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Cómo estudiar la Biblia para principianteS: Guía de estudio de Cómo y Dónde comenzar a aprender la Biblia

by Brian Gugas

La Biblia es el libro más vendido de toda la historia y al mismo tiempo el más subutilizado. ¿a qué se debe esto? Es porque las personas leen la Biblia por a) razones erróneas o b) no la leen con un corazón y una mente abierta Este libro puede cambiar todo. “Cómo estudiar la Biblia para principiantes” hace posible que conozcas lo que la Biblia dice y aplicarla a tu vida. Al leer “Cómo estudiar la Biblia para principiantes” te darás cuenta que hay más de una manera de aprender lo que la Palabra de Dios tiene que decir, y una de esas vías cambiaran tu vida… si lo permites.

Cómo liderar en un mundo de distracción: Cuatro hábitos sencillos para disminuir el ruido

by Clay Scroggins

"Líder, tu mayor obstáculo y la mejor oportunidad de crecer son uno y el mismo: usar hábitos poderosos para reducir el ruido y aprovechar la honestidad emocional". En este libro luego de su éxito de ventas Cómo liderar cuando no está a cargo, el pastor Clay Scroggins ayuda a los líderes a dar el siguiente paso en el crecimiento del liderazgo mediante el desarrollo de la conciencia emocional. Estamos rodeados de "ruido blanco", dice Scroggins, una herramienta para enmascarar el alma que nos impide escuchar las voces que realmente necesitamos escuchar. Y mientras que muchos líderes han aprendido cómo desconectar las distracciones que les impiden ser productivos, permanecen sordos a los deseos y emociones internas que se agitan debajo de la superficie. La salud emocional implica poder identificar y comprender nuestras emociones, y requiere algunas prácticas contraculturales. En cuanto a las disciplinas espirituales de ayuno, meditación, observancia del sábado, oración y hospitalidad, Scroggins ayuda a los líderes a crear un espacio para la evaluación emocional y la exploración. A través de las prácticas descritas en este libro, los líderes desenmascararán las emociones desagradables robándoles su fortaleza, y aprenderán a prestar mucha atención a los deseos internos. El resultado es que los líderes, tanto de negocios, iglesia y ministerio estarán facultados para reemplazar el caos en sus vidas cada vez más ocupadas con una competencia emocional y una conciencia que conducen a una vida más tranquila, menos estresada y más satisfactoria que nunca.

Cómo Mantener el Enfoque y la Concentración: Consejos Prácticos Sobre Cómo Llegar Exitosamente al Final de los Proyectos

by Sesan Oguntade

Cómo Mantener el Enfoque y la Concentración te ayudará a manejar las distracciones. Te ayudará a concentrarte en los objetivos de tu negocio. Contiene consejos prácticos sobre cómo mantener el impulso cuando se inicia un proyecto empresarial hasta el final del proyecto. La mayoría de las veces, parece muy fácil iniciar un proyecto, una empresa, una idea o una organización, pero se requieren muchos trabajos si el proyecto o la idea se tienen que desarrollar desde el punto de inicio hasta el punto final. Entre estas dos etapas importantes se encuentra la etapa intermedia, donde el ejecutor del proyecto necesita mucha concentración y enfoque en el proceso. Por lo general, aparecen muchas distracciones y llegan muchos obstáculos. Tú, el ejecutor del proyecto debes aprender a mantener a estos obstáculos y a otros "invitados no deseados" lejos de ti y de tu proyecto. Cómo Mantener el Enfoque y la Concentración te ayudará a alcanzar exitosamente tus metas y objetivos establecidos. Descarga una copia de este libro hoy.

Como memorizar escrituras e versículos bíblicos: De modo rápido e fácil

by Brian Gugas

Quando se trata de memorizar versículos bíblicos, a maioria das pessoas encara com o mesmo entusiasmo que teria a respeito de peste bubônica. Que pena! Colocar a Palavra de Deus em seu coração e em sua cabeça não é a difícil tarefa de que você se convenceu que é. Esse e-book lhe dá as ferramentas e o encorajamento necessários para memorizar versículos bíblicos que são importantes para você e cruciais para partilhar as Boas Notícias da Salvação através de Jesus com os demais. Tudo que você tem a fazer é trazer um coração e uma mente voluntários. Deixe esse livro mudar a forma como você lê a Bíblia e mudar sua vida.

