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The Complexity of Tax Simplification: Experiences from Around the World

by Simon James Adrian Sawyer Tamer Budak

The Complexity of Tax Simplification: Experiences from Around the World by Simon James, Adrian Sawyer, Tamer Budak.

The Complexity of Workplace Humour

by Barbara Plester

This book discusses boundaries for organizational humour as well as the jokers and jesters that enliven modern workplaces. It has long been accepted that humour and tragedy can occupy the same space and that is eloquently demonstrated in this book. Using ethnographic research techniques, a selection of stories, ruminations, cartoons, and narratives of events is combined with theoretical conceptions of humour and fun to create a comprehensive analysis of the good, the bad, and the downright ugly in organizational humour.

Compliance, Governance und Risikomanagement im Krankenhaus: Rechtliche Anforderungen – Praktische Umsetzung – Nachhaltige Organisation

by Gerald Schmola Boris Rapp

Der Herausgeberband stellt die rechtlichen Anforderungen umfassend dar, liefert praktische Beispiele und gibt Handlungsempfehlungen zur frühzeitigen Erkennung von Fehlverhalten und Risiken im Krankenhaus, deren Rechtsfolgen und künftigen Vermeidung. Compliance meint hierbei das Einhalten interner wie externer Vorgaben und Normen sowohl im Hinblick auf die Patientenversorgung und die Abrechnung der erbrachten Leistungen als auch die Beziehungsgeflechte mit Lieferanten und Dienstleistern. Durch Governance-Strukturen ist dieses System in eine auf die Unternehmensführung ausgelegte Richtlinien- und Gremienstruktur eingebettet, zu der auch die Festlegung von Unternehmenszielen und der Weg der Zielerreichung zählen. Das Risikomanagement wiederum beschreibt den Umgang mit bekannten und unbekannten Risiken durch definierte Abläufe, die frühzeitig einsetzen und Strategien zur Risikominimierung und dem Umgang mit potenziellen Schäden umfassen. Alle drei Handlungsfelder sind aufgrund zahlreicher rechtlicher Bezüge und einer im Krankenhausbereich recht jungen Auseinandersetzung damit vielfach noch gar nicht bekannt bzw. organisatorisch unterdurchschnittlich ausgeprägt. Gleichzeitig zeigt sich eine zunehmende gesetzgeberische Tendenz, die rechtlichen Regelungen für die genannten Themenfelder deutlich zu verschärfen, was die Anforderungen an Krankenhausträger, verantwortliche leitende Ärzte und beratende Juristen deutlich erhöht. Das Buch richtet sich mit seiner interdisziplinären Ausrichtung nicht nur an Vertreter aus dem Krankenhausmanagement, sondern auch an Juristen aus dem Bereich des Medizinrechts sowie an Ärzte und Pflegekräfte in leitender Funktion.

Computational Economics: A concise introduction

by Oscar Afonso Paulo B. Vasconcelos

Computational Economics: A concise introduction is a comprehensive textbook designed to help students move from the traditional and comparative static analysis of economic models, to a modern and dynamic computational study. The ability to equate an economic problem, to formulate it into a mathematical model and to solve it computationally is becoming a crucial and distinctive competence for most economists. This vital textbook is organized around static and dynamic models, covering both macro and microeconomic topics, exploring the numerical techniques required to solve those models. A key aim of the book is to enable students to develop the ability to modify the models themselves so that, using the MATLAB/Octave codes provided on the book and on the website, students can demonstrate a complete understanding of computational methods. This textbook is innovative, easy to read and highly focused, providing students of economics with the skills needed to understand the essentials of using numerical methods to solve economic problems. It also provides more technical readers with an easy way to cope with economics through modelling and simulation. Later in the book, more elaborate economic models and advanced numerical methods are introduced which will prove valuable to those in more advanced study. This book is ideal for all students of economics, mathematics, computer science and engineering taking classes on Computational or Numerical Economics.

