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Showing 50,251 through 50,275 of 89,734 results

A Most Wanted Man

by John Le Carré

A half-starved young Russian man in a long black overcoat is smuggled into Hamburg at dead of night. He has an improbable amount of cash secreted in a purse round his neck. He is a devout Muslim. Or is he? He says his name is Issa. Annabel, an idealistic young German civil rights lawyer, determines to save Issa from deportation. Soon her client's survival becomes more important to her than her own career. In pursuit of Issa's mysterious past, she confronts the incongruous Tommy Brue, the sixty-year-old scion of Brue Freres, a failing British bank based in Hamburg. A triangle of impossible loves is born. Meanwhile, scenting a sure kill in the so-called War on Terror, the spies of three nations converge upon the innocents. Poignant, compassionate, peopled with characters the reader never wants to let go, A MOST WANTED MAN is alive with humour, yet prickles with tension until the last heart-stopping page. It is also a work of deep humanity, and uncommon relevance to our times.

El peregrino secreto

by John le Carré

El peregrino secreto en una de las mejores obras de Le Carré, en la que el autor se despide de la guerra fría con una especie de viaje sentimental que es el de Ned, el de Smiley y el suyo propio. Smiley, uno de los más característicos e inolvidables personajes de la producción narrativa de Le Carré, y el que más fama le ha dado, es invitado por Ned -al que los lectores recordarán de La Casa Rusia-, como director de una escuela de formación de agentes para el Servicio de Inteligencia británico, a dar una charla durante la cena que cierra cada curso sobre sus peripecias. Ambos ex agentes protagonizan un largo diálogo en el que se mezclan reflexiones, autobiografía de ficción y numerosas historias de espionaje. Reseña:«La novela es una interesante mezcla de reflexiones y autobiografía de ficción, y representa, desde el punto de vista técnico, el logro más magistral de Le Carré.»ABC

El sastre de Panamá

by John le Carré

El final de la explotación estadounidense del canal de Panamá toca a su fin. Todas las potencias mundiales quieren asegurarse una situación ventajosa cuando llegue el 31 de diciembre de 1999. En este revuelto mar de fondo Harry Pendel, presunto sastre de la realeza, cobra un insospechado protagonismo. Por su establecimiento desfilan los personajes más importantes de Panamá y en el probador, casi un confesionario, escucha secretos de toda índole. Dadas las circunstancias no resulta extraño que el servicio de inteligencia británico, representado por el agente Andy Osnard, arribista, manipulador y ambicioso, seleccione al sastre como eje de sus intrigas. En esta novela Le Carré reflexiona con humor y pesimismo sobre el espionaje actual, al que considera una farsa y mera caricatura del de la guerra fría. «Es el único libro, junto con Un espía perfecto, con el que quiero ser enterrado.»JOHN LE CARRÉ

After the War (MacLehose Press Editions #6)

by Hervé Le Corre

1950's Bordeaux. Even now, the Second World War is never far from people's memories, particularly in a city where the scars of collaboration and resistance are more keenly felt than ever. But another war has already begun. A war without a name, far away across the sea, in Algeria, where young men are sent to fight in a brutal conflict.Daniel knows what awaits him. He's heard stories. Patrols, ambushes, reprisals, massacres, mutilations, all beneath a burning north African sun. He has just a month left before he leaves but, haunted by the loss of his parents and sister in the atrocities of the last war, Daniel questions why he is even going to fight in the first place.Meanwhile, past crimes are returning to haunt Albert Darlac, the godfather of Bordeaux: corrupt police chief, fascist sympathiser and one-time collaborator. Before long, a series of explosive events will set off a spiral of violence that will bring the horrific legacy of wars past and present to the streets of Bordeaux.Translated from the French by Sam Taylor

