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Showing 35,626 through 35,725 of 49,559 results

Psychologie für Fach- und Führungskräfte: Für mehr Erfolg im Berufsleben

by Patrick Amar Jutta Bretthauer

Konzepte und Themen wie positives Denken, Abwehrmechanismen, emotionelle Intelligenz, Überzeugungskommunikation, kognitive Dissonanz, Commitment-, Motivations- und Leadershiptheorien, interkulturelle Unterschiede, Stress und Work-Life-Balance beruhen alle auf zentralen psychologischen Theorien. Psychologie und Management sind eng miteinander verflochten. Die Psychologie stellt Unternehmen einen reichhaltigen Schatz an empirischen Erkenntnissen zur Verfügung, die die Managementtheorien gut ergänzen. Ausgehend von grundlegenden Experimenten aus den Gebieten der klinischen Psychologie, sowie der Sozial- und Organisationspsychologie zeigt Patrick Amar in diesem Werk Konzepte und Tools auf, die die Managementpraxis erklären, ergänzen und erweitern. Darüber hinaus gibt dieses Werk derzeitigen und zukünftigen Führungskräften wertvolle Impulse zur persönlichen und professionellen Weiterentwicklung und ist somit eine Pflichtlektüre für alle, die ihre ganz persönliche Work-Life Balance anstreben.

Psychologie für Lehramtsstudierende

by Margarete Imhof

Lehrerinnen und Lehrer treffen täglich wichtige Entscheidungen: Wie soll Lernen gestaltet werden? Ist Gruppenarbeit wirklich sinnvoll? Wie erkennt und fördert man individuelle Potentiale? Psychologische Kenntnisse können bei diesen und vielen anderen Fragen eine wichtige Entscheidungshilfe sein. Zukünftigen Lehrerinnen und Lehrern bietet dieses Buch eine verständliche, praxisnahe Einführung in die Pädagogische Psychologie, angereichert mit zahlreichen Beispielen und Fällen aus Schule und Unterricht.

Psychologie für Lehramtsstudierende (Basiswissen Psychologie)

by Margarete Imhof

Zukünftigen Lehrerinnen und Lehrern bietet dieses Buch eine verständliche, praxisnahe Einführung in die Psychologie der Entwicklung, des Lernens und des sozialen Verhaltens. Damit liefert es zum einen eine Einführung in das fürs Lehramtsstudium nötige psychologische Wissen – und zum anderen wichtige Grundlagen für die praktischen Entscheidungen, die Lehrende täglich treffen müssen, u.a.: Wie soll Lernen besser gestaltet werden? Wie erkennt und fördert man individuelle Potentiale? – Mit zahlreichen Beispielen und realitätsnahen Fällen aus Schule und Unterricht.

Psychologie - historisch betrachtet: Eine Einführung (essentials)

by Wolfgang Schönpflug

Wolfgang Schönpflug bietet in diesem essential eine auf zehn Schwerpunkte konzentrierte Einführung in die Psychologie. Das Buch schildert Theorien und Methoden sowie Arbeitsgebiete und Institutionen, mit denen Psychologie als Wissenschaft und als Beruf in die Moderne gelangt ist. Zu erklären ist die moderne Psychologie in ihrer Diversität und Widersprüchlichkeit am besten durch den Rückblick auf ihre Ursprünge und Entwicklungslinien. Daher ist der Ansatz dieser Schrift ein historischer. Im Rückblick auf die Geschichte der Psychologie zeigen sich auch deren nachhaltige Beziehungen zu einer kritischen Öffentlichkeit sowie zu benachbarten Disziplinen.

Psychologie im Familienrecht - zum Nutzen oder Schaden des Kindes?

by Uwe Tewes

Dieses lebenspraktische Sachbuch greift die öffentliche Diskussion über Ungerechtigkeiten im Scheidungsverfahren, gerichtliche Fehlurteile und familienpsychologische Gutachter als „heimliche Richter“ auf. Es beschreibt anschaulich das sehr komplexe System der Zusammenarbeit von Gerichten, Gutachtern, Anwälten, Jugendämtern und Verfahrensbeiständen der Kinder und befasst sich insbesondere mit der Arbeit der psychologischen Sachverständigen.Mit Hinweisen auf fragwürdige Methoden und häufige Fehlerquellen regt dieses Werk auch zum Mitdenken an und ist sowohl ein Plädoyer für ein gesundes Maß an Psychologie im Familienrecht wie auch eine Warnung vor einer Psychologisierung des Gerichtsverfahrens.Zielgruppen für dieses Buch sind Eltern und Betroffene, Juristen und andere beteiligte Professionen sowie psychologische Laien mit einem Interesse an dieser Thematik.Diese vollständig überarbeitete und aktualisierte Neuauflage berücksichtigt die zahlreichen Empfehlungen, Richtlinien, Mindestanforderungen der Fachgesellschaften und der neueren Fachbücher, die seit der Erstauflage erschienen sind.Zum Autor Universitäts-Professor und Diplom-Psychologe (i.R.) Dr. Uwe Tewes war Leiter des Instituts für Medizinische Psychologie an der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover und mehr als vier Jahrzehnte nebenamtlich als forensischer Gutachter tätig.

Psychologie im Projektmanagement: Projektleitung in komplexen Organisationen

by Christoph Lüttge

Sie leiten ein komplexes Projekt, wenden SCRUM und agile Managementmethoden an, machen auch sonst alles richtig und trotzdem gibt es Unzufriedenheit unter den Stakeholdern? Dieses Fachbuch über Projektmanagement bietet Ihnen praxistaugliche Lösungen zu Vertrauensbildung und Motivation und führt Sie dabei in einmaliger Weise durch die psychologischen Untiefen von Risiken und Krisen sicher zum Erfolg. Von theoretischen Fundamenten wie der Motivations-, Organisations- und Kommunikationspsychologie wird der Bogen zum unternehmenspolitischen Umfeld gespannt, in dem Sie sich als Projektleitung bewegen. Aus seiner eigenen, über 25-jährigen Projekterfahrung reichert der Autor jedes Thema mit Darstellungen konkreter Managementsituationen aus der Praxis an, in denen Sie sich wiederfinden werden. Fragen und Antworten zum Selbsttest sind über die Flashcard App inkludiert. Ihren persönlichen Code finden Sie im Buch. Zielgruppen: Das Buch wendet sich an Projektleitungen und Führungskräfte, an Neueinsteiger genauso wie an erfahrene Profis, die kontinuierlich ihren Führungsstil weiterentwickeln wollen.

Psychologie in der medizinischen Rehabilitation: Somatopsychologie und Verhaltensmedizin

by Jürgen Bengel Oskar Mittag

Dieses Buch ist das Lehrbuch zur Psychologie in der medizinischen Rehabilitation für alle Berufsgruppen. Es ist für Reha-Psychologen und klinische Psychologen als Basisbuch verwendbar. Als Praxishandbuch enthält es alle Informationen, die in der medizinischen Rehabilitation gebraucht werden, und dient als Begleitbuch zur Fortbildung „Fachpsychologe in der Rehabilitation“. Geschrieben für Psychologen in der medizinischen Rehabilitation sowie für Ärzte, Ergo- und Physiotherapeuten, Sportlehrer, Pflegekräfte sowie Studierende mit Ziel Masterabschluss Psychologie. Aus dem Inhalt: Grundlagen (u. a. Geschichte, Selbstverständnis, Krankheitsbewältigung) – Diagnostik und Dokumentation (u. a. psychische Komorbidität, berufliche Belastungen, Entlassbericht) – Psychologische Interventionen (u. a. Beratung, motivierende Gesprächsführung, Handlungs- und Bewältigungsplanung) – Themenspezifische Maßnahmen (u. a. MBOR, Stressbewältigung, Entspannungsverfahren, Schmerzbewältigung, Nichtrauchertraining, Gewichtsreduktion, komorbide Suchtprobleme) – Spezifische Versorgungssettings (Orthopädie, Kardiologie, Psychoonkologie, Psychodiabetologie, Neuropsychologie) – Nachsorge, Team, Forschung (u. a. Teamentwicklung, Qualitätsmanagement). Die Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. med. Jürgen Bengel (Dipl.-Psych., Arzt, Psychotherapeut) und Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Oskar Mittag (Dipl.-Psych., Psychotherapeut), Universität Freiburg.

Psychologie in Zeiten der Krise: Eine wirtschaftspsychologische Analyse der Coronavirus-Pandemie (essentials)

by Erich Kirchler Julia Pitters Barbara Kastlunger

Als uns das Virus SARS-CoV-2 in Europa erreichte, gerieten wir in Panik. Das Leben wurde auf das Notwendigste heruntergefahren und zaghaft wieder gelockert. Dem Lockdown folgen gewaltige Veränderungen. Die Rückkehr in die bekannte Normalität ist nicht in Sicht. Wie erlebten wir die Bedrohung unserer Gesundheit und die Veränderungen der gewohnten Lebensrituale? Was folgte auf Schock und Angst? Wie gelang es, lang eingeübte Rituale abzulegen und die Herausforderungen anzunehmen? Wie werden wir nach dem Lockdown über die politischen Maßnahmen reden, woran werden wir uns erinnern und was werden wir aus der Krise gelernt haben? Dieses Essential bietet eine wirtschaftspsychologische Analyse über das komplexe Zusammenspiel zwischen Staat, Organisationen und Menschen vom Beginn der Krise bis zur Reparaturphase.