Cómo memorizar fácilmente versículos de la Biblia

by Brian Gugas

Cuando se trata de memorizar versículos bíblicos, la mayoría de la gente se acerca a ellos con tanto entusiasmo como lo haría con la plaga bubónica. ¡Qué tristeza! Poner la Palabra de Dios en tu corazón y en tu cabeza no es la tarea difícil que te has convencido de que es. Este ebook le proporciona las herramientas y el aliento que usted necesita para memorizar los versículos de la Biblia que son significativos para usted y aquellos que son clave para compartir las Buenas Nuevas de la Salvación a través de Jesús con otros. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es proporcionar un corazón y una mente dispuestos. Deje que este libro cambie la manera en que usted lee la Biblia y cambie su vida.

Como obter um milagre de Deus com a sua Fé.

by Sesan Oguntade

Você não deve permitir que o tópico da fé seja um mistério para você novamente. Este guia usa histórias e gráficos simples para mostrar a você o que é a fé cristã. O autor compartilhou uma história pessoal interessante que ajudará a compreender as informações necessárias.

Cómo recibir el milagro de Dios con tu fe

by Sesan Oguntade

Una historia práctica e ilustrativa No permita que la fe sea una un misterio para usted.Este libro contiene historias sencillas y gráficos para demostrarle de qué se trata la fe, y para ello, el autor ha compartido una historia muy interesante que lo ayudará a entenderla mejor. Tres amigos (Collins, John and Tom) emprendieron viaje desde Estados Unidos hacia Etiopía, África. Collins tomó la decisión de ir hacia Etiopia caminando, John decidió ir corriendo y Tom volaría hasta el lugar.Claramente Tom llegaría a Etiopía antes que sus otros amigos, de esta misma manera, una fe voladora siempre te ayudará a tener éxitos y resultados divinos más grandes que una fe que camina o corre, esto es lo que el mundo precisa hoy: creyentes voladores. Son muchas las malas tentaciones, y sólo los creyentes voladores soportarán la prueba hasta el final y vencerán las tentaciones para cumplir su propósito. Esta corta autoguía le mostrará cómo puede sacar provecho de su experiencia cristiana caminando por fe junto a Dios a través de historias y gráficos. Los ejemplos paso por paso le enseñarán a guardar los valores cristianos que lo convertirán en un gran caminante de la fe en tan sólo en veinte minutos. Comience a apoyarse en la palabra de Dios para vencer ese problema que se niega a retroceder, comience a ponerse de rodillas para orar y disfrutar de su momento con Dios, comience a utilizar principios para entregarle sus oraciones a Dios y ver los resultados. Volar con la fe ya no será algo raro para usted, ¡lea este libro hoy!

Cómo una curiosa oruga se transforma en una hermosa mariposa

by Cecilia Cordeiro

Esta historia enseña a los niños sobre la impresionante transformación que toma lugar cuando una oruga se convierte en una mariposa. Explica paso por paso, en un nivel en que los niños puedan entender, cómo se lleva a cabo. Si te gustaría explicarle a tus niños de dónde provienen las mariposas, este recurso útil te ayudará. Además, se vinculan aspectos espirituales acerca de cómo una nueva vida y una transformación también son válidas para creyentes de Cristo.

Compassionate Counterterrorism: The Power of Inclusion In Fighting Fundamentalism

by Leena Al Olaimy

From purchasing pay-per-view pornography to smoking pot, many so-called Muslim terrorists prove by their actions that they aren't motivated by devotion to religion, Leena Al Olaimy argues. So why do they really turn to violence, and what does that tell us about the most effective way to combat terrorism? Al Olaimy sets the stage by providing a quick, thoughtful grounding in the birth of Islam in a barbaric Game of Thrones–like seventh-century Arabia, the evolution of fundamentalist thought, and the political failures of the postcolonial period. She shows that terrorists are motivated by economic exclusion, lack of opportunity, social marginalization, and political discrimination. This is why using force to counter terrorism is ineffective—it exacerbates the symptoms without treating the cause. Moreover, data shows that military interventions led to the demise of only 12 percent of religious terrorist groups.Combining compelling data with anecdotal evidence, Al Olaimy sheds light on unorthodox and counterintuitive strategies to address social woes that groups like ISIS exploit. For example, she describes how Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim country, has decreased terrorism while paradoxically becoming more overtly religious. Or how Mechelen, the city with Belgium's largest Muslim population, adopted integration policies so effective that not one of its 20,000 Muslims left to join ISIS. Using religion, neuroscience, farming, and even love, this book offers many inspiring examples and—for once—an optimistic outlook on how we can not just fight but prevent terrorism.

