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La velocidad de tu sombra

by Jorge Alberto Gudiño Hernández

«Quizá la muerte sea más rápida que la luz, sólo que le gusta demorarse.» Cipriano Zuzunaga investiga varios asesinatos que se han cometido en la autopista urbana, un lugar complicado para el crimen, pues los potenciales blancos siempre están en movimiento. Sólo un periodista se ha dado cuenta de que los muertos se acumulan, pero ha pactado con Zuzunaga no hacer pública la información, que apunta hacia un posible asesino serial. Mientras tanto, la vida se le complica al ex comandante: la relación con su hija se enfría más aún y su joven protegida Nat le cuenta de su pasado envuelto en la miseria y de su hermano delincuente. Además, su amada Lola tiene un ex esposo golpeador. Para colmo, Zuzunaga se descubre incapaz de ayudar a las víctimas de un fuerte sismo que ha sacudido a la ciudad. Como si la empatía se le hubiera evaporado. Otros escritores han dicho... «Jorge Alberto Gudiño es un narrador tenaz y un conocedor del México real, que incluye lo bueno, lo malo y lo peor, así como del lenguaje duro y del secreto para manejarlo en su narrativa.» Élmer Mendoza «Con un cambio de tono espectacular, Jorge entrega su novela más lograda y vibrante a la fecha: Tus dos muertos, hogar del excomandante Zuzunaga, un policía en la mejor tradición de la novela negra latinoamericana.» Martín Solares «Una novela negra no ofrece solamente la indagación de un enigma policiaco: articula, sobre todo, una prosa que revela y desmenuza la putrefacción de una sociedad. Tus dos muertos representa un nuevo camino de ferocidad y precisión en la narrativa de Jorge Alberto Gudiño.» Antonio Ortuño «La novela noir tiene un nuevo y gran nombre en México: Jorge Alberto Gudiño.» David Miklos

Henchgirl (Expanded Edition)

by Kristen Gudsnuk

Mary Posa hates her job. She works long hours for little pay, no insurance, and worst of all, no respect. Her co-workers are jerks and her boss doesn't appreciate her. He's also a supervillain.And her parents... well, they're the most famous superhero couple in Crepe City, along with her sister. Cursed with a conscience, Mary would give anything to be something other than a Henchgirl, but no matter what she does her plans always seem to go awry.This Second Edition printing offers the humor and henching you love, along with an extra, new Henchgirl story!

Contigo en la distancia (Premio Alfaguara de novela #Volumen 20)

by Carla Guelfenbein

Nuestro Premio Alfaguara 2015 Los laberintos del amor y la mentira, y el talento desigual como desafío de una pareja son los grandes temas de esta novela de Carla Guelfenbein, una autora que ha deslumbrado a Coetzee y a miles de lectores en el mundo. A Vera Sigall y Horacio Infante los une un amor de juventud y su pasión por la literatura. También un lazo misterioso que dos jóvenes, Emilia y Daniel, intentan desentrañar. Sin embargo, este no es el único enigma en sus vidas. Una mañana, Vera Sigall cae por las escaleras de su casa y queda en coma. Al principio, la noción de que su caída no fue un accidente aparece como una sospecha para Daniel. Pero con los días y las semanas, la duda irá creciendo hasta volverse una certeza. Emilia y Daniel se encontrarán en la búsqueda de la verdad acerca del accidente de la mítica escritora pero, sobre todo, en la necesidad de entender sus propios destinos. «Una novela de suspense literario construida con gran eficacia narrativa en torno a un memorable personaje femenino y al poder de la genialidad. La autora ha sabido entrelazar amores y enigmas con una escritura a la vez compleja y transparente. » Del acta del jurado del xviii Premio Alfaguara de novela, presidido por Javier Cercas y compuesto por Héctor Abad Faciolince, Ernesto Franco, Berna González Harbour, Concha Quirós y Pilar Reyes. English Description With You at a Distance tells the story of Emilia, a young French student of Chilean origin who arrives in Santiago to work on a thesis about the elusive and mysterious writer Vera Sigall. Following a brief encounter between the two, Vera suffers a suspicious accident and is left in a coma. Incapable of finishing her work, during the tense wait in the hospital for a recovery that never seems to happen, Emilia meets Daniel, a neighbor of the novelist who is burdened by a life marked by a childhood event. The search for the truth about Vera’s accident is the start of a police investigation that will eventually reveal the true identities and the lives of all of the characters, as well as the relationships that unite them. With elements typical of suspense novels, this choral novel pursues two parallel story lines that end up interweaving. The clues, the suspects, and the false interpretations seem to lead to the revelation of a truth that is perhaps not what the protagonists are searching for. Love; the sacrifice for loved ones; the yokes of genius, family, identity, and lies; and the power of blood are some of the themes that this exhilarating tale deals with as it delves into a family secret that has been kept for generations.