After the War (MacLehose Press Editions #6)

by Hervé Le Corre

1950's Bordeaux. Even now, the Second World War is never far from people's memories, particularly in a city where the scars of collaboration and resistance are more keenly felt than ever. But another war has already begun. A war without a name, far away across the sea, in Algeria, where young men are sent to fight in a brutal conflict.Daniel knows what awaits him. He's heard stories. Patrols, ambushes, reprisals, massacres, mutilations, all beneath a burning north African sun. He has just a month left before he leaves but, haunted by the loss of his parents and sister in the atrocities of the last war, Daniel questions why he is even going to fight in the first place.Meanwhile, past crimes are returning to haunt Albert Darlac, the godfather of Bordeaux: corrupt police chief, fascist sympathiser and one-time collaborator. Before long, a series of explosive events will set off a spiral of violence that will bring the horrific legacy of wars past and present to the streets of Bordeaux.Translated from the French by Sam Taylor(P)2017 WF Howes Ltd

After the War

by Hervé Le Corre

A lost young man and a corrupt politician deal with the legacy World War II has left them in this crime novel, by the author of Talking to Ghosts.1950s Bordeaux is a city plagued by memories and scars of the Second World War. Meanwhile, across the sea, another war has already begun. The young men of France are sent in droves to Algeria, where they wage brutal battle in a conflict so new it has yet to be given a name.Albert Darlac, a corrupt police chief, fascist sympathizer, and one-time collaborator, will soon discover that not everybody has forgiven or forgotten his wartime crimes. Twenty-year-old Daniel has heard the stories of massacres and mutilations, of ambushes and patrols played out under a burning north African sun. The atrocious loss of his parents and sister in the war that has just ended haunts him. A series of explosive events will bring the destinies of these two men together in this uncompromising masterpiece set in a world driven by retribution . . .Praise for After the War“Graphic in its violence but rich in history and psychology, this novel is vivid proof that “after the war, sometimes the war continues.” —Kirkus Reviews“The writing of Hervé Le Corre has a musicality that verges on the poetic. He is the perfect portraitist.” —Le Monde (France)“Composed with all the skill of a virtuoso, mingling the colorful slang of bistros and bad guys with sensitive, sharp, crystalline prose that pierces you to the core. Superb.” —Télérama (France)“Full-blooded and uncompromising. Extraordinary.” —L’Express (France)