Completamente tu: Descubre Cómo Encontrar la Plenitud

by Don Babin

Muchos hemos oído de la promesa de Dios, de lo que el Señor nos ofrece a nosotros, sus creyentes: la vida. La vida en abundancia. Puedes ser consciente de ello y aún así tener dificultades tratando de alcanzar esa vida y la plenitud en el amor y la gracia de Dios. Puede que tengas miedos, preocupaciones y culpas que no dejan que hagas lo que Dios quiere. Sea lo que sea, este libro te ayudará a encontrar el camino hacia una relación plena con Dios creador. Esta es tu oportunidad para ser completamente tú, no te la pierdas.

The Complete Family Guide to Addiction: Everything You Need to Know Now to Help Your Loved One and Yourself

by Thomas F. Harrison Hilary S. Connery

If you are struggling to help a loved one recover from addiction--and to cope with the devastating impact on the whole family--you are not alone. But until now, there has been no single book that gives the millions of families like yours the comprehensive, unbiased information you need. This expertly written guide addresses the painful questions that spouses, parents, and grown children face every day. Why do addicts make such bad choices? How can you find (and afford) treatment that works--and convince your loved one to try it? Can relapse be prevented? When does being supportive cross the line to enabling? Providing science-based answers and resources, the authors cover crucial emotional, financial, and legal issues that simply aren't discussed in other books. The more your family knows about the myths and realities of addiction, the better equipped you will be to overcome it.

Con tu consejo. De Cristo en adelante

by Enrique Torres

&“Dios me ha dado 4 roles ministeriales en estos años muy claros y marcados: evangelista, ministrar a hombres, pastor y consejero. Fui bendecido al ser formado en un compañerismo en donde me consolidaron la importancia de predicar la Palabra desde el púlpito, pero veía en mi formación y realidad del ministerio un déficit en el aconsejar con la Palabra abajo del púlpito, en hablar la verdad en amor y acompañar a una persona durante su proceso y servirle en ver y experimentar lo que Dios tenía para ellos. Es por eso que cuando Luis Méndez me invitó a que le acompañara a una conferencia de Steve Viars, de repente le puso nombre y apellido a cosas que en mi alma sabía que necesitaba, para servir a Dios. Años después Deepak Reju con la humilde gracia que le caracteriza me desafiaría a empezar a escribir recursos de hispanos, para hispanos. Dios me bendijo con hombres (pastores y consejeros) que han estimulado esto que hoy tienes en tus manos y con quienes estoy profundamente agradecido.Y es que la realidad es que todos somos consejeros, la única pregunta a resolver es si eres bíblico o no. El primero permanecerá y dará fruto, el otro se lo llevará el viento y terminará en la ruina&”.

The Concept of Culture: A History and Reappraisal

by Martyn Hammersley

While the term ‘culture’ has come to be very widely used in both popular and academic discourse, it has a variety of meanings, and the differences among these have not been given sufficient attention. This book explores these meanings, and identifies some of the problems associated with them, as well as examining the role that values should play in cultural analysis. The development of four, very different, conceptions of culture is traced from the nineteenth century onwards: a notion of aesthetic cultivation associated with Matthew Arnold; the evolutionary view of culture characteristic of nineteenth-century anthropology; the idea of diverse cultures characteristic of twentieth and twenty-first century anthropology; and a conception of culture as a process of situated meaning-making – found today across anthropology, sociology, and cultural studies. These conceptions of culture are interrogated, and a reformulation of the concept is sketched. This book will be of interest to students and scholars across a variety of fields, including anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, and education.

The Conceptualization of Guardianship in Iranian Intellectual History: Reading Ibn ʿArabī’s Theory of Wilāya in the Shīʿa World (Palgrave Series in Islamic Theology, Law, and History)

by Leila Chamankhah

This book is a study of the concept of wilāya and its developments among Shīʿī scholars from the eighteenth to twentieth century. Leila Chamankhah addresses a number of issues by delving into the conceptualizations of wilāya through the examination and interpretation of key texts. She focuses on the influence of ibn ʿArabī’s mysticism, with regard to the conception of wilāya, on his Shīʿa successors and expositors in later centuries. She also discusses the development and transformation of the conception of wilāya over two hundred years, from the esoteric school of Shaykhīsm to the politicization of wilāya in the theory of wilāyat al-faqīh.

