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Sierra's Homecoming: A 2-in-1 Collection (McKettrick Series #5)

by B. J. Daniels Linda Lael Miller

Sierra McKettrick felt like a fraud. She might be moving to her family's ancestral ranch with her son, but being a McKettrick by blood wasn't enough to make her fit in. To make matters worse, from the moment she'd met the Triple M's ranch hand, he'd gotten under Sierra's skin. With his rugged body and tender compassion, Travis Reid was a temptation she didn't need or want. But as Sierra began to form a connection to one of her ancestors, Hannah McKettrick-also a woman with a young son and an inconvenient attraction to the wrong man-Sierra started to realize that there were some bonds that even time couldn't break. And there were some charmed places where even the loneliest of people could find home...and love. BONUS BOOK INCLUDED IN THIS VOLUME! Montana Royalty by New York Times bestselling author B.J. Daniels. Devlin Barrow would slay any dragon for local Whitehorse, Montana, girl Rory Buchanan. But their relationship was no fairy tale...because Devlin had a secret past that could threaten both their lives.

Sierra's Homecoming: Montana Royalty (McKettrick Women #1)

by Linda Lael Miller

Sometimes, coming home is only the beginning… Don’t miss this reader favorite McKettrick tale from #1 New York Times bestselling author Linda Lael Miller.Sierra McKettrick felt like a fraud. She might be moving to her family’s ancestral ranch with her son, but being a McKettrick by blood wasn’t enough to make her fit in. To make matters worse, from the moment she’d met the Triple M’s ranch hand, he’d gotten under Sierra’s skin. With his rugged body and tender compassion, Travis Reid was a temptation she didn’t need or want.But as Sierra began to form a connection to one of her ancestors, Hannah McKettrick—also a woman with a young son and an inconvenient attraction to the wrong man—Sierra started to realize that there were some bonds that even time couldn’t break. And there were some charmed places where even the loneliest of people could find home…and love. Originally published in 2006

Sierra's Homecoming & Star of His Heart: Montana Royalty

by Linda Lael Miller Brenda Jackson

BESTSELLING AUTHOR COLLECTIONReader-favorite romances in collectible volumes from our bestselling authors.Sierra's Homecoming by #1 New York Times bestselling author Linda Lael Miller Sierra McKettrick felt like a fraud. She might be moving to her family&’s ancestral ranch with her son, but being a McKettrick by blood isn't enough to make her fit in. And from the moment she meets ranch hand Travis Reid, she knows he'll be a handsome distraction she doesn't need. When Sierra forms a connection with her ancestor Hannah McKettrick—also a woman with a young son and an inconvenient attraction to the wrong man—she begins to realize that there are some bonds that even time can't break. And in some charmed places, even the loneliest of people can find home…and love.FREE STORY INCLUDED IN THIS VOLUME!Star of His Heart by New York Times bestselling author Brenda Jackson Drop-dead gorgeous Ethan Chambers loves his life as Hollywood's most eligible bachelor. He's just landed the starring role on a hit medical drama, but it's the show's sultry makeup and wardrobe director, Rachel Wellesley, who's got his pulse racing—and making him think twice about staying single.

Siete días (7 días #1)

by M. J. Sánchez Andrew Grey

Una historia de la saga "7 días"¿Puede la vida de una persona cambiar en un día? ¿Y en siete? Esta es la historia de siete días fundamentales en la vida de Evan Donalson. Evan era un adolescente que se prostituía en las calles hasta que el padre Valentin le convenció para que ingresara en el Colegio de San Bartolomé. Ese día la vida de Evan cambió. Fue entonces cuando conoció a su compañero de habitación, Clay Mueller, y cuando empezó a vivir. Pero para él las cosas cambiarán una y otra vez. Conocerá el abuso, el primer amor, la separación, el desengaño y, por último, el calor familiar. Durante todo ese tiempo, siempre que una puerta se cerraba para Evan, una ventana se abría, y esa ventana era Clay. Desde el primer día, un vínculo se creó entre los dos. A través de los cambios en su relación, nos acercamos a siete días decisivos en la vida de Evan y a la crucial y asombrosa manera en la que un solo momento puede cambiar el destino.