Computational Intelligence in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science #244)

by Thomas Hanne Rolf Dornberger

This book deals with complex problems in the fields of logistics and supply chain management and discusses advanced methods, especially from the field of computational intelligence (CI), for solving them. The first two chapters provide general introductions to logistics and supply chain management on the one hand, and to computational intelligence on the other hand. The subsequent chapters cover specific fields in logistics and supply chain management, work out the most relevant problems found in those fields, and discuss approaches for solving them. Chapter 3 discusses problems in the field of production and inventory management. Chapter 4 considers planning activities on a finer level of granularity which is usually denoted as scheduling. In chapter 5 problems in transportation planning such as different types of vehicle routing problems are considered. While chapters 3 to 5 rather discuss planning problems which appear on an operative level, chapter 6 discusses the strategic problem of designing a supply chain or network. The final chapter provides an overview of academic and commercial software and information systems for the discussed applications. There appears to be a gap between general textbooks on logistics and supply chain management and more specialized literature dealing with methods for computational intelligence, operations research, etc. , for solving the complex operational problems in these fields. For readers, it is often difficult to proceed from introductory texts on logistics and supply chain management to the sophisticated literature which deals with the usage of advanced methods. This book fills this gap by providing state-of-the-art descriptions of the corresponding problems and suitable methods for solving them.

Computational Intelligence Paradigms in Economic and Financial Decision Making (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #99)

by Marina Resta

The book focuses on a set of cutting-edge research techniques, highlighting the potential of soft computing tools in the analysis of economic and financial phenomena and in providing support for the decision-making process. In the first part the textbook presents a comprehensive and self-contained introduction to the field of self-organizing maps, elastic maps and social network analysis tools and provides necessary background material on the topic, including a discussion of more recent developments in the field. In the second part the focus is on practical applications, with particular attention paid to budgeting problems, market simulations, and decision-making processes, and on how such problems can be effectively managed by developing proper methods to automatically detect certain patterns. The book offers a valuable resource for both students and practitioners with an introductory-level college math background.

Computational Logistics: 7th International Conference, ICCL 2016, Lisbon, Portugal, September 7-9, 2016, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9855)

by Ana Paias Mario Ruthmair Stefan Voß

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Logistics, ICCL 2016, held in Lisbon, Portugal, in September 2016. The 29 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. They are organized in topical sections entitled: container terminals and maritime transportation; intermodal transport; location and routing; (general) logistics and supply chain management.

Computational Management Science: State of the Art 2014 (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems #682)

by Raquel J. Fonseca Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber João Telhada

This volume contains contributions from the 11th International Conference on Management Science (CMS 2014), held at Lisbon, Portugal, on May 29-31, 2014. Its contents reflect the wide scope of Management Science, covering different theoretical aspects for a quite diverse set of applications. Computational Management Science provides a unique perspective in relevant decision-making processes by focusing on all its computational aspects. These include computational economics, finance and statistics; energy; scheduling; supply chains; design, analysis and applications of optimization algorithms; deterministic, dynamic, stochastic, robust and combinatorial optimization models; solution algorithms, learning and forecasting such as neural networks and genetic algorithms; models and tools of knowledge acquisition, such as data mining; and all other topics in management science with the emphasis on computational paradigms.

Computers in Business: K204

by Kelley School of Business Faculty

Faculty at Indiana University's world-renowned Kelley School of Business present this essential introductory guide to the role of computers and other information technologies in business. Like the text for its sister course, K201, Computers in Business: K204 highlights include instruction and applied practice in two of the most widely used commercial software packages: Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel. This volume, however, presents even more challenging applications and projects for honors students. Students learn, via hands-on examples, many of the powerful tools contained in these two platforms, with emphasis on how to analyze real business problems to help make important decisions.

Computers in Business: K201

by Kelley School of Business Faculty

Faculty at Indiana University’s world-renowned Kelley School of Business present this essential introductory guide to the role of computers and other information technologies in business. Highlights include instruction and applied practice in two of the most widely used commercial software packages: Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel. Students learn, via hands-on examples, many of the powerful tools contained in these two platforms, with emphasis on how to analyze real business problems to help make important decisions.

