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Showing 7,676 through 7,700 of 80,921 results

Biblical Women and Jewish Daily Life in the Middle Ages (Jewish Culture and Contexts)

by Elisheva Baumgarten

In Biblical Women and Jewish Daily Life in the Middle Ages, Elisheva Baumgarten seeks a point of entry into the everyday existence of people who did not belong to the learned elite, and who therefore left no written records of their lives. She does so by turning to the Bible as it was read, reinterpreted, and seen by the Jews of medieval Ashkenaz. In the tellings, retellings, and illustrations of biblical stories, and especially of those centered around women, Baumgarten writes, we can find explanations and validations for the practices that structured birth, marriage, and death; women's inclusion in the liturgy and synagogue; and the roles of women as community leaders, givers of charity, and keepers of the household.Each of the book's chapters concentrates on a single figure or a cluster of biblical women—Eve, the Matriarchs, Deborah, Yael, Abigail, and Jephthah's daughter—to explore aspects of the domestic and communal lives of Northern French and German Jews living among Christians in urban settings. Throughout the book more than forty vivid medieval illuminations, most reproduced in color, help convey to modern readers what medieval people could have known visually about these biblical stories. "I do not claim that the genres I analyze here—literature, art, exegesis—mirror social practice," Baumgarten writes. "Rather, my goal is to examine how medieval Jewish engagement with the Bible offers a window onto aspects of the daily lives and cultural mentalités of Ashkenazic Jews in the High Middle Ages."In a final chapter, Baumgarten turns to the historical figure of Dulcia, a late twelfth-century woman, to ponder how our understanding of those people about whom we know relatively more can be enriched by considering the lives of those who have remained anonymous. The biblical stories through which Baumgarten reads contributed to shaping a world that is largely lost to us, and can help us, in turn, to gain access to lives of people of the past who left no written accounts of their beliefs and practices.

Biblical Women Speak: Hearing Their Voices through New and Ancient Midrash

by Rabbi Marla J. Feldman

What were biblical women thinking and doing when the men around them received all the attention and glory? How did Leah, Rachel, and their handmaids negotiate the complicated family dynamics of four women vying for Jacob&’s affections? What compelled Potiphar&’s wife to risk her high station to seduce Joseph, an enslaved foreigner? How did the midwives and Pharoah&’s daughter conspire to rescue baby Moses, right under Pharoah&’s nose?Biblical Women Speak employs midrash (interpretative techniques) to discover ten biblical women&’s stories from a female point of view and provide insights beyond how ancient male scholars viewed them. Each chapter brings alive a different biblical woman, including non-Israelite characters and others who are neglected in classical rabbinic texts, such as Keturah (Abraham&’s last wife), Bat Shuah (Judah&’s wife), Shelomith (the infamous blasphemer&’s mother), and Noah (one of Zelophehad&’s brave daughters who demanded inheritance rights). After each featured text we hear a creative retelling of the woman&’s story in her own voice, followed by traditional midrash and medieval commentaries and the author&’s reflections on how these tales and interpretations are relevant for today. Rabbi Marla J. Feldman&’s book is an engaging invitation to enter biblical narratives, challenge conventional wisdom, and recalibrate the stories and lessons through the lens of our own lives.

Biblical Words and Their Meaning: An Introduction to Lexical Semantics

by Moisés Silva

When first published in 1983, Biblical Words and Their Meaning broke new ground by introducing to students of the Bible the principles of linguistics, in particular, on lexical semantics -- that branch that focuses on the meaning of individual words. Silva's structural approach provides the interpreter with an important lexical tool for more responsible understanding of the biblical text and more effective use of standard exegetical resources. This revised edition includes a bibliographical essay by Silva, "Recent Developments in Semantics," and an appendix by Karen H. Jobes, "Distinguishing the Meaning of Greek Verbs in the Semantic Domain for Worship," that provides the reader with a substantive example of lexical study.

Biblical Worldview: Creation, Fall, Redemption

by Bju Press

Biblical Worldview: Creation, Fall, Redemption Student Text was created to appeal to student interest and develop understanding. Application examples taken from history and recent events resonate with students, motivating them to apply Scripture to issues that are crucial to their spiritual growth. Apologetics is interwoven throughout the textbook, equipping students to defend the foundational teachings of the Bible against competing worldviews. At the same time, the framework of Creation, Fall, Redemption enables students to make distinctively Christian contributions to their culture.

