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Petroleum Science and Technology

by Chang Samuel Hsu Paul R. Robinson

Aimed at students and professionals, this book covers every major aspect of petroleum: the origin of fossil hydrocarbons and their chemical/physical properties; discovering hydrocarbon reserves; recovering oil, gas, and bitumen; purifying gas; the chemical and physical characterization of crude oil; refining crudes into fuels and lubricants; and converting simple chemicals into solvents, polymers, fibers, rubbers, coatings, and myriad other products, including pharmaceuticals. Readers will learn how the industry operates, from "upstream" exploration and production, "midstream" transportation to "downstream" refining, and manufacturing of finished products. The book also contains unique chapters on midstream operations, learnings from major accidents, and safety/environmental laws and regulations. It builds on the authors' previous books and teaching material from a highly rated course that is taught at the Florida A&M University/Florida State University (USA).

Petroleum Science and Technology: Petroleum Generation, Accumulation and Prospecting

by Muhammad Abdul Quddus

Petroleum Science and Technology: Petroleum Generation, Accumulation and Prospecting describes natural hydrocarbon geology along with applicable aspects of physics, chemistry, biology, environmental science, mathematics, and engineering/technology. It starts off with a brief coverage of the origin and evolution of the universe, petroleum origin and generation in subsurface condition, source rock, oil/gas migration path and reservoir rock. Geological, geophysical, and geochemical petroleum surveys are also included. This book covers both theory and applied information. Aimed at graduate students, researchers, and professionals in petroleum engineering and chemical engineering, it: Covers petroleum geology and technology including petroleum generation, migration, and reservoir formation Introduces the nature and formation of petroleum and its exploration Describes oil/gas prospecting using geophysico-chemical methods under subsurface condition Includes a detailed geochemical survey along with an analysis of kerogen and bitumen Explains petroleum migration and accumulation using two-dimensional graphs MA Quddus PhD, has served in the petroleum sector and R&D organization, both national and multinational, for more than 40 years and has worked in various capacities including in the laboratory, office, field, and plant, and has also engaged in teaching petroleum technology as a visiting professor for 17 years. He earned BSc (Hons) and MSc degrees along with a PhD with thesis titled "Oxidation of Asphalt." As a result of his constant research, he has published nine international and 12 national papers, obtained one patent, presented five papers in conferences and prepared six technical reports. He has also visited the USA, Canada, and Indonesia for short courses in petroleum technology and teacher training.


by Dexin Jiang Eleanora I. Robbins Yongdong Wang Huiqiu Yang

This book addresses the principles and methods for determining petroleum source rocks based on fossil spores and pollen. Studying petroliferous basins in China, we discovered that there are often as many as three different sources of the microfossils: the source rocks, the rocks along the pathway, and the reservoir rocks. Therefore, fossil spores, pollen and algae from inland and coastal shelf petroliferous basins are analyzed and illustrated to show this complex process. Furthermore, the organic origin theory of oil is proven and environmental characteristics for hydrocarbon source-rock formation are discussed. Along with the geochronical and geographic distribution of non-marine petroleum source rocks in China, the mechanisms of petroleum migration following the pathways to the reservoirs are investigated. It will be a valuable reference work as well as a textbook for a wider research areas ranging from stratigraphy, palynology, palaeontology and petroleum geology.

Pets as Sentinels, Forecasters and Promoters of Human Health

by M. Ramiro Pastorinho Ana Catarina A. Sousa

This book provides an up-to-date overview of the current knowledge and research concerning domestic pets as sentinels, forecasters and promoters of human health. Written by leading specialists in the fields of medicine, veterinary, environment, analytical chemistry, sociology and behavioral science, this volume provides a comprehensive understanding of the capabilities of pets in what regards to human health. The first seven chapters are devoted to the use of pets as sentinels for their human companions, in terms of exposure to different classes of environmental chemicals. The following five chapters address the use of pets as models for human diseases and promoters of human health. The final two chapters highlight the psycho-social and psychophysiological aspects of human-animal interactions. The book offers an integrated approach to the One Health concept, providing, in a truly holistic manner, tools to assess the equilibrium between the environment, men and animals. This exercise will highlight and reshape our position towards the planet that despite being “a microscopic dot on a microscopic dot lost in the unimaginable infinity of the Universe” is still our own. At the end of the day, pets will always be there to help us.

