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Querido Scott, querida Zelda: Las cartas de amor entre Zelda y F. Scott Fitzgerald

by Francis Scott Fitzgerald Zelda Fitzgerald

La correspondencia «excepcionalmente conmovedora» (Booklist) de una pareja literaria icónica «Zelda escribe con una prosa directa y apasionada; Francis, con un estilo poético que recuerda a su ficción. El resultado es un relato fascinante de su historia de amor, lleno de anhelo y pasión, angustia y traición. [...] Estas cartas retratan una conexión singular y enigmática.»Paul Alexander, The Washington Post En 1918, en una fiesta en el club de campo de Montgomery (Alabama), se conocieron Francis Scott Fitzgerald, el joven escritor, y Zelda Sayre, una belleza sureña muy alejada de la imagen apocada de las mujeres de su época: audaz, original e inteligente, llegaría a convertirse en un icono de los años veinte. La pareja se casó en Nueva York en 1920, una semana después de la publicación de la primera novela de Scott, A este lado del paraíso, que se agotó en tres días. Con este rotundo éxito iniciaron una relación marcada por la celebridad, los excesos, la adicción de él al alcohol y el periplo de ella por distintas instituciones psiquiátricas. Excéntricos y hedonistas, llevaron al límite un amor errático y salvaje. Su correspondencia, que en buena parte se mantuvo inédita hasta la publicación de este libro, es la historia de una pasión enfermiza entre dos seres vulnerables que eran incapaces, muy a su pesar, de vivir el uno sin el otro. La crítica ha dicho:«Si leéis este libro que sea por Zelda: [...] una observadora divertida y dura de su propia vida cuyas cartas se leen como si fuesen pequeños monólogos. [...] No tiene opiniones convencionales ni usa expresiones hechas. Todo lo que escribe y piensa es original, mordaz y ligeramente inquietante.»Parul Sehgal, The New York Times «Una delicia literaria.»Silvia López, El País «Puro y hermoso. Leyendo las cartas de Zelda te enamoras de ella.»The Washington Post «Un retrato conmovedor de una historia de amor compleja y profunda.»Publishers Weekly «Una bendición para cualquier lector.»Kirkus Reviews «Esta correspondencia excepcionalmente conmovedora muestra a dos almas apasionadas y creativas que lucharon contra las despiadadas exigencias del imperativo artístico.»Booklist «Un retrato valioso y emotivo de su compleja relación.»The Baltimore Sun «Zelda escribe con una prosa directa y apasionada; Francis, con un estilo poético que recuerda a su ficción. El resultado es un relato fascinante de su historia de amor, lleno de anhelo y pasión, angustia y traición. [...] Estas cartas retratan una conexión singular y enigmática.»Paul Alexander, The Washington Post

Queridos camaradas: Una vida

by Javier Reverte

Un libro imprescindible para recordar a un escritor inolvidable. Javier Reverte, el gran viajero y escritor, ponía rumbo a su última travesía el 31 de octubre de 2020. Tan solo unos días antes entregaba a sus editores estas páginas en las que había trabajado los últimos quince años, reuniendo en ellas recuerdos y reflexiones sobre la vida, los viajes y la escritura, sus grandes pasiones. Una memoria feliz y luminosa que arranca en la infancia, «verdadera patria del hombre» en palabras de su admirado Rilke; recorre sus años de juventud, en los que nació su compromiso con la política y el periodismo; su etapa como corresponsal, en la que cubrió conflictos como el irlandés o la guerra de Bosnia y su descubrimiento de África, el continente que le abrió para siempre el camino de la literatura y la aventura. Volvía a mirarlo todo con los ojos del niño y sentía que llenaba la vida con «el sentido infantil del juego», como pedía John DosPassos. Percibía que mi existencia estaba siendo trazada por lo que anhelé cuando era un crío que soñaba con aventuras, al tiempo que alentaba la conciencia de que, si me inclinaba hacia otra manera de ser, en la vejez lo lamentaría. Quería que el pequeño Javier se sintiera orgulloso del anciano Reverte. La crítica ha dicho...«Fue nuestro hombre en África, el que nos llevó a muchos por primera vez al continente negro de la mano de los grandes clásicos, y nunca se lo agradeceremos bastante. [...] Fundía como nadie viaje e historia, la experiencia personal y la de los grandes exploradores y escritores.»Jacinto Antón, El País «Instauró en España la literatura de viajes como género habitual de un profesional del periodismo con un dominio impecable del lenguaje y con el rigor de una formación humanista severa.»Joaquín Bardavío, ABC «Su nombre es sinónimo del tipo de viaje concebido como un producto de artesanía emocional, donde cada detalle adquiere una dimensión íntima y el tiempo se dilata casi hasta detenerse, deslumbrando al viajero con el espejismo de esa inmortalidad perdida de la niñez.»TVE «Infatigable viajero, sagaz cronista y embajador por derecho del apasionamiento literario.»La Razón


