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Showing 11,451 through 11,475 of 36,217 results

Perdido en el Señor

by Richard G Chaber

Caminas sin rumbo y perdido en un bosque interminable lleno de belleza, oscuridad y desesperación, y encuentras un bote de pesca averiado. Estás extremadamente cansado de intentar conseguir el camino que te conduzca a la salida, así que te refugias en el bote averiado y a medida que observas el sutil empuje del rio corriente abajo, reflexionas sobre si realmente existe una salida y si algún día la encontrarás. Has escuchado que si en realidad encuentras la salida, algo muy especial y esclarecedor sucederá. Una especie de tesoro que te intriga y despierta tu interés, pero el bosque te proporciona algo que puedes ver y sentir, pues no estás seguro si la salida “rendirá sus frutos” como te han prometido. El camino hacia el tesoro luce desalentador, pero tú tienes el mapa y la llave. Billones de personas han oído hablar de Él pero muchos no buscan conocerle. Pronuncian su nombre a diario pero muchos no han hablado con Él, otros hablan con Él con bastante frecuencia. Él produce confusión y a la vez es muy brillante, incluso cuando es odiado, Él ama aún más. Él conoce tus momentos más íntimos y comprende tus dificultades, y espera pacientemente a que le digas “hola”. La ciencia nunca ha podido refutar la existencia de Dios, así que si uno no cree, debe estar abierto a la posibilidad porque Él nos da pruebas de Su existencia todos los días, sin embargo, no las vemos. Los cristianos se han convertido en nuestros peores enemigos y ha llegado el momento de restructurar la palabra de Dios y de hacer que Jesús sea “buena onda” otra vez. Realmente existe un Cielo y contrario a la creencia popular, no hace falta un esfuerzo complicado y agotador para poder entrar. Todos somos seres humanos de carne y hueso y no podemos aspirar a ser como Jesús, tal y como Él claramente lo ha dicho, pues sus formas son más elevadas. No podemos estar a la altura de sus estándares y no se espera que lo estemos. Hay una razón por la que podemos discernir en

Pérdidas, sorprendentes pérdidas: Cuentos y relatos de valor en tiempos de angustia

by Edith Nava

No se pierde con las pérdidas. En la vida los cambios son constantes, pero pocas veces advertimos que al modificarse las circunstancias se generan pérdidas y ganancias. En este movimiento perenne a veces uno sufre la pérdida de un ser querido o la falta de algo que uno valoraba; un empleo, una relación amorosa, quizá la salud. La reacción natural es sentir tristeza, enojo, dolor, pero en medio de todos esos sentimientos uno debe serenarse y reflexionar sobre lo ocurrido. Uno puede quedarse ahí atorado o actuar iniciando un proceso de sanación. El primer paso es aferrarse a la vida, al amor, viendo hacia adelante. En este libro encontrará historias que lo ayuden a reflexionar, a entender que si bien una pérdida no es fácil de aceptar, es parte de la vida y uno debe valerse de la inteligencia para entender lo ocurrido y seguir viviendo, ya que lo que importa no es lo que a uno le ocurre, sino lo que uno hace con lo que le ocurre en la vida. Edith Nava dice que toda pérdida conlleva una ganancia. En ocasiones el beneficio no es tan claro, pero quien vive el duelo debe a través de la reflexión encontrarle sentido a la experiencia vivida.

Percolate: Let Your Best Self Filter Through

by Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino Katie Eastman

Is there a voice inside of you that’s urging you to make changes and seek a richer, more fulfilling life? Do you feel like you’ve been searching for something more meaningful, even if you don’t know exactly what it is? Have no fear—Percolate will show you how to let your best self filter through and thrive!In this empowering, heartwarming—and often humorous—book, Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino will help you wake up to what’s possible, allow your heart and mind to simmer with fresh ideas to achieve your goals and enhance your well-being, and enable your spirit and passion to rise to the top like the foam on your latte. Elizabeth will guide you through the Percolate ProcessTM, a nine-point plan she developed with Dr. Katie Eastman that teaches you how to implement positive changes to excel in every aspect of your life. It’s simple, practical, and fun!Go ahead . . . grab a cup of your favorite joe, put your feet up, and start percolating. Ah, can’t you just taste the inspiring brew as your most powerful thoughts blend together to bring the authentic, best you to the world?

