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El regreso (Bestseller/debolsillo Ser. #Vol. 188)

by Rosamunde Pilcher

El regreso es una verdadera obra maestra. Estamos en 1935. Judith Dunbar, una chica de catorce años, es acogida por una familia muy especial que marcará significativamente su adolescencia. La suntuosa casa de campo que los Carey-Lewis poseen en Cornualles, idílica región del sudoeste de Inglaterra, se convierte en su segundo hogar. Sin embargo, turbada por el despertar de su propia sexualidad y tras una frustrante relación amorosa con Edward, el hijo mayor de la familia, Judith decide hacerse dueña de su propio destino. Lejos de allí, los vientos de guerra que se ciernen sobre Europa se desatan repentinamente. Judith está dispuesta a colaborar en la lucha contra el nazismo, lucha que le toca muy de cerca. Su padre cae prisionero de los japoneses, su madre desaparece, Edward es arrastrado por los acontecimientos... La vida de Judith parece hundirse en un infierno de locura y barbarie. Pero en medio del caos, surgirá alguien que siempre ha estado a su lado, aunque ella no lo supiera.

El regreso

by Nicholas Sparks

MÁS DE TREINTA MILLONES DE EJEMPLARES VENDIDOS EN TODO EL MUNDO. MÁS DE UN MILLÓN DE EJEMPLARES VENDIDOS EN ESPAÑOL. VUELVE NICHOLAS SPARKS, EL ACLAMADO AUTOR DE EL CUADERNO DE NOAH. En la línea de Querido John, Nicholas Sparks nos trae una conmovedora historia acerca de un doctor herido en el ejército y de las dos mujeres cuyos secretos cambiarán el rumbo de su vida. Trevor Benson no tuvo intenciones de volver a New Bern, Carolina del Norte. Pero una terrible explosión a las fueras del hospital en el que trabajaba como cirujano, le obliga a volver a casa desde Afganistán con graves heridas. La destartalada cabaña que había heredado de su abuelo parece el lugar ideal para recuperarse. Trevor, que cuida las amadas colmenas de abejas de su abuelo, no está preparado para enamorarse de alguien del pueblo. Sin embargo, desde su primer encuentro, Trevor siente una conexión especial que no puede ignorar con Natalie Masterson, la ayudante del sheriff. Pero incluso cuando ella parecía corresponder a sus sentimientos, Natalie permanece muy distante, haciendo que Trevor se cuestione qué podría estar escondiendo. Para complicar aún más las cosas en New Bern, de pronto aparece Callie, una adolescente que vive en un aparcamiento de caravanas. Al saber que Callie conocía a su abuelo, Trevor espera esclarecer las misteriosas circunstancias de su muerte, pero Callie ofrece muy pocas pistas, hasta que una crisis desencadena una carrera que descubrirá la verdadera naturaleza de su pasado, un pasado mucho más entrelazado con la muerte del anciano de lo que Trevor podría haber imaginado. En su búsqueda por desentrañar los secretos de Natalie y Callie, Trevor aprenderá el verdadero significado del amor y el perdón… y que en la vida, para seguir adelante, a menudo debemos regresar al lugar donde todo comenzó. La crítica ha dicho...«Profundamente conmovedora. Sparks nos recuerda que todos somos humanos. Una novela que te enamorará desde las primeras páginas.»POPSUGAR «Una preciosa historia de secretos, seducción y sobre el perdón que todos querrán leer más de una vez.»CNN Underscored «Los fans de Sparks devorarán esta novela y nuevos lectores que no conozcan sus novelas se engancharán el fenómeno Nicholas Sparks.»Northern Virginia Magazine

Regreso a Irlanda

by Jojo Moyes

Tres mujeres, tres voces de distintas generaciones. Una oportunidad para reencontrarse. Una novela de la autora de Yo antes de ti. Otra relación rota y un nuevo amor: es la historia de siempre en la vida de Kate. Sin embargo, no quiere que la situación afecte a su hija Sabine y, sin consultárselo, la envía a casa de sus padres en Irlanda. Joy y Edward acogen a esta adolescente inquisitiva y problemática, que se niega a adaptarse a un mundo tan rural y tan alejado de su barrio londinense. Y si para Sabine sus abuelos resultan ser unos perfectos desconocidos, para Joy la presencia de su nieta es un revulsivo que la obliga a recuperarse del pasado y enfrentarse a él. Joy, Kate y Sabine deberán abrir sus corazones, aunque ello las fuerce a romper su silencio, a desvelar sus secretos, a aceptar la verdadera naturaleza del amor y a ahondar en las relaciones no siempre fáciles entre madres e hijas. Reseña:«Un absorbente drama familiar.»Publishers Weekly

