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25 Días Para Perder Peso Rápidamente: Como Quemar Grasas Y Comer Sano

by James Abbott

Queremos tomarnos un momento para agradecerte que hayas comprado nuestra guía online. HiddenStuff Entertainment es una de las principales aplicaciones y editores de e-books online. Nuestra objetico es darle la máxima información para mejorar su vida. Sinceramente esperamos que esta guía te sea útil y beneficiosa en la aventura por mejorar. Queremos dar al lector el conocimiento y ayudarlo a conseguir las capacidades para llegar al más alto nivel en el tema que nos ocupa. En su medida contribuir a disfrutar de una experiencia más positiva y agradable. Después de todo, creemos que todo en la vida tiene que ser disfrutado y tan positivo como sea posible.

25 Jours pour Perdre Rapidement des Kilos: Comment brûler les graisses et manger sain Régime Détox

by James Abbott

25 jours pour perdre rapidement des kilos Comment brûler les graisses et manger sain Régime Détox faible en glucide pour les hommes de James Abbott Un guide sain et détaillé pour savoir comment éliminer la graisse corporelle naturellement en 25 jours ou moins. Ce guide vous aidera à exploiter la capacité naturelle de votre corps à brûler les graisses et à être en forme. Basé sur une science éprouvée, ce livre vous apprendra à: - Réduire votre appétit - Avoir de meilleures habitudes pour perdre des kilos - Connaitre les meilleurs aliments pour perdre du poids - Connaitre les meilleurs exercices pour perdre du poids - Boostez votre énergie et votre métabolisme Si vous voulez avoir plus d'énergie tout en perdant du poids, ce livre est pour vous

Beauty You: Models geben einfache und kostensparende Tipps zu Make-up und Schönheit

by James Abbott

Kümmere dich nicht um teure, zeitaufwändige Umgestaltungen! In diesem Handbuch erfahren Sie die effektivsten und kostengünstigsten Tipps, um Sie in ein Modell zu verwandeln! Diese Methoden werden häufig von den Topmodels der Welt verwendet und können sogar von Anfängern innerhalb weniger Minuten angewendet werden. Folgendes ist enthalten: - Einfache Tipps - Kostengünstige Methoden - Tragen Sie das Make-up schnell in nur wenigen Minuten auf - Sieh aus wie ein Model - Das beste Make-up für jede Anwendung -> Scrollen Sie zum Anfang der Seite und klicken Sie auf In den Warenkorb, um sofort zu kaufen. Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Autor und / oder Rechteinhaber machen keine Ansprüche, Zusagen oder Garantien hinsichtlich der Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit oder Angemessenheit des Inhalts dieses Buches und lehnen ausdrücklich die Haftung für Fehler und Auslassungen im Inhalt ab. Dieses Produkt dient nur als Referenz.

Dimagrire Velocemente in 25 Giorni Bruciare Grassi e Mangiare Sano Dieta Detox Low Carb per Lui: Guida sana e completa per capire ed eliminare il grasso corporeo naturalmente in 25 giorni.

by James Abbott

Perdere peso velocemente in 25 giorni. Come bruciare grassi e mangiare sano. La dieta detox low carb per lui. Una guida sana ed esaustiva per capire ed eliminare il grasso corporeo naturalmente in non più di 25 giorni. Questa guida vi aiuterà a controllare la naturale capacità che ha il vostro corpo, per bruciare grassi ed essere in forma. Su solida e provata base scientifica, questo libro vi insegnerà: -Vincere la fame - Le migliori abitudini per perdere peso - I migliori cibi per perdere peso - I migliori esercizi per perdere peso - Ad avere più energia e ad accelerare il metabolismo - Per uomini Se volete avere più energia mentre perdete peso, allora questo libro fa per voi. --> Andate a inizio pagina e cliccate per mettere il libro nel carrello ed acquistarlo subito Disclaimer: Questo autore e/o i detentori dei diritti non rivendicano, promettono, né garantiscono per la correttezza, completezza, o adeguatezza dei contenuti di questo libro, e declinano espressamente da qualsiasi responsabilità per errori ed omissioni del suo contenuto. Quest'opera è intesa per consultazione.