Perché parli alle farfalle ?

by Magali Dubreuil Bourguet

******** NON ABBANONDARE MAI TE STESSO ********** Una cosa peggiore del sentirsi abbandonati e abbandonare se stessi… Un romanzo irrequieto, che non ti lascerà indifferente, una lezione di vita, una promessa di speranza e resilienza per tutte le persone che vivono una relazione tossica, e un omaggio all’amicizia. Che tu sia un bruco o già una farfalla, ti invito a condividere la trasformazione di Charlie “(…) Potrei continuare a lungo. Starete di certo pensando che se sono consapevole di tutto questo, allora perché rimango? Perché lo amo, penso, perché siamo una famiglia, perché insieme abbiamo costruito molto, perché credo di avere bisogno di lui, perché mi sento persa senza di lui, perché non so fare nulla, perché dove andrei e per far cosa? Perché non so né come né da dove iniziare... E perché ho paura, paura di ciò che potrebbe fare, perché mi aggrappo ai bei ricordi, perché credo e spero che ce ne saranno altri e perché spero che un giorno cambierà... (..)”

Perché il Divorzio è un Dovere: Smascherando il Marito Narcisista

by Charity Oka

Vuoi guarire il dolore del passato e dare forza e vigore alle tue relazioni? Vuoi imparare come costruire relazioni intime? Questo è un libro che ti darà una profonda consapevolezza del motivo per cui hai storie di relazioni dolorose e ti mostrerà come attingere alle possibilità di cui hai bisogno per costruire relazioni intime e guarire il dolore del passato.

Perché i grandi manager hanno successo

by Gary Randolph

Si dice che un lavoratore felice sia un lavoratore produttivo, e un buon manager può rendere felice un lavoratore che a sua volta lo renderà un lavoratore produttivo. Se vuoi massimizzare i risultati della tua azienda od organizzazione, devi possedere le qualità della leadership. Una delle responsabilità di un manager competente è aiutare il tuo team a rimanere produttivo e organizzato. Questo ebook è una guida dettagliata per migliorare le capacità manageriali che aumenteranno il rendimento della tua organizzazione. Questo ebook ti insegnerà: A formare i tuoi colleghi A motivare e organizzare la tua squadra A migliorare le capacità di comunicazione Ti darà dei suggerimenti per diventare un buon manager A riscattarti A risolvere i problemi che devono affrontare i manager

Perché essere felici è importante: Scopri come il potere della gioia darà energia alla tua vita.

by Peter Jennings

"Perché essere felici è importante" presenta interviste fatte in Canada, Stati Uniti, Asia, Europa e Australia, ognuna delle quali rivela all'autore cosa significa la felicità per loro e perché è importante. I lettori conosceranno anche dottori di ricerca internazionali che stanno studiando attivamente la scienza della psicologia positiva (cioè la felicità), così come premiati umoristi canadesi come Allan Fotheringham e Arthur Black che condividono con l'autore quanto sia importante la felicità nella loro vita. Questo manoscritto completo presenta Peter Jennings in conversazione con 37 persone intriganti da tutto il mondo. Questi includono John Robbins, erede dell'impero Baskin Robbins (che racconta a Peter di aver rifiutato la sua eredità e poi di aver perso i risparmi di una vita nello scandalo Bernie Madoff, ma di aver comunque esibito una visione positiva di felice perseveranza ai rovesci della vita); Roko Belic, regista californiano nominato all'Oscar per il pluripremiato film "Happy"; la dottoressa Christine Carter, sociologa e specialista in psicologia positiva all'Università di Berkeley ("Peter, sei un esperto di felicità"); il tastierista dei Rolling Stones Chuck Leavell (che ha condiviso con Peter la gioia che prova nel lavorare con il suo amico ex presidente Jimmy Carter su questioni ambientali fondamentali); la leggenda della Major League Baseball Shawn Green; la celebre super-modella e donna d'affari Monika Schnarre; il giornalista umorista della rivista Time Joel Stein; l'84enne vignettista di Playboy Doug Sneyd; Leo Bormans dal Belgio, autore del rispettato "World Book of Happiness" (che spiega cosa c'è dietro le sue discussioni con gli esperti mondiali); e molto altro.