Pets At The Vet

by Alyse Sweeney Richard Hutchings

Have you ever visited a vet's office with your pet? Vets take care of sick animals and help others stay healthy. Read on to find out more about what goes on at a vet's office.

Pets on the Couch: Neurotic Dogs, Compulsive Cats, Anxious Birds, and the New Science of Animal Psychiatry

by Nicholas Dodman

The pioneering veterinarian and author of the New York Times bestseller, The Dog Who Loved Too Much, and the national bestseller, The Cat Who Cried for Help, recounts his uniquely entertaining--and poignant--stories of treating animals for all-too-human problems as he reveals his amazing breakthroughs with the new science of One Medicine.The Oliver Sacks of animal brains, Dr. Nicholas Dodman is an internationally renowned veterinarian and research scientist who wrote one of the first popular books to recognize the complex emotional lives of dogs and to reveal innovative ways to help them, including with Puppy Prozac. Now, Dr. Dodman once again breaks new ground with the practice of One Medicine, the profound recognition that humans and other animals share the same neurochemistry, and that our minds and emotions work in similar ways. Racehorses with Tourette's Syndrome, spinning dogs with epilepsy, cats with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, feather-plucking parrots with anxiety, and a diffident Bull Terrier with autism--these astonishing cases were all helped by One Medicine, which emphasizes the similarities rather than differences between animals and humans. Inspiring, sometimes heartbreaking, and utterly fascinating, Pets on the Couch demonstrates how what we share with our animals can only lead us to a greater appreciation for them--and our mutual bonds.


by Tom Gerats Judy Strommer

Petunia belongs to the family of the Solanaceae and as such is closely related to important crop species like tomato, potato, eggplant, pepper and tobacco. With around 35 species described it is one of the smaller genera and among those there are two groups of species that make up the majority of them: the purple flowered P.integrifolia group and the white flowered P.axillaris group. It is assumed that interspecific hybrids between members of these two groups have laid the foundation for the huge variation in cultivars as selected from the 1830's onwards. Petunia thus has been a commercially important ornamental since the early days of horticulture. Despite that, Petunia was in use as a research model only parsimoniously until the late fifties of the last century. By then seed companies started to fund academic research, initially with the main aim to develop new color varieties. Besides a moment of glory around 1980 (being elected a promising model system, just prior to the Arabidopsis boom), Petunia has long been a system in the shadow. Up to the early eighties no more then five groups developed classical and biochemical genetics, almost exclusively on flower color genes. Then from the early eighties onward, interest has slowly been growing and nowadays some 20-25 academic groups around the world are using Petunia as their main model system for a variety of research purposes, while a number of smaller and larger companies are developing further new varieties. At present the system is gaining credibility for a number of reasons, a very important one being that it is now generally realized that only comparative biology will reveal the real roots of evolutionary development of processes like pollination syndromes, floral development, scent emission, seed survival strategies and the like. As a system to work with, Petunia combines advantages from several other model species: it is easy to grow, sets abundant seeds, while self- and cross pollination is easy; its lifecycle is four months from seed to seed; plants can be grown very densely, in 1 cm2 plugs and can be rescued easily upon flowering, which makes even huge selection plots easy to handle. Its flowers (and indeed leaves) are relatively large and thus obtaining biochemical samples is no problem. Moreover, transformation and regeneration from leaf disc or protoplast are long established and easy-to-perform procedures. On top of this easiness in culture, Petunia harbors an endogenous, very active transposable element system, which is being used to great advantage in both forward and reverse genetics screens. The virtues of Petunia as a model system have only partly been highlighted. In a first monograph, edited by K. Sink and published in 1984, the emphasis was mainly on taxonomy, morphology, classical and biochemical genetics, cytogenetics, physiology and a number of topical subjects. At that time, little molecular data was available. Taking into account that that first monograph will be offered electronically as a supplement in this upcoming edition, we would like to put the overall emphasis for the second edition on molecular developments and on comparative issues. To this end we propose the underneath set up, where chapters will be brief and topical. Each chapter will present the historical setting of its subject, the comparison with other systems (if available) and the unique progress as made in Petunia. We expect that the second edition of the Petunia monograph will draw a broad readership both in academia and industry and hope that it will contribute to a further expansion in research on this wonderful Solanaceae.

