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Showing 51 through 75 of 21,190 results

Contemporary Sociology: An Introduction To Concepts And Theories

by M. Francis Abraham

The revised and updated edition of "Contemporary Sociology" by M. Francis Abraham offers a comprehensive exploration of key issues in present-day society. Abraham, drawing on vast experience and extensive research, transcends conventional boundaries to address theoretical perspectives, research methods, and key concepts across diverse geographical and cultural contexts. The book delves into critical issues spanning education, economy, politics, population, stratification, minorities, urbanization, and the environment, providing a nuanced understanding of social institutions and organizations. What sets this textbook apart is its focused treatment of modern sociological topics, including gender, race, lifestyle changes, ecological concerns, and domestic violence. By presenting examples from various cultural contexts, the book offers a rich and insightful analysis of contemporary sociological dynamics, making it a valuable resource for students and scholars alike.

101 Mission Statements from Top Companies: Plus Guidelines for Writing Your Own Mission Statement

by Jeffrey Abrahams

Ben & Jerry'¬?s has one. So do Tiffany'¬?s and Smucker'¬?s and Microsoft. It doesn'¬?t matter whether you'¬?re a small start-up or one of the biggest players in corporate America. A clear statement of intent not only inspires a sense of overall purpose for a business or nonprofit, it serves as a practical focus for individuals within the organization. It can even provide an actual blueprint for a company'¬?s future and, ultimately, its success. Selected from among America'¬?s most successful corporations and recognizable brands, these statements vary widely in style, length, and language. However, they all share a universal vision of excellence that includes superiority in their fields, respect for and responsibility toward employees and clients, dedication to stated business goals, and community-oriented values. Additionally, 101 MISSION STATEMENTS instructs the new or future entrepreneur in crafting and customizing a mission statement that will inspire, motivate, and meet the specific needs and aspirations of the organization and its members.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Jump-Rope Rhymes: A Dictionary

by Roger D. Abrahams

This collection of over six hundred jump-rope rhymes, originally published in 1969, is an introduction into the world of children—their attitudes, their concerns, their humor. Like other children's folklore, the rhymes are both richly inventive and innocently derivative, ranging from on-the-spot improvisations to old standards like "Bluebells, cockleshells," with a generous sprinkling of borrowings from other play activities—nursery rhymes, counting-out rhymes, and taunts.

Counting-Out Rhymes: A Dictionary

by Roger D. Abrahams Lois Rankin

Eeny, meeny, figgledy, fig. Delia, dolia, dominig,Ozy, pozy doma-nozy,Tee, tau, tut,Uggeldy, buggedy, boo!Out goes you. (no. 129)You can stand,And you can sit,But, if you play,You must be it. (no. 577)Counting-out rhymes are used by children between the ages of six and eleven as a special way of choosing it and beginning play. They may be short and simple ("O-U-T spells out/And out goes you") or relatively long and complicated; they may be composed of ordinary words, arrant nonsense, or a mixture of the two. Roger D. Abrahams and Lois Rankin have gathered together a definitive compendium of counting-out rhymes in English reported to 1980. These they discovered in over two hundred sources from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, including rhymes from England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. Representative texts are given for 582 separate rhymes, with a comprehensive listing of sources and variants for each one, as well as information on each rhyme's provenience, date, and use. Cross-references are provided for variants whose first lines differ from those of the representative texts. Abrahams's introduction discusses the significance of counting-out rhymes in children's play. Children's folklore and speech play have attracted increasing attention in recent years. Counting-Out Rhymes will be a valuable resource for researchers in this field.

