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US and Cross-National Policies, Practices, and Preparation

by Stephen L. Jacobson Rose M. Ylimaki

As educational policy trends converge in many countries, such as demands for greater accountability, decentralization, and more culturally sensitive practices for an increasingly diverse student body, there is growing interest in cross-national comparisons and generalizations about leadership qualities and practices that result in successful schools. US and Cross-National Policies, Practices and Preparation: Implications for Successful Instructional Leadership, Organizational Learning, and Culturally Responsive Practices fills that need by bringing together triads of scholars from the International Study of Successful School Principals (ISSPP) to make direct comparisons among policies and practices in the U.S. with those in other national contexts, and then to draw implications for improving leadership preparation. This book provides theories and empirical case study examples of instructional leadership, organizational learning, and culturally responsive practices as they are shaped by political, economic, and cultural factors in seven different national contexts. The seven countries featured in this book are the U.S., Australia, Denmark, England, Sweden, Norway, and Cyprus. The book begins with an overview of the ISSPP, including its underlying theoretical framework, its research methodologies employed, its limitations and how analyses of the project's data and findings evolved from the first phase of the study to its current focus.

Values Pedagogy and Student Achievement

by Terence Lovat Kerry Dally Neville Clement Ron Toomey

Under the weight of a combination of forces, many of the older paradigms of learning are being questioned in our time. Among the updated research that elicits such critique is that which deals directly with effective pedagogy, clearly illustrating the enhanced effects on learning when it is dealt with as a holistic developmental enterprise rather than one concerned solely with content, technique and measurable outcomes. This research includes volumes of empirical evidence and conceptual analysis from across the globe that point to the inextricability of values as lying at the heart of those forms of good practice pedagogy that support and facilitate the species of student achievement that truly does transform the life chances of students. This research indicates that the combination of values rich learning environments and values discourse (that is, the holism of implicit and explicit pedagogy) has potential for positive influence on learning outcomes, most markedly for those deemed likely to fail without such pedagogical intervention. Values Pedagogy and Student Achievement - Contemporary Research Evidence uncovers, explores and appraises those volumes of evidence and analysis, illustrating their pertinence to student achievement, the vexed issue that lies at the heart of all for which education stands.

Virtue Ethics for Women 1250-1500

by Karen Green Constant Mews

This book locates Christine de Pizan's argument that women are virtuous members of the political community within the context of earlier discussions of the relative virtues of men and women. It is the first to explore how women were represented and addressed within medieval discussions of the virtues. It introduces readers to the little studied Speculum Dominarum (Mirror of Ladies), a mirror for a princess, compiled for Jeanne of Navarre, which circulated in the courtly milieu that nurtured Christine. Throwing new light on the way in which Medieval women understood the virtues, and were represented by others as virtuous subjects, it positions the ethical ideas of Anne of France, Laura Cereta, Marguerite of Navarre and the Dames de la Roche within an evolving discourse on the virtues that is marked by the transition from Medieval to Renaissance thought. Virtue Ethics for Women 1250-1500 will be of interest to those studying virtue ethics, the history of women's ideas and Medieval and Renaissance thought in general.


by Andreas Huber Daniel Vischer Heinz Patt Peter Gonsowski

Das bewährte Nachschlagewerk für den projektierenden Bauingenieur vermittelt das Grundwissen des konstruktiven Wasserbaus im Binnenland. Studierende des Bauwesens führt das Buch in die Grundlagen des Wasserbaus und der Wasserwirtschaft ein. Die Ausführungen zum Feststofftransport, zur Gewässerbettdynamik und zur Fließgewässertypologie beschreiben die Entwicklungsdynamik der Fließgewässer und bilden eine wichtige Grundlage für die aktuellen Ausbaumethoden und Anlagengestaltungen im Flussbau. Dazu gehören natürlich auch die Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten beim Hochwasserschutz. Weitere Kapitel des Buches widmen sich den Bauwerken und Anlagen des technischen Wasserbaus. Dazu gehören die Wehre und Stauanlagen, die Wasserkraftnutzung mit ihren Nebenanlagen, wie Wasserfassungen, Kanäle, Druckleitungen und Speicher. Den Turbinen und Pumpen sind eigene Abschnitte gewidmet. Des Weiteren behandelt das Buch das landwirtschaftliche Wasser und den Verkehrswasserbau.

