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Freedom from Anxiety & Depression: 10 Steps to Get Your Life Back -Now!

by Mike Marino

Back Cover: “Anxiety and depression can literally suck the life out of you! They are the most common psychiatric disorders in America today. However, your life does not have to be defined by stress, sadness and failure. If you're feeling hopeless and helpless this book can change everything! We'll examine the information and tools you'll need to find your personal path to freedom--from biological, psychological, social and [Christian] spiritual perspectives. You really can get your life back and live with purpose and passion! “Don't waste another day mired in the pit of anxiety and depression. Your life can be better, much better! Small changes in your thinking patterns, support community, diet and spiritual life can make a huge difference. What are you waiting for?”

Forever Ours: Real Stories of Immortality and Living from a Forensic Pathologist

by Janis Amatuzio

[From the Book Jacket] As a physician, forensic pathologist, and coroner for several Minnesota counties, I have had the extraordinary privilege of caring for families and their loved ones when death comes suddenly, unexpectedly, or traumatically. My job is to speak for the dead, to solve the mystery of "What happened?" However, I have occasionally been faced with mysteries I cannot solve or explain. These experiences always baffle me, partly because as a scientist I seek to reach a reasonable degree of medical certainty, a rational explanation. But I have come to realize that for some experiences there is no explanation, just a deep knowing that I have encountered the Divine. - JANIS AMATUZIO, MD

The Sewing Circle

by Sally Laity Cathy Marie Hake Andrea Boeshaar Pamela Kaye Tracy

Contains four Christian romance novellas. Setting is a rural settlement in southwest Ohio during the early 1800's.

Seeking True Values: Grade 7 Textbook

by Pathway Publishers

Seeking True Values Grade 7 Textbook

An Uncensored Walk Through the Bible

by Linda Hahn

This book is in no way a scholastic writing intended to impress the educated of theological institutes. Nor has it been written for the critics of the Bible. It contains no preaching. It does not promote any specific doctrine of any specific denomination in any part of the world. It is the Bible speaking for itself.

The Church Cantatas of J. S. Bach

by Alec Robertson

For nearly every Sunday from 1723 to 1728, J S Bach composed and his young orphan boy-students performed, a half-hour cantata in the Lutheran church services of the Saint Thomas Church in Leipzig, Germany. A cantata usually began with a chorus, contained recitatives (narrative) and arias (meditations) and closed with a hymn (chorale). Bach's cantatas contain more than 1500 movements, filling 67 compact discs in today's recordings. They contain dozens of magnificent choruses and hundreds of deeply-felt and spectacular arias and chorales. Alec Robertson analyzes 173 of Bach's roughly 210 extant cantatas. He organizes them according to the Lutheran church year, starting with Advent and ending with the Reformation Festival of October 30. He introduces each Sunday and feast day with the Biblical citations which were usually the basis for the cantatas. He discusses each movement, even listing the instrumentation. Bach's cantatas are at the pinnacle of western classical music. Not only do they give spiritual nourishment to Christians and non-Christians but they are studied the world over by amateur and professional musicians for their penetrating pictorialization, harmonizations, counterpoint and beautiful melodies. They contain great choruses, arias for all types of singers, plus some duets and trios. Whether you are an amateur or serious musician, this book will help you to understand and appreciate these works. Cantatas not discussed in this book are those intended for special occasions such as weddings, funerals, birthdays of prominent persons, civic events such as town council inaugurations, those with secular themes and those originally included in the Bach canon but which modern scholarship has determined not to have been his compositions (de-established). Accordingly, the following cantatas are not discussed: 11, 15 (deest.), 29, 50, 53 (deest), 54, 71, 97, 106, 117, 118, 119, 120, 131, 141 (deest.), 142 (deest.), 150, 160 (deest.), 189 (deest.), 191, 192, 193, 195, 196, 197, 198 and 200-215. In this braille file, German words are shown using Braille grade 2 English contractions. If you download the DAISY file, you will get the German words uncontracted. Note: an excellent internet source for all things Bach cantatas is .

Devil in the Details: Scenes from an Obsessive Girlhood

by Jennifer Traig

The author gives a humorous account of her battles with obsessive-compulsive disorder while growing up.