Maigrir en 25 jours:brûler les graisses et manger sainement, le régime low-carb et détox pour femmes

by James Abbott

Un guide santé détaillé pour comprendre et éliminer naturellement la graisse corporelle en 25 jours ou moins. Ce guide vous aidera à exploiter la capacité naturelle de votre corps à brûler les graisses et à se remettre en forme. Basé sur des expériences scientifiques solides et éprouvées, ce livre vous apprendra comment: - supprimer l'appétit ; - développer de meilleures habitudes pour perdre du poids ; - connaître les meilleurs aliments pour perdre du poids ; - réaliser les meilleures séances d'entraînement pour perdre du poids ; - booster votre énergie et votre métabolisme. Si vous voulez avoir plus d’énergie tout en perdant du poids, ce livre est pour vous.

Perca Peso em 25 Dias: Como Queimar Gordura e Comer Saudável, Dieta Low-Carb, Detox (Homens)

by James Abbott

Perca Peso em 25 Dias: Como Queimar Gordura e Comer Saudável, Dieta Low-Carb, Detox - Guia para Homens

Votre esthétique : utilisés par les mannequins

by James Abbott

Ne vous fatiguez pas avec des relookings coûteux qui prennent du temps ! Dans ce guide, vous apprendrez les astuces les plus efficaces et les moins coûteuses pour vous transformer en mannequin ! Ces méthodes sont couramment utilisées par les plus grands mannequins du monde et peuvent être appliquées même par une novice en quelques minutes seulement. Voici le contenu qui est inclus : - Des astuces simples - Des méthodes à faible coût - L’application rapide de maquillage en quelques minutes - Avoir l'air d'un mannequin - Le meilleur maquillage pour toute application

Beauty You Consejos De Belleza y Maquillaje Simples y De Bajo Costo Que Usan Las Modelos

by James Abbott Andrea M. Aedo

¡No pierdas tiempo con transformaciones caras y largas! En esta guía aprenderás los consejos más efectivos y de bajo costo ¡para transformarte en una modelo! Las supermodelos internacionales normalmente utilizan estos métodos y hasta un principiante los puede aplicar en unos minutos. Esto es lo que incluye: -Consejos simples -Métodos de bajo costo -Cómo aplicar maquillaje en solo unos minutos -Cómo parecer una modelo -El mejor maquillaje para cualquier aplicación Aviso Legal: El autor o dueño(s) de los derechos de autor no promete ni garantiza la precisión, integridad o adecuación de los contenidos de este libro y expresamente renuncia a la responsabilidad por errores y omisiones dentro de su contenido. Este producto solo está destinado a ser usado como referencia.

Maquiagem Simples, De Baixo Custo & Dicas De Beleza Que As Modelos Usam

by James Abbott Talita Ferreira

Beauty You – Maquiagem simples, de baixo custo & Dicas de beleza que os modelos usam Não se preocupe com transformações caras e demoradas! Neste guia você vai aprender as dicas simples e baratas que mais funcionam e que vão fazer de você uma modelo! São os métodos usados ​​pelas mais bem sucedidas modelos do mundo e que podem ser feito por iniciantes em poucos minutos. Este livro contém: Dicas simples Métodos de baixo custo Automaquiagem rápida em minutos O look das modelos A melhor maquiagem para qualquer ocasião Aviso Legal: Este autor e detentor de direitos não fazem reivindicações, promessas ou garantias sobre a exatidão, integridade ou aplicação do conteúdo deste livro, e se isenta expressamente da responsabilidade por erros e omissões nos conteúdos nele contidos. Este produto é apenas para referência. Gênero: SAÚDE E FITNESS / Beleza & Embelezamento Gênero Secundário: TRABALHOS MANUAIS & HOBBIES / Moda Língua: Inglês / Língua: Português Palavras-chave: vaidade, escova, aparência, maquiagem, beleza, produtos de beleza, marcas, esponja, modelos, transformação Contagem de palavra: 1938 (Inglês) / 2.036 (Português) Links de livros: Amazon

Como Perder Peso e Ter uma Alimentação Saudável com a Dieta Low-Carb Detox para Mulheres

by James Abbott Paulo Molina Sales

Um guia saudável e detalhado para ajudar você a entender como eliminar gordura corporal naturalmente, em 25 dias ou menos . Esse guia irá te ajudar a aproveitar a capacidade natural do seu corpo para queimar gordura e entrar em forma. Baseado em ciência sólida e comprovada, este livro vai te ensinar: - Esconder o apetite - Melhores hábitos para perder peso - Melhores alimentos para perder peso - Melhores treinos para perder peso - Aumentar sua energia e metabolismo Se você quer ter mais energia enquanto perde peso, então esse livro é para você.

