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Le Quart d'Argent au Teint de Cuivre

by Richard Stooker

L'homme sympathique choque le bar en payant les boissons de tout le monde avec un quart d'argent. Son meurtre impitoyable dans la rue à l'extérieur ne surprend personne. Lorsque le détective privé Crain Dalton cherche la belle veuve, il découvre un complot pour acheter des élections locales avec le seul type d'argent qui vaille plus rien - de l'argent et de l'or, encore une fois illégaux à posséder. Dans les rues méchantes du futur proche, un homme doit partir. . . Bienvenue dans le futur des États-Unis: Malaise économique et pauvreté et besoin pour la grande majorité des gens. Décomposition écologique. Beaucoup de papier-monnaie qui n'achète rien. Les gangs criminels et les politiciens coopèrent pour diriger le gouvernement et se partagent le butin. Les grandes villes se détériorent en enfers. Un peu comme le présent, mais en pire. . . Pourtant, alors que le monde devient de plus en plus amoral, Crain combat les puissants pour défendre la dignité de l'humanité. Jusqu'à présent, indisponible depuis plus de trente ans! Histoire courte de science-fiction et de détective privé, The Copper Quarter est apparue à l'origine dans le numéro de février 1979 de AMAZING.

Le Reflet de l'art

by Ed Teja

Un écrivain qui voyage sac au dos en Asie cherche un endroit tranquille pour écrire une histoire de malfaiteur en cavale. Il trouve l’endroit idéal dans une petite ville et découvre que fiction et réalité se mêlent plus souvent qu’on ne pourrait le croire.

Le Regole Di Kyiv-Un Breve Thriller Del Crimine Del Direttor Dudka

by Alex Shaw Sara Dal Pont

Le Regole di Kyiv-Un Breve Thriller del Crimine del Direttor Dudka'Le Regole di Kyiv' - Crimine, corruzione e le KGB.Testardo, sarcastico, spiritoso e laconico, Gennady Dudka è l'ufficiale in servizio più longevo delle SBU Ucraine (il nome delle KGB dopo l'indipendenza) e il capo del Direttorato Anti Corruzione e Crimine Organizzato.Con una serie di attacchi d'alto profilo a bordo di auto blindate che minacciano la reputazione del Governo, una settimana prima di una conferenza dell'Interpol, Dudka riceve l'ordine di trovare i responsabili, altrimenti dovrà affrontarne le conseguenze.Ignorando la crescente pressione di ritirarsi, da parte del Presidente dell'Ucraina, Dudka ha un tempo limitato per dimostrare, sia al suo capo che ai banditi, che è ancora lui l'uomo giusto per quel lavoro. Ma chi c'è veramente dietro a questi attacchi? E Dudka è davvero intenzionato a portare a termine la sua indagine?Dopo essere apparso nei thriller #1 bestseller Kindle 'Hetman' e 'Cold Black', il Direttor Dudka ora ha il suo romanzo personale.Genere: mistero, thriller, suspanceGenere secondario: storie brevi

Le Réseau de Charon

by Gemma Herrero Virto Marie-Gabrielle Berge

Les corps sauvagement mutilés de plusieurs adolescentes sont retrouvés abandonnés dans des lieux isolés de Biscaye, province du Nord de l’Espagne. L’assassin ne laisse aucune trace. Les victimes n’ont que deux choses en commun : elles sont jeunes et solitaires. L’enquête menée par la jeune médecin-légiste Natalia Egaña et l’inspecteur Carlos Vega les amène à découvrir que le meurtrier contacte ses victimes grâce à Internet. Sous le pseudonyme de Charon, il se rapproche d’elles, apprend leurs secrets les plus intimes et les séduit jusqu’à obtenir un rendez-vous qui leur sera fatal.