A Concise History of Ancient Israel: From the Beginnings Through the Hellenistic Era (Critical Studies in the Hebrew Bible #11)

by Bernd U. Schipper

The history of biblical Israel, as it is told in the Hebrew Bible, differs substantially from the history of ancient Israel as it can be reconstructed using ancient Near Eastern texts and archaeological evidence. In A Concise History of Ancient Israel, Bernd U. Schipper uses this evidence to present a critical revision of the history of Israel and Judah from the late second millennium BCE to the beginning of the Roman period. Considering archaeological material as well as biblical and extrabiblical texts, Schipper argues that the history of "Israel" in the preexilic period took place mostly in the hinterland of the Levant and should be understood in the context of the Neo-Assyrian expansion. He demonstrates that events in the exilic and postexilic periods also played out differently than they are recounted in the biblical books of Ezra and Nehemiah. In contrast to previous scholarship, which focused heavily on Israel’s origins and the monarchic period, Schipper’s history gives equal attention to the Persian and early Hellenistic periods, providing confirmation that a wide variety of forms of YHWH religion existed in the Persian period and persisted into the Hellenistic age.Original and innovative, this brief history provides a new outline of the historical development of ancient Israel that will appeal to students, scholars, and lay readers who desire a concise overview.

A Concise History of Ancient Israel: From the Beginnings Through the Hellenistic Era (Critical Studies in the Hebrew Bible)

by Bernd U. Schipper

The history of biblical Israel, as it is told in the Hebrew Bible, differs substantially from the history of ancient Israel as it can be reconstructed using ancient Near Eastern texts and archaeological evidence. In A Concise History of Ancient Israel, Bernd U. Schipper uses this evidence to present a critical revision of the history of Israel and Judah from the late second millennium BCE to the beginning of the Roman period. Considering archaeological material as well as biblical and extrabiblical texts, Schipper argues that the history of “Israel” in the preexilic period took place mostly in the hinterland of the Levant and should be understood in the context of the Neo-Assyrian expansion. He demonstrates that events in the exilic and postexilic periods also played out differently than they are recounted in the biblical books of Ezra and Nehemiah. In contrast to previous scholarship, which focused heavily on Israel’s origins and the monarchic period, Schipper’s history gives equal attention to the Persian and early Hellenistic periods, providing confirmation that a wide variety of forms of YHWH religion existed in the Persian period and persisted into the Hellenistic age.Original and innovative, this brief history provides a new outline of the historical development of ancient Israel that will appeal to students, scholars, and lay readers who desire a concise overview.

A Concise Reader of Chinese Culture (China Insights)

by Chunsong Gan

This book uses the mutual interactions between Chinese and Western culture as a point of departure in order to concisely introduce the origins and evolution of Chinese culture at the aspects of constitution, thinking, values and atheistic. This book also analyzes utensil culture, constitution culture and ideology culture, which were perfected by absorbing classic arguments from academia. As such, the book offers an essential guide to understanding the development, civilization and key ideologies in Chinese history, and will thus help to promote Chinese culture and increase cultural awareness.


by Augustine

"Williams's masterful translation satisfies (at last!) a long-standing need. There are lots of good translations of Augustine's great work, but until now we have been forced to choose between those that strive to replicate in English something of the majesty and beauty of Augustine's Latin style and those that opt instead to convey the careful precision of his philosophical terminology and argumentation. Finally, Williams has succeeded in capturing both sides of Augustine’s mind in a richly evocative, impeccably reliable, elegantly readable presentation of one of the most impressive achievements in Western thought—Augustine's Confessions." —Scott MacDonald, Professor of Philosophy and Norma K. Regan Professor in Christian Studies, Cornell University

Confessions of a Christian Mystic: Discovering The Divine On The Labyrinth Journey

by River Jordan

From the author of Praying for Strangers and four Southern gothic novels comes a chronicle of faith and spirituality that is personal, raw, wise, revelatory - and very funny.With a unique mix of passionate revelation and quirky humor, River Jordan takes us on a journey through her Southern childhood to her present-day life as a novelist. Her stories run the gamut from dancing disco nights and midnight desert rides to surprise visitations with the Divine. Included are comforting letters to personal friends and loved ones about faith, death, heartbreaks and their futures. Confessions of a Christian Mystic is a highly original work about an extraordinary faith that never loses touch with current culture or everyday realities. Jordan invites us to join in on her wild ride searching for the holy mysteries of God. This haunting work will leave you deeply comforted and full of hope. Hailed as "a book for our times," Confessions gently leads us closer to that Divine mystery that shapes us and gives us life.