Newfoundland and Labrador: A Health System Profile (Provincial and Territorial Health System Profiles)

by John Abbott Stephen Bornstein Victor Maddalena Aimee Letto Melissa Sullivan Pablo Navarro

There is not, and has never been, a single Canadian health system. Part of a series on the health systems of Canada’s provinces and territories, Newfoundland and Labrador: A Health System Profile provides a critical analysis of how the single-payer health care system has been implemented in the country’s youngest province. Examining the way the province’s health services are organized, funded, and delivered, the authors focus on the challenges involved in providing effective health care in a setting characterized by a large, decentralized territory; a small population, much of which is widely distributed in a large number of rural communities and small towns; and comparatively limited fiscal capacity and health human resources. Drawing on maps, figures, and collected data, this book documents the hesitant and limited ways in which Newfoundland and Labrador has sought to deal with the challenges and difficulties that the system has experienced in responding to recent changes in demography, economics, and medical technology.

The Great Jeff

by Tony Abbott

<P><P> Perfect for fans of Gary D. Schmidt comes the companion to the modern classic Firegirl from acclaimed writer Tony Abbott. Life hasn't been great for Jeff Hicks. <P><P>After years at his beloved St. Catherine's, he's forced to spend eighth grade in the public middle school, which he hates. He's no longer speaking to his former best friend, Tom Bender, because of "that burned girl" Jessica Feeney. <P><P>But worst of all, his family is changing, and it's not for the better. <P><P>When his mom comes home announcing that she's lost her job, Jeff begins to worry about things far beyond his years: How will they pay the rent? Will his absentee dad step up and save the day? Is his mom drinking too much? And ultimately, where will they live? <P><P>The Great Jeff is a powerful look at the life of a troubled boy who finds his life spiraling out of control.

No More Joint Pain

by Joseph A. Abboud Soo Kim Abboud

Arthritis is a major cause of joint pain, but there are myriad others. This is the first book to provide everyday readers with a comprehensive guide to musculoskeletal disease and pain, from degenerative arthritis in the elderly to common sports injuries in young athletes. Dr. Joseph A. Abboud and Dr. Soo Kim Abboud, offer clear, medically based information on the most common diseases to affect the musculoskeletal system. They explain each major joint in detail and draw on their extensive experience with patients to offer sound advice on treatment and prevention options. They also discuss the pros and cons of alternative medicine techniques, and they assess which of the newest technologies really work. With one hundred illustrations, specific instructions for beneficial exercises, and a helpful glossary, this manual is just what the doctor ordered for weekend warriors and anyone else who is contending with joint pain.

Sleepless: Discovering the Power of the Night Self

by Annabel Abbs

'Sleepless has changed how I feel about sleep . . . I was captivated' The Times, Book of the Week'This book will inspire you to get up, light a candle, and experience your own Night Self' Financial TimesTHE NIGHT SELF IS: CREATIVE. CURIOUS. VULNERABLE. ENCHANTED. COURAGEOUS.In the winter of 2020, Annabel Abbs experienced a series of bereavements. As she grieved, she kept busy by day, but at night sleep eluded her. And yet her sleeplessness led to a profound and unexpected discovery: her Night Self. As the night transformed into a place of creativity and liberation, Annabel found she wasn't alone. From the radical fifteenth-century philosopher Laura Cereta and subversive artist Louise Bourgeois, to Virginia Woolf and the activist Peace Pilgrim, women have long found sanctuary, inspiration and courage in darkness.Drawing on the latest science, which shows we are more imaginative, open-minded and reflective at night, Annabel set out to discover the potential of her Night Self. Sleepless follows her journey, from midnight hikes to starlit swims, from Singapore, the brightest city on Earth, to the darkest corner of the Arctic Circle, and finally to that most elusive of places - sleep.A moving, revelatory voyage into the dark, Sleepless invites us to feel less anxious about our sleep, and to embrace the possibilities of the night.