Psychologie Noire: L'art d'utiliser la PNL, la communication non verbale, le langage corporel et la persuasion

by Charles Cummings

Avez-vous déjà pensé à l'utilité de persuader les gens pour qu'ils fassent ce que VOUS voulez qu'ils fassent ? Si oui, alors continuez à lire ! Dans Psychologie Noire - L'ART D’UTILISER LA PNL, LA COMMUNICATION NON-VERBALE, LE LANGUAGE CORPOREL ET LA PERSUASION POUR AMENER LES GENS A FAIRE CE QUE VOUS VOULEZ- nous vous apprendrons à maîtriser l'art de la persuasion et à y parvenir grâce à l'outil de communication qu'est la programmation neurolinguistique PNL. En identifiant les indices subtils dans le langage corporel, les expressions faciales, les gestes et autres aspects non communicatifs, nous pouvons apprendre à influencer stratégiquement les décisions des autres et à les persuader comme nous le souhaitons. Nous vous fournirons des outils pratiques que vous pourrez utiliser pour convaincre les gens et les amener à vous suivre sans même qu'ils s'en rendent compte. Dans ces pages, vous découvrirez : - Les différences entre la persuasion et la manipulation. - Comment vous pouvez utiliser la persuasion dans votre vie professionnelle et sociale. - Comment identifier ce que les gens trouvent attirant et ce qui les repousse. ET BIEN D'AUTRES CHOSES ENCORE ! Avec l'aide de ce livre, vous pouvez prendre le dessus sur les autres, que ce soit dans votre domaine professionnel, amoureux ou social, et traduire votre apprentissage de la persuasion en salaires plus élevés, en succès, en pouvoir, en productivité accrue et en une vie plus heureuse ! Si vous êtes prêt à prendre le contrôle et à apprendre ce que la psychologie noire peut faire pour améliorer votre vie - alors ne cherchez pas plus loin. Ne perdez pas une minute de plus, faites défiler la page et cliquez sur > pour commencer dès aujourd'hui ! Nous nous retrouvons tous dans des positions où nous nous sentons handicapés simplement parce que les autres ne nous écoutent pas. Avez-vous déjà pensé à combien il serait utile de persuader les g

Psychologie und Klimakrise: Psychologische Erkenntnisse zum klimabezogenen Verhalten und Erleben (essentials)

by Marcel Hunecke

Auf der Grundlage umweltpsychologischer Erkenntnisse werden Ansatzpunkte und Strategien zur Förderung nachhaltigen Verhaltens benannt. Eine sozial-ökologischen Transformation erfordert jedoch nicht nur die Veränderung von spezifischen Verhaltensweisen, sondern umfassende Veränderungen in den bestehenden Lebensstilen. Der Ansatz der psychischen Ressourcen verfolgt dieses Ziel durch die Berücksichtigung des subjektiven Wohlbefindens als zentrale Motivationsquelle für nachhaltiges Verhalten. Hierbei gilt es auch die durch die Klimakrise verursachten Gefühle der Macht- und Hilflosigkeit zu überwinden, um das individuelle und kollektive Engagement für den Klimaschutz zu stärken.

Psychologie und Nachhaltigkeit: Konzeptionelle Grundlagen, Anwendungsbeispiele und Zukunftsperspektiven

by Claudia Thea Schmitt Eva Bamberg

Dieser Sammelband setzt sich zum Ziel, wesentliche Beiträge und Potenziale der Psychologie für (globale) Nachhaltigkeit herauszuarbeiten, innerhalb der psychologischen Disziplin (weiter) für den gesellschaftlichen Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurs zu sensibilisieren und künftige Forschungs- und Anwendungsperspektiven in den interdisziplinären Dialog einzubringen. Die Psychologie als Wissenschaft vom Erleben und Verhalten des Menschen bietet in vielfältiger Weise konzeptionelle sowie empirische Anknüpfungspunkte für den aktuellen Diskurs um nachhaltige Entwicklung – insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Umsetzung der als Agenda 2030 im September 2015 von den UN proklamierten Sustainable Development Goals.

Psychologie von Risiko und Vertrauen: Wahrnehmung, Verhalten und Kommunikation

by Jörn Basel Philipp Henrizi

Psychologie von Risiko und Vertrauen Unsicherheit und Unplanbarkeit nehmen zu, globale Krisen, Fake News und Skepsis erodieren bestehendes Vertrauen. Zusätzlich wird diese Dynamik durch technologische Entwicklungen befeuert, deren Akzeptanz maßgeblich von einer subjektiven Bewertung der Chancen und Risiken abhängt. Risikokompetenz, Risikomündigkeit oder auch Vertrauensaufbau sind hierbei zentrale Schlagwörter, welche exemplarisch für einen fundierten Umgang mit Risiko und Vertrauen stehen. Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen in 11 Kapiteln eine praxisorientierte Einführung in die Psychologie von Risiko und Vertrauen. Sie vertiefen Ihre Kenntnisse über Risikokommunikation im Krisenfall, den Umgang mit Misstrauen und auch wie es gelingt Vertrauen als entscheidendes Bindeglied zu etablieren, um Innovation und Fortschritt zu ermöglichen.Die didaktisch eingängig strukturierten Inhalte mit Lernzielen und Kontrollfragen stützen sich auf bewährte psychologische und aktuelle wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse. Vielfältige Praxisbeispiele, wie z.B. von einer Extremsportlerin, einem Flight Safety Officer und einem katholischen Missbrauchsaufklärer, vermitteln einen persönlichen Bezug und zeigen Ihnen, wie vielschichtig sich der Umgang mit Risiko und Vertrauen gestalten kann. Dazu erhalten Sie hilfreiche Zusatzmaterialien über die Begleitwebseite. Kapitel 4 ist unter einer Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License über frei verfügbar (Open Access).Zielgruppen Studierende der Wirtschaftspsychologie und anderer Studiengänge im Bereich Wirtschaft, Entscheidungsträger, Führungskräfte und alle, die sich für den Umgang mit Risiko und Vertrauen interessieren.Zu den Herausgebern Prof. Dr. Jörn Basel – Professor für Wirtschaftspsychologie an der Hochschule Luzern (HSLU). Mitglied des First International Network on Trust (FINT). Seine Forschung beschäftigt sich unter anderem damit, wie Organisationen verlorenes Vertrauen wiederaufbauen können. Prof. Dr. Philipp Henrizi – Professor und Programmleiter Governance, Risk and Compliance der Hochschule Luzern (HSLU). Diverse Forschungsprojekte und Publikationen im Bereich Risk Management und Compliance Management. Mitglied im European Risk Research Network (ERRN).

Psychologies in Revolution: Alexander Luria’s 'Romantic Science' and Soviet Social History (Mental Health in Historical Perspective)

by Hannah Proctor

This book situates the work of the Soviet psychologist and neurologist Alexander Luria (1902-1977) in its historical context and explores the 'romantic' approach to scientific writing developed in his case histories. Luria consistently asserted that human consciousness was formed by cultural and historical experience. He described psychology as the ‘science of social history’ and his ideas about subjectivity, cognition and mental health have a history of their own. Lines of mutual influence existed between Luria and his colleagues on the other side of the iron curtain, but Psychologies in Revolution also discusses Luria’s research in relation to Soviet history – from the October Revolution of 1917 through the collectivisation of agriculture and Stalinist purges of the 1930s to the Second World War and, finally, the relative stability of the Brezhnev era – foregrounding the often marginalised people with whom Luria’s clinical work brought him into contact. By historicising science and by focusing on a theoretical approach which itself emphasised the centrality of social and political factors for understanding human subjectivity, the book also seeks to contribute to current debates in the medical humanities.

Psychologies of Ageing: Theory, Research and Practice

by Elizabeth Peel Carol Holland Michael Murray

This book brings together a diversity of perspectives on the psychology of ageing. Exploring theoretical, conceptual, empirical and practical viewpoints on the topic, the authors offer insight into a range of contemporary issues. Dedicated chapters discuss themes within social and critical psychology such as ageing identities, sexuality and empathy in palliative care. The second part of the book analyses cognitive and biological aspects of ageing, including stress and health in ageing, dementia and lifestyle, and resilience in frailty in old age. The authors conclude by offering perspectives on community and political psychology, examining home and community supports for older people. Written in an accessible style suitable for students as well as researchers in psychology and the social sciences interested in ageing, this book showcases key theoretical, empirical, and practical issues in later life.

Psychologisation in Times of Globalisation (Concepts for Critical Psychology)

by Jan De Vos

Today more than ever, our understanding of ourselves, others and the world around us is described in psychological terms. Psychologists deeply influence our society, and psychological-discourse has invaded companies, advertising, culture, politics, and even our social and family life. Moreover, psychologisation has become a global process, applied to situations such as torture, reality TV and famine. This book analyses this ‘overflow of psychology’ in the three main areas of science, culture and politics. The concept of psychologisation has become crucial to current debates in critical psychology. De Vos combines these debates with insights from the fields of critical theory, philosophy and ideology critique, to present the first book-length argument that seriously considers the concept of psychologisation in these times of globalisation. The book contains numerous real-world examples making it an accessible and engaging analysis that should be of interest to researchers, postgraduates and undergraduate students of psychology and philosophy.

The Psychologisation of Eastern Spiritual Traditions: Colonisation, Translation and Commodification (Concepts for Critical Psychology)

by Elliot Cohen

This essential book critically examines the various ways in which Eastern spiritual traditions have been typically stripped of their spiritual roots, content and context, to be more readily assimilated into secular Western frames of Psychology. Beginning with the colonial histories of Empire, the author draws from the 1960s Counterculture and the subsequent romanticising and idealising of the East. Cohen explores how Hindu, Buddhist and Daoist traditions have been gradually transformed into forms of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Self-Help, undergoing processes of ‘modernisation’ and secularisation until their respective cosmologies had been successfully reinterpreted and reimagined. An important component of this psychologisation is the accompanying commodification of Eastern spiritual practices, including the mass-marketing of mindfulness and meditation as part of the burgeoning well-being industry. Also presenting emerging voices of resistance from within Eastern spiritual traditions, the book ends with a chapter on Transpersonal Psychology, showing a path for how to gradually move away from colonisation and towards collaboration. Engaging with the ‘mindfulness movement’ and other practices assimilated by Western culture, this is fascinating reading for students and academics in psychology, philosophy and religious studies, as well as mindfulness practitioners.