Concentrarsi su LinkedIn

by Richard G Lowe Jr Sonia Dal Cason

Accrescete di molto il vostro potenziale di guadagno promuovendovi su LinkedIn. Imparate come scrivere il vostro profilo LinkedIn che, con buona probabilità, garantirà contatti maggiori e migliori, un flusso di offerte di lavoro e potenziali contatti di vendita per gli affari. Se lasciate il Vostro profilo LinkedIn nello stato in cui si trova ora, non importa quanto eccezionali siate, quante probabilità ci sono che vi troviate incastrati nello stesso lavoro ripetitivo o a lottare per aumentare le vendite negli affari da qui a cinque anni? Siete felici di lavorare nello stesso posto insoddisfacente e sottopagato, o di cercare con disperazione e di solito senza successo persone interessate ai vostri prodotti e ai vostri servizi? Oppure preferireste che le opportunità di lavoro e gli affari venissero da VOI, offrendovi di assumere proprio VOI o di pagare VOI, imparando a scrivere un profilo LinkedIn che attragga la gente giusta direttamente nella vostra casella di posta? Io sono stato dove siete voi oggi. Facevo lavori insoddisfacenti per titolari a cui non interessava e che non ricompensavano un servizio buono e competente. Sono rimasto in quei posti per anni, mandando in giro migliaia di Curricula nella speranza che qualcuno riconoscesse il mio valore. Per fare più soldi ho tentato di creare i miei prodotti e i miei servizi e ho cercato disperatamente sistemi per commercializzarli. Credo di aver provato centinaia di metodi di marketing e promozionali con un successo limitato e altalenante. Quello che mi ha spinto a farcela sono stati il molto studio, un allenamento specializzato e la pratica. Più importante ancora, credevo in me stesso e nel valore che potevo fornire ai datori di lavoro e ai clienti per i miei prodotti e servizi. All'inizio ero felice di trovare clienti di tanto in tanto per guadagnare soldi extra. Ma più tardi ho appreso come promuovermi in modo efficace e i clienti hanno cominciato a venire da

Concentrated Investing: Strategies of the World's Greatest Concentrated Value Investors

by Allen C. Benello Michael Van Biema Tobias E. Carlisle

Discover the secrets of the world's top concentrated value investors Concentrated Investing: Strategies of the World's Greatest Concentrated Value Investors chronicles the virtually unknown--but wildly successful--value investors who have regularly and spectacularly blown away the results of even the world's top fund managers. Sharing the insights of these top value investors, expert authors Allen Benello, Michael van Biema, and Tobias Carlisle unveil the strategies that make concentrated value investing incredibly profitable, while at the same time showing how to mitigate risk over time. Highlighting the history and approaches of four top value investors, the authors tell the fascinating story of the investors who dare to tread where few others have, and the wildly-successful track records that have resulted. Turning the notion of diversification on its head, concentrated value investors pick a small group of undervalued stocks and hold onto them through even the lean years. The approach has been championed by Warren Buffett, the best known value investor of our time, but a small group of lesser-known investors has also used this approach to achieve outstanding returns. Discover the success of Lou Simpson, a former GEICO investment manager and eventual successor to Warren Buffett at Berkshire Hathaway Read about Kristian Siem, described as "Norway's Warren Buffett," and the success he has had at Siem Industries Concentrated Investing will quickly have you re-thinking the conventional wisdom related to diversification and learning from the top concentrated value investors the world has never heard of.

Concentration and Power in the Food System: Who Controls What We Eat?

by Philip H. Howard

This book reveals the dominant corporations, from the supermarket to the seed industry, and the extent of their control over markets. It also analyzes the strategies these firms are using to reshape society in order to further increase their power, particularly in terms of their bearing upon the more vulnerable sections of society, such as recent immigrants, ethnic minorities and those of lower socioeconomic status. Yet this study also shows that these trends are not inevitable. Opposed by numerous efforts, from microbreweries to seed saving networks, it explores how such opposition has encouraged the most powerful firms to make small but positive changes.

