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Leaping at Shadows (The Dario Quincy Academy of Dance #1)

by Megan Atwood

Madeleine's the newest arrival at the famed Dario Quincy Academy of Dance. She's worked hard to gain admission, and she's determined not to lose her scholarship. That means not asking too many questions when her antique necklace goes missing, and certainly not breaking curfew. So how does she find herself exploring the creepy tunnels that run underneath the school? As if rivals at dance practice weren't bad enough, Madeleine begins to suspect that there's an ancient evil on the academy grounds. And when Madeleine and her rivals join together, sneaking out at night to explore the school's depths, the evil might just follow them back upstairs.

Leatherback Sea Turtles (Endangered And Threatened Animals)

by Jody Sullivan Rake

Leatherback sea turtles face one of their lives’ biggest challenges as soon as they’re hatched. Crawling out of their eggs on the sandy shore, they hurry to the sea in a race to escape those who see them as a tasty meal. If they survive and thrive, they can grow longer than an adult male is tall and weigh as much as a small car! Learn more about these amazing animals, including where they live, what they eat, the many challenges they face in their lives, and what you can do to help.

Les aventures de Tom Sawyer (Les\grands Classiques Illustres Ser. #No. 449)

by Mark Twain

Extracte: . . . d'una gran alzina que hi havia a la vora del riu. La batalla era aleshores en tot son esclat. Sota la incessant conflagracio de llampecs que flamejaven pel cel, totes les coses que li eren a sota es destacaven amb exactitud precisa i neta d'ombres: els arbres cots, el riu inflat i amb un esblanqueiment d'escumes; els ruixims de l'aigua esquitxadora; les opaques siluetes dels espadats altivols de l'altra vora, llambregats en mig de les vapors que flotaven a la deriva i el vel travesser de la pluja. Sovint sovint, algun arbre geganti abandonava la lluita i queia amb un espetec entre la jove tanyada; i els terrabastalls incessants de la tronada es convertien ara en esclats que fendien l'orella, punyents, aguts, explosius i esglaiadors que empalmaven inexpressablement. La tempesta culminava en una brao incomparable, que semblava que havia de fer-ne miques, de l'illa, i abrandar-la tota, i ofegar-la fins al cim dels arbres, i endur-se-la en la ventada i ensordir tota cosa viva que hi tingues estatge, tot plegat i a l'ensems. Era una nit ferestega per romandre-hi una minyonia, lluny de l'aixopluc de la llar. Pero a la fi la batalla s'exhauri, i les forces es retiraren amb menors i menors amenaces i rondinaments i la pau recobra la seva autoritat. Els minyons tornaren al campament, forca esporuguits; pero hi trobaren encara quelcom de plaent, perque el gran sicomor, l'abric de sos jacos, era convertit a ruina, enderrocat pel llamp, i ells no hi havien estat davall quan la catastrofe s'esdevingue. Tot el campament regalava i allo que havia estat foc tambe; perque no eren sino minyons atarantats, com esqueia a llurs anys, i no havien pres mesures contra la pluja. Veu's aqui materia de descoratjament, perque la pluja els havia atravessat i tenien el fred als ossos. Foren eloquents en llur desastre; pero al cap de poc descobriren que el foc havia rosegat tan amunt de la soca contra la qual havia estat bastit (alla on ella s'encorbava. . . "

Life After Theft

by Aprilynne Pike

"Listen, Jeff. " She said my name like it was a bad word. "You dont get it. Im dead. Ask anyone. Ive been stuck here and no one has been able to see or hear me but you. "Kimberlee Schaffer may be drop-dead gorgeous . . . but she also dropped dead last year. Now she needs Jeff s help with her unfi nished business, and shes not taking no for an answer. When she was alive, Kimberlee wasnt just a mean girl; she was also a complete kleptomaniac. So if Jeff wants to avoid being haunted until graduation, hell have to help her return everything she stole. But Jeff soon discovers its much easier to steal something than it is to bring it back. Paying for your mistakes takes on a whole new meaning in this clever twist on The Scarlet Pimpernel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Aprilynne Pike.

Life Before Legend: Stories of the Criminal and the Prodigy

by Marie Lu

Find out more about June and Day in this never-before-seen glimpse into their daily lives before they met in Marie Lu's New York Times bestselling LEGEND series. As twelve-year-olds struggling to survive in two very different worlds within the Republic's stronghold, June was starting her first day of school at Drake University as the youngest cadet ever admitted, and Day was fighting for food on the streets of the Lake sector. LIFE BEFORE LEGEND contains two original stories written by Marie Lu that give readers a sneak peek into the lives of their favorite characters in a thrilling new context.

Life Science Student Lab Manual

by Jeff S. Foster Elizabeth A. Lacy

Incorporates activities into reading and learning the concepts discussed in class. This mainly involves lab manual applications and investigations.

Lisa, Bright and Dark

by John Neufeld

Selected as one of TheNew York Times Book Review's Best Books of the Year and honored worldwide, Lisa, Bright and Dark was an immediate sensation when it was first published. Detailing how mental illness affects friends and family of the ill, Lisa, Bright and Dark has been in print for more than forty years. Its value has not diminished over time, and readers throughout the world contact the author regularly to discuss their reactions to it. A straight-through read, it is full of romance, excitement, suspense, and finally triumph.