Regreso a la villa de las telas (La villa de las telas #Volumen 4)

by Anne Jacobs

La villa de las telas abre de nuevo sus puertas.Llega la esperada cuarta parte de la saga superventas de Anne Jacobs. Una magnífica mansionUna época turbulentaUn amor que puede vencerlo todo... Augsburgo, 1930. Marie y Paul Melzer son felices y su amor es más fuerte que nunca. Su hijo menor, el pequeño Kurti, que ahora tiene cuatro años, es un rayo de sol que se gana el afecto de todo el mundo y los gemelos Dodo y Leo han crecido espléndidamente. Dodo ha descubierto su amor por la técnica y sueña con convertirse en aviadora, mientras que Leo demuestra un gran talento para el piano, que se ha convertido en su gran pasión.Pero la villa no es ajena a la agitada situación política en Alemania y la crisis económica golpea con fuerza el negocio familiar. Los Melzer tienen importantes deudas y Marie deberá enfrentarse a dolorosas decisiones para evitar la ruina. El destino de la familia está en juego. Y su amada villa de las telas solo podrá salvarse si todos permanecen unidos. Sobre los libros de la saga han dicho:«Es una gran historia de amor, con tintes dramáticos y secretos familiares, que nos ha gustado tanto por su calidad literaria como por su preciosismo histórico.»Revista Kritica «Una novela histórica muy entretenida que capta el ambiente de comienzos del siglo XX.»Fränkische Nachrichten «Amor imposible y las rígidas normas sociales de la Europa central a principios del siglo XX serán el escenario en el que se desenvuelva esta entretenida historia llena de secretos.»Jorge Pato García, El Imparcial «Downtown Abbey en Augsburgo.»Histo-couch «Este libro lo tiene todo, todo que podríamos desear para un día de lluvia: una gran historia de amor, intriga [...] y un gran secreto familiar.»Delmenhorster Kreisblatt «Con su escritura fluida, Anne Jacobs sabe cómo seducir a sus lectoras y transportarlas a la vida de la alta sociedad de hace cien años con todo su glamour pero también con sus sombras.»Weilheimer Tagblatt «A todos los que os gustan las sagas familiares estos libros os van a encantar. De esos libros que tiene un ritmo muy bueno en todo momento, no decae para nada y hace su lectura muy agradable.»Blog Leyendo entre páginas «Una historia de familias, de amor, de superación personal y de valentía. Pero de una valentía que no sabes que tienes hasta que la necesitas.»Blog Viajando gracias a los libros

Regreso a Oak Hill (Oak Hill #Volumen 2)

by Marian Viladrich

Segunda entrega de la trilogía romántica actual de Marian Viladrich «Oak Hill». Una historia de amor, reencuentros y segundas oportunidades que hará las delicias de los lectores. Regresar a casa puede ser la única forma de que Rebecca Miller tome las riendas de su vida, ate los cabos sueltos del pasado y tenga un inesperado reencuentro con un antiguo amor. Rebecca ha terminado sus estudios de ballet, pero nunca se sintió cómoda sobre los escenarios. Ha llegado el momento de decidir qué hacer con su vida y, confusa, regresa a Oak Hill, la pequeña ciudad en la que nació y que pisó por última vez tres años atrás. Allí se reencontrará con su hermano, con el que mantiene una relación distante; con su mejor amiga, que sueña con reconvertir una vieja granja abandonada en un nuevo negocio, y con su antiguo amor de adolescencia, al que hirió profundamente. Ethan Bradley está atrapado en Oak Hill. Hace años que renunció a todos sus sueños y ha aceptado una vida sencilla. Vive en un céntrico apartamento con su perro Huck, trabaja en la librería de sus padres y no se relaciona con demasiada gente desde el accidente que dejó evidentes señales en su cuerpo y en su carácter. Pero su tranquila existencia va a dar un vuelco con la llegada de Rebecca, la chica que volvió su mundo del revés antes de romperle el corazón. Ethan y Rebecca tendrán que enfrentarse a los fantasmas de su pasado, conocer a las nuevas personas en que se han convertido y afrontar un futuro incierto. La vida les está ofreciendo una segunda oportunidad, pero Ethan no parece demasiado dispuesto a aprovecharla y Rebecca tiene que encontrar dentro de sí misma el valor necesario para poner su mundo en orden y aceptar sus sentimientos.

