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Bella Figura: How to Live, Love, and Eat the Italian Way

by Kamin Mohammadi

One woman's story of finding beauty, and herself--and a practical guide to living a better life, the Italian way!Kamin Mohammadi, a magazine editor in London, should have been on top of the world. But after heartbreak and loneliness, the stress of her "dream life" was ruining her physical and mental health. Gifted a ticket to freedom--a redundancy package and the offer of a friend's apartment in Florence--Kamin took a giant leap. It did not take her long to notice how differently her new Italian neighbors approached life: enjoying themselves, taking their time to eat and drink, taking their lives at a deliberately slower pace. Filled with wonderful characters--from the local bartender/barista who becomes her love advisor, to the plumbers who fix her heating and teach her to make pasta al pomodoro--here is a mantra for savoring the beauty and color of every day that Italians have followed for generations, a guide to the slow life for busy people, a story of finding love (and self-love) in unlikely places, and an evocative account of a year living an Italian life.

Bella Figura: How to Live, Love, and Eat the Italian Way

by Kamin Mohammadi

One woman's story of finding beauty, and herself--and a practical guide to living a better life, the Italian way!Kamin Mohammadi, a magazine editor in London, should have been on top of the world. But after heartbreak and loneliness, the stress of her "dream life" was ruining her physical and mental health. Gifted a ticket to freedom--a redundancy package and the offer of a friend's apartment in Florence--Kamin took a giant leap. It did not take her long to notice how differently her new Italian neighbors approached life: enjoying themselves, taking their time to eat and drink, taking their lives at a deliberately slower pace. Filled with wonderful characters--from the local bartender/barista who becomes her love adviser, to the plumbers who fix her heating and teach her to make pasta al pomodoro--here is a mantra for savoring the beauty and color of every day that Italians have followed for generations, a guide to the slow life for busy people, a story of finding love (and self-love) in unlikely places, and an evocative account of a year living an Italian life.

A Belle in Brooklyn

by Demetria L Lucas

As the go-to girl for relationship and dating advice, this real life Carrie Bradshaw and editor at Essence magazine shares the what-to-dos and what-not-to-dos for fabulous single living. With an award-winning popular blog and an Essence magazine platform, Demetria Lucas has become a relationship guru to millions of young women with plenty of simple, direct advice. According to Lucas, most women are too focused (and stressed) on the difficulties of meeting Mr. Right to enjoy the experience.A Belle in Brooklyn celebrates the joys of singlehood, encourages personal development, and offers tools to help women increase their odds of finding a suitable mate when they are ready for one. With advice garnered from personal revelations, expert interviews with other relationship and dating gurus, and hundreds of interviews with her Male MindSquad--a committee of thirty men from varying backgrounds who answers the tough questions about sex, dating, and relationships--Lucas helps women enjoy the single life...with or without the perfect guy.

Belleza al natural: Recetas a base de ingredientes naturales para cuidar la piel y el cabello

by Margarita Chávez

Una colección de recetas 100% naturales para cuidar la piel y el cabello. Con decenas de recetas para elaborar cremas, champús, lociones, desodorantes, mascarillas y aceites de manera fácil en su hogar, Belleza al natural es el mejor compañero para una rutina de belleza libre de productos artificiales y tóxicos. La salud y la belleza surgen desde dentro. Por ello, tenemos que ser conscientes de lo que comemos y tomamos, así como de lo que ponemos en nuestra piel y cabello. Margarita Chávez Martínez, licenciada en nutrición con más de treinta años de experiencia en el campo de la belleza natural y la medicina alternativa, ha creado esta guía para elaborar productos 100% naturales. En este extraordinario manual usted aprenderá, entre otras cosas, que: - El cepillado de la piel fortalece el sistema nervioso, elimina las estrías y nos hace más resistentes a las enfermedades. - Acostarse en una cama con la cabeza colgando hacia el piso durante diez minutos puede revertir algunos tipos de calvicie, ya que esto aumenta la irrigación sanguínea (lo que favorece también al cerebro). - El yogur combate infecciones, cicatriza, nutre y suaviza la piel. - La mayoría de los casos de acné se deben a una deficiencia de zinc.