Making Sense of Human Anatomy and Physiology: A Learner-Friendly Approach

by Earle Abrahamson Jane Langston

Designed to be user-friendly and informative for both students and teachers, this book provides a road map for understanding problems and issues that arise in the study of anatomy and physiology. Students will find tips to develop specific study skills that lead to maximum understanding and retention. They will learn strategies not only for passing an examination or assessment, but also for permanently retaining the fundamental building blocks of anatomical study and application. For the teacher and educator, the book provides useful insight into practical and effective assessment techniques, explores the subject matter from a learning approach perspective, and considers different methods of teaching to best to convey the message and meaning of anatomy and physiology. Supported by clear diagrams and illustrations, this is a key text for teachers who want a useful toolbox of creative techniques and ideas that will enhance the learning experience. In addition to the wealth of information it provides, Making Sense of Human Anatomy and Physiology sets in place a bedrock of learning skills for future study, regardless of the subject. Students of beauty therapies, holistic and complementary therapies, and fitness professionals--yoga teachers, personal trainers, sports coaches, and dance teachers--will gain not only a basic understanding of anatomy and physiology, but also the skills to learn such a subject. Allied professionals in nursing, biomedical science, dentistry, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, midwifery, zoology, biology and veterinary science will also find this book an invaluable resource. The final chapters offer suggestions for the further exploration of concepts, assessment, learning activities, and applications.

Georgia - Culture Smart!

by Natia Abramia

Georgia lies between Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Middle East, on the southeastern shore of the Black Sea. This small Caucasian country is used to playing a significant role in global geopolitics, and its strategic location at the crossroads of different civilizations has been a curse as well as a blessing. Once a battlefield of the Christian and Muslim worlds, today it is caught between its NATO aspirations and its location in Russia's backyard. The Silk Road brought the best of the world to Georgia. Its ancient Christian culture shows the influence of Arab, Persian, and Ottoman conquerors. Combined with this is a southern, "Mediterranean" feel, traces of the Soviet legacy, and a strong Western influence. What awaits the visitor is a unique culture that goes back thousands of years. Georgia has a rich historical heritage, wonderful food and wines, unforgettable scenery, authentic folk music and dances, an attractive business climate, and an educated and hospitable people for whom indulging a guest is more a religion than a duty. Culture Smart! Georgia offers invaluable insights and practical tips for tourists and business people alike. The author, Natia Abramia, guides you through the past and present-day realities of her motherland, explaining what makes people tick, how they live and feel, and how to get on with them. You will discover that the Georgians will not let you down. Learn how to reach their hearts, and they will charm you back.

The List: Shout Your Dreams Out Loud to Make Them Come True

by Yuval Abramovitz

Refreshingly honest, fast-paced, and full of humor, The List is full of practical advice and inspiration that will help you achieve your goals. Already an international bestseller, the book began as a list of 10 things the author wanted to accomplish in 400 days. He posted the list on his blog and asked for help-and within 24 hours was overwhelmed by responses. The key idea is as simple as it is powerful-let others know about your dreams and they will help you achieve them.Why do some people succeed where others fail? What makes some push past their financial hardships while others lag behind? What is holding you back? Yuval Abramovitz provides thought-provoking true stories, tips, insights, and techniques to show readers how to move past roadblocks, ask and receive help, and reach even the loftiest of goals.The List is filled with exercises and prompts for lists that help you make your dreams a reality. The author’s journey-from writing his first list in a wheelchair to becoming a well-known author, cultural reporter, actor, and media personality-and the stories of people around the world using his method to achieve success prove that this is a motivational book that truly works.

Handbook of Mathematical Functions: with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables

by Milton Abramowitz Irene A. Stegun

Despite the increasing use of computers, the basic need for mathematical tables continues. Tables serve a vital role in preliminary surveys of problems before programming for machine operation, and they are indispensable to thousands of engineers and scientists without access to machines. Because of automatic computers, however, and because of recent scientific advances, a greater variety of functions and a higher accuracy of tabulation than have been available until now are required.In 1954, a conference on mathematical tables, sponsored by M.I.T. and the National Science Foundation, met to discuss a modernization and extension of Jahnke and Emde's classical tables of functions. This volume, published 10 years later by the U.S. Department of Commerce, is the result. Designed to include a maximum of information and to meet the needs of scientists in all fields, it is a monumental piece of work, a comprehensive and self-contained summary of the mathematical functions that arise in physical and engineering problems.The book contains 29 sets of tables, some to as high as 20 places: mathematical constants; physical constants and conversion factors (6 tables); exponential integral and related functions (7); error function and Fresnel integrals (12); Bessel functions of integer (12) and fractional (13) order; integrals of Bessel functions (2); Struve and related functions (2); confluent hypergeometric functions (2); Coulomb wave functions (2); hypergeometric functions; Jacobian elliptic and theta functions (2); elliptic integrals {9); Weierstrass elliptic and related functions; parabolic cylinder functions {3); Mathieu functions (2); spheroidal wave functions (5); orthogonal polynomials (13); combinatorial analysis (9); numerical interpolation, differentiation and integration (11); probability functions (ll); scales of notation (6); miscellaneous functions (9); Laplace transforms (2); and others.Each of these sections is prefaced by a list of related formulas and graphs: differential equations, series expansions, special functions, and other basic relations. These constitute an unusually valuable reference work in themselves. The prefatory material also includes an explanation of the numerical methods involved in using the tables that follow and a bibliography. Numerical examples illustrate the use of each table and explain the computation of function values which lie outside its range, while the editors' introduction describes higher-order interpolation procedures. Well over100 figures illustrate the text.In all, this is one of the most ambitious and useful books of its type ever published, an essential aid in all scientific and engineering research, problem solving, experimentation and field work. This low-cost edition contains every page of the original government publication.

The Nobel Peace Prize and the Laureates: An Illustrated Biographical History, 1901-1987

by Irwin Abrams

History of the Nobel Peace Prize itself as well as those who have won it through 1987.

A Glossary of Literary Terms

by M. H. Abrams Geoffrey Galt Harpham

This book defines and discusses terms, critical theories, and points of view that are commonly applied in classifying, analyzing, interpreting, and writing the history of works of literature. The component entries, together with the guides to further reading included in most of them, are oriented especially toward undergraduate students of English, American, and other literatures. Over the decades, however, the book has proved to be a useful and popular work of reference for advanced students, as well as for the general reader with literary interests.

The Art of City Sketching: A Field Manual

by Michael Abrams

The Art of City Sketching: A Field Manual guides you through the laborious and sometimes complex process of sketching what you see in the built environment so that you can learn to draw what you imagine. Illustrated with hundreds of drawings by students and professionals of cityscapes around Europe and the United States, the book helps you develop your conceptual drawing skills so that you can communicate graphically to represent the built environment. Short exercises, projects, drawing tips, step-by-step demonstrations, and composition do's and don'ts make it easy for you to get out into the city and experiment in your own work. Author Michael Abrams uses his experience as a field sketching instructor, to show you that by drawing, you can discover, analyze, and comprehend the built environment.

The Art of City Sketching: A Field Manual

by Michael C. Abrams

The Art of City Sketching: A Field Manual guides readers through the process of freehand architectural sketching and explains orthographic, diagrammatic, three-dimensional, and perceptual-type drawings. The book presents hundreds of drawings of historic buildings and urban spaces, examples, and exercises, which help readers develop their drawing skills and employ sketching as an analytical tool. The book is divided into three parts, based on the reader’s skill level: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. As an architect and field sketching instructor, the author shows that through drawing the reader can discover, analyze, and comprehend the built environment. The new edition of The Art of City Sketching expands on the drawing techniques of the previous version by adding new drawing examples, exercises, and two new chapters—Chiaroscuro and Storyboard. New drawing tips, demonstrations, and composition "do’s and don’ts" will support readers when they illustrate their viewpoint of the city by using simple drawing tools. The lessons in this book will allow readers to mix method with imagination and sensibility.