El regreso del griego

by Kate Hewitt Luis Pugni

El legendario aplomo del millonario griego Yannis Zervas estuvo a punto de saltar por los aires cuando se topà ³ con Eleanor Langley. La jovencita dulce y adorable que recordaba se habà ­ a convertido en una ambiciosa y sumamente atractiva profesional de Nueva York, que lo miraba con ojos acerados, un fondo de ira y lo que parecà ­ a ser deseo. A Yannis no le gustaban las emociones puras. Habà ­ a contratado a esa frà ­ a mujer por motivos de negocios. Pero mà ¡ s tarde, cuando viajaron a Grecia y se encontraron bajo el cà ¡ lido sol del Mediterrà ¡ neo, la verdadera Ellie volvià ³ a surgir. . .

El regreso del jeque

by Caitlin Crews Luis Pugni

Su secreto... un nióo de sangre real El jeque Tariq bin Khalid Al-Nur era tan duro y traicionero como el desierto del que un día sería rey, pero no podía subir al trono de su país hasta que no contrajera matrimonio. ¿Por qué, entonces, seguía soltero? No podía dejar de soóar con la encantadora Jessa Heath, una chica corriente, pero inolvidable. Jessa sabía que Tariq y ella tenían una cuenta pendiente. ¿Y si se dejaba llevar y se permitía el lujo de aceptar su proposición? Una última noche para dejar atrás la pasión del pasado... Pero sabía que estaba pisando un terreno peligroso. En una sola noche, podría desvelarse el secreto que había mantenido oculto durante tantos aóos...


by Elana Johnson

Set in the world of Possession and Surrender, this riveting, original eBook reveals pieces of Jag's mysterious past and the inner workings of the Resistance.When Jag, the leader of the Resistance, goes missing during a mission, Indy feels like her heart might break. But as Jag's second in command, she must put her feelings for him aside and take charge. With Jag in the Thinkers' hands, the Resistance needs Indy's smart strategy and calm leadership now more than ever. Indy knows that wherever Jag is, he's counting on her to continue the fight. But then Jag returns . . . with a girl named Vi. Indy doesn't know who this new girl is, or what she has to do with Jag's disappearance, but she can see the way Jag looks at Vi, and it makes Indy's heart stop cold. Now that Jag has returned with a new girl at his side, does Indy even have a place in the Resistance? This eBook-exclusive story includes special excerpts from both Possession and Surrender.

Regret Loving You: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Su MoEr

Xiao San and the main room. True love and original. Xu Yi and her.On the cliff in the fierce cold wind, Gu Nian hysterically shouted, "Fu Siyu, have you ever loved me? "Even if it's just a tiny bit..."Fu Siyu tightly embraced the true love in his arms as he resolutely shook his head. "Gu Nian, I don't have any feelings for you."Haha! No feelings? Fu Siyu, I've loved you for fifteen years. In the end, what did I get?Gu Nian turned around and decisively jumped down.

Regret Me Not

by Amy Lane

Pierce Atwater used to think he was a knight in shining armor, but then his life fell to crap. Now he has no job, no wife, no life—and is so full of self-pity he can’t even be decent to the one family member he’s still speaking to. He heads for Florida, where he’s got a month to pull his head out of his ass before he ruins his little sister’s Christmas. Harold Justice Lombard the Fifth is at his own crossroads—he can keep being Hal, massage therapist in training, flamboyant and irrepressible to the bones, or he can let his parents rule his life. Hal takes one look at Pierce and decides they’re fellow unicorns out to make the world a better place. Pierce can’t reject Hal’s overtures of friendship, in spite of his misgivings about being too old and too pissed off to make a good friend. As they experience everything from existential Looney Tunes to eternal trips to Target, Pierce becomes more dependent on Hal’s optimism to get him through the day. When Hal starts getting him through the nights too, Pierce must look inside for the knight he used to be—before Christmas becomes a doomsday deadline of heartbreak instead of a celebration of love.

