA, P., der Patienten mit Schlafstörungen betreut, gibt sein Fachwissen über den Schlaf an Sie weiter, indem er diese 69 kleinen Geschichten in sieben Themen gruppiert, die Ihnen beim Nachdenken und Einschlafen helfen, indem sie zu einem rechtzeitigen Loslassen im Moment des Schlafs beitragen: Nicht-Urteilen: Die Geschichten laden dazu ein, die Macht der Beobachtung zu betrachten, d. h. in der Lage zu sein, sich selbst zu beobachten, unsere eigenen Automatismen zu beobachten, um nach und nach deren Einfluss zu lösen. Geduld: Sie ist eine wesentliche Tugend, die es für denjenigen zu entwickeln gilt, der Wohlbefinden und innere Ruhe sucht. Neuer Geist: Wie man sich an die Situationen des Lebens anpasst und eine Geisteshaltung entwickelt, um alle Erfahrungen zu schätzen. Vertrauen: Vertrauen und Selbstwertgefühl sind der unerlässliche Nährboden, um seinen wahren inneren Wert jenseits von Konditionierungen und dem Blick der anderen wiederzufinden. Abwesenheit von Anstrengung und Erwartung: In unserem Alltag kämpfen wir ständig mit dem Leben und der Realität, so wie sie ist. Wir "wollen" und dieses Wollen wird unter Schmerzen und mit Gewalt erreicht. Gibt es nicht auch einen anderen Weg zur Zufriedenheit? Akzeptanz der Dinge: Unser Geist verdreht die Realität, um sie seinen Vorstellungen anzupassen. In der Tat akzeptieren w

Dark Fantasy: Regressive Movements and the Search for Meaning in Politics

by David P. Levine

Recent trends in politics culminating in the US with the election of Donald Trump both provoked and expressed a troubling intensification of emotion in the body politic. Heightened levels of anger, frustration, and distrust, the dismissal of the norms of politics and policy making, and the prevalence of intractable conflict indicated an increase in the power of regressive forces. The power of these forces takes the form of dark fantasies involving the loss, indeed the destruction, of safe space, the prevalence of existential threat, and the corrosion of the kinds of relationships that make living in the world tolerable. This book explores the emotional meaning of regressive movements in contemporary politics with special reference to Trump and his supporters. Its main hypothesis is that the primary goal of these movements is not to restore a lost world of safety and wellbeing as they claim it is, but to make their members' experience of the destruction and loss of that world universal.

The Bilingual Advantage in Executive Functioning Hypothesis: How the debate provides insight into psychology’s replication crisis

by Kenneth Paap

The Bilingual Advantage in Executive Functioning Hypothesis is a ground-breaking book that explores one of the liveliest debates in bilingualism and cognitive psychology. It examines the hypothesis that using two languages leads to the enhancement of domain-general executive functioning (EF) and argues that either the bilingual advantage does not exist or is restricted to very specific circumstances. The conclusion extends to situations where EF is referred to as self-control, self-regulation, self-discipline, attention-control, impulse control, inhibitory control, cognitive control, and willpower. The book explores the evolving core assumptions underlying the bilingual advantage hypothesis, framing the debate within the broader context of a replication crisis. It provides a critical review of seminal studies and meta-analyses and argues that the empirical evidence does not support a bilingual advantage on EF that is distinguishable from zero. Part I lays the foundation for the debate, providing the background needed to understand the state-of-the-art research on EF and bilingual language control. The next part then provides a detailed review of the empirical evidence triggering each iteration of the hypothesis. This includes new data that compares tests of the bilingual advantage hypothesis based on self-reports of cognitive control to performance-based measures of EF. A third theoretical part considers several explanations for why managing two languages may not enhance aspects of domain-general cognition. This is essential reading for students and scholars in bilingualism, psychology, linguistics, languages, speech and hearing science, and related fields. It also serves as an excellent primary source for graduate courses on the bilingual advantage debate, and is useful for advanced undergraduate courses in psycholinguistics, cognition or bilingualism.

Dependent, Distracted, Bored: Affective Formations in Networked Media

by Susanna Paasonen

A new approach to understanding the culture of ubiquitous connectivity, arguing that our dependence on networked infrastructure does not equal addiction.In this book, Susanna Paasonen takes on a dominant narrative repeated in journalistic and academic accounts for more than a decade: that we are addicted to devices, apps, and sites designed to distract us, that drive us to boredom, with detrimental effect on our capacities to focus, relate, remember, and be. Paasonen argues instead that network connectivity is a matter of infrastructure and necessary for the operations of the everyday. Dependencies on it do not equal addiction but speak to the networks within which our agency can take shape.