La Belleza de las Cenizas

by Gabriel Agbo

Una de las virtudes que siempre ha alentado y alentará a los creyentes a aferrarse a Dios con tenacidad, incluso ante la aparente desesperanza y desesperación extrema, es su capacidad de cambiar las condiciones más desagradables en testimonios favorables. Es posible que usted haya hecho lo humanamente posible por salir de esa situación y fue en vano. Por desgracia, parece que después de todos sus esfuerzos, lo único que tiene es tristeza, dolor, arrepentimiento, pena, vergüenza y lágrimas. Es como si estuviera tentado a cuestionar el amor e incluso la existencia de Dios. No lo haga. Primero lea este libro. Dios está transformando para usted las cenizas en belleza.

La belleza de saber vivir

by Barbara Palacios

¿Está usted preparada para responder positivamente a losdesafíos más difíciles de la vida?La belleza de saber vivir lo preparará para responder positivamente a los desafíos de la vidadiaria y eliminar las malas actitudes y el tener lástima de sí misma. Los nuevepasos de Bárbara le guiarán y llenarán de poder para lograr resultadosefectivos a nivel personal y profesional. Estos pasos están basados en lapremisa de un cambio positivo de conducta interna, conectado con metaspositivas y conducido por una actitud de iniciativa propia.Acéptación: Enfrente sus fortalezas ylimitaciones. Aprenda a transformar su debilidad en virtud.Enfoque: Obtenga directrices claras en suvida.Equilibrio: Encuentre el equilibrio entresu vida personal y profesional.Liderazgo: A qué se asemeja un liderazgo autoguiadosegún usted.Optimismo: Genere esperanza, disciplina yperseverancia.Gratitud: Forme un escudo de protección mental y emocional.Perdón: Aprenda a superar el dolor de una ofensa.Dignidad: Reconozca el valor más básico en la estructura espiritual.Fe: Crea solamente en Dios.

La belleza de ser tú: La historia real de cómo sobreviví al TCA

by Olga Alejandre

La dietista especializada en TCA Olga Alejandre comparte su emocionante testimonio y las claves para sanar la relación con la comida «Este libro es todo lo que me gustaría que me hubieran dicho a mí en mis momentos más oscuros». La belleza de ser tú es el testimonio de una lucha única, pero a la vez compartida por muchas personas, que te hará replantearte tu relación con la comida y con tu cuerpo y entender qué hay detrás de las enfermedades mentales.Olga Alejandre —dietista especializada en trastornos de la conducta alimentaria— nos ofrece el conmovedor relato de su propia experiencia con los TCA que sufrió, sus consecuencias y cómo logró recuperarse y enamorarse por fin de cada parte de sí misma. Esta es una historia muy real de tocar fondo y renacer; una lección de superación y de cómo el dolor a veces abre caminos inimaginables y se convierte en una oportunidad de crecer e inspirar a otros.

Belleza radical: Los seis pilares para la salud integral

by Deepak Chopra Kimberly Snyder

Deepak Chopra, líder de la medicina integral y autor bestseller de The New York Times, al lado de Kimberly Snyder, nutricionista de Hollywood y también autora bestseller, te ofrecen un excitante, divertido y práctico programa que te ayudará a transformarte desde dentro hacia fuera. Logra esta transformación gracias a los seis pilares de la vida saludable: nutrición interior, nutrición exterior, el sueño, la vida natural, el movimiento y la nutrición espiritual. En cada uno de ellos, los autores te dan tips prácticos, rutinas innovadoras y recetas que te permitirán alcanzar tu mayor potencial de belleza y de salud. Belleza radical te enseña a usar los ingredientes más efectivos para el cuidado del cuerpo, mezclados con medicina ayurvédica, así como a mantener tu piel para alcanzar un balance en el sistema nervioso y ralentizar los rasgos de la edad. Además, Chopra y Snyder te muestran cómo tener una vida basada en emociones positivas y cómo importa rodearte de la naturaleza para recuperar esa belleza que es inherente a ti. Todo esto se suma para ayudarte a desarrollar un cuerpo y una mente más saludables, incrementando tu brillo natural, tu presencia magnética y tu vitalidad. Personalidades de Hollywood han opinado sobre Belleza radical: "Este programa ha impactado no sólo en mi salud, sino en mi vida en general. Belleza radical es un libro obligado para dar el próximo paso evolutivo hacia una hermosa vida. Es brillante." -Drew Barrymore- "Fortaleza y belleza van de la mano: es lo que este brillante método, compartido por dos de los más inspiradores líderes de la vida saludable, nos enseña. Energético, entretenido; en pocas palabras, cool. No sólo aprenderás acerca de los últimos temas de nutrición, meditación, yoga y sueño, sino que amarás las deliciosas recetas que el libro te ofrece." -Eva Longoria- "Con la guía de Kimberly Snyder he cambiado mi salud nutricional para siempre. Como resultado, tengo más energía, una mejor piel y, en general, más salud." -Reese Witherspoon-