Psychologische Anforderungsanalysen: Anforderungsprofile für Management, Arbeit und Business

by Heribert Wienkamp

Anforderungsprofile scheinen auf Personalverantwortliche einen magischen Einfluss auszuüben, denn sonst wären sie für strategische Entscheidungen im Personalmanagement nicht so gefragt. Für Sie als potenzieller Nutzer ist entscheidend, weniger nach dem „universell talentierten Mitarbeiter“ zu fahnden, den es im Übrigen so gar nicht gibt, sondern die aktuelle und zukünftige Personalqualität im Unternehmen festzustellen In diesem Buch erhalten Sie einen Überblick über die mit Anforderungsstrukturen korrespondierenden Instrumente des Personalmanagements wie z.B. Förderkonzepte, Seminarangebote oder Tests. Außerdem werden Ihnen psychologische Erkenntnisse über geschäftlich motiviertes Denken und Handeln vermittelt. Dazu kommt, dass die hier vorgestellte psychologische Anforderungsanalyse nicht nur der Personalauslese und der Personalentwicklung in ihren Kernaufgaben von Nutzen sein wird, sondern ebenso neue Wege zur Identifizierung erfolgskritischer Business-Anforderungen aufzeigen kann. Business-Anforderungen sind z.B. in undurchsichtigen Situationen, wo es auf politische Kalküle und taktisches Geschick ankommt, aber auch bei Einführung moderner Managementsysteme und IT-Technologien (inkl. Social Media) allgegenwärtig und nicht wegzudenken. Zielgruppen: Führungskräfte, Personalreferenten und Arbeitsanalytiker und alle diejenigen, die sich mit Personalfragen, Arbeits- und Anforderungsanalysen, und strategischen Managementthemen beschäftigen. Zum Autor: Heribert Wienkamp ist Dipl.-Psychologe, PhD, Betriebswirt (grad.), berufliche Tätigkeit in verschiedenen Funktionen im Personalbereich einer Bank. ​

Psychologische Anforderungsanalysen in Theorie und Praxis: Für Führungskräfte und Personalmanager, die Anforderungsprofile erheben wollen (essentials)

by Heribert Wienkamp

Psychologische Anforderungsanalysen zeigen mit ihren Anforderungs- und Qualifikationsprofilen, worauf es zukünftig bei der Arbeit ankommt! Profitieren soll von diesen Informationen, die durch einen Methodenmix aus z. B. Fragebögen und „Expertengesprächen“ vor Ort zuvor zu erheben sind, sowohl die Bewerberauswahl als auch die Schulung des Personals, wie es sich z. B. angesichts neuer strategischer Herausforderungen im Finanzierungsgeschäft einer Bank ergab. Anhand ausgewählter Personalkennzahlen aus der operativen Personalarbeit ist zu prüfen, ob die aktuelle Personalstrategie „noch auf Kurs“ ist.

Psychologische Aspekte des polyzystischen Ovarial-Syndroms (PCOS): Ein Überblick über psychische Begleiterscheinungen und die Verbindung von Psyche und Biologie

by John A. Barry

Dieses Buch bietet einen Überblick über die neuesten Erkenntnisse zu den psychologischen Aspekten des polyzystischen Ovarsyndroms (PCOS) und ebnet den Weg für Fortschritte in diesem sich rasch entwickelnden Bereich. Anhand eines evidenzbasierten Ansatzes erläutert das Buch, wie PCOS Ängste und Depressionen verursacht, die Lebensqualität beeinträchtigt und mit anderen psychologischen Problemen einhergeht. Die psychologischen Auswirkungen der wichtigsten Merkmale von PCOS werden ebenfalls untersucht, wobei ein besonderer Schwerpunkt auf Insulinresistenz/Diabetes und Fruchtbarkeitsfragen liegt. Das Buch schließt mit einem Kapitel über praktische Empfehlungen, wie man am besten mit Angst und Depression bei PCOS umgeht. Ein wichtiges Merkmal dieses Buches ist, dass es aufzeigt, wie sich Testosteron, ein charakteristisches Merkmal von PCOS, auf die Psychologie auswirkt. Damit füllt es eine Lücke in der aktuellen Forschung und zeigt auf, auf welch komplexe Weise die Biologie die Psychologie bei PCOS beeinflusst und wie die Psychologie genutzt werden kann, um die Biologie positiv zu beeinflussen. Das Buch richtet sich insbesondere an Wissenschaftler und Kliniker in den Bereichen Gesundheitspsychologie und Frauengesundheit.

Psychologische Auswirkungen von Change Prozessen: Widerstände, Emotionen, Veränderungsbereitschaft und Implikationen für Führungskräfte (essentials)

by Miriam Landes Eberhard Steiner

Notwendige Veränderungen brechen sich immer Bahn. Verpasst man als Unternehmen den richtigen Zeitpunkt, so gleicht die Veränderung oftmals einem Vulkanausbruch. Ist die Veränderungsnotwendigkeit jedoch bereits für jeden erkennbar, fehlt die Kraft für einen notwendigen Change. In diesem Beitrag werden die Ausprägungen von Veränderungen systematisiert. Daraus leiten sich neun Veränderungssituationen ab, aus der sich die Herangehensweise im Veränderungsmanagement ergeben. Abhängig von der Radikalität des Eingriffes entwickeln sich bei jeder Veränderung unterschiedlich starke Widerstände. Diese Widerstände werden analysiert und Möglichkeiten für Führungskräfte zur Gestaltung der Veränderung aufgezeigt.

Psychologische Begutachtung von Familien mit Migrationshintergrund

by Helen A. Castellanos

Die psychologische Begutachtung von Familiensystemen, die kulturell und sprachlich nicht originär in Deutschland verwurzelt sind, stellt eine besondere Herausforderung dar. Die Immigrationswellen der vergangenen Jahre haben deutlich gemacht, dass zum Teil Erziehungsstrategien mitgebracht werden, die nicht mit den hier geltenden rechtlichen und gesellschaftlichen Zielen vereinbar sind. Wie sollen oder dürfen Sachverständige Verhaltensmuster und Wertvorstellungen dieser Familien bewerten und beurteilen, ob bereits die Grenze zur Kindeswohlgefährdung überschritten ist? Wie kann zwischen kulturell geprägten Verhaltensmuster und Anzeichen einer psychischen Erkrankung unterschieden werden? Dieses Buch bietet einen Überblick über die Auswirkung unterschiedlicher kultureller Prägungen und von Migration auf Familien, das konkrete Vorgehen von Sachverständigen bei der familienpsychologischen Begutachtungen von Familien mit Migrationshintergrund und darüber, wie erhobene Befunde bewertet werden können

Psychologische Bildung: Eine philosophische Annäherung

by David Fraissl

Aufgrund der immer größeren gesellschaftlichen Relevanz psychologischer Beschreibungen und Erklärungen ist es an der Zeit, die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Psychologischer Bildung auszuloten: Was ist Psychologische Bildung und was ist sie zu leisten imstande? Um diese Fragen zu beantworten, reflektiert das vorliegende Buch die epistemologischen, wissenschaftstheoretischen und anthropologischen Grundlagen der empirischen Psychologie. Als grundlegende Merkmale von Psychologischer Bildung erweisen sich psychologisches Denken, psychologische Kritik und psychologische Autonomie. Psychologisch gebildete Menschen betrachten lebensweltliche Phänomene und Probleme durch die Linse fachpsychologischer Konzepte und Theorien. Dadurch können sie sich kritischer und selbstbestimmter zu ihren subjektiven Bedingungen und Bedingtheiten verhalten, um diese zu beurteilen und gegebenenfalls zu verändern. Psychologische Bildung bereichert die pragmatische Menschen- und Weltkenntnis, indem sie durch und über die empirische Psychologie aufklärt. Schließlich folgen aus der Psychologischen Bildung praktische Konsequenzen für die Psychologievermittlung hinsichtlich ihrer Orientierungen, Inhalte und Methoden.

Psychologische Diagnostik

by Lothar Schmidt-Atzert Stefan Krumm Manfred Amelang

Dieses Lehrbuch der Psychologischen Diagnostik bietet alles, was Studierende im Bachelor- und Masterstudium der Psychologie für die Prüfung wissen und Anwendende an diagnostischem Handwerkszeug beherrschen müssen. Ein Standardwerk für die Ausbildung psychologischer Diagnostiker/-innen!

Psychologische Experimente: Grundwissen, Planung und Durchführung mit Open-Source-Software

by Christian Büsel

Dieses kleine Lehrbuch erklärt Ihnen die wichtigste Forschungsmethode der Psychologie – das Experiment – schnell, einfach und alltagsnah. Damit ist es der perfekte Begleiter, um das Experimentalpsychologische Praktikum, welches Ihnen in nahezu jedem Psychologiestudiengang begegnet, erfolgreich zu gestalten. So verstehen, planen und erstellen Sie ein Experiment, und diese Dinge sollten Sie bei der Durchführung berücksichtigen. Ein großer Teil des Buchs erklärt Ihnen außerdem ausführlich, wie Sie schlaue experimentelle Designs mit Open-Source-Software programmieren, ohne dass Sie ein Hacker-Genie sein oder werden müssen. So sind Sie für Ihr Experimentalpsychologisches Praktikum bestens ausgestattet und können jedes Experiment, das Sie im Laufe Ihrer akademischen Laufbahn erstellen müssen, problemlos meistern!

Psychologische Förder- und Interventionsprogramme für das Kindes- und Jugendalter (Psychotherapie: Praxis)

by Arnold Lohaus Holger Domsch

Der Markt der Trainings- und Förderprogramme im Kindes- und Jugendbereich ist unübersichtlich. Dieses Buch ist eine unverzichtbare Entscheidungshilfe. Die Herausgeber haben ein Team aus Top-Experten zusammengebracht, das die wichtigsten Verfahren in allen Problembereichen ausgewählt und beschrieben hat. Alle Programme werden nach einem einheitlichem Schema knapp und präzise vorgestellt: Auf einen kurzen Steckbrief folgen die Beschreibung der Zielgruppe, der Rahmenbedingungen, des Konzepts, des Ablaufs sowie Materialien und Befunde zur Wirksamkeit.

