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Mamba Forever: Inspiring Quotes from Legendary Basketball Star Kobe Bryant

by Mary Zaia

Mary Zaia's Mamba Forever collects wise words from one of the greatest basketball players in history, Kobe Byrant.Being successful means being relentless.Enter the mind of Kobe Bryant, the celebrated “Black Mamba,” a competitor so laser focused on victory that his brain could not process failure. This moving collection of Kobe’s most personal and insightful quotes on life, success, and the game of basketball will encourage you to push past your own struggles and achieve your greatest goals. With words straight from the heart of a champion to urge you onward, you’ll never be at a loss for inspiration.- Enjoy more than 150 stirring quotes on determination, self-improvement, leadership, and a winning attitude- Look to Kobe for strength, confidence, and the courage to pursue your dreams- Celebrate the life of a basketball icon whose legacy lives on

The Playmaker's Advantage: How to Raise Your Mental Game to the Next Level

by Leonard Zaichkowsky Daniel Peterson

Discover how to improve your mental game—the next frontier in sports training—no matter your age or experience and become the Playmaker or the decisive general on the court or field.Coaches search for it. Parents dream of it. Fans love it. Athletes want it. The Playmaker on any sports team possesses it: an elusive, intangible quality combining anticipation, perception, and decision-making skills. This quality raises their game above the competition and allows them to pass when no one else can, anticipate the movement of opponents, and avoid costly mental mistakes, thus holding the team together. Using today’s technology and tools, it is now possible to understand, assess, and train this sixth sense rather than just hope it magically appears. Now, for the first time, cognitive science research is revealing the secrets of the Playmaker’s keen sense of awareness. Just as tests of speed, strength, and agility have provided a baseline of physiological biomarkers, coaches can now capture cognitive metrics including attention, pattern recognition, anticipation, and the ability to take quick, decisive action during the chaos of competition. The Playmaker’s Advantage is a groundbreaking book that will educate athletes of all ages about this essential creative capability in an accessible, easy to understand method.

A Arte do Amor Sexual. Lições de Sexo para Principiantes.

by Albert Zaid

Este texto tem como objetivo servir não só como leitura de entretenimento, mas também como guia prático para os iniciantes no mundo da arte do amor sexual. Adverte-se a existência de conteúdo claro e explícito no que se refere à prática sexual, sem o intuito de ser uma obra de carácter pornográfico ou obsceno, mas sim didático-educativo. Este primeiro volume irá abordar aprofundadamente a problemática relacionada com o denominado "egocentrismo" e as suas consequências danosas para a evolução favorável de relações sexuais saudáveis, plenas e satisfatórias. Assim, expõe-se uma informativa lista de conselhos e recomendações, destinadas a contribuir para a evolução positiva do/a principiante no mundo da arte do amor sexual.

L'Arte Amatoria - Sessuale Lezioni di Sesso per Principianti

by Albert Zaid

Sinossi: Questo testo vuole essere una lettura piacevole e, allo stesso tempo, una guida orientativa per le persone non avviate nel mondo dell’arte amatoria-sessuale. Si segnala il contenuto diretto, esplicito e manifesto nei confronti della pratica sessuale, pur non avendo lo scopo di essere un’opera di carattere pornografico od osceno, ma didattico ed educativo. Lo scopo di questa prima puntata sarà trattare in modo approfondito la problematica del cosiddetto “egocentrismo” e delle sue conseguenze dannose per lo sviluppo positivo di relazioni sessuali sane, intense e soddisfacenti. Analogamente, l’autore espone una lunga lista di consigli e suggerimenti al fine di contribuire al processo di inserimento del/della principiante nel mondo dell’arte amatoria-sessuale.

