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Perspectives on the Study of Speech

by Peter D. Eimas, Joanne L. Miller

Published in the year 1982, Perspectives on the Study of Speech is a valuable contribution to the field of Cognitive Psychology.

Physical Appearance, Stigma, and Social Behavior: The Ontario Symposium Volume 3 (Psychology Revivals)

by Herman C. Peter Zanna Mark P. Higgins E. Tory

Originally published in 1986, this book grew out of a symposium held in 1981 at the University of Toronto on physical appearance as a determinant of personality and social behavior. There is little doubt that one’s appearance has some impact on the way one is perceived and treated; and presumably, owing to the socially reflected nature of the self, one’s personality likewise will be affected by one’s appearance. The questions arising from these basic observations and assumptions are many, and the expert contributors were invited to discuss their research on some of the implications of individual differences in appearance as they ramify into personality and social interaction. The chapters in this volume are the outcome of those discussions and cover the areas of facial attractiveness; physique; impact on social behavior, and deviance. Still a topic of interest to this day, this book can now be read and enjoyed in its historical context.

The Power of Identity and Ideology in Language Learning

by Peter I. De Costa

This critical ethnographic school-based case study offers insights onthe interaction between ideology and the identity development of individualEnglish language learners in Singapore. Illustrated by case studies of thelanguage learning experiences of five Asian immigrant students in anEnglish-medium school in Singapore, the author examines how the immigrantstudents negotiated a standard English ideology and their discursivepositioning over the course of the school year. Specifically, the study traceshow the prevailing standard English ideology interacted in highly complex wayswith their being positioned as high academic achievers to ultimately influencetheir learning of English. This potent combination of language ideologies andcirculating ideologies created a designer student immigration complex. Byframing this situation as a complex, the study problematizes the power of ideologiesin shaping the trajectories and identities of language learners.

Spatial Neglect: A Clinical Handbook for Diagnosis and Treatment (Brain, Behaviour and Cognition)

by Peter W Halligan Ian Robertson

Spatial neglect is a profound clinical problem as well as intriguing scientific problem. In the last ten years, there has been an explosion of interest in this disorder, which as a result is no longer viewed as a single entity, but rather as a number of different disorders. This book is an attempt to bring the reader up to date with the latest advances in understanding neglect, at least insofar as this contributes to better clinical assessment, management and treatment. This is not a book for the specialist researcher in the neuropsychology of neglect and attention. Rather, it is a book aimed at clinicians - student and trained - from all disciplines involved in the assessment, management and treatment of neglect.The book begins with the description of four cases manifesting different types of unilateral neglect. The reader is introduced to different aspects of neglect through these patients. These distinctions include those between personal and extrapersonal neglect, motor versus sensory neglect and many others. The reader is also introduced to other phenomena that are closely related to neglect, including ansognosia and impaired sustained attention. The latest methodes of assessment of neglect are also described, as are methods of treatment, again with reference to the four introductory specimen cases.

The Nature of Thought: Essays in Honor of D.o. Hebb

by Peter W. Jusczyk and Raymond M. Klein

First published in 1980. This is a collection of lectures around Professor Emeritus Don O.Hebb of Dalhousie University on the major trends in cognitive psychology. It includes essays on Hebb's ideas and impact on current psychological theorizing; his 'structure of thought', and a collection under the section of 'Information-Processing Analysis'.

Grief, Loss and Bereavement: Evidence and Practice for Health and Social Care Practitioners

by Peter Wimpenny and John Costello

Dealing with the social experience of grief, loss and bereavement are challenging areas for everyone, including health and social care practitioners who are often well placed to offer help and support to the bereaved. This book draws together a comprehensive range of worldwide evidence for understanding and supporting the bereaved in a variety of health and social care contexts. It can be used by practitioners from a wide range of backgrounds in both health and social care to gain an appreciation of bereavement and its associated support and care. Additionally, it can be used for personal and professional development by practitioners who want to enhance their own and others’ practice with the bereaved in specific contexts or organisations. The book may also be of value to those undertaking post graduate study who want to gain a wider understanding of the evidence related to bereavement and bereavement care practice in health and social care and may be seeking to add to the body of evidence in this field.

The Process of Psychoanalytic Therapy: Models and Strategies

by Emanuel Peterfreund

In his extensive description of the heuristic approach to psychoanalytic therapy, Peterfreund discusses the strategies used by both patient and therapist as they move toward discovery and deeper understanding.

The Gestalt Theory And The Problem Of Configuration (International Library Of Psychology Ser.)

by Bruno Petermann

This is Volume VIII of a series of twenty-one on Cognitive Psychology. Originally published in 1932, this study looks at the problem of configuration and the Gestalt Theory, its empirical foundation and dynamics.

