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Der konsumentenbasierte Markenwert von Nachrichtenmedien: Muster der Genese und Wirkung von starken Medienmarken

by Gianna Luisa Ehrlich

Ein hoher konsumentenbasierter Markenwert gilt als wichtiger strategischer Wettbewerbsvorteil von Medienmarken. Gerade für Nachrichtenmedien rückt die Bedeutung einer starken Marke vor dem Hintergrund veränderter Mediennutzungsgewohnheiten von Rezipient:innen und zunehmender Konkurrenz im Markt in den Fokus. Dabei blieb bisher offen, welche Rolle ein hoher Markenwert für die Bindung an ein Nachrichtenmedium spielt und wie er entsteht. Diesen Forschungslücken widmet sich das vorliegende Buch. Basierend auf dem Stand der wirtschafts- und kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Literatur wird ein hierarchisches Modell der Markenwert- und Loyalitätsentstehung für Nachrichtenmedien aufgestellt. Mit Hilfe einer Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) werden die Wege identifiziert, die zu den genannten Zielen führen. Dabei wird berücksichtigt, inwiefern sich diese Wege zwischen Rezipient:innen sowie nach Marken und Zugangskanälen unterscheiden. Die Studie kann zeigen, dass ein hoher Markenwert vor allem in der Kombination von hoher wahrgenommener journalistischer Professionalität und ausgeprägten emotionalen sowie sozialen Nutzenelementen entsteht. Zudem ist ein hoher Markenwert notwendig – aber allein nicht hinreichend – für die Entstehung von Loyalität. Die Arbeit liefert damit erstmals eine Konzeptualisierung und empirische Überprüfung der Markenwert- und Loyalitätsentstehung von Medienmarken, die als hierarchischer und individuell unterschiedlicher Prozess betrachtet wird.

Der Mensch spiegelt sich im Blick der Tiere: Auflösung und Neudefinition des Menschen in der Exilliteratur (Exil-Kulturen #9)

by Carla Swiderski

Was ist der Mensch und wie verhält er sich zum Tier? Wird diese Frage in ethischen, gesellschaftlichen, philosophischen und ästhetischen Diskursen seit der Antike debattiert, stellt sie sich im 20. Jahrhundert angesichts der NS-Diktatur und ihrer Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit in einem besonders bedrohlichen Umfeld. Wie wirkt sich dies auf das nachfolgende Verständnis von Mensch und Tier aus? – Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht Mensch-Tier-Konstellationen in fiktionalen und theoretischen Texten, die im durch das NS-Regime verursachten Exil entstanden sind. Dabei werden Fragen der Exilforschung mit Fragen der Literary und Cultural Animal Studies zusammengedacht. Ausführlich analysiert werden Texte von Victor Klemperer, Alexander Bein, Hannah Arendt, Max Horkheimer und Theodor W. Adorno, Hermann Broch, Oskar Maria Graf, Alfred Kerr, Hilde Domin und Hans Sahl.

Der NSU: Eine gruppensoziologische Perspektive (Organisationsstudien)

by Madlen Böert

Das Buch verfolgt ausgehend von einem gruppensoziologischen Ansatz die Frage, warum der Nationalsozialistische Untergrund (NSU) über Jahre unentdeckt im Untergrund operieren konnte. Dadurch stehen in dieser Untersuchung die Dynamiken innerhalb der NSU-Kerngruppe sowie ihr Verhältnis zu ihrem Unterstützungsnetzwerk und zu außenstehenden Dritten im Fokus. Aus dieser Perspektive sind es insbesondere die persönlichen Vertrauensbeziehungen zwischen Uwe Böhnhardt, Uwe Mundlos, Beate Zschäpe und schließlich zu ihren engen Unterstützern, die für die erfolgreiche Stabilisierung und Geheimhaltung des NSU prägend sind. Damit leistet dieses Buch einen weiteren Beitrag zur Untersuchung des NSU-Komplexes und richtet sich an Forschende, die sich für eine gruppensoziologische Auseinandersetzung mit einer Terrorgruppe interessieren.