Encyclopedia of Modern Jewish Culture

by Glenda Abramson

The Encyclopedia of Modern Jewish Culture is an extensively updated revision of the very successful Companion to Jewish Culture published in 1989 and has now been updated throughout. Experts from all over the world contribute entries ranging from 200 to 1000 words broadly, covering the humanities, arts, social sciences, sport and popular culture, and 5000-word essays contextualize the shorter entries, and provide overviews to aspects of culture in the Jewish world. Ideal for student and general readers, the articles and biographies have been written by scholars and academics, musicians, artists and writers, and the book now contains up-to-date bibliographies, suggestions for further reading, comprehensive cross referencing, and a full index. This is a resource, no student of Jewish history will want to go without.

Opening the Doors to Hollywood: How to Sell Your Idea Story, Book, Screenplay, Manuscript

by Carlos De Abreu Howard Jay Smith

Finally! A step-by-step guide to the keys that unlock the doors to Hollywood.Opening the Doors to Hollywood has all the information you'll ever need in order to tap into the $500 million spent yearly in Hollywood on acquiring and developing projects.Discover how to:Find a storyRewrite itOption itPackage itPitch itWrite itSell it to film and television companiesComplete with a reference section that includes guilds/unions, libraries, sample contracts, seminars and workshops, trade publications, and writers' organizations, Opening the Doors to Hollywood is invaluable to any writer.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Los doce códigos del amor: Sana tus heridas y encuentra pareja con la ayuda de la astrología

by Elva Abril

La astrología es tu mejor aliada para descubrir los miedos inconscientes que bloquean tus relaciones y conseguir el amor que mereces. Identifica tus patrones lunares, sánalos y abre las puertas al buen amor. ¿Te has preguntado por qué algunas personas encuentran pareja enseguida y otras no lo consiguen ni a tiros? Hay quien lo achaca a la mala suerte, pero la realidad es que muchos de nosotros vamos cargados de miedos inconscientes que nos bloquean y hacen que repitamos patrones hasta la saciedad y topemos siempre con el mismo tipo de personas. En astrología, la posición de la luna en nuestra carta natal, nos ayuda a entender cómo nos relacionamos, desvela las heridas infantiles que arrastramos y cómo vivimos el primer amor: el de la madre (o persona equivalente), modelo que repetiremos en todos nuestros vínculos. Existen doce posibles patrones lunares, doce miedos inconscientes que definen como nos relacionamos. Tomar consciencia de ellos, y también de los planetas con los que interactúan, es imprescindible para, si nos conviene, cambiarlos y acceder a buenas relaciones, en las que nadie sane a nadie, sino que ambos miembros de la pareja formen un equipo.

The Construction, Sources, and Implications of Consensualism in Contract: Lesson from France (Studies in the History of Law and Justice #27)

by Kane Abry

This book offers a comprehensive introduction to French contract law with a focus on the role of consent and the evolution of consensualism, considering its immediate historical sources. The book provides a clear, in-depth, and analytical discussion of the contingency of consensualism and how the development of consensual ideas across time and transnational geographical settings has specifically underpinned modern French contract law, which has inspired other legal systems and continues to do so. It also challenges the macro-narratives of European legal history and redefines consensualism so that it may be properly understood, addressing its manifest contemporary misinterpretations. Thorough, engaging, well-structured and inventive, there is no other English-language scholarly work that offers a similar analysis.“This monograph makes an evident contribution to the field by offering an original interpretation of several provisions in the Code Civil which relate to the law of contract. The author demonstrates an impressive grasp of Latin, French and English sources as well as knowledge of Roman law, legal history, and contemporary French law. It is well-referenced and offers an extensive bibliography”. – Dr Stephen Bogle, Senior Lecturer in Private Law, University of Glasgow, UK“The author brings a critical perspective to bear throughout the monograph and develops a clear and quite sophisticated position on the interaction between consensualism and formalism in Roman and French law and the intervening European ius commune”. – Prof Hector MacQueen, Emeritus Professor of Private Law, University of Edinburgh, UK