Biblical Worship: Theology for God's Glory (Biblical Theology for the Church)

by Benjamin K. Forrest

A biblical theology of worship spanning both the Old and New TestamentsWhile many books on worship focus on contemporary trends, Biblical Worship plumbs every book of the Bible to uncover its teaching on worship and then applies these insights to our lives and churches today. A team of respected evangelical scholars unearths insights into a variety of issues surrounding worship, including:• The Old Testament concept of worship• Worship before the Exodus• Worship in the Old Testament feasts and celebrations• Worship in the Psalms of Lament and Thanksgiving• The New Testament concept of worship• Worship in the Gospels• Worship in Acts• Worship in the Pastoral Epistles, and much more.Pastors, worship leaders, instructors, and anyone who wants to grow in their knowledge of the Bible's full teaching on worship and how it applies today will benefit from this volume, part of the Biblical Theology for the Church series.

A Bibliography of Jewish Education in the United States

by Norman Drachler

This book contains entries from thousands of publications whether in English, Hebrew, Yiddish, and German—books, research reports, educational and general periodicals, synagogue histories, conference proceedings, bibliographies, and encyclopedias—on all aspects of Jewish education from pre-school through secondary education

The Biblioplan Companion Year Two: A Text for Medieval History

by Robert Nalle Julia Nalle

The Biblioplan Companion Year Two: A Text for Medieval History Two Volume Set is the primary spine and text for this year of study in the Biblioplan system. <p><p> Providing a context for the living books students read, students will gain an understanding of the overall narrative of history, and where various figures and events fit into the past. Each companion weaves together Church History, the Bible, and the overall narrative of history, helping students to understand Christian themes and connections. <p><p> Medieval History covers Western European and Church History, Asia, Africa, Pre-Columbian America, the Age of Discovery, the Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation, Elizabethan England and more. A World Geography focus is also integrated. <p><p> Two Volumes, 745 total indexed pages, hardcover. Non-consumable text. <p><p> BiblioPlan is a four-year classical Christian history curriculum (Ancient History, Medieval History, Early Modern History, and Modern History) that's designed to be used with multiple ages. For parents using this companion with younger readers, they may wish to preview before addressing some of the cruel, violent deeds in history.

A Biblioteca Cristã

by Bernard Levine

Biblioteca Cristã Bernard Levine        Uma coleção clássica     TRÊS LIVROS EM UM Quando você ora, Deus envia anjos O que você faria se visse Jesus Você já ouviu falar que estamos indo ser prêmios entregues no céu?

Biblioteca de ideas: Eventos Especiales

by Youth Specialties

Eventos Especiales Para refrescar tu ministerio ¡Más de 300 eventos creativos para fortalecer las relaciones dentro del grupo, alcanzar a otros, y divertirse juntos! Incluye: • Eventos con alimentos. Si hay una cosa que los chicos aprecian y disfrutan, es la comida. Aquí tienes una variedad que de seguro te servirá para satisfacer a cualquier paladar. • EVENTOS DEPORTIVOS. ¡No hace falta ser un deportista profesional para divertirse con estas actividades! • SALIDAS DE UNO O MÁS DÍAS. Si eres lo suficientemente audaz como para sacar a pasear a un grupo de adolescentes (ya sea por la ciudad o un poco más lejos), aquí tienes muchas ideas para probar y disfrutar juntos. • CARRERAS Y RALLIES. ¿Tienes un grupo que ama la velocidad? Ya sean automóviles, bicicletas, o autobuses… ¡Si algo tiene ruedas, encontrarás una idea aquí para hacerlo correr! • EVENTOS ESPECIALES CON UN PROPOSITO. En esta sección encontrarás más que diversión. Estos eventos tienen un propósito espiritual, moral, o comunitario. • … ¡Y MUCHO MÁS! Búsquedas de tesoro, eventos temáticos…!horas y horas de diversión garantizada para tu grupo! Si eres líder de jóvenes o director de recreación en una iglesia, escuela, club o campamento, > es tu fuente de ideas probadas y revisadas en grupos de jóvenes reales.