Der Wert von Methoden: Forensische Toxikologie des 19. Jahrhunderts im deutsch-französischen Vergleich

by Marcus B. Carrier

Giftmorde zeichnen sich durch die praktische Unsichtbarkeit der Tatwaffe und damit durch eine besondere Heimlichkeit aus. Anders als bei vielen anderen Morden ist so nicht nur die Täterschaft, sondern schon die Tat selbst besonders schwierig festzustellen. Gerichte sind und waren deshalb besonders angewiesen auf wissenschaftliche und medizinische Gutachten. Während des 19. Jahrhunderts entwickelt sich dazu analog zu Entwicklungen in der analytischen Chemie die forensische Toxikologie an der Schnittstelle zwischen Chemie und Gerichtsmedizin. Ihre Aufgabe war es, durch chemische Analysen eine Vergiftung nachzuweisen und die Tatwaffe im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes sichtbar zu machen. In diesem Buch wird analysiert, wie sich die forensische Toxikologie dabei in ihrer Wahl von analytischen Methoden durch die spezifischen gerichtlichen Anforderungen beeinflussen ließ. Dabei werden Entwicklungen der analytischen Chemie genauso in den Blick genommen wie sich verändernde Rechtskontexte in Frankreich und den deutschen Staaten des 19. Jahrhunderts.

Der ‚Writing Code’ - kompakt: Schnell zum Profi werden: Für exzellente Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten die Abkürzung nehmen (essentials)

by Harald Rau

"Zum Prozess des Schreibens empfehle ich ehrlich den Writing Code, ich habe ihn vor meiner Masterarbeit gelesen und hätte ihn mir schon für meine BA gewünscht.“ Der Leserkommentar bringt es auf den Punkt. Für wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeiten geht es hier um Zeitersparnis. Deshalb wird der gewohnte Schreibprozess auf den Kopf gestellt, Abschlussarbeiten entstehen nicht länger von vorne nach hinten – sondern von innen nach außen. Es werden nicht länger streng nacheinander Kapitel abgearbeitet und da nur zu einem Teil um Schreiben geht, gibt es auch keine Schreibblockade. Es wird recherchiert, gelesen, exzerpiert, gegliedert, geordnet, strukturiert, verbalisiert, überarbeitet und korrigiert – wer weiß, dass er nicht nur schreibt, bleibt immer und überall arbeitsfähig.

Deradikalisierung und Distanzierung auf dem Gebiet des islamistischen Extremismus: Erkenntnisse der Theorie - Erfahrungen aus der Praxis

by Samira Benz Georgios Sotiriadis

Das Buch befasst sich mit den Modalitäten und den Herausforderungen der Distanzierungs- und Deradikalisierungsarbeit auf dem Gebiet des islamistischen Extremismus.

Dershowitz on Killing: How the Law Decides Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die

by Alan Dershowitz

In Dershowitz on Killing: How the Law Decides Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die, Alan Dershowitz—New York Times bestselling author and one of America&’s most respected legal scholars—examines the subjects of death, life, and the law. Alan Dershowitz has been called &“one of the most prominent and consistent defenders of civil liberties in America&” by Politico and &“the nation&’s most peripatetic civil liberties lawyer and one of its most distinguished defenders of individual rights&” by Newsweek. His legal career as a criminal defense lawyer has been deeply involved with death and life decisions.Dershowitz on Killing is a timely examination of issues and questions that are front and center in today&’s society. Employing a philosophical, moral, religious, and cultural lens to the legal aspects surrounding death and life, Dershowitz elucidates the role of government to determine who shall live and who shall die in declaring wars, ordering executions, authorizing deadly force, permitting or denying abortions, providing or mandating vaccines, controlling climate change, allowing or refusing asylum for endangered migrants, and other life and death rulings. He notes that when the government decides these choices, it is asked to do so by first determining whether a &“right&” is involved, because rights trump mere interest, just as constitutional restrictions trump legislative and executive actions. Dershowitz on Killing asserts that the rules governing death and life decisions should reflect the irreversibility of death. It is essential reading for anyone interested in or concerned about how these decisions are allocated among state and federal; executive, legislative, and judicial; private and governmental; religious and secular institutions—and how people in a democracy, through the power of the ballot, have the ultimate say in these critical decisions.