Bellezza invece di cenere

by Gabriel Agbo

Una delle virtù che hanno eternamente e sempre incoraggiato i credenti ad aggrapparsi tenacemente a Dio, anche di fronte ad un apparente estremo sconforto e disperazione, è la Sua capacità di trasformare le condizioni più sgradevoli in testimonianze positive. Questa la chiamo trasmutazione divina! Sì, la si può chiamare come si vuole. Ma, credo che capiate di cosa sto parlando. Può darsi che abbiate fatto tutto ciò che era umanamente possibile per uscire da una particolare situazione e tutto inutilmente. Purtroppo, dopo tutti i vostri sforzi, tutto ciò che sembra che vi sia rimasto sono: tristezza, dolore, rimpianti, lutto, vergogna e lacrime. Ed è come se foste tentati di mettere in discussione l'amore e persino l'esistenza di Dio. Prima di continuare, vorrei che comprendessimo le implicazioni del titolo di questo libro. Quando parliamo di cenere, parliamo della qualità più svilita di una sostanza, che non ha alcun valore. Questo è quando la gloria è stata completamente rimossa. D'altra parte, la bellezza parla di piacere, di delizia, di estetica, ecc. Così, quando parliamo di Dio che vi dà la bellezza al posto della cenere, e parliamo anche della trasmutazione divina, tutto quello che diciamo è che c'è una mano Onnipotente che può trasformare ogni disgrazia in testimonianza, afflizione in gioia, disperazione in lode, miseria in opulenza, vergogna in onore, ecc. Nella Bibbia, la cenere è sempre usata per rappresentare un'esperienza umiliante, senza speranza, dolorosa, svilente o vergognosa. Non c'è mai stato un caso in cui la cenere sia stata usata per descrivere una circostanza positiva o piacevole. Si leggerà sempre - "e indossava un sacco di tela e si copriva di cenere". Tuttavia, resta comunque qualcosa di vero: tutti coloro che sono passati attraverso esperienze umilianti, affidandosi a Dio nella Bibbia, alla fine sono stati da Lui guidati e premiati. Sì!

Belong: Find Your People, Create Community, and Live a More Connected Life

by Radha Agrawal

Get ready to focus on the single most important thing you can do to live a happy, healthy, and successful life: BELONG.“Read this book, do what it says, and discover exactly where you fit in.”—John Mackey, Co-founder and CEO, Whole Foods Market “If you want to belong, read this book.”—Deepak Chopra, MD “From the moment I opened this book I was hooked. This book is caring and tender, challenging and action-driven. It is now on my recommendation list.”—Esther Perel, author of Mating in Captivity and The State of Affairs, host of Where Should We Begin? podcast How is it that the internet connects us to a world of people, yet so many of us feel more isolated than ever? That we have hundreds, even thousands of friends on social media, but not a single person to truly confide in? Radha Agrawal calls this “community confusion,” and in Belong she offers every reader a blueprint to find their people and build and nurture community, because connectedness—as more and more studies show—is our key to happiness, fulfillment, and success. A book that’s equal parts inspiring and interactive, and packed with prompts, charts, quizzes, and full-color illustrations, Belong takes readers on a two-part journey. Part one is Going IN—a gentle but intentional process of self-discovery and finding out your true energy levels and VIA (values, interests, and abilities). Part two is Going OUT—building on all that you’ve learned about yourself to find those few special people who feed your soul, and discovering, or creating, the ever-widening groups that align with your aims and desires. As the Co-founder and CEO of the popular global morning dance community Daybreaker, Radha Agrawal developed an immense offline community with her team of Community Catalysts in 25 cities and on a dozen college campuses around the world by creating a physical space for people to connect, self-express, sweat, and dance. Now, Radha offers the life-changing strategies, tips, and tricks for making friends that will light your fire and give you the exhale of “Ahh, I’m home.” “Radha has written a book that’s fun to read, easy to digest, and embodies deep wisdom. This isn’t just a book I’m endorsing. This is a book that I want to buy multiple copies of because I have so many friends and acquaintances that will benefit from it. It’s the first book I couldn't wait to finish reading it so I could give my copy to one of my friends to read the same day.” —Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos and author of Delivering Happiness

