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Sorprendida (El affaire Blackstone #Volumen 3)

by Raine Miller

Un amor a punto de ser destrozado... Una lucha desesperada por mantenerlo con vida. Cierre de la trilogía «El affaire Blackstone». Grandes sorpresas les aguardan a Ethan y Brynne mientras intentan hacer frente a lo que les ha deparado la vida. Los demonios del pasado amenazan con destrozar la apasionada relación que han construido, a pesar de que se juraron que nada les separaría. Una pérdida, devastadora y terrible, sumada a la posibilidad de un nuevo futuro les abre los ojos y les hace ver lo que es realmente importante pero ¿podrá esta pareja de enamorados seguir adelante y dejar atrás las dolorosas historias que los persiguen? Un acosador sigue merodeando entre las sombras, tramando una conspiración aprovechando el ajetreo y la distracción de los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres 2012. Brynne y Ethan están a punto de perderlo todo a medida que aumenta la situación de peligro. ¿Se verán superados por las circunstancias o lucharán con las escasas fuerzas que les quedan para salvarse el uno al otro y ganar el mejor premio del mundo: una vida juntos? Sorprendida es una historia forjada en la pasión que nos demuestra lo que el amor verdadero puede lograr cuando se pone a prueba y lo que el corazón puede conseguir a pesar del miedo y de la adversidad. El fenómeno editorial «El affaire Blackstone» conquistó los corazones de centenares de lectoras. Desnuda y Todo o nada, primera y segunda parte, se publicaron en Internet en 2012 y en menos de un mes sedujeron a más de 120.000 lectoras. La tercera parte, Sorprendida, pone el broche de oro a esta inolvidable historia de amor. Reseñas:«Raine es una experta de la palabra escrita y una vez más su capacidad de fusionar en Sorprendida unos personajes perfectamente elaborados y una trama sólida la convierte en una escritora que hay que tener en cuenta.»Natasha Is A Book Junkie «Sorprendida es un viaje alucinante que deja boquiabierto, que emociona, que corta la respiración; una historia de amor, de pasión, y sobre todo del amor más incondicional e inolvidable que existe.»Katie Ashley, autora de The Proposition, bestseller de The New York Times «Los fans de "El affaire Blackstone" no se sentirán decepcionados. Sorprendida es perfecta.»Becca The Bibliophile «Lo tiene todo. Erotismo, pasión, intriga y mucha emoción... ¡Sorprendida tiene mucho que ofrecer!»Totallybookedblog «Le doy cinco maravillosas estrellas. Uno de los libros más esperados del año. Es perfecto. Intenso. Emotivo. Sencillamente increíble. Y Ethan es uno de los novios más guapos de todos los tiempos.»R.K. Lilley, autora de la serie bestseller «Up In the Air» «Sorprendida, de lejos el mejor libro del 2013; muy bien escrito, con mucha fuerza, extraordinario, soberbio.»Donna, My Sticky Pages «No tengo palabras para expresar lo mucho que Sorprendida me ha hecho enamorarme de Ethan y Brynne y su poderosa historia de amor. De lejos la mejor novela de "El affaire Blackstone".»Nick Flirty And Dirty Book Blog. «La trama queda acabada y nos encontramos con un final perfecto y muy romántico.»Blog Promesas de amor

Todo o nada (El affaire Blackstone #Volumen 2)