Siete días de locura (Cala Espinada #Volumen 2)

by Tessa Dare

Cuando un pícaro sinvergüenza y una sabelotodo engreída intentan ponerse de acuerdo..., no siempre sale como ellos imaginan. Minerva Highwood, una de las solteras de Cala Espinada, necesita ir a Escocia. Colin Sandhurst, lord Payne, necesita... salir de Cala Espinada. Tienen solo siete días para planear una fuga, convencer a sus familiares y amigos de que, a pesar de sus conocidas diferencias, se han enamorado locamente. Una semana que será su ruina. En estos siete días de locura deberán recorrer con éxito 650 kilómetros, esquivando a los salteadores de caminos. Un viaje en el que se verán obligados a superar sus miedos más profundos sin cometer un asesinato. Pero tal proeza les parecerá imposible pues no les quedará más remedio que compartir un pequeño carruaje por el día y una cama, aún más pequeña, por las noches. ¿Será la atracción que de forma inesperada empieza a surgir entre ellos, una salvaje pasión que late ensus corazones, la encargada de conseguirlo? ¿Lograrán recorrer la distancia y cumplir todas las promesas que se han hecho? O por el contrario, ¿recorrerán únicamente el camino hacia lo más profundo de sus almas? Aunque quizá..., solo quizá..., este sea su viaje hacia el amor...

Siete días para enamorarte, un año para olvidarte

by Deborah P. Gómez

Una mujer en plena crisis personal. Un actor al que no le llega su oportunidad. Un pacto de siete días... o no. Porque, a veces, el amor llega cuando menos lo andas buscando. Me llamo Estela, estoy a punto de entrar en la crisis de los cuarenta, y no tengo ni idea de qué quiero hacer con mi vida. Lo único que sé es que ir a esa estúpida reunión de negocios en Nueva York el día de San Valentín, no entraba en mis planes. Pero a mi jefe, como siempre, le importaba un bledo mi opinión. Y yo (también como siempre) no supe negarle nada porque soy idiota...Tal vez, no lo hice porque este viaje es justo lo que necesito para encontrarme. Probar cosas nuevas. Hacer una locura donde nadie me conozca. Perder los papeles (o, al menos, desordenarlos un poco). Explorar mis propios límites. Tener un tórrido romance con Tristán, un camarero al que no tengo intención de volver a ver... ¿o sí?Pensándolo bien... Son solo siete días, ¿qué podría salir mal?

Las siete hermanas (Las Siete Hermanas #1)

by Lucinda Riley

Lucinda Riley, autora superventas mundial, nos presenta una nueva y emocionante serie basada en la mitología griega y en la astrología que hará las delicias de sus lectoras. A la muerte de su padre seis hermanas irán en busca de su origen y lo que descubran les hará comprender que su amor estaba escrito en las estrellas. Maia D'Apliese y sus hermanas regresan a la impresionante mansión familiar donde crecieron al descubrir que su adorado padre, que las adoptó en distintos lugares cuando no eran más que bebés, acaba de fallecer. Cada una recibe un sobre que contiene una prometedora pista sobre su origen. A Maia, la mayor de las hermanas y nuestra protagonista, la suya le lleva a una casa en ruinas en Río de Janeiro. Allí comenzará a recomponer las piezas de su historia. Ochenta años antes, en la Belle Époque de Río de Janeiro, el padre de Izabela Bonifacio aspira a que su hija se casecon un aristócrata. Por su lado, el arquitecto Heitor da Silva Costa trabaja en la concepción de una inmensa estatua que se llamará el Cristo Redentor, y su búsqueda del escultor idóneo para llevar a cabo tan ambiciosa obra lo conduce hasta París. Apasionada y deseosa de conocer mundo, Izabela convence a su padre para que la deje acompañarlo a París antes de casarse. Allí, entre el estudio de Paul Landowski y los bulliciosos cafés de Montparnasse, Izabela conocerá al ambicioso y joven escultor Laurent Brouilly, y sabrá desde el primer instante que su vida ha cambiado para siempre. La crítica ha dicho...«Un libro brillante que no puedes dejar, lleno de glamour y romance.»The Daily Mail «Lucinda Riley ha escrito una saga familiar muy bien construida, absorbente y emocionante, perfectamente ambientada tanto histórica como culturalmente.»Library Journal «Un relato absorbente y fascinante que explora la mitología y la astronomía detrás del grupo de estrellas Las Siete Hermanas. Para lectoras de Kristin Hannah, por ejemplo.»Booklist «Lucinda Riley nos deleita con su novela más ambiciosa y emocionante de cuantas ha escrito. Un laberinto de historias atractivas escritas con la famosa y habitual pluma, que ha convertido a Riley en una de las mejores autoras de ficción de hoy en día.»The Lancashire Evening Post «Una pizca de misterio, un poco de romance, algo de ficción histórica y mucho drama familiar en una historia maravillosa. Una apuesta segura para fans de Kate Morton, Kristin Hannah o Maeve Binchy.»Library Journal «Simplemente fantástica, un libro maravilloso.»Katherine Webb, autora superventas.