by Stephen L. Carman Bob Owen

Steve Carman was a firm believer--but not in God. He believed instead in the reality of scientific facts. As a member of the engineering team that had worked on the ill-fated Apollo I space project, Steve Carman knew all too well the years of dreams and work--and the lives of three men--going up in flames. Yet his faith in empirical facts remained solid, as did his assertion that God existed only in the minds of the uneducated. But Steve and his wife, Joan, felt that their lives lacked something. Together they attended a church and read parts of the Bible. All they found was a list of seemingly unanswerable questions--"Pastor Stumpers," they called them. They found it difficult to accept religion when none of it seemed to make any logical sense! If God was real, they thought, he was just going to have to prove himself....

Quest Biographies Bundle — Books 1–10: Emma Albani / Emily Carr / George Grant / Jacques Plante / John Diefenbaker / John Franklin / Marshall McLuhan / Phyllis Munday / Wilfrid Laurier / Nellie McClung

by Vladimir Konieczny Darcy Dunton Michelle Labrèche-Larouche T. F. Rigelhof Arthur Slade Raymond Plante Kate Braid Judith Fitzgerald John Wilson Kathryn Bridge Roderick Stewart Margaret Macpherson

Presenting ten titles in the Quest Biography series that profiles prominent figures in Canada’s history. The important Canadian lives detailed here are: Emma Albani, a nineteenth century opera singer from Quebec who became a diva of the musical world; Emily Carr, the artist famous for capturing the essence in her paintings of the Native cultures of the coast of British Columbia; George Grant, a prescient political philosopher and author of Lament for a Nation; star NHL goalie Jacques Plante, the first netminder to don a protective mask; influential Prime Ministers John Diefenbaker and Sir Wilfrid Laurier; John Franklin, while not a Canadian, an explorer whose demise in the Arctic is an important part of Canada’s historical identity; Marshall McLuhan, the academic who predicted so much of the modern media world we live in today; mountaineer and explorer Phyllis Munday; and early feminist icon Nellie McClung. Includes Emma Albani Emily Carr George Grant Jacques Plante John Diefenbaker John Franklin Marshall McLuhan Phyllis Munday Wilfrid Laurier Nellie McClung

Quest Biographies Bundle — Books 11–15

by Lian Goodall Marguerite Paulin Francine Legaré Gary Evans Deborah Cowley

Presenting five titles in the Quest Biography series that profiles prominent figures in Canada’s history. The important Canadian lives detailed here are: longtime Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King; Quebec premier and separatist René Lévesque; the explorer of Quebec, Samuel de Champlain; National Film Board founder John Grierson; and medical humanitarian Lucille Teasdale. Includes William Lyon Mackenzie King Réne Lévesque Samuel de Champlain John Grierson Lucille Teasdale

Quest Biographies Bundle — Books 11–20

by Lian Goodall Marguerite Paulin Francine Legaré Gary Evans Deborah Cowley Tom Shardlow Heather Kirk Anne Cimon André Vanasse

Presenting ten titles in the Quest Biography series that profiles prominent figures in Canada’s history. <P><P>The important Canadian lives detailed here are: influential politicians Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King and Premiers René Lévesque and Maurice Duplessis; intrepid explorers Samuel de Champlain and David Thompson; National Film Board founder John Grierson; medical humanitarian Lucille Teasdale; and renowned writers Mazo de la Roche, Susanna Moodie, and Gabrielle Roy. Includes Willam Lyon Mackenzie King René Lévesque Maurice Duplessis Samuel de Champlain David Thompson John Grierson Lucille Teasdale Susanna Moodie Gabrielle Roy Mazo de la Roche

