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La fortaleza del castigo

by Pierpaolo Brunoldi Antonio Santoro

Una novela histórica ambientada en el siglo XIII con una intriga urdida alrededor de Francisco de Asís y los herejes cátaros. 1266. Convento de Mantes (Francia). El inquisidor Marcus espera entre las sombras la llegada de un fraile. Está decidido a extraer de él la verdad sobre un libro secreto que amenaza con sacudir los cimientos de la Iglesia... 1214. Altopascio (Italia), hogar de los Caballeros de Tau. El franciscano Bonaventura da Iseo, un maestro en el arte de la alquimia, al que la Iglesia no ve con muy buenos ojos, descubre consternado que Francisco de Asís se encuentra prisionero por orden del Papa Inocencio II. Decidido a encontrar y liberar a Francisco, Bonaventura decide viajar en su busca y lo hará acompañado de un misterioso caballero y la hija ilegítima de un príncipe acusada de brujería. Entre conventos oscuros donde se agazapan los traidores y caminos plagados de amenazas, Bonaventura y sus compañeros de viaje llegarán a Montsegur, la inexpugnable fortaleza maldita de los herejes catáros y descubrirán que el maestro tenía con él el Alterus Christus, la única reliquia capaz de derrotar a las fuerzas del mal y evitar el advenimiento del Anticristo.

A Tale of Two Cities

by Charles Dickens

A Tale of Two Cities is a novel by Charles Dickens, set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution.

Los cuatro jinetes del apocalipsis: Centenario De La Primera Guerra Mundial (The World At War #425)

by Vicente Ibáñez

Se trata de una novela ambientada en 1914 en Francia y narra las vicisitudes de la Primera Guerra Mundial. El punto de vista es el de un natural de un país neutral aunque claramente decantado por el lado francés de los Aliados frente a Alemania. Debido a sus diferencias políticas, dos familias provenientes de un tronco común, los Desnoyers y los Von Hartrott, se enfrentan. Tras la muerte del patriarca, Julio Madariaga, los Hartrott se marchan a Alemania y los Desnoyers a Francia. Ambas familias terminan combatiendo en bandos opuestos en la Primera Guerra Mundial. La novela discurre ágilmente por los escenarios dantescos de una Europa rota, sobre cuyos desolados campos de batalla el gran vitalista que fue Blasco hace latir finalmente, salvaje e invencible, el deseo de vivir.

The Velveteen Rabbit

by Margery Williams

This is a classic story which encourages us to tumble, bump and bounce through each page alongside the rabbit. As he journeys from Christmas stocking to nursery to forests, losing bits of tail and whisker on the way, he finally learns what it means to be loved.

Romeo y Julieta (bilingüe)

by William Shakespeare

Romeo y Julieta, obra célebre de William Shakespeare, narra la historia de dos jóvenes enamorados que, a pesar de la oposición de sus familias, rivales entre sí, deciden casarse clandestinamente; sin embargo, esa rivalidad entre los Montesco y los Capuleto, así como una serie de fatalidades provocan una tragedia inesperada para todos. Este libro nos traslada a Verona, Italia, a finales del siglo xvi, y nos hace sentir esa pasión que se profesan los protagonistas, o el deseo de participar con el Príncipe Escalus y fray Lorenzo en desterrar el odio ancestral que han arrastrado ambas familias y que ha permeado a todo el pueblo.

El diario de Ana Frank

by Anne Frank

Desde su encierro en el Anexo secreto, Ana Frank sueña con convertirse en escritora. Ella nunca lo supo, pero su famoso diario ha dado la vuelta al mundo, ha sido traducido a varios idiomas y se considera uno de los testimonios más genuinos del Holocausto. Por desgracia, Ana Frank murió muy joven y su diario quedó inconcluso, pero entre sus páginas todavía permanecen atrapados sus anhelos juveniles de amor, libertad y trascendencia.

Blanca Nieves

by Hermanos Grimm

Con la historia de Blanca Nieves una hermosa niña que gracias a los siete enanitos del bosque pudo huir de su malvada madrastra y vivir feliz para siempre te presentamos una obra más de la serie Princesitas. En esta serie viviremos los sueños de tantas niñas que como tú aprendieron que todo lo que deseamos puede convertirse en realidad. Adéntrate en estas páginas y acompaña a Blanca Nieves en sus alegrías y tristezas conoce a los siete enanos y platica con los animalitos del bosque como ella. Verás que convertirte en una princesa puede ser más fácil de lo que te imaginas. iNo te pierdas esta historia!

La sirenita

by Hans Christian Andersen

La Sirenita es la historia de una de las hijas del rey del mar que desde pequeña quiso conocer el mundo de los humanos. Esta es una obra más de la serie Princesitas. Ahora verás ese sueño de campos, cielo y música y como tantas otras niñas descubrirás que el cariño que sintió nuestra sirena fue más fuerte que su amor al mar. Acompaña a La Sirenita en su deseo por ver el cielo y las aves. Ayúdala a salvar al príncipe de entre las furiosas aguas y quédate con ella mientras su colita de pez se convierte en piernas. Lee su llegada a palacio y verás que convertirte en una princesa puede ser más fácil de lo que te imaginas. iNo te pierdas esta historia!