Psychologische Grunderkenntnisse für Psychotherapie: Wie eine konzeptübergreifende Psychotherapie gelingen kann (Psychotherapie: Praxis)

by Rainer Sachse

Dieses Buch lädt Psychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten in Klinik und Praxis, in Ausbildung oder mit langer Erfahrung, ein, das eigene Vorgehen zu reflektieren und aus der Kenntnis psychologischer Konzepte und Forschungen zu modifizieren und zu erweitern. Dadurch soll erreicht werden, dass Therapeuten Klienten ein besseres Therapie-Angebot machen können. So sehr es manchmal hilfreich sein kann mit überschaubaren Modellen zu arbeiten, so sinnvoll kann es sein, das eigene Handeln in eine übergreifende Rahmenkonzeption einbetten zu können – reflektiert, selbstfürsorglich, am Klienten orientiert. Aus dem Inhalt: Grundlegende Fragen zur Psychotherapie-Konzeption. Praktische Probleme und Vorgehensweisen in der Psychotherapie. Grundprobleme von Klienten: auf welche psychologischen Aspekte können Psychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten achten und welche (Prozess-)Ziele können sie sinnvoll anstreben. Über den Autor: Prof. Dr. Rainer Sachse ist Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, Begründer der klärungsorientierten Psychotherapie und Leiter des Instituts für Psychologische Psychotherapie (IPP) in Bochum; hier stellt er Grundannahmen über Psychotherapie auf den Kopf und lädt ein, zu gemeinsamen theoretischen Wurzeln der Psychologie zurückzukehren – mit Blick auf Konzeptübergreifendes, pro Klient und Klientin.

Psychologische Grundlagen zwischenmenschlicher Kooperation: Bedeutung von Vertrauen für langfristig erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit (essentials)

by Sven Pastoors Helmut Ebert

Dieses essential erläutert die psychologischen Grundlagen der zwischenmenschlichen Kooperation: Was veranlasst uns, mit anderen Menschen zusammenzuarbeiten? Welche Faktoren führen zum Erfolg? Und warum versuchen wir immer wieder, unser Gegenüber zu übervorteilen? Zudem erfahren die Leser, wieso Menschen, die mit anderen kooperieren, mehr Erfolg im Leben haben, welche Faktoren über den Erfolg einer Kooperation entscheiden und welche Bedeutung Vertrauen und Respekt für den Erfolg von Kooperationen haben. Dabei wird jedem der Faktoren ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet, in dem diese anhand praktischer Beispiele erläutert werden.

Psychologische Selbsthilfe bei Mobbing: Zuversicht, Vertrauen, Veränderung (essentials)

by Christa Kolodej

Christa Kolodej stellt anhand von zehn Themen wichtige Konzepte und zahlreiche #65533;bungen vor, die dem Erhalt der psychischen und physischen Gesundheit bei Mobbing dienen. Hierbei geht es u. a. um die St#65533;rkung positiver mentaler Einstellungen oder die M#65533;glichkeit, sich entspannen zu k#65533;nnen. Auch strategische Aspekte werden von der Autorin ber#65533;cksichtigt. Die gelungene Vermittlung von schwierigen Gespr#65533;chsinhalten, das Treffen von nachhaltigen Entscheidungen oder das angemessene Abschlie#65533;en erlebter Belastungen, um sich neu und unbelastet der eigenen Zukunft zu widmen, sind ebenfalls wichtige Themen dieses Buches. Es ist nicht immer m#65533;glich, Mobbing g#65533;nzlich zu vermeiden, sind die Prozesse doch oft so subtil, dass sie schwer sofort erkannt werden k#65533;nnen. Mobbingbetroffene k#65533;nnen nicht immer verhindern, dass sie in die Opferrolle gedr#65533;ngt werden; ob sie diese annehmen, entscheiden sie jedoch selbst!

Psychologisches Konfliktmanagement: Professionelles Handwerkszeug für Fach- und Führungskräfte (essentials)

by Werner Schienle Andreas Steinborn

Sie wollen mit Konflikten (noch) besser umgehen k#65533;nnen? Sie m#65533;chten wissen, wie Sie Ihre Interessen umsetzen, ohne dabei Scherbenhaufen in Ihren Beziehungen zu Kollegen, Vorgesetzten, Mitarbeitern oder auch im Bekannten- und Freundeskreis zu hinterlassen? Hier erfahren Sie es. In diesem essential finden Sie nicht nur jede Menge handfester und leicht im Alltag einsetzbarer Tools, sondern Sie gewinnen auch wertvolle Einblicke in konfliktf#65533;rdernde menschliche Denk- und Wahrnehmungsprozesse, deren Ber#65533;cksichtigung Ihr Leben um vieles einfacher macht. Weniger Kleinkriege, daf#65533;r mehr Zeit und Energie f#65533;r Ihre eigentlichen T#65533;tigkeiten.

Psychologisches Konfliktmanagement: Professionelles Handwerkszeug für Fach- und Führungskräfte (essentials)

by Werner Schienle Andreas Steinborn

Sie wollen mit Konflikten (noch) besser umgehen können? Sie möchten wissen, wie Sie Ihre Interessen umsetzen, ohne dabei Scherbenhaufen in Ihren Beziehungen zu Kollegen, Vorgesetzten, Mitarbeitern oder auch im Bekannten- und Freundeskreis zu hinterlassen? Hier erfahren Sie es. In dieser zweiten Auflage des essentials, welches sich gleich in der ersten Auflage als Standardwerk etabliert hat, finden Sie nicht nur jede Menge handfester und leicht im Alltag einsetzbarer Tools, sondern Sie gewinnen auch wertvolle Einblicke in konfliktfördernde menschliche Denk- und Wahrnehmungsprozesse, deren Berücksichtigung Ihr Leben um vieles einfacher macht. Weniger Kleinkriege, dafür mehr Zeit und Energie für Ihre eigentlichen Tätigkeiten.

Psychologist (Careers With Character #18)

by Shirley Brinkerhoff

Find out what it takes to be a psychologist with character... Psychologists can specialize in a variety of areas, including: *Experimental psychology; *Physiological psychology; *Development psychology; *Social psychology; *Clinical psychology; *School psychology; *Industrial psychology; and *Counseling psychology. Although professionals in this field need strong educational backgrounds, they also need: The diligence to follow through on long-term treatments or research... Respect and compassion for other human beings who are in emotional pain... And a sense of justice that enables them to treat each patient or client fairly. Few other professionals relate so closely with other human beings. If you pursue a career in psychology, you will have opportunities to help individuals become emotionally healthier and happier. Psychologists have the power to teach society better ways to live. Read Psychologist and find out how.

The Psychologist as Detective: An Introduction to Conducting Research in Psychology

by Randolph A. Smith Stephen F. Davis

<p>The Psychologist as Detective introduces students to the research process. The authors treat psychological research as a detective case in which a problem is presented, clues are discovered, evidence is evaluated, and a report is prepared for consideration by peers. <p>Upon completing this book, readers will be able to: <p> <li>Think critically about research and research methods <li>Analyze research as a problem solving procedure <li>Develop research skills by looking at examples of research studies <li>Evaluate evidence from a research study and prepare a report or summary of the case</li></p>

The Psychologist as Detective: An Introduction to Conducting Research in Psychology (Fourth Edition)

by Randolph A. Smith Stephen F. Davis

The Psychologist as Detective conveys the excitement of research methodology through a lively, conversational style. To make the study of the research process interactive and accessible for readers, pedagogical features and critical thinking activities are integrated throughout the volume. Actual student research appears in each chapter to increase relevance and heighten reader interest. This text evaluates the science of psychology, research ideas and hypotheses, ethics, nonexperimental methods and the basics of experimentation variables and control, statistics, designing-conducting-analyzing and interpreting experiments, as well as alternative research designs, external validity, critiquing experimental research and writing and assembling an APA-format research report. For individuals involved with or interested in psychological research.

The Psychologist At Work: An Introduction to Experimental Psychology (International Library Of Psychology Ser. #Vol. 106)

by Harrower, M R

First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Psychologist’s Companion

by Sternberg Robert J. Karin Sternberg

The Psychologist's Companion is intended for students as well as young professionals and writers at all stages of their careers seeking inspiration and guidelines for better scientific writing. This book is also a resource for researchers in related fields. It has been comprehensively updated, revised, and extended for its fifth edition and includes the latest style guidelines of the American Psychological Association's Publication Manual (sixth edition, 2009) as well as chapters encompassing the entire research process from doing literature research and planning an experiment to writing the paper. It features new chapters on literature research; ethics; and generating, evaluating, and selling ideas. The Psychologist's Companion also provides information on writing book proposals, grant proposals, and lectures.

The Psychologist's Companion

by Robert J. Sternberg Karin Sternberg

The Psychologist's Companion is intended for students as well as young professionals and writers at all stages of their careers seeking inspiration and guidelines for better scientific writing. This book is also a resource for researchers in related fields. It has been comprehensively updated, revised, and extended for its fifth edition and includes the latest style guidelines of the American Psychological Association's Publication Manual (sixth edition, 2009) as well as chapters encompassing the entire research process from doing literature research and planning an experiment to writing the paper. It features new chapters on literature research; ethics; and generating, evaluating, and selling ideas. The Psychologist's Companion also provides information on writing book proposals, grant proposals, and lectures.

The Psychologist's Companion for Undergraduates

by Sternberg Robert J. Karin Sternberg

Tailored specifically for undergraduate students, this Companion offers uniquely comprehensive coverage of the topics necessary for successful communication in psychology, making it a valuable resource for research methods and introductory psychology courses. Readers will learn how to effectively plan and write papers in accordance with the latest style guidelines from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition; present data in posters and talks; and evaluate their own and others' work. The clear writing style and reader-friendly format, meanwhile, allow students to absorb information easily, even when reading chapters selectively or out of order. The book includes numerous up-to-date examples drawn from career experiences to engage students and help them apply what they've learned to forward their own careers, while questions encourage them to think more deeply about larger issues in the field, preparing them for future research.