Biblioteca de ideas: Juegos

by Youth Specialties

¿Quieres juegos agotadores al estilo corre-hasta-que-no-puedas-más? Aquí los tienes. ¿Quieres juegos pasivos para grupos tranquilos? Los encontraste! Dentro de Juegos hay más de 400 juegos que puedes realizar bajo techo o en exteriores y que tus jovenes disfrutarán muchísimo. * JUEGOS CON GLOBOS dos veces más divertidos que las reuniones de la junta de oficiantes de la iglesia y la mitad de acalorados. Una forma económica de pasar un buen rato. * JUEGOS DE BALONCESTO ¡Todos son trememdos canastazos! * JUEGOS DE VOLEIBOL ¿que grupo de jovenes no disfruta de un buen juego de voleibol? Se volverán locos con estas curiosas mutaciones del deporte. * JUEGOS BAJO TECHO PARA GRUPOS GRANDES reserva la noche en el salón de actividades o el gimnasio de tu iglesia y busca la página 33 para esta colección de juegos. * JUEGOS PARA ESPACIOS PEGUEÑOS excelentes para fiestas, reuniones informales o para cualquier momento en que tengas un salón lleno de jovenes que no estan heciendo mucho. Y mas.. Juegos bajo techo para grupos pequeños y docenas de variedades del tenis de mesa. Sea que te desempeñes como encargado de la juventud o el director de recreación en una iglesia, escuela, club o campamento, Juegos en tu almancén de ideas probadas y aprobadas por grupos de jóvenes.

Biblioteca de ideas: Rompehielos

by Youth Specialties

Rompe el hielo y anima a tu grupo en reuniones, fiestas, estudios o cualquier otro evento de jovenes, con uno de estos 230 rompehielos!

Biblioteca de ideas: Creativas, lecciones biblicas e ideas para adorar (Especialidades Juveniles / Biblioteca de Ideas)

by Youth Specialties

<P>Este material contiene una colección de clases PRE armadas, reuniones de alabanza y adoración creativas, estudios inductivos para hacer a tus jóvenes participar.<P> Podrás encontrar tu clase ideal por tema y desarrollar tu plan contando con mas recursos. <P>Reuniones creativas para refrescar tu ministerio es un banco de recursos ideal para lideres juveniles, maestros de escuela dominical, lideres de células, maestros de escuelas cristianas y pastores.

Biblioteca de ideas: Promoción y levantamiento de fondos (Especialidades Juveniles / Biblioteca de Ideas)

by Youth Specialties

Más de 250 idease creativas y consejos para ahorrar tiempo, organizar, promover y recaudar fondos para su ministerio! Administración: Impida cargarse con tareas rutinarias pero necesarias para el ministerio juvenil. Con estos consejos ahorra tiempos, trucos del negocio – más de 70 maneras de hacerlo más efectivo y más ordenado cuando se refiere a trabajos de oficina, archivos y comunicaciones. Promoción: no solo busque la atención de la gente –¡captúrela! Aquí tiene maneras de capturar la atención a través de anuncios, circulares, calendarios, correo directo, afiches, eventos de promoción, fomentadores de asistencia y aun los viejos carteles de anuncios. Levantamiento de fondos: ¡Psst! Oye, ¿quieres ganar un poco de dinero? ¿Para un proyecto de servicio?, ¿un paseo?, ¿un misionero?, ¿o para hacer crecer el presupuesto de tu ministerio juvenil? Aquí hay ideas para ventas, rifas, pactos y eventos de comida. Aun trabajos raros por los cuales la gente realmente te pagará, como lavar aviones en tu aeropuerto municipal o servir de chaperón en eventos incómodos para los padres. Así seas un trabajador de jóvenes o director de recreación en una iglesia, escuela, club o campamento, EJ/Promoción y levantamiento de fondos es tu almacén de ideas probadas para grupos de jóvenes.

Biblioteca de ideas: Teatro (Especialidades Juveniles / Biblioteca de Ideas)

by Youth Specialties

¡Ochenta libretos y otras cosas divertidas para ilustrar sus lecciones y animar sus actividades! Justo para la diversión... Noticias breves, obras teatrales divertidas, chistes... todo lo que necesita. Si tiene algún estudiante que le guste realizar espectáculos, encontrará muchos temas para ellos aquí. Melodramas espontáneos... animados con chiflidos, gritos y aplausos de la audiencia. El drama es un medio ideal para captar la atención de sus muchachos y atraerlos a una reunión, una charla o un estudio bíblico. Si es un líder de jóvenes o un director de recreación en su iglesia, escuela, club o campamento, Obras de teatro es su almacén de ideas comprobadas para trabajar con grupos de jóvenes.

Biblioteca de ideas: Para refrescar tu ministerio (Especialidades Juveniles / Biblioteca de Ideas)

by Youth Specialties

Una colección increíble de ideas para tus campamentos, retiros y viajes misioneros. Encontrarás también sugerencias para llevar a cabo misiones desde tu propia congregación y marcar una diferencia en tu comunidad. Ya seas nuevo o un veterano en el ministerio juvenil, este manual de ideas va a refrescar tu repertorio y te va ayudar a crear memorias positivas inolvidables en la vida de tus jóvenes.