Bajo las llamas

by Hervé Le Corre

EL GRAN MAESTRO DEL CRIMEN FRANCÉSRETRATA LOS ÚLTIMOS DÍAS DE LA COMUNAEN UNA NOVELA DE LA ESTIRPE DE LOS MISERABLES Por las calles de una ciudad llena de trincheras, el mal merodea con libertad. Están desapareciendo mujeres muy jóvenes y las sospechas se centran en un fotógrafo cuyos trabajos son algo peculiares. CORREN LOS ÚLTIMOS DÍAS DE LA COMUNA DE PARÍS Una de las secuestradas es Caroline, la prometida del sargento Nicolas Bellec, combatiente del bando comunero. Nadie parece tener la llave de la bodega donde está encerrada y, cuando las tropas de Versalles entren a sangre y fuego, ya no habrá escapatoria. CAEN LOS OBUSES Y EMPIEZAN LAS EJECUCIONES SUMARIAS Investiga el asunto un oficial de policía con marcado sentido del deber, el comisario Antoine Roques. La suya es una carrera contrarreloj para dar con la muchacha, mientras se acerca el inexorable fin de la Comuna. La crítica ha dicho...«Con aparente y engañosa facilidad, Le Corre se ha coronado como uno de nuestros mejores autores de noir.»Libération «Con una escritura rica y exuberante, nos describe las tempestades de plomo y metralla que asolaron la Comuna de París. Después de una novela negra formidable (Perros y lobos), Hervé Le Corre nos brinda aquí un thriller excelente que cumple con todas las exigencias del fresco histórico ... Probablemente sea el mejor escritor de novela negra de Francia.»Le Figaro «Una novela negra llena de sangre, furor, amor y guerra... Un libro que conquista a los lectores por su épica y sus personajes populares.»L'Express «Una novela que es tres libros a la vez: una excelente novela policiaca, un libro de historia muy bien documentado y una profesión de fe revolucionaria.»TéléZ «En el género policiaco francés --tan estandarizado y a menudo aséptico-- Hervé Le Corre ocupa un lugar aparte. Con Bajo las llamas vuelve a demostrar que escribe como nadie lo hace en todo el mundo.»Le Nouveau Magazine Littéraire «Una novela que es negra y es roja, donde se retrata con pasión el espíritu revolucionario. Una obra magistral, eminentemente política y profundamente melancólica.»Télérama «Una prosa viva y carnal, que no pierde el tiempo y complacerá sumamente al lector, arrojado sin piedad a un París en pie de guerra.»Lire «En tiempos de la Comuna, los chalecos no eran amarillos sino rojos: rojo hoguera, rojo sangre, rojo cereza, rojo beso. Bajo las llamas rememora con increíble potencia toda una época.»France Culture «No es solo una buenísima novela histórica. Es una novela verdaderamente negra, épica y popular.»L'Eveil Normand «Todos los personajes de Hervé Le Corre tienen en común que o duermen poco o duermen escondidos. Algunos son esclavos de un trabajo infernal, otros viven en alerta por temor a ser sacrificados, los hay seguro a los que atormentan ciertos recuerdos... Le Corre, sin duda, es un pintor de aguafuertes. Recorre un espectro completo de registros, excava en las sombras. Su material de trabajo son los cielos y los rostros. En un París de hollín y de noche, surgen aquí y allá mezclas de color y tinta negra: el rojo sangriento de la bandera de la Comuna, el fulgor de un incendio, la llama de una lámpara. En sus obras, los destellos de esperanza titilan... pero nunca se apagan. Aquí ha logrado añadir toques de negro al rojo de la "semana sangrienta" de la Comuna. Bajo las llamas es una novela como ninguna otra, un libro lleno de vida, una historia que vibra de verdad.»Le Monde des Libres

Descenso a la noche

by Hervé Le Corre

El thriller más oscuro del maestro del noir francés GANADOR DEL GRAN PREMIO DE LA LITERATURA POLICIACA, EL PREMIO MYSTÈRE DE LA CRÍTICA Y EL PREMIO NOUVEL OBS DE NOVELA NEGRA «Un clásico vivo del género».Juan Carlos Galindo, El País El inspector de policía Pierre Vilar es un hombre al que le han arrebatado todo. Su hijo Pablo, de diez años, desapareció a la salida del colegio sin dejar rastro. La historia de Pierre se entrelaza con la de Victor, un niño que descubre el cadáver desfigurado de su madre al volver de la escuela. Mientras el chico entra en el mecanismo burocrático de la acogida con las cenizas de su madre como única compañía, Vilar investiga la muerte de la mujer y sus vínculos con una trama de prostitución. Pero a medida que la investigación va tomando forma, el pasado vuelve con fuerza: Vilar empieza a recibir siniestras llamadas telefónicas de un hombre que afirma saber qué pasó con Pablo. Ambientada en un Burdeos macabro y asfixiante, Hervé Le Corre firma una novela negrísima, conmovedora y despiadada, que trasciende el género y nos arroja a un submundo de violencia infantil, prostitución y heridas abiertas. La crítica ha dicho:«Todos los personajes de Hervé Le Corre tienen en común que o duermen poco o duermen escondidos. Algunos son esclavos de un trabajo infernal, otros viven en alerta por temor a ser sacrificados, los hay seguro a los que atormentan ciertos recuerdos... Le Corre, sin duda, es un pintor de aguafuertes».Le Monde des Libres «Es sobre todo la escritura precisa, paciente y sensible, junto con la mirada profundamente humana que el autor pone en cada personaje, lo que evita que la historia sea meramente sórdida y le otorga una extraña belleza».Le Télégramme «Un libro conmovedor, lleno de emoción y tensión».Franck Bouysse «Una obra maestra».Le Magazine Littéraire «En el género policiaco francés -tan estandarizado y a menudo aséptico- Hervé Le Corre ocupa un lugar aparte».Le Nouveau Magazine Littéraire «Le Corre es un escritor extraordinario, un poeta malhumorado y lírico, a menudo incisivo y brutal y, por encima de todo, un observador increíble de los gestos que desnudan las emociones ocultas».Alibi

