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Piense Mejor, Viva Mejor: Una vida victoriosa comienza en su mente

by Joel Osteen

Bestselling author Joel Osteen shares how reprogramming your thoughts to remove negativity will lead to a more blessed, fulfilled life. Your mind has incredible power over your success or failure. THINK BETTER, LIVE BETTER offers a simple yet life-changing strategy for erasing the thoughts that keep you down and reprogramming your mind with positive thinking to reach a new level of victory. As a child of the Most High God, you are equipped to handle anything that comes your way. To claim your destiny, start thinking about yourself the way God does and delete the thoughts that tear down your confidence. When you train yourself to tune out the negativity and tune into your calling, you'll begin to live the wonderful plans God has made for you.

Piense a otro nivel: 10 pensamientos poderosos para una vida exitosa y abundante

by Joel Osteen

Joel Osteen, #1 bestselling author and pastor of Lakewood Church, invites you to set aside the shortcomings of the past and step into a new level of victory and favor.Many of us have let our minds become conditioned to thinking we've reached our limits, we've made too many mistakes, we'll never do anything great. What's happened? Instead of moving forward, we've adapted to our environment. Instead of pushing beyond our bounds, we've allowed a bad break, how we were raised, living with insecurity, or what someone did or didn't do to hold us back.The good news is that people don't determine our destiny-God does. And He has already taken into account every detail of our lives and factored them all into His plan. In his new book, NEXT LEVEL THINKING, Joel Osteen writes that we weren't created to go through life weighed down by the past. God has destined us to rise higher-to the next level. When we leave behind the negative mind-sets, the scarcity mentality, and the limits others have put on us, we'll experience the life of victory, favor, and abundance that was meant for us all along.

Piensa y seras rico: Una opcion latina

by Napoleon Hill Foundation Lionel Sosa

In the tradition of the eight-million copy bestsellers "Think and Grow Rich" and "Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice" comes a new Napoleon Hill title written by Lionel Sosa, one of the most influential Hispanics in America today.

Piensa diferente, vive diferente: No te creas todo lo que piensas

by Wayne W. Dyer

El autor de Tus zonas erróneas propone un manual para dotar de flexibilidad a nuestra mente y saber doblegar fácilmente los prejuicios y los malos hábitos mentales que hemos cultivado toda la vida. En pocas palabras: «No te creas todo lo que piensas». Todos tenemos dominio sobre nosotros mismos, todos disponemos del poder para decidir qué hacer y cómo queremos hacerlo. Pero en este empeño, nos asaltan dudas y miedos que nos dificultan el camino para conseguir todo lo que nos proponemos y que, casi siempre, consiguen detener nuestro afán de perseguir nuestros sueños. ¿Cómo podemos deshacernos de esa tramposa voz que nos dice: «No puedes»? Wayne W. Dyer nos muestra claramente cómo se pueden detener las dudas y empezar a creer en nosotros mismos. El autor nos enseña cómo cambiar nuestros pensamientos, sentimientos y comportamientos para que nos influyan de forma positivaa la hora de actuar.

Piensa como un monje: Entrena tu mente para la paz interior y consigue una vida plena

by Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty, la super estrella mundial del crecimiento personal, nos presenta su primer y esperado libro que transmite la valiosa sabiduría que aprendió cuando era monje. Cuando PIENSES COMO UN MONJE, sabrás cómo superar la negatividad, cómo dejar de pensar demasiado, por qué la comparación mata al amor, cómo usar tu miedo en tu beneficio,cómo aprender de todo el mundo, por qué no eres tus pensamientos, cómo encontrar tu propósito en la vida y mucho más. Jay Shetty, la superestrella de las redes sociales y presentador del podcast nº 1 On Purpose, destila en este libro la sabiduría eterna que aprendió como monje y la expone con pasos prácticos que cualquiera puede aplicar para gozar de una vida más tranquila. Después de tres años en la India para convertirse en monje, meditar todos los días entre cuatro y ocho horas y dedicar su vida a ayudar a los demás, regresó a Londres, y entreno a sus estresados amigos en bienestar, propósito y atención plena. Desde entonces, Shetty se ha convertido en uno de los líderes de pensamiento más populares del mundo. En este libro inspirador y empoderador, Shetty se basa en su experiencia y conocimientos como monje para mostrarnos cómo despejar los obstáculos y llegar a nuestro potencial y poder y revela cómo superar los pensamientos y hábitos negativos, y acceder a la calma y al propósito que se encuentran en nuestro interior. Transforma lecciones abstractas en consejos y ejercicios que todos podemos aplicar para reducir el estrés y mejorar las relaciones. Reseñas:«Hacer que la sabiduría sea relevante y accesible es el superpoder de Jay Shetty. Su libro es profundo, conmovedor y práctico y estamos seguros de que ayudará a muchas personas a crear nuevos hábitos que los guiarán en la vida que realmente desean.»Will Smith y Jada Pinkett Smith «Jay Shetty te muestra, paso a paso, cómo desarrollar tu poder cambiando tu enfoque de la autoimagen a la autoestima. Piensa como un monje te libera de la hipnosis del condicionamiento social y te ayuda a convertirte en el arquitecto de tu propia vida.»Deepak Chopra, profesor de Medicina de la Universidad de California y San Diego y autor best seller. «Jay Shetty tiene un don excepcional para aprovechar la sabiduría eterna y hacerlacontemporánea infundiendo signifi cado y gracia a los momentos cotidianos. Ya ha compartido destellos de ella con millones de personas en las redes sociales, pero aquí lo reúne todo en un volumen que nos cambiará la vida. Hay que leer este libro para abrir la mente, levantar el ánimo, redefi nir el éxito y conectar con su propósito más profundo.»Arianna Huffington, fundadora de The Huffington Post, fundadora y directora ejecutiva de Thrive Global y autora best seller «¿Quién mejor que un monje para ayudarte a encontrar el sentido de la vida? La experiencia y sabiduría de Jay suponen un valor incalculable para cualquiera que busque mejorar su vida y alcanzar su máximo potencial.»Ellen DeGeneres, presentadora de televisión,actriz, escritora y productora «Coge este libro, busca una silla cómoda y deja que Jay Shetty te lleve en un viaje que te cambiará la vida. Querrás compartirlo con todos tus seres queridos.»Dr. Robert Waldinger, profesor de Psiquiatría de la facultad de Medicina de Harvard «Combinando la antigua sabiduría con los aspectos prácticos de hoy, Piensa como un monje proporciona una guía esencial para viajar por un camino equilibrado hacia el éxito.»Ray Dalio, fundador, copresidente y codirector de inversiones de Bridgewater Associates y autor best seller

Piel de letra

by Laura Escanes

Cada piel es un mundo por descubrir. «Mis nociones sobre tu piel eran nulas y me moría de ganas de aprender a tocarte y acariciarte pero no sabía ni cómo empezar. Cuestión de pieles dicen. Cuestiones de cada piel será. Porque cada piel es un mundo nuevo por descubrir».Laura Escanes Laura Escanes debuta en el mundo editorial con un libro muy personal que explora los grandes temas que tocan al corazón. Piel de letra es un compendio de textos de diversa índole, prosa poética que dibuja -acompañada de las ilustraciones de Helena Saigi Millán- un mapa de pieles que son deseo, abandono, nostalgia, lucha, fuerza, desengaño, caos, aventura, descubrimiento... Un libro que habla de lo que se esconde debajo de la piel, de aquello que nos conecta y nos une sin importar nuestro origen, la edad que tengamos y o el destino al que nos dirigimos. Una obra sorprendente, madura, llena de imágenes poéticas y momentos, un canto a la libertad artística, una bofetada a los que critican, un auxilio para los que aman.