The Sexual Love Art: Sex lessons for beginners

by Albert Zaid

This book pretends to serve as pleasure reading at the same time as a guide of practical orientation for beginners in the world of sexual encounters. It´s a warning that it has open content, explicit and clear concerning sexual activity, without pretending to be a work of pornographic style-didactic-educative and not obscene. In this first delivery, we will cover deeply the problems related to " egocentrism/self-centeredness" and its consequences harmful to the favorable evolution of healthy sexual relationships, whole and satisfying. Likewise, a large group of advice and recommendations is expose destined to contribute to the positive evolution of the beginner in the world of Sexual- Love Art.

Success: The false myth of failure.

by Albert Zaid

We have always been formed in the mistaken belief that success is reserved for only a few people, and that the rest of us have to be content with waiting for luck to come to us to achieve what we yearn for. This book explains and develops the thesis that all human beings are genetically configured to seek and achieve success, that we do it naturally, spontaneously, without realizing it, and that no one can escape it because it is impossible to overcome the logical laws that govern our thoughts. It shows how erroneous conceptions of the world around us directly affect the conditioning of our thoughts, diverting us from the pursuit of the goals we have set for ourselves. It contains a detailed exposition about intolerance to frustration, its fundamental causes, its harmful effects, and how to correct it. A text that will help you discover yourself, get rid of the obstacles that prevent you from moving forward, and set realistic goals that you will ALWAYS be able to achieve. In short, a book that will serve as a guide and orientation for the paths to SUCCESS.

Successo. L`Unico Modo Possibile: Il falso mito del fallimento

by Albert Zaid

Da sempre siamo stati indotti a credere erroneamente che il successo sia riservato solo a poche persone e che il resto di noi debba accontentarsi di aspettare che arrivi la fortuna per raggiungere ciò che desideriamo. Questo libro spiega e sviluppa la tesi secondo cui tutti gli esseri umani sono geneticamente configurati per cercare e raggiungere il successo, che lo facciamo in modo naturale, spontaneo, senza rendercene conto, e che non c'è nessuno che possa sfuggirci perché è impossibile vincere le leggi logiche che governano i nostri pensieri. Dimostra in che modo le concezioni sbagliate sul mondo che ci circonda incidono direttamente sul condizionamento dei nostri pensieri, deviandoci dal perseguimento degli obiettivi che ci siamo proposti. Contiene una dettagliata esposizione sull'intolleranza alla frustrazione, le sue cause fondamentali, i suoi effetti nocivi e come correggerla. Un testo che ti aiuterà a scoprire te stesso, a liberarti dagli ostacoli che ti impediscono di avanzare, e a tracciare traguardi realistici che SEMPRE potrai raggiungere. Insomma, un libro che ti guiderà e ti guiderà lungo le strade verso il SUCCESSO.

Sucesso - A Única Rota Possível

by Albert Zaid

Nós sempre fomos treinados na crença errônea de que o sucesso é reservado apenas para algumas pessoas, e que o resto tem que se contentar com a espera pela sorte para nos alcançar para alcançar o que queremos. Este livro explica e desenvolve a tese segundo a qual todos os seres humanos são geneticamente configurados para buscar e alcançar o sucesso, nós fazemos isso naturalmente, espontaneamente, sem perceber, e que não há ninguém que possa escapar porque é impossível superar as leis lógicas que governam nossos pensamentos. Isso mostra como concepções errôneas sobre o mundo ao nosso redor afetam diretamente o condicionamento de nossos pensamentos, desviando-nos da busca das metas que propusemos. Ele contém uma exposição detalhada sobre a intolerância à frustração, suas causas, seus efeitos prejudiciais e como corrigi-lo. Um texto que irá ajudá-lo a descobrir a si mesmo, libertar-se dos obstáculos que impedem que você avance e estabelecer metas realistas que você sempre pode atingir. Em definitivo; um livro que irá guiá-lo e guiá-lo nos caminhos do SUCESSO.