Pflanzen und Haut: Dermatologisch bedeutsame Abwehrstrategien der Pflanzen in Europa

by Andreas Montag

Dieses Buch beschreibt die Gesamtheit aller dermatologisch bedeutsamen Abwehrmechanismen der Pflanzenwelt als eigenständiges Arbeitsgebiet innerhalb des Fachgebietes Dermatologie und aller dermatologisch beeinflussten Gebiete innerhalb der Medizin.Mit einer für dieses Werk speziell erarbeiteten Systematik ordnet der Autor klar gegliedert und didaktisch nachvollziehbar die außerordentliche Vielfalt pflanzlicher Abwehrmechanismen und deren Auswirkung auf Haut und Schleimhäute.Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei die Pflanzen innerhalb des geografischen Europas. Ausführlich besprochen werden aber auch zahlreiche eingebürgerte oder importierte Arten aus aller Welt, die hier als Nutz- oder Zierpflanzen inzwischen unverzichtbar zum Alltag gehören.Neben den mechanischen Auswirkungen von Pflanzenhaaren, Stacheln und Dornen stehen dabei pflanzliche Wirkstoffe im Fokus, die einzeln oder in Kombination verschiedenste Formen von Reizwirkungen oder Allergien an der Haut und den Schleimhäuten des Menschen auslösen können.Der erste, allgemeine Teil dieses Buches behandelt eingehend die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen. Ein zweiter, spezieller Teil ergänzt dies durch zahlreiche Steckbriefe in alphabetischer Reihenfolge mit Informationen zu allen wichtigen Pflanzenspezies.Zahlreiche klinische Bilder und Fallbeschreibungen illustrieren die medizinische Bedeutung pflanzlicher Abwehrmaßnahmen und geben Hilfestellungen bei Diagnostik und Behandlung.Besondere Beachtung findet innerhalb der Steckbriefe aber auch die Darstellung der medizinischen Nutzwirkungen einer Pflanze in ihrer historischen Entwicklung bis zum heutigen Tag. Aus vielen ihrer Nutzwirkungen lassen sich auch die Schadwirkungen einer Pflanze ableiten.Dieses Buch möchte eine Hilfe im ärztlichen Alltag sein und richtet sich an Dermatologen, Allergologen, Allgemeinärzte und hausärztlich tätige Internisten, aber auch an alle anderen interessierten Fachgruppen. Pflanzen und Haut

Pflanzenanatomischer Grundkurs: Module für die differenzierte Gestaltung

by Werner Reißer Franz-Martin Dux Monika Möschke Martin Hofmeister

In diesem Lehrbuch werden die Inhalte des pflanzenanatomischen Grundkurses in einzelnen Modulen dargestellt. Es bietet dadurch eine optimale Abdeckung der Themen von Kursen sowohl im Haupt- als auch im Nebenfachstudium. Die Autoren liefern ein Werk, das für die Planung und als Begleitlektüre für Praktika und Kurse unterschiedlichster Länge und Ausstattung ideal geeignet ist. Durch umfangreiche Lehr- und Lernmaterialien werden Studierende bei der Vor- und Nachbereitung von Kurstagen unterstützt. Inhaltliche Erläuterungen dienen zum Verständnis des theoretischen Hintergrunds und praktische Anleitungen helfen konkret bei der Anwendung der Techniken. Für das weitere Vertiefen des Stoffs dienen Fragenkataloge, anhand derer die Studierenden ihr Wissen überprüfen können. Dozierende haben darüber hinaus Zugriff auf umfangreiches Vorlesungsmaterial und Hintergrundinformationen. Von den insgesamt 12 Modulen befassen sich zwei mit der Struktur und Funktion der pflanzlichen Zelle. Je ein Modul behandelt die Grundorgane der Landpflanzen Wurzel, Spross und Blatt, sowie den Aufbau von Blüten und die unterschiedlichen Samen und Früchte. Ein weiteres Modul stellt exemplarisch verschiedene Vertreter der Grünalgen, Moose und Farne vor. Zudem wird die Präparation und Dokumentation pflanzlicher Objekte in einem einführenden Modul behandelt. Zwei Module zu Pilzen und Flechten und zur Metamorphose der pflanzlichen Grundorgane sind neu hinzugekommen. Der Umfang wurde für die 2. Auflage deutlich vergrößert: Neben den beiden neuen Modulen wurden auch die Theorieteile in den Modulen erweitert.


