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Showing 7,026 through 7,050 of 9,423 results

Religion and Spanish Film: Luis Buñuel, the Franco Era, and Contemporary Directors

by Elizabeth Scarlett

Treatments of religion found in Spanish cinema range from the pious to the anticlerical and atheistic, and every position in between. In a nation with a strong Catholic tradition, resistance to and rebellion against religious norms go back almost as far as the notion of "Sacred Spain." Religion and Spanish Film provides a sustained study of the religious film genre in Spain practiced by mainstream Francoist film makers, the evolving iconoclasm, parody, and reinvention of the Catholic by internationally renowned Surrealist Luis Buñuel, and the ongoing battle of the secular versus the religious manifested in critically and popularly acclaimed directors Pedro Almodóvar, Julio Medem, Alejandro Amenábar, and many others. The conflicted Catholicism that emerges from examining religious themes in Spanish film history shows no sign of ending, as unresolved issues from the Civil War and Franco dictatorship, as well as the unsettled relationship between Church and State, continue into the present.

A los pies del David

by Rossella Scatamburlo

Somos el fruto de nuestras relaciones. Nuestro yo es la suma de experiencias, contacto con los demás, lecturas, recuerdos. Cuando nos miramos al espejo, vemos un reflejo efímero de nosotros mismos, ligado a un hic et nunc irrepetible, mientras que, un instante después, no nos parecemos a nosotros mismos porque todo con lo que estamos en contacto nos transforma y nosotros transformamos aquello con lo que nos relacionamos. Así pues, también los objetos que tocamos ya no son los mismos tras haber dejado nuestras huellas como marcas estratificadas e indelebles. En esto pensaba Beatrice Verdi al concluir su proyecto de fin de carrera y después de profundizar en el síndrome de Stendhal. Su investigación la había puesto en contacto con el fascinante Carlo Regis, pero también con el diabólico Stefano Corona, auxiliar de sala de la Galería de la Academia de Florencia, que la había elegido como musa de inspiración para crear su obra maestra y que había urdido un plan terrible a sus espaldas…

Aos Pés do David

by Rossella Scatamburlo

Aos pés do David por Rossella Scatamburlo Uma história de amor marcada pela arte, com um toque de mistério. Somos o fruto das nossas relações. O nosso Eu é o somatório das experiências, do contato com os outros, das leituras, das memórias. Quando olhamos no espelho, vemos um reflexo de nós mesmos, efêmero, ligado a um hic et nunc irrepetível, visto que, no momento seguinte, já não nos parecemos mais a nós mesmos porque tudo isso com o que estivemos em contato nos transforma, e nós transformamos aquilo com o que nos relacionamos. Assim, mesmo os objetos que tocamos não são mais os mesmos depois que deixamos nossas digitais sobre eles, enquanto vestígios estratificados e indeléveis. Nisto pensava Beatrice Verdi após ter concluído a sua tese de graduação sobre o David de Michelangelo e depois de ter-se aprofundado no tema da Síndrome de Stendhal. A sua pesquisa havia-a levado a ter contato com o fascinante professor Carlo Regis, mas também com o diabólico Stefano Corona, vigia de sala na Galeria da Academia de Belas Artes de Florença, que nela descobriu sua musa inspiradora para a criação da sua obra perfeita, elaborando às suas costas um terrível plano...

The Routledge Pantomime Reader: 1800-1900

by Jennifer Schacker

The Routledge Pantomime Reader is the first anthology to document this entertainment genre—one of the most distinctive and ubiquitous in nineteenth-century Britain. Across ten different shows, readers witness pantomime’s development from a highly improvisational venue for clowning, dance, and musical parody to a complex amalgamation of physical and topical comedy, stage wizardry, scenic spectacle, satire, and magical mayhem. Combining well-known tales such as "Cinderella", "Aladdin", and "Jack and the Beanstalk" with the lesser-known plotlines of "Peter Wilkins" and "The Prince of Happy Land", the book demonstrates not only how popular narratives were adapted to the current moment, but also how this blend of high and low entertainment addressed a whole range of social and cultural anxieties. Along with carefully annotated scripts, readers will find detailed introductions to all of the collected pantomimes and supplementary materials such as reviews, reminiscences, and a host of visual materials that bring these neglected entertainments to life. The plays collected here provide a remarkable perspective on the history of sexuality, class, and race during a period of vast imperial expansion and important social upheaval in Britain itself—essential reading for students and scholars of theatre history and popular performance.