The Owner's Manual to Life: Simple Strategies to Worry Less and Enjoy Life More

by Michael Zajaczkowski

In this instant classic self-help guide, author Michael Z. gives us all the "missing life" manual we need to live happier, less stressful lives.This inspirational guide provides you with 100 practical, often lighthearted, and immediately useful tips, strategies, and techniques to help you reduce stress and anxiety, and to discover the sense of peace and happiness you&’ve been looking for. You&’ll learn how to: Trust yourself and live life more confidently Deal with feelings of resentment or anger toward others Set healthy boundaries around family members and in relationships Find the opportunities in unexpected setbacks Deal with difficult people Listen to your inner voice and make choices that are right for you Find the joy in the little things in life and live with more gratitude and serenity Using Michael Z&’s gentle suggestions will help you live more gracefully, more mindfully, and with an increased awareness of and appreciation for the joy that is available to you whenever you slow down to see it. Life truly is rich and full of wondrous presents, and, as one of the included sayings reminds us, it&’s up to us to untie the ribbons of these gifts each day. Having this inspiring book with you as you go through life&’s journey will help smooth out the bumps in the road you encounter, turning the peaks and valleys you may experience now into gentle rolling hills. You can live a kinder and gentler life, and this kind and meaningful book shows you how.

El Arte Olvidado de la Felicidad: 52 ideas que cambiarán tu vida

by Ali Zakaria

¿Despiertas cada mañana sintiéndote ansioso acerca de cómo sobrevivirás este día con la misma insatisfacción y depresión? ¿Estás constantemente sobrepensando todo lo que haces o dices? Pensaste que lograr un éxito económico sería el camino a la felicidad, pero no está sucediendo. Ali Zakaria es un juez de El Cairo, Egipto, que ha presenciado litigios diariamente en la corte y ha sido testigo de cómo el éxito y ganar no siempre traen la felicidad. Divorcio, robo, asesinatos, él lo ha visto todo. Pasó cinco años y cientos de casos en la corte tratando de responder estas preguntas sobre la felicidad para él y para otros. ¿Más dinero siempre nos hace más felices? Si no, ¿Por qué? ¿Ganar siempre mejora nuestra vida? Si no, ¿Por qué? ¿La venganza sana heridas? En esta lectura, Ali Zakaria ofrece un acercamiento único a la felicidad desde su experiencia al escuchar y decidir litigios. La verdadera mentalidad de la felicidad: la mentalidad de despertar cada mañana con la motivación que necesitas para aprovechar tu día. Las acciones que nos hacen sonreír: ¿Qué actividades pueden hacerte feliz diaria, semanal, mensual y anualmente? - La dieta feliz: comida y bebida mágica que super potencian tu ánimo - Relaciones felices: Cómo desarrollar relaciones que hagan tu día mejor, no peor. - Liberar tus hormonas de la felicidad No te permitas caer en la estafa de la felicidad otra vez: más dinero, más éxito, más poder. Aprende a construir un estilo de vida que te brinde felicidad real y sustentable. Si no deseas que tu vida se convierta en un caso para la corte, haz click en comprar ahora y aprende de la experiencia de Ali.

Die Vergessene Kunst des Glücklichseins: 52 Konzepte, die Ihr Leben verändern werden

