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Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual Design

by Gunther Kress Theo van Leeuwen

This third edition of the landmark textbook Reading Images builds on its reputation as the first systematic and comprehensive account of the grammar of visual design. Drawing on an enormous range of examples from children's drawings to textbook illustrations, photo-journalism to fine art, as well as three-dimensional forms such as sculpture and toys, the authors examine the ways in which images communicate meaning. Features of this fully updated third edition include: new material on diagrams and data visualization a new approach to the theory of 'modality' a discussion of how images and their uses have changed since the first edition examples from a wide range of digital media including websites, social media, I-phone interfaces and computer games ideas on the future of visual communication. Reading Images presents a detailed outline of the 'grammar' of visual design and provides the reader with an invaluable 'tool-kit' for reading images in their contemporary multimodal settings. A must for students and scholars of communication, linguistics, design studies, media studies and the arts.

Tailoring Health Messages: Customizing Communication With Computer Technology

by Matthew W. Kreuter David W. Farrell Laura R. Olevitch Laura K. Brennan

Through the use of new technologies, researchers, and practitioners in health education and health communication can now provide health information and behavior change strategies that are customized based on the unique needs, interests, and concerns of different individuals. These tailored health messages can be highly effective in assisting individuals in understanding and responding to health concerns. In this volume, Matthew Kreuter, David Farrell, and their colleagues define the process of tailoring and describe its uses in health communication programs. They present a theoretical and public health rationale for tailoring and support their position with empirical evidence. They also lay out the steps involved in creating and delivering tailored health communication programs, which can then be applied in practice. Practitioners, researchers, and students in health communication, health psychology, public health, and related areas will find this book to be a vital and invaluable resource for improving communication about health issues.

Lokale Politikberichterstattung: Inhalte, Leistungen, Formate und Attraktivitätsfaktoren aus der Perspektive des Publikums

by Inge Kreutz

Wie kann lokale Politikberichterstattung möglichst viele Menschen erreichen? Antworten gibt dieses Buch auf der Grundlage von Umfragen und Gruppendiskussionen bei Leser*innen und User*innen von drei crossmedial publizierenden Regionalzeitungen. Es liefert eine Typologisierung des Publikums und zeigt die jeweils spezifischen Ansprüche an lokale Politikberichterstattung auf. Zudem aktualisiert es den Forschungsstand zu Ost-West-Unterschieden und spezifiziert ihn für lokale Politikberichterstattung. Die Doppelrolle der Autorin als Medienwissenschaftlerin und praktische Journalistin begünstigt eine Verbindung der Ansprüche von Theorie und Praxis. Das Buch will eine Diskussion darüber anstoßen, wie Lokaljournalismus in der digitalen Transformation seine Relevanz und Bedeutung erhalten und wie die Versorgung der Gesellschaft auf lokaler und sublokaler Ebene mit demokratierelevanten Informationen gesichert werden kann.

Konzepte und Instrumente des Dialog-Marketings (essentials)

by Ralf T. Kreutzer

Dialog-Marketing wird nicht nur von immer mehr Unternehmen eingesetzt, sondern zunehmend auch von Verbänden, Organisationen sowie sozialen Bewegungen. Das verfolgte Ziel ist dabei stets das gleiche: Dem eigenen Anliegen soll Gehör verschafft und Kunden sollen durch einen Appell aktiviert werden, all dies auf möglichst effiziente und effektive Weise. In diesem Beitrag vermittelt Ralf T. Kreutzer dem Leser einen umfassenden Einblick in die Thematik des Dialog-Marketings und dessen relevante Anwendungsfelder.

Corporate Reputation Management: Wirksame Strategien für den Unternehmenserfolg (Essentials)

by Ralf T. Kreutzer Cornelia Wüst

Der gute Ruf' eines Unternehmens ist nicht auf das Ergebnis von Image-Kampagnen zu beschränken, sondern bindet auch alle Marken sowie das Unternehmen als Ganzes mit seinen internen und externen Stakeholdern ein. Ausgewiesene Spezialisten diskutieren konkrete Frage- und Infrage-Stellungen zu bestehenden Konzepten und zeigen auf, durch welche Ansätze mit welchen Verantwortlichkeiten (bspw. von Unternehmenskommunikation und Medien) und Strategien nachhaltige Erfolge zu erzielen sind. Namhafte Vertreter aus Industrie, Beratung und Forschung präsentieren Lösungskonzepte.