Beloved: 365 Devotions for Young Women

by Zondervan

Beloved: 365 Devotions for Young Women is a topical devotional that uses the inspiring stories of girls and women in the Bible—such as Ruth, Esther, Mary, and Abigail—to encourage faith and confidence as well as provide insight into topics like relationships, inner beauty, and chasing your dreams.Each day features an easy-to-read, relevant devotion paired with a scripture verse about a Biblical girl or woman, as well as journaling space to help readers reflect on the day’s message. With honest, poignant, and sometimes humorous text, every page will speak to the pressures and changes girls face, giving them real-world applications to find God in their hearts and in their lives. Perfect for everyday use, Beloved will resonate with girls searching for truth and guidance.

Ben Franklin's Guide to Wealth: Being a 21st Century Treatise on What It Takes to Live a Thrifty Life

by Jack Mingo Erin Barrett

Ben Franklin's Guide to Wealth is the modern version of the treatise The Way of Wealth by Richard Saunders, one of Ben Franklin's many pseudonyms. Franklin practiced what he preached in the treatise, and it made him rich enough to have a full life, travel extensively, and follow his intellectual musings, which in turn led him to become an accomplished scientist, inventor, political activist, diplomat, and writer. Franklin wasn't born rich. He built his legacy using his intelligence, curiosity, natural good sense, and proclivity for thrift and hard work. When he died, he left a fortune. Barrett and Mingo bring practicing what Franklin preached up to date for today's busy lifestyles. It's time to get back to financial basics. It's time to think about what "rich" really means. It might mean not hiring someone to do lawn work, saving some money, and sharing time spent together as a family. It's time to look for guidance from America's original financial guru, Ben Franklin. Ben Franklin's Guide to Wealthshows readers how to apply Franklin's financial wisdom to their own lives. Quotes from the original treatise such as "If you have something to do tomorrow, do it today" and "Leisure is time for doing something useful," are followed by the authors' down-to-earth commentary. Barrett and Mingo-history and trivia buffs-offer their own sage advice on a range of financial basics, including debt, thrift, the value of work and business, developing financial responsibility, money and time, and preparing for the future. As the authors attest in the Introduction, we should listen to the way of Ben Franklin because "it works. " A clever, wise, and fun book, the financial advice in Ben Franklin's Guide to Wealth works as well today as it did 250 years ago.

Bendición en el desorden: Cómo ver la bondad de Dios en medio del dolor de la vida

by Joyce Meyer

¿Podemos verdaderamente encontrar paz e incluso bendición en medio del caos, las decepciones y los otros desordenes que la vida nos presenta? La vida es a menudo caótica. Escuchamos a la gente decir: «Mi vida es un desastre» o «Esta situación es un caos». Lo que quieren decir es que la vida se ha vuelto difícil, dolorosa o confusa. Pero Dios nunca nos prometió una vida libre de problemas. De hecho, su Palabra nos dice que esperemos lo contrario. En Juan 16:33, Jesús dice: «En este mundo afrontarán aflicciones, pero ¡anímense! Yo he vencido al mundo» (NVI). En Bendición en el desorden, la renombrada maestra de la Biblia, Joyce Meyer, nos muestra cómo ser bendecidos en medio de las circunstancias más desafiantes de la vida. La Biblia está llena de instrucciones sobre cómo podemos tomar control cuando las dificultades se nos presenten, y Joyce nos comparte en este libro esa sabiduría a través de enseñanzas conmovedoras y prácticas que nos equipan para permanecer firmes y esperanzados en cada situación. No importa los problemas que enfrentemos, hay una manera de permanecer gozosos y pacientes mientras Dios obra en ellos. Si no has manejado bien los problemas complicados o los desafíos de tu vida en el pasado, entonces, con la ayuda de Dios, puedes comenzar a manejarlos mejor a partir de ahora. Nunca debemos desperdiciar nuestro dolor. A través de la sabiduría destilada en Bendición en el desorden, podemos aprender cómo sacar provecho de nuestros líos, usar esos conocimientos para evitar problemas en el futuro, y compartir nuestras experiencias para ayudar a otras personas a encontrar bendiciones en medio de sus desastres.