Exambusters English Vocabulary Study Cards: College (Exambusters Vocabulary #2)

by Ace Academics

EXAMBUSTERS College Student English Vocabulary Builder Parts 1 and 2 eBook flash cards: Over 350 words every well-educated person should know. While you may not hear them every day, they can show up on standardized exams, and understanding them will boost your score. Includes sample sentence, part of speech, pronunciation, succinct, easy-to-remember definition, and common synonyms and antonyms. Compiled by certified teachers and college professors with a focus on exam preparation. Highlights the essentials to test well. Prepare for quizzes, tests, New SAT, PRAXIS I, GED, GRE, PSAT, GMAT, ACT . . . . A COURSE in an eBook! ======================================== Ace Academics "Exambusters Study Cards" for test prep are tailored to fourteen different standardized tests (for example: SAT, GED, GRE, MCAT, PRAXIS) The flash card format is available in printed cards, CD-Rom software and eBooks.

Exambusters English Vocabulary Study Cards: High School (Exambusters Vocabulary #1)

by Ace Academics

EXAMBUSTERS High School Student English Vocabulary Builder eBook flash cards: Over 350 frequently tested words every college-bound student should know. Perfect for anyone who wants to enrich their vocabulary! Improve your reading comprehension and conversation. Includes sample sentence, part of speech, pronunciation, succinct, easy-to-remember definition, and common synonyms and antonyms. Compiled by certified teachers and college professors with a focus on exam preparation. Prepare for quizzes, tests, New SAT, PRAXIS I, GED, GRE, PSAT, GMAT, ACT . . . . A COURSE in an eBook! <P><P>Ace Academics "Exambusters Study Cards" for test prep are tailored to fourteen different standardized tests (for example: SAT, GED, GRE, MCAT, PRAXIS) The flash card format is available in printed cards, CD-Rom software and eBooks. <P><P><i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these in the future.</i>

Connecting Networks Companion Guide

by Cisco Networking Academy

This course discusses the WAN technologies and network services required by converged applications in a complex network. The course allows you to understand the selection criteria of network devices and WAN technologies to meet network requirements. You will learn how to configure and troubleshoot network devices and resolve common issues with data link protocols. You will also develop the knowledge and skills needed to implement IPSec and virtual private network (VPN) operations in a complex network.

Environment - IAS Competitive Exam

by Shankar Ias Academy

Environment - 8th edition, 2021 - To help students in acquiring the essentials of the topic 'environment’ during preparation for Civil Services Examination, Shankar IAS Academy has brought the book, 'environment’. This book follows the paper pattern and syllabus given by Union Public Service Commission which conducts these examinations. The language of the book is simple and the content is engaging which ensures students face no trouble during studying. Plus the distinctive designing makes it easy to navigate and read. This bestseller book has sold over 30, 000 copies and is widely read by students. A team of highly experienced writers from Shankar IAS Academy have written this book and hence it is accurate and reliable. The updated syllabus of UPSC focuses a lot on environment. The geography Paper of the Civil Service Examination includes topics on environment and hence it is important for students to have thorough understanding of this topic. This book is completely dedicated on environment and covers all concepts and points. It focuses on topics like environmental ecology, bio-diversity and Climate change. Some of the topics discussed in the book include ecological pyramid and nutrient cycling, ecosystem rainforest, deciduous monsoon forest, Biome, bread basket region, food chain, primary consumer, food web, ecological pyramid, ecological explosion, ecotone, chemosynthesis, biogeochemical cycle, Miss semple, possibilism, stratosphere, biosphere, species types, nutritional eutrophication, acid rain, marble cancer, soil types, biogeographical realm, xerophytic, Nitrogen cycle, greenhouse gas, biodiversity hotspots, Ozone depletion, club of Rome, planktonic, biological magnification, young lakes, good Ozone and bio-diversity loss. Along with clear explanations the book gives adequate practice for students so that they can their knowledge and check their understandings.