Le roi est mort

by Cristina Origone Benedicte Dazy

Jusqu’où peuvent mener l’insécurité inhérente à l’existence humaine et la peur du jugement d’autrui ? Giovanni est un homme simple de cinquante-huit ans qui vit dans un petit village de l’arrière-pays ligure. Quand, un matin en se levant, il ne trouve pas Alina à ses côtés dans le lit, il ne s’en inquiète pas ; ce n’est pas la première fois qu’elle se lève tôt au lendemain d’une dispute pour aller acheter du pain et une focaccia chaude à la boulangerie du village afin de se faire pardonner. Mais au moment où il découvre qu’elle a disparu avec leurs économies, il est pris de vertige : Alina serait-elle retournée en Russie ? L’aurait-elle quitté ? Peinant d’abord à y croire, il finit par se rendre à l’évidence et, se sentant trahi et humilié, il cherche à dissimuler la situation en mentant à tout le monde. Ce mensonge l’entraînera alors dans un tourbillon de doutes qui le tourmenteront : qu’est-il arrivé à Alina ? Sa vie va changer, la paranoïa d’être jugé par les habitants du village le fera se méfier de tous, y compris de ses amis les plus proches, et le conduira à voir et entendre des choses qui ne sont pas. Jusqu’à la découverte de la vérité. Giovanni réussira-t-il à l’accepter ? Le roi est mort est un récit dramatique sur un homme se croyant le propriétaire absolu de sa femme, dont la disparition fera ressurgir ses propres limites et son inflexibilité qui entrave depuis toujours son rapport aux autres, le contraignant à se confronter à lui-même.

Le Sei Facce Di Un Dado

by Juan Sepulveda Sanchis Cecilia Metta

Chi decide durante la nostra vita quale strada percorrere per andare a lavoro o a un appuntamento? Noi o il destino? Questa è la sensazione che trasmette questo libro, come il caso può cambiare una situazione apparentemente normale e farla diventare pericolosa o strana, o ambedue le cose contemporaneamente. In "Le sei facce di un dado" sfileranno, tra le storie, delle misteriose equazioni matematiche che possono trasformare la realtà che ci circonda, pellicole cinematografiche che sembrano prendere vita o escursioni in montagna durante le quali la tranquillità sarà la sola invitata che non si presenterà. Però, su tutti questi racconti aleggia una domanda: chi sta lanciando il dado che determinerà il futuro dei protagonisti di queste storie?"Le sei facce di un dado" è formato da sei storie di intrighi. Ognuna di esse è diversa dalle altre, ha uno stile e un tema propri. Nonostante questo, tutte sono collegate da un filo conduttore: il destino dei personaggi è assoggettato al caso.Il mio account twitter: juan_sepulvedaLa mia pagina Facebook:

Le sort vers la gloire: Une Petite Enquête des Sorcières de Westwick (Les Petites Enquêtes Surnaturelles des Sorcières de Westwick #3)

by Colleen Cross - Mystery and Crime Thriller Author

Les sorcières vont à Hollywood, et la magie du cinéma s'emballe ! Lumières, camera, assassin… On vient de tourner un film à gros budgets en ville, et Cendrine West, journaliste, meurt d’envie d’en tirer un bon scoop. Sa famille de sorcière voudrait bien elle aussi sa part du gâteau, mais des magouilles de stars transforment cette aventure en une véritable tragédie hollywoodienne. Les cadavres s’empilent plus vite que les malédictions durant le sabbat, et tout pointe vers la famille de Cen et leur amour pour la célébrité. Rien ne les arrête dans leur quête de célébrité surnaturelle, même si cela implique de perturber une enquête pour meurtre. En guise de résultat, nos sorcières ont créé un sacré désordre et offert l’opportunité au tueur de s’en tirer en toute liberté. Cen décide donc d’utiliser son propre cocktail de dons surnaturels et de sens de la justice pour réussir à contenir un peu sa famille — mais parviendra-t-elle à démasquer le tueur avant qu’il ne frappe de nouveau ? Bientôt au Far, Far West ! Le Sort Vers La Gloire est fait pour les fans de romans policiers surnaturels, de petites enquêtes, et de sorcières effroyablement drôles. Ce livre peut être lu à part, mais si vous voulez en savoir plus sur la famille des sorcières de Westwick et sur leur histoire, vous pouvez commencer avec le premier tome : Charmée de vous rencontrer. Au sujet des Petites Enquêtes Surnaturelles Des Sorcières de Westwick Westwick Corners est loin d’être une petite ville normale. Ou d’être une ville fantôme normale, d’ailleurs. C’est l’endroit rêvé où disparaissent les gens qui ne veulent pas attirer trop d’attention sur eux, et c’est aussi parfait pour que les sorcières pratiquent leur magie sans problèmes. Cette combinaison occasionne des enquêtes fort intéressantes et très humoristiques, où nos so