Many Splendored Things: Thinking Sex and Play (Goldsmiths Press Ser.)

by Susanna Paasonen

Exploring sex—bodily capacities, appetites, orientations, and connections—in terms of play and playfulness.We all know that sex involves a quest for pleasure, that sexual palates vary across people's lifespans, and that playful experimentations play a key role in how people discover their diverse sexual turn-ons and turn-offs. Yet little attention has been paid to thinking through the interconnections of sex and play, sexuality and playfulness. In Many Splendored Things from Goldsmiths Press, Susanna Paasonen considers these interconnections. Paasonen examines the notions of playfulness and play as they shed light on the urgency of sexual pleasures, the engrossing appeal of sex, and the elasticity of sexual desires, and considers their connection to categories of identity. Drawing on a broad range of scholarship on sexuality, play, and the media, Paasonen moves from the conceptual to the concrete, examining advice literature on sexual play, the vernacular aesthetics of the Fifty Shades series, girls' experiences of online sexual role-playing, popular media coverage of age-play, and Jan Soldat's documentary films on BDSM culture.Paasonen argues that play in the realm of sexuality involves experimentation with what bodies can feel and do and what people may imagine themselves as doing, liking, and preferring. Play involves the exploration of different bodily capacities, appetites, orientations, and connections. Occasionally strained, dark, and even hurtful in the forms that it takes and the sensory intensities that it engenders, sex presses against previously perceived and imagined horizons of embodied potentiality. Play pushes sexual identifications into motion.


by Teemu Paavolainen

How is performer-object interaction enacted and perceived in the theatre? How thereby are varieties of 'meaning' also enacted and perceived? Using cognitive theory and ecological ontology, Paavolainen investigates how the interplay of actors and objects affords a degree of enjoyment and understanding, whether or not the viewer speaks the language.

Women Writing Trauma in the Global South: A Study of Aminatta Forna, Isabel Allende and Anuradha Roy (Routledge Studies in Comparative Literature)

by Annemarie Pabel

Through exploring complex suffering in the writings of Aminatta Forna, Isabel Allende and Anuradha Roy, Women Writing Trauma in the Global South dismantles conceptual shortcomings and problematic imbalances at the core of existing theorizations around psychological trauma. The global constellation of women writers from Sierra Leone, Chile and India facilitates a productive analysis of how the texts navigate intertwined experiences of individual and systemic trauma. The discussion departs from a recent critical turn in literary and cultural trauma studies and transgresses many interrelated boundaries of geocultural contexts, language and genre. Discovering the role of literary forms in reparative articulation and empathic witnessing, this critical intervention develops new ideas for an inclusive conceptual expansion of trauma from the global peripheries and contributes to the ongoing debate on marginalized suffering.

The Book of Rosy / El libro de Rosy (Spanish edition): La historia de una madre separada de sus hijos en la frontera

by Rosayra Pablo Cruz Julie Schwietert Collazo

«[El libro de Rosy] ofrece esperanzas ante probabilidades desconcertantes». — Uno de los libros más anticipados del verano 2020 según la revista Elle«Una autobiografía inolvidable [...] que narra la lucha a la que se enfrentan muchas familias que son separadas en la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México». —Libro DESTACADO por Publishers Weekly«La inquietante y elocuente historia de una guatemalteca en búsqueda de una vida mejor». —Libro DESTACADO por KirkusUna historia conmovedora sobre dos madres marcadas por la crisis migratoria: una guatemalteca que ha sido separada de sus hijos y la estadounidense que la ayuda a reunirse con su familia.Cuando Rosayra Pablo Cruz tomó la desgarradora decisión de buscar asilo en Estados Unidos con sus dos hijos, sabía que la travesía sería difícil, peligrosa y probablemente mortal. Pero la violencia rampante en Guatemala era insostenible; Rosy sabía que su familia sólo sobreviviría si migraba al norte.Tras un peligroso viaje que los deja deshidratados, hambrientos y exhaustos, Rosy y sus hijos logran llegar a Arizona. Pero casi inmediatamente son separados a la fuerza por los oficiales gubernamentales del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional bajo la política «tolerancia cero». Rosy y Julie Schwietert Collazo, la fundadora de Immigrant Families Together (Familias Inmigrantes Juntas), la organización comunitaria creada para reunir a madres con sus hijos, cuentan su historia y desvelan las crueles condiciones de los centros de detención, la insoportable ansiedad que padeció Rosy al ser separada de sus hijos y cómo la Fe y el amor la ayudaron a sobrellevar sus momentos más oscuros. Un retrato insólito y cautivante de las consecuencias que las políticas inhumanas infligen sobre los inmigrantes que cruzan la frontera estadounidense y de los lazos inquebrantables de la familia, la Fe y la comunidad.«Un libro que evidencia la compasión de los desconocidos y revela que, en estos tiempos tan desconcertantes, las historias aún tienen el poder de potenciar nuestra empatía y comprensión. Esta historia te cambiará para siempre». —J. Courtney Sullivan, autora de Saints for All Occasions«El libro de Rosy es una crónica valiente sobre uno de los momentos más vergonzosos de la historia de los Estados Unidos». —Christopher Soto, autor de Sad Girl Poems

