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Showing 51,726 through 51,750 of 60,968 results

Ethical Water Stewardship (Water Security in a New World)

by Ingrid Leman Stefanovic Zafar Adeel

This interdisciplinary book brings philosophers and non-philosophers to the table to address questions of water ethics, specifically in terms of how moral questions inform decision making around water security at local, national, and international scales.Water security, which pertains to the experience of assured access to clean water, is a broad concept that intersects human rights, politics, economics, law, legislation, public health, trade, agriculture, and energy. Decisions made at each of these intersection points have ramifications for human well being, especially for the populations that are marginalized in a societal and political sense. In this book, the ethical dimensions of decision-making at those intersection points are explored, and real-world examples are used to tease out some key insights. It charts how ethical consideration can help shape a future in which everyone will be water secure.

Physics of Biological Oscillators: New Insights into Non-Equilibrium and Non-Autonomous Systems (Understanding Complex Systems)

by Aneta Stefanovska Peter V. E. McClintock

This book, based on a selection of invited presentations from a topical workshop, focusses on time-variable oscillations and their interactions. The problem is challenging, because the origin of the time variability is usually unknown. In mathematical terms, the oscillations are non-autonomous, reflecting the physics of open systems where the function of each oscillator is affected by its environment. Time-frequency analysis being essential, recent advances in this area, including wavelet phase coherence analysis and nonlinear mode decomposition, are discussed. Some applications to biology and physiology are described.Although the most important manifestation of time-variable oscillations is arguably in biology, they also crop up in, e.g. astrophysics, or for electrons on superfluid helium. The book brings together the research of the best international experts in seemingly very different disciplinary areas.

Germany's Energy Transition

by Christoph H. Stefes Carol Hager

This book analyzes Germany's path-breaking Energiewende, the country's transition from an energy system based on fossil and nuclear fuels to a sustainable energy system based on renewables. The authors explain Germany's commitment to a renewable energy transition on multiple levels of governance, from the local to the European, focusing on the sources of institutional change that made the transition possible. They then place the German case in international context through comparative case studies of energy transitions in the USA, China, and Japan. These chapters highlight the multifaceted challenges, and the enormous potential, in different paths to a sustainable energy future. Taken together, they tell the story of one of the most important political, economic, and social undertakings of our time.

Attribution of Advanced Persistent Threats: How to Identify the Actors Behind Cyber-Espionage

by Timo Steffens

An increasing number of countries develop capabilities for cyber-espionage and sabotage. The sheer number of reported network compromises suggests that some of these countries view cyber-means as integral and well-established elements of their strategical toolbox. At the same time the relevance of such attacks for society and politics is also increasing. Digital means were used to influence the US presidential election in 2016, repeatedly led to power outages in Ukraine, and caused economic losses of hundreds of millions of dollars with a malfunctioning ransomware. In all these cases the question who was behind the attacks is not only relevant from a legal perspective, but also has a political and social dimension.Attribution is the process of tracking and identifying the actors behind these cyber-attacks. Often it is considered an art, not a science.This book systematically analyses how hackers operate, which mistakes they make, and which traces they leave behind. Using examples from real cases the author explains the analytic methods used to ascertain the origin of Advanced Persistent Threats.

Auf der Spur der Hacker

by Timo Steffens

Professionelle Hackerangriffe (sogenannte Advanced Persistent Threats) treffen heutzutage Regierungen, Unternehmen und sogar kritische Infrastrukturen wie Flughäfen oder Stromnetzbetreiber. Herauszufinden, welche Täter und Auftraggeber dahinter stecken, wird zunehmend wichtiger. Wenn man die Ursprünge eines Angriffs und seine Motive kennt, kann man sich besser schützen und die Konsequenzen eines Datendiebstahls effektiver begrenzen.Damit die Frage, ob ein Angriff aus Russland, China, einem anderen Land, oder von gewöhnlichen Kriminellen durchgeführt wurde, nicht eine Frage des Glaubens oder Bauchgefühls bleibt, soll dieses Buch einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der Ermittler und Analysten werfen. Ausführlich erläutert der Autor die IT-technischen Methoden, mit denen man den Tätern auf die Spur kommt, aber auch, wo diese Methoden an Grenzen stoßen. Zahlreiche Beispiele von aufwändigen Angriffen der letzten Jahre zeigen, wie die Täter falsche Fährten legen, oft genug aber auch Fehler machen, die sie überführen.So bietet der Autor, der seit mehreren Jahren gezielte Hackerangriffe von Spionagegruppen auf Behörden und Unternehmen untersucht, einen spannenden Blick hinter die Kulissen der Ermittler und Analysten. Neben Sicherheitsexperten staatlicher Behörden, Unternehmen, Stiftungen und NGOs, die regelmäßig zum Ziel von Cyberkriminalität werden, finden auch technische Journalisten und interessierte Laien in diesem Buch eine Fülle an Hintergrundwissen zur IT-Forensik.