A Psychologist’s guide to EEG: The electric study of the mind

by Michiel Spapé

Do you want to learn to read people′s minds? In this student-friendly, practice-focussed textbook on EEG and biosignal analysis, you will learn how to: Implement your experiment in E-Prime, PsychoPy, or OpenSesame; Run your study in the psychophysiological laboratory; Analyse data in MATLAB by following simple steps. This textbook follows a unique approach by guiding you through a single EEG study, each part introducing the relevant core knowledge and commonly available software. Practical exercises help you master the skills to independently implement every aspect of an experiment, from setting up the lab to analysing the data. Suitable for developing both basic levels of skill for undergraduates as well as advancing towards a stronger command of analysis and understanding at postgraduate level. Michiel Spapé is a Lecturer and Researcher in Psychology at the University of Helsinki.

A Psychologist’s guide to EEG: The electric study of the mind

by Michiel Spapé

Do you want to learn to read people′s minds? In this student-friendly, practice-focussed textbook on EEG and biosignal analysis, you will learn how to: Implement your experiment in E-Prime, PsychoPy, or OpenSesame; Run your study in the psychophysiological laboratory; Analyse data in MATLAB by following simple steps. This textbook follows a unique approach by guiding you through a single EEG study, each part introducing the relevant core knowledge and commonly available software. Practical exercises help you master the skills to independently implement every aspect of an experiment, from setting up the lab to analysing the data. Suitable for developing both basic levels of skill for undergraduates as well as advancing towards a stronger command of analysis and understanding at postgraduate level. Michiel Spapé is a Lecturer and Researcher in Psychology at the University of Helsinki.

Psychologist's Neuropsychotropic Desk Reference

by Louis Pagliaro Anne Pagliaro

First published in 1999. This comprehensive neuropsychotropic drug reference is designed with prescribing psychologists and psychology students in mind. An accurate and authoritative reference, the Psychologists' Neuropsychotropic Drug Reference (PNDR) details drug monographs for over 80 different prescription neuropsychotropic drugs available for clinical prescription in North America.Each neuropsychotropic monograph is clearly and concisely written to reflect essential and important data that are commonly required by prescribing psychologists and psychology students. Thus, whenever possible and appropriate, each monograph includes: a phonetic pronunciation guide; up to five common trade or brand names; pharmacologic or therapeutic classification and subclassification; USDEA schedule designation for abuse potential; recommended dosages; and many other critical details.The form, style, and content of each monograph has been reviewed by members of an Editorial Advisory Committee of distinguished psychologists. With this quality assurance, this text is certain to become an asset to prescribing psychologists and psychology students as they strive to provide the maximum benefit of neuropsychotropic pharmacotherapy.

Psychologists on Psychology (Psychology Press & Routledge Classic Editions)

by David Cohen

This is a Classic Edition of David Cohen’s unique collection of interviews with eminent psychologists, first published in 1977. The book presents conversations with thirteen of the world’s great psychologists, who dominated the subject from 1950 to 1980, and who shaped psychology as we know it today. Those interviewed include Burrhus Skinner, Donald Broadbent, Hans Eysenck and also R.D Laing, Noam Chomsky, and Niko Tinbergen. This classic edition contains a newly written introduction which contextualises the interviews as a critique and diagnosis of the problems of contemporary psychology in the mid 1970’s. Together, the interviews cover a broad range of approaches, and the lively debates about theory, practice and what it means to be human which were occurring at that time. The book shows the different approaches each psychologist has to the subject and why, in terms of background, education, experimental research and personal preference, they came to the positions they hold. The classic edition of Psychologists on Psychology provides an astute, critical snapshot of psychology at that time. It will be of great interest to anyone with an interest in psychology, the history of psychology, and the history of ideas.

A Psychologist's Proactive Guide to Managed Mental Health Care

by Alan J. Kent Michel Hersen

A Psychologist's Proactive Guide to Managed Mental Health Care offers a concise overview of the evolution of managed mental health care and its impact on the working lives of clinical and counseling psychologists. Although many books explore the ramifications of managed care for psychotherapy, this is the first to take a broad perspective and examine the ways in which the new health care delivery system is affecting all aspects of practice--not just treatment but also assessment and training--as well as mental health research. The authors include some of the country's most noted psychologists with extensive experience in managed care. Their tone is optimistic rather than pessimistic; as they look at developments others have only deplored, they see potential roles and opportunities for growth for psychologists. In an era of dramatic health change, all those practitioners who are concerned about how to make managed care work for them rather than against them, will find this Guide essential reading. ALTERNATE BLURB A Psychologist's Proactive Guide to Managed Mental Health Care offers a concise overview of the evolution of managed mental health care and its impact on the working lives of clinical and counseling psychologists. While many books explore the ramifications of managed care for psychotherapy, this is the first to take a broad perspective and examine the ways in which the new health care delivery system is affecting all aspects of practice--not just treatment but also assessment and training--and mental health research as well.

Psychologists' Psychotropic Drug Reference

by Louis A. Pagliaro Ann Marie Pagliaro

First published in 1998. The purpose of this book is to provide prescribing psychologists and psychology students with an accurate and authoritative reference for psychotropic drugs that are commonly available for clinical prescription in North America. The reference is particularly directed for use by psychologists and psychology students who already have, or are currently developing, their professional expertise and responsibilities in the prescription and management of psychotropic pharmacotherapy as an adjunct to their psychotherapy. The Reference lists detailed drug monographs for over 100 different prescription psychotropic drugs available in North America. Thus, this reference is the most comprehensive psychotropic drug reference for clinical psychologists currently available. Each psychotropic monograph is clearly and concisely written to only reflect essential and important data that are commonly required by prescribing psychologists. Whenever available and appropriate, each monograph includes phonetic pronunciation, up to five common trade or brand names, pharmacologic or therapeutic classification and subclassification, United States Drug Enforcement Agency (USDEA) schedule designation for abuse potential, recommended dosages for adults, children and the elderly, helpful and important notes regarding methods of administration, relative contraindications, clinically significant drug interactions and more. It is hoped that by using the information presented in is book prescribing psychologists and psychology students will be better able to provide their patients with the maximum benefits of adjunctive pharmacotherapy with a minimum of adverse and toxic effects.

Psychologization and the Subject of Late Modernity

by Jan De Vos

Jan De Vos's second book on psychologization argues that psychology IS psychologization, a phenomenon traced back from Late-Modernity to the Enlightenment. Engaging with seminal thinkers such La Mettrie, Husserl, Lasch and Agamben, the book teases out the limits of psychoanalysis as a critical tool.


by Coco Ballantyne Misty G. Hull Deborah M. Licht

Thoroughly revised with input and insight from many of the hundreds of adopters of the groundbreaking first edition, Scientific American: Psychology continues to set a new standard for the introduction to psychology. Deborah Licht and Misty Hull continue to combine their years of research and teaching insights with the journalistic skill of science writer Coco Ballantyne. Together, they have created an introductory psychology resource that combines print and digital components into a seamless learning experience. The project draws on written profiles and video interviews of 27 real people to help students better understand, remember, and relate to psychology’s basic ideas. Beautifully designed, the printed text is filled with high-interest examples and features, including full-page infographics that help students understand and retain key concepts. Online, additional author-created resources, including scaffolded activities and adaptive quizzes, provide a seamless learning experience for students and a reliable assessment mechanism for instructors and programs. This innovative collaboration between Worth Publishers and Scientific American reflects a commitment to engaging and educating all students, including those who sometimes seem difficult to engage—in the contemporary style of the world’s most respected science magazine.

Psychology: Debates and Controversies

by Parul Bansal

Psychology: Debates and Controversies is about the contested nature of psychology, one of the most fascinating and important disciplines on the formation of human subjectivity. The book delves into critical debates over numerous key questions. Is psychology a natural science or a social science? Why is quantification and experimental logic so central to psychology? What kind of paradigmatic shift does qualitative research in psychology require? How does one understand an 'individual in context'? How does psychology understand the gendered basis of subjectivity? What does the medical model tell us about normality and abnormality? The book reflects upon and interrupts the dominant theories of psychology as told by academic and professional psychologists. It then aids in re-envisioning psychology along pathways that are different from the mainstream. Rather than asking the question 'which perspective is more valid?', the work strives to raise the question 'what is it valid for', which focuses the attention on the ideological ends and goals of different discourses of psychology. Key Features: • Exposes the ideological nature of mainstream scientific psychology • Critically interrogates the images of 'mind', 'individual', 'gender', 'social', 'cultural' that mainstream psychology offers • Reforms psychology along diverse epistemological and methodological lines of enquiry • Presents the salient debates in psychology in a dialogical and argumentative manner to encourage readers to become curious and seek more answers • Gathers, analyzes and re-presents the diverse strands of psychological thought available for a set of core issues under one title

Psychology: From Science to Practice

by Robert A. Baron Michael J. Kalsher

With a strong emphasis on application-- without neglecting research and science-- this text focuses on helping students use the findings and knowledge of psychology in their own lives and careers. As the only introductory psychology text written by authors with extensive business experience, this book seeks the ideal balance between psychology' s "practical "and "scientific "sides. It highlights psychology' s scientific nature while simultaneously emphasizing its practical value-- how students can actually use and apply the material they read on the job and outside of the classroom. "Psychology: From Science to Practice" emphasizes three key goals: Make it clear to students how they can actually use the findings and knowledge of psychology in their own lives and careers. Present psychology as a science. Discuss the major findings of psychology without overwhelming students with too much detail.

