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Historia del contrabando en la Argentina: De la aduana del virreinato a la mafia de los contenedores

by Mauro Federico Fernando Ortega Zabala

Genealogía de una actividad ilegal millonaria, varias veces superior al producto bruto interno, que involucró a los más altos funcionarios desde los orígenes hasta la actualidad del país. La patria nació bajo el signo del contrabando. Moreno, Belgrano, Brown y Rivadavia fueron de los primeros en desarrollar en el Río del Plata esta práctica que busca burlarse de aduanas y fronteras. Desde aquel momento inaugural, el contrabando se fue haciendo cada vez más complejo y se extendió al narcotráfico, a la trata de personas y al lavado de dinero. Algo que terminó asociándolo con la violencia y el crimen organizado. La Argentina tiene una larga historia de comercio ilegal en el que se mezclan multimillonarios negocios privados con la corrupción del Estado. En Historia del contrabando en la Argentina, Mauro Federico y Fernando Ortega Zabala realizan una documentada reconstrucción de la trama de este delito -con datos desconocidos hasta ahora-, en el que estuvieron y están involucrados altos personajes del poder, desde Menem a Macri. Este libro pone en evidencia que la ilegalidad sigue siendo parte ineludible del paisaje nacional.

Historians and Historical Societies in the Public Life of Imperial Russia

by Vera Kaplan

What was the role of historians and historical societies in the public life of imperial Russia? Focusing on the Society of Zealots of Russian Historical Education (1895–1918), Vera Kaplan analyzes the network of voluntary associations that existed in imperial Russia, showing how they interacted with state, public, and private bodies. Unlike most Russian voluntary associations of the late imperial period, the Zealots were conservative in their view of the world. Yet, like other history associations, the group conceived their educational mission broadly, engaging academic and amateur historians, supporting free public libraries, and widely disseminating the historical narrative embraced by the Society through periodicals. The Zealots were champions of voluntary association and admitted members without regard to social status, occupation, or gender. Kaplan’s study affirms the existence of a more substantial civil society in late imperial Russia and one that could endorse a modernist program without an oppositional liberal agenda.

Historians, Economists, and Economic History (Routledge Revivals)

by Alon Kadish

First published in 1989, Alon Kadish’s study re-examines the standard view held by historians of economic thought whereby economic history emerged from the historicist criticism of neoclassical economic theory. He also demonstrates how the discipline evolved as an extension of the study of history. The study will appeal to students and scholars in historiography, the development of higher education and in the history if economic thought in general, as well as all those interested in the evolution of Oxford and Cambridge.

Historians of Economics and Economic Thought: The Construction Of Disciplinary Memory (Routledge Studies In The History Of Economics Ser.)

by Steven G. Medema Warren J. Samuels

The history of economic thought has always attracted some of the brightest minds in the discipline. These chroniclers of development have helped form our current views, and it is no surprise that many among them have been at the forefront of new movements in the history of ideas.This notable collection summarizes the work of these key historians of

Historians on Leadership and Strategy: Case Studies From Antiquity to Modernity

by Martin Gutmann

This book examines the well-covered subject of leadership from a unique perspective: history's vast catalogue of leadership successes and failures. Through a collection of highly compelling case studies spanning two millennia, it looks beyond the classic leadership parable of men in military or political crises and shows that successful leadership cannot be reduced to simplistic formulae.Written by experts in the field and based on rigorous research, each case provides a rich and compelling account that is accessible to a wide audience, from students to managers. Rather than serving as a vehicle for advancing a particular theory of leadership, each case invites readers to reflect, debate and extract their own insights.