Piedras en los bolsillos: La madre que escribió un nuevo destino para su hijo

by Marta Brule

Premio Malamadre Nacida para Luchar 2019RECOMENDADO POR LAURA BAENA, MALAS MADRES ¿Pueden el amor y la fuerza de una madre cambiar el destino de su hijo? Esta es la historia de Marta, una aventura de superación y amor de una madre que ha de enfrentarse a la enfermedad de su hijo, al que diagnostican un cáncer y le auguran el peor de los finales posibles. En el libro ella misma nos cuenta su particular batalla contra la enfermedad y cómo, con fuerza y tenacidad, logró vencer el miedo y transformarlo en coraje para afrontar el dolor. Emocionante y necesario, su testimonio es la prueba de que, con un espíritu positivo y el apoyo y la solidaridad de los demás, podemos intentar que la historia de nuestras vidas y de la de aquellos a los que amamos tengan un final feliz. «Cuando me preguntan si creo en los milagros, siempre contesto que sí, que tengo uno en casa». «Durante todo el proceso de la enfermedad de Guille sentía y repetía que el amor es la energía que movía y mueve el universo. Y que si cada persona conocida o desconocida tenía al día un pensamiento positivo sobre Guille, lo íbamos a conseguir». Reseñas:«Este libro está escrito con el amor de una madre que ha nacido para luchar y que es capaz de todo. Marta y Guille ya son parte de mi vida desde aquel día. También lo serán de la tuya desde hoy».Laura Baena, Malas Madres «Leed su libro con atención, porque detrás de sus palabras hay una experiencia dolorosa, pero también una increíble aventura de superación y, sin duda, de felicidad».Paco Arango, presidente de la Fundación Aladina

A Piece of My Heart: Living Through the Grief of Miscarriage, Stillbirth, or Infant Death

by Molly Fumia

Despite advancements in the care of those who are suffering from the loss of a child to miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death, many parents, especially mothers, cannot or will not give themselves permission to mourn. Their feelings are real and complex, yet they are often denied a safe place to live through and ultimately befriend the grieving. A Piece of My Heart is such a friend. The moving story of a mother's loss of her week-old son, it chronicles an amazing journey that began with denial and guilt, found its way through remembrance and reconciliation, and ended in resolution and surprising joy. A beautiful book about the necessity of grieving the loss of unlived lives, it shows readers who are going through similar experiences a shared understanding and wraps them in a warm cloak of support and friendship. Readers will be affirmed in the sacred right of all parents to mourn the loss of their children, however short their lives, and will be shown the path toward eventual healing.

A Piece of Cake

by Melinda Gallagher Emily Kramer

Want to explore your sexual fantasies? Wonder why you get off on your own, but not with a partner? Think you were the only one who watched fuzzy cable as a kid? Ready for a sexuality makeover? Looking for more turn-on material? Curious about being with another woman? Searching for the perfect vibrator? Tired of having sex without an orgasm? Feel like your body is sometimes a mystery? Are you normal??? YES, oh yes, you are! CAKE has the answers for women who want to explore and express their sexuality. Help yourself to A Piece of Cake, and get the dish on body image, fantasies, masturbation, vibrators, porn, orgasm, female ejaculation, partner sex, dirty talk, exhibitionism, casual sex, sexual identity, power dynamics, and threesomes -- all the ingredients for female sexual pleasure!

A Piece of Cake

by Melinda Gallagher Emily Scarlet Kramer

Want to explore your sexual fantasies?Wonder why you get off on your own, but not with a partner?Think you were the only one who watched fuzzy cable as a kid?Ready for a sexuality makeover?Looking for more turn-on material?Curious about being with another woman?Searching for the perfect vibrator?Tired of having sex without an orgasm?Feel like your body is sometimes a mystery?Are you normal???YES, oh yes, you are!CAKE has the answers for women who want to explore and express their sexuality. Help yourself toA Piece of Cake,and get the dish on body image, fantasies, masturbation, vibrators, porn, orgasm, female ejaculation, partner sex, dirty talk, exhibitionism, casual sex, sexual identity, power dynamics, and threesomes -- all the ingredients for female sexual pleasure!