Psychology: Foundations and Frontiers

by Douglas A. Bernstein

PSYCHOLOGY: FOUNDATIONS AND FRONTIERS introduces readers to the fascinating world of psychology by presenting important findings from established and current research, emphasizing the many ways psychological theory and research results are being applied to benefit human welfare, and providing helpful visuals and learning tools. An integrated pedagogical study system helps readers master the material step by step. Try This activities illustrate psychological principles or phenomena by providing numerous opportunities for readers to learn by doing. Other features include Linkages diagrams and sections that show readers how topics in psychology are interrelated, Thinking Critically sections that apply a five-question approach to various topics, and Focus on Research sections to help readers think objectively about research questions and results.


by Douglas A. Bernstein Louis A. Penner Alison Clarke-Stewart Edward J. Roy

Psychology, 8/e, by Bernstein et al. continues to strike a balance between classical and contemporary topics with a comprehensive, research-oriented approach. The text takes an active learning approach with the use of hallmark pedagogical features such as Linkages, Focus on Research Methods, and Thinking Critically. Features new to the print program include streamlined content, integration of Positive Psychology throughout the text (by Chris Peterson, University of Michigan), and optional four-color "Neuropsychology" and "Industrial/Organizational Psychology" chapters available through Houghton Mifflin Custom Publishing. Leading-edge technology enhancements to the program include static and interactive eBooks; upgraded Flash-enabled Netlabs, Web tutorials, and animations; new interactive Concept Maps; new Active Learning and Critical Thinking Booklets; and a new DVD entitled Revealing Psychology.


by Douglas A. Bernstein Louis A. Penner Alison Clarke-Stewart Edward J. Roy

For this seventh edition introductory text, Bernstein (University of South Florida) et al. add new material on applied areas of psychology and techniques for studying the brain, along with expanded material on topics related to culture and human diversity, such as ethnic differences in IQ, social and cultural factors in sexuality, and cultural aspects of emotional expression. There is also updated coverage of behavior genetics and evolutionary psychology. Special features of the text include chapter links, focus sections on critical thinking and research methods, and a behavioral genetics appendix. Annotation ©2006 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Psychology: AP Version (Seventh Edition)

by Jared Bernstein

Seventh edition has an increased amount of material on applied psychology without losing the book's emphasis on basic research in psychology. Also contains substantial material on culture and human diversity.

Psychology (Evolutionary Psychology Ser.)

by David F. Bjorklund Peter O. Gray

Peter Gray's evolutionary perspective and emphasis on critical thinking have made his rigorous yet accessible introduction to psychology a widely respected classroom favorite, edition after edition. Now thoroughly revised, with the help of new co-author David Bjorklund, Psychology, Eighth Edition, invites and stimulates students to investigate the big ideas in psychological science.

Psychology: A Very Short Introduction

by Gillian Butler Freda Mcmanus

Psychology is part of everyone's experience: it influences the way we think about everything from education and intelligence to relationships and emotions, advertising, and criminality. People readily behave as amateur psychologists, offering explanations for what we think, feel, and do. But what exactly are psychologists trying to help us understand? What scientific grounding do they have for their approach? In Psychology: A Very Short Introduction, Dr. Gillian Butler and Dr. Freda McManus provide an understanding of some of psychology's leading ideas and their practical relevance. The authors answer some of the most frequently asked questions about psychology including: What is psychology? How do we use what is in the mind? How does psychology work? How do we influence each other? What can or can't a psychologist do for you? Psychology is a large part of our everyday experience, and this elemental guide is a stimulating introduction for anyone interested in understanding the human mind. About the series: The Very Short Introductions series offers concise and original introductions to a wide range of subjects from Buddhism to Literary Theory. Not simply a textbook of definitions, each book in the series provides trenchant, provocative, yet balanced discussions on the central issues of the field, gives a readable historical account of the subject, and demonstrates how each particular area of study has developed and shaped society. Eventually, the series will encompass every major academic discipline, offering readers an affordable, accessible, and complete reference library. Stimulating and lively, the Very Short Introductions are indispensable guides and essential reading for anyone interested in the development of these influential fields.

Psychology: The Science of Behavior (7th edition)

by Neil R. Carlson Harold Miller C. Donald Heth John W. Donahoe G. Neil Martin

This, a rigorous biological and evolutionary approach to introductory psychology text, presents psychological behavior in the context of its adaptive significance. The Seventh Edition combines a scholarly survey of research with real-world applications of research results to problems that confront us today. The authors apply the discovery method to take students inside the research process to foster a critical understanding of the logic and significance of empirical findings.

Psychology: The Science of Person, Mind, and Brain

by Daniel Cervone Tracy L. Caldwell

In Psychology: The Science of Person, Mind, and Brain, experienced teacher, researcher, and author Daniel Cervone provides students with a new and exciting way of understanding psychology. Cervone organizes material around three levels of analysis -- person, mind, and brain -- and employs a person-first format that consistently introduces topics at the person level: theory and research on the lives of people in sociocultural contexts. Students are able to make sense of the latest research through what they understand best: people.


by Saundra K. Ciccarelli J. Noland White

With its engaging writing style and comprehensive coverage of key research, Psychology, 4/e, awakens students’ curiosity and energizes their desire to learn more. This title draws learners into an interactive experience of psychology. The authors establish clear learning objectives tied to the most recent APA-recommended undergraduate learning guidelines. <P><P> MyPsychLab is a valuable component to the Ciccarelli/White program. Engaging activities plus assessments provide a teaching and learning system that helps students master psychological concepts more readily. With MyPsychLab, students can develop critical thinking skills through writing, simulate classic experiments and surveys, watch videos on research and applications, and explore the Visual Brain in 3-D. <P><P> Ciccarelli/White, Psychology, 4e will provide a better teaching and learning experience–for you and your students. This program: Personalizes Learning with MyPsychLab: MyPsychLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program. It helps students prepare for class and instructor gauge individual and class performance. Connects Psychology to the Real World: Students will be able to relate chapter material to their own lives. Energizes a Desire to Learn: From Chapter 1, this title provides students with ample opportunities to study from wherever they are. Embeds Interactive Content: Throughout each chapter interactive content has been fully incorporated into all aspects of the text. Psychology, Fourth Edition is also available via REVEL™, an immersive learning experience designed for the way today's students read, think, and learn.

Psychology: AP Edition

by Saundra K. Ciccarelli J. Noland White

Psychology AP Edition 6th Edition Textbook.


by Saundra Ciccarelli J. White

With its engaging writing style and comprehensive coverage of key research, Psychology, 4/e, awakens students’ curiosity and energizes their desire to learn more. This title draws learners into an interactive experience of psychology. The authors establish clear learning objectives tied to the most recent APA-recommended undergraduate learning guidelines.

Psychology: An Exploration

by Saundra Ciccarelli J. White

For courses in Introductory Psychology. <p><p>The most learner-centered and assessment-driven brief text available. <p><p>Throughout Psychology: An Exploration , 4th Edition, Saundra Ciccarelli and J. Noland White employ a learner-centered, assessment-driven approach that maximizes student engagement, and helps educators keep students on track. In this brief text, the authors draw students into the discipline by showing how psychology relates to their own lives. Clear learning objectives, based on the recommended APA undergraduate learning outcomes, guide students through the material. And assessment tied to these learning objectives lets students check their understanding, while allowing instructors to monitor class progress and intervene when necessary to bolster student performance.

Psychology: Modules For Active Learning, Thirteenth Edition

by Dennis Coon John O. Mitterer

PSYCHOLOGY: MODULES FOR ACTIVE LEARNING combines the highly effective SQ4R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Reflect, Review) active learning system, an engaging style, appealing visuals, and detailed coverage of core topics and cutting-edge research in one remarkable, comprehensive text. Fully updated, the thirteenth edition of this best-selling book includes new and revised content, extensive special features, and integrated learning tools. While the book provides a thorough introduction to the study of psychology, its modular design and emphasis on how psychology relates to everyday life make it easy for readers to explore, enjoy, and ultimately master a wide variety of topics.

Psychology: A Journey

by Dennis Coon John O. Mitterer

In a course where professors are frequently confronted by students who haven't actually read their textbooks, this text offers a solution. The shortest, most succinct of the books written by Dennis Coon, PSYCHOLOGY: A JOURNEY presents psychology in a way that sparks readers' curiosity, insights, imagination, and interest getting students "hooked" on psychology and eager to read on. The first author to integrate the proven SQ4R (survey, question, read, recite, relate, and review) active learning system into a psychology textbook, Coon helps readers grasp major concepts, develop a broad understanding of psychology's diversity, and see for themselves how psychology relates to the challenges of everyday life. Because readers become actively involved with the material, they develop a basic understanding of psychology that they take with them into their future courses and careers.


by Stephen F. Davis Joseph J. Palladino Kimberly M. Christopherson

Accessible, Active, and Applied with a focus on different learning styles - Designed to make the Introductory Psychology course an engaging, relevant, and interactive experience, the authors of the new seventh edition of Psychology offer multiple decades of combined teaching experience to create an accessible textbook that encourages applied and active learning. Through this book's accessible, active, and applied approach, users determine whether their learning style strengths are verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical, visual/spatial, or interpersonal. By encouraging them to study according to their own personal learning style, Psychology helps students become more effective and efficient learners. The seventh edition can now be packaged with Pearson's MyPsychLab providing students with an interactive eText, personalized study plans, and automatically graded assignments giving them an even more engaging experience!

Psychology: Perspectives and Connections (2nd Edition)

by Gregory Feist Erika Rosenberg

In psychology, not everything is black and white. "Psychology: Perspectives & Connections 2e " dares students to challenge their own assumptions, explore research and to not believe everything they think. The over-riding goal of "Psychology: Perspectives & Connections 2e " is to align what excites us as researchers and perpetual students of psychology with todays introductory psychology student. Feist and Rosenbergs aim is to help students understand that psychology, and much of the world around them, is more fascinating--and likely more intricate and interdependent-- than they think. Its not just black and white. And, with Connect Psychology and its adaptive learning system, students can better understand what they know and master what they dont know. Connect with science. Connect with students. Connect with Feist and Rosenbergs "Psychology 2e. "

Psychology: A Discovery Experience

by Stephen L. Franzoi

NIMAC-sourced textbook <p><p> PSYCHOLOGY: A DISCOVERY EXPERIENCE is designed specifically for high school students and is written to the American Psychological Association (APA) National Standards for High School Psychology. Targets English Language Learners with Essential Question activities that facilitate listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Stephen Franzoi's conversational writing style guides students through a journey of self-discovery. Students will learn and apply concepts of psychology to their everyday lives with the latest developments in psychology, fascinating interactive figures, in-text labs, career insights, and an online database of current psychology resources. These tools make this the most relevant and accessible high school psychology program on the market. The comprehensive instructor resource package includes the Instructor Wraparound Edition, Instructor Resource CD, lesson plans, PowerPoint Presentations with embedded interactive figures, ExamView Computerized Test Generator, DVD collection, and an online database of current psychology resources.


by Peter O. Gray David F. Bjorklund

Peter Gray's evolutionary perspective and emphasis on critical thinking have made his rigorous yet accessible introduction to psychology a widely respected classroom favorite, edition after edition. Now thoroughly revised, with the help of new co-author David Bjorklund, Psychology, Seventh Edition, invites and stimulates students to investigate the big ideas in psychological science.