The Perception Myth: A Guide to Challenging Your Personal Myths and Discovering Your Inner Greatness

by Brad Wheelis

There are millions of self-help books that all promise the secret to obtaining a happy life-a successful career, lots of money, loving relationships, a defined and firm sense of morality; whatever could possibly define "happiness" for one person. But nothing is possibly more subjective than happiness. Everyone thinks of happiness as something different, but what they think may not actually be true. Brad Wheelis struggled with an incorrect idea of happiness for years, held back by his perceived flaws, low self-esteem, and societal pressure to be perfect. Eventually, he realized that he had been chasing the wrong ideal.Today, Wheelis believes that a truly happy life is impossible. No one can be happy all of the time. But you can strive to achieve fulfilled lives that contain both happiness and sadness by making a series of changes: how your preconceived notions of fulfillment differ from realistic goals, what you want to accomplish for yourself, and how you can make those ideas come true. Making a conscious decision to transform your perceptions of both trivial and significant aspects of your life, one at a time, will lead you to your own kind of happiness and inner greatness. The Perception Myth combines personal memoir with a step-by-step approach to happiness for anyone who is afraid or does not know how to take risks. Fulfillment is around the corner; you just need to figure out how to reach it.

Perception Beyond Our 5 Senses

by Soso

Everything we do in this life is nothing but a transition, the transition only stops the moment you begin to identify yourself with something. Unconditional love and true happiness do exist if one stops seeking them elsewhere, as they both lie within us all. A miracle only seems like a miracle to those whose visions are clouded by life's illusions. Who you truly are will take you to where boundaries do not exist while your ego will create boundaries through your life with limited possibilities. Heaven and Hell are not geographical places but what you manifest within yourself (blissfulness or chaos). Words spoken have no reality, no meaning, no sense and yet you have created meaning to them, your whole life is based on these words and you suffer them in every single way. Birds were created to fly and without their wings, they are lost. Humans were created to be loved and without love, they are lost. It is only through love and compassion that we are able to blossom. It is only through love that we are able to reach the depth of ourselves. It is only through love that we are able to concur anything. At the end of it all, we will all eventually reach a place within us where love is a state of mind and a state of being. A ladder is required to step up to this place and climb up the stairs step by step. Without the ladder, one will collapse and crumble. We truly do carry messages through energy force for each other to figuring out the core of who we are but this is often overlooked as most people are busy trying to either teach you something or seek something from you, completely missing the chance to learn something about who they truly are through others.

Per sempre......e 365 Giorni

by Galanti Mariastella Ulrike

Quando avrete imparato a gestire i vostri pensieri, la vostra vita diventerà migliore, naturalmente. Nel suo nuovo libro di ispirazione ULRIKE riporta i suoi pensieri e le sue applicazioni di metafisica, sia come insegnante che come autrice. Enfatizza la felicità come obiettivo di vita, applicando metodi scientifici e pratici. "Il mio libro mostra "il come ed il perchè" dell'applicazione,con semplici passi ed esempi. Include storie di persone reali, dice Ulrike, "Voglio essere certa che abbiate una chiara visione e che vi rendiate conto del potenziale che potete acquisire attraverso il giusto pensiero". Dobbiamo rieducare e ri-allenare noi stessi a pensare ed agire correttamente. E' un compito quotidiano. Ogni minuto dobbiamo essere coscienti delle nostre azioni ed accertarci che l'Amore sia il movente in tutto quello che facciamo. L'Amore è alla base di tutte le cose ed è la madre del nostro essere. Ritorniamo a questa sorgente di ogni beatitudine, gioiamo della nostra salute, del benessere e della felicità - ora e per sempre - e per 365 giorni.