Las bendiciones del quebrantamiento: Por qué Dios permite que atravesemos tiempos difíciles

by Charles Stanley

Considerando lo duro que pueden ser los golpes de la vida, ¿podemos nosotros con toda sinceridad creer que Dios puede traer algo bueno acausa de nuestras crisis? ay también otra posibilidad: puede ser que descubramos una riqueza en nuestras vidas que puede ser que no hayamos encontrado de otra manera.

Bendita pena: Sanar a través del dolor y la pérdida

by Deborah Morris Coryell

Una guía compasiva sobre la experiencia de pérdida como proceso esencial de crecimiento • Examina el fenómeno de la pérdida como un hondo misterio que compartimos todos los seres humanos • Ofrece consejos sensatos y prácticos sobre la experiencia del duelo y cómo prepararse para el proceso de recuperación que sigue a esa experiencia En esta guía llena de compasión, Deborah Morris Coryell, experta en asuntos relacionados con el duelo, describe esta aflicción como una experiencia en la que carecemos de un lugar donde colocar nuestro amor. Nos recuerda que todas las pérdidas deben pasar por un proceso de duelo y que el hecho de prestar atención a toda experiencia de pérdida, por ínfima que sea, nos puede ayudar a ponernos en sintonía con nosotros mismos, pues nos da la oportunidad de integrarnos una vez más en el ritmo de la vida, del que nos hemos desconectado.

Beneath a Vedic Sky: A Beginner's Guide to the Astrology of Ancient India

by William R. Levacy

Learn how to identify the most salient features of Vedic astrology, how to interpret a birth chart Vedic style, and how to use this information to enhance your life.Enter the fascinating world of Vedic Astrology, an ancient system of study that originated in India thousands of years ago. Vedic Astrology, also known as Jyotish, offers valuable insights into various aspects of life, including personality traits, relationships, career, health, and spiritual growth. This comprehensive beginner's guide provides a solid foundation in Vedic Astrology, empowering readers to understand the fundamentals and start exploring this captivating subject. Author William R. Levacy takes readers on a journey through interpreting a Vedic birth chart and the twelve houses contained within, astrological signs, planetary placements, and much more.

Benvenuti a Happyland

by Traduzione di Vittoria Muscatello Henry L. Wellsprings

Una storia magica e meravigliosa. Un'indagine di polizia piuttosto particolare. Un gruppo di personaggi affascinanti, accattivanti e molto singolari. Una città, Happyland, travolta da un evento misterioso su cui un detective ed il suo aiutante, da poco giunto sul posto, dovranno indagare parecchio. Avete il coraggio di entrare in questo mondo surreale? Volete scoprire il segreto di Happyland e dei suoi abitanti? Questo racconto vi farà ridere, ma vi farà anche riflettere, ed alla fine, vi lascerà con la sensazione che ne sia valsa la pena di leggere una storia così...

The Bereaved Parent (Human Horizons Ser.)

by Harriet Sarnoff Schiff

A book for parents at any stage of grief; whether they are facing an imminent death, recovering from the shock of an accidental death or caught in the long turmoil of the aftermath of a child's death. Harriet Sarnoff Schiff lost her 10 year old son offers genuine understanding to other parents based on her own experience. Though, after the death of a child it can feel as though nothing good can happen again the parent must go on living and look to the future, no matter how impossible that may feel. Schiff explains the process of grief, the isolation and despair that can affect parents. She offers not only the benefit of her own experience but that of other parents, and psychiatric and religious counsellors.

Bereaved Parents and their Continuing Bonds: Love after Death

by Catherine Seigal

For bereaved parents the development of a continuing bond with the child who has died is a key element in their grieving and in how they manage the future. Using her experience of working in a children's hospital as a counsellor with bereaved parents, Catherine Seigal looks at how continuing bonds are formed, what facilitates and sustains them and what can undermine them. She reflects on what she learned about the counsellor's role supporting parents in extremely distressing situations. Using the words and experiences of bereaved parents, and drawing on current theories of continuing bonds, the book is relevant to both professionals and parents. It covers important subjects such as the benefits of a therapeutic group for bereaved parents, the challenges for parents when another child is born, the important role of siblings in keeping the bonds alive and how it is for parents whose child dies before birth or in early infancy. The book uses theory lightly but relevantly and places it into the heart of the lived experience. It offers anyone working with bereaved parents insight into the many and varied ways grief is experienced and expressed and what can be helpful and unhelpful. And it offers bereaved parents the opportunity to share other parents' experiences, to understand a little more about their own feelings and to know they are not alone, providing an original and valuable guide to continuing love after death.