Psychology: A Concise Introduction

by Richard A. Griggs

Richard Griggs has updated the book throughout, especially in the chapters on neuroscience, sensation and perception, learning, social psychology, and abnormal psychology--all while maintaining the book's trademark brevity.

Psychology: A Concise Introduction (Third Edition)

by Richard A. Griggs

This text explores the territory of the introductory psychology course with both brevity and clarity. Griggs draws on his classroom experience and extensive research in his choice of the core concepts in psychology.

Psychology: A Concise Introduction

by Richard A. Griggs Sherri L. Jackson

This exceptionally concise volume offers a rich survey of the field’s fundamental research and concepts. The text also includes a robust media and supplements package for instructors and students, including LaunchPad. Richard Griggs has updated the book throughout, especially in the chapters on neuroscience, sensation and perception, learning, social psychology, and abnormal psychology—all while maintaining the book’s trademark brevity.


by James Gross Daniel Reisberg Henry Gleitman

The most intelligent book ever written for the course, reinvented for today's students. The Eighth Edition has been reorganized and streamlined to mirror the organization of today's courses, updated to include extensive coverage of the latest discoveries and research, and reimagined with new pedagogy, figures, and technology. James Gross, co-author of the text and Director of the Psychology One Teaching Program at Stanford University, believes in an integrated approach that looks at multiple perspectives to understand the larger complexities of the field. In the Eighth Edition, the authors present psychology as a central discipline that connects to the humanities as well as the exciting advances in neuroscience.

Psychology: Bullet Guides (Ty Social Science Ser.)

by Nicky Hayes

Open this book and you will Grasp the essentials Explore the mind Understand behaviour Apply psychological theory

Psychology: Key Thinkers, Theories, Discoveries And Concepts

by Nicky Hayes

Open this book and you will Grasp the essentials Explore the mind Understand behaviour Apply psychological theory

Psychology: The Briefer Course

by William James

Condensed and reworked from James's monumental Principles of Psychology, this classic text examines habit; stream of consciousness; self and the sense of personal identity; discrimination and association; the sense of time; memory; perception; imagination; reasoning; emotions, instincts; the will and voluntary acts; and much more. This edition omits the outdated first nine chapters.

Psychology: The Briefer Course

by William James

American psychologist and philosopher James (1842-1910) examines a wide range of topics such as the importance and physical basis of habit, stream of consciousness, self and the sense of personal identity, discrimination and association, the sense of time, memory, perception, imagination, reasoning, emotions compared to instincts, the will and voluntary acts, and other subjects.

Psychology: A Student's Guide (Reclaiming The Christian Intellectual Tradition)

by Stanton Jones David Dockery

In this accessible student's guide, an experienced professor examines the study of psychology from a distinctly Christian perspective, introducing readers to key issues such as the origins of morality, nature vs. nurture, the relationship between the mind and the brain, and the concept of personal identity. Whether examining the history of psychological reflection, the legacy of the Enlightenment and Darwinism, or the development of modernist psychology, this volume will help students think carefully about the influential ideas that continue to shape discussions about what it means to be human.

Psychology: The Hope of a Science

by Gregory A. Kimble

At a time in the history of psychology when many psychologists are troubled by the splintered condition of the field, Gregory Kimble proposes that the diverse perspectives in psychology share ways of thinking that can bring coherence to the discipline.

Psychology: An Introduction (9th Edition)

by Benjamin B. Lahey

This introductory undergraduate psychology text covers central concepts in a reader-friendly writing style and a highly visual format, with color photos, illustrations, cartoons, medical images, and multiple-page visual reviews of brain structures, the sense organs, stage theories of development, and theories of motivation, emotion, and personality. Pedagogical features include chapter outlines and prologues, nested review and summary features, and close attention to visual cues such as typeface, size, and color, as well as clear verbal cues to alert readers to new information. An introductory chapter describes study skills, defines critical thinking, and gives advice especially for first-generation college students. Coverage progresses from foundations through awareness, learning and cognition, developmental psychology, the self, health and adjustment, and social context. This tenth edition offers streamlined content and a slightly shorter book, with a new chapter on the interplay of nature and nurture. Information on diversity and culture, sex differences, gender roles, and sexuality is integrated throughout the text. Lahey is affiliated with the University of Chicago. Annotation ©2009 Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)

Psychology: An Introduction (10th edition)

by Benjamin B. Lahey

This introductory undergraduate psychology text covers central concepts in a reader-friendly writing style and a highly visual format, with color photos, illustrations, cartoons, medical images, and multiple-page visual reviews of brain structures, the sense organs, stage theories of development, and theories of motivation, emotion, and personality. Pedagogical features include chapter outlines and prologues, nested review and summary features, and close attention to visual cues such as typeface, size, and color, as well as clear verbal cues to alert readers to new information. An introductory chapter describes study skills, defines critical thinking, and gives advice especially for first-generation college students. Coverage progresses from foundations through awareness, learning and cognition, developmental psychology, the self, health and adjustment, and social context. This tenth edition offers streamlined content and a slightly shorter book, with a new chapter on the interplay of nature and nurture. Information on diversity and culture, sex differences, gender roles, and sexuality is integrated throughout the text. Lahey is affiliated with the University of Chicago.

Psychology: An Introduction (11th Edition)

by Benjamin B. Lahey

With this textbook, Lahey (U. of Chicago) aims to acquaint students with the science of psychology in a clear way and emphasize meaningful learning and remembering. This edition incorporates new information on biological foundations of behavior and the interplay of nature and nurture; discussion of videogames and visual perception, complementary colors, kinesthetic receptors, phantom pain, and pheromones and sexual attraction; more on states of consciousness, including multitasking, selective attention, mindless reading, and shift work; and discussion of memory, deep processing, and sleep. It also addresses creative problem solving; breastfeeding and children's intelligence; new topics in developmental psychology, including adjustment to cochlear implants, the importance of the prenatal environment, individual variation, and the impact of grandparents, day care, and divorce; motivation and emotion; personality and future academic success, physical health, and longevity; stress, depression, and health, including the link between excessive alcohol use, academic failure, and injuries and death; definitions and cultural and scientific influences related to abnormal behavior; and new research and coverage of social networking, individual brainstorming, conformity, and discrimination. Annotation ©2011 Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)

Psychology (Annual Editions)

by R. Eric Landrum

The Annual Editions series is designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a wide range of current articles from some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today. Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources. The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a general audience. <p><p> Each Annual Editions volume has a number of features designed to make them especially valuable for classroom use: an annotated Table of Contents, a Topic Guide, an annotated listing of supporting websites, Learning Outcomes and a brief overview for each unit, and Critical Thinking questions at the end of each article. Go to the McGraw-Hill Create™ Annual Editions Article Collection at to browse the entire collection. Select individual Annual Editions articles to enhance your course, or access and select the entire Landrum: Annual Editions: Psychology, 47/e ExpressBook for an easy, pre-built teaching resource.


by Deborah Licht Misty Hull Coco Ballantyne

In this breakthrough introduction to psychology, two committed, tech-savvy professors, Deborah Licht and Misty Hull, combine years of research and teaching insights with the journalistic skill of science writer, Coco Ballantyne, who came to this project directly from Scientific American. Together, they have created a an introductory textbook and online system that draws on written profiles and video interviews of 27 real people to help students better understand, remember, and relate to psychology’s basic ideas.

Psychology: From Inquiry to Understanding

by Scott O. Lilienfeld Nancy J. Woolf Laura L. Namy Steven Jay Lynn

Lilienfeld provides the framework that students need to go from inquiry to understanding. By encouraging students to question, and teaching students how to test their assumptions, Lilienfeld motivates students to use scientific thinking skills to better understand the complex world of psychology.

Psychology: Abnormal

by Albert E. Lyngzeidetson

Psychology students and those already practicing in the field will want to obtain this jam-packed, 3-panel (6 page) expanded version of BarCharts popular Psychology: Abnormal guide. The new information, along with the original guide text, lists a variety of mental disorders and the therapies used to treat them; each color-coded section features key definitions and examples for easy reference.

Psychology: Pythagoras to Present

by John C. Malone

Certain ideas have preoccupied thinkers since ancient times: the nature of mind, the sources of knowledge and belief, the nature of the self, ethics and the best way to lead our lives, the question of free will.

Psychology: Teach Yourself

by Sandi Mann

Written by Dr Sandi Mann, Senior Lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire, Psychology: A Complete Introduction is designed to give you everything you need to succeed, all in one place. It covers the key areas that students are expected to be confident in, outlining the basics in clear jargon-free English, and then providing added-value features like summaries of key experiments, and even lists of questions you might be asked in your seminar or exam.The book uses a structure that mirrors the way Psychology is taught on many university courses. Chapters include key topics in psychology research; cognitive issues, including language, emotion, memory and perception; individual differences - intelligence, personality and gender; social psychology; mental health and psychological disorders/abnormal psychology and the treatment of such; the nervous system; and sleep.