Revolution Sunday

by Wendy Guerra

A novel about glamour, surveillance, and corruption in contemporary Cuba, from an internationally bestselling author--who has never before been translated into English <P><P>Cleo, scion of a once-prominent Cuban family and a promising young writer in her own right, travels to Spain to collect a prestigious award. <P><P>There, Cuban expats view her with suspicion--assuming she's an informant for the Castro regime. <P><P>To Cleo's surprise, that suspicion follows her home to Cuba, where she finds herself under constant surveillance by the government. <P><P>When she meets and falls in love with a Hollywood filmmaker, she discovers her family is not who she thought they were . . . and neither is the filmmaker.

Sin rescate

by Marta Guerrero González

El miedo nunca termina. Llena de acción y crudeza, esta novela basada en hechos reales nos revela qué hay en los sótanos de la gran industria del secuestro en México, así como los alcances del poder y la ambición, los golpes fatales de la corrupción y la frustración e impotencia de una sociedad que exige dejar de ser rehén del crimen organizado. El miedo nunca termina. Llena de acción y crudeza, esta novela basada en hechos reales nos revela qué hay en los sótanos de la gran industria del secuestro en México, así como los alcances del poder y la ambición, los golpes fatales de la corrupción y la frustración e impotencia de una sociedad que exige dejar de ser rehén del crimen organizado.

El árbol de la diana

by Mercedes Guerrero

Una novela que mezcla pasión amorosa, secretos familiares y suspense, con el telón de fondo de una hacienda mexicana y una protagonista española que busca sus orígenes. Si Elena Peralta viaja a México es porque nada la ata ya a su país natal, España. Va en busca de la madre que jamás conoció, en busca de la hacienda que aparece en velados recuerdos de infancia, en busca del árbol familiar que ha regado con la esperanza. Sin embargo, la primera noticia que recibe al llegar a su destino es que su madre acaba de morir. Tras los muros del silencio se esconden las claves que darán sentido a su vida y a su pasado. Antonio, el cacique local, también ha perdido a su padre en extrañas circunstancias. Acoge a la recién llegada con desconfianza, pues la sombra del asesinato se cierne sobre las dos muertes recientes, y el principal sospechoso es Agustín, el hermano que Elena espera encontrar pero que ha huido de la justicia. Poco a poco, Elena y Antonio dejarán de lado los recelos y sucumbirán a la fuerte atracción que sienten el uno por el otro, a una pasión delirante. También tirarán del hilo hasta sacar a la luz los oscuros secretos que unen a sus dos familias. Pero la verdad amenaza con separarlos, porque el árbol familiar ha sido regado con sangre.

Sin mirar atrás

by Mercedes Guerrero

Dos mujeres que temen por sus vidas tanto como ansían su libertad. Una historia repleta de intrigas familiares que nos transporta al pintoresco Salzburgo. Hace tiempo que Laura y Sofía llegaron a Europa huyendo de Carlos, padre de una y exmarido de la otra, y viven atemorizadas por lo que ocurriría si las encontrara. Por ello, decidieron cambiar de vida, de mundo, de identidad. Finalmente se establecieron en Salzburgo, donde Sofía se dedica al diseño de joyas y Laura trabaja en una floristería. Parece que al fin han hallado un hogar y pueden empezar a rehacer sus vidas, pero su turbulento pasado podría estar aguardando a la vuelta de la esquina... Cuando en las montañas nevadas cercanas aparezcan los restos de Lukas Tillman, desaparecido hace casi veinticinco años, Laura y Sofía verán cómo la seguridad que tanto les había costado alcanzar puede desvanecerse como la nieve blanca bajo el sol ardiente.La crítica ha dicho...«Mercedes Guerrero sabe enganchar al lector.»Pasajes románticos «Maravillosa novela. Me ha encantado.»Compartelibros sobre Las sombras de la memoria