Regretless Love: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Xi Jia

That sad across sad silence a beauty for people to marry how many lovesickness tears through a lot of love and hate that night and day for this beauty that love is doomed to be king that miss is true love after all full of flowers and flowers under the moon that song you female zhaojun do not know complain a few lives read a few lives perhaps all this is just a mistake a mistake that people can not regret see a woman let a person to hand over the silk handkerchief the butterfly on the silk handkerchief with the tears that won the orbit poured out the butterfly on the silk handkerchief dancing i hated and i loved it s just that it s all so emotional

Regrets Only: A Novel

by Erin Duffy

From the author of Bond Girl and Lost Along the Way, comes a fiercely funny, insightful story of marriage, family, and the crooked path to figuring out who we really are.Claire thought she had everything a woman was supposed to want—a loving husband, a newborn son, a beautiful home in the suburbs. Then she walks in on her husband canoodling with their realtor in their newly renovated kitchen, and in an instant, her perfect life comes crashing down. With her marriage heading for divorce, Claire knows it’s time to stop feeling sorry for herself. But how can she move on when she’s still stuck in the orbit of her husband’s world? For starters, she can get rid of her soon-to-be ex’s possessions—including his prized, gigantic foosball table—by dumping them onto the curb…until complaints from the neighbors get the police involved. Now Claire is busy dodging the mean mommies at story hour and hiding from her ex-husband’s girlfriend in the grocery store. But as Claire soon learns, suburbia still has a few surprises in store for her—surprises that will make her question her choices from the past, send her down an unexpected road to self-discovery, and maybe even lead to new love.Desperate for a positive outlet to channel her frustrations, she turns to girlfriends Lissy and Antonia for help. Together they join forces to rebrand Lissy’s local stationery store and turn it into a thriving business. But as Claire soon learns, suburbia still has a few surprises in store for her—surprises that will make her question her choices from the past, send her down an unexpected road to self-discovery, and maybe even new love. Featuring a second coming-of-age story, Regrets Only deftly explores the subtle nuances of marriage, family, friendship, and what it means to be a woman today, while delighting readers as its unforgettable heroine acts on impulses we’ve all been guilty of having.

A Regular Joe & Mr. Right Under Her Nose

by Carol Finch Jennifer Drew

A Regular Joe by Carol Finch Mr. Ordinary, he's not!CEO Daniel Grayson wanted to escape his frustrating corporate world. So he assumed a fake identity to go mingle with the masses. When store manager Mattie Roland hired Joe Gray, he seemed a godsend. And, against company policy, she was soon shamelessly exchanging kisses with her handsome new hire. Until the day she found out that he was no regular Joe....Mr. Right Under Her Nose by Jennifer Drew Reconfiguring Mr. WrongOne minute, Kim Grant was stuffing spilled lingerie into her busted suitcase. The next, her fingers connected with steel-under silk-as white knight Rick Taylor helped her to save face. Her rescuer was sexy, intelligent...and stood between her and the sole rental car she needed to get home. So, before long, Kim found herself on a crosscountry adventure with a man who had all the makings of Mr. Right-except that he was dead-set against marriage....

The Rehearsals: An unforgettable romantic comedy for fans of Palm Springs and Groundhog Day

by Annette Christie

The wedding is tomorrow. If they can only get through today...Long-time couple Megan Givens and Tom Prescott are preparing for what should be the happiest weekend of their lives. But their plans for a perfect wedding are ruined when a huge fight causes them to call it all off on the night of their rehearsal dinner.Megan and Tom think the worst is over - until they wake up the next morning and find themselves stuck in a time loop. Somehow they are being forced to relive the worst day of their lives - with its painful secrets, age-old grievances, and family dramas - again and again. We've all had regrets and what ifs; The Rehearsals imagines what you might do with the chance to finally get it right.