Staging Fairyland: Folklore, Children's Entertainment, and Nineteenth-Century Pantomime (Series in Fairy-Tale Studies)

by Jennifer Schacker

In nineteenth-century Britain, the spectacular and highly profitable theatrical form known as "pantomime" was part of a shared cultural repertoire and a significant medium for the transmission of stories. Rowdy, comedic, and slightly risqué, pantomime productions were situated in dynamic relationship with various forms of print and material culture. Popular fairy-tale theater also informed the production and reception of folklore research in ways that are often overlooked. In Staging Fairyland: Folklore, Children’s Entertainment, and Nineteenth-Century Pantomime, Jennifer Schacker reclaims the place of theatrical performance in this history, developing a model for the intermedial and cross-disciplinary study of narrative cultures. The case studies that punctuate each chapter move between the realms of print and performance, scholarship and popular culture. Schacker examines pantomime productions of such well-known tales as "Cinderella," "Little Red Riding Hood," and "Jack and the Beanstalk," as well as others whose popularity has waned—such as, "Daniel O’Rourke" and "The Yellow Dwarf." These productions resonate with traditions of impersonation, cross-dressing, literary imposture, masquerade, and the social practice of "fancy dress." Schacker also traces the complex histories of Mother Goose and Mother Bunch, who were often cast as the embodiments of both tale-telling and stage magic and who move through various genres of narrative and forms of print culture. These examinations push at the limits of prevailing approaches to the fairy tale across media. They also demonstrate the degree to which perspectives on the fairy tale as children's entertainment often obscure the complex histories and ideological underpinnings of specific tales. Mapping the histories of tales requires a fundamental reconfiguration of our thinking about early folklore study and about "fairy tales": their bearing on questions of genre and ideology but also their signifying possibilities—past, present, and future. Readers interested in folklore, fairy-tale studies, children’s literature, and performance studies will embrace this informative monograph.

Derrida | Benjamin: Two Plays for the Stage

by John Schad Fred Dalmasso

Within the work of both Jacques Derrida and Walter Benjamin there is a buried theatricality, a theatre to-come. And in the last fifteen years there has been a growing awareness of this theatricality. To date, though, there has not been a published stage play about either Derrida or BenjaminCue Derrida| Benjamin, a volume that brings together two tragi-comic plays which mirror each other in a host of ways – above all, in the way that the central philosophical figure is displaced, or not quite where or when we would expect to find them. In Derrida’s case, it is Oxford in 1968; in Benjamin’s case, it is somewhere (or nowhere) near London in 1948. These, then, are plays in which the philosopher is exiled, or elsewhere – not quite himself. This a volume for anyone with an eye or ear for where theatre or performance meets philosophy – students, scholars, readers, actors.

L'odio per il teatro

by Lord Schadt

Un pezzo teatrale furioso, un cannone di insulti alla cultura teatrale tedesca che non lascia nulla all'immaginazione. (Südkurier) Teatro d'intrattenimento postmoderno che provoca, che si agita, che infastidisce, che si lamenta, che brontola, che brontola, che brontola, che brontola, che brontola, che brontola, che brontola, che brontola, che brontola, che brontola, che brontola, che brontola, che brontola, che brontola, che brontola, che brontola, che brontola, che brontola, che brontola, che scoppia, che assilla, che si lamenta, rimproverando, schernendo, prendendo in giro, imbarazzando, punzecchiando, disilludendo, mettendo alla berlina, punzecchiando, disincantando, mettendo in imbarazzo, snobbando, e piagnucolando il tutto attraverso un'attrice. Genere: DRAMA

Communities, Performance and Practice: Enacting Communities

by Kerrie Schaefer

This book examines how a predominantly negative view of community has presented a challenge to critical analysis of community performance practice. The concept of community as a form of class-based solidarity has been hollowed out by postmodernism’s questioning of grand narratives and poststructuralism’s celebration of difference. Alongside the critique of a notion of community has been a critical re-signification of community, following the thinking of philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy who conceives of community not as common being but as being-in-common. The concept of community as being-in-common generates questions that have been taken up by feminist geographers, J.K. Gibson-Graham, in theorising a post-capitalist approach to community-based development. These questions and approaches guide the analyses in researched case studies of community performance practice. The book revises theoretical debates that have defined the field of community theatre and performance. It asks how the critical re-signification of community aligns with these debates and, at the same time, opens new modes of critical analysis of community theatre and performance practice.