Wohlstand ohne Kinder?

by Golo Henseke Matthias Czechl Thusnelda Tivig

Die Autoren gehen von drei möglichen Strategien zur Bewältigung der Folgen des demografischen Wandels aus und untersuchen eine davon eingehend: die Erhöhung der Kinderzahl. Sie beantworten die Frage, warum die Geburtenziffer in Deutschland als zu gering erachtet wird und klären damit komplizierte Zusammenhänge zwischen Demographie und Wachstum auf. Anschließend untersuchen sie anhand vergleichender Studien, welche Rahmenbedingungen einer höheren Kinderzahl zuträglich wären. Daraus leiten die Autoren Handlungsempfehlungen an die Politik ab.


by Stefanie Streck

Deutschland ist gebaut: Drei Viertel aller Wohngebäude sind über 30 Jahre alt und müssten dringend modernisiert werden. Das Werk bietet einen Überblick darüber, welche Kriterien bei einer umfassenden Modernisierung beachtet werden müssen, um eine wirtschaftlich tragfähige, sozialverträgliche und umweltgerechte Lösung zu finden. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf Mehrfamilienhäusern. Jedes Kapitel bietet umfangreiche Checklisten, mit deren Hilfe Modernisierungsaufgaben systematisch angegangen werden können.

Young People’s Human Rights and the Politics of Voting Age

by Sonja C. Grover

Young People's Human Rights and The Politics of Voting Age explores the broader societal implications of voting age eligibility requirements and the legislative bar against youth voting in North America and in Commonwealth countries (where 'youth' is defined as persons 16 and over but under age 18). The issue is raised as to whether the denial of the youth vote undermines democratic principles and values and ultimately the human dignity of youth. This is the first book to address the topic of the youth vote in-depth as a fundamental human rights concern relating to the entitlement in a democracy to societal participation and inclusion in influencing policy and law which profoundly affects one's life. Also examined are international perspectives on the issue of voting age eligibility. The book would be extremely valuable for instructional purposes as one of the primary texts in undergraduate or graduate courses on children's human rights, political psychology, political science , sociology of law or society and as a supplementary text for courses on human rights or constitutional law and would be of interest also to members of the general public concerned with children's human rights issues.

Zukunftsfähige Wirtschaftspolitik für Deutschland und Europa

by Paul J.J. Welfens

Nach der Bankenkrise stehen Deutschland und die Europäische Union vor einer Reihe wirtschaftlicher Herausforderungen. Die Autoren liefern in ihren Beiträgen eine einzigartige Bestandsaufnahme der deutschen und europäischen Wirtschaftspolitik und analysieren die Reformoptionen für die Sozial-, Währungs- und Umweltpolitik. Ihr Fazit: Zielkonflikte im Bereich Wachstum, Beschäftigung und Umweltmodernisierung lassen sich durch geeignete Politikansätze minimieren. Nur durch solche innovativen Ansätze kann nachhaltiges Wachstum erreicht werden.

Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism (Penguin Great Ideas)

by Vladimir Lenin

Vladimir Lenin created this hugely significant Marxist text to explain fully the inevitable flaws and destructive power of Capitalism: that it would lead unavoidably to imperialism, monopolies and colonialism. He prophesied that those third world countries used merely as capitalist labour would have no choice but to join the Communist revolution in Russia. GREAT IDEAS. Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.