Kann man einem Psychiater trauen?: Über Psychiater und andere psychische Störungen

by Carsten Petermann

In einer Mischung aus Ernst, Satire, schwarzem Humor und Poesie nimmt der Autor, selber Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, auf ungewöhnliche und kreative Weise den eigenen Berufsstand aufs Korn. In einer unterhaltsam-pointierten und zugleich fachkundigen Art und Weise vermittelt er darüber hinaus, wie nebenbei, Informationen über psychische Störungen, wie die Depression, die bipolare affektive Störung, die Borderline-Persönlichkeit sowie die paranoide Schizophrenie - mit dem Ziel, auf diese einzigartige und empathische Weise Betroffenen und Angehörigen Hilfestellung anzubieten. Audioclips zu ausgewählten Abschnitten sind per MoreMediaApp abrufbar und geben einen Eindruck vom begleitenden Bühnenprogramm. Zielgruppe sind alle Leser, die sich auf unterhaltsame Weise über psychische Erkrankungen informieren möchten und schon immer gerne wissen wollten - kann man einem Psychiater trauen?

Aggression und Gewalt bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Formen und Ursachen (essentials)

by Franz Petermann Ute Koglin

In diesem Essential werden anhand aktueller Forschungsergebnisse die Formen und Ursachen aggressiv-dissozialen Verhaltens im Kindes- und Jugendalter dargestellt. Aggressiv-dissoziales Verhalten gehört zu den häufigsten Verhaltensproblemen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Es wird aufgrund vielfältiger Ziele und Motive eingesetzt. Die Autoren beschreiben den Einfluss von Risiko- und Schutzfaktoren auf die Entstehung und den Verlauf von aggressiv-dissozialem Verhalten.

Aggression und Gewalt von Kindern und Jugendlichen: Hintergründe und Praxis

by Franz Petermann Ute Koglin

Psychologische Hilfe: Aggression und Gewalt von Kindern und Jugendlichen Das Thema Aggression und Gewalt verliert nicht an Aktualität, sondern ist aufgrund seiner gesellschaftlichen Relevanz seit Jahrzehnten ein hoch aktuelles Thema. Vor allem das Jugendalter stellt dabei einen besonders sensiblen Entwicklungsabschnitt dar, in dem aggressiv-dissoziales Verhalten ansteigt und extreme Formen annehmen kann. Im öffentlichen Bewusstsein scheinen zunehmend immer jüngere Kinder und Jugendliche sehr schwerwiegendes aggressiv-dissoziales Verhalten zu zeigen. Medien greifen das auf. Psychologen sind gefragt. Neueste empirische Forschungsergebnisse und fundierte Praxis Dieses Buch befasst sich mit den verschiedenen Aspekten, die Psychologen stützend beitragen können: Bedeutung von Risiko- und Schutzfaktoren bei aggressiv-dissozialem Verhalten bei Kindern und Jugendlichen - Erkenntnis und präzise Risikoabschätzung aus aktuellen Studien in den Bereichen Bullying, PC-/Video-Spiele, sexuelle Gewalt bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen - Wirksame Programme gegen Aggression und Gewalt, vor allem im Kindes- und Jugendalter - Maßnahmen für junge Kinder und ihre Familien, z.B. soziale Kompetenztrainings - Neue Maßnahmen für Hoch-Risiko-Gruppen im Jugendalter. Ein Buch für alle, die in ihrer Arbeit mit dem Thema Aggression und Gewalt bei Kindern und Jugendlichen konfrontiert sind und fundierte Hintergrundinformationen und Praxishinweise suchen. Geschrieben für Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeuten, Schulpsychologen, Mitarbeiter in Beratungsstellen, Kinderärzte, aber auch Studierende der Psychologie, Pädagogik und Medizin (Kinderheilkunde). Gut lesbar, gut strukturiert, mit vielen Fallbeispielen und Praxishinweisen

Aggressive Kinder und Jugendliche: Prävention und Therapie – ein Überblick (essentials)

by Franz Petermann Ute Koglin

Das Essential bietet eine aktuelle Übersicht zu Ansatzpunkten für die Prävention aggressiven Verhaltens bei Kindern und Jugendlichen sowie Informationen über wirksame Präventionsangebote und therapeutische Grundprinzipien bei der Behandlung. Die Autoren schildern, wie durch Einbeziehung des sozialen Umfeldes langfristig Erfolge bei der Prävention und Behandlung eines solchen Problemverhaltens erzielt werden können. Neu entwickelte, altersspezifische Therapieansätze (z. B. soziale Kompetenztrainings, Elterntrainings, multisystematische Therapie), die sich als besonders wirksam erwiesen haben, werden vorgestellt. Auf diese Weise können auch aggressive Kinder und Jugendliche zu sozial kompetenten, selbstbewussten Erwachsenen heranwachsen.