Conceptualizing Germany's Energy Transition: Institutions, Materiality, Power, Space

by Ludger Gailing Timothy Moss

This is the first book to explore ways of conceptualizing Germany's ongoing energy transition. Although widely acclaimed in policy and research circles worldwide, the Energiewende is poorly understood in terms of social science scholarship. There is an urgent need to delve beyond descriptive accounts of policy implementation and contestation in order to unpack the deeper issues at play in what has been termed a 'grand societal transformation. ' The authors approach this in three ways: First, they select and characterize conceptual approaches suited to interpreting the reordering of institutional arrangements, socio-material configurations, power relations and spatial structures of energy systems in Germany and beyond. Second, they assess the value of these concepts in describing and explaining energy transitions, pinpointing their relative strengths and weaknesses and exploring areas of complementarity and incompatibility. Third, they illustrate how these concepts can be applied - individually and in combination - to enrich empirical research of Germany's energy transition.

Concrete Economics

by J. Bradford Delong Stephen S. Cohen

History, not ideology, holds the key to growth.Brilliantly written and argued, Concrete Economics shows how government has repeatedly reshaped the American economy ever since Alexander Hamilton's first, foundational redesign.This book does not rehash the sturdy and long-accepted arguments that to thrive, entrepreneurial economies need a broad range of freedoms. Instead, Steve Cohen and Brad DeLong remedy our national amnesia about how our economy has actually grown and the role government has played in redesigning and reinvigorating it throughout our history. The government not only sets the ground rules for entrepreneurial activity but directs the surges of energy that mark a vibrant economy. This is as true for present-day Silicon Valley as it was for New England manufacturing at the dawn of the nineteenth century.The authors' argument is not one based on abstract ideas, arcane discoveries, or complex correlations. Instead it is based on the facts-facts that were once well known but that have been obscured in a fog of ideology-of how the US economy benefited from a pragmatic government approach to succeed so brilliantly.Understanding how our economy has grown in the past provides a blueprint for how we might again redesign and reinvigorate it today, for such a redesign is sorely needed.

The Condo Book: How to Not Get Burned When Buying and Living in a Home Within a Community Association

by David T. Schwindt

At last a book that guides the reader through the perils and opportunities of buying a home within a community association. Condominiums, townhomes, cooperatives, and single-family homes within a community association share similar issues with respect to financial and governance surprises that may affect your pocketbook and quality of life. Learn how to ask for the right information, ask the right questions, and decide for yourself the best home that reflects your values, lifestyle, and budget—and of course to help avoid a major surprise after purchase. David T. Schwindt, certified public accountant, consultant, and reserve study specialist, brings over thirty years of experience with community associations in an easy-to-understand resource that you will find invaluable in making the right decision for you and your family. Included with each informative chapter are tips, best practices, and ways to create community and harmony within an association.

The Confidence Effect: Every Woman's Guide to the Attitude That Attracts Success

by Grace Killelea

Every day, talented, hardworking women are passed over for promotions. While it's easy to blame a corporate culture that favors men, seasoned executive Grace Killelea identifies another culprit: a surprising disparity in confidence. Men are prone to overestimate their abilities, while women too often sell themselves short.The Confidence Effect helps women speak out, take risks, and assume leadership positions with assurance. The book moves beyond research and statistics to focus on what's really important: how women can become more confident, one step at a time.Practical strategies show how to turn job competency into the kind of authentic confidence that gets noticed. Women learn to practice the Four Rs of Success--relationships, reputation, results, and resilience--dipping in for tips and tools on how to:Build circles of influenceSeize opportunities they normally avoidLeverage and promote their skillsCultivate executive presenceUse data compellinglyBounce back from setbacksAnd moreWith this powerful new book, women everywhere will find the confidence they need to step off the sidelines onto the playing field--and claim the success they deserve.