Bereavement and Adaptation: A Comparative Study of the Aftermath of Death (Series in Death, Dying, and Bereavement)

by Marc Cleiren

This book offers a critical review of the main psychological theories on adaptation after loss followed by an overview of the results of the empirical research on bereavement. It also reflects on the results of the Leiden Bereavement Study, which compares the consequences of death.

Bereavement Counseling in the School Setting

by Luciano Sabatini

We are a death phobic society. Consequently, we provide very little help to our citizens in dealing with the one common denominator that we all face; the death of those we love. The paucity of death education programs in our elementary and secondary schools is evident of our death avoidance culture. Although many of our schools do attempt to assist the thousands of children and adolescents yearly who lose parents, siblings and other loved ones, their efforts tend to focus on how to assist the newly bereaved student in the days immediately following the loss. Very few schools have a long term approach that extends far beyond the immediate crisis, seeking to assist students with the life altering changes that follow the death of a family member. Dr. Luciano Sabatini, a former school counselor and director of guidance, offers a guide to school based professionals, especially those involved in crisis counseling, on how to assist students through crisis intervention teams, educational awareness and support groups. He shares his experiences in working with bereaved students and what he has learned from them in coming to terms with a devastating loss. He also offers school leaders best practices in supporting grieving students and in managing a school grieving the death of a student.

Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution

by Bernie Sanders

<P>In the Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution, Independent congressman, presidential candidate and activist Bernie Sanders continues his fight against the imbalances in the nation’s status quo, and shows you how to make a difference to effect the changes America—and the world—need to create a better tomorrow. <P>Throughout the Presidential campaign, Senator Bernie Sanders promised voters a future to believe in through his progressive platform and a vision for America worth fighting for. This vision calls for an economic, environmental, health care, and social justice revolution beyond the stagnant agendas of Democrat and Republican politicians to build an equitable future for all Americans—especially the younger generation that will inherit the consequences of decisions made now. <P>Inside this practical and inspiring guide to effecting change in today’s world, you’ll learn how to: <br>Understand and navigate the current system of policy and government <br>Work to change the system to reflect your values and to protect our society’s most vulnerable <br>Organize for the causes you care about most <br>Resources for further reading and organizations to get involved with <P>With more than two decades of Washington D.C. insider knowledge and experience, Senator Sanders knows how to fight and change the system from within, a system desperately in need of reform in health care, immigration, taxes, higher education, climate change, and criminal justice. <P>The political revolution is just beginning. What role will you play? <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Berthold Lowenfeld on Blindness and Blind People: Selected Papers

by Berthold Lowenfeld

This book contains articles spanning a period of almost 40 years by Dr. Berthold Lowenfeld, a creative writer in education of the visually handicapped on Blindness and Blind People.

Beside Every Good Man: Loving Myself While Standing By Him

by Serita Ann Jakes

How to stand by your man in a godly way is the key to this enlightening book by the founder of the Women's Ministry at the Potter's House and wife of Bishop T. D. Jakes. A woman's ministry begins in the home, nurturing her husband, teaching her sons and brothers, or motivating her boyfriend. Women can often see the potential in a man long before even he is aware of it, and they can encourage, support, and guide him in the right direction. In Beside Every Good Man, Serita Ann Jakes will inspire women at any age to better their lives alongside their men, and show how women can embrace God's purpose for their lives as helpmates, identify ways to recognize potential, and learn to support and encourage men in godly ways. The author believes that every woman has a man she is called to stand beside-and she will show each woman how to do so in a way that will enhance both of their lives.

Beside the Seaside: A Celebration of the Place We Like to Be

by Jane Struthers

Can you remember why the sea is salty?How does the moon affect the tide?Where were Britain's most notorious places for smugglers?And what was the mystery of St Michael's Mount?There are almost as many stories about the sea as there are pebbles on the beach. Beside the Seaside is a book for anyone who has been captivated by the crash of waves on sand, thrilled by the exploits of pirates or delighted in an ice cream at the end of the pier.Answering such questions as what to look for in rock pools, which are the best knots and how to avoid being cursed by a mermaid, Beside the Seaside is bursting with facts, fables, history and mystery about Britain's seaside and coast.

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