Pide más, espera más y obtendrás más

by María Marín

¿Quieres obtener lo que deseas? ¿Necesitas persuadir a tu jefe para que te aumente el sueldo? ¿Deseas convencer a tu pareja para que coopere con las tareas del hogar? ¿Quieres lograr que un vendedor te dé un mejor descuento? ¿Aspiras a convencer a una persona para que sea tu socio? ¿Anhelas persuadir a alguien para que se enamore de ti? Después de leer ¡Pide más, espera más y obtendrás más!, podrás decir con seguridad: ¡Soy capaz de conseguir todo lo que quiero! Para alcanzar cualquier meta que te propongas, sea profesional, personal o familiar, necesitas persuadir a los demás para que hagan lo que tú quieres. En estas páginas, María Marín te enseña las 7 REGLAS para conseguirlo. Las personas exitosas tienen una característica en común: ¡la capacidad de convencer a otros para que hagan lo que quieren! Los triunfadores no tienen miedo a exigir lo que desean y saben como pedirlo. ¡Todo es negociable! Si usas tu creatividad, siempre puedes llegar a un acuerdo en el cual ambas partes ganen. La valiosa información que leerás en este libro se presenta con mucha motivación y humor. ¡Pide más, espera más y obtendrás más! te convertirá en un experto negociador y en una persona más segura de sí misma.

Picture This: 41 images to help you solve life's problems

by Nina Grunfeld Annie Lionnet

'You can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking that created them.' Albert EinsteinPicture This is a 21st-century concept that draws on the ancient practices of bibliomancy, Tarot and the I Ching.The book includes 41 images, each accompanied by seven simple questions. As you look at each picture, you use the questions as prompts to help you identify what you want - or don't want; to solve a problem, or find a new perspective on something. Perhaps you are feeling stuck in some way. You may have a particular dilemma or decision to make. Picture This is like learning a new language, but a language that you can become fluent in almost immediately.Use Picture This on your own or have fun sharing it with friends and discover an inspirational and engaging way to start changing your life.

Picture This: 41 images to help you solve life's problems

by Nina Grunfeld Annie Lionnet

'You can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking that created them.' Albert EinsteinPicture This is a 21st-century concept that draws on the ancient practices of bibliomancy, Tarot and the I Ching.The book includes 41 images, each accompanied by seven simple questions. As you look at each picture, you use the questions as prompts to help you identify what you want - or don't want; to solve a problem, or find a new perspective on something. Perhaps you are feeling stuck in some way. You may have a particular dilemma or decision to make. Picture This is like learning a new language, but a language that you can become fluent in almost immediately.Use Picture This on your own or have fun sharing it with friends and discover an inspirational and engaging way to start changing your life.

Picos y valles (Peaks and Valleys; Spanish edition

by Spencer Johnson

Now in Spanish...Peaks and Valleys is a story of a young man who lives unhappily in a valley until he meets an old man who lives on a peak, and it changes his work and life forever. Initially, the young man does not realize he is talking with one the most peaceful and successful people in the world.However, through a series of conversations and experiences that occur up on peaks and down in valleys, the young man comes to make some startling discoveries. Eventually, he comes to understand how he can use the old man's remarkable principles and practical tools in good and bad times and becomes more calm and successful himself. Now readers can take a similar journey through the story and use what you find to your advantage in your own work and life.