#MakeoverMonday: Improving How We Visualize and Analyze Data, One Chart at a Time

by Andy Kriebel Eva Murray

Explore different perspectives and approaches to create more effective visualizations #MakeoverMonday offers inspiration and a giant dose of perspective for those who communicate data. Originally a small project in the data visualization community, #MakeoverMonday features a weekly chart or graph and a dataset that community members reimagine in order to make it more effective. The results have been astounding; hundreds of people have contributed thousands of makeovers, perfectly illustrating the highly variable nature of data visualization. Different takes on the same data showed a wide variation of theme, focus, content, and design, with side-by-side comparisons throwing more- and less-effective techniques into sharp relief. This book is an extension of that project, featuring a variety of makeovers that showcase various approaches to data communication and a focus on the analytical, design and storytelling skills that have been developed through #MakeoverMonday. Paging through the makeovers ignites immediate inspiration for your own work, provides insight into different perspectives, and highlights the techniques that truly make an impact. Explore the many approaches to visual data communication Think beyond the data and consider audience, stakeholders, and message Design your graphs to be intuitive and more communicative Assess the impact of layout, color, font, chart type, and other design choices Creating visual representation of complex datasets is tricky. There’s the mandate to include all relevant data in a clean, readable format that best illustrates what the data is saying—but there is also the designer’s impetus to showcase a command of the complexity and create multidimensional visualizations that “look cool.” #MakeoverMonday shows you the many ways to walk the line between simple reporting and design artistry to create exactly the visualization the situation requires.

Green Networking

by Francine Krief

This book focuses on green networking, which is an important topic for the scientific community composed of engineers, academics, researchers and industrialists working in the networking field. Reducing the environmental impact of the communications infrastructure has become essential with the ever increasing cost of energy and the need for reducing global CO2 emissions to protect our environment.Recent advances and future directions in green networking are presented in this book, including energy efficient networks (wired networks, wireless networks, mobile networks), adaptive networks (cognitive radio networks, green autonomic networking), green terminals, and industrial research into green networking (smart city, etc.).

Urban Tomographies (The City in the Twenty-First Century)

by Martin H. Krieger

Tomography is a method of exploring a phenomenon through a large number of examples or perspectives. In medical tomography, such as a CAT scan, two-dimensional slices or images of a three-dimensional organ are used to envision the organ itself. Urban tomography applies the same approach to the study of city life. To appreciate different aspects of a community, from infrastructure to work to worship, urban planning expert Martin H. Krieger scans the myriad sights and sounds of contemporary Los Angeles. He examines these slices of life in Urban Tomographies.The book begins by introducing tomographic methods and the principles behind them, which are taken from phenomenological philosophy. It draws from the examples of Lee Friedlander and Walker Evans, as well as Denis Diderot, Charles Marville, and Eugène Atget, who documented the many facets of Paris life in three crucial periods. Rather than focus on singular, extraordinary figures and events as do most documentarians, Krieger looks instead at the typical, presenting multiple specific images that call attention to people and activities usually rendered invisible by commonality. He took tens of thousands of photographs of industrial sites, markets, electrical distributing stations, and storefront churches throughout Los Angeles. He also recorded the city's ambient sounds, from the calls of a tamale vendor to the buzz of a workshop saw. Krieger considers these samples from the urban sensorium in this innovative volume, resulting in a thoughtful illumination of the interplay of people with and within the built environment. With numerous maps and photographs, as well as Krieger's unique insights, Urban Tomographies provides an unusually representative and rounded view of the city.