Ace Group Fitness Instructor Manual: A Guide for Fitness Professional

by Ace

The all-new ACE Group Fitness Instructor Manual, 3rd Edition, prepares fitness professionals to design effective group fitness programs and both safely and successfully lead a wide range of class formats and participants. A must-have resource for group fitness instructors, the manual addresses critical core competencies regardless of the types of classes you plan to teach. Topics range from instruction techniques and program design to the business of group fitness and an instructor's ethical and legal responsibilities as well. Additionally, the manual tackles important considerations that group fitness instructors face when instructing a variety of individuals, including pregnant women and those with significant weight challenges. The manual includes an all-new companion DVD, Essentials of Group Fitness Instruction, on which world-renowned group fitness expert and award-winning presenter, Lawrence Biscontini, offers essential steps and strategies to unlocking the critical elements of group fitness. Discover key components of class design, such as how to determine desired outcomes through exercise and movement selection, sequencing, choreography, program modifications and music.

Q.B.L.: Being a Short Qabalistic Treatise on the Nature and Use of the Tree of Life

by Frater Achad

Q.B.L. is a unique work in both Qabalah and Thelemic circles. In the world of the Qabalah, Frater Achad revealed revolutionary new principles that caused students of the Qabalah to reexamine and thus deepen their knowledge of the Tree of Life. In Thelemic circles, Aleister Crowley named Frater Achad his magical heir and Achad was fully expected to lead the cause of Thelemic Magick after Crowley's death--until publication of this book caused a rift between the two and Crowley began to distance himself from Achad. This is a rare and valuable book, both for its insight and circumstances. True understanding of the Qabalah and its benefit in magical practice is clearly described, and the information contained is both practical and revelatory. The circumstances surrounding it--Frater Achad's falling out with Crowley and eventual descent into apparent insanity--prove a valuable lesson and warning for individual seekers and those associated with established mystery schools.

Vom „Theater des Schreckens“ zum „peinlichen Rechte nach der Vernunft“: Literatur und Strafrecht im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert (Literatur und Recht #5)

by Eric Achermann Gideon Stiening

Das Strafrecht der frühen Neuzeit erfährt zwischen dem beginnenden 17. und dem späten 18. Jahrhundert in Theorie und Praxis grundstürzende Veränderungen. Vor allem im Zuge der Aufklärung wird es entschärft, rationalisiert und teilweise humanisiert. Diese Prozesse werden von der europäischen Literatur kritisch reflektiert und kommentiert, womit es ihr häufig gelingt, in die Strafpraxis einzugreifen. Der Band klärt die moralphilosophischen Grundlagen dieser Entwicklung und untersucht das Wechselverhältnis von Literatur und Recht in Einzelstudien zu bedeutenden Werken der Zeit.

Why Dogs Can't Eat Chocolate: How Medicines Work and How You Can Take Them Safely

by Dr. Louise Achey

A pharmacist explains the science behind prescription medications—with helpful hints for avoiding adverse reactions and side effects. If you are one of the millions who take at least one prescription drug regularly, how can you stay safe when their effects can be so unpredictable—and occasionally even dangerous? Just as chocolate has a very different effect on your dog than it does on you, prescription drugs don&’t always work the same from person to person. In this book, a pharmacist and award-winning medical educator simplifies the complex and confusing information about pharmaceuticals, reveals the three &“Ds&” of taking medicine safely, and explains in a clear and entertaining way what happens in our bodies when we take a medicine or supplement—to help you make safer, smarter choices for your own health.

World Yearbook of Education 1984: Women and Education (World Yearbook of Education)

by Sandra Acker Jacquetta Megarry Stanley Nisbet Eric Hoyle

Published in the year 2005, World Yearboook of Education 1984 is a valuable contribution to the field of Major Works.

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