The Jewish State (Penguin Great Ideas)

by Theodor Herzl

'We shall live at last as free men on our own soil, and die peacefully in our own homes'Theodor Herzl's passionate advocacy of the founding of a Jewish state grew out of his conviction that Jews would never be assimilated into the populations in which they lived. Herzl concluded that the only solution for the majority of Jews would be organised emigration to a state of their own.Herzl's political and social plea was the result of centuries of restrictions, hostility and pogroms against the Jews of Europe. His revolutionary proposal for the solution to anti-Semitism was a Jewish state, where Jews could live in peace, free from persecution - and this hugely influential essay led directly to the creation of Israel.GREAT IDEAS. Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.

Nationalism (Penguin Great Ideas)

by Rabindranath Tagore

Tagore was a fierce opponent of British rule in India. In this work he discusses the resurgence of the East and the challenge it poses to Western supremacy, calling for a future beyond nationalism, based instead on cooperation and racial tolerance.GREAT IDEAS. Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.

10 Books Every Conservative Must Read: Plus Four Not to Miss and One Impostor

by Benjamin Wiker

Following up his 10 Books That Screwed Up the World, author Benjamin Wiker brings you 10 Books Every Conservative Must Read: Plus Four Not to Miss and One Impostor. Offering a guide to some of the most important literary works of our time, Wiker turns his discerning eye from the great texts that have done so much damage to Western Civilization to the great texts that could help rebuild it. 10 Books Every Conservative Must Read features a range of works from classics such as Democracy in America and The Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers, to more "pop" classics like Sense and Sensibility and The Tempest. Through these works, Wiker reveals some of the most important lessons for our time as well as the true meaning of conservatism. Written with an educational purpose and witty tone, this is a must-read for conservatives, Republicans, and booklovers everywhere!

1000 Years of Annoying the French

by Stephen Clarke

The author of A Year in the Merde and Talk to the Snail offers a highly biased and hilarious view of French history in this international bestseller. Things have been just a little awkward between Britain and France ever since the Norman invasion in 1066. Fortunately—after years of humorously chronicling the vast cultural gap between the two countries—author Stephen Clarke is perfectly positioned to investigate the historical origins of their occasionally hostile and perpetually entertaining pas de deux. Clarke sets the record straight, documenting how French braggarts and cheats have stolen credit rightfully due their neighbors across the Channel while blaming their own numerous gaffes and failures on those same innocent Brits for the past thousand years. Deeply researched and written with the same sly wit that made A Year in the Merde a comic hit, this lighthearted trip through the past millennium debunks the notion that the Battle of Hastings was a French victory (William the Conqueror was really a Norman who hated the French) and pooh-poohs French outrage over Britain&’s murder of Joan of Arc (it was the French who executed her for wearing trousers). He also takes the air out of overblown Gallic claims, challenging the provenance of everything from champagne to the guillotine to prove that the French would be nowhere without British ingenuity. Brits and Anglophiles of every national origin will devour Clarke&’s decidedly biased accounts of British triumph and French ignominy. But 1000 Years of Annoying the French will also draw chuckles from good-humored Francophiles as well as &“anyone who&’s ever encountered a snooty Parisian waiter or found themselves driving on the Boulevard Périphérique during August&” (The Daily Mail). A bestseller in Britain, this is an entertaining look at history that fans of Sarah Vowell are sure to enjoy, from the author the San Francisco Chronicle has called &“the anti-Mayle . . . acerbic, insulting, un-PC, and mostly hilarious.&”