Sleep Through Insomnia: End the Anxiety and Discover Sleep Relief with Guided CBT-I Therapy

by Brandon Peters

Overhaul your sleep in 6 short weeksWhen counting sheep fails and the hours of tossing and turning finally stack up, it's time to discover a sleeplessness solution that actually works. Reclaim your sleep, and your life, with an in-depth analysis of insomnia's causes and cures. Whether you're trying to beat your insomnia for the first time or the hundredth, this book will guide you to escaping its destructive influence.Based on the latest sleep research and Dr. Peters' extensive clinical experience, Sleep Through Insomnia is a proven 6-week cognitive behavioral therapy program that will help anyone find sleep relief. With questionnaires and exercises, this book will help you engage with and improve your sleep habits. Transform your life through CBT-I and learn how to:Understand sleep: discover the basics of healthy sleep, its role in overall well-being, and the impact of insomniaIdentify triggers: educate yourself on medical and psychiatric disorders as well as more common stressors that may stand between you and a good night's sleepBuild a routine: Develop healthy and effective behaviors for your days and nights to increase mindfulness, decrease anxiety, and invite restful sleep every nightDevelop a plan for lasting change: set goals, sustain better sleep, and prevent future relapses through a sleep program tailored to your individual needsFor chronic insomniacs, acute sufferers, or simply anyone who has struggled to fall asleep, Sleep Through Insomnia gives you the tools you need to discover refreshing sleep.

Counseling Kids

by Donald L. Peters

First published in 1991. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Commemoration and Oblivion in Royalist Print Culture, 1658-1667 (Palgrave Studies in the History of the Media)

by Erin Peters

This book explores the measures taken by the newly re-installed monarchy and its supporters to address the drastic events of the previous two decades. Profoundly preoccupied with - and, indeed, anxious about - the uses and representations of the nation's recent troubled past, the returning royalist regime heavily relied upon the dissemination, in popular print, of prescribed varieties of remembering and forgetting in order to actively shape the manner in which the Civil Wars, the Regicide, and the Interregnum were to be embedded in the nation's collective memory. This study rests on a broad foundation of documentary evidence drawn from hundreds of widely distributed and affordable pamphlets and broadsheets that were intended to shape popular memories, and interpretations, of recent events. It thus makes a substantial original contribution to the fields of early modern memory studies and the history of the English Civil Wars and early Restoration.

Want: 8 Steps to Recovering Desire, Passion, and Pleasure After Sexual Assault

by Julie Peters

Rediscover Love and Desire after Sexual AssaultReaders of The Body Keeps the Score, The Deepest Well and Trauma Stewardship should read Want: Recovering Desire after Sexual Assault.Have the courage to heal. We know, increasingly, how common and devastating sexual violence is for women, but we don’t always talk about how survivors can recover from the trauma and return to desire, sexuality, trust, and pleasure. Want is the story of how Julie Peters did just that—and how you can, too.Move past the fog of trauma. In the years after the assault, Julie was in what she calls the fog of trauma: the colorless, tasteless experience of barely getting through the day. No one—not counsellors, support groups, or other survivors—could give her any advice about how to find the desire that could bring her back to joy, intimacy, and connection. She had to make it up on her own. In Want, Julie tells the story of getting from the devastation of trauma to living a full life in eight sometimes challenging, often bumbling, and occasionally delightful steps.Experience hope, healing and recovery. We have plenty of stories about the helplessness, frustration, and vengeful feelings that can follow trauma. Culturally, we have started a conversation about these experiences, and we’re all confused about what this all means for our relationships with each other. We need stories of hope, healing, and recovery. Survivors of assault, if you've been thinking to yourself, "I thought it was just me," Julie is here to show you that you are not alone. Your loved ones may not know how to support you, but they can learn more about your experiences and how to walk alongside you through this book, just as you can learn how to recover from the trauma you've experienced. Want offers a window into one person’s experience of recovery—plus the happy ending we all need to know is possible after trauma.