Después de la guerra

by Hervé Le Corre

El gran thriller histórico del multipremiado maestro del noir francés es una historia de venganza que mira de frente a los fantasmas de los años cincuenta. Burdeos, años cincuenta. Una ciudad repleta de heridas tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial por la que se pasea la inquietante silueta del comisario Darlac, un policía sin escrúpulos que colaboró con el régimen nazi. Al mismo tiempo, lejos pero peligrosamente cerca, empieza a nacer un nuevo conflicto: los jóvenes son llamados a filas en Argelia. Daniel sabe que ese es su destino. Perdió a sus padres en los campos de exterminio y es aprendiz de mecánico. Un día, un desconocido llega al garaje en el que trabaja para reparar su moto. No es casualidad. Su presencia desatará una oleada de violencia en toda la ciudad mientras otros crímenes se suceden en Argelia. La guerra nunca termina. La crítica ha dicho...«No se sale ileso del último Le Corre. Un libro hermoso, trágico y oscuro.»Mediapart «¿Y si Hervé Le Corre fuera nuestro mejor autor de novela negra?»L’Obs «Tres vidas, tres destinos. De los que hacen el mundo de ayer, de hoy y de mañana. Le Corre narra las luces y las sombras con un poder inmenso. El mundo destroza a los hombres, pero los hombres construyen el mundo: una paradoja que Le Corre ancla en nuestras vidas. Es extraordinario.»L’Express «Una novela oscura, agitada por bastardos extravagantes, con tiroteos, emboscadas y diálogos que se funden bajo una pluma magistral.»Le Point «Una escritura minuciosa y llamativa.»Le Magazine Littéraire «Un trovador de excepción en la novela negra francesa.»Carles Geli, El País

In the Shadow of the Fire

by Hervé Le Corre

As the Paris Commune is destroyed, a Communard searches the embattled city for his missing fiancé in this prize-winning novel: “an astounding epic” (L’Express, FR).Paris, 1871. The Paris Commune has taken control of the French capitol, but the Communards now face a savage conflict against the French Armed Forces loyal to Versailles in what will come to be known as The Bloody Week. Amid the shrapnel and chaos, while the entire west side of Paris is a field of ruins, a photographer fascinated by the suffering of young women takes “suggestive” photos to sell to a particular clientele.Then young women begin disappearing, and when a seamstress who volunteers at a first aid station, is counted among the missing, her fiancé—a member of the Commune’s National Guard—scours the city for her. Joined in the search by a Communal security officer, their race against the clock takes them through the shell-shocked streets of Paris, and introduces them to a cast of fascinating characters.Winner of the French Voices Prize

Talking to Ghosts

by Hervé Le Corre

With his son Pablo's kidnapping still unsolved, and his marriage ruined by the torment of hope, the brutal murder of a single mother in her own home is an almost welcome diversion for Commandant Vilar. The woman leaves behind a son, Victor, thrown into the foster system with only his mother's urn for company. Struggling with bullies, trauma and the first pangs of teenage love, Victor carries a secret that followed his mother to her grave. Struggling for leads, Vilar is shaken when the colleague investigating Pablo's kidnapping disappears. When a sadistic caller claims to have information about his son, Vilar is torn between duty and a desperate chance of redemption.

Talking to Ghosts

by Hervé Le Corre

With his son Pablo's kidnapping still unsolved, and his marriage ruined by the torment of hope, the brutal murder of a single mother in her own home is an almost welcome diversion for Commandant Vilar. The woman leaves behind a son, Victor, thrown into the foster system with only his mother's urn for company. Struggling with bullies, trauma and the first pangs of teenage love, Victor carries a secret that followed his mother to her grave. Struggling for leads, Vilar is shaken when the colleague investigating Pablo's kidnapping disappears. When a sadistic caller claims to have information about his son, Vilar is torn between duty and a desperate chance of redemption.