by Raine Miller

¿Cómo pude dejarla escapar?Un peligro inminente. Un amor por el que merece la pena apostar y un hombre dispuesto a todo. Segunda parte de la trilogía «El affaire Blackstone». Ethan Blackstone tiene un serio problema. Acaba de romper la confianza de Brynne y ella lo ha dejado. Sin embargo, no está dispuesto a darse por vencido, no va a rendirse; hará todo lo que pueda para recuperar a su preciosa chica americana. La pasión entre ellos es abrasadora pero los secretos que se esconden el uno al otro son muy dolorosos y lo suficientemente serios como para acabar con la posibilidad de una vida juntos. Además, debido a las amenazas políticas que ahora caen sobre Brynne, Ethan tiene poco tiempo para reaccionar y ha de reunir toda su fuerza y habilidad para protegerla de los peligros que pueden apartarla de su lado para siempre. ¿Será capaz Ethan de liberar a Brynne de un pasado que la sigue atemorizando? ¿Volverá a sentir el calor de su piel, a recuperar su confianza de nuevo? Esta es la historia de un hombre enamorado que hará cualquier cosa para poseer el corazón de la mujer que ama. Y que llegará hasta donde sea para protegerla. Una novela apasionante que habla de lo que sucede cuando dos personas se encuentran y se rinden a un amor tan fuerte que es capaz de curar las heridas del pasado y de dar paso a una vida de pura y completa felicidad. El fenómeno editorial de la trilogía «El affaire Blackstone» conquistó los corazones de centenares de lectoras es Estados Unidos, y ya ha conquistado a cientos de lectoras de habla hispana, que se declaran fans del apuesto y seductor Ethan, el tipo de hombre con el que sueñan todas las mujeres. Todo o nada, la segunda parte de la trilogía, se publicó en Internet en noviembre de 2012 y en menos de un mes conquistó a más de 120.000 lectoras. La tercera parte, Sorprendida, pondrá el punto y final a una historia apasionante que no dejará indiferente a nadie. Las blogueras y lectoras han dicho...«Las reglas del juego están cambiando... Prepárate para un apasionante viaje erótico por las calles de Londres; Raine Miller ha vuelto a conseguirlo en Todo o nada.»Blog TotallyBooked «"El affaire Blackstone": salvaje, sensual, directa. Ríndete a Raine Miller mientras te arrastra del todo por Todo o nada.» «¡Todo o nada es una lectura obligada! ¡Ethan y Brynne se vuelven aún más interesantes!»Sugar and Spice Book Reviews «Todo o nada es un libro apasionante, muy completo, cargado de emociones que me atrapó desde el principio.»Book Savvy Babe «La voz de Miller nos absorbe a medida que cuenta la historia de estos dos extraños amantes. Yo lo apuesto todo por esta serie.»The Indulgent Bloggers «Una novela romántica muy sensual con una trama de suspense que me dejó sin respiración en casi cada una de sus páginas. ¡Todo o nada es un libro fabuloso!»My Secret Romance «Había oído hablar del libro y lo había visto subir en el top ten de Ahora sé por qué. Hacía mucho tiempo que un libro no me enganchaba así. Me han encantado ambos personajes, pero sobre todo él. Y ese final, ¡qué final! Necesito saber más sobre Ethan...» «Conoceremos más secretos de esta pareja, y cómo se va transformando, tanto por dentro como por fuera».Blog En el mundo de la fantasía

Never Conspire with a Sinful Baron (The Infamous Lords #4)

by Renee Ann Miller

Last season, Lady Nina Trent fell for a scoundrel. This year, she intends to choose more wisely . . . When a duke more interested in fox hunting and sports than womanizing comes to town, Nina thinks him the perfect catch. Sadly, he doesn&’t seem to notice her. But Lord Elliot Havenford, Baron Ralston, a notorious flirt, has a proposition: he&’ll not only pretend to vie for her hand, hoping to draw forth the duke&’s competitive nature, he&’ll also give Nina lessons in seduction. An aristocrat in possession of two dilapidated properties must be in want of a fortune. Elliot&’s proposition is a subterfuge, for he hopes to capture Nina&’s hand—and her dowry—by slyly seducing her himself. Though he feels guilty over his deception, their interludes, filled with dancing, flirtation, and increasingly heated kisses, are impossible to regret . . . until he realizes he has unwittingly placed Nina in grave danger. What&’s a scoundrel in love to do, except finally risk his heart for real?

Never Dare a Wicked Earl (The Infamous Lords #1)

by Renee Ann Miller

A ZEBRA SHOUT FRESH NEW ROMANCE They are the infamous lords, unrepentant rogues whose bad behavior makes for good gossip among the ton. But these sexy scoundrels have stories no one knows. And it takes a special touch to reveal the true hearts behind their devilish disguises . . . Known as a brazen philanderer, Hayden Milton, Earl of Westfield, is almost done in by a vengeful mistress who aims a gun at a rather essential part of his anatomy—but ends up wounding his thigh instead. Recuperating in his London townhouse, Hayden is confronted by his new medical attendant. Sophia Camden intrigues him, for behind her starched uniform is an enticing beauty better suited for bedding than dispensing salves and changing bandages. Unshaken by his arrogance, not to mention impropriety, Sophia offers Hayden a dare: allow her ten days to prove her competency. If she resigns in exasperation like her two predecessors, she will be beholden to this wicked seducer. As a battle of wills begins, Sophia finds herself distracted by the earl’s muscular physique . . . and discovers that the man within longs only for a second chance to love.