Transition-Metal Defects in Silicon

by Michael Steger

The fundamental properties of deep luminescence centres in Si associated with transition metals such as Cu, Ag, Au, and Pt have been a focus of interest for decades, both as markers for these deleterious contaminants, and also in the quest for efficient Si-based light emission. This dissertation presents the results of ultra-high resolution photoluminescence studies of these centres in specially prepared, highly enriched 28-Si samples. The greatly improved spectral resolution due to this enrichment led to the discovery of isotopic fingerprints. These fingerprints have revealed that the detailed constituents of all of the centres previously studied had been identified incorrectly. They also revealed the existence of several different families of impurity complexes containing either four or five atoms chosen from Li, Cu, Ag, Au, and Pt. These centres' constituents have been determined, together with no-phonon transition energies, no-phonon isotope shifts, local vibrational mode energies, and the isotope shifts of the local vibrational mode energies. The data presented here for these centres should prove useful for the currently sought theoretical explanations of their formation, stability, and properties.

Aspartame: Physiology and Biochemistry

by Filer Stegink

This book summarizes the research that resulted in aspartame's approval as a food additive as well as related topics regarding its function as a potential sweetening agent. It complies specific issues relating to human consumption of aspartame.

Photonik einfach erklärt: Wie Licht die Industrie revolutioniert (essentials)

by Patrick Steglich Katja Heise

Wir befinden uns am Scheideweg einer neuen Epoche: Das Zeitalter der Elektronik wird abgelöst vom Zeitalter der Photonik. Dieses Buch führt Sie in die faszinierende Entwicklung der Photonik ein und verzichtet dabei auf komplizierte Fachsprache, vielmehr werden die physikalischen Grundlagen anschaulich erklärt. Darauf aufbauend werden wichtige Entwicklungen wie zum Beispiel der Laser und dessen Anwendungen in der Industrie, Forschung und im Alltag beschrieben. Komplizierte physikalische Eigenschaften und technische Details werden dem Leser in verständlicher Art und Weise erklärt.Die Autoren:Dr. Patrick Steglich ist Dozent für Photonik und optische Technologien an der Technischen Hochschule Wildau und Wissenschaftler am Leibniz-Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik IHP in Frankfurt (Oder). Katja Heise arbeitet als Redakteurin in Berlin. Als gelernte Politologin und Journalistin hat sie sich darauf spezialisiert, komplexe Fachthemen in einfache Sprache zu übersetzen. Die Autoren leben gemeinsam mit ihrem Sohn und ihren zwei Töchtern in Berlin.

Up-to-Date Waste-to-Energy Approach

by Petr Stehlik

Putting forward an up-to-date waste-to-energy approach that combines experience, sophisticated modeling and technical-economic analysis, this book examines the current need for the maximum utilization of energy from waste and the associated environmental impacts. It outlines step-by-step procedures for a complex and original waste-to-energy approach from the idea to its industrial application. With waste incinerators and industrial plants producing large amounts of pollutants, municipalities as well as smaller decentralized operations are beginning to focus on waste research. The principal advantage of utilizing research findings is the ability to apply a complex approach "from idea to industrial implementation" with respect to the needs of the market established by thorough market analysis. This book builds on this concept with an original approach that takes into consideration geographical aspects, the specifics of regions/micro-regions and technological units and/or equipment. Key areas discussed and analyzed in the text include: strategic planning of energy-source locations according to the nature of the respective region or microregion; types and amounts of wastes; logistics etc. using original mathematical models; consideration of on-site processing of various types of waste, taking into account the character of the region (agricultural, industrial etc. ); tailor-made technologies for energy recovery from various types of wastes; implementation of individual technologies with original elements; and support for environmental protection based on advanced flue gas (i. e. off-gas in the case of incineration) cleaning methods.