by Ali Zakaria

Eine 4-jährige Forschungsreise zum Thema Glück Wachen Sie jeden Morgen auf und sind unglücklich mit Ihrer jetzigen Lebenssituation? Sie haben gedacht, dass monetärer Erfolg der Weg zum Glück sei, aber das war nicht der Fall. Ali Zakaria ist Richter in Kairo (Ägypten), der jeden Tag Zeuge von Rechtsstreitigkeiten im Gerichtssaal war und feststellte, dass Erfolg und Sieg nicht immer zum Glück führten. Scheidung, Diebstahl, Attentate – nichts ist ihm fremd. Er kostete ihn 5 Jahre und Hunderte von Gerichtsverfahren, um für sich und andere folgende Fragen über das Glück beantworten zu können. 1. Macht uns mehr Geld jederzeit glücklicher? Falls nicht, warum? 2. Bedeutet Sieg immer eine Verbesserung des Lebens? Falls nicht, warum? 3. Heilt Rache unsere Wunden? Ali Zakaria bietet in diesem Buch einen einzigartigen Ansatz für den Weg zum Glück und schöpft dabei aus seinen Erfahrungen als Zuhörer bei und Entscheider von Rechtsstreitigkeiten. - Die wahre Einstellung zum Glück: die geistige Einstellung, die Sie jeden Morgen beim Aufwachen haben sollten – Tätigkeiten, die uns zum Lächeln bringen: Welches sind die Tätigkeiten, die Sie täglich, wöchentlich, monatlich und jährlich glücklich machen? - Nahrungsmittel, die glücklich machen: Nahrungsmittel und magische Getränke, die Ihre Stimmung in Höchstform bringen - Glückliche Beziehungen: Wie man Beziehungen aufbaut, die den Tag schöner, und nicht bitter, machen. - Freisetzung von Glückshormonen. Geraten Sie nicht wieder in die Falle, die Glück verspricht: mehr Geld, mehr Erfolg, mehr Macht. Lernen Sie, eine Lebensweise aufzubauen, die Sie wirklich und nachhaltig glücklich macht. Wenn Sie nicht möchten, dass Ihr Leben ein Fall für den Gerichtssaal wird, kaufen Sie jetzt das Buch mit einem Klick und lernen Sie aus den Erfahrungen von Ali.

L'Art perdu du bonheur: 52 idées qui vont changer votre vie

by Ali Zakaria

Vous réveillez-vous insatisfait tous les matins ? Vous pensiez que la réussite financière était la voie du bonheur, mais ce n’est pas le cas. Ali Zakaria exerce le métier de juge au Caire, en Égypte, et a été témoin de litiges quotidiens dans la salle d’audience, il a ainsi constaté que le succès et la victoire n’apportent pas toujours le bonheur. Divorce, vol, assassinat, il a tout vu. Il a passé cinq ans et des centaines d’affaires judiciaires à essayer de répondre à ces questions sur le bonheur, que ce soit pour lui-même ou pour les autres : 1. Est-ce que plus d’argent nous rend toujours plus heureux ? Si non, pourquoi ? 2. Gagner améliore-t-il toujours la vie ? Si non, pourquoi ? 3. La vengeance guérit-elle les blessures ? Dans cet ouvrage, Ali Zakaria propose une approche unique du bonheur grâce à son expérience d’écoute et de résolution des litiges. - L’état d’esprit du vrai bonheur : l’état d’esprit à avoir dès le réveil - Les actions qui nous donnent le sourire : quelles sont les activités qui peuvent vous rendre heureux sur une base quotidienne, hebdomadaire, mensuelle et annuelle. - Le régime du bonheur : aliments et boissons magiques pour booster votre humeur. - Les relations heureuses : comment développer des relations qui améliorent vos journées, plutôt que de vivre des expériences amères. - Libérez vos hormones du bonheur, ne vous laissez pas avoir par une nouvelle arnaque au bonheur : plus d’argent, plus de succès, plus de pouvoir. Apprenez à construire un mode de vie qui apporte un bonheur réel et durable. Si vous ne voulez pas que votre vie devienne une affaire au tribunal, cliquez sur « acheter maintenant » et apprenez de l’expérience d’Ali.