Anorexia nervosa: Effektivität einer Gewichtsmapping-basierten Intervalltherapie

by Kathrin Peters

Bei Anorexia nervosa zeigen sich oft schwere, langwierige und mitunter ernüchternde Verläufe. Selbst nach scheinbar erfolgreicher stationärer Behandlung kommt es häufig zu erneutem Körpersubstanzverlust und ungeplanten Wiederaufnahmen. Kathrin Peters stellt daher eine innovative Weiterentwicklung bisheriger Therapiekonzepte vor: Die Gewichtsmapping-basierte Intervalltherapie für Anorexia nervosa bei Erwachsenen. Diese fokussiert den Aufbau eines selbstfürsorglichen Essverhaltens sowie die Akzeptanz der resultierenden Gewichtsentwicklung. Durch eine individualisierte Behandlungsplanung auf Basis standardisierter Mapping-Methoden mit planvoll genutzten stationären Therapie- und häuslichen Erprobungsphasen können Bewältigungskompetenzen stufenweise aufgebaut werden. Erstmalig wird die mittelfristige Effektivität der Gewichtsmapping-basierten Intervalltherapie im Vergleich zur Standardtherapie untersucht und ihre Wirksamkeit empirisch belegt. Damit wird erstmals aufgezeigt, dass Gewichtsmapping-basierte Intervalltherapie vielversprechend für die Praxis ist, um die Essstörungsbewältigung nachhaltig positiv zu beeinflussen.

Encyclopedia of Teacher Education

by Michael A. Peters

This encyclopaedia is a dynamic and living reference that student teachers, teacher educators, researchers and professionals in the field of education with an accent on all aspects of teacher education, including: teaching practice; initial teacher education; teacher induction; teacher development; professional learning; teacher education policies; quality assurance; professional knowledge, standards and organisations; teacher ethics; and research on teacher education, among other issues. The Encyclopedia is an authoritative work by a collective of leading world scholars representing different cultures and traditions, the global policy convergence and counter-practices relating to the teacher education profession. The accent will be equally on teaching practice and practitioner knowledge, skills and understanding as well as current research, models and approaches to teacher education.

Laying Down the Law: The 25 Laws of Parenting to Keep Your Kids on Track, Out of Trouble, and (Pretty Much) Under Control

by Ruth Peters

Laying Down the Law presents 25 no-nonsense rules that teach your kids values and discipline from the inside out NBC Today show expert Dr. Ruth Peters shares her best and newest advice for helping families restore order and keep the peace with proven, painless methods that once and for all get your children to: * Understand and follow your family's values * Do their work when and how YOU want it done--without whining* Follow your rules, even when their friends don't * Develop compassion and empathy Now, you'll know: * When snooping in their rooms is okay--and how to do it * When making peace is the WORST thing you can do * The 5 questions you must ask your teenager every time he leaves the house * Why your kids should earn their privileges--and how to get them to

Aging with Agency: Building Resilience, Confronting Challenges, and Navigating Eldercare

by Sandi Peters

An experiential guide to re-orienting our understanding of late adulthood as one of life's most meaningful and transformative stagesAging can bring new fears, challenges, and concerns. Loss of career, loved ones, or changing physical and cognitive abilities can leave us feeling isolated and scared. Sandi Peters shows us that growing older need not mean the end of personal growth. In fact, late adulthood can prove to be the most meaningful and transformative period of one's life. The key, says Peters, is the development of one's inner life, and with it a shift in one's relation to the aging process. The book draws on history, philosophy, psychology, gerontology, and spirituality to deepen and expand our understanding of what it means to grow old in the twenty-first century. Peters shares time-tested contemplative practices such as meditation, active imagination, dream work, and creative writing designed to enhance one's inner worlds and enable us to face life's inevitable changes with equanimity and insight. She offers practical advice on issues such as assisted living and home care, and a refreshingly new perspective on matters of memory and cognitive change.

At Heaven's Door: What Shared Journeys to the Afterlife Teach About Dying Well and Living Better

by William J. Peters

A groundbreaking, authoritative exploration—rich with powerful personal stories and convincing research—of the many ways the living can and do accompany the dying on their journey into the afterlife.In 2000, end-of-life therapist William Peters was volunteering at the Zen Hospice Project in San Francisco when he had an extraordinary experience as he was reading aloud to a patient: he suddenly felt himself floating in midair, completely out of his body. The patient, who was also aloft, looked at him and smiled. The next moment, Peters felt himself return to his body…but the patient never regained consciousness and died. Perplexed and stunned by what had happened, Peters began searching for other people who&’d shared similar experiences. He would spend the next twenty years gathering and meticulously categorizing their stories to identify key patterns and features of what is now known as the &“shared crossing&” experience. The similarities, which cut across continents and cultures and include awe-inspiring visual and sensory effects, and powerful emotional after-effects, were impossible to ignore. Long whispered about in the hospice and medical communities, these extraordinary moments of final passage are openly discussed and explained in At Heaven&’s Door. The book is filled with powerful tales of spouses on departing this earth after decades together and bereaved parents who share their children&’s entry into the afterlife. Applying rigorous research, Peters digs into the effect these shared crossing experiences impart—liberation at the sight of a loved one finding joy, a sense of reconciliation if the relationship was fraught—and explores questions like: What can explain these shared death experiences? How can we increase our likelihood of having one? What do these experiences tell us about what lies beyond? And, most importantly, how can they help take away the sting of death and better prepare us for our own final moments? How can we have both a better life and a better death?