Las sombras de la memoria

by Mercedes Guerrero

Un relato de suspense y amor ambientado en una Córdoba repleta de encanto y magia. Un secreto silenciado durante décadas...... una mujer abocada a descubrir los recovecos de su pasado familiar. Tras la muerte de su tía Lina, Maribel Ordóñez se siente más perdida que nunca. Hacía tiempo que esta joven cordobesa se sentía sola, desde que falleció su padre, a quien estaba muy unida. Al menos ha heredado la casa familiar, un lugar que la reconforta y donde habitan dulces recuerdos que la abrazan. Sus paredes parecen haber sido testigo de un centenar de vidas... Casas como estas suelen ocultar secretos del pasado. Curioseando en su nuevo hogar, Maribel encuentra varias obras de grandes artistas de la talla de Matisse o Picasso, así como cuadros que pintó su abuelo, Tomás Ordóñez, cuando vivía en París en los años cuarenta, que jamás hubiera imaginado que eran originales. Maribel acaba de abrir la caja de Pandora y los acontecimientos se precipitan. Cuando el experto al que acude es asesinado, ella se convierte en la principal sospechosa. Con la policía pisándole los talones, deberá descubrir la verdad acerca de las obras antes de que sea demasiado tarde. La crítica ha dicho...«El estilo de Mercedes Guerrero me ha encantado, por muchas cosas, pero sobre todo porque sabe enganchar al lector.»Pasajes románticos

Muoio e torno

by Rafael Guerrero Corrado Pastore

Un complicato caso nel 2011 in Nord Africa per poco non costa la vita al detective privato Rafael Guerrero. Per dimenticarsi dell'accaduto e per guarire dalle ferite, decide di recarsi qualche giorno in un paese dell'Est Europa a riposare ma, sempre attento ai fili che muovono gli equilibri, comincerà una nuova indagine che lo farà viaggiare per migliaia di chilometri alla ricerca di due fuggiaschi che si nascondono o forse per un'altra ragione. Tunisia, Madrid, Svizzera, Ungheria, Barcellona e infine Brasile saranno testimoni e a volte protagonisti delle ricerche, dei sospetti e delle vittorie di questo personaggio così genuino, proprio come le avventure che lo portano da un continente all'altro, romanzate nella misura in cui questo genere lo permette. E' abbastanza. anche se sembra troppo. E sì, alla fine Rafael Guerrero torna, vivo o morto.

The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - The Great War

by Simon Guerrier

In a new gripping and immersive adventure Sherlock Holmes investigates collusion and conspiracy in the Belgian trenches of World War One.December 1917. An important visitor arrives at a field hospital not far from the front, who makes sharp deductions about the way the ward is run based on small details that he sees. Sherlock Holmes is apparently only present for a tour, but asks searching questions about a young officer who apparently died in the hospital, but whose records have mysteriously vanished. As Holmes digs deeper, details emerge pertaining to a cover-up that stretches from the trenches to the top of the War Office, and conspiracy on both the British and enemy fronts.

At Risk (SideStreets)

by Jacqueline Guest

Edgy and suspenseful young adult fiction that explores topics teens want to read about. Tia is spending the summer working at a special ranch designed to "scare straight" at-risk youth. She tries to bond with Sage, a street kid who has been given one last chance to get her life together. But Sage resists Tia's overtures, and when money goes missing, all fingers point to the troubled teen. At Risk combines a satisfying mystery plot with a sympathetic portrayal of teens grappling with dark pasts and uncertain futures.