L'arte dimenticata della felicità: 52 idee che ti cambieranno la vita

by Ali Zakaria

Ti svegli ogni mattina insoddisfatto della tua vita? Pensavi che raggiungere il successo monetario fosse la via per la felicità, ma non sta succedendo. Ali Zakaria è un giudice del Cairo, Egitto, che ha assistito quotidianamente a contenziosi in aula e ha assistito a come il successo e la vittoria non portino sempre felicità. Divorzi, furti, omicidi, ha visto di tutto. Ha trascorso 5 anni vivendo centinaia di cause giudiziarie e cercando di rispondere a queste domande sulla felicità per sé stesso e per gli altri. 1. Più soldi ci rendono sempre più felici? Se no perché? 2. Vincere migliora sempre la vita? Se no perché? 3. La vendetta cura le ferite? In questa lettura, Ali Zakaria offre un approccio unico alla felicità grazie alla sua esperienza di ascolto e di risoluzione delle controversie. - La vera mentalità della felicità: la mentalità con cui svegliarsi ogni mattina - Le azioni che ci fanno sorridere: quali sono le attività che possono renderti felice su base giornaliera, settimanale, mensile e annuale - La dieta felice: cibo e bevanda magica per potenziare il tuo umore - Relazioni felici: come sviluppare relazioni per rendere la tua giornata migliore, non amara - Liberare i tuoi ormoni della felicità Non lasciarti cadere di nuovo in una truffa della felicità: più soldi, più successo, più potere. Impara a costruire uno stile di vita che porti felicità reale e sostenibile. Se non vuoi che la tua vita diventi un caso giudiziario, fai clic su Acquista ora e impara dall'esperienza di Ali.

The War for Kindness: Building Empathy in a Fractured World

by Jamil Zaki

'In this masterpiece, Jamil Zaki weaves together the very latest science with stories that will stay in your heart forever' - Angela Duckworth, author of Grit 'Scientific, gripping, groundbreaking and hopeful. The War for Kindness is the message for our times' - Carol Dweck, author of Mindset Empathy has been on people's mind a lot lately. Philosophers, evolutionary scientists and indeed former President Obama agree that an increase in empathy could advance us beyond the hatred, violence and polarization in which the world seems caught. Others disagree, arguing it is easiest to empathize with people who look, talk or think like us. As a result, empathy can inspire nepotism, racism and worse. Having studied the neuroscience and psychology of empathy for over a decade, Jamil Zaki thinks both sides of this debate have a point. Empathy is sometimes an engine for moral progress, and other times for moral failure. But Zaki also thinks that both sides are wrong about how empathy works. Both scientists and non-scientists commonly argue that empathy is something that happens to you, sort of like an emotional knee-jerk reflex. Second, they believe it happens more to some people than others. This lines people up along a spectrum, with deep empaths on one end and psychopaths on the other. What's more, wherever we are on that spectrum, we're stuck there. In The War for Kindness, Zaki lays out a very different view of how empathy works, one that breaks these two assumptions. Empathy is not a reflex; it's a choice. We choose empathy (or apathy) constantly: when we read a tragic novel, or cross the street to avoid a homeless person, or ask a distraught friend what's the matter. This view has crucial consequences: if empathy is less a trait (like height), and more a skill (like being good at word games), then we can improve at it. By choosing it more often, we can flex our capabilities and grow more empathic over time. We can also "tune" empathy, ramping it up in situations where it will help and turning it down when it might backfire. Zaki takes us from the world of doctors who train medical students to empathise better to social workers who help each other survive empathising too much. From police trainers who help cadets avoid becoming violent cops to political advocates who ask white Americans to literally walk a (dusty) mile in Mexican immigrants' shoes. This book will give you a deepened understanding of how empathy works, how to control it and how to become the type of empathiser you want to be.