On Edge: A Journey Through Anxiety

by Andrea Petersen

A celebrated science and health reporter offers a wry, bracingly honest account of living with anxiety. A racing heart. Difficulty breathing. Overwhelming dread. Andrea Petersen was first diagnosed with an anxiety disorder at the age of twenty, but she later realized that she had been experiencing panic attacks since childhood. With time her symptoms multiplied. She agonized over every odd physical sensation. She developed fears of driving on highways, going to movie theaters, even licking envelopes. Although having a name for her condition was an enormous relief, it was only the beginning of a journey to understand and master it—one that took her from psychiatrists’ offices to yoga retreats to the Appalachian Trail. Woven into Petersen’s personal story is a fascinating look at the biology of anxiety and the groundbreaking research that might point the way to new treatments. She compares psychoactive drugs to non-drug treatments, including biofeedback and exposure therapy. And she explores the role that genetics and the environment play in mental illness, visiting top neuroscientists and tracing her family history—from her grandmother, who, plagued by paranoia, once tried to burn down her own house, to her young daughter, in whom Petersen sees shades of herself. Brave and empowering, this is essential reading for anyone who knows what it means to live on edge.

Brain Maturation and Cognitive Development: Comparative and Cross-cultural Perspectives (Foundations Of Human Behaviour Ser.)

by Anne Petersen

This volume adopts a unique, multidisciplinary approach to the study of the development of the human brain and early behavior. It includes chapters by researchers from several disciplines whose work addresses specific aspects of brain-behavioral interactions in development. The chapters provide strong evidence that the development of both brain and behavior is a response to biological and environmental variations.Language is also discussed, and provides a useful example of biosocial development because linguistic and brain functions and development can be examined under controlled conditions of both genetic and environmental deprivation. Research in this area has produced particularly exciting results pointing to the universality of language capacity among humans and illuminating the processes by which language competence develops.Brain Maturation and Cognitive Development provides new views in the understanding of human nature and present new, biosocially oriented research directions that are unique in their focus.

Principles of Psychological Assessment: With Applied Examples in R (Chapman & Hall/CRC Statistics in the Social and Behavioral Sciences)

by Isaac T. Petersen

This book highlights the principles of psychological assessment to help researchers and clinicians better develop, evaluate, administer, score, integrate, and interpret psychological assessments. It discusses psychometrics (reliability and validity), the assessment of various psychological domains (behavior, personality, intellectual functioning), various measurement methods (e.g., questionnaires, observations, interviews, biopsychological assessments, performance-based assessments), and emerging analytical frameworks to evaluate and improve assessment including: generalizability theory, structural equation modeling, item response theory, and signal detection theory. The text also discusses ethics, test bias, and cultural and individual diversity.Key Features Gives analysis examples using free software Helps readers apply principles to research and practice Provides text, analysis code/syntax, R output, figures, and interpretations integrated to guide readers Uses the freely available petersenlab package for R Principles of Psychological Assessment: With Applied Examples in R is intended for use by graduate students, faculty, researchers, and practicing psychologists.

The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

by Timothy J. Petersen Susan E. Sprich Sabine Wilhelm

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has a growing evidence base that supports its efficacy in treating a wide range of psychiatric disorders and has been adapted for use with more complicated patient populations and for different stages of psychiatric illness. As the first Massachusetts General Hospital-branded text on the subject, this is a cutting-edge tool that is unlike any current book on CBT. The authors for this handbook are among the world's foremost experts in their specialty area and are actively engaged in dynamic research evaluating the efficacy of CBT as well as identifying mechanisms of action for this treatment. This title provides in-depth coverage of the historical background of the development of CBT, a comprehensive review of relevant outcomes data, a survey of mechanisms by which CBT exerts its effect, and, most importantly, a take away "tool box" of CBT strategies and techniques that can be immediately implemented in clinicians' practices. The Massachussetts General Hospital Handbook of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy reaches and improves the clinical practices of a broad base of front line mental health practitioners, including psychiatrists and therapists.

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