Lebensdauerberechnungen mit FEM: Von der Last zur Betriebsfestigkeit

by Philipp Steibler

Dieses Lehrbuch zeigt, wie die in einem Bauteil auftretenden Spannungen mit Hilfe der FEM-Methode bestimmt werden können. Dazu wird zunächst auf mechanische Grundlagen und das Materialverhalten eingegangen, bevor die Spannungen in einer überschaubaren Fachwerksgeometrie und in Volumenelementen berechnet werden. Anschließend wird dargestellt, wie aus den Spannungen die Betriebsfestigkeit der Bauteile unter determinierten und stochastischen Lasten abgeleitet werden kann. Dabei wird auch die FKM-Richtlinie berücksichtigt. Für den fortgeschrittenen Leser werden die Grundlagen durch Berechnungsverfahren ergänzt, die bei anspruchsvolleren Berechnungsmodellen angewandt werden müssen.

Advancing Food Integrity: GMO Regulation, Agroecology, and Urban Agriculture

by Gabriela Steier

Key features: Presents summaries of key points after each chapter and includes color graphs to visualize the big-picture concepts Demonstrates how urban rooftop farms (URFs) can contribute to city greening and climate change mitigation worldwide while providing fresh locally-sourced produce for growing urban populations Provides cutting-edge ideas from the the emerging field of food law and places international and comparative legal concepts into an accessible context for non-lawyers Examines major disputes surrounding food products that have been brought before the World Trade Organization (WTO) to illustrate how trade trends have pushed toward GMO proliferation Uses examples of food labeling, pollinator protection, pesticide permitting, invasive species control, and GMO regulatory policy in the US and the EU to illustrate various methods of bringing public law to the forefront in the struggle toward achieving food integrity The proliferation of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in our increasingly globalized food system is trivializing the inherent risks to a sustainable world. Responding to the realities of climate change, urbanization, and a GMO-dominated industrialized food system, Gabriela Steier's seminal work addresses the interrelationship of these cutting-edge topics within a scholarly, legal context. In Advancing Food Integrity: GMO Regulation, Agroecology, and Urban Agriculture, Steier defines food integrity as the optimal measure of environmental sustainability and climate change resilience combined with food safety, security, and sovereignty for the farm-to-fork production and distribution of any food product. The book starts with a discussion of the food system and explores whether private law has sufficiently protected food or whether public law control is needed to safeguard food integrity. It proceeds to show how the proliferation of GMOs creates food insecurity by denying people’s access to food through food system centralization. Steier discusses how current industrial agricultural policy downplays the dangers of GMO monocultures to crop diversity and biodiversity, thereby weakening food production systems. Striving to promote agroecology by providing a fresh and compelling narrative of interdisciplinary questions, Steier explores how farming can be geared toward more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices worldwide in the future. This book belongs in the libraries of all those interested in food law, environmental law, agroecology, sustainable agriculture, and urban living practices.

Food System Transparency: Law, Science and Policy of Food and Agriculture (Advances in Agroecology)