Never Deceive a Viscount (The Infamous Lords #2)

by Renee Ann Miller

A ZEBRA SHOUT FRESH NEW ROMANCE They are the infamous lords, notorious noblemen who indulge their irreverence in public, but keep their personal struggles private. For a portrait artist, capturing the true soul of a high-born hellion is a daring proposition . . . Clearly, Emma Trafford’s new neighbor is a lady killer—but is the scoundrel with the scar capable of murder? Emma can barely contain her precocious younger sister, Lily—the child swears she spied their neighbor engaged in foul play in his Bloomsbury love nest. But when Lily goes too far searching for “evidence,” Emma must save the imp by distracting Simon—with an all-consuming kiss rife with danger and desire . . . Simon Marlton, Viscount Adler doesn’t know which is more infuriating: that an anonymous intruder set his soul on fire and left a deep longing in her wake . . . or that during their encounter his signet ring, a token of his painful past, went missing. With the memory of a faint scent of paint spirits and the knowledge that his neighbor Emma is a portraitist, Simon sets out to capture his thief. He draws Emma into a flirtatious game, commissioning the talented lass to paint him—and enticing them both to reveal their whispered suspicions and deepest secrets . . .

Never Kiss a Notorious Marquess: A Witty Victorian Historical Romance (The Infamous Lords #3)

by Renee Ann Miller

They are the infamous lords, whose scandalous ways keep tongues wagging. But when darker whispers take hold, a spirited writer’s encounter with a dangerously desirable nobleman may uncover the whole story . . . For James Trent, Lord Huntington, there’s no escaping the question that labeled him The Murdering Marquess: was his wife’s death a tragic accident or a cold-blooded crime? He’s avoided London’s gossipmongers since that terrible night, as guardian to his younger siblings on his Essex estate. But trouble finds him when a veiled temptress with secrets of her own falls—quite literally—into his arms. Caroline Lawrence doesn’t need a man to rescue her—the aspiring journalist anonymously advocates for women’s rights in a radical London newspaper column. But when a suffragist’s soapbox speech turns to pandemonium, Caroline is knocked on the head and reawakens in Trent Hall—with the notorious lord of the manor irresistibly close. If there is any truth to his tarnished past, she should denounce him with her powerful pen. Yet love has a way of revealing a man’s true character . . .

Never Marry a Scandalous Duke (The Infamous Lords #6)

by Renee Ann Miller

A thoroughly roguish nobleman and a devoted lady entomologist have absolutely nothing in common—or do they? Love is far from scientific when it truly blooms . . . In the eyes of the ton, Lady Sara Elsmere is so firmly on the shelf, she might as well be nailed in place. Not that Sara minds. She is far more concerned about her study of butterflies than society&’s gossip. Of course, it&’s also true that the nervous laughter that ruined Sara&’s debut—and every social event thereafter—is a bit embarrassing. She can hardly help it—men are quite nerve-wracking. Except for one: the rake who pulls her into a dark room during a costume ball and kisses her senseless. He doesn&’t make her titter, he makes her burn . . . Ian McAllister, the Duke of Dorchester, is perfectly satisfied to remain a rogue for the rest of his days. But when he finds he has kissed the wrong shepherdess, albeit a decidedly luscious one, he&’s faced with a dilemma. His indiscretion with an innocent may cost him a lucrative business arrangement—and his two scapegrace wards need a maternal influence they can&’t scare away. Promising Sara the use of her dowry to fund her studies seals the pair&’s businesslike deal. But as they embark on their life together, they discover that their mutual attraction has sparked a desire not easily tamed—and certain feelings each of them are surprised to own. Can their matrimonial experiment possibly end in real love?&“A delightful romance filled with period ambiance . . . and a charming supporting cast.&”—Publishers Weekly on Never Deceive a Viscount