Quest Biographies Bundle — Books 1–5

by Vladimir Konieczny Darcy Dunton Michelle Labrèche-Larouche T. F. Rigelhof Arthur Slade Raymond Plante Kate Braid

Presenting five titles in the Quest Biography series that profiles prominent figures in Canada’s history. <P><P>The important Canadian lives detailed here are: Emma Albani, a nineteenth century opera singer from Quebec who became a diva of the musical world; Emily Carr, the artist famous for capturing the essence in her paintings of the Native cultures of the coast of British Columbia; George Grant, a prescient political philosopher and author of Lament for a Nation; star NHL goalie Jacques Plante, the first netminder to don a protective mask; and honest Prime Minister John Diefenbaker, who led Canada in the late fifties and early sixties. <P><P> Includes Emma Albani Emily Carr George Grant Jacques Plante John Diefenbaker

Quest Biographies Bundle — Books 16–20

by Marguerite Paulin Tom Shardlow Heather Kirk Anne Cimon André Vanasse

Presenting five titles in the Quest Biography series that profiles prominent figures in Canada’s history. The important Canadian lives detailed here are: influential Quebec Premier Maurice Duplessis; intrepid explorer of Western Canada, David Thompson; the author of the Jalna novels, Mazo de la Roche; wilderness chronicler Susanna Moodie; and award-winning novelist Gabrielle Roy. Includes Maurice Duplessis David Thompson Mazo de la Roche Susanna Moodie Gabrielle Roy

Quest Biographies Bundle — Books 21–25

by Julie H. Ferguson Tom Henighan Nicholas Maes Wayne Larsen Sharon Stewart

Presenting five titles in the Quest Biography series that profiles prominent figures in Canada’s history. <P><P>The important Canadian lives detailed here are: firebrand Metis leader Louis Riel; landscape painter James Wilson Morrice; Arctic explorer and ethnologist Vilhjalmur Stefansson; revered novelist Robertson Davies; and the “Father of British Columbia,” James Douglas. <P><P> Includes Louis Riel James Wilson Morrice Vilhjalmur Stefansson Robertson Davies James Douglas

Quest Biographies Bundle — Books 21–30

by Julie H. Ferguson Tom Henighan Nicholas Maes Wayne Larsen Sharon Stewart Valerie Knowles D. T. Lahey Edward Butts Peggy Dymond Leavey

Presenting ten titles in the Quest Biography series that profiles prominent figures in Canada’s history. The important Canadian lives detailed here are: painters Tom Thomson and James Wilson Morrice; explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson; frontiersman Simon Girty; railway baron William C. Van Horne; early politicians George Simpson and James Douglas; revolutionary Metis leader Louis Riel; writer Robertson Davies; and early movie star Mary Pickford. Includes Louis Riel James Wilson Morrice Vilhjalmur Stefansson Robertson Davies James Douglas William C. Van Horne George Simpson Tom Thomson Simon Girty Mary Pickford

Quest Biographies Bundle — Books 26–30

by Wayne Larsen Valerie Knowles D. T. Lahey Edward Butts Peggy Dymond Leavey

Presenting five titles in the Quest Biography series that profiles prominent figures in Canada’s history. The important Canadian lives detailed here are: nineteenth century railway builder William C. Van Horne; early nineteenth century governor and fur baron George Simpson; legendary Group of Seven-associated landscape painter Tom Thomson; intrepid early frontiersman Simon Girty; and Canada’s first world-famous movie star, Mary Pickford. Includes William C. Van Horne George Simpson Tom Thomson Simon Girty Mary Pickford

Quest Biographies Bundle — Books 31–35: Harriet Tubman / Laura Secord / Joey Smallwood / Prince Edward, Duke of Kent / John A. Macdonald

by Rosemary Sadlier Nathan Tidridge Peggy Dymond Leavey Ray Argyle Ged Martin Brigadier-General, The Hon. J.J. Grant

Presenting five titles in the Quest Biography series that profiles prominent figures in Canada’s history. The important Canadian lives detailed here are: legendary Underground Railroad leader Harriet Tubman; Laura Secord, heroine of the War of 1812; Newfoundland politician Joey Smallwood, the final Father of Confederation; Prime Minister John A. Macdonald, the primary founder of Canada; and onetime governor general Prince Edward, the Duke of Kent, an important figure in Canada’s early development. Includes Harriet Tubman Laura Secord Joey Smallwood Prince Edward, Duke of Kent John A. Macdonald