by Birgit Piechulla Hans Walter Heldt

Dieses Lehrbuch bietet eine umfassende Übersicht über die fundamentalen Aspekte der Pflanzenbiochemie. Die biochemischen Abläufe in einer Pflanze sind letztendlich eine wesentliche Grundlage des Lebens auf unserem Planeten. Stoffwechselprozesse, wie die Photosynthese, die Kohlendioxid-Fixierung u.v.a., werden ausführlich erklärt. Die Erkenntnisse über diese pflanzenbiochemischen Prozesse könnten genutzt werden, den steigenden CO2-Emissionen auf der Erde entgegenzuwirken. Das Wissen über die molekularen und biochemischen Abläufe in Pflanzen sind also Voraussetzung, das zukünftige Leben auf der Erde zu sichern.Ebenso essenziell sind die Erkenntnisse der Pflanzenmolekularbiologie und -biochemie für die wirtschaftliche Anwendung und Nutzung der Pflanzen. Studierende werden in diesem Werk lernen, welche Schritte erforderlich sind, um transgene Pflanzen zu erzeugen und um Pros und Cons der pflanzlichen Gentechnik abschätzen und vermitteln zu können.In der 6. Auflage wurden zahlreiche Aktualisierungen vorgenommen. Es werden u.a. neue Einblicke zur Evolution der Pflanzen gegeben, und weitere Details des Photosyntheseapparates, der Stärke-Biosynthese und -Regulation, sowie der Funktionen und Biosynthesen von Sekundärmetaboliten dargestellt. Darüber hinaus wird erläutert, wie die molekulare Genschere CRISPR-Cas zur Erzeugung transgener Pflanzen eingesetzt werden kann.Besonderen Wert legen die Autor*innen darauf, durch eine klare und verständliche Didaktik komplexe Sachverhalte darzustellen – das ist ein Kennzeichen dieses Lehrbuches. Mit sorgfältig erstellten Abbildungen erfüllt es einen hohen didaktischen Anspruch und reiht sich unter die besten Biochemie-Lehrbücher.

pH-Messung: Der Leitfaden für Praktiker

by Ralf Degner

Ein Buch fur Praktiker, das auch dem erfahrenen Profi noch einiges Neues bietet. Themen wie die Kalibrierung und die Qualitatssicherung werden Sie aus einem vollig neuen Blickwinkel betrachten. Anwendung: Sie erhalten eine Vielzahl an Beispielen fur die praktische pH-Messung in den verschiedensten Materialen, sei es die Online-Messung im Abwasser, die Kontrollmessung von Textilien oder die Profil-Messung in Seen. Empfehlungen zu allen Komponenten der Messeinrichtung machen das Buch auch fur die Beschaffung zu einer wertvollen Unterlage. Grundlagen: Sie erhalten eine Einfuhrung daruber, was der pH-Wert ist, wie die Messkette funktioniert und wie sich Storungen auswirken. Sie erfahren alles, was notig ist, um das Verhalten einer pH-Messkette richtig beurteilen zu konnen. Qualitatssicherung: Das Umsetzen der Prufmitteluberwachung beeinflusst die bisher gewohnten Verfahrensablaufe erheblich. Lesen Sie wie die Qualitatssicherung speziell fur die pH-Messung ablauft und welche Unsicherheit Ihre Messergebnisse haben konnen. Dieses Buch ist ein 'Muss' fur alle, die * in irgend einer Weise mit pH-Messung zu tun haben * Normen, Gebrauchs- und Prufanweisungen fur die pH-Messung erstellen * pH-Messeinrichtungen herstellen.

Phaenomena (Johns Hopkins New Translations from Antiquity)

by Aratus

After the Iliad and the Odyssey, the Phaenomena was the most widely read poem in the ancient world. Its fame was immediate. It was translated into Latin by Ovid and Cicero and quoted by St. Paul in the New Testament, and it was one of the few Greek poems translated into Arabic. Aratus’ Phaenomena is a didactic poem—a practical manual in verse that teaches the reader to identify constellations and predict weather. The poem also explains the relationship between celestial phenomena and such human affairs as agriculture and navigation. Despite the historical and pedagogical importance of the poem, no English edition suitable for students and general readers has been available for decades. Aaron Poochigian’s lively translation makes accessible one of the most influential poets of antiquity. Poochigian's interpretation of the Phaenomena reestablishes the ancient link between poetry and science and demonstrates that verse is an effective medium for instruction. Featuring references to Classical mythology and science, star charts of the northern and southern skies, extensive notes, and an introduction to the work’s stylistic features and literary reception, this dynamic work will appeal to students of Ancient Greece who want to deepen their understanding of the Classical world.