Historias de éxito

by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Con Sharon L. Lechter (CPA) ¡Entérese de cómo muchas personas han logrado el éxito financiero gracias a las lecciones del Padre Rico! "El futuro será brillante para los que se preparen desde hoy. Las personas que compartieron sus experiencias en este libro estudiaron a fondo las lecciones del Padre Rico pero, más importante aún, actuaron, aprendieron y obtuvieron experiencia, sabiduría y éxito financiero. Se hicieron responsables de su propia educación financiera y asumieron el control de su futuro financiero." Robert T. Kiyosaki "Gracias al Padre Rico, en 18 meses cambié mi salario por ingresos pasivos por más de 2000 dólares al mes, invirtiendo en bienes raíces." Thomas G. Kotula, St. Cloud, Minnesota HISTORIAS DE ÉXITO le revelará: Por qué no le servirán los pretextos clásicos de "no tengo dinero" o "no tengo tiempo". Por qué usted no es demasiado joven o demasiado viejo para emprender el viaje a la seguridad financiera y la independencia. Cómo superaron el miedo a invertir los inversionistas novatos. ¡Cómo obtener resultados financieros y éxitos similares! "Si tiene cincuenta años o más... le servirá la lección que el Padre Rico nos enseñó a mi esposo y a mí: compramos un negocio que nos proporciona flujo mensual de efectivo para mantenernos. Funcionó. Si nos funcionó a nosotros, seguro le funcionará a usted." Cecilia Morrison, Scottsdale, Arizona "Si sus inversiones han perdido valor, si ya está cansado de los viejos consejos financieros, si quiere retirarse en condiciones inmejorables, o si sólo quiere pasar más tiempo con la familia, usted puede encontrar algunas de las respuestas en las historias de éxito de las personas que pusieron en práctica las lecciones del Padre Rico y encontraron el camino al éxito financiero." Sharon L. Lechter

Historias de éxito

by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Historias de las personas que estudiaron y siguieron las lecciones de Padre rico. De Robert T. Kiyosaki, autor de los bestsellers: Padre Rico, Padre Pobre, el libro #1 de finanzas personales de The New York Times por más de seis años; Niño rico, niño listo, Segunda oportunidad, entre otros. Experiencias verdaderas de personas que siguieron las lecciones del Padre Rico. "El futuro será brillante para los que se preparan desde hoy." Las personas que compartieron sus experiencias en este libro estudiaron a fondo las lecciones del Padre rico, pero más importante aún, actuaron, aprendieron y obtuvieron experiencia, sabiduría y éxito financiero; se hicieron responsables de su propia educación financiera y asumieron el control de su propio futuro financiero. Historias de éxito le revelará: -Por qué no le servirán los pretextos clásicos de "no tengo dinero" o "no tengo tiempo". -Por qué usted no es demasiado joven o demasiado viejo para emprender el viaje a la seguridad financiera y la independencia. -Cómo superaron el miedo a invertir los inversionistas novatos. -¡Cómo obtener resultados financieros y éxitos similares!

Historias que impactan: Cómo la narración puede cautivar clientes, influenciar audiencias y transformar

by Kindra Hill

En el momento en que tomas el control de tus historias, tomas el control de tu negocio y de tu vida. "Hagas lo que hagas, estés donde estés en tu carrera, este es el libro que debes leer ahora mismo. Práctico, divertido y verídico, el nuevo libro de Kindra es imprescindible." -SETH GODIN, autor de This Is Marketing, bestseller de The New York Times Seguramente has escuchado que las historias son la mejor herramienta de negocios y que la narración de las mismas puede hacerlo todo, desde ayudar a los líderes a comunicarse mejor hasta motivar a los equipos de ventas y ganar clientes de la competencia. ¿Pero cuáles necesitas contar? ¿Y cómo hacerlo? En este libro, Kindra Hall, una reconocida narradora profesional y oradora, revela las cuatro historias únicas que puedes usar para diferenciar, cautivar y elevar: -La historia del valor: para convencer a los clientes de que necesitan lo que tú ofreces. -La historia de la fundación: para persuadir a los inversores y clientes de que vale la pena invertir en tu organización. -La historia del propósito: para alinear e inspirar a tus empleados y clientes internos. -La historia del consumidor: para permitir que aquellos que utilizan tu producto o servicio compartan tus experiencias auténticas con otros. Contarlas bien es una habilidad simple y accesible que cualquiera puede desarrollar. Con estudios de casos, perfiles de empresas y anécdotas respaldados por investigaciones, Kindra ofrece pasos específicos y accionables que puedes tomar para encontrar, crear y aprovechar las historias que ya tienes y que simplemente no estás contando.