"Des Almosens vielleicht nicht wert, aber doch notdürftig": Städtische Armenfürsorge zwischen menschlichem Mitleid, christlicher Barmherzigkeit und rationaler Verteilungsgerechtigkeit an der Wende vom Spätmittelalter zur frühen Neuzeit (Wirtschaftsethik in der globalisierten Welt)

by Eberhard Isenmann

Armut ist ein universales gesellschaftliches Problem. Die Armenfrage wird in diesem Band anhand sehr verschiedenartiger und zugleich eindringlicher Quellen auf den Ebenen von Religion, Recht, Wirtschaft, Sozialstruktur, obrigkeitlichem Verwaltungshandeln und ausgeprägter sozialpsychologischer Mentalitäten untersucht. Dies geschieht ferner in Verbindung mit vorgegebenen Lehren einer allgemeinen Ethik, der Moraltheologie und eines christlich geprägten Humanismus sowie mit Normen des kanonischen und römischen Rechts. An der Wende vom Spätmittelalter zur frühen Neuzeit mündet die herkömmliche individuelle und kirchliche Caritas in einigen deutschen und flandrischen Städten in einem epochalen Wandel angesichts der hohen Anzahl an Armen und Bettlern, der Ordnungsprobleme des Bettlerwesens, schließlich als unabweisbare Konsequenz von Bettelverboten insbesondere im Gefolge reformatorischer Strömungen in eine kommunal organisierte Armenfürsorge mit zukunftsweisenden Elementen einer modernen Sozialfürsorge.

Desegregating Comics: Debating Blackness in the Golden Age of American Comics

by Qiana Whitted

Some comics fans view the industry’s Golden Age (1930s-1950s) as a challenging time when it comes to representations of race, an era when the few Black characters appeared as brutal savages, devious witch doctors, or unintelligible minstrels. Yet the true portrait is more complex and reveals that even as caricatures predominated, some Golden Age comics creators offered more progressive and nuanced depictions of Black people. Desegregating Comics assembles a team of leading scholars to explore how debates about the representation of Blackness shaped both the production and reception of Golden Age comics. Some essays showcase rare titles like Negro Romance and consider the formal innovations introduced by Black comics creators like Matt Baker and Alvin Hollingsworth, while others examine the treatment of race in the work of such canonical cartoonists as George Herriman and Will Eisner. The collection also investigates how Black fans read and loved comics, but implored publishers to stop including hurtful stereotypes. As this book shows, Golden Age comics artists, writers, editors, distributors, and readers engaged in heated negotiations over how Blackness should be portrayed, and the outcomes of those debates continue to shape popular culture today.

Desegregation in Northern Virginia Libraries (American Heritage)

by Chris Barbuschak Suzanne S. LaPierre

A Hidden History of Unequal AccessDuring the Jim Crow era, many public libraries were segregated. The public library plays a fundamental role in communities by providing free educational resources, boosting literacy and knowledge, and serving as a place of refuge. Despite this, many were inaccessible to Black residents and continued to resist integration even after the landmark case Brown v. Board of Education. Discover the truth about the barriers imposed on the Black community and learn about the citizens-turned-activists who used protests and lawsuits to achieve more equitable library services. Their legacy resonates today as libraries continue to evolve and embrace more inclusive practices.Join Fairfax County librarians Chris Barbuschak and Suzanne LaPierre as they investigate the overlooked and little-known history of segregated library services in Northern Virginia.