Why Fiction? (Stages)

by Jean-Marie Schaeffer

One of the most important works of narrative theory to come out of France in recent years―Jean-Marie Schaeffer understands fiction not as a literary genre but, in contrast to all other literary theorists, as a genre of life. The result is arguably the first systematic refutation of Plato’s polemic against fiction and a persuasive argument for regarding fiction as having a cognitive function. <P><P> For Schaeffer fiction includes not only narrative fiction but also children’s games, videos, film, drama, certain kinds of painting, opera―in short, all the intentional structures arising from shared imaginative reality. Because video games and cyber-technologies are the new sites of entry for many children into such an imagined universe, studying these cyber-fictions has become integral to our understanding of fiction. Through these avenues, Schaeffer also explores the foundations of mimeticism in order to explain the important effect fiction has on human beings. His work thus establishes fiction as a universal aspect of human culture and offers a profound and resounding answer to the question: Why fiction?

Language & Peace (War And Peace Ser. #Vol. 6)

by Christina Schäffne Anita L. Wenden

First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Natalie Needs a Nightie

by Neil Schaffner

Farce / 4m, 3f / Interior / A guaranteed laugh riot! In an apartment house Tommy Briggs has his mail, calls, and visitors frequently misdirected to a girl's apartment whose pen name is also Tommy Briggs. Tommy's boss expects his young executives to be married so he tries to have someone pose as his wife. The trouble is he ends up with too many "wives." Then as he got a big bonus on the strength of a new "baby" he has to produce one for the boss. Again, there's too many, including one not of his race. Adding to this confusion is a compulsive chambermaid who snitches drinks and takes all clothing found on a particular chair to the cleaners including many vital articles such as the boss's garments placed there while he is in the shower.

Right Bed Wrong Husband

by Neil Schaffner

Farce / 4m, 3f / Interior / In order to have his allowance increased, young bachelor Ted has written his pinchpenny uncle that he is married, though in fact he is only engaged. Suddenly one day uncle drops in unexpectedly, and very much against his will Ted is drawn into the vortex of an intrigue initiated entirely by the uncle when he mistakes a pretty girl, married to Ted's best friend, as Ted's wife. Ted is basically honest and does not want to deceive his uncle, but every time uncle kisses the "wife" he ups the ante to say nothing of kindling the ire of Ted's friend; and Ted is not sap enough to turn that down. Complications come tumbling after when the maid calls and is mistaken for something else; when the real fiancee returns and is caught kissing Ted; but especially at night then the time comes to retire. Add the neighborhood drunk who habitually sacks in with Ted when he's locked out of his own house, and you have a climax of enormous merriment.

Shakespeare, Love and Language

by David Schalkwyk

What is the nature of romantic love and erotic desire in Shakespeare's work? In this erudite and yet accessible study, David Schalkwyk addresses this question by exploring the historical contexts, theory and philosophy of love. Close readings of Shakespeare's plays and poems are delivered through the lens of historical texts from Plato to Montaigne, and modern writers including Jacques Lacan, Jean-Luc Marion, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Jacques Derrida, Alain Badiou and Stanley Cavell. Through these studies, it is argued that Shakespeare has no single or overarching concept of love, and that in Shakespeare's work, love is not an emotion. Rather, it is a form of action and disposition, to be expressed and negotiated linguistically.

Queer Theatre And The Legacy Of Cal Yeomans

by Robert A. Schanke

A forgotten yet award-winning playwright, Cal Yeomans was one of the founders of gay theater whose work was fueled by gay liberation and extinguished by the AIDS epidemic. Schanke's examination of his life and legacy allows a rare exploration into this pivotal moment of gay American history.