by Gabriela Steier Adam Friedlander

This book brings together an international group of agriculture and food lawyers and scientists to define the field of Food System Transparency in three parts: the big picture, food safety and health, and the global view. Each part adds to the whole but zooms in through a unique lens. Investigating social, economic, political, scientific and legal frameworks, this comprehensive volume addresses topics such as food authenticity, agroecological evaluations, and consumer protection. Interwoven themes of transparency contextualize concepts of food safety, information sharing and regulatory opportunities at a local and global scale. Editors’ notes provide blended legal and scientific commentary to facilitate further discussion and context within the classroom. Advantages of this volume include: Chapters written by foremost international experts in their fields Editors’ notes written for classroom use and background information Figures and tables providing illustrations of important concepts Case studies delivering practicality and in-depth analysis to current events A special chapter on COVID-19 and its implications for the food system This book is important reading for graduate-level students, legal scholars, nonlegal academics, advocates for food system transparency and resilience, agroecology and environmental conservation, and practitioners in any cross-disciplinary areas relating to food policy. It will be of interest to all those who seek to deepen their understanding of the concepts and trends surrounding the information that centers around our food system, both domestically in the United States and the European Union, as well as in many major trading nations such as China.Check out the Support Materials tab on for a short video previewing some the key themes in the book.

Decision Modes in Complex Task Environments

by Norbert Steigenberger Thomas Lübcke Heather Fiala Alina Riebschläger

Despite intense research on decision-making in action, we still know little about when decision-makers rely on deliberate vs. intuitive decision-making in decision situations under complexity and uncertainty. Building on default-interventionist dual-processing theory, this book studies decision-making modes (deliberate vs. intuitive) in complex task environments contingent on perceived complexity, experience, and decision style preference. We find that relatively inexperienced decision-makers respond to increases in subjective complexity with an increase in deliberation and tend to follow their decision style preference. Experienced decision-makers are less guided by their decision preference and respond to increases in subjective complexity only minimally. This book contributes to a developing stream of research linking decision-making with intra-personal and environmental properties and fosters our understanding of the conditions under which decision-makers rely on intuitive vs. deliberate decision modes. In doing so, we go one step further towards a comprehensive theory of decision-making in action.

The Discrete Charm of the Machine: Why the World Became Digital

by Kenneth Steiglitz

The genesis of the digital idea and why it transformed civilizationA few short decades ago, we were informed by the smooth signals of analog television and radio; we communicated using our analog telephones; and we even computed with analog computers. Today our world is digital, built with zeros and ones. Why did this revolution occur? The Discrete Charm of the Machine explains, in an engaging and accessible manner, the varied physical and logical reasons behind this radical transformation.The spark of individual genius shines through this story of innovation: the stored program of Jacquard’s loom; Charles Babbage’s logical branching; Alan Turing’s brilliant abstraction of the discrete machine; Harry Nyquist’s foundation for digital signal processing; Claude Shannon’s breakthrough insights into the meaning of information and bandwidth; and Richard Feynman’s prescient proposals for nanotechnology and quantum computing. Ken Steiglitz follows the progression of these ideas in the building of our digital world, from the internet and artificial intelligence to the edge of the unknown. Are questions like the famous traveling salesman problem truly beyond the reach of ordinary digital computers? Can quantum computers transcend these barriers? Does a mysterious magical power reside in the analog mechanisms of the brain? Steiglitz concludes by confronting the moral and aesthetic questions raised by the development of artificial intelligence and autonomous robots.The Discrete Charm of the Machine examines why our information technology, the lifeblood of our civilization, became digital, and challenges us to think about where its future trajectory may lead.

The Role of Mechanics in the Study of Lipid Bilayers (CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences #577)

by David J. Steigmann

This book is the first collection of lipid-membrane research conducted by leading mechanicians and experts in continuum mechanics. It brings the overall intellectual framework afforded by modern continuum mechanics to bear on a host of challenging problems in lipid membrane physics. These include unique and authoritative treatments of differential geometry, shape elasticity, surface flow and diffusion, interleaf membrane friction, phase transitions, electroelasticity and flexoelectricity, and computational modelling.

Essentials for Blended Learning: A Standards-Based Guide (Essentials of Online Learning)

by Jared Stein Charles R. Graham

Essentials for Blended Learning: A Standards-Based Guide provides a practical, streamlined approach for creating effective learning experiences by blending online activities and the best of face-to-face teaching. This guide is: Easy to use: Clear, jargon-free writing; illustrations; and references to online resources help readers understand concepts. Streamlined: A simple but effective design process focuses on creating manageable activities for the right environment. Practical: Real-world examples from different subject areas help teachers understand principles in context. Contemporary: The variety of modern, connected technologies covered in the guide addresses a range of teaching challenges. Forward-Looking: The approach bridges the gap between formal classroom learning and informal lifelong learning. Standards-based: Guidelines and standards are based on current research in the field, relevant learning theories, and practitioner experiences. Effective blended learning requires significant rethinking of teaching practices and a fundamental redesign of course structure. Essentials for Blended Learning: A Standards-Based Guide simplifies these difficult challenges without neglecting important opportunities to transform teaching. This guide is suitable for teachers in any content area. Please visit for additional resources.