The War for Kindness: Building Empathy in a Fractured World

by Jamil Zaki

'In this masterpiece, Jamil Zaki weaves together the very latest science with stories that will stay in your heart forever' - Angela Duckworth, author of Grit'Scientific, gripping, groundbreaking and hopeful. The War for Kindness is the message for our times' - Carol Dweck, author of MindsetEmpathy has been on people's mind a lot lately. Philosophers, evolutionary scientists and indeed former President Obama agree that an increase in empathy could advance us beyond the hatred, violence and polarization in which the world seems caught. Others disagree, arguing it is easiest to empathize with people who look, talk or think like us. As a result, empathy can inspire nepotism, racism and worse. Having studied the neuroscience and psychology of empathy for over a decade, Jamil Zaki thinks both sides of this debate have a point. Empathy is sometimes an engine for moral progress, and other times for moral failure. But Zaki also thinks that both sides are wrong about how empathy works. Both scientists and non-scientists commonly argue that empathy is something that happens to you, sort of like an emotional knee-jerk reflex. Second, they believe it happens more to some people than others. This lines people up along a spectrum, with deep empaths on one end and psychopaths on the other. What's more, wherever we are on that spectrum, we're stuck there. In The War for Kindness, Zaki lays out a very different view of how empathy works, one that breaks these two assumptions. Empathy is not a reflex; it's a choice. We choose empathy (or apathy) constantly: when we read a tragic novel, or cross the street to avoid a homeless person, or ask a distraught friend what's the matter. This view has crucial consequences: if empathy is less a trait (like height), and more a skill (like being good at word games), then we can improve at it. By choosing it more often, we can flex our capabilities and grow more empathic over time. We can also "tune" empathy, ramping it up in situations where it will help and turning it down when it might backfire. Zaki takes us from the world of doctors who train medical students to empathise better to social workers who help each other survive empathising too much. From police trainers who help cadets avoid becoming violent cops to political advocates who ask white Americans to literally walk a (dusty) mile in Mexican immigrants' shoes. This book will give you a deepened understanding of how empathy works, how to control it and how to become the type of empathiser you want to be.

The New Science of Learning: How to Learn in Harmony With Your Brain

by Todd D. Zakrajsek

While preserving the elements that have made the previous two editions so successful—such as chapters on sleep, exercise, memory and mindset—this third edition introduces students to wholly new aspects of brain function and how they impact learning; and furthermore, addresses the challenges of learning online. By introducing new concepts, strategies, and applications related to learning and memory that are based on current findings in cognitive, social, and motivational psychology, this text offers a richer and more complete picture of how brain science illuminates how we learn. Students assigned this book will be equipped to design effective learning plans, employ new strategies, recognize learning traps, discover ways to work effectively in groups, improve recall, and realize better academic performance through test-taking and paper-writing strategies. This new edition also addresses the concerns of all students—particularly those unfamiliar with the college setting and its expectations and assumptions—and offers strategies for success. In keeping with the preceding editions, this book introduces students to concepts, techniques, strategies, tips, and ideas to help them be academically stronger students, advance faster in their studies, and demonstrate what they have learned more effectively—in short, how anyone can learn to be a better learner by learning how to learn in harmony with their brain. The book remains compact and student-friendly, offers examples of practice, and includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter.

Ten Steps to Relieve Anxiety

by H. Michael Zal

Are you having trouble concentrating or does your mind simply "go blank," are you experiencing shortness of breath or rapid heartbeat, trouble sleeping, irritability, muscle tension or aches, sweating, nausea or diarrhea on a daily basis? Do your feelings of anxiety disrupt your social activities or interfere with work, school, family or personal life?You are not alone. 6.8 million American adults and millions more worldwide suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). In Ten Steps to Relieve Anxiety, Dr. H. Michael Zal utilizes his over forty years of experience to explore the emotional and physical aspects of anxiety and the treatment options available, then sets out his strategy.Dr. Zal illustrates his proven, simple yet effective techniques and treatments to handle anxiety in ten easy-to-follow steps. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is not a character flaw; it is a serious but treatable disorder and Ten Steps to Relieve Anxiety is the perfect tool to regain control over your anxiety.