Le Tueur de l'Olympe

by Luke Christodoulou

Description ‘MEURTRES SOUS LE SOLEIL GREC’ Si cet été vous pensez voyager dans les majestueuses îles grecques baignées de soleil, pensez-y à deux fois. Un tueur sadique est en liberté. LE TUEUR DE L’OLYMPE ... Sur les îles pittoresques de la mer Egée, les cadavres s’accumulent rapidement. Des corps torturés, mutilés et étrangement reliés à la mythologie de la Grèce antique. Il est fait appel au Commissaire de la Police Hellénique COSTA PAPACOSTA pour aider la jeune crétoise, major de sa promotion, au langage fleuri et aimant les bons plats, l’inspectrice IOLI CARA, à résoudre leur cas le plus complexe à ce jour ; ceci tout en affrontant ses propres démons après la perte tragique de sa fille. Le TUEUR DE L’OLYMPE, comme les tabloïds le surnomment, est un meurtrier rusé, sadique, au passé tourmenté. Un passé qui nous est révélé à travers l’histoire de sa mère à Dayton, U.S.A. Les deux officiers arriveront-ils à arrêter à temps l’assassin ou le Tueur de l’Olympe aura-t-il sa revanche ? Une mannequin avec ses bras cruellement tranchés ... Des jumeaux décapités, leurs têtes utilisées pour représenter un soleil et une lune ... Papacosta et Cara ont toujours une longueur de retard et ce jusqu’à la finale effarante !

Le voyage d'Hugo

by Adolfo Rodríguez

Hugo Sada est un étudiant en médecine qui part en voyage à New-York pour rendre visite à un ami qui habite Manhattan. Pendant le vol, il ressent le besoin d'aller aux toilettes. Quand il en ressort, il se retrouve dans une situation insolite, il est le seul passager d'un avion qui auparavant était plein de voyageurs. A partir de ce moment, il se trouve mêlé à une série d'évènements mystérieux qu'il devra interpréter pour découvrir dans quoi il se trouve immergé.

Lead a Horse to Murder

by Cynthia Baxter

When it comes to sleuthing, she's not horsing around...When full-time vet and part-time sleuth Jessica Popper is asked to treat a billionaire's ailing horse, she gets a deadly glimpse into the lifestyles of the rich and felonious....Murder gallops after Jessie when an emergency call sends the traveling vet to a posh Long Island estate with her one-eyed Dalmatian, Lou, and her tailless Westie, Max. A prized Arabian steed needs minor medical care-but it's the rider who grabs Jess's attention. The handsome young horseman exudes plenty of animal magnetism as he canters across the field...and then takes an inexplicable, fatal fall.The dead man was one of the finest polo players in the world, but it was no accident that killed him. The culprit was poison. And as Jess soon discovers, a number of people had the means, motive, and opportunity for foul play, from the hostile barn manager to the businessman's disgruntled wife. But Jess will have to temper her feline instinct with good old-fashioned horse sense if she's going to stop a killer from leading a certain sleuth to her death."Five paws up for Cynthia Baxter's Reigning Cats & Dogs series!"--Carolyn HartFrom the Paperback edition.

Lead Me Home: A Clever and Engrossing Psychological Thriller

by CS Savage

A British psychiatrist is worried about a patient on the edge—and about her own daughter—in this chilling psychological thriller. As an overworked NHS psychiatrist, Dr Clancy Mclean is used to dealing with mental illness. But her job is more tense than usual right now. She knows two of her patients are psychotic, and becoming overwhelmed by their voices. If they act on them it could prove disastrous. At the same time, Clancy&’s own daughter, Rowan, is caught in an abusive relationship, but is terrified of being lonely and refuses to break up with her boyfriend. And, as if Clancy doesn&’t have enough to worry about, another of her patients is paranoid and convinced she is being stalked. Is it just a symptom of her mental illness—or is there real danger out there?