Historic Bay Area Visionaries (American Chronicles)

by Robin Chapman

For centuries, California's environment has nurtured remarkable people. Ohlone Lope Inigo found a way to protect his family in troubled times on the shores of San Francisco Bay. Pioneer Juana Briones made a fortune from her rancho yet took the time to care for those in need. Innovator Thomas Foon Chew discovered a climate for success, in spite of the obstacles. Around the region that became Silicon Valley, filmmaker Charlie Chaplin found inspiration, poet Robert Louis Stevenson uncovered adventure and Sarah Winchester built a house that would intrigue people long after she was gone. Author Robin Chapman shares fascinating tales of those who exemplify the enterprising spirit of the Golden State.

Historic Philadelphia: An Illustrated History

by James Smart

Historic Philadelphia: An Illustrated History by James Smart

Historic Sears, Roebuck and Co. Catalog Plant

by John Oharenko Homan Arthington Foundation

Located on the site of the original Sears Tower, the historic Sears, Roebuck and Company catalog plant is one of the nation's most unique landmarks. Representing American ingenuity at its best, Richard Sears and Julius Rosenwald combined technology, commerce, and social science with bricks and mortar to build "the World's Largest Store" on Chicago's West Side. Completed in 1906, the plant housed nearly every conceivable product of the time: clothing, jewelry, furniture, appliances, tools, and more. The complex employed 20,000 people, and merchandise orders were processed and delivered by rail--within the same day. During the first two decades of the 20th century, almost half of America's families shopped the over 300 million catalogs published in that era. WLS (World's Largest Store) Radio broadcasted the Gene Autrey show from the top of the tower, and the first Sears retail store opened here on Homan Avenue and Arthington Street. In 1974, Sears moved to the current Sears Tower. Thanks to many individuals who fought to save these architecturally and historically important treasures, the administration building, the original Sears Tower, the catalog press-laboratory building, and the powerhouse remain today. There are currently plans for redeveloping these buildings into housing, office, and retail space. A new Homan Square Community Center stands on the site of the merchandise building.

Historical Analysis in Economics

by Graeme Donald Snooks

Neo-classical economics is frequently criticised for paying inadequate attention to historical processes. However, it has proved easier to make broad claims that `history matters' than to theorise with any depth about the appropriate role for history in economic analysis. Historical Analysis in Economics considers what history can contribute to the science of economics: how would it matter if `history mattered?'

Historical and Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Hope

by Steven C. van den Heuvel

This open access volume makes an important contribution to the ongoing research on hope theory by combining insights from both its long history and its increasing multi-disciplinarity. In the first part, it recognizes the importance of the centuries-old reflection on hope by offering historical perspectives and tracing it back to ancient Greek philosophy. At the same time, it provides novel perspectives on often-overlooked historical theories and developments and challenges established views. The second part of the volume documents the state of the art of current research in hope across eight disciplines, which are philosophy, theology, psychology, economy, sociology, health studies, ecology, and development studies. Taken together, this volume provides an integrated view on hope as a multi-faced phenomenon. It contributes to the further understanding of hope as an essential human capacity, with the possibility of transforming our human societies.

Historical Archaeologies of Capitalism

by Mark P. Leone Jocelyn E. Knauf

This new edition of Historical Archaeologies of Capitalism shows where the study of capitalism leads archaeologists, scholars and activists. Essays cover a range of geographic, colonial and racist contexts around the Atlantic basin: Latin America and the Caribbean, North America, the North Atlantic, Europe and Africa. Here historical archaeologists use current capitalist theory to show the results of creating social classes, employing racism and beginning and expanding the global processes of resource exploitation. Scholars in this volume also do not avoid the present condition of people, discussing the lasting effects of capitalism's methods, resistance to them, their archaeology and their point to us now. Chapters interpret capitalism in the past, the processes that make capitalist expansion possible, and the worldwide sale and reduction of people. Authors discuss how to record and interpret these. This book continues a global historical archaeology, one that is engaged with other disciplines, peoples and suppressed political and economic histories. Authors in this volume describe how new identities are created, reshaped and made to appear natural. Chapters in this second edition also continue to address why historical archaeologists study capitalism and the relevance of this work, expanding on one of the important contributions of historical archaeologies of capitalism: critical archaeology.