La Cenicienta

by Charles Perrault

Con la historia de Cenicienta una hermosa niña que como premio a su bondad recibió muchos regalos de su hada madrina comenzamos la serie Princesitas. En esta serie viviremos los sueños de tantas niñas que como tú aprendieron que todo lo que deseamos puede convertirse en realidad. Adéntrate en estas páginas y acompaña a Cenicienta en sus alegrías y tristezas asiste al baile y cálzate las zapatillas para bailar con el príncipe como ella. Verás que convertirte en una princesa puede ser más fácil de lo que te imaginas. iQuizá tu hada madrina ya esté esperando conocerte!

La bella durmiente

by Charles Perrault

De la serie Princesitas, La bella durmiente es la historia de una hermosa niña que por las malas artes de un hada malvada durmió cien años esperando el beso de amor de un príncipe. Con esta serie viviremos los sueños de tantas niñas que como tú aprendieron que todo lo que deseamos puede convertirse en realidad. En estas páginas entrarás en el bosque encantado y descubrirás un castillo escondido entre la maleza. Ahí descansa La bella dunniente esperando ser rescatada por un apuesto príncipe. Este hermoso cuento te mostrará que convertirte en una princesa puede ser más fácil de lo que te imaginas. iEmociónate al leerla!

El Principito / The little prince (bilingüe)

by Antoine De Saint Exupery

El Principito es un cuento en el que un piloto se encuentra perdido en el desierto del Sahara luego de que su avión sufriera una avería, pero para su sorpresa, allí conoce a un pequeño príncipe que viaja de planeta en planeta haciendo muchas preguntas. En esta obra encontrarás fragmentos de los textos de El Principito, y descubrirás momentos llenos de ternura, mensajes de humanidad maravillosos, fantasía y sencillez para que puedas apreciarlo en toda su magnitud.

The Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry Report and Report of Evidence in the Democrats' Impeachment Inquiry in the House of Representatives

by House Permanent Select Committee

This book includes BOTH the official report of the impeachment investigation by the House Intelligence Committee AND the document issued in response by House Republicans.A guidebook to the impeachment of President Trump, this two-in-one book contains BOTH the official report of the impeachment investigation by the House Intelligence Committee led by Adam Schiff AND the document issued in response issued by House Republicans led by Devin Nunes. And the package tells half the story: The book is published as a "flip" book -- that is, with each cover acting as a front cover, one for the Committee report, and one for the Republican report. Depending on which one you read first, you then flip the book over to read the other.

Outline of U.S. History

by George Clack Mildred Sola Neely Alonzo Hamby

A US history textbook. Bookshare demo title.

Don Quijote

by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

The story follows the adventures of an hidalgo named Mr. Alonso Quixano who reads so many chivalric romances that he loses his sanity and decides to set out to revive chivalry, undo wrongs, and bring justice to the world, under the name Don Quixote de la Mancha. He recruits a simple farmer, Sancho Panza, as his squire, who often employs a unique, earthy wit in dealing with Don Quixote's rhetorical orations on antiquated knighthood.

The Moon Is Down

by John Steinbeck

In this masterful story set in Norway during World War II, Steinbeck explores the effects of invasion on both the conquered and the conquerors. As he delves into the emotions of the German commander and the Norwegian traitor, and depicts the spirited patriotism of the Norwegian underground, Steinbeck uncovers profound, often unsettling truths about war—and about human nature. The Moon is Down had an extraordinary impact as Allied propaganda in Nazi-occupied Europe, and despite efforts to suppress it, the book was secretly translated into French, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Swedish, German, Italian, and Russian, and hundreds of thousands of copies circulated Europe, making it by far one of the most popular pieces of propaganda during the war. Few literary works of our time have demonstrated so triumphantly the power of ideas in the face of cold steel and brute force. Penguin Random House Canada is proud to bring you classic works of literature in e-book form, with the highest quality production values. Find more today and rediscover books you never knew you loved.

Eyeless in Gaza: A Novel

by Aldous Huxley

Told over more than thirty years, in non-chronological order, Eyeless in Gaza revolves around the lives of a small group of the English upper-middle classes, and is ultimately Aldous Huxley’s most personal—and loosely autobiographical—novel. It is the story of Anthony Beavis, a cynical Oxford graduate coming of age in the wake of World War I. Unfulfilled by his life, he is persuaded by a friend to find a new way to live, leading him from blind hedonism to political revolution and then to spiritual enlightenment.