Sleepless: Discovering the Power of the Night Self

by Annabel Abbs

'Sleepless has changed how I feel about sleep . . . I was captivated' The Times, Book of the Week'This book will inspire you to get up, light a candle, and experience your own Night Self' Financial TimesTHE NIGHT SELF IS: CREATIVE. CURIOUS. VULNERABLE. ENCHANTED. COURAGEOUS.In the winter of 2020, Annabel Abbs experienced a series of bereavements. As she grieved, she kept busy by day, but at night sleep eluded her. And yet her sleeplessness led to a profound and unexpected discovery: her Night Self. As the night transformed into a place of creativity and liberation, Annabel found she wasn't alone. From the radical fifteenth-century philosopher Laura Cereta and subversive artist Louise Bourgeois, to Virginia Woolf and the activist Peace Pilgrim, women have long found sanctuary, inspiration and courage in darkness.Drawing on the latest science, which shows we are more imaginative, open-minded and reflective at night, Annabel set out to discover the potential of her Night Self. Sleepless follows her journey, from midnight hikes to starlit swims, from Singapore, the brightest city on Earth, to the darkest corner of the Arctic Circle, and finally to that most elusive of places - sleep.A moving, revelatory voyage into the dark, Sleepless invites us to feel less anxious about our sleep, and to embrace the possibilities of the night.

52 Ways to Walk: The Surprising Science of Walking for Wellness and Joy, One Week at a Time

by Annabel Abbs-Streets

52 Ways to Walk is a short, user-friendly guide to attaining the full range of benefits that walking has to offer--physical, spiritual, and emotional--backed by the latest scientific research to inspire readers to develop a fulfilling walking lifestyle.We think we know how to walk. After all, walking is one of the very first skills we learn. But many of us are stuck in our walking routines, forever walking in the same place, in the same way, for the same time, with the same people. With its thought-provoking and evidence-backed weekly walk routine, 52 Ways to Walk will encourage everyone to improve how they walk, while also encouraging them to seek out new locations (many on their own doorsteps), new walking companions (our brains age better when we mix up our fellow walkers), new times of the day and night, and new skills to acquire while walking. Inspirational, backed by science, illuminated with human anecdote, and bolstered with how-to tips, 52 Ways to Walk will inspire, challenge, support, and encourage everyone to become more ambitious with their walking practice, revealing how walking may be the best-kept secret of the supremely healthy and happy, the creative and well-slept--those with the best posture and sharpest memories. Just about everything, it appears, can be improved and enhanced by clever and judicious walking. It turns out you actually can get more from life, one step at a time.

The PMA Method: Stronger, Leaner, Fitter in 14 days...

by Faisal Abdalla

'If you think I'm motivated, you should check this guy out. He will get you up on a Monday morning' - Joe Wicks 'The more I started doing classes and also working out with my trainer, Faisal Abdalla, the better I felt about myself' - Ellie Goulding 'I've read my fair share of health and fitness books but this stands above the rest. Honest and applicable training and nutrition advice full of innovative workouts for all abilities and seriously delicious looking recipe ideas. Faisal's core value of positive mental attitude shines through in every page and is contagious. This will be the most valuable purchase you'll make to kickstart your fitness journey.' - Michael Jennings, Fitness Editor at Men's Health Magazine Faisal Abdalla, aka 'Mr PMA', is a Barry's Bootcamp and Nike master trainer, who has trained a long list of celebrities, including pop stars Ellie Goulding, Harry Styles, Ella Eyre, John Newman and Jorja Smith. He believes that there are three very simple rules to looking and feeling great: eating well, training hard and thinking positively.The PMA Method is about working hard to develop the positive mental attitude (PMA) that you need to achieve the body that you want. This book teaches you to understand how the smallest of steps can lead to huge changes and propel you on the journey to becoming a better version of yourself. Featuring interactive exercise routines you can do virtually alongside Faisal for that extra push, as well as tips on how to unlock your PMA and how to prepare healthy versions of your favourite food, this book has everything you need to motivate you to smash your goals.Learn how to fuel your fitness and maximise results with post-workout options attached to every recipe. If you're craving a takeaway, look for the #FaisalFakeaway tag which will teach you how to create healthy versions at home or, if you're after a vegetarian meal, check out the #MeatFreeMonday recipes scattered throughout the book.Wake up to a hearty breakfast of Turmeric and coconut scrambled eggs, followed by a post-workout lunch of Itsa pizza pitta and finish your day with a nutritious Thai style burgers with almond butter satay sauce.With a huge range of recipes and workouts that can be adapted to any ability, there is something for everyone.The Book- Eat, sleep, PMA, train, repeat.- 50 recipes- 12 workout programmes- Shazam option for workouts so you can virtually train alongside Faisal at home or in the gym- 14 day guide to reset your body and mind and get you on the path towards a stronger, happier, healthier you