The Pickup Artist: The New and Improved Art of Seduction

by Mystery Chris Odom

The world's greatest pickup artist is back! After the bestselling expose The Game pulled back the curtain on Mystery and his culture of professional pickup artists, he became an international phenomenon. Unfortunately, while it's no secret that Mystery's ideas are wildly effective, women have started to catch on. They've seen the show and heard the routines-so now it's time for the next level of game! With techniques honed over fifteen years of trial, error, and ultimate triumph, and following his hit VH1 reality series, the celebrated sensei is back with his latest living-large exploits and a new and improved playbook for the twenty-first-century playboy. As the book begins, Mystery and his crew have withdrawn to their swank Miami mansion to plot their next move. When a new student comes to stay at the house, Mystery draws him deep into the pickup-artist lifestyle and shows him an intimate portrait of the master of seduction. Mystery lays out a complete system of game, and unveils his latest (and fully field-tested) strategies and techniques. The Pickup Artist includes * a list of all the triggers that create-and destroy-attraction * a new way to approach strangers and start a conversation: microcalibrated openers * Mystery's most powerful humor technique, the Absurd-so you'll never run out of things to say again * a full chapter on physical escalation (touching, kissing, "making a move") * the solution to inner-game issues, for when you're not confident enough * and much, much more. Whether he's holding court with eager disciples in South Beach, hanging out with his crew of fellow super-seducers in Las Vegas, or partying it up in the Hollywood Hills, Mystery is never far from where the action is-and never fails to get a piece of it. Now it's your turn. Read The Pickup Artist and get into the game.

Picking Up the Pieces without Picking Up

by Jennifer Storm

An empowering, compassionate guidebook that will assist those in recovery who have been victimized by crime or a traumatic event in healing and rebuilding their lives without returning to addictive behaviors.

Picking Up The Pieces

by Betty Bates

Nell has loved Dexter since first grade, but once they reach junior high and he begins to change, she must decide how strong her feelings really are.

Pick Three: You Can Have It All (Just Not Every Day)

by Randi Zuckerberg

A New York Times bestseller!In this motivational handbook—both a business how-to and self-help guide—the New York Times bestselling author of Dot Complicated takes on the fallacy of the "well-balanced" life, arguing that the key to success is learning to be well-lopsided.Work. Sleep. Fitness. Family. Friends. Pick Three.In an increasingly demanding world, we’ve been told that we can do everything—maintain friendships, devote ourselves to work, spend time with family, stay fit, and get enough sleep. We just need to learn to balance it all. Randi Zuckerberg doesn’t believe in being well-balanced. We can’t do it all every day, she contends, and trying to do so only leaves us frustrated and feeling inadequate. But we can succeed if we Pick Three.Randi first introduced the concept of Pick Three in a tweet—"The Entrepreneur’s Dilemma"—that went viral. Now, in this book, she expands on her philosophy and inspires others to follow her lead. From entrepreneurs to professionals, busy parents to students, Randi can help everyone learn to reject the unrealistic burden of balance and enjoy success in their own lives—by picking the most important areas to focus on in any given day.This practical handbook includes stories from Randi’s career learning that there’s no such thing as a perfect balance—as well as insights and examples from other professionals at the top of the biggest businesses in Silicon Valley, new moms searching for permission to focus on family, and recent graduates convinced they should have it all under control, including Arianna Huffington, Reshma Saujani, Laurie Hernandez, and Brad Takei. We can’t have it all every day, and that’s okay, Randi reminds us. Pick Three is her much-needed guide to learning to embrace the well-lopsided life.

Picasso's Brain: The basis of creative genius

by Christine Temple

Where does creativity come from? Why are some people more creative than others?Eminent neuropsychologist Christine Temple navigates a wide range of factors from the hard science (visual memory, spatial ability, brain functions) to the environmental (the 'mad genius' myth, and Gladwell's 10,000 hours of practice) in her study of what contributes to creativity. Using Pablo Picasso as her model of a creative genius, she weighs up each theory as it applies to Picasso and shows how his own creativity came from a combination of many factors.In this book, she looks at Picasso's playful mindset and passionate relationships, investigates the possibility that genius is genetic and can be inherited in families, considers whether creative genii perceive the world in a different way, and determines whether single-mindedness and focus play a part. This is the first book to look at a multitude of traits in creativity, and nail down the key factors that matter (and also which ones don't) to provide an overall picture of this fascinating area, linking the science to the personal.