Per morire, bisogna essere vivi

by Magali Dubreuil Bourguet

*****ATTENZIONE PERICOLO***** DUE libri la cui energia positiva è molto pericolosamente contagiosa!!!! Salite con Oceania e Gaia a bordo di Miss Rainbow per un viaggio oltre ogni limite materiale e psicologico. Si tratta di un romanzo detto “feel good” o romanzo “d’ispirazione” come si dice in Québec. Un libro pieno di ottimismo, di speranza e di positivismo, una boccata di ossigeno (per citare le centinaia di testimonianze già ricevute dai lettori). Un romanzo che vi farà viaggiare attraverso numerosi paesi ma non solo, farete anche un viaggio di introspezione e certamente di valutazione attraverso riflessioni più filosofiche, il tutto attraverso una storia moderna, scandita da una scrittura semplice, fluida, senza filtri e piena di umorismo. L’amicizia tra due donne che levano l’ancora e sfidano il tempo in un’avventura controcorrente. Oceania raggiunge i quarant’anni, viene a sapere che le restano solo 8 mesi da vivere, incontra Gaia. Tutte e due partono a bordo di Miss Rainbow per un viaggio umanitario e spirituale da Tolosa a Katmandu, che trasformerà la loro vita e quella di tutti quelli che incroceranno il loro cammino e, forse, anche il vostro…

Pequeños hábitos, grandes cambios: Cómo las acciones más sencillas cambiarán radicalmente tu vida ¡para siempre!

by Steven Handel

Transforma tu vida un paso a la vez. Decides probar algo nuevo. Lo haces una segunda vez. Entonces otra vez. Y otra vez. Eventualmente lo estás haciendo sin pensar. Así se forman los hábitos. Los hábitos comienzan cuando las acciones conscientes se transforman en comportamientos constantes. Sin embargo, tocan todos los aspectos de tu vida -alimentación, relaciones, trabajo, ejercicio, salud, felicidad, entre muchos más, ¡es precisamente por eso que son tan poderosos! Repleto de consejos útiles y técnicas efectivas, este libro hace que cambiar tus hábitos sea simple y divertido. Se enfoca en hacer pequeños cambios que crearán mejoras duraderas en tu vida. Entre otros temas te brindará información sobre: -La importancia de tener un ritual matutino. -La diferencia entre una mentalidad de crecimiento y una mentalidad fija. -Cómo utilizar los ciclos de hábitos y la fuerza de voluntad. -Quéelementos facilitan tu toma de decisiones. -Las herramientas clave para mantenerte motivado. -La importancia de los descansos y los pasatiempos para contrarrestar el estrés. -Las principales estrategias para establecer una rutina diaria saludable. -Cómo crear un nuevo estilo de vida a través de sistemas y metas. ¡Cambiar tu vida hoy es posible!"

Pequeños gestos, gran impacto

by Vanessa Van Edwards

Usa los gestos a tu favor y conviértete en un líder carismático y exitoso. Si alguna vez te han interrumpido en una junta, te pasaron de largo cuando había oportunidades laborales disponibles o ignoraron tus ideas, puede que tus gestos sean el problema... y la solución. Son esas pequeñas señales que enviamos a los demás 24 / 7 por medio de nuestro lenguaje corporal, las expresiones faciales, las palabras que escogemos y las inflexiones de voz. Tienen un impacto enorme en cómo nosotros y nuestras ideas se vinculan, e incluso pueden impulsar o restarle potencia a un mensaje. En esta accesible y entretenida guía sobre el lenguaje secreto de los gestos, Vanessa Van Edwards enseña a usar el poder de los gestos vocales, corporales, verbales y otras señales para: • Proyectar poder, simpatía, confianza, liderazgo y empatía en cada interacción. • Lograr que te perciban como una persona carismática. • Ser escuchado y conseguir tus objetivos. • Usar las palabras correctas en tu CV, marca personal y hasta en los correos para ganar más clientes, contratos y proyectos. • Generar entusiasmo en tu interlocutor al interactuar contigo. • Crear conexiones relevantes y un impacto duradero. Un libro indispensable para emprendedores Un libro indispensable para emprendedores, líderes de equipos, jóvenes profesionistas y cualquier persona que quiera aumentar su influencia.