Uncle Silas (Penguin Modern Classics)

by J. Le Fanu

One of the most significant and intriguing Gothic novels of the Victorian period and is enjoyed today as a modern psychological thriller. In UNCLE SILAS (1864) Le Fanu brought up to date Mrs Radcliffe's earlier tales of virtue imprisoned and menacedby unscrupulous schemers. The narrator, Maud Ruthyn, is a 17 year old orphan left in the care of her fearful uncle, Silas. Together with his boorish son and a sinister French governess, Silas plots to kill Maud and claim her fortune. The novel established Le Fanu as a master of horror fiction.

The Seven Secrets: Large Print (Mint Editions--crime, Thrillers And Detective Work Ser.)

by William Le Queux

A timeless whodunit about the unusual murder of one of London&’s elite and the twisting and treacherous investigation to find the true killer Despite wealthy old Mr. Henry Courtenay&’s steadily declining health, his death comes as a shock to those around him. It was murder, Courtenay&’s prim manservant exclaims, and he implores Dr. Ralph Boyd to find the culprit. The list of suspects appears to be short: Only someone who lives in Courtenay&’s suburban London home could have gone into his room unnoticed. Could the murderer be one of the servants? Or perhaps Courtenay&’s young wife—or her beautiful sister, with whom Boyd has fallen in love? Boyd is beginning to realize that in the Courtenay home, secrets abound at every turn and, as with all great mysteries, nothing is as simple as it seems. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

The Anomaly: A Novel

by Hervé Le Tellier

NAMED A BEST MYSTERY/THRILLER OF THE YEAR BY PUBLISHERS WEEKLY, A BEST MYSTERY/THRILLER OF THE MONTH BY POPSUGAR, AND A MOST ANTICIPATED READ OF THE YEAR BY CRIMEREADS Winner of the Goncourt Prize and now an international phenomenon, this dizzying, whip-smart novel blends crime, fantasy, sci-fi, and thriller as it plumbs the mysteries surrounding a Paris-New York flight.Who would we be if we had made different choices? Told that secret, left that relationship, written that book? We all wonder—the passengers of Air France 006 will find out. In their own way, they were all living double lives when they boarded the plane: Blake, a respectable family man who works as a contract killer. Slimboy, a Nigerian pop star who uses his womanizing image to hide that he&’s gay. Joanna, a Black American lawyer pressured to play the good old boys&’ game to succeed with her Big Pharma client. Victor Miesel, a critically acclaimed yet largely obscure writer suddenly on the precipice of global fame. About to start their descent to JFK, they hit a shockingly violent patch of turbulence, emerging on the other side to a reality both perfectly familiar and utterly strange. As it charts the fallout of this logic-defying event, The Anomaly takes us on a journey from Lagos and Mumbai to the White House and a top-secret hangar. In Hervé Le Tellier&’s most ambitious work yet, high literature follows the lead of a bingeable Netflix series, drawing on the best of genre fiction from &“chick lit&” to mystery, while also playfully critiquing their hallmarks. An ingenious, timely variation on the doppelgänger theme, it taps into the parts of ourselves that elude us most.

Le Contrat - Un court thriller à suspense

by C. J. Lea Julie Maréchal

Elle veut voir son mari mort, et elle n'est pas sûre d'avoir choisi le bon type pour s'en occuper. Elle veut se débarrasser de son mari. L'homme de main qu'elle a engagé est parfait pour le job... ou pas. Dès l'instant où il pénètre dans la pièce, elle commence à douter. Peut-être qu'elle aurait dû attendre. Peut-être qu'elle aurait dû payer l'autre type. À l'heure de leur rencontre, il est déjà trop tard et son mari est bien le dernier de ses problèmes. Il ne reste plus qu'une issue possible. Le contrat : il est temps de réécrire les notes de bas pages. Un thriller à suspense court et rapide à lire.