The Tarnished Eye: A Novel of Suspense

by Judith Guest

From the New York Times bestselling author of Ordinary People comes a gripping novel of suspense, exploring fragile family dynamics in the aftermath of tragedy. . . Acclaimed author Judith Guest makes a triumphant return with this poignant and powerful novel that's sure to add luster to her reputation as one of the most thoughtful observers of the human condition. Taking as part of her inspiration a baffling, unsolved true-life crime, Guest achieves in this absorbing new novel an extraordinary combination of page-turning mystery and intimate, emotionally charged family drama. The Tarnished Eye takes readers to the community of Blessed, in northern Michigan, where Sheriff Hugh DeWitt still grieves for his infant son, who died of SIDS a few years earlier. Obsessed with the past, he's endangering his future with his beloved wife and daughter. Meanwhile, up the road from the DeWitts, in one of the rich summer cottages, Paige Norbois grieves for a lost love of her own. Married to a stern and unresponsive man, Paige wills herself to stay in the marriage and sacrifice her personal feelings for the sake of her children's stability. But soon an unimaginable tragedy destroys all dreams of stability in Blessed. Paige, her husband, Edward, and their four children are brutally slaughtered in their home. Sheriff DeWitt, deeply moved by the horrific murder scene, must find answers to a string of urgent questions. When, exactly, did the murders occur? Why did nobody miss the family earlier? Who had a motive to kill? The man with whom Paige was having an affair? The business partner, who was stealing from Edward's publishing firm? Which family member was the primary, intended victim? And above all, what sort of trauma could fuel a killer's capacity to commit such hate-driven violence?Judith Guest, with her own untarnished eye and finely nuanced prose, delivers a novel that transcends genre and showcases once again her remarkable literary gifts.


by David Guggenheim Nicholas Mennuti

A GLOBE-SPANNING, WRONG MAN THRILLER CO-WRITTEN BY THE SCREENWRITER OF THE #1 FILM SAFE HOUSE.Kyle West is a wanted man. Having fled the country to escape the false charges filed against himself and his former boss, billionaire government contractor Christopher Chandler, Kyle's hiding in Cambodia, living on borrowed time and finding more and more reasons to be paranoid.When a mysterious stranger named Julian Robinson walks into Kyle's favorite café and offers to swap passports with Kyle, Kyle can't believe his luck. Robinson looks so much like Kyle it's almost unreal, and seems in every way the yin to Kyle's yang--self-assured, charismatic and wealthy beyond measure. Traveling on business, Robinson needs Kyle's passport to get to Africa, where a lucrative deal awaits. Kyle needs Robinson's passport to safely flee Cambodia. The swap seems almost too good to be true. Unfortunately for Kyle, it is.This one decision plunges Kyle into a Pandora's Box of intrigue that threatens to swallow him whole. Suddenly he finds himself being pursued by Russian oligarchs, Chinese operatives, the CIA, and a beautiful woman trained to kill; because Robinson certainly isn't who he seemed. And time is running out for Kyle to discover who he is.


by Marc Guggenheim

A young CIA lawyer uncovers a dangerous worldwide conspiracy, masterminded by forces within the US intelligence community. Alex Garnett has spent his life in the shadow of his father, a former Chief of Staff and Solicitor General to two presidents who's been responsible for getting Alex every job he ever had, including his latest: attorney for the CIA. However, a seemingly routine litigation leads to a series of unexpected events, including poison, kidnapping, torture and murder. As casualties pile up, it becomes clear Alex is the final target in someone's blood-soaked attempts to cover their tracks. With the help of a neurotic hacker, Alex unravels a conspiracy older than the CIA itself. The trail of clues reveals the presence of unseen forces that are bringing this nation to the brink of war--and Alex's life is only one of many in danger.a massive government and global conspiracy that dates back to the founding of the CIA or be buried with the trail of evidence he's unwittingly discovered. As the nation ticks closer to a costly, dangerous war, Marcus realizes there's much more at stake than the life of one CIA lawyer.