An Historical Assessment of Leadership in Turbulent Times: Lessons Learned from Clovis I, King of the Franks (Leadership: Research And Practice Ser.)

by Nathan W. Harter

This unique book provides lessons on how to affect good leadership in turbulent times by taking a historical lens and examining the life and impact of Clovis I, King of the Franks. Through the exploration of how this individual managed the unstable times where so many others had failed, the book provides an original take on leadership, focusing on the ways we can learn from and be inspired by his history. This book offers an insightful and detailed case study of Clovis I, as it explores his struggles and triumphs in the face of turbulent times. The book presents implications for students of leadership today and examines why the story of Clovis I reveals the salience of leadership during times of uncertainty and change. Ultimately, the author foresees the rise of myriad leaders trying to manage the upheaval in the twenty-first century, with the likelihood that somebody like Clovis I will emerge, pursuing ambition and re-ordering civilization on a colossal scale, leaving a legacy that will endure for a further thousand years. This book will be of interest to leadership and history scholars and advanced students in Leadership studies.

Historical Capitalism

by Immanuel Wallerstein

A succinct introduction to the history of capitalism by the renowned political theorist. In this short, highly readable book, the master of world-systems theory provides a succinct anatomy of capitalism over the past five hundred years. Considering the way capitalism has changed and evolved over the centuries, and what has remained constant, he outlines its chief characteristics. In particular, he looks at the emergence and development of a world market, and of labor; in doing so, he argues that capitalism has brought about immiseration in the Global South. As long as they remain within a framework of world capitalism, Wallerstein concludes, the economic and social problems of developing countries will remain unresolved.Historical Capitalism, published here with its companion essay Capitalist Civilization, is a concise, compelling beginners' guide to one of the most challenging and influential assessments of capitalism as a world-historic mode of production.

The Historical Consumer

by Penelope Francks Janet Hunter

This book explores the rise of consumerism and the expanding variety of goods available in Japan. Japan is placed within the comparative context of the 'consumer revolution' in Europe and North America, contributing to the analysis of the ways in which consumption and everyday life change in the course of economic development.

Historical Dictionary of the 1940s

by James Gilbert Ryan Leonard C Schlup

The only available historical dictionary devoted exclusively to the 1940s, this book offers readers a ready-reference portrait of one of the twentieth century's most tumultuous decades. In nearly 600 concise entries, the volume quickly defines a historical figure, institution, or event, and then points readers to three sources that treat the subject in depth. In selecting topics for inclusion, the editors and authors offer a representative slice of life as contemporaneous Americans saw it - with coverage of people; movements; court cases; and economic, social, cultural, political, military, and technological changes. The book focuses chiefly on the United States, but places American lives and events firmly within a global context.

Historical Epistemology of Ecological Economics: Essays on the Styles of Economic Reasoning (Contributions to Economics)

by Alberto Fragio

This volume uses historical epistemology in order to address several topics in the history of economic thought, with special emphasis on ecological economics, environmental metaphors of scarcity, and mathematical ecology. Using the field of ecological economics as an anchor point, the author reflects on the styles of reasoning in economics with a view towards understanding the nature of disagreement that stems from a failure of communication between rival approaches in economics. A thorough inquiry into issues related to identity, coherence, pluralism, and reception, this volume will appeal to researchers and students interested in history of economic thought, ecological economics, and philosophy of the sciences.

The Historical Geography of Croatia: Territorial Change and Cultural Landscapes (Historical Geography and Geosciences)

by Borna Fuerst-Bjeliš Nikola Glamuzina

This monograph gives a comprehensive but in-depth analysis of the territorial development of Croatia and historical processes of significant spatial impact. It covers the millennial time span – from prehistory till the present, through relevant periods, e.g., prehistory, antiquity, Middle Ages, period of Ottoman progression and retreat, Post-Ottoman period of development of the Central European railway network, the period of South Slavic political associations (old and new Yugoslavia), and the post-Yugoslav period of independent Croatia. The book is highly illustrated with maps and figures. It is written by scholars from the region, based on the original research and the vast body of literature. It is one of the only books in English that interprets the overall development of the territory and cultural landscape of Croatia. Its scientific but comprehensive approach makes it of use to scholars, students and anyone interested in historical and geographical processes and features of Croatia and the Balkan region.