Las siete hermanas: La historia de Maia (Las Siete Hermanas #Volumen 1)

by Lucinda Riley

Lucinda Riley, autora superventas mundial, nos presenta una nueva y emocionante serie basada en la mitología griega y en la astrología que hará las delicias de sus lectoras. A la muerte de su padre seis hermanas irán en busca de su origen y lo que descubran les hará comprender que su amor estaba escrito en las estrellas. Maia D'Apliese y sus hermanas regresan a la impresionante mansión familiar donde crecieron al descubrir que su adorado padre, que las adoptó en distintos lugares cuando no eran más que bebés, acaba de fallecer. Cada una recibe un sobre que contiene una prometedora pista sobre su origen. A Maia, la mayor de las hermanas y nuestra protagonista, la suya le lleva a una casa en ruinas en Río de Janeiro. Allí comenzará a recomponer las piezas de su historia. Ochenta años antes, en la Belle Époque de Río de Janeiro, el padre de Izabela Bonifacio aspira a que su hija se case conun aristócrata. Por su lado, el arquitecto Heitor da Silva Costa trabaja en la concepción de una inmensa estatua que se llamará el Cristo Redentor, y su búsqueda del escultor idóneo para llevar a cabo tan ambiciosa obra lo conduce hasta París. Apasionada y deseosa de conocer mundo, Izabela convence a su padre para que la deje acompañarlo a París antes de casarse. Allí, entre el estudio de Paul Landowski y los bulliciosos cafés de Montparnasse, Izabela conocerá al ambicioso y joven escultor Laurent Brouilly, y sabrá desde el primer instante que su vida ha cambiado para siempre. Si quieres saber más, incluso sobre mitología griega, las Pléyades, las esferas armilares..., visita la web de Lucinda Riley en español: También encontrarás documentación sobre el Cristo Redentor y el escultor Paul Landowski. La crítica ha dicho...«La serie Las Siete Hermanas es romántica, arrolladora, lujosa y glamurosa.»The DailyMail «Lucinda Riley ha escrito una saga familiar muy bien construida, absorbente y emocionante, perfectamente ambientada tanto histórica como culturalmente.»Library Journal «Un relato absorbente y fascinante que explora la mitología y la astronomía detrás del grupo de estrellas Las Siete Hermanas. Para lectoras de Kristin Hannah, por ejemplo.»Booklist «Lucinda Riley nos deleita con su novela más ambiciosa y emocionante de cuantas ha escrito. Un laberinto de historias atractivas escritas con la famosa y habitual pluma, que ha convertido a Riley en una de las mejores autoras de ficción de hoy en día.»The Lancashire Evening Post «Una pizca de misterio, un poco de romance, algo de ficción histórica y mucho drama familiar en una historia maravillosa. Una apuesta segura para fans de Kate Morton, Kristin Hannah o Maeve Binchy.»Library Journal «Simplemente fantástica, un libro maravilloso.»Katherine Webb, autora superventas Los lectores han dicho...«Es una obra de ficción que está aderezada con figuras y hechos históricos. De esta manera el hilo argumental del pasado se sitúa en un contexto que resulta de lo más atractivo.»El universo de los libros «En esta novela la familia, la historia familiar, es muy importante; está narrada de forma que la lectura fluye y no deja que quieras dejar de leer para seguir sabiendo más, queriendo descubrir los secretos que tenía su padre y conocer sus propios orígenes de la mano de Maia.»Estoy entre páginas «Me recuerda mucho a las historias de Kate Morton, en donde se mezclan historias y protagonistas actuales con pasados, me parece apasionante.»Blog Los augurios de la luna «Un libro de ficción histórica y amor que te atrapa entre sus páginas y que entre dos generaciones distintas te hace soñar con el verdadero amor.»Blog Foreverland: el paraíso para siempre</I