El pequeño libro del Cleanfulness: ¡Mindfulness para limpiar tu mente y tu hogar!

by The Secret Cleaner

Limpiar puede ser una actividad sencilla y divertida (¡sí, en serio!). Descubre el cleanfulness, la unión perfecta entre el mindfulness y el cuidado del hogar. Si tenemos que pasar más tiempo en casa, disfrutemos de ella y convirtamos el ritual de su limpieza y cuidado en un momento de alegría y relajación. El Cleanfulness es la sensación de paz y bienestar que uno consigue realizando las tareas del hogar. Organiza tu casa en poco tiempo y con un esfuerzo mínimo, reduce el consumo y la acumulación de objetos y productos de limpieza, almacena las cosas de manera práctica y eficiente y descubre cómo elaborar tú mismo productos naturales, ecológicos y libres de crueldad animal. Con los sencillos y rápidos consejos este libro conseguirás que la limpieza y el orden se conviertan en actividades placenteras y divertidas para toda la familia; en especial para los niños, que crecerán en un entorno cuidado, creado y conservado por ellos mismos. Los lectores comentan...«Un librito fantástico (lo leí de un tirón). Lleno de sentido común». «Libro de tamaño perfecto con todo lo que necesitas saber de Secret Cleaner, una mujer inteligente, a quien sigo en instragram. Una gran pequeña compra». «Me encanta este librito, lo leí en aproximadamente una hora, pero está lleno de sugerencias y consejos inspiradores que me han resultado muy útiles. Me ha dado una perspectiva diferente sobre cómo abordo mi rutina de limpieza».

El pequeño libro de las habilidades para la vida

by Erin Zammett Ruddy

Tiende tu cama, organiza tu correo electrónico, elimina el estrés en menos de un minuto, desconéctate del celular y otros consejos de expertos para simplificar tu vida. Afronta las tareas más difíciles y haz tu día a día un poco más fácil. Todos tenemos áreas de nuestra cotidianidad que nos hacen sentir desorganizados, no preparados o estresados. Desde crear una rutina matutina más tranquila hasta conseguir una buena noche de sueño, y todo lo demás, hay maneras más fáciles y probadas para hacer mejor las cosas. Erin Zammett Ruddy entrevistó a expertos como Rachael Ray, Arianna Huffington, Jim Kwik y Gretchen Rubin para condensar su sabiduría en pasos fáciles de seguir para cualquier tarea, como: -Trabajar desde casa de manera efectiva. -Mantener viva una planta de interior. -Dar retroalimentación constructiva. -Arreglar una tabla de quesos para una cena...y muchas más. El pequeño libro de las habilidades para la vida ofrece estrategias simples para reemplazar esos momentos de “¡uff!” con paz y orden. Es la guía perfecta para cualquiera que quiera organizarse, ser más eficiente a lo largo del día, y finalmente aprender la mejor manera de doblar esa @#$%! sábana ajustable. Como hacen home office las personas existosas; como hace home office la gente exitosa; tips para organizarse; trabajar desde casa; consejos para organizarse [Críticas/Reseñas]

El pequeño Libro de la Inteligencia Emocional

by Andy Cope

<P>Líneas para lograr brillar en un mundo negativo. <P>¿Tu jornada laboral es una trampa mortal? ¿Vas por la vida lo más rápido que puedes? ¿Trabajas y trabajas mientras cuentas los días para las próximas vacaciones? <P>Ésta es una brecha entre las cosas "serias" y la energía infantil. Fluye para tocar la parte positiva que hay en ti. La vida puede ser gris y viscosa o verde y suave. Este libro te llevará hacía la mejor versión de ti mismo.

El pequeño buda. 40 formas para amarte sin límites y transformar tu vida: 40 formas para amarte sin límites y transformar tu vida

by Lori Deschene

Una colección de reflexiones, afirmaciones y lecciones de vida que ayudan a las personas a amarse más y mejor.Tenemos que ser buenos con nosotros mismos si queremos ser felices, amarnos profundamente, cuidar nuestro cuerpo y atender las señales de nuestros sentimientos. Pero esto parece tan difícil. Somos al mismo tiempo el duro juez y el niño asustado que quiere escapar, salir de un círculo vicioso; somos el verdugo y la víctima, el que se equivoca y se pone de mal humor y también el que sueña y se esfuerza por buscar el camino a la felicidad, pero ¿cómo encontrarlo? ¿Cómo lograr el equilibrio para vivir en armonía? ¿Cómo elegir positivamente y ser una persona con gran actitud? El pequeño Buda, tiene la respuesta que necesitas para la dificultad que vives: comparte en este libro 40 reflexiones divertidas y concluyentes #de numerosos expertos y pensadores- sobre el amora uno mismo, la aceptación, el trabajo con los defectos, la autoestima, el perdón a los demás y a uno mismo, entre otros temas. Ofrece una mirada honesta para superar los pensamientos nocivos que afectan nuestro entusiasmo y creatividad, es una invitación sincera a mejorar cada día y a empezar a tomar un rumbo distinto para alcanzar nuestras metas.

