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by Donna Cooner

Annie Webb is constantly online. She loves following influencer accounts, DM'ing with her two best friends, Luna and Caitlin, and posting selfies with her adorable boyfriend, Jameson.Then Jameson breaks up with Annie -- online. The public humiliation is immediate and intense, and Annie is overwhelmed by the cruel comments that pour in. To help Annie cope, Luna and Caitlin make a plan: the three of them will stay off social media for a month. No posting. No scrolling. No cheating.But unplugging is much harder than they thought. And when the rest of their school finds out about their offline challenge, can the three girls keep their vow -- and their friendship?

Offline!: Der Kollaps der globalen digitalen Zivilisation

by Thomas Grüter

In der Geschichte der Menschheit entstanden und vergingen mehr als 50 Hochkulturen und Zivilisationen. Auffällig dabei: Die meisten zerfielen in nur wenigen Jahrzehnten – unmittelbar nach dem Gipfelpunkt ihrer Macht und ihres Reichtums. Kann uns das auch passieren?Heute, zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts, dominiert nur eine einzige Lebensweise: die globale digitale Zivilisation. Ohne Smartphones, Computer, GPS und Suchmaschinen geht nichts mehr. Nirgendwo. Und noch immer ist der Fortschritt rasant. Hat unsere Zivilisation vielleicht schon bald ihren Höhepunkt erreicht? Das Buch trägt beunruhigende Indizien dafür zusammen – und trifft damit den Nerv der Zeit. In Europa glaubt schon heute eine Mehrheit der Menschen, dass es ihren Kindern schlechter gehen wird als ihnen.Thomas Grüter vertritt die These, dass nicht Pandemien, Supervulkane oder Sonnenstürme die größten Risiken der Menschheit sind. Vielmehr droht das komplexe Grundgerüst unsere Zivilisation seine Stabilität zu verlieren. Selbst ohne die Belastung durch Klimawandel und Bodendegradation könnte es von innen her zerfallen. In zehn Kapiteln untersucht das Buch die Risiken der modernen Informationsgesellschaft, z.B:· Wie anfällig sind die Infrastrukturen und speziell die digitale Infrastruktur?· Wie stabil ist das gespeicherte Wissen? Können medizinische und naturwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse überhaupt wieder verloren gehen?· Muss eine Wirtschaft, die auf ständiges Wachstum und globalen Handel angewiesen ist, irgendwann kollabieren? · Wann gehen uns die Rohstoffe aus, und ist das überhaupt absehbar? · Wie sicher sind Zukunftsvorsagen?· Welche Gefahr geht von Cyberkriegen aus? · Wie könnte die Gesellschaft nach dem Ende des Internets und der Smartphones aussehen?· Was lernen wir aus dem Zerfall früherer Zivilisationen?· Mit welchen Maßnahmen können wir einen plötzlichen Zerfall der digitalen Lebensweise abfedern oder vermeiden? Spannend geschrieben und umfassend recherchiert, gibt das Buch schlüssige Antworten auf die entscheidende Frage: Wie vermeiden wir die Fehler, an denen bisher alle Zivilisationen gescheitert sind? Das Buch legt die Sollbruchstellen der globalen digitalen Zivilisation offen und weist Wege aus der Krise. Wenn die Menschheit alle anstehenden Probleme meistert, dann steht ihr irgendwann der Weg zu den Sternen offen.

Offline First Web Development

by Daniel Sauble

Design and implement a robust offline app experience using Sencha Touch and PouchDB About This Book * Understand the design principles behind a well-designed offline experience * Create the illusion of being online when you're really offline * Use common libraries to enhance the offline experience of mobile apps with this comprehensive guide Who This Book Is For Do you want to make your app experience more robust and delightful? Are you eager to write apps that cater to a wider audience, not just the Silicon Valley crowd? Do you need to persuade your peers that offline-first is a worthwhile development paradigm? If your answer to all or any one of these questions is yes, then this is the book is for you. Some previous coding and command-line experience would be useful, but is not required. What You Will Learn * Convince others that the offline-first paradigm is worth doing * Design the behavior of the app, taking offline, online, and the transition between those two states into account * Implement the offline/online experience that you've designed * Show the user what's happening under the hood with online/offline indicators and Good Mobile Messaging * Employ various strategies to cope with unreliable network conditions * Help the user resolve conflicts related to the "split-brain" problem * Choose intelligent defaults based on usage of the app * Use point-to-point networking to partially overcome a lack of Internet connectivity In Detail When building mobile apps, it's easy to forget about the moments when your users lack a good Internet connection. Try this: put your phone in airplane mode and open a few popular apps to see how they handle being offline. From Twitter to Pinterest to Apple Maps, some apps handle being offline better than others, but very few do it well. A poor offline experience will result in frustrated users who may stop using your app, or worse, turn to your competitor's apps. Expert or novice, this book will teach you everything you need to know about designing and building a rigorous offline app experience. By putting the offline experience first, you'll have a solid foundation to build upon, avoiding the unnecessary stress and frustration of trying to retrofit offline capabilities into your finished app. This basic principle, designing for the worst case scenario, could save you countless hours of wasted effort. Style and approach This book adopts an iterative approach to designing and building a mobile app, where each chapter builds on the one before, resulting in a fully-functional app that demonstrates the concepts taught, each one of which is explained through the use of an example.