1000 Years of Annoying the French

by Stephen Clarke

The author of A Year in the Merde and Talk to the Snail offers a highly biased and hilarious view of French history in this international bestseller. Things have been just a little awkward between Britain and France ever since the Norman invasion in 1066. Fortunately—after years of humorously chronicling the vast cultural gap between the two countries—author Stephen Clarke is perfectly positioned to investigate the historical origins of their occasionally hostile and perpetually entertaining pas de deux. Clarke sets the record straight, documenting how French braggarts and cheats have stolen credit rightfully due their neighbors across the Channel while blaming their own numerous gaffes and failures on those same innocent Brits for the past thousand years. Deeply researched and written with the same sly wit that made A Year in the Merde a comic hit, this lighthearted trip through the past millennium debunks the notion that the Battle of Hastings was a French victory (William the Conqueror was really a Norman who hated the French) and pooh-poohs French outrage over Britain&’s murder of Joan of Arc (it was the French who executed her for wearing trousers). He also takes the air out of overblown Gallic claims, challenging the provenance of everything from champagne to the guillotine to prove that the French would be nowhere without British ingenuity. Brits and Anglophiles of every national origin will devour Clarke&’s decidedly biased accounts of British triumph and French ignominy. But 1000 Years of Annoying the French will also draw chuckles from good-humored Francophiles as well as &“anyone who&’s ever encountered a snooty Parisian waiter or found themselves driving on the Boulevard Périphérique during August&” (The Daily Mail). A bestseller in Britain, this is an entertaining look at history that fans of Sarah Vowell are sure to enjoy, from the author the San Francisco Chronicle has called &“the anti-Mayle . . . acerbic, insulting, un-PC, and mostly hilarious.&”

The 1960s: A Documentary Reader (Uncovering The Past: Documentary Readers In American History Ser. #1.0)

by Brian Ward

Drawn from a wide range of perspectives and showcasing a variety of primary source materials, Brian Ward's The 1960s: A Documentary Reader highlights the most important themes of the era. Supplies students with over 50 primary documents on the turbulent period of the 1960s in the United States Includes speeches, court decisions, acts of Congress, secret memos, song lyrics, cartoons, photographs, news reports, advertisements, and first-hand testimony A comprehensive introduction, document headnotes, and questions at the end of each chapter are designed to encourage students to engage with the material critically

1989: Democratic Revolutions At The Cold War's End - A Brief History With Documents (Bedford Cultural Editions)

by Padraic Kenney

A series of democratic transformations in the 1980s ended the cold war and ushered in the present era. This volume by Padraic Kenney uses six case studies from this period — Poland, the Philippines, Chile, South Africa, Ukraine, and China — to explore common characteristics of global political change while highlighting the differing strategies and perspectives of the people who sought to free themselves from dictatorship. <p><p> A general introduction to the volume examines key trends in the decades leading up to the changes, tracing the paths that dictatorships and opposition movements took in their fateful confrontations. The first chapter with documents surveys the central ideas of this age of democratic, nonviolent revolution, and sets a framework for considering the case studies in the chapters that follow.

The 2009 Elections to the European Parliament

by Juliet Lodge

The 2009 Elections to the European Parliamentlooks at the electionsin each of the 27 member states of the newly enlarged European Union, and is an assessment of the European Parliament in 2004-2009. It asks whether the elections were irrelevant and inconsequential. Thirty years after the first Euro elections in 1979, what efforts were made to mobilize the electorate? Was the European Commission's Communicating Europe strategy, which includedblogs, targeting young voters using digital media, and MEPs on Europarl TV, a waste of time? Did the Dutch and French negative referendums on a new EU constitution affect the results? The contributors to this volume examine the Euro elections in each member state, criticising some commonly held assumptions. Common themes and the overall results are analyzed, along with the role of the European Parliament's party groups, and that of the transnational party federations. "

2010: A Battle Plan

by Dick Morris Eileen Mcgann

This book call to arms for concerned Americans-a timely and important book that takes aim at Obama's health care debacle, unemployment, the exploding deficit, Democratic-controlled Congress that would tear down our freedoms while building up a Socialist state.