Untouchable Things

by Tara Guha

Danger lurks within a close-knit group of London artists as a puppet master plots the fate of a beautiful actress in this psychological thriller. London actress Rebecca Laurence is center stage and shining in her role as Ophelia. For one audience member in particular, she is like a ballerina impaled in a musical box—one that he longs to add to his collection. Amid the thundering applause, he watches closely. Later, Rebecca meets the charismatic Seth Gardner. As attraction grows between them, he invites her to join his Friday Folly, a group of artistic friends. But as Rebecca is drawn into the web of tangled relationships all is not as it appears. The scene is set for one climactic night that will rip the group apart. Consumed by loss and surrounded by secrets, Rebecca must now escape the grip of the Folly if she intends to survive. And meanwhile, one man continues to watch.

Campus Beauty's Zombie Guard: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Ye GuHun

He wasn't one of the Five Elements, but rather, someone who had transcended the Three Realms. Chen Daqing's generation's Heavenly Master had turned into a zombie, surviving for a thousand years without being destroyed. "Mm. My greatest wish is to be killed. I've already bought a coffin, a mahogany coffin. Very beautiful!"

Campus Beauty's Zombie Guard: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Ye GuHun

He wasn't one of the Five Elements, but rather, someone who had transcended the Three Realms. Chen Daqing's generation's Heavenly Master had turned into a zombie, surviving for a thousand years without being destroyed. "Mm. My greatest wish is to be killed. I've already bought a coffin, a mahogany coffin. Very beautiful!"

Campus Beauty's Zombie Guard: Volume 3 (Volume 3 #3)

by Ye GuHun

He wasn't one of the Five Elements, but rather, someone who had transcended the Three Realms. Chen Daqing's generation's Heavenly Master had turned into a zombie, surviving for a thousand years without being destroyed. "Mm. My greatest wish is to be killed. I've already bought a coffin, a mahogany coffin. Very beautiful!"

Campus Beauty's Zombie Guard: Volume 4 (Volume 4 #4)

by Ye GuHun

He wasn't one of the Five Elements, but rather, someone who had transcended the Three Realms. Chen Daqing's generation's Heavenly Master had turned into a zombie, surviving for a thousand years without being destroyed. "Mm. My greatest wish is to be killed. I've already bought a coffin, a mahogany coffin. Very beautiful!"

Ghost Eye Master: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Ye GuHun

The human left the human and the ghost left the ghost. No matter if it's a person or a ghost, if you take the wrong path, I, Li Xiangyang, will come and take you in. After a class reunion, Li Xiangyang's business was in full swing. All sorts of demons and monsters, come to my bowl!

Ghost Eye Master: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Ye GuHun

The human left the human and the ghost left the ghost. No matter if it's a person or a ghost, if you take the wrong path, I, Li Xiangyang, will come and take you in. After a class reunion, Li Xiangyang's business was in full swing. All sorts of demons and monsters, come to my bowl!

Ghost Eye Master: Volume 3 (Volume 3 #3)

by Ye GuHun

The human left the human and the ghost left the ghost. No matter if it's a person or a ghost, if you take the wrong path, I, Li Xiangyang, will come and take you in. After a class reunion, Li Xiangyang's business was in full swing. All sorts of demons and monsters, come to my bowl!

Ghost Eye Master: Volume 4 (Volume 4 #4)

by Ye GuHun

The human left the human and the ghost left the ghost. No matter if it's a person or a ghost, if you take the wrong path, I, Li Xiangyang, will come and take you in. After a class reunion, Li Xiangyang's business was in full swing. All sorts of demons and monsters, come to my bowl!

Ghost Eye Master: Volume 5 (Volume 5 #5)

by Ye GuHun

The human left the human and the ghost left the ghost. No matter if it's a person or a ghost, if you take the wrong path, I, Li Xiangyang, will come and take you in. After a class reunion, Li Xiangyang's business was in full swing. All sorts of demons and monsters, come to my bowl!

Ghost Eye Master: Volume 6 (Volume 6 #6)

by Ye GuHun

The human left the human and the ghost left the ghost. No matter if it's a person or a ghost, if you take the wrong path, I, Li Xiangyang, will come and take you in. After a class reunion, Li Xiangyang's business was in full swing. All sorts of demons and monsters, come to my bowl!

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