Quest Biography 35-Book Bundle: Marshall McLuhan, Nellie McClung, René Lévesque and many more

by Judith Fitzgerald Michelle Labrèche-Larouche Kate Braid T. F. Rigelhof Raymond Plante Arthur Slade John Wilson Kathryn Bridge Roderick Stewart Sharon Stewart Margaret Macpherson Lian Goodall Marguerite Paulin Francine Legaré Gary Evans Deborah Cowley Tom Shardlow Heather Kirk Anne Cimon André Vanasse Wayne Larsen Tom Henighan Nicholas Maes Julie H. Ferguson Valerie Knowles D. T. Lahey Edward Butts Peggy Dymond Leavey Rosemary Sadlier Ray Argyle Nathan Tidridge Ged Martin

This special bundle contains the first thirty-five books in the Quest Biography series, which profiles the lives of Canadians who have had a profound effect on their country and the world. Some of these figures are truly famous, while others were quietly influential. Among the wide variety of people we meet are: prime ministers (Mackenzie King, Macdonald, Laurier, and more); artists (Emily Carr, Tom Thomson); explorers (David Thompson, Samuel de Champlain), politicians (René Lévesque, Joey Smallwood), writers (Robertson Davies, Gabrielle Roy), entertainers (Emma Albani, Mary Pickford), activists (Nellie McClung, Louis Riel, Harriet Tubman), and many, many more. Let this series be your primer on the greatest figures in Canadian history. Includes Emma Albani Emily Carr George Grant Jacques Plante John Diefenbaker John Franklin Phyllis Munday Wilfrid Laurier William Lyon Mackenzie King René Lévesque Samuel de Champlain John Grierson Lucille Teasdale Maurice Duplessis David Thompson Mazo de la Roche Susanna Moodie Gabrielle Roy Louis Riel James Wilson Morrice Vilhjalmur Stefansson Robertson Davies James Douglas William C. Van Horne George Simpson Tom Thomson Simon Girty Mary Pickford Harriet Tubman Laura Secord Joey Smallwood Prince Edward, Duke of Kent John A. Macdonald Marshall McLuhan

The Quest for Character: What the Story of Socrates and Alcibiades Teaches Us about Our Search for Good Leaders

by Massimo Pigliucci

The author of How to Be a Stoic asks what might be philosophy's ultimate question: can we learn to be better people? Is good character something that can be taught? In 430 BCE, Socrates set out to teach the vain, power-seeking Athenian statesman Alcibiades how to be a good person—and failed spectacularly. Alcibiades went on to beguile his city into a hopeless war with Syracuse, and all of Athens paid the price. In The Quest for Character, philosophy professor Massimo Pigliucci tells this famous story and asks what we can learn from it. He blends ancient sources with modern interpretations to give a full picture of the philosophy and cultivation of character, virtue, and personal excellence—what the Greeks called arete. At heart, The Quest for Character isn&’t simply about what makes a good leader. Drawing on Socrates as well as his followers among the Stoics, this book gives us lessons perhaps even more crucial: how we can each lead an excellent life.

The Quest for Community: A Study In The Ethics Of Order And Freedom (Ics Series In Self-governance Ser.)

by Robert Nisbet

One of the leading thinkers to emerge in the postwar conservative intellectual revival was the sociologist Robert Nisbet. His book The Quest for Community, published in 1953, stands as one of the most persuasive accounts of the dilemmas confronting modern society.Nearly a half century before Robert Putnam documented the atomization of society in Bowling Alone, Nisbet argued that the rise of the powerful modern state had eroded the sources of community--the family, the neighborhood, the church, the guild. Alienation and loneliness inevitably resulted. But as the traditional ties that bind fell away, the human impulse toward community led people to turn even more to the government itself, allowing statism--even totalitarianism--to flourish.ISI Books is proud to present this new edition of Nisbet's magnum opus, featuring a brilliant introduction by New York Times columnist Ross Douthat and three critical essays. Published at a time when our communal life has only grown weaker and when many Americans display cultish enthusiasm for a charismatic president, this new edition of The Quest for Community shows that Nisbet's insights are as relevant today as ever.