Clinical and Theoretical Aspects of Perversion: The Illlusory Bond (The International Psychoanalytical Association Controversies in Psychoanalysis Series)

by Juan Pablo Jimenez

'Perversion is a challenge for theory and psychoanalytic practice that Juan Pablo Jimenez and Rodolfo Moguillansky, American psychoanalysts known for the originality of their contributions, have managed successfully. In this book they offer us vivid and detailed clinical material of patients of analysis who presented various kinds of perversions, which they accompany by a comprehensive and accurate review of major psychoanalytic contributions on the subject, and their own contributions to it.' The reader will find not only scholarship, but also he will find himself trapped in a thriller where the analyst is continually asked to leave his role as analyst to enter a game that fascinates and rejects. In a masterful way the authors describe their own internal vicissitudes in the treatment of these patients, the counter-transferential difficulties and how perversion becomes a source of inevitable collusions in the mind of the analyst.

Dark Psychology 101: Learn the Secrets of Covert Emotional Manipulation, Dark Persuasion, Undetected Mind Control, Mind Games, Deception, Hypnotism, Brainwashing and Other Tricks of the Trade

by Michael Pace

Dark psychology is one of the most powerful forces at work in the world today. It is used by the most powerful influencers the world has ever known. Those who are unaware of it risk having it used against them. Don't run that risk! <p><p>In his book entitled Dark Psychology 101, author Michael Pace offers a cutting-edge distillation of some of the most powerful principles in the world of dark psychology. Each chapter explains an aspect of dark psychology in a way which is understandable for a layman with no specialist scientific knowledge. Ideas are illustrated with examples to make the task of understanding dark psychology easier. In addition, the book contains case studies and useful profiles on the types of people who make use of this "black magic" in their everyday lives. You will be also shown how you can apply the principles of dark psychology if you choose to. <P><p>Please be warned, this book is not for the faint of heart or the weak of mind. Once you have lifted the curtain on the world of dark psychology, there is no going back. You will have an understanding of human nature that few have ever obtained. With great power comes great responsibility.

Linked Noun Groups: Opposition and Expansion as Genre and Style Markers

by Michael Pace-Sigge

This book provides a corpus-led analysis of multi-word units (MWUs) in English, specifically fixed pairs of nouns which are linked by a conjunction, such as 'mum and dad', 'bride and groom' and 'law and order'. Crucially, the occurrence pattern of such pairs is dependent on genre, and this book aims to document the structural distribution of some key Linked Noun Groups (LNGs). The author looks at the usage patterns found in a range of poetry and fiction dating from the 17th to 20th century, and also highlights the important role such binomials play in academic English, while acknowledging that they are far less common in casual spoken English. His findings will be highly relevant to students and scholars working in language teaching, stylistics, and language technology (including AI).