Lead-Pipe Cinch

by Christy Evans

The second mystery featuring Georgiana Neverall, plumber's apprentice extraordinaire. Georgiana Neverall never pictured herself knee-deep in a muddy trench building a moat-part of a state-of-the-art castle that would soon house a retired Microsoft engineer. She also never imagined being a murder suspect, but that's exactly what happens when a floater in the moat turns out to be her ex-boyfriend.

Lead with Your Left

by Ed Lacy

Lead With Your Left, first published in 1957, is a classic hard-boiled crime novel, and follows a young NYPD detective over the course of a week in his hunt for the killer of two retired policemen. Author Ed Lacy (a pseudonym for Leonard Zinberg, 1911-1968) was a prolific writer of pulp crime fiction, and is credited with creating the first believable African-American private eye in American fiction, Toussaint Marcus Moore (in Room to Swing, 1957).Obstreperous Dave Wintino, rookie cop, looks further into the murders of two retired members of the force, presumes that more than just a stick-up is involved, and exhumes a less legitimate deal from the past. Knowing that this job may cost him his wife as well as his life, Dave completes his stubborn search for the killer... Not as original as the first two, but a virile and visceral form of entertainment.

Leaden Skies (Silver Rush Mysteries #3)

by Ann Parker

The stakes don't get much higher than murder…It's January 1969 in the small rural community of Center Springs, Texas. Constable Ned Parker suspects a larger mystery behind the seemingly accidental death of his nephew, R .B., who was found in his overturned pickup near Sanders Creek bridge. It appears that R. B. drowned in the shallow water, but something doesn't add up for Ned, who begins turning over stones in search of what really happened the night R. B. died.The mystery leads Ned to the Starlite Club, a dangerous honky-tonk recently constructed in a no-man's land on the Lone Star side of the Red River. His investigations there uncover suspicious characters, drugs, and gambling, but even more troubling are a series of murders that seem designed to eliminate anyone who might know what really happened to R. B. on that cold January night.As he works his way through the cover-up, Ned lands himself in a high-stakes game of consequences with no good end in sight. Are the good citizens of Center Springs conspiring against Constable Parker in his search for the truth?In this thrilling addition to the historical Texas Red River Mystery Series, Constable Ned Parker bets big, but only time will tell if he'll win justice or a grave of his own.

The Leader And The Damned

by Colin Forbes

In 1943 Hitler was at the height of his powers. At his side constantly was Martin Bormann. On his mind constantly was the war against the beleaguered might of Stalin's Russia. After 13 March 1943, records show a drastic change in the Fuehrer's behaviour and personality. And 13 March 1943 was the date of a bomb attack on the Fuehrer's private aircraft. If Hitler was destroyed on that fateful date, who was the man in the Berlin bunker two years later? How did Martin Bormann succeed in keeping the anti-Nazi generals from seizing the Reich? And who was Woodpecker - the Soviet spy at the pinnacle of the Nazi war machine?

Leader Of The Pack (Andy Carpenter #10)

by David Rosenfelt

Over the course of his legal career, Andy Carpenter has lost a few cases. But that doesn't mean he forgets his clients. Andy has always been convinced that Joey Desimone, a man convicted of murder nine years ago, was innocent and believes that Joey's family's connections to organized crime played a pivotal role in his conviction. While there isn't much Andy can do for him while he serves out his prison sentence, Joey suggests that he check up on Joey's elderly uncle. He'd rather not, but as a favor to Joey, Andy agrees to take his dog, Tara, on a few visits. The old man's memory is going, but when Andy tries to explain why he's there, it jogs something in the man's mind, and his comments leave Andy wondering if Uncle Nick is confused, or if he just might hold the key to Joey's freedom after all this time. Andy grabs on to this thread of possibility and follows it into a world where the oath of silence is stronger than blood ties, and where people will do anything to make sure their secrets are kept. Riveting, suspenseful, and highly entertaining, Leader of the Pack is bestseller David Rosenfelt's latest entry in his much-beloved Andy Carpenter series.