Biblioteca de ideas: Para refrescar tu ministerio (Especialidades Juveniles / Biblioteca de Ideas)

by Youth Specialties

Una colección de ideas diseñadas para captar la atención de tu grupo de jóvenes y mantenerlos entretenidos por meses. Es el material perfecto para líderes de jóvenes, directores de campamentos, profesores de escuela dominical y coordinadores de recreación. Este recurso contiene una variedad de dinámicas de integración para desarrollar en grupos grandes y pequeños. ¡¡Una increíble recopilación de cuestionarios, trucos, concursos, juegos de palabras y mucho más!! “Dinámicas de Integración” es la herramienta que elevará el impacto y relevancia del mensaje que deseas comunicar para llevar a tu grupo de jóvenes a un nivel que nunca imaginaste.

Bichara: Moro Chanceries and Jawi Legacy in the Philippines (Islam in Southeast Asia)

by Isaac Donoso

This book focuses on the written heritage of Muslims in the Philippines, the historical constitution of chancelleries within the Islamic sultanates, and the production of official letters to conduct local and international diplomacy. The standard narrative on Muslims in the Philippines is one that centres political and armed struggles within the region. However, two important aspects remain unattended: the cultural and intellectual production of the sultanates, and the Moro involvement in Southeast Asian Islamic civilization. This book connects the development and personality of the Philippine sultanates into the regional context of local communities that adopted an international faith. Political alliances and religious missions altered different ethnolinguistic groups and furnished them with the Word, the Qur’anic message, and the Arabic script. Indeed, customary orality and Adab shaped a way of being and acting modelled after what was called the Bichara. Particularly, the book studies the Moro Letter as cultural craft with political meaning, and Jawi heritage in the Philippines. A general catalogue of Jawi manuscripts from the National Archives of the Philippines is provided as appendix.

A Bid for Love: An Amish Market Novella (Amish Market Novellas)

by Kathleen Fuller

Hannah Lynne&’s heart is on the market. She just hopes Ezra&’s is the highest bid.Every week, Hannah Lynne brings her home-churned butter to the local market. And every week Ezra stops by to purchase some. Hannah Lynne knows not to read too much into it—Ezra is a confirmed bachelor and barely even glances her way, despite any hope to the contrary. But when Ezra bids an exorbitant amount to win the quilt she had her heart set on, Hannah Lynne can&’t stop her heart from taking over her mind. Could Ezra finally be in the market for love?

Bienaventurados los discípulos: Vivir como Jesús es más que ser solo un seguidor

by Frank López

En BIENAVENTURADOS LOS DISCIPULOS hallarás una explicación en detalle de cada declaración de bendición que pronunció Jesús sobre los discípulos en el Sermón de bienaventuranzas. A través de esta sabia enseñanza el autor Frank López nos invita a conocer de cerca la naturaleza y el carácter de Jesús, para que seamos más a su imagen y semejanza. Este modelo de discipulado que estipuló Jesús es el camino para bienestar personal, pero solo se alcanza estando en comunión con El. Sumérgete en la lectura de BIENAVENTURADOS LOS DISCIPULOS y descubrirás:Quiénes son los bienaventuradosQué es ser pobre de espírituPor qué es importante ser agradecidoCuáles son las ventajas de ser mansoCómo establecer y defender la justicia de Dios ¡Y mucho más!

Bienvenido a la iglesia del futuro: Como alcanzar, enseñar e involucrar a los jóvenes en la iglesia

by Jonathan Jp" Pokluda

La iglesia del mañana está ahí, esperando que la alcances, que cuides de ella, que entiendas sus luchas y que le muestres por qué la iglesia de hoy la necesita, la quiere y la aprecia. Sin embargo, muchas iglesias no tienen ni idea de cómo atraer ni mantener a las generaciones más jóvenes. En este libro que cambia paradigmas, Jonathan “JP” Pokluda te muestra cómo animarte y equiparte para que si deseas que tu iglesia tenga un futuro, debes alcanzar —de una manera activa— a la iglesia futura.


by Deborah Ellis Eric Walters

When a Muslim boy is arrested at a high school on suspicion of terrorist affiliations, growing racial tensions divide the student population.