Another Hives Of Bees

by Beverly Soderholm

A collection of children story designed to encourage christian values. BEE THOUGHTFUL, from a story called "Two Ways of Telling a Story" by Henry K. Oliver from 4th Grade McGuffey Reader. BEE DILIGENT, from story called "The Young Soldier" in the Sunshine Magazine, Oct. 1954 BEE DEVOTED, from a story by Harry Foster in The Witness and Testimony, 1955 BEE THOROUGH, from a story by Harry Foster in The Witness and Testimony, 1965 BEE UNSELFISH, from a story by Harry Foster in The Witness and Testimony, 195 5 BEE DETERMINED, from a story by Harry Foster in The Witness and Testimony, 1961 BEE RESOLUTE, from THE SUNSHINE MAGAZINE BEE LOYAL, from a story by Harry Foster in The Witness and Testimony, 1956 BEE TEACHABLE, from a story by Harry Foster in The Witness and Testimony, 1958 BEE CONSECRATED, from a story by Harry Foster in The Witness and Testimony, 1959 BEE TRUTHFUL, from a story by Anna Lee Carlton in the magazine, Bread for Children, Nov. 1972 46 ElVerano Rd, Arcadia, Fla. 33821 BEE HONEST, from a story by Harry Foster in The Witness and Testimony, 1963 BEE APPRECIATIVE, from a story called "Harry's Riches" in the 4th Grade McGuffey Reader. BEE TRUTHFUL, from a story by Anna Lee Carlton in the magazine, Bread for Children, March 1973 BEE CONTENT, from a story by Harry Foster in The Witness and Testimony, 1967 BEE THANKFUL, from a story by Harry Foster in The Witness and Testimony, 1961

Christ the Answer

by Father Sullivan

Father Peter Sullivan in Christ the Answer presents a Catholic apologetic for why Jesus Christ is the answer for people in the modern world. He begins his discussion by explaining the philosophical, scientific, rational and ontological reasons for the existence of God. After this, he explains why Christ is God by exploring the truth of the gospels and the veracity of the gospel writers. In his exegesis, he discusses the unique qualities of Christ, His own revelation of His divinity and the nature of His death and resurrection. These points further point to Christ's divinity. Sullivan's ends his discussion by presenting reasons why belief in Christ and following His teachings will help to solve humankind's existential crisis and moral decay. In support of this premise, he discusses the modern day occurrences in Fatima and Lourdes. This book examines the reasons for unbelief and provides rational explanations. His extensive footnotes and references substantiate his points and provide readers with ways to get additional information. Even though this work is scholastic, it is written in a straightforward manner so that non-academic readers are able to understand the material. In addition, he gives study outlines and summaries for each chapter to help readers better navigate the content. For more sophisticated readers, the work ends with two appendixes on science and God. Even though this book is written by a Catholic, much of its content is of interest and of value to non-Catholic readers as well.

What Does the Bible Really Teach?

by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc.

From the Book READ any newspaper. Look at television, or listen to the radio. There are so many stories of crime, war, and terrorism! Think about your own troubles. Perhaps illness or the death of a loved one is causing you great distress. You may feel like the good man Job, who said that he was "drenched with misery."-Job 10:15, The Holy Bible in the Language of Today. Ask yourself: Is this what God purposed for me and for the rest of mankind? Where can I find help to cope with my problems? Is there any hope that we will ever see peace on the earth? The Bible provides satisfying answers to these questions. Do not quickly dismiss what is presented on the preceding pages as mere wishful thinking. God has promised to bring these things about, and the Bible explains how he will do so. But the Bible does more than that. It provides the key to your enjoying a truly satisfying life even now. Think for a moment about your own anxieties and troubles. They may include money matters, family problems, loss of health, or the death of a loved one. The Bible can help you to deal with problems today, and it can provide relief by answering such questions as these: Why do we suffer? How can we cope with life's anxieties? How can we make our family life happier? What happens to us when we die? Will we ever see our dead loved ones again? How can we be sure that God will fulfill his promises for the future? The fact that you are reading this book shows that you would like to find out what the Bible teaches. This book will help you. Notice that the paragraphs have corresponding questions at the bottom of the page. Millions have enjoyed using the question-and-answer method when discussing the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. We hope you will too. May you have God's blessing as you now enjoy the thrilling and satisfying experience of learning what the Bible really teaches!