Never Mix Sin with Pleasure (The Infamous Lords #5)

by Renee Ann Miller

"A thief and a libertine fall in love on a bed of lies in Miller&’s passionate, intoxicating fifth Infamous Lords Victorian romance… Justice, deception, and loyalty form the core of this entrancing affair."—Publishers Weekly STARRED REVIEW on Never Mix Sin With PleasureWith the proper calculations, even a reckless rake and a secretly infamous woman can find a love they can count on . . . No one would ever guess that Olivia Michaels, companion to an elderly dowager, is really the thief the London newspapers have nicknamed the Phantom. Working in a nobleman&’s home is the perfect guise to gather information, allowing her to exact her own justice on several wicked noblemen. But when the dowager&’s grandson, notorious ne&’er-do-well Lord Anthony Trent, requires her assistance with some tasks of his own, Olivia discovers that the charming rogue may be capable of stealing something himself—her heart . . . Anthony has his own secret: Numbers get jumbled in his head. He&’s cultivated his reckless reputation as a way to avoid dealing with his family&’s businesses. Yet as obligations fall on him, he&’s determined to prove his worth, and Olivia&’s genius for numbers is a boon he hadn&’t expected. But as the pair pore over ledgers together each evening, their connection blooms into a heated flirtation that threatens to expose the secrets each of them has been hiding . . . Can desire and deception ever add up to true love?

The Taming of Lord Scrooge (The Infamous Lords)

by Renee Ann Miller

Some lords prefer scandalous affairs over marriage. But can the magic of Christmas and a second chance at romance open an earl’s heart to love? Julien Caruthers, the Earl of Dartmore, isn’t in the Christmas spirit. The former ‘Naughty Earl’ would prefer to focus on maintaining his family’s holdings rather than be stuck at his mother’s annual Christmas party, with her endless parade of debutantes. When he escapes for a ride, Julien’s horse gets spooked and throws him off his saddle, leaving him wandering in the snow. Until he happens upon a cozy cottage . . . Evangeline Breckenridge never thought ‘Lord Scrooge’ would show up at her door. She hasn’t seen her childhood sweetheart in years, and Julien’s since turned into a tyrant, taking away Christmas traditions from the townspeople. Eve is now a widow and a mother, no longer the foolish girl who believed a nobleman could love a physician’s daughter. But the weather outside is frightful, and Eve isn’t one to withhold the warmth of her home, even from a cold heart. And as they reconnect, Eve and Julien may even discover there’s still something merry and bright burning between them, a fire destined to be reignited—just in time for Christmas . . .

The Taming of Lord Scrooge (The Infamous Lords)

by Renee Ann Miller

Some lords prefer scandalous affairs over marriage. But can the magic of Christmas and a second chance at romance open an earl’s heart to love? Julien Caruthers, the Earl of Dartmore, isn’t in the Christmas spirit. The former ‘Naughty Earl’ would prefer to focus on maintaining his family’s holdings rather than be stuck at his mother’s annual Christmas party, with her endless parade of debutantes. When he escapes for a ride, Julien’s horse gets spooked and throws him off his saddle, leaving him wandering in the snow. Until he happens upon a cozy cottage . . . Evangeline Breckenridge never thought ‘Lord Scrooge’ would show up at her door. She hasn’t seen her childhood sweetheart in years, and Julien’s since turned into a tyrant, taking away Christmas traditions from the townspeople. Eve is now a widow and a mother, no longer the foolish girl who believed a nobleman could love a physician’s daughter. But the weather outside is frightful, and Eve isn’t one to withhold the warmth of her home, even from a cold heart. And as they reconnect, Eve and Julien may even discover there’s still something merry and bright burning between them, a fire destined to be reignited—just in time for Christmas . . .

Forever Christmas

by Robert Tate Miller

This Christmas will change Andrew Farmer&’s life forever.Andrew can&’t remember the last time he spent Christmas away from work. The end of the year is crunch time for literary agents. But when your career is your life, your life starts to suffer . . . beginning with your marriage.When a heart-wrenching accident in a Christmas Eve snowstorm jars this high-powered agent from his obsession with success, a Christmas miracle will give him a second chance at love, life, and gratitude, but only if he can put aside his own ambition and learn to appreciate each moment.Sometimes it takes a tragedy to change a man&’s life—and to teach him to treat every day as if it were his last.