2010: Take Back America

by Dick Morris Eileen Mcgann

Casting your vote in the november 2010 election may be the single most important thing you do all year. Because these elections Will be the critical turning point for america's future. They're our chance to take back america. We stand at the crossroads of ideals and policies: freedom versus socialism; sovereignty versus international subservience; economic liberty versus debt slavery; quality medical care versus government-sponsored euthanasia; and private property versus confiscatory taxation. All this depends on the answer to one question: Will Obama maintain his control of Congress? To prepare us for this battle, Dick Morris and Eileen McGann have written 2010: Take Back America, their most important book yet. In Fleeced, they warned of the dangers of an Obama administration. In Catastrophe, they predicted his campaign to promote a socialist economy. And now, in this book, they offer a battle plan to take back America. Morris and McGann explain the stakes -- permanent unemployment, rampaging inflation, international control of our economy, collapse of our manufacturing industry, European-style taxation levels, and a nation without quality medical care at any price. They point out the targets -- the incumbent Democrats who are most vulnerable. They identify the races we must win and offer ammunition to do so. They examine the records of Harry Reid, Blanche Lincoln, Arlen Specter, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Barbara Boxer -- the key incumbent targets for 2010. And they tell you all the secrets these incumbents hope you won't find out. They outline a strategy for victory -- explaining the pitfalls and walking us through a path to winning control of Congress. And then they tell us what we can do as individuals to defeat Obama -- how to go beyond the traditional work of donating, local campaigning, and voting, and build our own electronic precincts to get people engaged and spread the word between now and Election Day. Today politics is no longer a spectator sport; Morris and McGann explain how to get off the bleachers and get out on the field, using everything from e-mail to blogs, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter to get the message out. The battle is coming. 2010: Take Back America is the basic training manual you need to win.

2048: Humanity's Agreement to Live Together

by John Kirk Boyd

Creating an enforceable international guarantee of basic human rights Outlines the basics of a universally acceptable agreement Shows what everyone can do to make this agreement a reality In 1948 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a deeply inspiring document that has been translated into over 300 languages and dialects. But because its provisions are not enforceable, its promise has not been fulfilled. Human rights violations continue in every corner of the globe, the cause of countless individual tragedies as well as large-scale disasters like war, poverty and environmental ruin. It’s time to take the next step. 2048 sets out a visionary, audacious, but, Kirk Boyd insists, achievable goal: drafting an enforceable international agreement that will allow the people of the world to create a social order based upon human rights and the rule of law. Boyd and the 2048 Project aim to have this agreement, the International Convention on Human Rights, in place by the 100th anniversary of the Universal Declaration. Written documents have always played a key role in advancing human rights: the Code of Hammurabi, the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence. The express purpose of the International Convention is to safeguard what Boyd calls the Five Freedoms, adding freedom for the environment to Franklin Roosevelt’s famous Four Freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. Boyd skillfully anticipates objections to the notion of a universal and enforceable written agreement—that it would be culturally insensitive, too expensive, unacceptably limit national sovereignty—and convincingly answers them. In fact some promising first steps have already been taken. He describes existing transnational agreements with effective compliance mechanisms that can serve as models. But Boyd wants to inspire more than argue. In 2048 he urges everyone to participate in the drafting of the agreement via the 2048 website and describes specific actions people can take to help make it a reality. “What you do with what you read” Boyd writes, “is as important as what this book says.” Little by little, working together creatively with the tools now available, we can take the next step forward in the evolution of human rights.

23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism

by Ha-Joon Chang

One of the world's most respected economists and author of the international bestseller "Bad Samaritans" equips readers with an understanding of how global capitalism works--and doesn't.

24 Akbar Road [Revised and Updated]: A Short History of the People Behind the Fall and Rise of the Congress

by Rasheed Kidwai

Now updated with a new chapter on Rahul Gandhi The Congress party has always stayed one step ahead of the opposition by constantly reinventing and re-aligning itself to stay in sync with the political realities of the day. Its president, Sonia Gandhi, pulled off a master-coup in 2004 by declining the prime-ministership, while the incumbent Congress Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh is the first prime minister since Nehru to lead the party into two Union government terms. In 2013, Rahul Gandhi was elevated to the post of Congress vice-president amid much fanfare and optimism. Tasked with reviving the grand old party, the young politician remains, in the minds of many, the best hope to lead the Congress into the next century, marking a new moment in the Congress?s concept of `continuity with change?. In his bestselling book 24 Akbar Road, seasoned journalist and veteran Congress watcher Rasheed Kidwai puts together an incisive and engaging account of the Congress?s shape-shifting nature and its tenuous hold at the Centre, providing a dispassionate observer?s glance at affairs within the Congress. Kidwai brilliantly tracks the story of the contemporary Congress in the years after the Emergency, using the Congress seat of power at 24 Akbar Road as his vantage to draw a compelling account of the Congress leadership from Indira, Sanjay and Rajiv Gandhi to Narasimha Rao and Sitaram Kesri, to the present- day trinity of Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh and Rahul Gandhi. In this revised and updated edition, Kidwai analyses Rahul Gandhi?s appointment to assess what the Congress needs to do to remain India?s nerve of power in the coming years, and whether the new vice- president can rally the party to a third consecutive victory at the Centre.'