Sustainable Food Procurement: Legal, Social and Organisational Challenges (Routledge Studies in Food, Society and the Environment)

by Mark Stein Maurizio Mariani Roberto Caranta Yiannis Polychronakis

The book examines sustainable food procurement policy and practice in the European Union and beyond, exploring the extent to which sustainability objectives have been achieved and evaluating the new developments taking place at both EU and national levels.While there is a growing recognition that public authorities can use public procurement as a policy tool to pursue multiple environmental, health and socio-economic objectives, contracting authorities still face many challenges. This volume investigates the scope for pursuing sustainable objectives in public procurement of food and catering services, examining different regulatory contexts and organisational models to answer the overall question of how to integrate sustainability concerns into the various phases of public food procurement processes. Contributions in the book examine the policy and legal procurement framework and practices for sustainable public catering in three EU Member States: Italy, France and Spain. There is a comparative survey of the Baltic Region, including Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Poland and Russia, and moving beyond the EU, there is examination of the UK and Brazil, as well as a cross country comparison of the UK with Denmark and Sweden. Drawing on the expertise of an interdisciplinary and intersectoral team of contributors allows the book to benefit from the insights of different disciplines, including business sciences, anthropology and law. Tapping into the global discussion on public food procurement as a means to achieve multiple social and environmental goals, this work will stimulate readers looking for new creative ways to create value through public food purchasing.This book will be of great interest to students, researchers, policymakers and public- and private-sector representatives interested in public procurement, food policy and law, sustainable food sourcing and supply chain management.

Information Ergonomics: A theoretical approach and practical experience in transportation

by Michael Stein Peter Sandl

The variety and increasing availability of hypermedia information systems, which are used in stationary applications like operators' consoles as well as mobile systems, e.g. driver information and navigation systems in automobiles form a foundation for the mediatization of the society. From the human engineering point of view this development and the ensuing increased importance of information systems for economic and private needs require careful deliberation of the derivation and application of ergonomics methods particularly in the field of information systems. This book consists of two closely intertwined parts. The first, theoretical part defines the concept of an information system, followed by an explanation of action regulation as well as cognitive theories to describe man information system interaction. A comprehensive description of information ergonomics concludes the theoretical approach. In the second, practically oriented part of this book authors from industry as well as from academic institutes illustrate the variety of current information systems taken from different fields of transportation, i.e. aviation, automotive, and railroad. The reader thus gains an overview of various applications and their context of use as well as similarities and differences in design. This does not only include a description of the different information systems but also places them in the context of the theories and models, which were presented in the first part of this book.

The Barley Genome (Compendium of Plant Genomes)

by Nils Stein Gary J. Muehlbauer

This book presents an overview of the state-of-the-art in barley genome analysis, covering all aspects of sequencing the genome and translating this important information into new knowledge in basic and applied crop plant biology and new tools for research and crop improvement. Unlimited access to a high-quality reference sequence is removing one of the major constraints in basic and applied research. This book summarizes the advanced knowledge of the composition of the barley genome, its genes and the much larger non-coding part of the genome, and how this information facilitates studying the specific characteristics of barley.One of the oldest domesticated crops, barley is the small grain cereal species that is best adapted to the highest altitudes and latitudes, and it exhibits the greatest tolerance to most abiotic stresses. With comprehensive access to the genome sequence, barley’s importance as a genetic model in comparative studies on crop species like wheat, rye, oats and even rice is likely to increase.

The Story of Apollo 11 (Cornerstones of Freedom)

by R. Conrad Stein

Highlights man's efforts to journey to the moon, with a detailed account of the first landing achieved by Apollo 11.