Fray (The Unraveled Kingdom #2)

by Rowenna Miller

In this epic sequel to Torn, the magical seamstress Sophie Balstrade navigates a royal court and foreign alliances fraught with danger -- and may well have to risk everything for love and for country.Open revolt has been thwarted -- for now -- but unrest still simmers in the kingdom of Galitha. Sophie, despite having built a thriving business on her skill at both dressmaking and magic, has not escaped unscathed from her misadventures in the workers' rebellion. Her dangerous foray into curse casting has rendered her powers unpredictable, and her increasingly visible romantic entanglement with the Crown Prince makes her a convenient target for threatened nobles and malcontented commoners alike.With domestic political reform and international alliances -- and her own life -- at stake, Sophie must discern friend from foe... before her magic grows too dark for her to wield.Rowenna Miller's enchanting fantasy series, the Unraveled Kingdom, is perfect for fans of The Queen of the Tearling and Red Queen.The Unraveled KingdomTornFray

Rule (The Unraveled Kingdom #3)

by Rowenna Miller

In the epic conclusion to the Unraveled Kingdom trilogy, a magical seamstress joins forces with her revolutionary leader brother in a deadly bid to change history.The civil war that charm caster Sophie and the crown prince, Theodor, have tried so desperately to avert has come to Galitha. While Theodor joins Sophie's brother and his Reformist comrades in battle hoping to turn the tide against the Royalist army, Sophie leverages the only weapon she has: charm and curse casting. Weaving her magic into uniforms and supplies, she soon discovers that the challenges of a full-scale war are far greater than she could have imagined. The fractured leadership of the Reformist army must coalesce and the people of Galitha need to unite against enormous odds -- all while Sophie creates more than a little magical luck in order to have a chance of victory.Rowenna Miller's enchanting fantasy series, the Unraveled Kingdom, is perfect for fans of The Queen of the Tearling and Red Queen.The Unraveled KingdomTornFrayRule

Torn (The Unraveled Kingdom #1)

by Rowenna Miller

TORN is the first book in an enchanting debut fantasy series featuring a seamstress who stitches magic into clothing, and the mounting political uprising that forces her to choose between her family and her ambitions, for fans of The Queen of the Tearling.In a time of revolution, everyone must take a side.Sophie, a dressmaker and charm caster, has lifted her family out of poverty with a hard-won reputation for beautiful ball gowns and discreetly embroidered spells. A commission from the royal family could secure her future -- and thrust her into a dangerous new world. Revolution is brewing. As Sophie's brother, Kristos, rises to prominence in the growing anti-monarchist movement, it is only a matter of time before their fortunes collide.When the unrest erupts into violence, she and Kristos are drawn into a deadly magical plot. Sophie is torn -- between her family and her future.

Love Finds You In Sugarcreek, Ohio

by Serena Miller

A mysterious outsider casts a long shadow on Ohio's Amish country. Policewoman Rachel Troyer has always looked after her three elderly Amish aunts, proprietors of a farmhouse inn near Sugarcreek, Ohio. The idyllic town is popular with tourists, who come to sample its famous Amish goods. But one thing is clear to Rachel - Joe Matthews is no tourist. When the bearded stranger lands on her aunts' doorstep, begging shelter for himself and his young son, Rachel is suspicious. Will she be able to uncover Joe's secrets despite her aunts' - and her own - growing affection for him?

The Measure of Katie Calloway: A Novel

by Serena Miller

The Civil War has ended, but in Katie Calloway's Georgia home conflict still rages. To protect herself and her young brother from her violent and unstable husband, she flees north, finding anonymity and sanctuary as the cook in a Northwoods lumber camp. The camp owner, Robert Foster, wonders if the lovely woman he's hired has the grit to survive the never-ending work and harsh conditions of a remote pine forest in winter. Katie wonders if she can keep her past a secret from a man she is slowly growing to love. <p><p>With grace and skill, Serena Miller brings to life a bygone era. From the ethereal, snowy forest and the warm cookstove to the rowdy shanty boys and the jagged edges of the saw, every detail is perfectly rendered, transporting the reader back to the time when pine was king, men were made of iron, and rivers were choked with logs on the way to the sawmills. Readers will have a hard time leaving the Northwoods when they turn the last page.