Kingdom Come: Finding Holy in the Here and Now

by Melissa Zaldivar

Discover how God's Divine Presence gives your purpose and fulfillment regardless of life's season as you learn to discern the temporary from the eternal and live with conviction.Have you ever looked at your life and wondered, "Is this it?" After a childhood of being promised the future is bright, it's difficult to see meaning and purpose as you trudge through your everyday adulthood obligations. Expectations are unmet, hope fades, and disappointment in relationships and careers leaves you longing for better while living broken. But some things are temporary and others eternal, and you must learn to tell the difference.The Kingdom and Presence of God are still present, right here and right now. And experiencing them changes everything. Glimpses of God's divine Kingdom can be found in your workplace, classroom, and around the dinner table with friends. His nearness can be felt in celebratory moments and in empty apartments and when the phone rings with devastating news. Even when the world around you appears to be falling apart, God and His Kingdom remain steadfast.As you experience the inevitable pain of finding your way, this book will help you realize you aren't alone and encourage you through the narrative of Scripture. Many have gone before us and shown us the way. God's Kingdom has come (and is still coming) and His presence is real. Eternal things can be seen if we learn to look through the lens of His unchanging Truth.

Gifts of the Spirit

by Philip Zaleski Paul Kaufman

Drawing on the wisdom of teacher from the world's great religious traditions, including Robert Thurman, Sharon Salzberg, Ram Dass, Mother Mary Clare Vincent, Joan Halifax, and Rabbi Jonathan Omer-Man, Gifts of the Spirit deepens our appreciation of such everyday routines as waking up, eating, and working, as well as the abundant rewards of enjoying music, gardening, walking, and being with others. Vivid descriptions of rituals from around the world help us find new spiritual meaning in life's key passages. Discover everyday spiritual riches through: Zen arts of cooking and eating Jewwish and Native American coming-of-age rituals Bedouin rules of hospitality and friendship Mindful approached to pregnancy and birth Ancient Christian practices that nurture the dying Shaker philosophies of daily work and craft The Buddhist way to a peaceful night's sleep

Executive’s Guide to Understanding People

by Abraham Zaleznik

Zaleznik takes managers into Freud's world of psychoanalysis and shows managers what they need to know about themselves and their employees to better motivate and lead. He discusses a variety of things relevant to today's top leaders including Freud's origin of psychoanalysis, the unconscious, neuroses, organizations and change.

How Customers Think: Essential Insights into the Mind of the Market

by Gerald Zaltman

How to unlock the hidden 95 percent of the customer's mind that traditional marketing methods have never reached. This title provides a practical synthesis of the cognitive sciences. Drawing heavily on psychology, neuroscience, sociology, and linguistics, Zaltman combines academic rigor with real-world results to offer highly accessible insights, based on his years of research and consulting work with large clients like Coca-Cola and Procter & Gamble. An all-new tool kit: Zaltman provides research tools - metaphor elicitation, response latency, and implicit association techniques, to name a few - that will be all-new to marketers, and demonstrates how innovators can use these tools to get clues from the subconscious when developing new products and finding new solutions, long before competitors do.

The Little Book of Life Skills: Deal with Dinner, Manage Your Email, Make a Graceful Exit, and 152 Other Expert Tricks

by Erin Zammett Ruddy

With tips from leading experts in every field, The Little Book of Life Skills is the practical guide on how to solve the trickiest tasks in your day and make life a little easier. We all have areas of our lives that make us feel disorganized, unprepared, or stressed out. From creating a calmer morning routine to setting yourself up for a good night's sleep, and everything in between, there are easy and proven ways to do things better. Whether you need advice on how to end an argument, iron a shirt, or keep your inbox under control, Erin Zammett Ruddy has spoken to experts including Rachael Ray, Dr. Oz, Arianna Huffington, and condensed their wisdom into easy to follow steps for all of life's simple and not-so-simple tasks, such as: Working from Home EffectivelyKeeping a Houseplant AliveGiving Constructive FeedbackArranging the Perfect Cheese Board, and many moreThe Little Book of Life Skills offers simple strategies for being better grown-ups. It's the perfect guide for anybody who wants to get organized, be more efficient throughout the day, and finally learn the best way to fold that #$% fitted sheet.