Experiencing the God Who IS: God’s Fingerprints (Experiencing the God Who IS Ser. #13)

by Winslow E. Parker

There are only two choices in the great debate over origins. the oldest and most prevalent in all societies is that we, and all that is, were created by some super-human intelligence. the other is that what is came into being from itself. these two contrasting philosophies are mutually exclusive, though some do attempt a hybrid blending of the two. I am, unapologetically, a Theistic Creationist. It is a reasoning too far, for me, to believe that nothing produces something. These writings are not an attempt to convince or coerce. They are merely my views, my own reasoning mind coming to a conclusion from the evidence I have studied. I'm no scientist, I cannot dig into the formulae or follow long chains of evidence. But common sense dictates that if nothing cannot come into existence from nothing, then the whole concept of evolution falls flat at the start. Perhaps I'm naive, but I find the concept of a Creator God much more probable, much more intellectually fulfilling. <P><P>Enter His world.

Experiencing the God Who IS: The Called-Out Ones (Experiencing the God Who IS Ser. #12)

by Winslow E. Parker

At last count, there are somewhere between 30 and 40 thousand Christian denominations. Each is a fragment of a fragment of a fragment. Each claims itself to be the only true church. Each claims that only its members will "get into heaven." What's a person to do? How can one explore every one of these denominations? The answer, I believe, is outside all of them. The body of Christ Jesus is invisible to the tax man, the theologians, pastors and the pollsters. We, the Body are the "called-out ones." We owe no allegiance to any earthly hierarchy but only to Jesus Christ. We may belong to a denomination, we may not. We may meet in homes, in restaurants or at a park. Only God truly knows who we all are. <P><P>In this group of writings, the author speaks from his own experience with a couple of home churches and from his nearly 50 years in a formal, hierarchical denomination. It is really the experience of coming to recognize the voice of God, of willing to be led, of finding others with whom to fellowship. <P><P>It's a wonderful journey--being among the called-out by the Lord.

Don't Sing Songs to a Heavy Heart: How to Relate to Those Who are Grieving

by Kenneth C. Haugk

From the book jacket: "Within an hour of finishing this book, I found myself using some of the things I had learned. I recommend it to anyone who has ever wanted to help a friend who was hurting but didn't know what to do or say." Rev. Darren Walker First United Methodist Church Glen Rose, Texas "Dr. Haugk draws on his own pain, as well as research with thousands of others, to offer simple, practical ways to relate to those who are suffering." Sandy Gagliardi St. Luke's Episcopal Church Hilton Head Island, South Carolina "We are all called to care. This book provides the critical tools, understanding, and compassion we need to be a help and comfort to others. A must-read for everyone!" Michael L. Russo St. Rochus Catholic Parish Johnstown, Pennsylvania "No fluff, just compelling reading on the art of intelligent sensitivity toward those who are suffering." Dr. Mary Ann Bowman First Presbyterian Church Sarasota, Florida "This book stands head and shoulders above any other on how to care for those who suffer. Its warm, practical approach shows us how we can be Jesus Christ Incarnate to hurting people." Barbara Lambert Altamesa Church of Christ Fort Worth, Texas

Experiencing the God Who IS: One-Hundred Percent (Experiencing the God Who IS Ser. #11)

by Winslow E. Parker

If Father can rescue no more than we Christians say, then He is an impotent, God who lacks wisdom, power and creativity. Blessedly, He is all of those things and more. Scripture is full of references stating very plainly that all humanity, in Adam, died. It also states very plainly, for open eyes, that those same ones are included in His final restoration of all things. Knowing this, all exclusivity, all elitism, all pride is banished from each of us and from the Body of Christ. He rescues the last lost sheep, coin and child. None are excluded, All are included. He is wise enough to find a way; kind enough to desire it; powerful enough to overcome all objections to it; gracious enough to accomplish it. <P><P>Think of it. Look around you at all the people with whom you come in contact every day. Most are "lost" according to the tenets of all denominations. Ninety-nine percent of all humanity never heard the Name by which all are saved. Ninety-nine percent! Let me say it again--99%! How are we so blessed, so chosen from out of all those who have ever lived? What a special place we inhabit, if we are the only ones to find refuge in that City which is Father Himself. What burst on me ten years ago, I share with you. My usual random thoughts, the thoughts of a tangential thinker, on this grand topic. If it is not true, I wish it were. If it is not true, I'm not sure I wish to spend eternity with a God who cannot or will not, rescue, redeem, reconcile all of His children. <P><P>If there is any one "doctrine" to which I hold it is this, "All humanity will, someday, be reconciled to Father." How glorious is that real Good News! How complete, how intellectually satisfying, how blessed it is to know that the bum on the street, the addict, the president, the pope, the high and low churchmen and the assorted dictators and despots will share table with me. Difficult though it be to believe this, it is a very real truth, one that will truly set you free.