Re-Engineering the Manufacturing System: Applying the Theory of Constraints, Second Edition

by Robert E. Stein

An information systems trailblazer in the domains of decision support and factory and supply chain synchronization, the second edition of Re-Engineering the Manufacturing System stays true to its title, once again bestowing uniquely straightforward instructions for designing, installing, and operating manufacturing information systems. This updated and expanded source takes care to clarify the often blurred concepts of synchronization and optimization and offers implementation advice from four discrete angles to yield better bottom-line results. It shows how to exploit an information system, rolling ERP system implementation into the TOC framework to promote profit materialization.

Logic Functions and Equations: Fundamentals and Applications using the XBOOLE-Monitor

by Bernd Steinbach Christian Posthoff

The greatly expanded and updated 3rd edition of this textbook offers the reader a comprehensive introduction to the concepts of logic functions and equations and their applications across computer science and engineering. The authors’ approach emphasizes a thorough understanding of the fundamental principles as well as numerical and computer-based solution methods. The book provides insight into applications across propositional logic, binary arithmetic, coding, cryptography, complexity, logic design, and artificial intelligence.Updated throughout, some major additions for the 3rd edition include:a new chapter about the concepts contributing to the power of XBOOLE;a new chapter that introduces into the application of the XBOOLE-Monitor XBM 2;many tasks that support the readers in amplifying the learned content at the end of the chapters;solutions of a large subset of these tasks to confirm learning success;challenging tasks that need the power of the XBOOLE software for their solution.The XBOOLE-monitor XBM 2 software is used to solve the exercises; in this way the time-consuming and error-prone manipulation on the bit level is moved to an ordinary PC, more realistic tasks can be solved, and the challenges of thinking about algorithms leads to a higher level of education.

Lectures on Phase Field

by Ingo Steinbach Hesham Salama

This open access textbook fills a gap, in that it introduces readers to the theory and applications of the Phase-Field technique. Phase Field, over the years, has emerged as a standard tool for materials research, just as the Finite-Element technique has in structure mechanics. Whereas the few existing textbooks on this topic are intended for advanced readers, this one is made accessible to the widest possible audience, through an engaging, lecture format. The content grows out of a course the authors teach for graduate students at Ruhr-University Bochum. Even readers who may, at first, have no clue at all what a “Phase Field” is and for what it is used, are invited on a journey from general physics of thermodynamics and wave mechanics, through applications in all fields of materials science, up to the central questions of physical being. On this journey all the necessary techniques are detailed, mostly formulated in a mathematical language easily understood by engineers and natural scientists.

Teaching Computers To Teach

by Esther R. Steinberg

Like the original version of Teaching Computers to Teach, this updated edition presents procedures and principles for designing computer-presented instruction. It was written as a result of recent developments in three domains that have significant implications for computer-assisted instruction (CAI) and computer-based training (CBT). These areas are audio and videodisc technology, CAI and CBT experience, and research in the processes of learning. This practical book is written specifically for people who want to learn to design CAI. The book presents a CAI-specific design procedure by integrating knowledge about unique aspects of human-machine interaction with theories of learning and instruction as well as practical experience with CAI. The reader is guided through the entire design process, from initial planning to final evaluation, by clearcut principles and concrete examples.

Understanding and Negotiating EPC Contracts, Volume 2: Annotated Sample Contract Forms

by Howard M. Steinberg

Any project which involves an EPC contract is also likely to involve a number of other complicated contracts. The challenge of the parties to an EPC contract is not to try to eliminate risk but rather put into place a narrative structure that enables the parties to predict the contractual result that would obtain if a risk materializes. If the EPC contract does not allow the parties to determine the consequences of an unanticipated situation, they will have to look to an expert, mediator, tribunal, or court to impart guidance or pass judgment. The sample forms of contract contained in Volume 2 of Understanding and Negotiating EPC Contracts are intended to serve as a guide to demonstrate how risks and responsibilities can be allocated among project sponsors, EPC contractors and the various other parties that may be involved in a project. Collectively the sample forms in this volume offer an extraordinary resource that provides the benefit of lessons learned and priceless insight into any project being undertaken which can help assure the resilience of any EPC project.

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