The Leaf Reader

by Emily Arsenault

Emily Arsenault (The Rose Notes) makes her YA debut with a “page-ripping whodunit” about Marnie Wells, who comes face-to-face with the occult when she discovers her ability to read tea leaves might help solve the mystery of a classmate's disappearance.Marnie Wells knows that she creeps people out. It’s not really her fault; her brother is always in trouble, and her grandmother, who’s been their guardian since Mom took off is . . . eccentric. So no one even bats an eye when Marnie finds an old book about reading tea leaves and starts telling fortunes. The ceremony and symbols are weirdly soothing, but she knows—and hopes everyone else does too—that none of it’s real.Then basketball star Matt Cotrell asks for a reading. He’s been getting emails from someone claiming to be his best friend, Andrea Quinley, who disappeared and is presumed dead. And while they’d always denied they were romantically involved, a cloud of suspicion now hangs over Matt. But Marnie sees a kindred spirit: someone who, like her, is damaged by association.Suddenly, the readings seem real. And, despite the fact that they’re telling Marnie things about Matt that make him seem increasingly dangerous, she can’t shake her initial attraction to him. In fact, it’s getting stronger. And that could turn out to be deadly.

League of American Traitors

by Matthew Landis

Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it . . . When seventeen year-old Jasper is approached at the funeral of his deadbeat father by a man claiming to be an associate of his deceased parents, he’s thrust into a world of secrets tied to America’s history—and he’s right at the heart of it. First, Jasper finds out he is the sole surviving descendant of Benedict Arnold, the most notorious traitor in American history. Then he learns that his father’s death was no accident. Jasper is at the center of a war that has been going on for centuries, in which the descendants of the heroes and traitors of the American Revolution still duel to the death for the sake of their honor.His only hope to escape his dangerous fate on his eighteenth birthday? Take up the research his father was pursuing at the time of his death, to clear Arnold’s name. Whisked off to a boarding school populated by other descendants of notorious American traitors, it’s a race to discover the truth. But if Jasper doesn’t find a way to uncover the evidence his father was hunting for, he may end up paying for the sins of his forefathers with his own life.Like a mash-up of National Treasure and Hamilton, Matthew Landis’s debut spins the what-ifs of American history into a heart-pounding thriller steeped in conspiracy, clue hunting, and danger.

League of Beastly Dreadfuls #3: The Witch's Glass (League of Beastly Dreadfuls #3)

by Holly Grant

“Wonderfully witty.” —Chris Grabenstein, New York Times bestselling author of Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library and coauthor with James Patterson of the House of Robots and Treasure Hunters series Take one part Roald Dahl, a pinch of the Mysterious Benedict Society, and a dash of Lemony Snicket, then add a league of adventurous children, a little magic, and a centuries-old feud with witches, and you get this quirky and darkly hilarious middle-grade series! Long ago, the evil wizard Calixto Swift committed a terrible crime against twelve-year-old Anastasia’s family, a crime that began the Perpetual War between witches and the people of Nowhere Special. The witches have long since been banished, but deep in the darkest, most forbidden back alleys of Nowhere Special lies Calixto’s mysterious, unbreakable glass cabinet. And that cabinet holds the key to Anastasia’s missing grandfather . . . if Anastasia, Ollie, Quentin, and Gus (aka the League of Beastly Dreadfuls) can decipher the clues and figure out how to open it. Steel yourselves, dear Readers! As the feud between the witches and Anastasia’s family heats up in book 3 of the League of Beastly Dreadfuls series, our heroes’ wild sleuthing will put them far closer to WITCH MAGIC than proper children should ever be! Prepare for SHOCKING revelations about who Anastasia really is! It is safe to say that this may be the League’s Most Dangerous and Important Puzzle yet!