El pequeño libro de las habilidades para la vida

by Erin Zammett Ruddy

Tiende tu cama, organiza tu correo electrónico, elimina el estrés en menos de un minuto, desconéctate del celular y otros consejos de expertos para simplificar tu vida. Afronta las tareas más difíciles y haz tu día a día un poco más fácil. Todos tenemos áreas de nuestra cotidianidad que nos hacen sentir desorganizados, no preparados o estresados. Desde crear una rutina matutina más tranquila hasta conseguir una buena noche de sueño, y todo lo demás, hay maneras más fáciles y probadas para hacer mejor las cosas. Erin Zammett Ruddy entrevistó a expertos como Rachael Ray, Arianna Huffington, Jim Kwik y Gretchen Rubin para condensar su sabiduría en pasos fáciles de seguir para cualquier tarea, como: -Trabajar desde casa de manera efectiva. -Mantener viva una planta de interior. -Dar retroalimentación constructiva. -Arreglar una tabla de quesos para una cena...y muchas más. El pequeño libro de las habilidades para la vida ofrece estrategias simples para reemplazar esos momentos de “¡uff!” con paz y orden. Es la guía perfecta para cualquiera que quiera organizarse, ser más eficiente a lo largo del día, y finalmente aprender la mejor manera de doblar esa @#$%! sábana ajustable. Como hacen home office las personas existosas; como hace home office la gente exitosa; tips para organizarse; trabajar desde casa; consejos para organizarse [Críticas/Reseñas]

Don't Give Up, Don't Give In: Life Lessons from an Extraordinary Man

by Louis Zamperini David Rensin

'IF YOU CAN TAKE IT, YOU CAN MAKE IT'Louis Zamperini lived one of the most amazing lives imaginable. As a young boy he was a troublemaker but his will to succeed drove him on to become an Olympian at the 1936 Games. With the outbreak of war, Louis volunteered for the army and was thrust into the violent combat of the Second World War as a B-24 bombardier. While on a rescue mission Louis's plane crashed in the Pacific Ocean, leaving him stranded and drifting 2000 miles in a small raft for 47 days. Against all the odds he survived. His struggle was just beginning: captured by the Japanese, Louis courageously endured torture in a series of prisoner-of-war camps for over two years. Not only did he survive this ordeal but he went on to spend the rest of his life helping others. Completed just days before Louis's death at age 97, Don't Give Up, Don't Give In contains a lifetime of wisdom and humour. Louis shares the wonderful lessons he has learned during his life, previously untold stories, and inspirational insights on how he overcame adversity and found the courage to never give up and never give in. Louis's story has touched millions and will forever be one of the most inspiring examples of the great resilience of the human spirit.

Don't Give Up, Don't Give In: Lessons from an Extraordinary Life

by Louis Zamperini David Rensin

New York Times bestsellerMore than 100,000 copies in printCompleted just two days before Louis Zamperini’s death at age ninety-seven, Don’t Give Up, Don’t Give In shares a lifetime of wisdom, insight, and humor from “one of the most incredible American lives of the past century” (People). Zamperini’s story has touched millions through Laura Hillenbrand’s biography Unbroken and its blockbuster movie adaptation directed by Angelina Jolie. Now, in his own words, Zamperini reveals with warmth and great charm the essential values and lessons that sustained him throughout his remarkable journey.He was a youthful troublemaker from California who turned his life around to become a 1936 Olympian. Putting aside his track career, he volunteered for the army before Pearl Harbor and was thrust into World War II as a B-24 bombardier. While on a rescue mission, his plane went down in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, where he survived against all odds, drifting two thousand miles in a small raft for forty-seven days. His struggle was only beginning: Zamperini was captured by the Japanese, and for more than two years he courageously endured torture and psychological abuse in a series of prisoner-of-war camps. He returned home to face more dark hours, but in 1949 Zamperini’s life was transformed by a spiritual rebirth that would guide him through the next sixty-five years of his long and happy life. Louis Zamperini’s Don’t Give Up, Don’t Give In is an extraordinary last testament that captures the wisdom of a life lived to the fullest.

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