Confessions of a Fumbling Believer

by Margaret Mary Sickles

Organized religion is both lauded and scorned these days. Spirituality, rather than formal religion, is often cited as religious expression of choice. These essays combine both and examine them from the viewpoint of someone who has lived within the confines of an organized religion and who has moved away from it.

Confessions of a Happily Married Man: Finding God in the Messiness of Marriage

by Joshua L. Rogers

Discover God in the messiness of your marriage, as popular marriage and family columnist Joshua Rogers offers spouses hope with real-life stories from his own marriage and helps you see how God is at work in the ordinary and extraordinary of your relationship.Confessions of a Happily Married Man is a husband's painfully honest account of his first ten years of marriage. It offers a window into the perspective of a man who went from "hello" to "I do" in nine months and then figured out how hard marriage could be. When Joshua Rogers thought back on the marriage books he had read or sermons about marriage he had heard, it occurred to him that he could only remember one thing about them: the stories. That's why this book is anchored by stories that other couples will relate to and can easily learn from. The stories are cringe-worthy, humorous, inspiring, heart-breaking, and full of wisdom--but the author isn't telling the reader what to do with that wisdom. He's letting the reader learn along with him as he's gradually becoming more self-aware, increasingly grateful for his wife, and surprised to discover what God is doing in the middle of it all.

The Confessions Project: 52 God-Given Promises to Declare Over Your Life

by Hanha Hobson

When we put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18), our only offensive weapon is the sword of the Spirit, which is God's Word. The Confessions Project is a devotional and movement to help believers declare God's promises over their lives because speaking God's truth helps activate our faith. It brings results and answers because God Himself said that His Word would not return empty to Him. We live in a world where insecurity, doubt, and fear run wild. But God has given us the weapons in our arsenal to fight life's challenges. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or scared, we can overcome any assault from the enemy with our speech for life and death lies in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). Providing you with 52 God-given promises to declare over your life, The Confessions Project will help you recognize your authority in Christ and access the Word that is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, with the divine power to demolish strongholds.

The Confident Woman Devotional: 365 Daily Inspirations

by Joyce Meyer

Based on her #1 New York Times bestseller, THE CONFIDENT WOMAN, Joyce Meyer taps into the concerns and issues that trouble women most. She provides encouragement and tools to help resolve problems in the areas of life women struggle with most-including confidence, self image, and relationships. It is easy to get caught up in what the coming weeks, months, or years might hold and forget to slow down and live in the present. This powerful daily devotional will help women on their journey towards a confident life filled with love, laughter, and God's acceptance, one day at time.

Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World's Largest Religion

by Rebecca McLaughlin

Addressing 12 controversial issues about Christianity--the Bible's teaching on gender and sexuality, the reality of heaven and hell, and more--this book shows how current psychological and scientific research actually aligns with teaching from the Bible.

Confucianism's Prospects: A Reassessment (SUNY series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture)

by Shaun O'Dwyer

In Confucianism's Prospects, Shaun O'Dwyer offers a rare critical engagement with English language scholarship on Confucianism. Against the background of historical and sociological research into the rapid modernization of East Asian societies, O'Dwyer reviews several key Confucian ethical ideas and proposals for East Asian alternatives to liberal democracy that have emerged from this scholarship. He also puts the following question to Confucian scholars: what prospects do those ideas and proposals have in East Asian societies in which liberal democracy and pluralism are well established, and individualization and declining fertility are impacting deeply upon family life? In making his case, O'Dwyer draws upon the neglected work of Japanese philosophers and intellectuals who were witnesses to Japan's pioneering East Asian modernization, and protagonists in the rise and disastrous wartime fall of its own modernized Confucianism. He contests a sometimes Sinocentric and ahistorical conception of East Asian societies as "Confucian societies," while also recognizing that Confucian traditions can contribute importantly to global philosophical dialogue, and to civic and religious life.

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