The Glass Woman: A Novel

by Caroline Lea

A tale in the tradition of Jane Eyre and Rebecca, in which a young woman follows her new husband to his remote home on the Icelandic coast in the 1680s, where she faces dark secrets surrounding the death of his first wife amidst a foreboding landscape and the superstitions of the local villagers“Haunting, evocative and utterly compelling. The Glass Woman transports the reader to a time and place steeped in mystery, where nothing is ever quite as it seems. Stunning.” — Tracy Borman, author of The King’s Witch“Piercing…. Devastating and revelatory.” — New York Times Book ReviewRósa has always dreamed of living a simple life alongside her Mamma in their remote village in Iceland, where she prays to the Christian God aloud during the day, whispering enchantments to the old gods alone at night. But after her father dies abruptly and her Mamma becomes ill, Rósa marries herself off to a visiting trader in exchange for a dowry, despite rumors of mysterious circumstances surrounding his first wife’s death.She follows her new husband, Jón, across the treacherous countryside to his remote home near the sea. There Jón works the field during the day, expecting Rósa to maintain their house in his absence with the deference of a good Christian wife. What Rósa did not anticipate was the fierce loneliness she would feel in her new home, where Jón forbids her from interacting with the locals in the nearby settlement and barely speaks to her himself.Seclusion from the outside world isn’t the only troubling aspect of her new life—Rósa is also forbidden from going into Jón’s attic. When she begins to hear strange noises from upstairs, she turns to a local woman in an attempt to find solace, but the villager’s words are even more troubling.Rósa’s isolation begins to play tricks on her mind: What—or who—is in the attic? What happened to Anna? Was she mad, a witch, or just a victim of Jón’s ruthless nature? And when Jón is brutally maimed in an accident a series of events are set in motion that will force Rósa to choose between obedience and defiance—with her own survival and the safety of the ones she loves hanging in the balance.

La figlia del candidato

by Catherine Lea Valentina Impellizzeri

Il piano è semplice: rapire la figlia del candidato al Senato Richard McClaine, prendere i soldi e scappare. Nessuno si fa male, la bambina torna a casa viva. La ladra di auto ventiduenne Kelsey Money pensa che sia l'idea peggiore che Matt e il suo fratello drogato abbiano mai avuto. Ma Matt è quello che gestisce la situazione. Kelsey ha sempre dipeso da lui. Poi scopre che era al corrente solo di metà del piano. Quando scopre il resto, è stata incastrata per omicidio e la piccola Holly McClaine non verrà consegnata viva. Dall'altra parte della città, Elizabeth McClaine non ricorda nemmeno cosa indossasse sua figlia quando è sparita. Poiché Holly è nata con la sindrome di Down e la palatoschisi, Elizabeth ha affidato la sua unica figlia alle cure di una tata mentre lei combatteva con la depressione postpartum. Ma quando Holly viene rapita ed Elizabeth scopre che il detective a capo della caccia all'uomo ha già perso una bambina rapita, Elizabeth sa che non può permettere che accada anche a sua figlia. Entrambe le donne hanno ventiquattro ore per trovare Holly. Perché dopo venticinque sarà già morta.

O Contrato

by Catherine Lea José Aleixo dos Reis

Ela quer que o marido morra. O assassino que ela contratou é quem realmente pode fazer isso acontecer... Será ele mesmo? A partir do momento em que ele dá alguns passos, ela tem suas dúvidas. Talvez ela devesse ter esperado. Talvez, devesse ter pagado o outro cara. No momento em que se encontram, é tarde demais e seu marido passa a ser o último de seus problemas. O Contrato - É hora de reescrever os detalhes. Um breve thriller de crime

El Contrato

by Catherine Lea T. E. C. Damián

Ella quiere deshacerse de su esposo y el asesino que contrató es justo el hombre para el trabajo... ¿o no lo es? En el segundo en el que él entra al lugar, ella empieza a tener sus dudas. Quizá debió esperar; quizá debió contratar al otro; pero ya es demasiado tarde y ahora su esposo es el menor de sus problemas. El Contrato --Es hora de reescribir las letras chiquitas. Una historia de lectura rápida de suspenso criminal.