A Historical Journey Across Raritan Bay

by John Schneider

The historic Raritan Bay stretches from Staten Island to Sandy Hook, including the beach communities of Monmouth County. With its proximity to New York City and Jersey shore attractions, the bay region has been the setting for compelling moments throughout American history. The native Lenapes harvested oysters and fished the waters along the bayshore generations before Dutch and English colonists reached their coasts. Local slave Titus Cornelius, or Colonel Tye, escaped from bondage and led Loyalist forces in raids to destabilize the area during the Revolutionary War. Steamships traversed the bay carrying hordes of vacationers from New York to newly established resorts along the "Riviera of New Jersey" in the early twentieth century. Climb aboard as author John Schneider takes readers on a historical journey across Raritan Bay.

Historical Legacies of Communism in Russia and Eastern Europe

by Mark R. Beissinger Stephen Kotkin

This book takes stock of arguments about the historical legacies of communism that have become common within the study of Russia and East Europe more than two decades after communism's demise and elaborates an empirical approach to the study of historical legacies revolving around relationships and mechanisms rather than correlation and outward similarities. Eleven essays by a distinguished group of scholars assess whether post-communist developments in specific areas continue to be shaped by the experience of communism or, alternatively, by fundamental divergences produced before or after communism. Chapters deal with the variable impact of the communist experience on post-communist societies in such areas as regime trajectories and democratic political values; patterns of regional and sectoral economic development; property ownership within the energy sector; the functioning of the executive branch of government, the police, and courts; the relationship of religion to the state; government language policies; and informal relationships and practices.

Historical Organization Studies: Theory and Applications

by Mairi Maclean, Stewart R. Clegg, Roy Suddaby and Charles Harvey

We are now entering a new phase in the establishment of historical organization studies as a distinctive methodological paradigm within the broad field of organization studies. This book serves both as a landmark in the development of the field and as a key reference tool for researchers and students. For two decades, organization theorists have emphasized the need for more and better research recognizing the importance of the past in shaping the present and future. By historicizing organizational research, the contexts and forces bearing upon organizations will be more fully recognized, and analyses of organizational dynamics improved. But how, precisely, might a traditionally empirically oriented discipline such as history be incorporated into a theoretically oriented discipline such as organization studies? This book evaluates the current state of play, advances it and identifies the possibilities the new emergent field offers for the future. In addition to providing an important work of reference on the subject for researchers, the book can be used to introduce management and organizational history to a student audience at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The book is a valuable source for wider reading, providing rich reference material in tutorials across organizational studies, or as recommended or required reading on courses with a connection to business or management history.

Historical Patterns of Industrialization

by Tom Kemp

Industrialization is still the factor that distinguishes the modern world from the past, and advanced countries from undeveloped ones. In this revised and expanded edition, Tom Kemp uses the historical record of industrialization to explore key questions about its impact and the significance we assign to it. The book adopts a thematic approach to examine the roles of technology, banking, transport and the state; the fate of the peasantry in an industrializing society; and the changing features of industrial capitalism in the latter part of the 19th century. It features four contrasted case studies from outside Europe - India, Canada, Japan and, for the first time in this second edition, South Africa. It is aimed at 1st year University/Polytechnic students and is suitable for courses in economic history, social history, development studies, applied economics, international economics and area studies.

The Historical Performance of the Federal Reserve: The Importance of Rules

by Michael D. Bordo

Distinguished economist Michael D. Bordo argues for the importance of monetary stability and monetary rules, offering theoretical, empirical, and historical perspectives to support his case. He shows how the pursuit of stable monetary policy guided by central banks following rule-like behavior produces low and stable inflation, stable real performance, and encourages financial stability. In contrast, he explains how the failure to adhere to rules that produce monetary stability will inevitably produce the dire consequences of real, nominal, and financial instability. Bordo also examines the performance of the Federal Reserve and he reviews the history of monetary policy during the Great Depression.

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