Phage Display: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2702)

by Michael Hust Theam Soon Lim

This second edition details new and updated methods on different antibody libraries, along with novel approaches for antibody discovery. Chapters focuses on the construction of antibody libraries, antibody expression, complementary approaches for antibody selection, and other phage display related applications. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and key tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Phage Display: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition aims to be a useful and practical guide to new researchers and experts looking to expand their knowledge.

Phage Therapy: A Practical Approach

by Andrzej Górski Ryszard Międzybrodzki Jan Borysowski

This book gives a detailed yet clear insight into the current state of the art of the therapeutic application of bacteriophages in different conditions. The authors bring in their practical expertise within their respective fields of expertise and provide an excellent overview of the potential and actual use of phage therapy. Topics like economic feasibility compared to traditional antibiotics and also regulatory issues are discussed in far detail. This new volume is therefore a valuable resource for individuals engaged in the medical application of novel phage therapies.

Phagocytosis and Phagosomes: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2692)

by Roberto J. Botelho

This volume explores updated and entirely new experimental approaches used to investigate phagocytosis and phagosome maturation. In order to aid in the study of engulfment, maturation, resolution, and pathogen manipulation of phagocytes, the book features methodology to quantify uptake and maturation specific to certain phagocytes, particles, or pathogens, while other chapters offer methods that can be applied generically across the field. Methods are presented to study phagocytosis and phagosome maturation in vivo, in cellulo, and through in vitro analyses. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step and readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and up-to-date, Phagocytosis and Phagosomes: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition serves as a vital resource for both experts in the field as well as for investigators delving into phagocytosis and phagosome maturation for the first time.

The Phanerozoic Geology and Natural Resources of Egypt (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation)

by Zakaria Hamimi Hassan Khozyem Thierry Adatte Fadi H. Nader Francisca Oboh-Ikuenobe Mohamed K. Zobaa Haytham El Atfy

The Phanerozoic Geology and Natural Resources of Egypt includes a series of chapters written by highly qualified group of researchers whose expertise is recognized and appreciated not only in Egypt, but also in the world over. The chapters span a wide range of geological subdisciplines including tectonics, paleogeography, stratigraphy, sedimentology, paleontology, groundwater, and energy resources, just to name a few. In this regard, the book provides the reader with ample knowledge about the different facets of the fascinating and always intriguing geology of Egypt since the Precambrian time. For a junior researcher or a geoscience student, the book is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary one-stop resource that they will continue to reference and rely on for years to come. For a more experienced scientist, the book summarizes the current state of knowledge, highlights the magnitude of complexity of the geology of Egypt and northeast Africa, and reveals potential areas where future research should be directed. The book is written in simple, easy to understand English language and contains very useful high-quality illustrations. Last but not least, The Phanerozoic Geology and Natural Resources of Egypt has been reviewed and edited by world class, highly ranked geoscientists from Egypt, Europe, and USA.

Phantasmatic Shakespeare: Imagination in the Age of Early Modern Science

by Suparna Roychoudhury

Representations of the mind have a central place in Shakespeare’s artistic imagination, as we see in Bottom struggling to articulate his dream, Macbeth reaching for a dagger that is not there, and Prospero humbling his enemies with spectacular illusions. Phantasmatic Shakespeare examines the intersection between early modern literature and early modern understandings of the mind’s ability to perceive and imagine. Suparna Roychoudhury argues that Shakespeare’s portrayal of the imagination participates in sixteenth-century psychological discourse and reflects also how fields of anatomy, medicine, mathematics, and natural history jolted and reshaped conceptions of mentality. Although the new sciences did not displace the older psychology of phantasms, they inflected how Renaissance natural philosophers and physicians thought and wrote about the brain’s image-making faculty. The many hallucinations, illusions, and dreams scattered throughout Shakespeare’s works exploit this epistemological ferment, deriving their complexity from the ambiguities raised by early modern science.Phantasmatic Shakespeare considers aspects of imagination that were destabilized during Shakespeare’s period—its place in the brain; its legitimacy as a form of knowledge; its pathologies; its relation to matter, light, and nature—reading these in concert with canonical works such as King Lear, Macbeth, and The Tempest. Shakespeare, Roychoudhury shows, was influenced by paradigmatic epistemic shifts of his time, and he in turn demonstrated how the mysteries of cognition could be the subject of powerful art.