La pequeña filosofía de los pájaros

by Philippe J. Dubois Élise Rousseau

22 lecciones de serenidad inspiradas en los pájaros. A menudo aprendemos de aquello que menos esperamos. Precisamente, este es el secreto que nos confía este libro. En un momento como el actual, en el que vivimos continuamente conectados al reloj o a una pantalla, estas 22 lecciones breves e inspiradoras nos enseñan a observar lo que nos rodea, pero también a reconectar con la naturaleza que sigue allí, esperándonos. ¿Y qué mejor que detener por un instante el ritmo infernal de nuestras vidas para captar lo que nos dicen los pájaros? Observando cómo estos pequeños (aunque grandes) maestros viven y están en el mundo, nosotros podemos enfocar la vida de otra manera para detenernos y reencontrarnos con nuestra verdadera esencia. Nunca es tarde, solo hace falta escuchar.

The Pep Talk: A Football Story about the Business of Winning

by Kevin Elko

Coach Jack Morris was at a complete loss. One week after being hung in effigy for leading the beloved Lincoln Lions to their twenty-fourth straight defeat, Morris was bracing for the Jacktown Giants. Gians by name and by record, they were heralded as the best prep team Ohio had ever seen. Coach Morris was just waiting for the axe to fall. But something bizarre happened when a stranger requested permission to deliver the pregame pep talk. With nothing to lose, Coach Morris agreed. No one could have predicted the result: A motivated team, fighting for pride, fighting for their town, fighting for each other. Though just a fictional football story, The Pep Talk contains universal and inspirational words of truth that apply to every walk of life. Author Kevin Elko makes a living giving the same talk contained in these pages to corporations and athletic teams around the country. Like the characters in this story, Elko's pep talks have changed lives and helped drive teams to national and world championship victories. Empower yourself for success. Empower yourself with The Pep Talk.

PeopleSmart: Developing Your Interpersonal Intelligence

by Mel Silberman Freda Hansburg

WE ARE ALL in the people business because we deal with other people all the time. But do you sometimes reach out to others only to find your efforts misunderstood or rejected? Do you wish your relationships with people close to you were more harmonious and fulfilling? PeopleSmart is a practical guide for anyone who asks these questions, which means most of us at some time or other. It reveals a powerful plan for making your relationships more productive and rewarding-whether they are with a supervisor and coworkers or a spouse, relatives, and friends-by developing your interpersonal intelligence.

People with MS with the Courage to Give: (stories Of Successful People With Multiple Sclerosis)

by Jackie Waldman

Twenty-four individuals with multiple sclerosis share their stories—and deliver one inspiring message about overcoming adversity.We don’t get to choose whether or not we have multiple sclerosis, but we do get to decide how we live with it. Author and MS warrior Jackie Waldman delivers a personal message of hope in these twenty-four tales of individuals who did the unthinkable, went against the grain, and proved that an MS diagnosis does not have to box you in.Within these pages, you’ll meet individuals with MS symptoms—but that didn’t stop them from living their best life. You’ll meet Alicia Conill, an M.D. turned founder of The Disability Experience. You’ll also meet Anthony Zaremba, an employee almost fired because of his shaking hands, later recognized for his success in community gardens and Brooklyn wheelchair access. People with MS with the Courage to Give offers:Powerful stories that show how nervous system disorders don’t define youInspirational quotes to boost your self-esteem throughout the dayAdvice from people just like you who encourage you to do the impossible

People Who Made a Difference: Drama Portraits of Bible Men and Women

by Ruth Ann Polston

People Who Made a Difference is a compilation of stories told by Biblical characters.