Siete horas para enamorarte

by Giampaolo Morelli

¿Qué pasaría si intentaras aplicar determinadas técnicas de seducción para reconquistar a tu ex? Una encantadora comedia romántica sobre el arte de la seducción, pero también sobre las segundas oportunidades y el amor verdadero. Paolo es periodista en Il mattino, un diario local napolitano. Es un buenazo y un tanto pusilánime. Su jefe hace de él lo que quiere y su prometida también. Lo único que quiere Paolo es casarse y llevar una vida ordenada. Sin embargo, su vida está a punto de dar un vuelco radical e irreversible. Todo pasa al mismo tiempo: descubre que su novia le está siendo infiel (con el redactor jefe de Il mattino, nada menos) y él la deja; renuncia a su trabajo (para no pasear sus cuernos por la redacción más de lo estrictamente necesario); consigue un puesto nuevo (en una revista para hombres llamada Macho Man) y lo mandan a hacer un curso de seducción para hombres desesperados por ligar. Y es entonces cuando la trama se complica. ¿Qué pasaría si intentara aplicar las técnicas de seducción que su encantadora profesora Valeria le enseña para reconquistar a su ex? Reseña:«Leyendo la novela de Giampaolo Morelli descubriréis que, a menudo, son los gestos pequeños los que crean una gran historia de amor.»Federico Moccia

Siete motivos para no quererte

by María Border

Un hombre dispuesto a todo con tal de vengarse. Una mujer envuelta en una trama que podría destruirla. Siete motivos para que sea imposible. Siete razones para revertir. Siete besos hacia la esperanza. Ella es una fotógrafa profesional, amante de las causas nobles. Él, un empresario que quiere vengar el destino de su padre. En bancarrota y responsable de la inmobiliaria que heredó, Gabriela acepta la oferta de Adrián para cubrir sus deudas. Pero desde el comienzo comprende que deberá saldar el préstamo con intereses. Obsesionado con su venganza, la toma como único blanco de su odio, obligándola a trabajar para su empresa, sometiéndola a una y mil humillaciones. Sin embargo, el contacto cotidiano los enfrentará a un sentimiento que desconocían y nacerá entre ellos un amor inesperado. ¿Podrá él dejar atrás su rencor? ¿Podrá ella perdonar su hostilidad?

Las siete vidas de Léo Belami

by Nataël Trapp

«Mañana voy a morir. Pero no será la primera vez que lo haga». Una novela brillante, trepidante y adictiva. Leo es un chico de diecisiete años, solitario y amante del cine, que lleva una vida tranquila en una anodina ciudad francesa. Tiene poco que esperar, excepto la fiesta escolar de fin de año que tendrá lugar dentro de siete días. A lo largo de esta semana Leo vivirá en 7 vidas, con el fin de evitar la muerte de Jessica, asesinada en 1988 en ese mismo instituto, en esa misma fiesta. Un viaje en el tiempo y el espacio, en una novela altamente adictiva.