Phantom Wheel: A Hackers Novel

by Tracy Deebs

The digital apocalypse has arrived and the future is here in this addictive technological thriller full of twists and turns. Perfect for fans of Nerve! Being recruited by the CIA to join a top-secret intelligence program should be the opportunity of a lifetime. For Issa, it's a shot at creating a new and better life for herself and her siblings. For clever con artist Harper, it's a chance to bury the secrets of her troubled past and make sure that those secrets stay buried. But for Owen--honor student, star quarterback, and computer-hacking genius--it sounds like a trap. He's right. Owen discovers that instead of auditioning for the CIA, they've all been tricked by a multibillion-dollar tech company into creating the ultimate computer virus. It's called Phantom Wheel, and it's capable of hacking anyone on Earth, anywhere, at any time. And thanks to six teenagers, it's virtually unstoppable. Horrified by what they've done, the hackers must team up to stop the virus before the world descends into chaos. But working together is easier said than done, especially as the lines start to blur between teammate, friend, and more than friend. Because how do you learn to trust someone when you've spent your entire life exploiting that same trust in others?

Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind

by V. S. Ramachandran Sandra Blakeslee

In Phantoms in the Brain, Dr. Ramachandran recounts how his work with patients who have bizarre neurological disorders has shed new light on the deep architecture of the brain, and what these findings tell us about who we are, how we construct our body image, why we laugh or become depressed, why we may believe in God, how we make decisions, deceive ourselves and dream, perhaps even why we're so clever at philosophy, music and art.

The Phantoms of Medical and Health Physics

by Larry A. Dewerd Michael Kissick

The purpose and subject of this book is to provide a comprehensive overview of all types of phantoms used in medical imaging, therapy, nuclear medicine and health physics. For ionizing radiation, dosimetry with respect to issues of material composition, shape, and motion/position effects are all highlighted. For medical imaging, each type of technology will need specific materials and designs, and the physics and indications will be explored for each type. Health physics phantoms are concerned with some of the same issues such as material heterogeneity, but also unique issues such as organ-specific radiation dose from sources distributed in other organs. Readers will be able to use this book to select the appropriate phantom from a vendor at a clinic, to learn from as a student, to choose materials for custom phantom design, to design dynamic features, and as a reference for a variety of applications. Some of the information enclosed is found in other sources, divided especially along the three categories of imaging, therapy, and health physics. To our knowledge, even though professionally, many medical physicists need to bridge the three catagories described above.

Phantoms of the Prairie

by John W. Laundré

Last seen in the 1880s, cougars (also known as pumas or mountain lions) are making a return to the plains regions of the Midwest. Their comeback, heralded by wildlife enthusiasts, has brought concern and questions to many. Will the people of the region make room for cougars? Can they survive the highly altered landscape of the Midwest? Is there a future for these intrepid pioneers if they head even farther east? Â Â Â Using GIS technology, and historical data, among many other methods, Phantoms of the Prairie takes readers on a virtual journey, showing how the cougar might move over the landscape with minimal human contact. Drawing on his years of research on cougars, John W. Laundré offers an overview of what has been, what is, and what might be regarding the return of cougars to their ancestral prairie homeland.

Pharma and Profits: Balancing Innovation, Medicine, and Drug Prices

by John L. LaMattina

High-level commentary on various facets of the pharmaceutical industry from a key leader in the field This book clearly explains the value that the pharmaceutical industry offers to society which is often underreported against the more negative topic of high drug prices. It also offers an overview for drug discovery and development professionals, highlighting the challenges that such drug hunters should be aware of when developing new drugs. Case studies to illustrate topics like hepatitis C, mRNA vaccines, insulin, and price controls are included to aid in seamless reader comprehension. Written by John LaMattina, former president of Pfizer Global Research and Development and well-known speaker and writer for the pharma industry, sample topics covered and questions explored within the work include: Fiscal consequences of curing hepatitis C mRNA vaccines and the race for a cure Why the government does not deserve a piece of Biopharma’s profits Paying for drugs whose ultimate value is unknown The impact of reduced revenues on R&DThis book is a must-read for biopharmaceutical professionals and executives who wish to gain high-level insight into key challenges that must be first understood, then overcome, within the pharmaceutical industry.