The Rehearsals

by Annette Christie

In this delightful and romantic debut novel―with a Groundhog Day twist―a couple calls off their wedding after a disastrous rehearsal dinner, only to wake up the next morning trapped in a time loop. Together.Two people. One wedding. No end in sight.&“Irresistible . . . A fun, yet thought-provoking, rom-com.&” —Elin Hilderbrand, author of Golden Girl"A clever, enchanting story about finding our way back to ourselves and to those we truly love." —Sarah Haywood, author of The Cactus"Christie writes with honesty, heart, and a great deal of charm." —Helen Hoang, author of The Kiss QuotientMegan Givens and Tom Prescott are heading into what is supposed to be their magical wedding weekend on beautiful San Juan Island. But with two difficult families, ten years of history, and all too many secrets, things quickly go wrong. After a disastrous rehearsal dinner they vow to call the whole thing off—only to wake up the next morning stuck together in a time loop. Are they really destined to relive the worst day of their lives, over and over? And what happens if their wedding day does arrive?A funny, romantic, and big-hearted debut novel, The Rehearsals imagines what we might do if given a second chance at life and at love—and what it means to finally get both right.

The Rehearsals: The wedding is tomorrow . . . if they can make it through today. An unforgettable romantic comedy

by Annette Christie

A funny, emotional romance where a couple find themselves forced to relive the day of their wedding rehearsal over and over again.The wedding is tomorrow. If they can only get through today...Long-time couple Megan Givens and Tom Prescott are preparing for what should be the happiest weekend of their lives. But their plans for a perfect wedding are ruined when a huge fight causes them to call it all off on the night of their rehearsal dinner.Megan and Tom think the worst is over - until they wake up the next morning and find themselves stuck in a time loop. Somehow they are being forced to relive the worst day of their lives - with its painful secrets, age-old grievances, and family dramas - again and again. We've all had regrets and what ifs; The Rehearsals imagines what you might do with the chance to finally get it right.(P) 2021 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd

Rehoboth Road

by Anita Ballard-Jones

Rehoboth Road by Anita Ballard-Jones

Rehuir (Shying Away and New Tricks)

by Kate Sherwood

Quinn Donahue se acuesta con cualquiera por lo menos una vez, así que cuando Aaron Miller lo encuentra en un bar gay de Vancouver, piensa que es el tipo que lo liberará de su indeseada virginidad. Sin embargo, Quinn aparentemente ha decidido hacer una excepción en su acostumbrada política sexual. Podrá ser un impenitente experto en ligues de una noche, pero no va a desilusionar a un chico dulce como Aaron regalándole un ardiente encuentro para después abandonarlo mientras las sábanas aún están calientes. <p><p> Cuando Quinn acepta un trabajo en la granja familiar de Aaron, el chico se da cuenta de que los rechazos desdeñosos de Quinn se deben a una mezcla de demonios personales y decencia, y eso solo hace que lo desee más. Pero Quinn está decidido a que Aaron no se vaya a la cama con un hombre que no lo merezca, así que comienza a indicarle candidatos prometedores. Un doloroso sacrificio será todo lo que Aaron necesitará para descubrir por qué Quinn ha sido tan veleidoso, y tendrá que aferrarse con firmeza al hombre de sus sueños para evitar que vuelva a huir.

Reid's Runaway Bride

by Tracy Madison

The runaway bride returns-just in time for another Foster wedding?-in the newest story in Tracy Madison's The Colorado Fosters series! Daisy Lennox comes home...and for Reid Foster, nothing has changed. Eight years after she bolted on their wedding day, he can't take his eyes off her. Seeing her walk into Steamboat Springs to care for her two little nieces, Reid is hit by an undeniable realization: they belong together...still. Love. Marriage. Children. Daisy wanted them...a long time ago. But loving Reid comes with too high a price-facing the family secrets she ran from. But then Reid makes his move...and Daisy starts to sweat. Can she stand up to the force of a Foster's will? Reid won't let her go without a fight. She owes him a wedding...and this time he intends to collect.

Reign: The Haunting

by Lily Blake

An original e-novella, based on the hit CW television show, Reign.It has been months since the death of King Henry II and the French court has grown accustomed to the rule of the newly-crowned King Francis. But while the people are excited by the prospects of a new reign, Francis struggles with his new place on the throne. Plagued by frequent nightmares of his father, he grapples with his guilt and grief. But as his visions become more threatening, Francis must wonder: Is his father's ghost trying to tell him something? Or is Francis, like Henry, slowly going mad?