Sensate Focus and the Psyche: Integrating Sense and Sexuality in Couple Therapy (The Library of Couple and Family Psychoanalysis)

by Susan Pacey

Sensate Focus and the Psyche explores in depth both psychoanalytic and psychosexual perspectives of sensate focus, a programme of touching exercises for couples with sexual problems, and in so doing provides an original, integrated model for understanding the conscious and unconscious impact of this tactile intervention on couples in treatment. Susan Pacey reviews the historical relationship between psychoanalysis and sex therapy and the splitting of mind, body and relationship since Freud. She illustrates how the tactile intervention can help repair the early life impingements on partners’ individual development that mobilise anxieties about sexuality and shame in adulthood. Case studies illustrate how sensate focus can help conceptualise unconscious embodied memories, repair shame, encourage Winnicottian play, work through transitional phenomena and develop psychological space, establishing a platform for the healthy expression of adult sexuality. Pacey discusses how sexual desire and aggression are inextricably linked in the human psyche, proposing that sensate focus can help enable positive aggression necessary for sex and reduce the potential for partners’ anxieties about their psychological separateness. Lastly, she proposes judicious use of this powerful, tactile intervention and highlights contraindications. Sensate Focus and the Psyche will be essential reading for all psychotherapists who work with individuals, couples and families.

Encyclopedia of Geropsychology

by Nancy A. Pachana

This encyclopedia brings together key established and emerging research findings in geropsychology. It is a comprehensive coverage of the entire breadth of the field, giving readers access to all major subareas and illustrating their interconnections with other disciplines. Entries delve deep into key areas of geropsychology such as perception, cognition, clinical, organizational, health, social, experimental and neuropsychology. In addition to that, the encyclopedia covers related disciplines such as neuroscience, social science, population health, public policy issues pertaining to retirement, epidemiology and demography and medicine. Paying careful attention to research internationally, it cites English and non-English empirical literature from around the globe. This encyclopedia is relevant to a wide audience that include researchers, clinicians, students, policy makers and nongovernmental agencies.

Global Perspectives of COVID-19 Pandemic on Health, Education, and Role of Media

by Saroj Pachauri Ash Pachauri

This open access book discusses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on various aspects of life on a global scale. It analyzes the challenges in the healthcare system during the second wave of COVID-19, such as overstressed human resources in tertiary facilities, lack of trained healthcare workers, and inadequate infrastructure at secondary-level facilities. The book shows that there has been more disruption in low- and middle-income countries than in high-income countries. It presents how the pandemic drove economies into recession and offers a roadmap to advance equality of access to and sustainability of resources. It studies the impact of prolonged lockdowns, which resulted in emotional and mental unrest. It provides a global perspective on the role of the media, including social media, during the pandemic. The authors discuss the unprecedented rise in suicides and the impact of the pandemic on vulnerable groups, such as asylum seekers and adolescents. In addition, contributing authors cover country experiences with COVID-19 in the UK, Taiwan, Ethiopia, Iran, India, and Brazil. The book's multidisciplinary approach makes it an interesting read for academics, policymakers, program implementers, and researchers in sociology, media studies, and medical experts.

Health Dimensions of COVID-19 in India and Beyond

by Saroj Pachauri Ash Pachauri

This open access book addresses the multiple health dimensions posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in India and other countries including nine in Asia, five in Sub-Saharan Africa, and New Zealand. It explores the impact of the pandemic on mental health, sexual and reproductive health and rights, health financing, self-care, and vaccine development and distribution. The contributing authors discuss its impact on vulnerable populations, including interstate migrants and female sex workers. The significant role of media and communications, rapid dissemination of information in social media, and its impact during the COVID-19 pandemic era are discussed. It closes with lessons learned from the experiences of countries that have contained the pandemic. With contributions from experts from around the world, this book presents solutions of problems that relate to COVID-19. It is a valuable resource appealing to a wide readership across the social sciences and the humanities. Readers include governments, academicians, researchers, policy-makers, program implementers, as well as lay persons.

The Power of Positive Confrontation: The Skills You Need to Handle Conflicts at Work, at Home, Online, and in Life, completely revised and updated edition

by Barbara Pachter

When slighted, misunderstood, cut in front of, annoyed, taken advantage of, or treated rudely, most people avoid their bosses, ignore coworkers, change hairdressers, complain to friends, pound their fists, or rant on social media. They often miss the most positive, effective alternative of all: confronting positively. Now, for everyone who was never taught or never realized that between "bully" and "wimp" is a range of behavior that is positive, dignified, and effective for dealing with life's bothersome situations, there is The Power of Positive Confrontation. This book teaches you the vital skills you need to confront others, communicate effectively, and live a more conflict-free life. In this updated edition, communications expert Barbara Pachter shares a practical, step-by-step guide to tackling conflicts in any situation, including a new section on navigating sticky situations online. The Power of Positive Confrontation reveals: The consequences of not confronting or of confronting negatively How to accurately assess what is bothering you and why Three essential steps of polite and powerful confrontation Vital verbal and nonverbal skills that make or break communication, including common language pitfalls Strategies for assertive communication, whether face to face, in writing, by phone, or online