Confidential Informants: A Closer Look at Police Policy (SpringerBriefs in Criminology)

by Jon Shane

While confidential informants (CI's) can play a crucial role in police investigations, they also have the potential to cause great harm if they are dishonest. The process by which police agencies qualify a CI to work and the strength of agency policy may be the source of the problem. This Brief examines the integrity problem involving CIs in police operations within the United States, provides an overview of pitfalls and problems related to veracity and informant integrity including the difficulties in detecting when a CI is lying, and compares the provisions of actual published police policy to the model CI policy published by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP). The analysis shows a wide divergence between actual police policy and the national standard promulgated by the IACP. The Brief provides policy recommendations for improving use of CIs that can potentially reduce or eliminate integrity problems that can lead to organizational accidents such as wrongful arrests and convictions, injuries or deaths. Some Courts have issued measures to ensure that information received from CIs is reliable by examining sworn testimony and documents related to their work. However, as this Brief explores, this judicial effort arises only after a police operation has taken place, and the use of force - even deadly force--has already been employed. The author proposes integrity testing beforehand, which would allow police to have a greater understanding of a CI's motivation, ability and veracity when conducting law enforcement operations. In addition, there are aspects of police policy that can enhance CI management such as training, supervision and entrapment that can further guard against integrity problems. Although integrity testing is not flawless, it does interpose an additional step in the CI management process that can help guard against wrongful conviction and perjury that harms the judicial process.

Conflict Survival Kit: Tools for Resolving Conflict at Work (Second Edition)

by Daniel B. Griffith Cliff Goodwin

Taking a front-line view, The Conflict Survival Kit: Tools for Resolving Conflict at Workfocuses on topics supervisors, team leads and managers need to know to address conflict in organizations. Each chapter succinctly explains conflict theories, frameworks and models, while focusing on important interpersonal and management skills. This classroom text and on-the-job guide presents strategies that can be used immediately in the workplace and provides hands-on practice throughout. Fully updated in this edition, it includes a new section on cultural communication differences, more on mediation, strategies for staying calm during confrontation and a section on managing bullying in the workplace.

Confronting Corruption in Business: Trusted Leadership, Civic Engagement

by Alan T. Belasen Roxana Toma

Confronting Corruption in Business focuses on the contextual issues that trigger corruption to give the reader a more thorough understanding of destructive leadership. It provides students with a unique, critical perspective on issues of leadership, corruption, and policy in different countries, industries, and companies. While there isn’t a universally agreed upon definition of corruption in social sciences, it generally refers to efforts to secure wealth or power through misusing public power for private gain. This kind of destructive leadership is typically treated as an anomaly, but this book closes the gap in our understanding by highlighting the wider consequences of this behavior within business, and on an international level. Armed with this understanding, one also learns how to mitigate its causes and consequences. Edited by leading experts, the book includes contributions from scholars with international expertise on leadership, strategy, political science, finance, organizational change, and public policy. It is the first book to focus on corruption on the country level and within business, and students in international business, management, ethics, and leadership classes will find it a valuable read.

Confronting Drought in Africa's Drylands: Opportunities for Enhancing Resilience

by Michael Morris Raffaello Cervigni

Drylands are at the core of Africa's development challenge. Drylands make up about 43 percent of the region's land surface, account for about 75 percent of the area used for agriculture, and are home to about 50 percent of the population, including a disproportionate share of the poor. Due to complex interactions among many factors, vulnerability in drylands is high and rising, jeopardizing the long-term livelihood prospects for hundreds of millions of people. Climate change, which is expected to increase the frequency and severity of extreme weather events, will exacerbate this challenge. African governments and their partners in the international development community stand ready to tackle the challenges confronting drylands, but important questions remain unanswered about how the task should be undertaken. Do dryland environments contain enough resources to generate the food, jobs, and income needed to support sustainable livelihoods for a fast growing population? If not, can injections of external resources make up the deficit? Or is the carrying capacity of drylands so limited that outmigration should be encouraged? Based on analysis of current and projected future drivers of vulnerability and resilience, the report uses an original modeling framework to identify promising interventions, quantify their likely costs and benefits, and describe the policy trade-offs that will need to be addressed. By 2030, economic growth leading to structural change will allow some of the people living in drylands to transition to non-agriculture based livelihood strategies, reducing their vulnerability. Many others will continue to rely on livestock keeping and crop farming. For the latter group, a number of "best bet ? interventions have the potential to make a significant difference in reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience. This report evaluates the opportunities and challenges associated with these interventions, and it draws a number of conclusions that have important implications for policy making.