Offset Lithographic Technology (4th edition)

by Kenneth F. Hird Charles E. Finley

Offset Lithographic Technology provides extensive coverage of electronic applications in all areas of printing. This edition includes in-depth coverage of electronic text generation, computer-to-plate operations, computer-controlled inking and printing, digital image generation, and electronic prepress (desktop publishing). A math and measurement chapter helps students master these important basic skills.

OGRE 3D 1.7 Application Development Cookbook

by Alex Peterson Ilya Grinblat

This is a cookbook with over 50 recipes offering solutions to common application development problems while creating graphics using OGRE 3D, with explained sample code and screenshots added in. Each recipe teaches you about a particular feature of OGRE 3D. If you are a C++ programmer with basic knowledge of OGRE 3D and want to enhance your knowledge about OGRE 3D further, then this book is for you. Basic knowledge of 3D graphics application development is required.

OGRE 3D 1.7 Beginner's Guide

by Felix Kerger

This book is an example-driven introduction to OGRE 3D. Each example shows some new features and you learn step-by-step to create complex scenes with different effects using OGRE 3D. After several examples discussing one topic there is a do-it-yourself part where you will be challenged to solve problems on your own.If you have ever wanted to develop 3D applications with OGRE 3D, this example-driven book will enable you to do so. Understanding of C++ is needed to follow the examples in the book.

Oh, Bother: Winnie-the-Pooh is Befuddled, Too (A Smackerel-Sized Parody of Modern Life)

by Jennie Egerdie

Welcome back to the Hundred Acre Wood as Winnie-the-Pooh and friends acclimate to the joys and worries of the 21st century in this heartfelt parody. The world has changed in the hundred years since A. A. Milne introduced us to Winnie-the-Pooh and his pals, but that doesn&’t mean our lovable friends haven&’t adapted to life in the twenty-first century. In this heartwarming, laugh-out-loud parody, Jennie Egerdie, author of the celebrated Frog and Toad are Doing Their Best, takes us along for some marvelous misadventures as the gang grapples with modern life&’s headaches and pesky predicaments. Like the rest of us, Pooh worries about what the dwindling bee population will do to his beloved honey, while Owl discovers how far too easily misinformation can spread online. Kanga hopes she can have a night off from raising Roo, and Eeyore is finally taking care of his mental health with the help of Dr Festinker, the neighborhood therapist (and skunk). Things may not always make sense in our world, but Winnie-the-Pooh always bounds ahead, day by day and smackeral by smackeral.

Oh My Goth

by Gena Showalter

A note from Jade Leighton’s journalYears ago, a tragic accident robbed me of my mother and emotions. Because I find beauty in darkness and thrive outside social norms, I’ve been labeled a “freak” at school. I know my continued apathy hurts my loved ones, but I’m not about to change. Nothing will ever hurt me again.Then I wake up in an alternate reality…and everything else has changed. Goth is in. I’m considered cool, and my archenemy—the formerly popular Mercedes—is the freak. But my real friends won’t talk to me...and the new boy is getting under my skin. As my world spins out of control, I’m desperate to return to normal. But the more time that passes, the less I’m sure what “normal” really is.