The PMA Method: Stronger, Leaner,Fitter in 14 days...

by Faisal Abdalla

'The more I started doing classes and also working out with my trainer, Faisal Abdalla, the better I felt about myself' - Ellie Goulding 'If you think I'm motivated, you should check this guy out. He will get you up on a Monday morning' - Joe Wicks Faisal Abdalla, aka 'Mr PMA', is a Nike master trainer, a master trainer at Barry's Bootcamp and Ellie Goulding's personal trainer. He believes that there are three golden rules to looking and feeling great: diet, fitness and, most importantly, a Positive Mental Attitude.The PMA Method is about working hard to achieve the body you want and a positive mindset in life; it is about understanding how the smallest of steps can have huge results and add up to a better you. Featuring structured exercise routines for the body and mind, delicious and healthy versions of your favourite food to fuel your fitness - wake up to a hearty breakfast of Kicking scrambled eggs, followed by a post-workout lunch of Itsa pizza pitta and finish your day with nutritious Fish & chips - this book will help you unlock your own PMA and motivate you to smash those goals.

Health Information: Management of a Strategic Resource (4th Edition)

by Mervat Abdelhak Sara Grostick Mary Alice Hanken

Written for use in Health Information Management courses within the HIA curriculum, this text emphasizes the deployment of information technology and the role of the HIM professional in the development of the electronic health record.

Masters of Wisdom

by Edward Abdill

A rigorous historical and philosophical examination of the controversial spiritual Masters who guided Madame H.P. Blavatsky in opening the world to Eastern and esoteric spirituality in the late nineteenth century. In the late nineteenth century, Russian noblewoman and occult philosopher Madame H.P. Blavatsky enthralled the world with revelations of an ancient "secret doctrine" behind the major faiths and a cosmic theology that united the insights of religion and science. Blavatsky said she was operating under the guidance of hidden Masters of wisdom, or mahatmas, who led her to reveal forgotten wisdom to modern people. The mythos of Blavatsky's Masters left a deep mark on Western culture and spawned more than a century of debate: Were the Masters real? What did they teach? Are they reachable today? Now, independent scholar of religion Edward Abdill provides an authoritative, historically reliable, and delightfully readable study of the background and ideas of the Masters - in particular highlighting their message and its enduring relevance.

Nutrient Matters: 50 Simple Whole Food Recipes and Comfort Foods

by Sara Abdul-Aziz

Easy Comfort Foods Made Nutritious for a Healthy Lifestyle"Absolutely love this cookbook. Many great recipes that taste delicious! Super detailed and user friendly." —Amazon review#1 New Release in Vegetable CookingThis nutrient-forward feel good cookbook has over 50 easy recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Enjoy a variety of simple meals with pescatarian, vegetarian, and meal prep friendly options.Not your basic cookbook for healthy living. Every recipe has the golden touch of Chef Sara, the founder of Nutrient Matters, where she creates food content to celebrate the consumption of whole foods—without sacrificing taste. Chef Sara intentionally curates recipes that can be added to your healthy meal prep each week.Enjoy easy recipes and easy meals for a healthy lifestyle.This feel good cookbook has easy simple recipes for beginning and experienced cooks. The recipes include Bruschetta Bites, Avocado Chicken Wontons, Beef Mushroom dumplings, Chimmichurri shrimp skewers, Crispy Fish Tacos, and so many more delicious meals.Inside, you’ll find:The personal and interesting story of Chef Sara, founder of Nutrient MattersSimple meals and easy comfort foods to make every member of your family happyEasy recipes for nutrition to be a part of your everyday breakfast, lunch, and dinner optionsIf you're looking for books for lovers of food or if you liked The Comfortable Kitchen, Half Baked Harvest Every Day, or Making Vegan Meat, you’ll love Nutrient Matters.