Documents, Presentations, and Workbooks: Using Microsoft® Office to Create Content That Gets Noticed

by Stephanie Krieger

Get expert techniques and best practices for creating professional-looking documents, slide presentations, and workbooks. And apply these skills as you work with Microsoft Word, PowerPoint®, and Excel® in Office 2010 or Office for Mac 2011. This hands-on guide provides constructive advice and advanced, timesaving tips to help you produce compelling content that delivers--in print or on screen. Work smarter--and create content with impact! Create your own custom Office themes and templates Use tables and styles to help organize and present content in complex Word documents Leave a lasting impression with professional-quality graphics and multimedia Work with PowerPoint masters and layouts more effectively Design Excel PivotTables for better data analysis and reporting Automate and customize documents with Microsoft Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA) and Open XML Formats Boost document collaboration and sharing with Office Web Apps Your companion web content includes: All the book's sample files for Word, PowerPoint, and Excel Files containing Microsoft Visio® samples--Visio 2010 is required for viewing

Political Communication in Direct Democratic Campaigns

by Hanspeter Kriesi

Analyzes the communication processes in direct democratic campaigns and their effect on the opinion formation of the voters. Based on a detailed analysis of the politicians' strategies, media coverage and the opinion formation of the public in three campaigns, this book argues that the campaigns are more enlightening than manipulating.

Between the Bylines: The Life, Love and Loss of Los Angeles's Most Colorful Sports Journalist (Sports Ser.)

by Doug Krikorian

A sportswriter&’s deeply personal memoir of the love that turned his life around, and the struggle to overcome his wife&’s tragic death. Doug Krikorian beat deadlines and made headlines for more than four decades as the Los Angeles region&’s most compelling sportswriter. His brash and combative style—featured in the Los Angeles Herald Examiner and Long Beach Press-Telegram and on radio with partner Joe McDonnell—shaped fans&’ perceptions of Wilt Chamberlain, Tommy Lasorda, Muhammad Ali, Georgia Frontiere, and many others. But his hard edge was unexpectedly softened through a chance meeting with a British physical therapist named Gillian—and their subsequent marriage. Sadly, their union would be all too brief, as Gillian fought a heroic battle against an incurable disease, eventually falling into a fatal coma on the same morning that terrorists attacked America in 2001. In this moving memoir, Krikorian reflects on a fight more brutal than those in any boxing ring, and the losses we face more harrowing than those on any basketball court or baseball field—and how, after enduring his grief, he picked up the pieces and decided to do what he&’s always done best: tell the story.

Electronic Participation: 12th Ifip Wg 8. 5 International Conference, Epart 2020, Linköping, Sweden, August 31 - September 2, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes In Computer Science Series #12220)

by Robert Krimmer Marius Rohde Johannessen Thomas Lampoltshammer Ida Lindgren Peter Parycek Gerhard Schwabe Jolien Ubacht

<p>This book constitutes the proceedings of the 14th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference on Electronic Participation, ePart 2022, held in Linköping, Sweden, during September 6–8, 2022, in conjunction with IFIP WG 8.5 Electronic Government (EGOV 2022), and the Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government Conference (CeDEM 2022).<p> <p>The 12 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 26 submissions. The papers are clustered under the following topical sections: E-democracy and e-participation; ICT & sustainability; digital and social media; legal informatics; and digital society.<p>

Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Methodology

by Dr Klaus Krippendorff

What matters in people’s social lives? What motivates and inspires our society? How do we enact what we know? Since the first edition published in 1980, Content Analysis has helped shape and define the field. In the highly anticipated Fourth Edition, award-winning scholar and author Klaus Krippendorff introduces you to the most current method of analyzing the textual fabric of contemporary society. Students and scholars will learn to treat data not as physical events but as communications that are created and disseminated to be seen, read, interpreted, enacted, and reflected upon according to the meanings they have for their recipients. Interpreting communications as texts in the contexts of their social uses distinguishes content analysis from other empirical methods of inquiry. Organized into three parts, Content Analysis first examines the conceptual aspects of content analysis, then discusses components such as unitizing and sampling, and concludes by showing readers how to trace the analytical paths and apply evaluative techniques. The Fourth Edition has been completely revised to offer you the most current techniques and research on content analysis, including new information on reliability and social media. You will also gain practical advice and experience for teaching academic and commercial researchers how to conduct content analysis.

Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Methodology

by Dr Klaus Krippendorff

What matters in people’s social lives? What motivates and inspires our society? How do we enact what we know? Since the first edition published in 1980, Content Analysis has helped shape and define the field. In the highly anticipated Fourth Edition, award-winning scholar and author Klaus Krippendorff introduces you to the most current method of analyzing the textual fabric of contemporary society. Students and scholars will learn to treat data not as physical events but as communications that are created and disseminated to be seen, read, interpreted, enacted, and reflected upon according to the meanings they have for their recipients. Interpreting communications as texts in the contexts of their social uses distinguishes content analysis from other empirical methods of inquiry. Organized into three parts, Content Analysis first examines the conceptual aspects of content analysis, then discusses components such as unitizing and sampling, and concludes by showing readers how to trace the analytical paths and apply evaluative techniques. The Fourth Edition has been completely revised to offer you the most current techniques and research on content analysis, including new information on reliability and social media. You will also gain practical advice and experience for teaching academic and commercial researchers how to conduct content analysis.

Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Methodology

by Klaus Krippendorff

Since the publication of the first edition of Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Methodology, the textual fabric in which contemporary society functions has undergone a radical transformation: specifically, the ongoing information revolution. Today, content analysis has become an efficient alternative to public opinion research—a method of tracking markets, political leanings, and emerging ideas, a way to settle legal disputes, and an approach to explore individual human minds.

On Communicating: Otherness, Meaning, and Information

by Klaus Krippendorff

Klaus Krippendorff is an influential figure in communication studies widely known for his award-winning book Content Analysis. Over the years, Krippendorff has made important contributions to the ongoing debates on fundamental issues concerning communication theory, epistemology, methods of research, critical scholarship, second-order cybernetics, the social construction of reality through language, design, and meaning. On Communicating assembles Krippendorff’s most significant writings – many of which are virtually unavailable today, appearing in less accessible publications, conference proceedings, out-of-print book chapters, and articles in journals outside the communication field. In their totality, they provide a goldmine for communication students and scholars. Edited and with an introduction by Fernando Bermejo, this book provides readers with access to Krippendorff’s key works.

Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing and Networking: ICCCN 2018, NITTTR Chandigarh, India (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #46)

by C. Rama Krishna Maitreyee Dutta Rakesh Kumar

The book provides insights from the 2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing and Networking organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chandigarh, India on March 29–30, 2018. The book includes contributions in which researchers, engineers, and academicians as well as industrial professionals from around the globe presented their research findings and development activities in the field of Computing Technologies, Wireless Networks, Information Security, Image Processing and Data Science. The book provides opportunities for the readers to explore the literature, identify gaps in the existing works and propose new ideas for research.

The Best Interface Is No Interface: The Simple Path to Brilliant Technology

by Golden Krishna

Our love affair with the digital interface is out of control. We've embraced it in the boardroom, the bedroom, and the bathroom. Screens have taken over our lives. Most people spend over eight hours a day staring at a screen, and some "technological innovators" are hoping to grab even more of your eyeball time. You have screens in your pocket, in your car, on your appliances, and maybe even on your face. Average smartphone users check their phones 150 times a day, responding to the addictive buzz of Facebook or emails or Twitter. Are you sick? There's an app for that! Need to pray? There's an app for that! Dead? Well, there's an app for that, too! And most apps are intentionally addictive distractions that end up taking our attention away from things like family, friends, sleep, and oncoming traffic. There's a better way. In this book, innovator Golden Krishna challenges our world of nagging, screen-based bondage, and shows how we can build a technologically advanced world without digital interfaces. In his insightful, raw, and often hilarious criticism, Golden reveals fascinating ways to think beyond screens using three principles that lead to more meaningful innovation. Whether you're working in technology, or just wary of a gadget-filled future, you'll be enlighted and entertained while discovering that the best interface is no interface.

Advances in Mobile Computing and Communications: Perspectives and Emerging Trends in 5G Networks

by M. Bala Krishna Jaime Lloret Mauri

By 2020, if not before, mobile computing and wireless systems are expected to enter the fifth generation (5G), which promises evolutionary if not revolutionary services. What those advanced services will look like, sound like, and feel like is the theme of the book Advances in Mobile Computing and Communications: Perspectives and Emerging Trends in 5G Networks. The book explores futuristic and compelling ideas in latest developments of communication and networking aspects of 5G. As such, it serves as an excellent guide for advanced developers, communication network scientists, researchers, academicians, and graduate students. The authors address computing models, communication architecture, and protocols based on 3G, LTE, LTE-A, 4G, and beyond. Topics include advances in 4G, radio propagation and channel modeling aspects of 4G networks, limited feedback for 4G, and game theory application for power control and subcarrier allocation in OFDMA cellular networks. Additionally, the book covers millimeter-wave technology for 5G networks, multicellular heterogeneous networks, and energy-efficient mobile wireless network operations for 4G and beyond using HetNets. Finally, the authors delve into opportunistic multiconnect networks with P2P WiFi and cellular providers and video streaming over wireless channels for 4G and beyond.