Deservingness in Welfare Policy and Practice: Discursive and Rhetorical Approaches (Social Welfare Around the World)

by Laura Tarkiainen

This book discusses and illustrates how deservingness can be approached as a discursively and rhetorically accomplished phenomenon having varied empirical consequences with regard to welfare, poverty, class and care arrangements. Providing a thorough analysis of how deservingness representations are generated in the twenty-first century by focusing on the analysis of discourse and rhetoric of policymakers, reality TV participants, frontline workers and unemployed individuals, it shows that different actors actively participate in constructing representations of deservingness through which variety of political, practical and social implications and objectives are achieved and performed. The book addresses key themes such as: • What kinds of rhetorical and discursive tactics can be associated with un/deservingness? • How deservingness is accomplished as a speech act? • How different actors such as policymakers, reality TV programme participants, frontline workers and individual citizens participate in constructing un/deservingness? • What kind of practical implications and consequences deservingness representations have for policy making, frontline work and research This book will be of interest to all scholars and students of social policy, social work, sociology, social psychology, political science and media studies.

Desi Kitchen

by Sarah Woods

Join Sarah Woods on a mouth-watering celebration of British and South Asian fusion recipes, featuring the Desi communities who created them'I've longed for a book like this. A fascinating read with glorious recipes' DIANA HENRY'An evocative visual feast that speaks to your very heart. The mouth-watering recipes leap off the page and I am left wanting to bookmark nearly every dish' LARA LEE, author of Coconut and Sambal'Beautiful book, great recipes, really well written and original' PRUE LEITH____________Sarah Woods has spent her whole life surrounded by a fusion of South Asian and British cooking. Now, she speaks to the many desi communities across the UK to provide a unique culinary roadmap to the diaspora of the Indian subcontinent in Britain today.Travelling from the Pakistani community of Glasgow to the Nepalese community of Kent and everywhere in between, the book explores how groups from different regions have blended their food and culture to create a cuisine that is distinct, special and diverse.With Sarah's expert guidance, you will . . .- Cook Gujarati Hasselback Potato Shaak for an alternative take on a side dish- Make a Ugandan Chapatti Rolex for a great way to use leftover curry- Sticky and Spicy Mango Chicken Wings are quick and easy to make and finger licking good- Try Welsh Chilli Rarebit with curry oil and crispy shallots- Dive into Peshawari Bread and Butter Pudding with honeyed figsPacked with recipes, stories and authentic voices from each of the communities covered, Sarah Woods, finalist of BBC One's Britain's Best Home Cook and herself a second-generation Punjabi, has brought together this collection of mouth-watering dishes and provided a rare and privileged glimpse into desi kitchens from all over modern Britain.____________'A mesmerising cookbook filled with gorgeous recipes from Desi kitchens all over modern Britain' ATUL KOCHHAR

Design and Solidarity: Conversations on Collective Futures

by Rafi Segal Marisa Morán Jahn

In times of crisis, mutual aid becomes paramount. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, new forms of sharing had gained momentum to redress precarity and stark economic inequality. Today, a diverse array of mutualistic organizations seek to fundamentally restructure housing, care, labor, food, and more. Yet design, art, and architecture play a key role in shaping these initiatives, fulfilling their promise of solidarity, and ensuring that these values endure.In this book, artist Marisa Morán Jahn and architect Rafi Segal converse about the transformative potential of mutualism and design with leading thinkers and practitioners: Mercedes Bidart, Arturo Escobar, Michael Hardt, Greg Lindsay, Jessica Gordon Nembhard, Ai-jen Poo, and Trebor Scholz. Together, they consider how design inspires, invigorates, and sustains contemporary forms of mutualism—including platform cooperatives, digital-first communities, emerging currencies, mutual aid, care networks, social-change movements, and more. From these dialogues emerge powerful visions of futures guided by communal self-determination and collective well-being.