3 Commando: Helmand Assault

by Ewen Southby-Tailyour

When the Royal Marines Commandos returned to a chaotic Helmand in the winter of 2008, they realised that to stand any chance of success they would need to pursue an increasingly determined Taliban harder than ever before. This time they were going to hunt them down from the air. With the support of Chinooks, Apaches, Lynx, Sea Kings and Harriers, the Commandos became a deadly mobile unit, able to swoop at a moments notice into the most hostile territory.From huge operations like the gruelling Red Dagger, when 3 Commando Brigade fought in Somme-like mud to successfully clear the area around the capital of Helmand, Lashkar Gar, of encroaching enemy forces, to the daily acts of unsupported, close-quarters 360-degree combat and the breath-taking, rapid helicopter night assaults behind enemy lines - this was kind of battle that brought Commando qualities to the fore. As with the Sunday Times bestselling 3 Commando Brigade, ex-Marine Lieutenant Colonel Ewen Southby-Tailyour brings unparalleled access to the troops, a soldier's understanding of the conflict and a visceral sense of the combat experience. This is the real war in Afghanistan as told to him by a hand-picked band of young fellow marines as they encounter the daily rigours of life on the ground in the world's most intense war zone.

366 Days in Abraham Lincoln's Presidency: The Private, Political, and Military Decisions of America's Greatest President

by Harry Turtledove Stephen A. Wynalda

In a startlingly innovative format, journalist Stephen A. Wynalda has constructed a painstakingly detailed day-by-day breakdown of president Abraham Lincoln's decisions in office-including his signing of the Homestead Act on May 20, 1862; his signing of the legislation enacting the first federal income tax on August 5, 1861; and more personal incidents like the day his eleven-year-old son, Willie, died. Revealed are Lincoln's private frustrations on September 28, 1862, as he wrote to vice president Hannibal Hamlin, "The North responds to the [Emancipation] proclamation sufficiently with breath; but breath alone kills no rebels." 366 Days in Abraham Lincoln's Presidency includes fascinating facts like how Lincoln hated to hunt but loved to fire guns near the unfinished Washington monument, how he was the only president to own a patent, and how he recited Scottish poetry to relieve stress. As Scottish historian Hugh Blair said, "It is from private life, from familiar, domestic, and seemingly trivial occurrences, that we most often receive light into the real character." Covering 366 nonconsecutive days (including a leap day) of Lincoln's presidency, this is a rich, exciting new perspective of our most famous president. This is a must-have edition for any historian, military history or civil war buff, or reader of biographies.

The 57 Club: My Four Decades in Florida Politics (Florida Government and Politics)

by Frederick B. Karl

The 57 Club was the self-assigned name of the thirty-nine legislators first elected to the Florida House of Representatives in 1956. Karl's fascinating autobiography not only recalls those years, when Florida was in the midst of a transformation away from its rural, racially segregated, Deep South roots, but also offers intimate details into a half century of public service.By sharing his own experiences and reactions, describing what he witnessed or heard along the way, and telling stories about friends and colleagues, Karl gives readers a front row seat to some of the most captivating and turbulent moments in twentieth-century Florida politics. His insights into how the legislature functions--from the politics of committee assignments to the usefulness of lobbyists, from the savvy use of rules on the floor to debating skills, from polite ways of punishing unethical colleagues to the use of humor to calm angry exchanges, and much more--all make for an absorbing tale.

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