Contingent Canons: African Literature and the Politics of Location (Elements in Publishing and Book Culture)

by Madhu Krishnan

This Element explores the mechanisms through which 'African literature', as a market category, has been consecrated within the global literary field. Drawing on archival, textual and field-based research, it proposes that the normative story of African literary writing has functioned to efface a broader material history of African literary production located on and oriented to the continent itself.

Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch Business Application Development

by Jayaram Krishnaswamy

The book is designed to introduce the various components and funtionalities of LightSwitch. This book will appeal to LightSwitch self-starters, as most of the examples are complete--not just snippets--with extensive screenshots. The chapters progress from downloading software to deploying applications in a logical sequence. This book is for developers who are beginning to use Visual Studio LightSwitch. Small business houses should be able get a jump start on using LightSwitch. The book does not assume prior knowledge of Visual Studio LightSwitch but exposure to SQL Server, Silverlight, and Microsoft IDEs such as Visual Studio (any version) will be of great help. The book should be useful to both Visual Basic and C# programmers.

Vulnerable Systems

by Wolfgang Kröger Enrico Zio

The safe management of the complex distributed systems and critical infrastructures which constitute the backbone of modern industry and society entails identifying and quantifying their vulnerabilities to design adequate protection, mitigation, and emergency action against failure. In practice, there is no fail-safe solution to such problems and various frameworks are being proposed to effectively integrate different methods of complex systems analysis in a problem-driven approach to their solution. Vulnerable Systems reflects the current state of knowledge on the procedures which are being put forward for the risk and vulnerability analysis of critical infrastructures. Classical methods of reliability and risk analysis, as well as new paradigms based on network and systems theory, including simulation, are considered in a dynamic and holistic way. Readers of Vulnerable Systems will benefit from its structured presentation of the current knowledge base on this subject. It will enable graduate students, researchers and safety and risk analysts to understand the methods suitable for different phases of analysis and to identify their criticalities in application.

The Communication Book: 44 Ideas For Better Conversations Every Day

by Mikael Krogerus Roman Tschäppeler

Mikael Krogerus and Roman Tschäppeler have tested the 44 most important communication theories and distilled them in book form, alongside clear and entertaining illustrations. Want better conversations? Ask open-ended questions that have no right or wrong answers—make your partner feel brilliant. Want better meetings? Ban smartphones, use a timer, and make everyone stand up. Want better business deals? Focus on the thing, rather than the person; on similarities, rather than differences; and on good outcomes, rather than perfect ones. Whether you want to present ideas more clearly, improve your small talk, or master the art of introspection, The Communication Book delivers, fusing theoretical knowledge and practical advice in a small but mighty package. With sections on work, the self, relationships and language, this book is indispensable for anyone who wants to improve what they say, and how they say it.

Technologies of the New Real: Viral Contagion and Death of the Social (Digital Futures)

by Arthur Kroker Marilouise Kroker

With astonishing speed, we have been projected into a new reality where interactions with drones, robotic bodies, and high-level surveillance are increasingly mainstream. In this age of groundbreaking developments in robotic technologies, synthetic biology is merging with artificial intelligence, forming a newly blended reality of machines, bodies, and affect. Technologies of the New Real draws from critical intersections of technology and society – including drones, surveillance, DIY bodies, and innovations in robotic technology – to explore what these advances can tell us about our present reality, or what authors Arthur and Marilouise Kroker deem the "new real" of digital culture in the twenty-first century. Technologies of the New Real explores the many technologies of our present reality as they infiltrate the social, political, and economic static of our everyday lives, seemingly eroding traditionally conceived boundaries between humans and machines, and rendering fully ambivalent borders between the human mind and simulated data.

Web Development with MongoDB and Node.js

by Jason Krol

This book is designed for developers of any skill level that want to get up and running using Node.js and MongoDB to build full featured web applications. A basic understanding of JavaScript and HTML is the only requirement for this book.

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