Design Any Disaster: The Revolutionary Blueprint to Master Your Next Crisis or Emergency

by Patrick Hardy

Never experience a disaster again—ever.Hurricanes, wildfires, mass shootings, and pandemics are a reality for 21st century families and small businesses. But here&’s the truth: Not one of these has to be a disaster. What determines whether an unexpected event becomes a disaster is you. In Design Any Disaster, certified emergency manager and master business continuity practitioner Patrick Hardy reveals to you the secrets of disaster preparedness that helped him build the largest and most successful small business and family disaster planning company in the world.He explains why: You should never, ever &“remain calm&” during a disaster.99% of all disaster plans are a complete waste of time.Fancy disaster equipment and supplies actually leave you less prepared. Design Any Disaster is not a survival manual. It&’s a revolutionary approach to disaster preparedness, response, and recovery for families and small businesses that can be used whether you live in the middle of a big city, in a quiet suburban neighborhood, or in a rural county with more cows than people. Using the powerful C3 Method Hardy uses with his clients, from Fortune 500 CEOs to average families, you will discover how to get ready (plan effectively), react (focus without panicking), respond (protect yourself and your possessions), and recover (overcome swiftly). And in a revolutionary section you will not find in any other disaster book, Hardy also reveals how to reverse disaster, converting the experience into an opportunity to become wiser and happier. Control the disaster so that it doesn&’t control you—that&’s how you Design Any Disaster.

Design, Disability and Embodiment: Spatial Justice and Perspectives of Power (Routledge Advances in Disability Studies)

by Janice Rieger

This timely book explores the spatial and social injustices within our streets, malls, schools, and public institutions. Taken-for-granted acts like going for a walk, seeing an exhibition with a friend, and going to school are, for people with disabilities, conditional or precluded acts due to exclusion by design. This book stimulates debate and discussion about current practice and studies in spatial design in the context of disability and the growing need for inclusive design globally. Case studies of inclusive design in spaces like museums, malls, galleries and universities are presented to challenge and expose the perspectives of power and spatial injustices that still exist within these spaces today. The international case studies presented purposely privilege the voices and perspectives of people with disabilities, to expose the multisensorial perspectives of spatial justice in order to understand inclusion more holistically through embodiment. If you are an architect, designer, arts educator, curator or museum professional or just want a world where spatial justice is possible, then this book will provide you with a new perspective of spatial design through critical disability studies, allyship and codesign, where tangible approaches and practices for inclusive design are explored.

Design, Empathy, Interpretation: Toward Interpretive Design Research (Design Thinking, Design Theory)

by Ilpo Koskinen

A new, empathic approach to design research, drawn from the informed experiences of a leading design research program in Finland.Design, Empathy, Interpretation tells the story of empathic design, a design research program at Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland, that has developed an interpretive approach to design over the past twenty years. As one of the leaders of the Helsinki group, Ilpo Koskinen draws on his own experiences to offer readers a general intellectual and professional history of design research, and argues for what he calls an interpretive approach. Design, Empathy, Interpretation shows how the group has created connections all across the globe, and how a seemingly soft approach to design research can be useful in both industry and government.Koskinen follows design research&’s transformation from questions of usability, in the 1980s, through to the revolution in personal electronics and the &“user-centered&” turn of the 1990s. Using the research community in Helsinki as a case study, and moving between specific projects and theoretical debates, he offers readers a focused introduction to the major methodological and intellectual challenges—as well as the opportunities—of design research. He argues that all design tasks, however simple or complex, begin with understanding the way humans ascribe meaning, both as individuals and as actors in complex societies. Thus all design research must be interpretive at its core.A new, empathic approach to design research, drawn from the informed experiences of a leading design research program in Finland.