The Stage and the School

by Harry H. Schanker Katharine Anne Ommanney

The Stage and the School offers more of what you've always loved about the nation's most comprehensive high school drama program. More hands-on exercises. More teacher support. More discussion of the conventions of the theatre. More opportunities to creative expression through performance. More connections to the other arts. With all the hands-on exercises and application activities, scenes and monologues, chapter openers and reviews, students are provided with every opportunity for success.

The Stage and the School, Ninth Edition

by Harry H. Schanker Katharine Anne Ommanney

The Stage and the School provides students and teachers with the tools needed to build key theater arts skills. Students receive instruction in classic training exercises, production techniques, and theater conventions. Skills are developed through lessons that help students draw on their personal experiences and build historical and cultural background knowledge.

The Problem Plays of Shakespeare: A Study of Julius Caesar, Measure for Measure, Antony and Cleopatra

by Ernest Schanzer

The opening chapter traces the history of the term 'problem plays' as applied to Shakespeare and defines it more clearly and precisely than has been done in the past. Julius Caesar, Measure for Measure, Antony and Cleopatra are then discussed in separate chapters, not only as problem plays but from various points of view: such matters as themes, structural pattern, character-problems, the play's relation to its sources as well as to other plays in the canon, are all touched upon.

The Future of Ritual: Writings on Culture and Performance

by Richard Schechner

In The Future of Ritual, Richard Schechner explores the nature of ritualised behaviour and its relationship to performance and politics. A brilliant and uncontainable examination of cultural expression and communal action, The Future of Ritual asks pertinent questions about art, theatre and the changing meaning of 'culture' in today's intercultural world. An exciting new work by the author of Performance Theory.

New Russian Drama: An Anthology (Russian Library)

by Richard Schechner

New Russian Drama took shape at the turn of the new millennium—a time of turbulent social change in Russia and the former Soviet republics. Emerging from small playwriting festivals, provincial theaters, and converted basements, it evolved into a major artistic movement that startled audiences with hypernaturalistic portrayals of sex and violence, daring use of non-normative language, and thrilling experiments with genre and form. The movement’s commitment to investigating contemporary reality helped revitalize Russian theater. It also provoked confrontations with traditionalists in society and places of power, making theater once again Russia’s most politicized art form.This anthology offers an introduction to New Russian Drama through plays that illustrate the versatility and global relevance of this exciting movement. Many of them address pressing social issues, such as ethnic tensions and political disillusionment; others engage with Russia’s rich cultural legacy by reimagining traditional genres and canons. Among them are a family drama about Anton Chekhov, a modern production play in which factory workers compose haiku, and a satirical verse play about the treatment of migrant workers, as well a documentary play about a terrorist school siege and a postdramatic “text” that is only two sentences long. Both politically and aesthetically uncompromising, they chart new paths for performance in the twenty-first century. Acquainting English-language readers with these vital works, New Russian Drama challenges us to reflect on the status and mission of the theater.

Performance Studies

by Richard Schechner

The publication of Performance Studies: An Introduction was a defining moment for the field. Richard Schechner's pioneering textbook provides a lively and accessible overview of the full range of performance for undergraduates at all levels and beginning graduate students in performance studies, theatre, performing arts, and cultural studies. Among the topics discussed are the performing arts and popular entertainments, rituals, play and games, and the performances of everyday life. Supporting examples and ideas are drawn from the social sciences, performing arts, poststructuralism, ritual theory, ethology, philosophy, and aesthetics. This third edition is accompanied by an all-new companion website curated by a dedicated media editor, with the following resources for instructors and students: Interactive glossary Multiple choice questions Powerpoint Slides. Videos Website links for further study Tutorials on specific skills within Performance Studies Sample Discussion Questions Exercises and Activities Sample Syllabi The book itself has also been revised, with 25 new extracts and biographies, up-to-date coverage of global and intercultural performances, and further exploration of the growing international presence of Performance Studies as a discipline. Performance Studies is the definitive overview for undergraduates, with primary extracts, student activities, key biographies and over 200 images of global performance.