Picasso's Brain: The basis of creative genius

by Christine Temple

Where does creativity come from? Why are some people more creative than others?Eminent neuropsychologist Christine Temple navigates a wide range of factors from the hard science (visual memory, spatial ability, brain functions) to the environmental (the 'mad genius' myth, and Gladwell's 10,000 hours of practice) in her study of what contributes to creativity. Using Pablo Picasso as her model of a creative genius, she weighs up each theory as it applies to Picasso and shows how his own creativity came from a combination of many factors.In this book, she looks at Picasso's playful mindset and passionate relationships, investigates the possibility that genius is genetic and can be inherited in families, considers whether creative genii perceive the world in a different way, and determines whether single-mindedness and focus play a part. This is the first book to look at a multitude of traits in creativity, and nail down the key factors that matter (and also which ones don't) to provide an overall picture of this fascinating area, linking the science to the personal.

The Phytogenic Hormone Solution: Restoring Your Delicate Balance with Compounded Natural Hormones

by Saundra Mckenna

The Phytogenic Hormone Solution is a must-read for women suffering from hormone-related PMS, infertility, irregular cycles, fatigue, weight gain, and symptoms of perimenopause and menopause such as insomnia, headaches, and hot flashes. While conventional hormone replacement therapy can mitigate some of these problems, it is associated with several serious health risks.

Physical Intelligence: Harness your body's untapped intelligence to achieve more, stress less and live more happily

by Claire Dale Patricia Peyton

The highly successful four-part strategy for raising your performance at work and home so that you can thrive in a busy, challenging world, from the experts who have worked with Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies across the globe. Do you wish you could be more focused and productive? Would you like to ensure your most confident performance when the stakes are high and your stress levels are even higher? The way your body reacts in any given situation determines your ability to think clearly and your capacity for managing your emotions. When you understand the way your body reacts and how to manage it, your physical intelligence, you can handle that stressful presentation, the make-or-break meeting and the important pitch. Claire Dale and Patricia Peyton have spent the past thirty years helping business leaders, top performers and professional athletes improve their physical intelligence in order to achieve outstanding success and a deeper sense of fulfillment. This practical guide contains the effective techniques you need to develop your strength, flexibility, resilience and endurance, leaving you feeling confident and fully equipped to deal with whatever comes your way. Each step-by-step strategy can be easily integrated into a busy day and is combined with useful tips and inspiring stories of people who have turned their lives around through physical intelligence.

Physical Disobedience: An Unruly Guide to Health and Stamina for the Modern Feminist

by Sarah Hays Coomer

A manual for activism that begins with our most powerful asset--our bodiesEven as a wave of renewed feminism swells, too many women continue to starve, stuff, overwork, or neglect our bodies in pursuit of paper-thin ideals. "Fitness" has been co-opted by the beauty industry. We associate it with appearance when we should associate it with power. Grounded in advocacy with a rowdy, accessible spirit, Physical Disobedience asserts that denigrating our bodies is, in practice, an act of submission to inequality. But when we strengthen ourselves--taking broad command of our individual physicality--we reclaim our authority and build stamina for the literal work of activism: the protests, community service, and emotional resilience it takes to face the news and stay engaged. Physical Disobedience introduces a breathtaking new perspective on wellness by encouraging nonviolence toward our bodies, revitalizing them through diet and exercise, fashion and social media, alternative therapies, music, and motherhood. The goal is no longer to keep our bodies in check. The goal is to ignite them, to set them free, and have a mighty fine time doing it.

Phred and Me

by Daniel Gerber

Required reading for PUBHLTH 160 My Body/My Health taught by Dr. Gerber & Dr. Ayvazian at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Phra Farang: An English Monk in Thailand

by Phra Peter Pannapadipo

At forty-five, successful businessman Peter Robinson gave up his comfortable life in London to ordain as a Buddhist monk in Bangkok. But the new path he had chosen was not always as easy or as straightforward as he hoped it would be.In this truly extraordinary memoir, Phra Peter Pannapadipo describes his ten-year metamorphosis into a practicing Buddhist monk, while being initiated into the intricacies of an unfamiliar Southeast Asian culture.Phra Peter tells his story with compassion, humour and unflinching honesty. It's the story of a 'Phra Farang' - a foreign monk - living and practicing his faith in an exotic and intriguing land.

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