Pharma-Ecology: The Occurrence and Fate of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the Environment

by Patrick K. Jjemba

The revised edition of the guide to environmental impact of pharmaceuticals and personal care products The revised and updated second edition of Pharma-Ecology joins the health and environmental sciences professions' concern over the occurrence and fate of pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) in the environment and explores how to best minimize their impact. The text highlights the biological effects of various classes of pharmaceutical compounds under clinical settings, their modes of action, and approximate quantities consumed. The second edition contains the most recent knowledge about the ecological impact of PPCPs as more sensitive detection techniques have become available, since the book was first published. The second edition offers the most up-to-date information on pharma ecology and bridges the gap between medicine, public health, and environmental science. This new edition contains helpful learning objectives for each chapter, as well as a brief section at the end of each chapter that presents a set of open ended questions. This vital resource: • Explores the biological effects of pharmaceutical compounds under clinical settings, their modes of action, approximate quantities consumed • Provides researchers and scientists with critical background data on the environmental impacts of PPCPs • Contains the most current information on PPCPs' ecological impacts, based on new detection techniques • Bridges the gap between medicine, public health, and environmental science Written for ecologists, engineers, microbiologists, pharmacists, toxicologists, chemists, physicians, and veterinarians involved in pollution and environmental analysis, the second edition of Pharma-Ecology contains the most current information available on the environmental impact of pharmaceuticals and personal care products.

Pharmaceutical Amorphous Solid Dispersions

by Ann Newman

Providing a roadmap from early to late stages of drug development, this book overviews amorphous solid dispersion technology - a leading platform to deliver poorly water soluble drugs, a major hurdle in today's pharmaceutical industry. * Helps readers understand amorphous solid dispersions and apply techniques to particular pharmaceutical systems * Covers physical and chemical properties, screening, scale-up, formulation, drug product manufacture, intellectual property, and regulatory considerations * Has an appendix with structure and property information for polymers commonly used in drug development and with marketed drugs developed using the amorphous sold dispersion approach * Addresses global regulatory issues including USA regulations, ICH guidelines, and patent concerns around the world

Pharmaceutical Analysis for Small Molecules

by Behnam Davani

A comprehensive introduction for scientists engaged in new drug development, analysis, and approvals Each year the pharmaceutical industry worldwide recruits thousands of recent science graduates—especially chemistry, analytical chemistry, pharmacy, and pharmaceutical majors—into its ranks. However, because of their limited background in pharmaceutical analysis most of those new recruits find making the transition from academia to industry very difficult. Designed to assist both recent graduates, as well as experienced chemists or scientists with limited regulatory, compendial or pharmaceutical analysis background, make that transition, Pharmaceutical Analysis for Small Molecules is a concise, yet comprehensive introduction to the drug development process and analysis of chemically synthesized, small molecule drugs. It features contributions by distinguished experts in the field, including editor and author, Dr. Behnam Davani, an analytical chemist with decades of technical management and teaching experience in compendial, regulatory, and industry. This book provides an introduction to pharmaceutical analysis for small molecules (non-biologics) using commonly used techniques for drug characterization and performance tests. The driving force for industry to perform pharmaceutical analyses is submission of such data and supporting documents to regulatory bodies for drug approval in order to market their products. In addition, related required supporting studies including good laboratory/documentation practices including analytical instrument qualification are highlighted in this book. Topics covered include: Drug Approval Process and Regulatory Requirements (private standards) Pharmacopeias and Compendial Approval Process (public standards) Common methods in pharmaceutical analysis (typically compendial) Common Calculations for assays and impurities and other specific tests Analytical Method Validation, Verification, Transfer Specifications including how to handle out of specification (OOS) and out of trend (OOT) Impurities including organic, inorganic, residual solvents and elemental impurities Good Documentation Practices for regulatory environment Management of Analytical Laboratories Analytical Instrument Qualifications including IQ, OQ, PQ and VQ Due to global nature of pharmaceutical industry, other topics on both regulatory (ICH) and Compendial harmonization are also highlighted. Pharmaceutical Analysis for Small Molecules is a valuable working resource for scientists directly or indirectly involved with the drug development process, including analytical chemists, pharmaceutical scientists, pharmacists, and quality control/quality assurance professionals. It also is an excellent text/reference for graduate students in analytical chemistry, pharmacy, pharmaceutical and regulatory sciences.

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