Sighs Matter

by Marianne Stillings

It was a night of slow dances, heated looks, and for detective Taylor McKennitt, the Earth moved. Unfortunately, so did the lovely Claire . . . . . . right on out the door. Not that it wasn't the hottest night of her life. In fact, the memory of Taylor's kisses, his touch, his . . . everything makes Claire want to leap right back into the sexy detective's bed. But the last thing she needs is to fall in love with a man in blue, even if he is irresistible. And determined. Then just when Taylor thinks he's close to getting her back into his life, a deranged killer targets Claire. Now it's Taylor's duty to protect her. And in the process, he'll win her resisting heart or die trying -- which is suddenly a very distinct possibility.

Sight (Wicked Woods #5)

by Kailin Gow

From the ALA YALSA Award-winning author and multi-award-winning filmmaker Kailin Gow comes this supernatural thriller that makes you don't want to get lost in the (Wicked) Woods... PRAISE for THE WICKED WOODS SERIES 5 of 5 Stars - TEAM KEVIN!!! I feel for Fallon, but Briony+Kevin=intenseness. This book had everything of the first, romance, action..I liked the plot line and I think the author did a great job of keeping the reader hooked to see what happens - Alexis Reviews 5 of 5 Stars - I have enjoyed Kailin Gow's amazing imagination that intrigues her readers to anticipate the next story line. - Kare Bear Reviews Books of the Wicked Woods Series (Completed Series) Book 1: Wicked Woods Book 2: Shimmer Book 3, Silver Book 4, Silence Book 5, Sight Book 6, Shifter DESCRIPTION The Gates of Palisor has opened and now the most dangerous and powerful creatures Wicked has been harboring have been let loose. Briony is now in a race to save Wicked, with the help of her friends from the Preservation Society and the two men who would go to the ends of the Earth and Palisor for her.

The Sight

by Chloe Neill

From the New York Times bestselling author of the Chicagoland Vampire novels, a brand new Devil's Isle Novel... The paranormal war that engulfed New Orleans seven years ago is over. But the battle for the city is just beginning . . . Claire Connolly is a Sensitive, infected with magic when the Veil that divides humanity from the world beyond fell. Magic can easily consume and destroy a Sensitive, and if Claire's secret is discovered she'll be locked into the walled district of Devil's Isle along with every other Paranormal left in the city. Bounty hunter Liam Quinn discovered Claire's secret, but refused to turn her in. Together they saved New Orleans from the resurgence of magic that nearly destroyed it. But now a dangerous cult is on the rise, and it will take both Claire and Liam--and magical allies within Devil's Isle's towering walls--to defeat the growing threat before magic corrupts them both...From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Sight: A Devil's Isle Novel (The Devil's Isle Series)

by Chloe Neill

The paranormal war that engulfed New Orleans seven years ago is over. But the battle for the city is just beginning . . .Claire Connolly is a Sensitive, infected with magic when the Veil that divides humanity from the world beyond fell. Magic can easily consume and destroy a Sensitive, and if Claire's secret is discovered she'll be locked into the walled district of Devil's Isle along with every other Paranormal left in the city.Bounty hunter Liam Quinn discovered Claire's secret, but refused to turn her in. Together they saved New Orleans from the resurgence of magic that nearly destroyed it. But now a dangerous cult is on the rise, and it will take both Claire and Liam - and magical allies within Devil's Isle's towering walls - to defeat the occult threat before magic corrupts them both . . .To find out more, visit:www.chloeneill.comFacebook: authorchloeneillTwitter: @chloeneill

The Sight of the Stars

by Belva Plain

The Sight of the Stars chronicles four generations of the remarkable Anring family as they journey across a teeming canvas of history, through world wars and the close of a century, through years of love, loss, sacrifice and unimaginable betrayal. It is about what happens when we dare to dream, and the moments that can change families forever.