The Design of Digital Democracy (Springer Textbooks in Law)

by Gianluca Sgueo

Ever-stronger ties between technology, entertainment and design are transforming our relationship with democratic decision-making. When we are online, or when we use digital products and services, we tend to focus more on certain factors like speed of service and user-friendliness, and to overlook the costs – both for ourselves and others. As a result, a widening gap separates our expectations of everything related to digitalization – including government – and the actual practice of democratic governance. Democratic regulators, unable to meet citizens’ demands for tangible, fast and gratifying returns, are seeing the poorest results ever recorded in terms of interest, engagement and retention, despite using the most cutting-edge technologies. This book explores various aspects of the relationship between democracy, technology and entertainment. These include, on the one hand, the role that digital technology has in strengthening our collective intelligence, nurturing empathic relations between citizens and democratic institutions, and supporting processes of political aggregation, deliberation and collaboration. On the other hand, they comprise the challenges accompanying digital technology for representation, transparency and inclusivity in democratic decision-making. The book’s main argument is that digital democratic spaces should be redesigned to narrow the gap between the expectations and outcomes of democratic decision-making. It suggests abandoning the notion of digital participatory rights as being fast and easy to enjoy. It also refutes the notion that digital democratic decision-making can only be effective when it delivers rapid and successful responses to the issues of the day, regardless of their complexity. Ultimately, the success or failure of digital democracy will depend on the ability of public regulators to design digital public spaces with a commitment to complexity, so as to make them appealing, but also effective at engaging citizens.

Design/Repair: Place, Practice & Community

by Eleni Kalantidou Guy Keulemans Abby Mellick Lopes Niklavs Rubenis Alison Gill

This collection of essays sheds light on repair as a disposition to material culture and a practice rooted in diverse sociocultural experiences. It provides an in-depth exploration of how repair manifests itself through the different lenses of governance, grassroots activism, transformative design and community-led initiatives. Most importantly, the chapters demonstrate how place-based approaches can reveal blueprints for social impact in circumstances of growing environmental and social precariousness.

Designed for Habitat: New Directions for Habitat for Humanity

by David Hinson Justin Miller

Designed for Habitat: New Directions for Habitat for Humanity presents 12 new projects designed and built via collaborations between architects and Habitat for Humanity®. The ways in which we think about affordable housing are being challenged by designers and not-for-profit housing advocates such as Habitat for Humanity and its affiliates. The projects chronicled in this book consider home affordability through the lens of monthly homeownership expenses, energy efficiency and residential energy use, and issues of designed resilience to natural events ranging from aging and accessibility concerns to natural disasters and climate change. New to this edition, the projects reflect new approaches to building scale, construction technology, energy and affordability, and design and context. Illustrated with over 100 color images, the case studies include detailed plans and photographs to show how these projects came about, the strategies used by each team to approach the design and construction process, and the obstacles they overcame to realize a successful outcome. The lessons and insights presented will be a valuable resource, whether you’re an architect, an architecture student, a Habitat affiliate leader, or an affordable housing advocate.

Designing and Managing Programs: An Effectiveness-Based Approach

by Peter M. Kettner Lawrence L. Martin Robert M. Moroney

This classic text for social work and human services helps readers grasp the meaning and significance of measuring performance and evaluating outcomes. Hands-on and practical, Designing and Managing Programs incorporates the principles of effectiveness-based planning as it addresses the steps of designing, implementing, and evaluating a human services program at the local agency level. Written by leaders in the field, it guides students through the process from beginning to end. Meaningful examples—from problem analysis and needs assessment to evaluating effectiveness and calculating costs—enhance reader understanding of how concepts are implemented in the real world. The Sixth Edition contains new examples and references, and updates based on changes to federal regulations. An instructor website includes essay questions, PowerPoint slides, and suggested assignments designed by the authors.