OK, Boomer: Using a Landline, Going to the Post Office, and Other Outdated Things You Don't Need Anymore

by Tiller Press

A book of classic, hilarious &“OK, Boomer&”-isms, a perfect gift for the Baby Boomers we all know and love. Going to the bank. Leaving voicemails. Making Jell-O molds. Using encyclopedias. Wallpapering bathrooms. There are dozens of ridiculously antiquated items, activities, and phrases that Baby Boomers love—and don&’t realize have been outdated for more than a decade.And for some reason, no matter how hard Millennials and Gen Zers try to bring Boomers into the 21st century, they still don&’t seem to get it. They just can&’t let go of eating meatloaf, going on cruises, or buying fuzzy toilet seat covers. So rather than try to explain something to the Baby Boomers in your life, it might be time to just say, &“OK, Boomer.&”Containing more than fifty of the most common, cliched, and cringe-worthy Boomer-isms, OK, Boomer is a perfect gift for any exasperated Millennial or any Boomer willing to poke fun at themselves.

Ökonometrie und maschinelles Lernen: Basiswissen für Ökonomen (essentials)

by Silvio Andrae

Für empirische Wirtschaftswissenschaftler gehören ökonometrische Methoden zum Standardwerkzeug. Die neuen Instrumente des maschinellen Lernens setzen sich langsam auch in der Volks- und Betriebswirtschaftslehre durch. Das Buch vermittelt Basiswissen zu den spezifischen Methoden des überwachten und unüberwachten Lernens sowie des Verstärkungslernens. Dabei werden die wesentlichen Unterschiede in Bezug auf Ziele, Methoden und Rahmenbedingungen zwischen den Methoden der Ökonometrie und des maschinellen Lernens dargestellt und erörtert.

Okta Administration: Implement enterprise-grade identity and access management for on-premises and cloud apps

by Lovisa Stenbacken Stjernlof HenkJan de Vries

Plan, design, and implement identity and access management solutions with OktaKey FeaturesLearn how to use Okta for complete identity and access management in your organizationUse single sign-on, multifactor authentication, and life cycle management for enhanced securitySet up, manage, and audit API access policiesBook DescriptionIAM, short for identity and access management, is a set of policies and technologies for ensuring the security of an organization through careful role and access assignment for users and devices. With this book, you'll get up and running with Okta, an identity and access management (IAM) service that you can use for both employees and customers.Once you've understood how Okta can be used as an IAM platform, you'll learn about the Universal Directory, which covers how to integrate other directories and applications and set up groups and policies. As you make progress, the book explores Okta's single sign-on (SSO) feature and multifactor authentication (MFA) solutions. Finally, you will delve into API access management and discover how you can leverage Advanced Server Access for your cloud servers and Okta Access Gateway for your on-premises applications.By the end of this Okta book, you'll have learned how to implement Okta to enhance your organization's security and be able to use this book as a reference guide for the Okta certification exam.What you will learnUnderstand different types of users in Okta and how to place them in groupsSet up SSO and MFA rules to secure your IT environmentGet to grips with the basics of end-user functionality and customizationFind out how provisioning and synchronization with applications workExplore API management, Access Gateway, and Advanced Server AccessBecome well-versed in the terminology used by IAM professionalsWho this book is forIf you are an IT consultant, business decision-maker, system administrator, system and security engineer, or anyone who wishes to use Okta to plan, design, and implement identity and access management solutions, this book is for you. A basic understanding of authentication and authorization is necessary.