Cápsula Mania: O Guia Completo de Como Montar Seu Próprio Armário Cápsula

by Andrea Luri Abe Rebecca Ellington

Você tem tanta roupa que seu armário parece que vai explodir? Mas, apesar disso, acha que nunca tem nada que vestir e que não consegue se manter ao dia com a moda? Estilo não tem que ser complicado nem caro! E se existisse um método que lhe ajudasse a ficar radiante e satisfeita todos os dias? Com o estilo Armário Cápsula você vai dizer adeus à preocupação de não ter o sapato que combina com tal vestido. Neste guia completo você vai aprender a: - Tirar o máximo proveito do mínimo de peças - Desentulhar seu armário - Ganhar confiança e tranquilidade - Facilmente combinar a mesma peça numa infinidade de estilos para uma infinidade de eventos - Recuperar o controle e transformar o seu estilo e sua vida. Pare de ficar na internet procurando a última moda e comece a construir um guarda-roupa que funcione para você! Tenha um guarda-roupa lhe faça sentir bem por dentro e por fora, que destaque seus pontos fortes e disfarce o que não queira mostrar. Mas como posso sobreviver com só 20 peças ou menos? Adote a magia da Cápsula que é tão fácil montar quanto manter! Seguindo este guia, saberá como um Armário Cápsula pode ser prático e útil na sua vida. Você nunca mais vai querer viver sem o seu! Adquira o seu exemplar de “Cápsula Mania: O Guia Completo de Como Montar Seu Próprio Armário Cápsula” hoje mesmo!

When the Sun Goes Home

by Momoko Abe

Everyone knows how a day goes.The sun rises and shines above us with his glorious smile.At the end of the day, he disappears over the horizon.But what people don't know is what the sun gets up to after he goes home . . .The sun loves to make people happy. But beneath his glorious smile, he doesn't always feel so shiny. At the end of the day, when the sun goes home, he sometimes feels a little lonely.The sun believes he has no choice but to carry on shining, no matter what ... until one day, disaster strikes. He finds himself falling from the sky!Will anyone hear his call and come to help him?A problem shared is a problem halved in this warm and original bedtime story about friendship, emotions and kindness.

The Business of Massage Therapy

by Jessica Abegg Lmt Mba Msib

This is the premiere guide to managing a successful massage career and running a successful holistic business. Written by veteran massage therapist and holistic business coach Jessica Abegg (LMT, MBA, MSIB), this visual, hands-on book contains all the tools readers need. It focuses on both practical concerns (such as finance and legal organization), and intangible elements of success (reflection, balance, and self-care). It also includes vital information on marketing and the Internet: knowledge often absent in the high-touch, low-tech world of massage. Throughout, it reflects the growing recognition that it is urgently important to help practitioners manage businesses and careers more successfully, as reflected in the inclusion of Business Practices in the new Massage Therapy Body of Knowledge.

How to Eat Brilliantly Every Day

by Abel & Cole Limited

All you need to make stunning dishes everyday is the very best raw ingredients. So open up, celebrate flavour, cook more (and more simply), have fun and eat brilliantly!If you love eating with the seasons, reducing food waste and whipping up creative, but simple to cook, dishes packed with flavour, this cookbook is for you! Who knew that a celeriac could be made into the lightest fluffiest cous cous? Or that leafy carrot tops make a delicious herby dressing? And not forgetting sweet treats, watermelons make the most delicious thirst-quenching mojito ice-lollies, and dates and cinnamon are the perfect guilt-free combo in Spiced Gingerbread truffles. Abel & Cole’s recipes always find the fun in food, creating twists on classics dishes and making the most of seasonal bounty, from Asparagus and Egg Fried Quinoa, to Hake Burgers with Roast Garlic Mayo, Strawberry & Prosecco Jam, Broccoli Walnut Rarebit and Parsnip & Butterscotch Pudding – and plenty more in between!

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