The Quest for Corvo: An Experiment in Biography (Penguin Modern Classics)

by A. J. Symons

'What had happened to the lost manuscripts, what train of chances took Rolfe to his death in Venice? The Quest continued'One summer afternoon A.J.A. Symons is handed a peculiar, eccentric novel that he cannot forget and, captivated by this unknown masterpiece, determines to learn everything he can about its mysterious author. The object of his search is Frederick Rolfe, self-titled Baron Corvo - artist, rejected candidate for priesthood and author of serially autobiographical fictions - and its story is told in this 'experiment in biography': a beguiling portrait of an insoluble tangle of talents, frustrated ambitions and self-destruction.

The Quest for God: A Personal Pilgrimage

by Paul Johnson

In this probing, challenging and personal account of his feelings about God and religion, Paul Johnson shares with others the strength and comfort of his own faith. Informed by his great knowledge of history, The Quest for God is written with force, lucidity and eloquence by the author of Intellectuals, Modern Times, A History of the Jews and other works.

The Quest For Graham Greene

by W. J. West

W.J. West has unearthed and pieced together all-new material regarding Graham Greene, which sheds light into the darker regions of Greene's personal, religious, financial, and international affairs. Based on information gleaned from private archives and a cache of letters belonging to thriller writer Rene Raymond (known to his reading public as James Hadley Chase) West exposes, among other information, the reasons behind Greene's sudden, self-imposed exile from England. What the Chase letters show is that Greene and Chase shared the same tax consultant and that the two men, along with Charlie Chaplin and Noel Coward, became unwittingly embroiled in a tax evasion and fraud operation scandal with roots in the Hollywood mafia. Through further investigation, West also uncovers the origins of Greene's literary ambitions and his obsession with Catholicism, as well as new discoveries concerning Greene's crucial mental breakdown as a teenager. West also reveals more information on Greene's involvement with espionage, M16, and his ties with Kim Philby.

The Quest for Mary Magdalene

by Michael Haag

From the international bestselling author of The Templars and The Tragedy of the Templars comes a fascinating account of one of the most mysterious and controversial figures in religious history.Mary Magdalene is a larger figure than any text, larger than the Bible or the Church; she has taken on a life of her own. She has been portrayed as a penitent whore, a wealthy woman, Christ’s wife, an adulteress, a symbol of the frailty of women, and an object of veneration. And, to this day, she remains a potent and mysterious figure.In the manner of a quest, this book follows Mary Magdalene through the centuries, explores how she has been reinterpreted for every age, and examines what she herself reveals about woman and man and the divine. It seeks the real Mary Magdalene in the New Testament and in the gnostic gospels, where she is extolled as the chief disciple of Christ. It investigates how and why the Church recast her as a fallen woman, traces her story through the Renaissance when she became a goddess of beauty and love, and looks at Mary Magdalene as the feminist icon she has become today.

The Quest for Queen Mary

by James Pope-Hennessy Hugo Vickers

'A delightful insight into an eclectic life'The Daily Telegraph'Very funny and astute . . . a loathly feast for royal-watchers' Hilary Mantel, New Statesman Books of the Year 2018'A complete delight, conjuring up, with a few sharp strokes of the pen, a mad, exotic species from a world gone by'Craig Brown, Mail on Sunday'Gloriously indiscreet . . . the best royal book ever'Harry Mount, Financial Times* * *When James Pope-Hennessy began his work on Queen Mary's official biography, it opened the door to meetings with royalty, court members and retainers around Europe. The series of candid observations, secrets and indiscretions contained in his notes were to be kept private for 50 years. Now published in full for the first time and edited by the highly admired royal biographer Hugo Vickers, this is a riveting, often hilarious portrait of the eccentric aristocracy of a bygone age. Giving much greater insight into Queen Mary than the official version, and including sharply observed encounters with, among others, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, the Duke of Gloucester, and a young Queen Elizabeth, The Quest for Queen Mary is set to be a classic of royal publishing.