Sleep and its Disorders: Translational Medicine

by Allan I. Pack Qing Yun Li

The aim of this book is to provide health care professionals with an overview of the main aspects of recent advances in sleep medicine, with an emphasis on advancing basic science into clinical medicine. It is divided into three main parts. The first part is to cover the basic sleep mechanisms which includes genetics in sleep, and neural and humoral regulation of sleep and wakefulness. The second part focuses on the epidemiology of sleep, and the final part consists of the pathophysiological mechanisms of snoring and sleep apnea and other common sleep disorders as well as the consequences. The content of this book is written by experts and sleep specialists from all over the world and this book aims to optimize the health of individuals by “translating” bench side findings into clinical practice.

Self-help for Trauma Therapists: A Practitioner's Guide

by Margaret Pack

For those offering trauma-informed care, it can be difficult to maintain wellbeing and a balanced, positive outlook when the nature of their job requires frequent engagement with traumatic disclosures. Self-help for Trauma Therapists: A Practitioner’s Guide intends to assist human service workers- such as those working as therapists, social workers and counsellors- to maintain their self- care and professional effectiveness when working in fields where stress and trauma play a key factor in their everyday working lives. Adopting a comprehensive, multi-layered approach to self-care based, the book grounds its exploration of practice through researched accounts with experience professionals. Including accounts from clinical psychologists, therapists, counsellors, social workers and the friends and family of people in these professions, this book creates a narrative on stress and trauma from the human service worker perspective. Interwoven with these stories of practice, the author includes reflections on her own experiences in practice over the past 25 years with trauma survivors. With discussions on risk and resilience, compassion fatigue and vicarious traumatisation, readers are introduced to the theories and practical applications of developing a professional model for maintaining wellbeing and self-care in their work. Self-help for Trauma Therapists: A Practitioner’s Guide is the first book of its kind to be written solely for human service workers. It is essential reading for beginning and more advanced practitioners who are involved in working with trauma and recovery and will also be of interest to supporters of those working in the helping professions.

Wise Highs: How To Thrill, Chill, And Get Away From It All Without Alcohol Or Other Drugs

by Alex J. Packer

Even though all of these people have been rewarded with the "high of giving" for helping me with this book, I would still like to thank them for their advice, support, and expertise. Beth Seiser, Director of Curriculum at FCD Educational Services, Inc., for her invaluable help in conceptualizing the book, researching healthy highs, tracking down resources, and reviewing the manuscript;

Child Development: Understanding A Cultural Perspective

by Martin J. Packer

Every child is born into a community, a society with a culture, in which they will live, grow and develop. Cultures lead to differences in children’s development, but equally important, culture is an essential component of every child’s psychological development. Taking a chronological approach, from prenatal development to adolescence, your knowledge of developmental psychology will grow with the child. To help you in your studies · Social, cognitive, emotional and physical aspects of development are interwoven to help you connect the material · You can read case studies from across the globe to enable you to compare cultures · Key research studies are highlighted to help you get to grips with the theory · You’ll be encouraged to ‘Stop and think’ and engage your critical skills You can also access revision tools online. In this new edition we′ve reduced the number of chapters so it covers only what you need to know and we′ve added a glossary to help with understanding. This textbook is essential reading for undergraduate students taking an introductory course in child development or developmental psychology.

Child Development: Understanding A Cultural Perspective

by Martin J. Packer

Every child is born into a community, a society with a culture, in which they will live, grow and develop. Cultures lead to differences in children’s development, but equally important, culture is an essential component of every child’s psychological development. Taking a chronological approach, from prenatal development to adolescence, your knowledge of developmental psychology will grow with the child. To help you in your studies · Social, cognitive, emotional and physical aspects of development are interwoven to help you connect the material · You can read case studies from across the globe to enable you to compare cultures · Key research studies are highlighted to help you get to grips with the theory · You’ll be encouraged to ‘Stop and think’ and engage your critical skills You can also access revision tools online. In this new edition we′ve reduced the number of chapters so it covers only what you need to know and we′ve added a glossary to help with understanding. This textbook is essential reading for undergraduate students taking an introductory course in child development or developmental psychology.

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