The League of Dark Men (Department Z #23)

by John Creasey

The thrilling Department Z series continues as an assassination attempt leads to political turmoil—from the author who sold eighty million books worldwide. Agent Gordon Craigie faces a crisis of international proportions when an attempted assassination of a Russian diplomat at a top-level international conference in London threatens negotiations. Craigie and the Department Z team must work to ensure the safety of all the delegates whilst investigating the attack. It soon becomes increasingly obvious the attack they’re dealing with was run by a highly professional organization and the team is starting to feel out of their depth. Will Department Z be able to match wits with bullets as they attempt to take down the assassins? How will they negotiate the political minefield where one false step could lead to worldwide disaster? “Mr. Creasey realizes that it is the principal business of thrillers to thrill.” —Church Times “Little appears in the newspapers about the Secret Service, but that little makes anything on the subject probable fiction. Mr. Creasey proves himself worthy of the chance.” —The Times Literary Supplement

The League of Dark Men (Department Z)

by John Creasey

The thrilling Department Z series continues as an assassination attempt leads to political turmoil—from the author who sold eighty million books worldwide.Agent Gordon Craigie faces a crisis of international proportions when an attempted assassination of a Russian diplomat at a top-level international conference in London threatens negotiations.Craigie and the Department Z team must work to ensure the safety of all the delegates whilst investigating the attack. It soon becomes increasingly obvious the attack they’re dealing with was run by a highly professional organization and the team is starting to feel out of their depth.Will Department Z be able to match wits with bullets as they attempt to take down the assassins? How will they negotiate the political minefield where one false step could lead to worldwide disaster?“Mr. Creasey realizes that it is the principal business of thrillers to thrill.” —Church Times“Little appears in the newspapers about the Secret Service, but that little makes anything on the subject probable fiction. Mr. Creasey proves himself worthy of the chance.” —The Times Literary Supplement

The League of Frightened Men: The League Of Frightened Men (Nero Wolfe #2)

by Rex Stout

Paul Chapin's college cronies never forgave themselves for the prank that crippled their friend. Yet with Harvard days behind them, they thought they were forgiven -- until a class reunion ends in a fatal fall. This league of frightened men seeks Nero Wolfe's help. But are Wolfe's brilliance and Archie's tenacity enough to outwit a most cunning killer?

League of Liars

by Astrid Scholte

In this fantasy thriller, four teens charged with murder and caught up with the illegal use of magic band together to devise the ultimate jailbreak. Perfect for fans of Six of Crows and How to Get Away with Murder.Ever since his mother was killed, seventeen-year-old Cayder Broduck has had one goal—to see illegal users of magic brought to justice. People who carelessly use extradimensional magic for their own self-interest, without a care to the damage it does to society or those around them, deserve to be punished as far as Cayder is concerned. Because magic always has a price. So when Cayder lands a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to apprentice under a premier public defender, he takes it. If he can learn all the tricks of public defense, the better he&’ll be able to dismantle defense arguments when he&’s a prosecutor. Then he&’ll finally be able to make sure justice is served. But when he meets the three criminals he&’s supposed to defend, it no longer seems so black and white. They&’re teenagers, like him, and their stories are . . . complicated, like his. Vardean, the prison where Cayder&’s new clients are incarcerated, also happens to be at the very heart of the horrible tear in the veil between their world and another dimension—where all magic comes from. League of Liars is a dark and twisty mystery set in a richly-drawn world where nothing is as it seems, rife with magic, villains and danger.

The League of Night and Fog: A Novel

by David Morrell

Two brilliant operatives known as Saul and Drew are drawn together to solve a baffling mystery: Why have ten elderly men from around the world been kidnapped? As the agents investigate they are pulled into a violent cycle of revenge that stretches back to World War II--and is now forcing sons to pay for their father's darkest sins.David Morrell's international thrillers have no equal. From the Vatican to the Swiss Alps, from Australia to the heartland of America, The League of Night and Fog brings together two generations bound by one chilling legacy.From the Trade Paperback edition.

League of Terror (November Man #11)

by Bill Granger

The armistice has been all but signed. The Cold War is over. The world has no further use for spies. Or so it would seem.Fortunately, Devereaux--the spy they call November--knows better. Even now, he finds himself and his implacable nemesis locked in a deadly battle. The backdrop is the secret war of terrorism waged by an insidious mastermind combining the bloodiest back-alley tactics of Irish republicanism with the sleek financial machinations of Wall Street. The stakes are deeply personal, for an assassin has struck at Rita Macklin, the journalist who loves the November Man. Now Devereaux has but a single goal: kill Henry McGee, before he can strike again.

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