La hija del candidato

by Catherine Lea T. E. C. Damián

Dos mujeres tienen veinticuatro horas para encontrar a una niña desaparecida, ya que en veinticinco, estará muerta. El plan es simple: secuestrar a la hija del candidato al Senado, Richard McClaine, tomar el dinero y huir. Nadie sale herido y la niña vuelve a casa con vida. La ladrona de autos de veintidós años, Kelsey Money piensa que esta es la peor idea con la cual Matt y su drogadicto hermano han salido. Pero entonces descubre que sólo sabía la mitad del plan. ¿Y el resto?: ella sería culpada de asesinato y la pequeña Holly no sería encontrada con vida. Al otro lado de la ciudad, Elizabeth McClaine no tiene ni la menor idea de lo que su hija llevaba puesto cuando desapareció; pero, cuando descubre el fracaso anterior del detective a cargo de la investigación en otro caso similar, Elizabeth comprende que todo depende de ella. Ahora las dos mujeres cuentan con veinticuatro horas para encontrar a Holly, porque en veinticinco, estará muerta.

The Coopers Field Murder

by Wonny Lea

Meticulously-researched...warming the hearts of millions of readers.' Historical Novels Review 'Collier has a gift for bringing her characters to life that will keep the reader engrossed until the end' Daily Mail A new Saga Queen hits the televisual cobbles- Daily Telegraph Finders & Keepers - Book Four in the Brothers and Lovers series Harry Evans's first years of life were blighted by a brutal stepfather. At the age of five his mother, Sali, married a miner, Lloyd Evans, a passionate believer in workers' rights. When he returns to Pontypridd after school, he finds that his beloved "grandfather," ex-miner Billy Evans, has lung disease, and when Billy is sent to a sanatorium in the Welsh Hills, the only one free to accompany him is Harry. There Harry meets two very different women: Diana, a feminist medical student, and Mary, an illiterate, orphaned farmer's daughter. For the first time in his life Harry falls in love, only to suffer rejection. Harry turns to Billy for consolation, and as his relationship with the old man deepens, he learns about life, love, and the responsibility that comes with inherited wealth. But he also discovers the responsibility each man owes to himself to live his life as he, and no one else, sees fit.

The Coopers Field Murder: The DCI Phelps Series (Dci Phelps Ser. #2)

by Wonny Lea

A twisty and unputdownable detective crime novel perfect for fans of Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers, Faith Martin, J.R. Ellis, LJ Ross, Miss Marple and Midsummer Murders!'The Coopers Field Murder' is the second instalment in Wonny Lea's DCI Martin Phelps series, set in the thriving Welsh capital city of Cardiff.The first novel in this series, Jack-Knifed, saw the introduction of Detective Chief Inspector Martin Phelps, together with his sidekick, Detective Sergeant Matt Pryor, and their team, investigating the horrendous murder of a gay man in Cardiff.Now they are faced with a body found in Coopers Field, a Cardiff beauty spot - a naked body that has lain there so long it is almost unidentifiable. Pathology reports establish that the body is that of a woman - but who is she, and how did she die?Local nurse Sarah Thomas, a helpful passer-by when the body is found, soon finds that she has another unexpected death to deal with - at Parkland Nursing Home where she works. Colin James, one of her favourite residents at the home, dies suddenly - but the reactions of those closest to him are surprising. Was Colin's death due to natural causes - or is there something more sinister afoot at Parkland?_________________________________________Praise for Wonny Lea's INSANELY GRIPPINGdetective series:'Fantastic second helping from Wonny, long may they continue!!' ***** Amazon review'This was a truly captivating and tantalising story and I was spellbound from beginning to the end, highly recommended' ***** Amazon review'This book was great read. The story was well written and the plot excellently thought out' ***** Amazon review'Excellent from start to finish. I have read the first book in the DCI Phelps series and was just as impressed. Can't wait to read the third' ***** Amazon review'Absorbing reading throughout. Details the thoroughness... Looking forward to rest in series' ***** Amazon review/h3>