Experiencing the God Who IS: Mouth to Ear (Experiencing the God Who IS Ser. #9)

by Winslow E. Parker

Prayer is far too often a deep mystery. Hundreds, probably thousands, of books have been written on the subject. Deep theological rifts have divided individuals, families denominations and even nations over the topic. No theology here, though, little in the way of practical advice, but come, share a moment of reflection, a thoughtful bit of time joining our hearts in loving reflection toward Father. This is prayer.

Experiencing the God Who IS: The Prime Directive (Experiencing the God Who IS Ser. #10)

by Winslow E. Parker

The TV series, Star Trek, always started with the Prime Directive, "Do not interfere." Of course, their very presence was an interruption an interference in whatever alien culture they encountered. <P><P>The Prime Directive of the universe of spirit is, "give." Creation was a gift, salvation is a gift and the greatest Gift of all, our Lord Jesus, was the highest and best and all-sufficient love of the Father to us. In this slim volume, I explore my own growing sense of sharing in that eternal giving which is Father giving Son and Son giving Himself to us. Some topics are a bit "political" in; my own biases peek through, but primarily, I wish to point us toward the Great Giver Himself. All else is of no consequence.

Experiencing the God Who IS: Living in Trust (Experiencing the God Who IS Ser. #8)

by Winslow E. Parker

This little book is not a theological treatise on faith. It is not a guide to getting faith or increasing it. It is meandering thoughts on the topic without attempting to come to a conclusion. If it sparks some resonant thought within you, I have accomplished my purpose. May our minds join in praising Him for that gift of faith which Father has granted us both.

Experiencing the God Who IS: Relationship (Experiencing the God Who IS Ser. #7)

by Winslow E. Parker

When life is near its end, when the years and decades are considered, what successes, what failures haunt and touch the lips with a smile? Is it the success of business, the wealth garnered by hard work, the climb up the social ladder? No. None of these will occupy the last thoughts of a life. the only thing that matters as the end nears is relationship. Do I have a good and lasting relationship with family and friends? Can I, in this extermis linger over the life shared with others? Nothing else will matter at that moment. <P><P>So it is that an even higher relationship draws our thoughts upward, toward Him who is ultimate relationship and within whom all relationship has its roots. These are thoughts on both relationship in the horizontal and on the vertical. May you be blessed as you read as I have been in its writing.

Experiencing the God Who IS: Living in Forgiveness (Experiencing the God Who IS Ser. #5)

by Winslow E. Parker

The highest and noblest of all human traits, excepting perhaps love, is forgiveness. forgiveness is the absorbing into oneself that which was due the perpetrator. When a convicted felon receives his just sentence, many of those who are wronged rejoice, feeling vindicated. A few, a small minority, express forgiveness toward the one who wronged them. Here is humanity at its best. Here is a small reflection of His words, "Father, forgive them..." And we were forgiven. You, me, all and every one of us, for His Father always hears His Son. We, in the priest, Pilate, soldiers, crowd, murdered Him. We, in this epitome of love, were forgiven--even the very worst offenders, forgiven. Think on that as you read these stories and devotions, reflections on forgiveness.

Experiencing the God Who IS: Living the New Life (Experiencing the God Who IS Ser. #6)

by Winslow E. Parker

There is an invisible birth which comes unannounced, unplanned, unseen in the physical world. It comes not from the passion of two lovers, yet, it does. It comes in a sovereign decision of the Divine Husband who wins and woos one here and there another. It is a sneaky seduction, but one which ever delights the one who has so yielded. The new life so conceived and birthed is celebrated in these meandering musings. May your heart be opened in the reading as mine has been in being the channel.

Hidden Man of the Heart

by E. W. Kenyon

Discover your real self. This book will enlighten you about the inner man, the real you.

The Wound of Knowledge: Christian Spirituality from the New Testament to St. John of the Cross

by Rowan Williams

A psychological and intellectual analysis of Christian spirituality.

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