Designing and Managing Programs: An Effectiveness-Based Approach

by Peter M. Kettner Lawrence L. Martin Robert M. Moroney

This classic text for social work and human services helps readers grasp the meaning and significance of measuring performance and evaluating outcomes. Hands-on and practical, Designing and Managing Programs incorporates the principles of effectiveness-based planning as it addresses the steps of designing, implementing, and evaluating a human services program at the local agency level. Written by leaders in the field, it guides students through the process from beginning to end. Meaningful examples—from problem analysis and needs assessment to evaluating effectiveness and calculating costs—enhance reader understanding of how concepts are implemented in the real world. The Sixth Edition contains new examples and references, and updates based on changes to federal regulations. An instructor website includes essay questions, PowerPoint slides, and suggested assignments designed by the authors.

Designing Online Experiments for the Social Sciences

by Giuseppe Veltri

This book guides you through designing and implementing an online experiment in social science research in a clear and straightforward manner. At an approachable pace, it covers foundational principles of good experimental design before setting out best practice for how to design and conduct web experiments, taking into account the specific methodological challenges of working online with digital tools. The book: Offers practical advice for approaching every stage of the research process Breaks real-world examples into easy to follow steps Focuses on how to make good decisions and choose the right design for your research project This pragmatic guide helps beginner researchers get started with online experiments confidently. It is supported by online resources such as case studies which allow you to see the concepts in practice, and weblinks to tools and resources to aid you.

Designing Online Experiments for the Social Sciences

by Giuseppe Veltri

This book guides you through designing and implementing an online experiment in social science research in a clear and straightforward manner. At an approachable pace, it covers foundational principles of good experimental design before setting out best practice for how to design and conduct web experiments, taking into account the specific methodological challenges of working online with digital tools. The book: Offers practical advice for approaching every stage of the research process Breaks real-world examples into easy to follow steps Focuses on how to make good decisions and choose the right design for your research project This pragmatic guide helps beginner researchers get started with online experiments confidently. It is supported by online resources such as case studies which allow you to see the concepts in practice, and weblinks to tools and resources to aid you.

Designing Smart and Resilient Cities for a Post-Pandemic World: Metropandemic Revolution (Routledge Advances in Regional Economics, Science and Policy)

by Anthony Larsson Andreas Hatzigeorgiou

Are pandemics the end of cities? Or do they present an opportunity for us to reshape cities in ways making us even more innovative, successful, and sustainable? Pandemics such as COVID-19 (and comparable disruptions) have caused intense debates over the future of cities. Through a series of investigative studies, Designing Smart and Resilient Cities for a Post-Pandemic World: Metropandemic Revolution seeks to critically discuss and compare different cases, innovations and approaches as to how cities can utilise nascent and future digital technology and/or new strategies in order to build stronger resilience to better tackle comparable large-scale pandemics and/or disruptions in the future. The authors identify ten separate societal areas where future digital technology can impact resilience. These are discussed in individual chapters. Each chapter concludes with a set of proposed "action points" based on the conclusions of each respective study. These serve as solid policy recommendations of what courses of action to take to help increase the resilience in smart cities for each designated area. Securing resilience and cohesion between each area will bring about the metropandemic revolution. The book features a foreword by Nobel laureate Peter C. Doherty and an afterword by Professor of Urban Technologies, Carlo Ratti. It provides fresh and unique insights on smart cities and futures studies in a pandemic context, offers profound reflections on contemporary societal functions and the needs to build resilience and combines lessons learned from historical pandemics with possibilities offered by future technology.

Designmethoden im Zeitalter ihrer technischen Reproduzierbarkeit (Würzburger Beiträge zur Designforschung)

by Gerhard Schweppenhäuser Judith-Frederike Popp Christian Bauer

Die Beiträge in diesem Band spiegeln den Stand der Reflexions- und Forschungsprozesse an der Fakultät Gestaltung der TH Würzburg-Schweinfurt, der HBKsaar und der New Design University in St. Pölten. Sie repräsentieren einen Prozess der Aufklärung, dessen Prüfstein Walter Benjamins Frage ist, wie sich ›die Art und Weise der Sinneswahrnehmung‹ geschichtlich gewachsener Kollektive durch neue Medientechnologien verändert.

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