La ola que viene: Tecnología, poder y el gran dilema del siglo XXI

by Mustafa Suleyman Michael Bhaskar

ESTAMOS A TIEMPO DE SALVAR EL MUNDO. ESTE LIBRO ES UNA LLAMADA DE ATENCIÓN SOBRE LOS DESCOMUNALES RIESGOS DE LA INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL. «Fascinante, muy bien escrito, importante».Yuval Noah Harari «Una lectura esencial».Stephen Fry Estamos a punto de cruzar un umbral crítico en la historia de nuestra especie. Todo lo que conocemos va a cambiar.Pronto viviremos rodeados de una inteligencia artificial responsable de ejecutar tareas complejas: desde gestionar negocios y producir contenido digital ilimitado hasta dirigir servicios públicos fundamentales o mantener infraestructuras. Habitaremos un mundo de impresoras de ADN y ordenadores cuánticos, patógenos artificiales y armas autónomas, robots asistentes y energía abundante. Todo esto supone una transformación radical en la capacidad humana.No estamos preparados. Como cofundador de la empresa pionera DeepMind, Mustafa Suleyman ha estado en el epicentro de esta revolución llamada a convertirse en el mayor acelerador del progreso de la historia. Asegura que la próxima década estará marcada por esta gran ola de nuevas y poderosas innovaciones de rápida proliferación. Impulsadas por abrumadores incentivos estratégicos y comerciales, estas herramientas ayudarán a afrontar nuestros retos globales y crearán una enorme riqueza, pero también provocarán revueltas a una escala antes inimaginable. En La ola que viene, Suleyman (uno de los mayores expertos del planeta en sistemas inteligentes) demuestra cómo estas fuerzas amenazan seriamente las bases del orden mundial. Mientras nuestros frágiles gobiernos caminan sonámbulos hacia el desastre, nos enfrentamos a un dilema existencial: por un lado, enfrentarnos a los daños sin precedentes derivados de una exposición incontrolada a estas nuevas tecnologías; por otro, a la amenaza de una vigilancia tiránica y abusiva. ¿Conseguiremos abrir un estrecho punto de fuga entre la catástrofe y la distopía? La crítica ha dicho:«Este importante libro es un vívido toque de atención. En él se esbozan cuidadosamente las amenazas y oportunidades asociadas a los estimulantes avances científicos de los últimos años. La ola que viene está repleto de datos interesantes, argumentos fascinantes y observaciones convincentes; es una lectura esencial». Daniel Kahneman, Premio Nobel«El conocimiento de Mustafa Suleyman como tecnólogo, empresario y visionario es esencial... A través de una profunda y muy relevante investigación, este libro ofrece una visiónapasionante de algunos de los retos más importantes de nuestro tiempo». Al Gore, exvicepresidente de Estados Unidos «La revolución de la inteligencia artificial ya está en marcha, pero ¿la conocemos bien? La ola que viene presenta una guía erudita y lúcida tanto de lahistoria del cambio radical que ha supuesto la tecnología como de los profundos retos políticos que nos aguardan». Anne Applebaum «Este libro es inspirador y aterrador al mismo tiempo. Es una lección urgente para quienes no entienden las revoluciones tecnológicas que estamos viviendo y un desafío frontalpara quienes sí las comprenden. Este libro trata del futuro de la humanidad: tenemos que leerlo y actuar en consecuencia». David Miliband, exministro de Asuntos Exteriores del Reino Unido

Old and New Media after Katrina

by Diane Negra

On the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, this book examines the television coverage of September, 2005, and the manifestation of its legacy in a range of other media forms.

Olympic-Caliber Cybersecurity: Lessons for Safeguarding the 2020 Games and Other Major Events

by Cynthia Dion-Schwarz Nathan Ryan Julia A. Thompson Erik Silfversten Giacomo Persi Paoli

Understanding the cybersecurity threat landscape is critical to mitigating threats, apportioning limited resources, and hosting a resilient, safe, and secure Olympic Games. To support the security goals of Tokyo 2020, this report characterizes the cybersecurity threats that are likely to pose a risk to the games, visualizes a threat actor typology, and presents a series of policy options to guide cybersecurity planning.

Olympus PEN E-PL1 For Dummies

by Julie Adair King

A friendly guide to the Olympus E-PL1, the latest trend in digital camerasHybrids offer the flexibility of interchangeable lenses and a large sensor in a smaller body. The Olympus E-PL1 lightens your load without sacrificing shooting power and this fun and friendly guide helps you better understand your camera's controls, features, and potential. Veteran author Julie Adair King presents you with examples on how to use your camera's main functions in order to create effective and memorable digital photos.Explains how to work with lenses and shoot in auto modeCovers the on-board controls and situational shootingAddresses manipulating focus and color controlsDiscusses printing, posting online, and other ways to share imagesGet started shooting with Olympus E-PL1 For Dummies!

Omni-personal Luxury: How to Transform your Luxury Business for the Digital Age

by Rebecca Schmitt Arnaud Rossi Albert Bensoussan

Rapid shifts in technology and societal changes accelerated by the Pandemic have fundamentally changed the way that customers experience luxury. While digital transformation has unlocked new opportunities to connect one-to-one with customers, the challenge for luxury brands is to engage with customers while protecting their brand equity and leveraging digital tools to build personal relationships with customers. Taking you beyond omni-channel marketing, this book takes a deep dive into the concept of omni-personal, which enables you to connect your brand to relevant and individual experiences. Highly practical in scope, it takes you on a journey to building individual and relevant experiences and relationships at scale. The authors answer the essential questions of who, why, how, what and when omni-personal matters most in luxury, offering best-practice examples, case studies and interviews with industry leaders. Ultimately, this book shows you how to embed the omni-personal strategy into your business and offers a framework to help you assess your organization’s ability to deliver omni-personal marketing along the different channels and touchpoints within the customer journey. This book is for anyone who is interested in the future of luxury, including industry experts and brand managers who want a better understanding of the required steps towards an omni-personal customer relationship.