The Big 5-OH!

by Sandra D. Bricker

Olivia Wallace has a birthday curse . . . or so she thinks. It was a broken heart on her 16th, a car accident on her 21st, pneumonia on her 30th, and a fall down a flight of stairs on her 35th. There were Ohio blizzards on her 38th, 39th, and 40th; and six days before her 45th, she lost the love of her life to a heart attack. Numbing grief stole that birthday and a couple more to follow and, on the morning of her 48th birthday, she received the call she'd dreaded ever since losing her mom so many years ago . . . she was diagnosed with stage-3 ovarian cancer. The doctors didn't hold out a lot of hope, but Liv survived and maintained her faith. Months of surgeries and chemotherapy and radiation treatments followed. But now, as her 50th birthday creeps up the icy Ohio path toward her, her hair has grown back, her energy level is up, and she is officially cancer free. It makes her nervous. After everything she's gone through, Liv hates the idea of driving on icy roads and returning to work as an O.R. nurse in a local Cincinnati hospital. Her best friend Hallie knows just the thing to break Liv out of the winter doldrums, while providing a safe haven of warmth, sunshine, and a time to regroup: a holiday in the Florida sunshine!

The Big 5-OH!

by Sandra D. Bricker

Olivia Wallace has a birthday curse . . . or so she thinks. It was a broken heart on her 16th, a car accident on her 21st, pneumonia on her 30th, and a fall down a flight of stairs on her 35th. There were Ohio blizzards on her 38th, 39th, and 40th; and six days before her 45th, she lost the love of her life to a heart attack. Numbing grief stole that birthday and a couple more to follow and, on the morning of her 48th birthday, she received the call she'd dreaded ever since losing her mom so many years ago...she was diagnosed with stage-3 ovarian cancer. The doctors didn't hold out a lot of hope, but Liv survived and maintained her faith. Months of surgeries and chemotherapy and radiation treatments followed. But now, as her 50th birthday creeps up the icy Ohio path toward her, her hair has grown back, her energy level is up, and she is officially cancer free. It makes her nervous. After everything she's gone through, Liv hates the idea of driving on icy roads and returning to work as an O.R. nurse in a local Cincinnati hospital. Her best friend Hallie knows just the thing to break Liv out of the winter doldrums, while providing a safe haven of warmth, sunshine, and a time to regroup: a holiday in the Florida sunshine!

A Big Apple Christmas

by Gail Sattler Carrie Turansky Lynette Sowell Vasthi Reyes Acosta

Moonlight And Mistletoe Professional organizer Sarah Montgomery is hired to organize her elderly neighbor's cluttered apartment by Justin Latimer, her neighbor's grandson. Sarah believes free-spirited Justin is a lazy, unemployed poet who is taking advantage of his grandmother's generosity. Though attracted to him, she guards her heart against her growing feelings. As Sarah and Justin work together and enjoy Christmas events in New York City, romantic sparks fly-but will new revelations douse them? Shopping for Love Emily Jones has good reason for wanting to get lost as a tourist in the crowded shopping districts of New York City. But when Bryan Evans literally knocks her off her feet, her heart is spun even more off balance. When Christmas comes, will she go back home to life as normal, or will a piece of her heart always stay in the Big Apple? Where the Love Light Gleams by Lynette Sowell When the spruce tree in widow Gwynn Michaud's New Hampshire front yard is chosen for Rockefeller Center, her grown children send her to the Big Apple to see the tree lighting. Her host, Theophilus Stellakis, enjoys his ordered life and clockwork schedule as a professor in Manhattan. Will this Christmas bring change for both of them? Gifts from the Magi by Vasthi Reyes Acosta Cecilia Montes, a busy Latina grad student, buries herself under piles of work to keep her loneliness away. Then Elias Perez, a childhood friend, returns to the city as the youth pastor at her church. She is surprised to discover that the formerly sickly boy is now a strong, vibrant man of God. As Cecilia helps Elias with the youth, their friendship is renewed. But only when Cecilia learns to trust the Lord in new and deeper ways is she ready to receive gifts of love.

The Big Argument

by John Ashton Michael Westacott

The "argument" that readslike a conversation about life! Is there archaeological evidence for the New Testament? Did the universe "hatch" from a "cosmic egg"? What does the fossil record imply about the existence of God? Is design inferred by the existence of information? Since the Enlightenment, spirited debates about the existence of God have captured the public's imagination. Scholars, philosophers, and scientists have grappled with the "evidence" that God exists, or doesn't. Today, some of the world's best minds - in a variety of disciplines - grapple with whether there is any real purpose to our lives. Yet not only do many scientists believe in the God who created us with purpose, they also understand that what we do in the here and now has consequences in the next life. John Ashton has compiled a group of essayists who specialize in fields such as archaeology, astronomy, biblical scholarship, and more. The result is a fascinating exploration of an age-old question, sure to intrigue believers and skeptics alike.

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