The Coopers Field Murder: The DCI Phelps Series (DCI Phelps #2)

by Wonny Lea

The first novel in this series, Jack-Knifed, saw the introduction of Detective Chief Inspector Martin Phelps, together with his sidekick, Detective Sergeant Matt Pryor, and their team, investigating the horrendous murder of a gay man in Cardiff.Now they are faced with a body found in Coopers Field, a Cardiff beauty spot – a naked body that has lain there so long it is almost unidentifiable. Pathology reports establish that the body is that of a woman – but who is she, and how did she die?Local nurse Sarah Thomas, a helpful passer-by when the body is found, soon finds that she has another unexpected death to deal with – at Parkland Nursing Home where she works. Colin James, one of her favourite residents at the home, dies suddenly – but the reactions of those closest to him are surprising. Was Colin’s death due to natural causes – or is there something more sinister afoot at Parkland?The Coopers Field Murder is the second in Wonny Lea’s DCI Martin Phelps series, set in the thriving Welsh capital city of Cardiff.

DCI Phelps Boxset

by Wonny Lea

‘Jack-Knifed’ is the first novel featuring DCI Martin Phelps and his team, based in the world-famous and vibrant Cardiff Bay. Mark Wilson, a decent, well-liked gay man, lives alone in a beautiful house in Cardiff. One Saturday evening, his closest friends go to his house for an evening of drinks and catching-up. Finding no answer, the concerned friends break in – to a horrific murder scene. For Mark Wilson has been brutally, sadistically murdered in his own home. As DCI Phelps investigates, Mark’s traumatic early life is revealed. Was his killer someone from his past? Was his sexuality a motive? What about his violent, homophobic father – a man who has already killed more than once … Meanwhile, Mark’s estranged sister Amy broods on the hatred she has for her brother, blaming him for turning their father into a killer. As she sinks further in to the depths of drug addiction, who’s to say what her next move will be? As the body count rises, Phelps and his sergeant, Matt Pryor, soon realise they are on the trail of a serial killer … The first novel in this series, Jack-Knifed, saw the introduction of Detective Chief Inspector Martin Phelps, together with his sidekick, Detective Sergeant Matt Pryor, and their team, investigating the horrendous murder of a gay man in Cardiff. Now they are faced with a body found in Coopers Field, a Cardiff beauty spot – a naked body that has lain there so long it is almost unidentifiable. Pathology reports establish that the body is that of a woman – but who is she, and how did she die? Local nurse Sarah Thomas, a helpful passer-by when the body is found, soon finds that she has another unexpected death to deal with – at Parkland Nursing Home where she works. Colin James, one of her favourite residents at the home, dies suddenly – but the reactions of those closest to him are surprising. Was Colin’s death due to natural causes – or is there something more sinister afoot at Parkland? The Coopers Field Murder is the second in Wonny Lea’s DCI Martin Phelps series, set in the thriving Welsh capital city of Cardiff. Killing by Colours, the third in the DCI Martin Phelps series, takes Martin in search of a serial killer who appears to have somewhat of a personal interest in the DCI himself. When the body of the killer’s first victim is discovered at a popular Cardiff leisure attraction, key elements of the murder link her death to a macabre colour-themed poem recently sent to DCI Phelps. As the body count rises, the killer teases the team by giving possible clues to the whereabouts of victims and the venues of potential murders, in the form of more poems. Are the killings random acts by a deranged individual, or is there something that links the victims to one another – and even to the DCI himself? Meanwhile, Martin’s sidekick, DS Matt Pryor, is worried about the safety of his boss. Are his fears warranted? Is Martin Phelps on the colour-coded list of potential victims – or is he just the sounding board for the killer’s bizarre poetry?

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