Omni-personal Luxus: Wie Sie Ihr Luxusgeschäft für das digitale Zeitalter fit machen

by Rebecca Schmitt Arnaud Rossi Albert Bensoussan

Der rasche technologische und gesellschaftliche Wandel, der durch die Pandemie beschleunigt wurde, hat die Art und Weise, wie Kunden Luxus erleben, grundlegend verändert. Während die digitale Transformation neue Möglichkeiten für den direkten Kundenkontakt eröffnet hat, besteht die Herausforderung für Luxusmarken darin, mit den Kunden in Kontakt zu treten und gleichzeitig ihren Markenwert zu schützen und die digitalen Tools zu nutzen, um persönliche Beziehungen zu den Kunden aufzubauen.Dieses Buch geht über das Omni-Channel-Marketing hinaus und vertieft das Omni-Personal Konzept, das es Ihnen ermöglicht, Ihre Marke mit relevanten und individuellen Erfahrungen zu verbinden. Es ist sehr praxisorientiert und nimmt Sie mit auf eine Reise zum skalierbaren Aufbau individueller und relevanter Erfahrungen und Beziehungen. Die Autoren beantworten die wesentlichen Fragen, wer, warum, wie, was und wann Omni-Personal im Luxusbereich am wichtigsten ist, und bieten Best-Practice-Beispiele, Fallstudien und Interviews mit Branchenführern. Letztlich zeigt dieses Buch, wie Sie die Omni-Personal-Strategie in Ihr Unternehmen einbetten können, und bietet einen Rahmen, der Ihnen hilft, die Fähigkeit Ihres Unternehmens zu bewerten, Omni-Personal-Marketing über die verschiedenen Kanäle und Touchpoints innerhalb der Customer Journey zu betreiben. Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle, die sich für die Zukunft des Luxus interessieren, einschließlich Branchenexperten und Markenmanager, die ein besseres Verständnis für die erforderlichen Schritte auf dem Weg zu einer omni-personal Kundenbeziehung erlangen möchten.

Omnichannel Retail: How to build winning stores in a digital world

by Tim Mason Miya Knights

According to many reports, the physical retail experience is in crisis as more and more consumers shift to internet shopping. Despite this, the majority of global purchases still happen offline, from 90% of sales in the US through to 92% of sales in the UK and 94% in China. The big change is that today's shopper seeks content and advice online before buying in store. Omnichannel Retail celebrates all the advantages of the physical shopping experience, from its sensory selection through to try-before-you buy, and its potential for providing an instant and profitable retail solution, while explaining the imperative of bringing the power of digital and an omnichannel experience to everyday shopping. Connecting the digital customer to the physical customer, Omnichannel Retail delivers a wealth of opportunities for the bricks and mortar store, including an enhanced customer journey, effortlessly tailoring specific products to a particular customer, exploiting surge pricing, upselling lucrative products and above all, building real, and profitable, relationships with your best customers. Based on over thirty years in loyalty marketing, Tim Mason diligently addresses the challenges facing retailers, providing tangible and proven solutions to capitalize on the changing retail landscape.

Omnidirectional Vision: From Theory to Applications

by Pascal Vasseur Fabio Morbidi

Omnidirectional cameras, vision sensors that can capture 360° images, have in recent years had growing success in computer vision, robotics and the entertainment industry. In fact, modern omnidirectional cameras are compact, lightweight and inexpensive, and are thus being integrated in an increasing number of robotic platforms and consumer devices. However, the special format of output data requires tools that are appropriate for camera calibration, signal analysis and image interpretation. This book is divided into six chapters written by world-renowned scholars. In a rigorous yet accessible way, the mathematical foundation of omnidirectional vision is presented, from image geometry and camera calibration to image processing for central and non-central panoramic systems. Special emphasis is given to fisheye cameras and catadioptric systems, which combine mirrors with lenses. The main applications of omnidirectional vision, including 3D scene reconstruction and robot localization and navigation, are also surveyed. Finally, the recent trend towards AI-infused methods (deep learning architectures) and other emerging research directions are discussed.