Psychology: A Beginner's Guide (Beginner's Guides)

by G. Neil Martin

Why are we fascinated with celebrity? Why are we attracted to the wrong people? What does 'passive aggressive' really mean? Can astrology really be a good indicator of personality? Sex, envy, survival, joy - Martin gets to the very heart of what it is to be human. A broad yet concise book - and so timely: psychology has never been more popular. From TV experts to the amateur musings of your best friend, the language of psychology has permeated all aspects of everyday modern life. Informed by cutting-edge research, and from one of the world's leading psychologists, this is the most engaging non-fiction book you'll read all year. Dr G Neil Martin is Principal Lecturer in Psychology at Middlesex University U.K.


by Dawn M. McBride James S. Nairne

James S. Nairne and new co-author Dawn M. McBride’s best-selling Psychology, Seventh Edition offers a learning framework that follows the scientific process, connecting psychological concepts with common, everyday experiences. By first considering the purpose of psychological concepts and processes, students are prepared to understand when, why and how psychological phenomena occur in common human moments. Empirically based pedagogy—including concept reviews, self-tests, critical thinking activities, and active chapter summaries—are included throughout to promote retention, retrieval practice, and deeper thinking while guiding students to develop scientific literacy. This title is accompanied by a complete teaching and learning package. Contact your SAGE representative to request a demo of the following: Digital Option / Courseware SAGE Vantage is an intuitive digital platform that delivers this text’s content and course materials in a learning experience that offers auto-graded assignments and interactive multimedia tools, all carefully designed to ignite student engagement and drive critical thinking. Built with you and your students in mind, it offers simple course set-up and enables students to better prepare for class. Assignable Video with Assessment Assignable video (available with SAGE Vantage) is tied to learning objectives and curated exclusively for this text to bring concepts to life. Watch a sample video now. LMS Cartridge: Import this title’s instructor resources into your school’s learning management system (LMS) and save time. Don’t use an LMS? You can still access all of the same online resources for this title via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site. Learn more.


by Dawn M. McBride James S. Nairne

James S. Nairne and new co-author Dawn M. McBride’s best-selling Psychology, Seventh Edition offers a learning framework that follows the scientific process, connecting psychological concepts with common, everyday experiences. By first considering the purpose of psychological concepts and processes, students are prepared to understand when, why and how psychological phenomena occur in common human moments. Empirically based pedagogy—including concept reviews, self-tests, critical thinking activities, and active chapter summaries—are included throughout to promote retention, retrieval practice, and deeper thinking while guiding students to develop scientific literacy. This title is accompanied by a complete teaching and learning package. Contact your SAGE representative to request a demo of the following: Digital Option / Courseware SAGE Vantage is an intuitive digital platform that delivers this text’s content and course materials in a learning experience that offers auto-graded assignments and interactive multimedia tools, all carefully designed to ignite student engagement and drive critical thinking. Built with you and your students in mind, it offers simple course set-up and enables students to better prepare for class. Assignable Video with Assessment Assignable video (available with SAGE Vantage) is tied to learning objectives and curated exclusively for this text to bring concepts to life. Watch a sample video now. LMS Cartridge: Import this title’s instructor resources into your school’s learning management system (LMS) and save time. Don’t use an LMS? You can still access all of the same online resources for this title via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site. Learn more.


by Katherine P. Minter William J. Elmhorst

For Introduction to Psychology Courses The most learner-centered and assessment-driven text available


by Katherine P. Minter William J. Elmhorst

Psychology Hardcover – Unabridged, March 1, 2014 by Katherine P Minter (Author), William J Elmhorst (Contributor).

Psychology: An Introduction

by Charles G. Morris Albert A. Maisto

This best-selling book on introductory psychology is headlined by the contributions of co-author Al Maisto, the Carnegie Foundation's College Professor of the Year. The close collaboration of master author Charles G. Morris with Al Maisto keeps Psychology: An Introduction at the cutting edge of the discipline through the use of relevant material and recent examples. Classic studies are carefully integrated with the most up-to-date research to provide readers with an accurate and current view of the field. <P><P>The book presents introductory psychology as a science and as a diverse discipline, with a focus on critical thought and analysis of ideas—and a keen eye on how new technology can enhance the teaching and learning experience. Chapter topics include the biological basis of behavior, sensation and perception, consciousness, learning, memory, cognition and language, intelligence and mental abilities, motivation and emotion, life span development, personality, stress and health psychology, psychological disorders, therapies, and social psychology. For individuals looking for a thorough and appealing introduction to psychology.

Psychology: An Introduction (12th Edition)

by Charles G. Morris Albert A. Maisto

A venerable textbook for introductory college or high school psychology courses.


by David G. Myers

This modules-based version of Myers' Psychology tenth edition breaks down the book's 16 chapters into 54 short modules. The condensed text allows students to better grasp and explore psychological concepts. It also makes for more flexibility in teaching, as cross-references to other chapters have been replaced with brief explanations.

Psychology: In Modules (Tenth Edition)

by David G. Myers

This modules-based version of Myers' Psychology tenth edition breaks down the book's 16 chapters into 54 short modules. The condensed text allows students to better grasp and explore psychological concepts. It also makes for more flexibility in teaching, as cross-references to other chapters have been replaced with brief explanations.


by David G. Myers C. Nathan Dewall

David Myers' new partnership with coauthor C. Nathan DeWall matches two dedicated educators and scholars, each passionate about teaching psychological science through writing and interactive media. <p><p> With this new edition of the #1 bestselling Psychology, Myers and DeWall take full advantage of what an integrated text/media learning combination can do. New features move students from reading the chapter to actively learning online: How Would You Know puts students in the role of scientific researcher and includes tutorials on key research design principles; Assess Your Strengths self-tests help students learn a little more about themselves, and include tips about nurturing key strengths. <p> These and other innovations rest on the same foundations that have always distinguished a new David Myers edition--exhaustive updating (hundreds of new citations), captivating writing, and the merging of rigorous science with a broad human perspective that engages both the mind and heart.


by David G. Myers C. Nathan DeWall

From its beginnings to this remarkably fresh and current new edition, Myers and DeWall's Psychology has found extraordinarily effective ways to involve students with the remarkable research underlying our understanding of human behavior. But while the content and learning support evolves edition after edition, the text itself continues to be shaped by basic goals David Myers established at the outset, including to connect students to high-impact research, to focus on developing critical thinking skills, and to present a multicultural perspective on psychology, so students can see themselves in the context of a wider world. <p><p> This new edition offers 2100 research citations dated 2015-2020, making these the most up-to-date introductory psychology course resources available. With so many exciting new findings, and every chapter updated with current new examples and ideas, students will see the importance and value of psychological research, and how psychology can help them make sense of the world around them. <p><p> The abundant, high quality teaching and learning resources in LaunchPad and in Achieve Read & Practice, carefully matched to the text content, help students succeed, while making life easier and more enjoyable for instructors.


by David G. Myers C. Nathan DeWall

From its beginnings to this remarkably fresh and current new edition, Myers and DeWall’s Psychology has found extraordinarily effective ways to involve students with the remarkable research underlying our understanding of human behavior. But while the content and learning support evolves edition after edition, the text itself continues to be shaped by basic goals David Myers established at the outset, including to connect students to high-impact research, to focus on developing critical thinking skills, and to present a multicultural perspective on psychology, so students can see themselves in the context of a wider world.This new edition offers 2100 research citations dated 2015–2020, making these the most up-to-date introductory psychology course resources available. With so many exciting new findings, and every chapter updated with current new examples and ideas, students will see the importance and value of psychological research, and how psychology can help them make sense of the world around them. The abundant, high quality teaching and learning resources in LaunchPad and in Achieve Read & Practice, carefully matched to the text content, help students succeed, while making life easier and more enjoyable for instructors.


by David G. Myers C. Nathan DeWall June Gruber

The number #1 bestselling intro to psychology in an exhaustively updated new edition.


by David G. Myers Dewall C. Nathan

In this version of Psychology, Eleventh Edition, David Myers and Nathan DeWall break down the new edition's 16 chapters into 55 modules, assignable in any sequence and brief enough to be read in one sitting. It's a format favored by a wide range of students and instructors, one that's supported by substantial research showing that shorter reading assignments are more easily absorbed than longer ones. The new edition of Modules includes the same new features and content of Psychology, Eleventh Edition, and like that text, is more than ever a fully integrated text/media learning package. New features (How Would You Know; Assess Your Strengths) move students from reading the chapter to actively learning online. Those features and more are included in the book's dedicated version of Worth Publishers' breakthrough online course space, LaunchPad, which brings together a fully integrated e-Book, LearningCurve adaptive quizzing, a rich collection of student media resources, and easy setup, assessment, and course management options for instructors. What's in the LaunchPad


by James Nairne

Straightforward and written in a friendly style, James S. Nairne's PSYCHOLOGY, Sixth Edition, uses a proven problem-solving approach to help you discover how to apply psychology to your everyday life. Dr. Nairne introduces topics by focusing on the "why" behind psychological processes before introducing what they are and how they work. You'll learn that our brains are filled with psychological "tools" that control everything from emotion to memory, and that each helps us adapt and solve important everyday problems. Nairne describes these tools, shows you how they're used, and focuses on specific situations in which they are applied. Emphasizing critical thinking and active learning, PSYCHOLOGY, Sixth Edition, provides current, comprehensive, and practical coverage that you can immediately put to good use.

Psychology: Concepts and Applications

by Jeffrey S. Nevid

PSYCHOLOGY: CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS, 3rd Edition, uses a unique, proven learning system that makes it easier and more enjoyable for you to learn what you need to learn'and succeed in your psychology course. Author Jeff Nevid provides a broad view of psychology that includes history, major theories, research methods, and research findings as well as applications of contemporary research to the challenges you face in everyday life. The text's modular format organizes each chapter into manageable units that help you focus on one topic at a time within the context of a larger chapter structure. Concept signaling'a technique that highlights key concepts in the text margins'helps you extract the main points from the narrative. As you read, key concepts are reinforced through additional features, such as Concept Charts, Module Reviews, and Visual Overviews, which have proven to significantly improve students' retention of material and performance in class.

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