An Amish Wedding Invitation; An eShort Account of a Real Amish Wedding

by Serena B Miller

Amish fiction author Serena B. Miller takes you "behind the barn door" in this true e-short account of her experience of attending an Amish wedding.In her years of researching her Amish novels, Serena Miller has gotten to know several Amish families in Holmes County, Ohio. When she was invited to attend the wedding of one of her friend's daughters, she expected it to be a casual affair: muck out the barn, throw a potluck together, send the bride and groom off on their honeymoon in a buggy with a Just Married sign hung on the back. But when the young bride shyly brings her a formal, professionally printed invitation, she realized everything she thought she knew about Amish weddings was wrong. From the hand-arranged centerpieces--made from flowers the bride grew herself--to the portable kitchens the family rents to the elaborate and formally served meal, she realized that every detail of this wedding has been carefully and beautifully orchestrated by a bride and a society that cares very deeply about marriage. On the day of the wedding, Serena sits through the three-hour sermon preached entirely in German, after which the ceremony itself lasts under two minutes. She sees the grace with which the bride cooks for and serves her guests, and then stays to clean up after everyone has gone home. She is inspired by the way every member of the community seems to have some role to play in the event. Serena, a pastor's wife, has attended hundreds of weddings, and draws comparisons between the overblown weddings she normally attends and this "simple" wedding. She is inspired by the immensity of the vows this young couple is making--not just to each other, but to their community--and the faithfulness of the community that puts the focus on the marriage far more than the wedding itself.

Fearless Hope: A Novel

by Serena B. Miller

When an Amish woman falls for the New York crime writer who buys her family farm, she must decide whether to follow the longings of her heart or the rules of her faith. When Hope Yoder loses her husband, she is left trying to support her two small children--and one on the way--however she can. She ends up taking a job as a part-time housekeeper for the Englisch man who has bought the farm that once belonged to her family. Logan Parker is a bestselling crime fiction writer from New York City who accompanies his fiancée on a trip to Holmes County, Ohio, but the trip takes a strange turn when he sees an Amish farmhouse for sale. Intrigued by a strong sense of familiarity, he enters the house and is overcome with a feeling of deep peace. He's never been to Ohio before, but something in this house feels right, and he purchases the farm to use as a retreat. Something about the peacefulness of the house frees him from the crippling writer's block that threatens to ruin his career, and something about the quiet Amish woman who comes to clean his home makes him less and less excited about returning to New York and the woman he is supposed to marry. Slowly, Logan and Hope are drawn together, and when they discover that they share a strange past, they must decide how that affects their future. Will Hope overcome her fear of embracing love again?

Hidden Mercies: A Novel

by Serena B. Miller

When Amish widow Claire Shetler is attracted to the man who caused her fiancé's death, they must both heal deep wounds to discover God's hidden mercies. At seventeen, Tobias Miller smashed his cousin's car into a tree, killing his brother only four hours before he was scheduled to marry Claire Shetler. Unable to live with his father's bottomless grief and anger, Tobias left the Amish church and ran away to join the Marines. Twenty-seven years later, Tobias, now called Tom, returns to Mt. Hope, Ohio, a wounded, decorated Marine helicopter pilot, and rents an apartment over Claire's workshop. A widowed Amish midwife, Claire is struggling to support her family. When Tom rents her room she does not recognize the disfigured soldier as the boy she once knew. She only sees the money as a godsend, though she is nervous about having a strange man so close by. Claire never dreams that she will end up falling in love with a battle-scarred soldier. As Claire and Tom fight their way through the traumas of the past, they discover the tender mercies God has hidden along the way--including a loving father who has been praying for his prodigal son to come home and a God who makes all things new.

Hidden Mercies

by Serena B Miller

When Amish widow Claire Shetler is attracted to the man who caused her fiancé's death, they must both heal deep wounds to discover God's hidden mercies. At seventeen, Tom Miller smashed his car into a tree, killing his brother only four hours before he was scheduled to marry Claire Shetler. Unable to live with his father's bottomless grief and anger, Tom left the Amish church, ran away, and joined the Marines. Twenty-seven years later, Tom returns to Mt. Hope, Ohio, a wounded, decorated Marine helicopter pilot, and rents an apartment over Claire's workshop. A widowed Amish midwife, Claire is struggling to support her family, and despite her unresolved anger toward Tom, she sees the money as a Godsend. She never dreams that she will end up falling in love with a battle-scarred soldier. As Claire and Tom fight their way through the traumas of the past, they discover the tender mercies God has hidden along the way--one of which is a loving father who has been praying for his prodigal son to come home.