The Sight of You

by Holly Miller

The Light We Lost meets How to Walk Away in this romantic and page-turning debut that poses a heartbreaking question: Would you choose love, if you knew how it would end?"Unique and breathtaking and painful and broken and perfect . . . just like love. I'm still crying, yet all I want to do is settle down and read it again." --Jodi PicoultJoel has sworn off falling in love. But when he meets Callie, he can't help being drawn to her. In Callie, he sees a second chance at life. And in Joel, Callie discovers the kind of love she'd always hoped was real. They challenge each other to take chances, to laugh, and to trust that no matter how hard each falls, the other will be there to catch them. But Joel has a secret. He dreams about the people he loves, and these dreams always come true. One night, Joel has the dream of Callie he's feared the most, and each must decide: Can Callie stay, knowing her fate? And if her days must be numbered, is there a life she is meant to live?Told in Joel and Callie's voices, The Sight of You is a sweeping, romantic, and unforgettable American debut, about the bravery it takes to love, especially when we think we know how the story will end.

The Sight of You: An unforgettable love story and Richard & Judy Book Club pick

by Holly Miller

An unforgettable and life-affirming love story, that will make your heart soar one minute and break the next.Joel is afraid of the future.Since he was a child he's been haunted by dreams about the people he loves. Visions of what's going to happen - the good and the bad. And the only way to prevent them is to never let anyone close to him again. Callie can't let go of the past.Since her best friend died, Callie's been lost. She knows she needs to be more spontaneous and live a bigger life. She just doesn't know how to find a way back to the person who used to have those dreams.Joel and Callie both need a reason to start living for today. And though they're not looking for each other, from the moment they meet it feels like the start of something life-changing. Until Joel has a vision of how it's going to end . . .(p) 2020 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd

The Sight of You: An unforgettable love story and Richard & Judy Book Club pick

by Holly Miller

THE RICHARD AND JUDY BOOK CLUB PICK 'Unique and breathtaking and painful and broken and perfect . . . just like love'Jodi Picoult'Exquisitely written, incredibly moving and impossible to put down' Beth O'Leary, author of The Flatshare___________Joel is afraid of the future.Since he was a child he's been haunted by dreams about the people he loves. Visions of what's going to happen - the good and the bad. And the only way to prevent them is to never let anyone close to him again. Callie can't let go of the past.Since her best friend died, Callie's been lost. She knows she needs to be more spontaneous and live a bigger life. She just doesn't know how to find a way back to the person who used to have those dreams.Joel and Callie both need a reason to start living for today. And though they're not looking for each other, from the moment they meet it feels like the start of something life-changing. Until Joel has a vision of how it's going to end . . .

Sight Reading: A Novel

by Daphne Kalotay

The critically acclaimed author of Russian Winter turns her "sure and suspenseful artistry" (Boston Globe) to the lives of three colleagues and lovers in the world of classical music.On a Boston street one warm spring day, Hazel and Remy spot each other for the first time in years. Although their brief meeting may seem insignificant, behind them lie two decades in which their life paths have crisscrossed, diverged, and ultimately interlaced. Remy, a gifted violinist, is married to the composer Nicholas Elko—once the love of Hazel's life.It has been twenty years since Remy, an ambitious conservatory student; Nicholas, a wunderkind launching an international career; and his wife, the beautiful and fragile Hazel, first came together, tipping their collective world on its axis. As their story unfolds from 1987 to 2007, from Europe to America, from conservatory life to the Boston Symphony Orchestra, each discovers the surprising ways in which the quest to create something real and true—be it a work of art or one's own life—can lead to the most personal of revelations.Lyrical and evocative, Sight Reading explores the role of art and beauty in everyday life, while unspooling a transporting story of marriage, family, and the secrets we keep, even from ourselves.