Connectedness and Contagion: Protecting the Financial System from Panics

by Hal S. Scott

The Dodd--Frank Act of 2010 was intended to reform financial policies in order to prevent another massive crisis such as the financial meltdown of 2008. Dodd--Frank is largely premised on the diagnosis that connectedness was the major problem in that crisis -- that is, that financial institutions were overexposed to one another, resulting in a possible chain reaction of failures. In this book, Hal Scott argues that it is not connectedness but contagion that is the most significant element of systemic risk facing the financial system. Contagion is an indiscriminate run by short-term creditors of financial institutions that can render otherwise solvent institutions insolvent. It poses a serious risk because, as Scott explains, our financial system still depends on approximately $7.4 to $8.2 trillion of runnable and uninsured short-term liabilities, 60 percent of which are held by nonbanks. Scott argues that efforts by the Federal Reserve, the FDIC, and the Treasury to stop the contagion that exploded after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers lessened the economic damage. And yet Congress, spurred by the public's aversion to bailouts, has dramatically weakened the power of the government to respond to contagion, including limitations on the Fed's powers as a lender of last resort. Offering uniquely detailed forensic analyses of the Lehman Brothers and AIG failures, and suggesting alternative regulatory approaches, Scott makes the case that we need to restore and strengthen our weapons for fighting contagion.

Connectedness and Contagion: Protecting the Financial System from Panics

by Hal S. Scott

An argument that contagion is the most significant risk facing the financial system and that Dodd¬Frank has reduced the government's ability to respond effectively.The Dodd–Frank Act of 2010 was intended to reform financial policies in order to prevent another massive crisis such as the financial meltdown of 2008. Dodd–Frank is largely premised on the diagnosis that connectedness was the major problem in that crisis—that is, that financial institutions were overexposed to one another, resulting in a possible chain reaction of failures. In this book, Hal Scott argues that it is not connectedness but contagion that is the most significant element of systemic risk facing the financial system. Contagion is an indiscriminate run by short-term creditors of financial institutions that can render otherwise solvent institutions insolvent. It poses a serious risk because, as Scott explains, our financial system still depends on approximately $7.4 to $8.2 trillion of runnable and uninsured short-term liabilities, 60 percent of which are held by nonbanks.Scott argues that efforts by the Federal Reserve, the FDIC, and the Treasury to stop the contagion that exploded after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers lessened the economic damage. And yet Congress, spurred by the public's aversion to bailouts, has dramatically weakened the power of the government to respond to contagion, including limitations on the Fed's powers as a lender of last resort. Offering uniquely detailed forensic analyses of the Lehman Brothers and AIG failures, and suggesting alternative regulatory approaches, Scott makes the case that we need to restore and strengthen our weapons for fighting contagion.

Connecting Central Asia with Economic Centers

by Adbi

This is the final report of the Asian Development Bank Institute study Connecting Central Asia with Economic Centers. The study focuses on the five Central Asian economies: Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.The aim of the study is to examine the pattern of economic relations between these economies and major economic centers since Central Asia began its transition to a market economy in the early 1990s, highlighting emerging challenges and exploring their policy implications along the way. The report considers trade ties, foreign direct investment and financial flows, migration and remittances, and institutional cooperation between the Central Asian economies and major economic centers such as those in Asia, the European Union, the Russian Federation, and the United States.


by Paul A. Gore Wade Leuwerke A. J. Metz

Are you looking for a college success resource that speaks to the all aspects of a student's college experience? Connections is an innovative new text that offers the ideal balance of motivation, academics, and life skills. It starts with comprehensive coverage of the topics typically covered in the introductory course but has a unique emphasis on goal-setting, life skills and career planning. When packaged with LaunchPad for Connections, it integrates a state-of-the-art, norm-referenced, student-self assessment of non-cognitive and cognitive skills tool called ACES. Print and digital are uniquely combined for a personalized experience. In every chapter, students are encouraged to take a positive, success-oriented approach to this course - and to life in general - by working to strengthen their strengths, celebrate progress, and use setbacks as opportunities for growth. With an emphasis on self-knowledge, and on building skills for college and career success, Connections empowers students to become self-regulated, collaborative learners - learners who thrive in school, on the job, and in the community.

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