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Large Print (Classics Ser.)

by Jules Verne

More than a marvelously thrilling drama, this classic science fiction novel from 1870 foretells the inventions and advanced technology of the twentieth century and has become a literary stepping-stone for generations of science fiction writers. The scholarly Professor Aronnax, loyal Conseil, and adventurous Ned Land originally set out on an expedition to find out what mysterious sea monster has been damaging world shipping, but soon find themselves face to face with the Nautilus, discovering that the mysterious monster was a submarine all along. Quickly captured and brought inside the vessel, the trio meet its enigmatic creator and commander, Captain Nemo. Torn between exploration and escaping, the travelers witness an underwater world of truth and fantasy—the corals of the Red Sea, the wrecks of battles past, and the legendary submerged land of Atlantis—led by one of the greatest villains ever created. Penguin Random House Canada is proud to bring you classic works of literature in e-book form, with the highest quality production values. Find more today and rediscover books you never knew you loved.

DIAGRAM Reports 2017 - 2020

by Lisa Wadors Verne Amaya Webster Devin Boyle Lisa Dieker Sidney D'Mello Jenna Gorlewicz Alan Harnum Mario Konecki Richard Ladner Amanda Lannan Clayton Lewis Emily Moore Douglas Schepers Volker Sorge Bruce Walker Anh Bui Sarah Ciras Alexa Fay Siu Andreas Stefik Charles LaPierre

Welcome to a compilation of the annual DIAGRAM Report spanning 2017 through 2020. If you are an educator or parent of a student with disabilities, or a student with disabilities yourself, we hope these reports will serve as a useful guide to some of the most important ways technology is changing the educational landscape. The DIAGRAM Center Report identifies key technologies and trends having the biggest impact or potential for impact on the education of students with disabilities in the United States. The report includes an overview of these technologies, information about relevant opportunities and challenges, and a list of resources and next steps.

The Swiss Family Robinson

by Johann David Wyss

When a Swiss couple and their four sons are shipwrecked on an isolated island, they adapt to their "New Switzerland" using many imaginative methods of farming and animal taming.

The Story of Doctor Dolittle: The Story Of Doctor Dolittle, Being The History Of His Peculiar Life At Home And Astonishing Adventures In Foreign Parts (Doctor Dolittle Series #Vol. 1)

by Hugh Lofting

In this first book in the series, Doctor Dolittle discovers that he can talk to the animals--Jip the dog, Dab Dab the duck, Polynesia the parrot.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Ending Book Hunger: Access to Print Across Barriers of Class and Culture

by Lea Shaver

An eye-opening exploration of “book hunger”—the unmet need for books in underserved communities—and efforts to universalize access to print Worldwide, billions of people suffer from book hunger. For them, books are too few, too expensive, or do not even exist in their languages. Lea Shaver argues that this is an educational crisis: the most reliable predictor of children’s achievement is the size of their families’ book collections. <P><P>This book highlights innovative nonprofit solutions to expand access to print. First Book, for example, offers diverse books to teachers at bargain prices. Imagination Library mails picture books to support early literacy in book deserts. Worldreader promotes mobile reading in developing countries by turning phones into digital libraries. Pratham Books creates open access stories that anyone may freely copy, adapt, and translate. <P><P>Can such efforts expand to bring books to the next billion would-be readers? Shaver reveals the powerful roles of copyright law and licensing, and sounds the clarion call for readers to contribute their own talents to the fight against book hunger.

Manual sobre la Dislexia

by Agencias de educación en Texas

A manual for dyslexia.

A Little Maid of Ticonderoga

by Alice Turner Curtis

This is the story of a little girl whose home was among the Green Mountains of Vermont, then known as "The Wilderness," at the beginning of the American Revolution; and at the time when Ethan Allen and his brave soldiers were on guard to defend their rights.

The Velveteen Rabbit (or How Toys Become Real)

by Margery Williams William Nicholson

Originally published in 1922, The Velveteen Rabbit has delighted young readers for nearly a century. The story follows a young boy who’s given a stuffed rabbit as a Christmas gift. After the rabbit befriends other nursery toys, he comes to the realization that he wants to become a real rabbit. Eventually, the boy becomes ill and is relocated; his room is then disinfected and all the boy’s toys are thrown out, including the velveteen rabbit. The rabbit sheds a real tear causing a fairy to appear and turn him into a real rabbit. This edition includes full-color illustrations, with image descriptions,from the original illustrator, William Nicholson. Each image accompanies the text to enhance young readers’ experience and immerse them in this captivating story. Reprinted hundreds of times since its initial publication, The Velveteen Rabbit is a timeless children’s classic lets young readers experience the true magic of friendship, love, and being honest with oneself. In 2007, the book was named one of "Teachers’ Top 100 Books for Children” by the National Education Association.

My Father's Dragon

by Ruth Stiles Gannett

When Elmer Elevator hears about the plight of an overworked and underappreciated baby flying dragon, he stows away on a ship and travels to Wild Island to rescue the dragon.<P><P> A Newbery Honor book

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