Reign: The Prophecy (Reign #1)

by Lily Blake

An original novel based on the hit television series, Reign.Since Mary, Queen of Scotland was a child, the English have wanted her country and her crown. She is sent to France to wed its next king--to save herself and her people. It's a bond that should protect her, but there are forces that conspire...forces of darkness, forces of the heart. Mary's rule, and her life, has never been safe. Find out what happens to Mary, Francis, Bash, and the rest of the French court after the season one finale. Long may she reign.

Reign: Hysteria (Reign #2)

by Lily Blake

France is aflame with rumors of witchcraft and treachery. Who will be burn for their transgressions? Find out in this haunting original novel based on the hit CW television show, Reign.Something sinister has been sweeping the villages surrounding the French court. Rumors of Satan's horsemen traveling the countryside and claiming the souls of villagers have sent the people reeling into a religious frenzy and soon fear and suspicion lead them to accuse a young girl of witchcraft. After the prisoner is brought to the palace for questioning, Mary, Greer, Kenna, and Lola work to prove her innocence. But there are others who will stop at nothing to see the girl and her secrets silenced forever...

Reign: Darkness Rises

by Lily Blake

Find out how the Darkness rose to power in this digital original short story based on the hit CW television show, Reign.Long before Mary's reign, another power ruled over France. Born from blood and terror, it was called the Darkness. Now the Darkness has returned, and Bash is determined to stop it from spreading through the land before it can destroy the people he loves most.Word Count: 9,500

Reign of Blood and Poison: The Aermian Feuds (The Aermian Feuds)

by Frost Kay

She will not be broken.No one could have prepared Sage and Tehl for the ruin the Warlord would wreak on the world to get to Aermia. Sage thought she knew how to play his deadly games, but his warped crimes prove she's out of her depth. To dethrone the demon, she enlists the help of her former enemies.A spy with ulterior motives.A monarch known for wicked crimes.A traitor with ties to a dark, twisted past.A Sirenidae intent on gaining her freedom.A dragon thirsty for vengeance.Five unlikely allies. One impossible battle. Uniting the kingdoms against the monster that plagues them might be the only thing that stands between the world and complete destruction. If you can't get enough of books from Leigh Bardugo, Jennifer L. Arementrout, Laura Thalassa, Sarah J. Maas, Elise Kova, Holly Black, Tamara Pierce, then dive into the thrilling finally of the Aermian Feuds; Reign of Blood and Poison.The Aermian Feuds series:- YA Epic Fantasy- Enemies to Lovers- Rags to Riches- Slow Burn Romance- Grey Characters- Dragons- Royalty- Dark Fantasy

Reign of Rebels: A High School Bully Romance (Bad Boy Royals of Kingsbury Prep #6)

by Rachel Angel

The Conclusion to the Bad Boy Royals of Kingsbury Prep Series... SERIES DESCRIPTION Tempest Ryan was chosen to be the first commoner student to attend the highly exclusive and secretive school just for those of Royal Blood. Her succeeding at Kingsbury Prep would mean the end to the Royals' reign. This could not happen. As the Kings of Kingsbury, we will make her leave. Tossing the Black Envelope is tradition. Now Tempest Ryan has received it, anyone in school can bully her. Make her leave. That's the K3's decree. That's what she gets for trying to mess with us Royals. Kingsbury Prep is a 500 year old institution. Only those with royal blood can attend this school. A commoner like Tempest Ryan does not belong. We will break her, break her will, break her heart. She will wish she never stepped foot into Kingsbury. Only now, she is getting under all of our skin like a burn that can't stop itching. *** Kingsbury Prep's K3 Royals have made it known they don't want me here. Being at the receiving end of the notorious Black Envelope is no laughing matter. I'd learned someone had died from it. Another nearly died but left Kingsbury just in time. These guys are cruel. They started a war against me. Even though I am reeling from the pain, I have some secrets of my own. Love and Hate is a fine line, especially when they all seem to hate me, but can't stop wanting me. ***REIGN OF REBELS is reverse harem/mature high school bully romance novel. This is book six of six in the series, recommended for age 17 and up. Contains language, mature issues, and any sex featured is consensual.

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