People Who Love to Eat Are Always the Best People: And Other Wisdom

by Julia Child

A charming, giftable collection of the beloved, best-selling author's inimitable quotes--her words of wisdom on love, life, and, of course, food."If you're afraid of butter, use cream." So decrees Julia Child, the legendary culinary authority and cookbook author who taught America how to cook--and how to eat. This delightful volume of quotations compiles some of Julia's most memorable lines on eating--"The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook"--on drinking, on life--"I think every woman should have a blowtorch"--on love, travel, France, and much more. Perfect for Julia fans, home cooks, and anyone who simply loves to eat and drink.

People Tools for Business

by Alan C. Fox

Great Relationships Are Your Key To Business Success. Whether you're just starting your career or have been in the business world for years, this book provides all the tools you'll need to create long lasting success in your life. Why wait to build the life you've always dreamed of? Running your life is very much like running a business, and People Tools for Business is filled with practical ideas to help you run your life more effectively and efficiently. YOU CAN MAKE A CAREER OUT OF BEING HAPPY In this sequel to his New York Times Bestseller People Tools (January 2014), Alan C. Fox shares the most important lessons from his successful and distinguished life. The reader can use the tools described in this book to achieve success both in the boardroom and at home. WHAT ARE PEOPLE TOOLS? "People Tools" are practical life skills that are easy to understand. They are free to use and yet they will significantly improve your ability to work well with other people. From developing self-confidence, to making healthier life decisions to being a better manager, each tool provides a straightforward approach to help you get more effective results. Filled with insightful examples and entertaining anecdotes, People Tools is fun to read but will have long-lasting impact. The stories will charm you; the advice will change your life. TAKE CONTROL: YOU ARE THE SOLE PROPRIETOR OF YOUR OWN LIFE. The time-tested tools outlined in this book are useful shortcuts that you can use to solve everyday problems. You will find the advice applicable not only to business but to all aspects of your personal life as well. GET ADVICE FROM THE BEST IN THE BUSINESS Alan C. Fox has used the People Tools outlined in this book to build a rich and fulfilling life. He has built a commercial real estate company worth more than $1. 5 billion, launched a nationally renowned poetry journal, and established a foundation that provides millions in funding to non-profit organizations that work with young people. He has also raised a large and loving family and created a trusted circle of close friends and colleagues. Let Alan Be Your Personal Mentor Life and work are full of challenges, but with the practical strategies outlined in this book, Alan will show you how to live the life of your dreams.

People Tools for Business: 50 Strategies for Building Success, Creating Wealth, and Finding Happiness

by Alan C. Fox Jill E. Fox

<p>MAKE A CAREER OUT OF BEING HAPPY <p>Based on the countless lessons gleaned from a distinguished and highly profitable business career, Alan shares the tools you need to create that success in your own career and life—success that is both meaningful and long lasting. Whether you are just entering the workforce or have been running a business for years, this book will help you build the career—and life—of your dreams. <p>WHAT ARE PEOPLE TOOLS? <p>"People Tools" are practical and easy to understand. From developing self-confidence, to improving management skills, to finding constructive ways to respond to being fired, each People Tool addresses a specific issue and provides a simple, straightforward strategy that you can adopt to bring about a positive result. People Tools for Business is organized into 50 chapters. Each tool is illustrated with insightful stories and amusing anecdotes from Alan’s successful career and life that are relevant and relatable. <p>Some of the useful People Tools in the book include: <p> <li>Be A Contrarian. Whether it's selling when everyone else says "buy," or speaking your mind when it's against the status quo, being a contrarian often pays off. <li>Budget, Don’t Fudge It. If you intend to be successful in business, or in your personal life, it’s crucial to have a plan, especially a financial plan. <li>Multi-Goaling. Recent studies have shown that multi-tasking actually diminishes your efficiency. That's why Fox suggest "multi-goaling": the simple art of making sure that everything you do kills (at least) two birds with one stone. <li>Advertise Your Mistakes. Ironically, being vulnerable and admitting that you’re not perfect will make you a stronger leader. <li>The Dreaded Annual Review. Performance reviews don't have to be a terrible task for all involved. Fox shares five tips to make the annual review a breeze.</li> </p>

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