Sight Unseen

by Samantha Graves

Can an art thief earn an honest living? Raven Callahan does, with the help of a rare psychic power that lets her read the emotions locked inside ancient objects. But when her partner is kidnapped and Raven is forced to steal a priceless masterpiece to save him, ESP takes a backseat to quick wits, steely nerves, and the lethal skills she needs to survive. Ex-cop Dax Maddox made just one mistake on the job, but it took a young rookie's life and cost Dax his ability to see colour. Now stalking a killer brings Raven into his life - and floods his grey world with vivid and conflicting emotions: anger and lust, suspicion and awe. Are the criminals they seek one and the same? If so, Dax and Raven's growing need for each other could inspire a madman's terrifying scheme for the ultimate revenge...

Sight Unseen

by Hunter Raines

Daniel Van Doren was once a renowned writer, until he was blinded in the car accident that killed his lover. Now, all he sees are ghosts in need of help. They follow him everywhere, and the only way to be rid of his ethereal visitors is to help them resolve their unfinished business here on earth so their spirits can find peace.Ghostwriter Logan Riley is assigned to pen Daniel's biography. He plans to reveal him as a fraud, but when they meet he's struck by Danny's quiet sincerity-and a growing attraction. Which makes sticking close to Danny to find out the truth more than a little distracting.When they are attacked by a violent poltergeist Logan begins to believe Danny's not just telling the truth, he's in grave danger. A spirit has learned how to harness the energy of the living to break through the barrier between worlds to harm Danny. And Logan may be the one to blame...68,000 words

Sight Unseen

by Gayle Wilson

SECRETS UNVEILEDFor the past six months, hardened Phoenix agent Ethan Snow had been pursuing a powerful secret organization with ties to terrorism. At a dead end, he sought help from Raine McAllister, a sculptor who'd worked with the CIA as a special profiler. Though skeptical of Raine's so-called gift, Ethan couldn't deny the immediate attraction between them.Unknown to either of them, the mystery Ethan and Raine were attempting to unravel had its roots in Raine's repressed childhood memory of a brutal murder. Now, as they stirred waters long still, they found themselves plunged headfirst into danger. Would they uncover the horrors of Raine's past in time, or would the killer's next strike be fatal?


by Annie Nicholas

The Vanguards, #5 To defend and protect, at any cost. Sam is Sigma of his pack, defender of the innocent and frail. Too bad the one time it mattered most, though the urge to guard the weak runs strong in his shifter blood, he failed to protect his best friend from an attack. Just when his self-confidence can't go any lower, he becomes entangled in a vampire skirmish and is left with an injured female in his arms. ampire accountant for Pal Robi, Inc., Clementine can't believe her master would ask her to commit corporate espionage. She's shot when discovered, but a shifter comes to her rescue. It's as if he's made of her fantasies, and in the few hours with him she lives more than the decades she's spent among her clan. Hiding with him on the streets of Chicago, in the midst of fighting together to stay alive, can a petite vampire break through her hero's jaded heart? WARNING: Hot dominating sex, an action packed evening, and a first date gone all to hell.60,000 Words

The Sign for Home: A Novel

by Blair Fell

When Arlo Dilly learns the girl he thought was lost forever might still be out there, he takes it as a sign and embarks on a life-changing journey to find his great love—and his freedom.Arlo Dilly is young, handsome and eager to meet the right girl. He also happens to be DeafBlind, a Jehovah&’s Witness, and under the strict guardianship of his controlling uncle. His chances of finding someone to love seem slim to none. And yet, it happened once before: many years ago, at a boarding school for the Deaf, Arlo met the love of his life—a mysterious girl with onyx eyes and beautifully expressive hands which told him the most amazing stories. But tragedy struck, and their love was lost forever. Or so Arlo thought. After years trying to heal his broken heart, Arlo is assigned a college writing assignment which unlocks buried memories of his past. Soon he wonders if the hearing people he was supposed to trust have been lying to him all along, and if his lost love might be found again. No longer willing to accept what others tell him, Arlo convinces a small band of misfit friends to set off on a journey to learn the truth. After all, who better to bring on this quest than his gay interpreter and wildly inappropriate Belgian best friend? Despite the many forces working against him, Arlo will stop at nothing to find the girl who got away and experience all of life&’s joyful possibilities.

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