The Quest for Queen Mary

by James Pope-Hennessy Hugo Vickers

'A delightful insight into an eclectic life'The Daily Telegraph'Very funny and astute . . . a loathly feast for royal-watchers'Hilary Mantel, New Statesman Books of the Year 2018'A complete delight, conjuring up, with a few sharp strokes of the pen, a mad, exotic species from a world gone by'Craig Brown, Mail on Sunday'Gloriously indiscreet . . . the best royal book ever'Harry Mount, Financial Times* * *When James Pope-Hennessy began his work on Queen Mary's official biography, it opened the door to meetings with royalty, court members and retainers around Europe. The series of candid observations, secrets and indiscretions contained in his notes were to be kept private for 50 years. Now published in full for the first time and edited by the highly admired royal biographer Hugo Vickers, this is a riveting, often hilarious portrait of the eccentric aristocracy of a bygone age. Giving much greater insight into Queen Mary than the official version, and including sharply observed encounters with, among others, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, the Duke of Gloucester, and a young Queen Elizabeth, The Quest for Queen Mary is set to be a classic of royal publishing.

The Quest for Queen Mary

by James Pope-Hennessy Hugo Vickers

'A scary portrait of put-upon servants and potty aristos ... this is arguably the most riotously funny volume published this year' Max Hastings, Sunday Times'One of the funniest, most eccentric books of the year' Craig Brown, Mail on SundayThe highly acclaimed unexpurgated notes taken by James Pope-Hennessy for his official biography of Queen Mary, the present Queen's grandmother. Published in full for the first time and edited by much-admired royal biographer Hugo Vickers.When James Pope-Hennessy began his work on Queen Mary's official biography, it opened the door to meetings with royalty, court members and retainers around Europe. The series of candid observations, secrets and indiscretions contained in his notes were to be kept private for 50 years. Now published in full for the first time and edited by the highly admired royal biographer Hugo Vickers, this is a riveting, often hilarious portrait of the eccentric aristocracy of a bygone age. Giving much greater insight into Queen Mary than the official version, and including sharply observed encounters with, among others, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, the Duke of Gloucester, and a young Queen Elizabeth, The Quest for Queen Mary is set to be a classic of royal publishing.(P)2018 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

The Quest for Z: The True Story of Explorer Percy Fawcett and a Lost City in the Amazon

by Greg Pizzoli

From an award-winning author comes a picture book biography that feels like Indiana Jones for kids!British explorer Percy Fawcett believed that hidden deep within the Amazon rainforest was an ancient city, lost for the ages. Most people didn&’t even believe this city existed. But if Fawcett could find it, he would be rich and famous forever. This is the true story of one man&’s thrilling, dangerous journey into the jungle, and what he found on his quest for the lost city of Z.

The Question

by Henri Alleg John Calder"

The Question is the book that opened the torture debate in France during Algeria’s war of independence. At the time of his arrest by French paratroopers during the Battle of Algiers in June of 1957, Henri Alleg was a French journalist who supported Algerian independence. This text is Alleg's profoundly moving account of his month long interrogation and of his triumph over his torturers.

A Question of Balance: Charles Seeger's Philosophy of Music

by Taylor Aitken Greer

One of this century's most influential musical intellects takes center stage in Taylor Greer's meticulously wrought study of Charles Seeger (1886-1979). Seeger left an indelible mark in the fields of musicology, music criticism, ethnomusicology, and avant-garde musical composition, but until now there has been no extended appreciation and critique of Seeger's work as a whole, nor has an accessible guide to his texts been available.Exploring the entire corpus of Charles Seeger's writing, A Question of Balance highlights the work of those persons who most influenced him, especially Henri Bergson, Bertrand Russell, and Ralph Perry. Invited to inaugurate the music department at the University of California's Berkeley campus in 1912, Seeger became keenly aware of his deficiencies in general education and put himself on a rigorous regimen of intellectual development that included studying history, anthropology, political theory, and philosophy. For the remainder of his life his ideas about music heavily influenced the development of ethnomusicology and systematic musicology.Charles Seeger is perhaps best known as the father of the folk singers Pete, Mike, and Peggy Seeger and as the husband of the innovative American composer Ruth Crawford. This book makes clear that Seeger was an extremely important thinker and educator in his own right. Seeger's intellectual curiosity was as eclectic as it was enthusiastic, and Greer skillfully weaves together the connections Seeger made between music, the humanities, and the sciences. The result is a luminous tapestry depicting Seeger's ideal schemes of musicology. At the same time it reflects the turbulence and vitality in American musical life during the early decades of the century.

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