Omnidirectional Vision Systems

by Luis Puig J J Guerrero

This work focuses on central catadioptric systems, from the early step of calibration to high-level tasks such as 3D information retrieval. The book opens with a thorough introduction to the sphere camera model, along with an analysis of the relation between this model and actual central catadioptric systems. Then, a new approach to calibrate any single-viewpoint catadioptric camera is described. This is followed by an analysis of existing methods for calibrating central omnivision systems, and a detailed examination of hybrid two-view relations that combine images acquired with uncalibrated central catadioptric systems and conventional cameras. In the remaining chapters, the book discusses a new method to compute the scale space of any omnidirectional image acquired with a central catadioptric system, and a technique for computing the orientation of a hand-held omnidirectional catadioptric camera.

OmniGraffle 5 Diagramming Essentials

by Ruben Olsen

This is a very visual book with more than 750 illustrations and screenshots, never leaving any intermediate steps out from the tutorials. It contains precise tutorials that explain the various tools, how to use them, and the visual results. The examples used in the book are an excellent starting point for your own diagrams, both as ideas and as true diagrams - all the diagrams in the book can be downloaded for your own use.This book is written for both beginners and seasoned users of OmniGraffle. If you are new to the software, then this book will teach you everything you need to know to make stunning diagrams. For seasoned OmniGraffle users, this book contains a lot of tricks and techniques that will save their work and time.

On Animation: The Director's Perspective Vol 1

by Ron Diamond

Be a fly on the wall as industry leaders Bill Kroyer and Tom Sito take us through insightful face-to-face interviews, revealing, in these two volumes, the journeys of 23 world-class directors as they candidly share their experiences and personal views on the process of making feature animated films. The interviews were produced and edited by Ron Diamond. Your job is not to be the one with the answers. You should be the one that gets the answers. That’s your job. You need to make friends and get to know your crew. These folks are your talent, your bag of tricks. And that’s where you’re going to find answers to the big problems - Andrew Stanton It’s hard. Yet the pain you go through to get what you need for your film enriches you, and it enriches the film. – Brenda Chapman Frank and Ollie always used to say that great character animation contains movement that is generated by the character’s thought process. It can’t be plain movement. – John Lasseter The beauty of clay is that it doesn’t have to be too polished, or too smooth and sophisticated. You don’t want it to be mechanical and lifeless. – Nick Park The good thing about animation is that tape is very cheap. Let the actor try things. This is where animation gets to play with spontaneity. You want to capture that line as it has never been said before. And, most likely, if you asked the actor to do it again, he or she just can’t repeat that exact performance. But you got it. – Ron Clements

On Animation: The Director's Perspective Vol 2

by Ron Diamond

On Animation: The Director's Perspective is a collection of interviews with 23 animated feature-film directors. These extensive interviews were conducted over the past several years by filmmakers and educators (and peers to the directors interviews) Tom Sito and Bill Kroyer. Interviews cover in-depth discussion of each director's career -- focusing on their creative development, their films, lesson learned and advice. The interviews were edited and produced by Ron Diamond.Key FeaturesInterviews with the greatest living legends in animationOffers profound insight into the creative process of these giantsGrants advice and lessons for inspiring animators

On Architecting Fully Homomorphic Encryption-based Computing Systems (Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture)

by Rashmi Agrawal Ajay Joshi

This book provides an introduction to the key concepts of Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE)-based computing, and discusses the challenges associated with architecting FHE-based computing systems. Readers will see that due to FHE’s ability to compute on encrypted data, it is a promising solution to address privacy concerns arising from cloud-based services commonly used for a variety of applications including healthcare, financial, transportation, and weather forecasting. This book explains the fundamentals of the FHE operations and then presents an architectural analysis of the FHE-based computing. The authors also highlight challenges associated with accelerating FHE on various commodity platforms and argue that the FPGA platform provides a sweet spot in making privacy-preserving computing plausible.

On Being a Data Skeptic

by Cathy O'Neil

"Data is here, it's growing, and it's powerful." Author Cathy O'Neil argues that the right approach to data is skeptical, not cynical--it understands that, while powerful, data science tools often fail. Data is nuanced, and "a really excellent skeptic puts the term 'science' into 'data science.'" The big data revolution shouldn't be dismissed as hype, but current data science tools and models shouldn't be hailed as the end-all-be-all, either.

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