An Uncommon Grace: A Novel

by Serena B. Miller

Grace Connor, a military nurse formerly stationed in Afghanistan, hopes that moving to a farm in rural Ohio will help her recover from the ravages of war. Levi Troyer finds his pacifist beliefs challenged when he discovers his stepfather has been killed and his mother wounded by an unknown intruder. Levi and Grace are thrown together when she comes to his family's rescue and saves his mother's life. A deep attraction develops--even though a relationship between them is strictly forbidden. Levi belongs to the most conservative and isolated of all Amish sects--the Swartzentruber Amish. Even before meeting Grace, Levi had begun to question some of their teachings. He has considered leaving, but knows he will be banned forever from contact with his younger siblings and widowed mother--who need him to survive. He is torn between his love for Grace and his responsibility to his family. Grace considers leaving her beloved farm and reenlisting rather than continuing to live near the man she loves but cannot have. Levi must confront the Bann if he pursues Grace. And a murderer must be caught. When lifelong allegiances are tested, can love and justice prevail?

The Best of All

by Vanessa Miller

The best is worth waiting for... Surry McDaniel loves designing beautiful clothes. In fact, it's the only thing she truly loves. Clothes can never fail her, the way people can. But when she's accused of stealing designs, Surry risks losing the life she's spent years building. The only person who can help is Ian Duncan, a political strategist who knows how to fix bad PR and who hasn't been able to stop thinking about Surry since they met. But Surry has kept him-and everyone else-at arm's length as long as they've known each other. Helping her would be a risk, but the more Ian gets to know Surry, the more he knows that while she needs him, he needs her even more.

Better for Us

by Vanessa Miller

Ryla Evans is no stranger to tough choices. After growing up watching her mother bounce from one unfaithful man to the next, she's always been determined not to repeat the same mistakes. So when she catches her college-athlete boyfriend cheating on her, all her dreams of love and fidelity are crushed. Saying goodbye to the relationship is Ryla's only option. She resolves never to see Noel again, nor tell him how he has irrevocably changed her future....Following a career-ending injury, former NBA star Noel Carter has worked hard to reconstruct his life. With an eye on a congressional seat, he knows he needs a wife to complete his image. What better choice than the passionate woman who has entered his life once again? Noel has never forgotten Ryla, but she has changed in the past seven years, and she is hiding a little secret that comes with some major consequences. Will their reawakened desire be able to heal past betrayals and broken promises and give them a chance at a bright tomorrow?

Her Good Thing

by Vanessa Miller

As a partner in a successful Houston ad agency, Danetta Harris can check one thing off her list of things to accomplish before she's thirty. Now she can concentrate on getting married and starting a family. In spite of being burned before, Danetta's now ready to risk her heart again and forget about the man she's secretly loved for ten years. Fed up with pining for him, Danetta decides to do whatever it takes to find her Mr. Right, right now!Caring, charismatic and sinfully sexy, Marshall Windham is every woman's fantasy. But after years as a major player, Marshall's had his fill of the single life. He realizes that the perfect woman has been in his life all along-and it's Danetta. Unaware of Danetta's get-love-now plan, Marshall unveils a can't-resist proposal of his own. Will Marshall be able to win Danetta and convince her that they should be partners not only in business, but also in love?

The Birthday Weekend: A suspenseful page-turner about friendship, sisterhood and long-buried secrets

by Zoe Miller

It was a celebration to die for . . .What happened on holiday was supposed to stay on holiday - but that was before a body was found . . .Socialite Lucinda Oliver planned a lavish celebration for her fortieth birthday - a weekend escape at an Irish coastal town with her sister Stella and her closest friends. The weekend was to end with a blow-out party and a special announcement, one Lucinda had been dropping hints about for weeks.But before Lucinda could reveal her secret, she went missing. And now, six months later, her car has been found submerged in the Atlantic Ocean.Devastated, Stella decides to gather Lucinda's friends once more, in that same coastal town - the first time they've all been together since her disappearance. But soon she starts to suspect that one of the group knows the truth about Lucinda's accident. Which one of them is lying? Stella vows to find out, discovering that what happened to her sister links back to another birthday celebration, ten years ago...Praise for Zoë Miller's novels:'Shimmers with suspense and intrigue from the very first page' Sunday Independent'This engaging mystery copper-fastens Zoë Miller's mastery of the art of sinuous plotting' Irish Independent

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