Performance Studies: An Introduction

by Richard Schechner

Richard Schechner's pioneering textbook is a lively, accessible overview of the full range of performance, with primary extracts, student activities, key biographies, and over 200 images of global performance. The publication of Performance Studies: An Introduction was a defining moment for the field. This fourth edition has been revised with two new chapters, up-to-date coverage of global and intercultural performances, and an in-depth exploration of the growing international importance of Performance Studies. Among the book’s topics are the performing arts and popular entertainments, rituals, play and games, social media, the performances of the paleolithic period, and the performances of everyday life. Supporting examples and ideas are drawn from the social sciences, performing arts, poststructuralism, ritual theory, ethology, philosophy, and aesthetics. Performance Studies: An Introduction features the broadest and most in-depth analysis possible. Performance Studies: An Introduction is the definitive overview for undergraduates at all levels and beginning graduate students in performance studies, the performing arts, and cultural studies. This new edition is also supported by a fully updated companion website, offering a variety of interactive resources, teaching tools, and research links.

Performance Theory

by Richard Schechner

Few have had quite as much impact in both the academy and in the world of theatre production as Richard Schechner. For more than four decades his work has challenged conventional definitions of theatre, ritual and performance. When this seminal collection first appeared, Schechner's approach was not only novel, it was revolutionary: drama is not just something that occurs on stage, but something that happens in everyday life, full of meaning, and on many different levels. Within these pages he examines the connections between Western and non-Western cultures, theatre and dance, anthropology, ritual, performance in everyday life, rites of passage, play, psychotherapy and shamanism.

The Grotowski Sourcebook (Worlds of Performance)

by Richard Schechner Lisa Wolford Wylam

This acclaimed volume is the first to provide a comprehensive overview of Jerzy Grotowski's long and multi-faceted career. It is essential reading for anyone interested in Grotowski's life and work.Edited by the two leading experts on Grotowski, the sourcebook features:*essays from the key performance theorists who worked with Grotowski, including Eugenio Barba, Peter Brook, Jan Kott, Eric Bentley, Harold Clurman, and Charles Marowitz*writings which trace every phase of Grotowski's career from his 'theatre of production' to 'objective drama' and 'art as vehicle'*a wide-ranging collection of Grotowski's own writings, plus an interview with his closest collaborator and 'heir', Thomas Richards*an array of photographs documenting Grotowski and his followers in action*a historical-critical study of Grotowski by Richard Schechner.

Popular Theatre: A Sourcebook (Worlds of Performance)

by Joel Schechter

Bertolt Brecht turned to cabaret; Ariane Mnouchkine went to the circus; Joan Littlewood wanted to open a palace of fun. These were a few of the directors who turned to popular theatre forms in the last century, and this sourcebook accounts for their attraction.Popular theatre forms introduced in this sourcebook include cabaret, circus, puppetry, vaudeville, Indian jatra, political satire, and physical comedy. These entertainments are highly visual, itinerant, and readily understood by audiences. Popular Theatre: A Sourcebook follows them around the world, from the bunraku puppetry of Japan to the masked topeng theatre of Bali to South African political satire, the San Francisco Mime Troupe's comic melodramas, and a 'Fun Palace' proposed for London.The book features essays from the archives of The Drama Review and other research. Contributions by Roland Barthes, Hovey Burgess, Marvin Carlson, John Emigh, Dario Fo, Ron Jenkins, Joan Littlewood, Brooks McNamara, Richard Schechner, and others, offer some of the most important, informative, and lively writing available on popular theatre. Introducing both Western and non-Western popular theatre practices, the sourcebook provides access to theatrical forms which have delighted audiences and attracted stage artists around the world.

Nathan the Wise

by Ronald Schechter

One of the most frequently performed and widely read comedies of the eighteenth century, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing's Nathan the Wise (1779) combines rich characterization with an engaging plot. Set in Muslim-ruled Jerusalem at the time of the Crusades, it deals with universal themes -- including the nature of God, antisemitism, wealth and poverty, and the conflict between love and duty. Today the play is as timely as ever. This edition, the first English version expressly intended for undergraduates, contains an insightful introduction that discusses the play, Lessing and the Enlightenment, and the situation of Jews in eighteenth-century Europe. Additionally, there are five related historical documents -- each with a context-setting headnote -- illustrations, a chronology, questions for consideration, and a selected bibliography.

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