The Look

by Sophia Bennett

Can she be a supermodel and a super-sister? She finds her answer in just one look.Two sisters, both beautiful in different ways: Fifteen-year-old Ted has got "The Look." That's what the scout for the modeling agency tells her, and she can't believe her luck. But just as Ted's jet-setting off on her new career, seventeen-year-old Ava is diagnosed with cancer. Can Ted be a supermodel and a super-sister? Or will she have to choose between family and fame? With their worlds turned upside down, the girls have to look past appearances, look deep inside, to figure out what really matters.

The Loop

by Shandy Lawson

Ben and Maggie have met, fallen in love, and died together countless times. Over the course of two pivotal day -- both the best and worst of their lives -- they struggle again and again to resist the pull of fate and the force of time itself. With each failure, they return to the beginning of their end, a wild road trip that brings them to the scene of their own murders and into the hands of the man who is destined to kill them. As time circles back on itself, events become more deeply ingrained, more inescapable for the two kids trapped inside the loop. The closer they come to breaking out, the tighter fate's clutches seem to grip them. They devise a desperate plan to break free and survive the days ahead, but what if Ben and Maggie's only shot at not dying is surviving apart?

The Lord of Opium (The House of the Scorpion)

by Nancy Farmer

In the riveting sequel to the acclaimed bestseller The House of the Scorpion, Matt reels from the change in status quo and struggles to do the right thing; find out his story&’s end in this new edition with a reimagined cover!Matt Alacrán is a fourteen-year-old drug lord. Until recently, Matt was just a clone grown from a strip of El Patrón&’s skin. Now he is lord of the land of Opium, on the one-time US–Mexico border, and rules over an army of microchipped, zombielike workers who are programmed to produce the drugs that are Opium&’s main export. El Patrón kept the air and water in Opium clean, but the rest of the world is a polluted wasteland. Matt is sure that, in his new position, he can find a way to break the cycle of violence and destruction—but it will only be possible if he chooses the right people to trust.

Lord of Opium

by Nancy Farmer

As the teenage ruler of his own country, Matt must cope with clones and cartels in this riveting sequel to the modern classic House of the Scorpion, winner of the National Book Award, a Newberry Honor, and a Printz Honor. Matt has always been nothing but a clone—grown from a strip of old El Patron’s skin. Now, at age fourteen, he finds himself suddenly thrust into the position of ruling over his own country. The Land of Opium is the largest territory of the Dope Confederacy, which ranges on the map like an intestine from the ruins of San Diego to the ruins of Matamoros. But while Opium thrives, the rest of the world has been devastated by ecological disaster—and hidden in Opium is the cure. And that isn't all that awaits within the depths of Opium. Matt is haunted by the ubiquitous army of eejits, zombielike workers harnessed to the old El Patron’s sinister system of drug growing—people stripped of the very qualities that once made them human. Matt wants to use his new-found power to help, to stop the suffering, but he can’t even find a way to smuggle his childhood love, Maria, across the border and into Opium. Instead, his every move hits a roadblock, some from the enemies that surround him… and some from a voice within himself. For who is Matt really, but the clone of an evil, murderous dictator?

Lost in London

by Cindy Callaghan

A tween's foreign exchange experience lands her in London luxury-and some hot water as well! Twelve-year-old Jordan isn't unhappy, but she's definitely bored. So when she gets the chance to take part in a London exchange program, she's thrilled to ditch her small town in Delaware and see the world across the pond. Unfortunately, Jordan's host sister in London, Caroline, isn't exactly enthusiastic about entertaining an American girl. Despite the chilly welcome, Jordan finds herself loving the city and Caroline's group of friends, who are much nicer than Caroline herself. And then a major misstep leaves Jordan and Caroline trapped together overnight-inside Daphne's, the world's largest department store. Given they have complete access to all the fancy shoes, designer dresses, and coolest makeup around, there are worse places to be stuck. But when the girls' fun has not-so-fun consequences, Jordan's wish for excitement abroad turns into a lot more than she ever bargained for. . .

Love is a Number

by Lee Monroe

When her beloved boyfriend Huck dies, Eloise is wrecked. The ultimate golden couple, she will never find love as perfect ever again. But then Eloise begins to unravel her 'perfect' relationship and finds she has questions. And so, angry and sad, she texts Huck's phone as if he can receive her messages from beyond the grave.She never expected to get a reply ...Dan is travelling Spain in one last hurrah before uni and real life kick in. He's ready for love, but not of the casual kind. He's not met the girl that's going to set his world alight. But he's ready for her when she decides to make an appearance.One night on his travels, Dan discovers an abandoned phone.He pockets it, then forgets about it.He never expected it to ring ...

The Lucy Variations

by Sara Zarr

Lucy Beck-Moreau once had a promising future as a concert pianist. The right people knew her name, her performances were booked months in advance, and her future seemed certain.That was all before she turned fourteen.Now, at sixteen, it's over. A death, and a betrayal, led her to walk away. That leaves her talented ten-year-old brother, Gus, to shoulder the full weight of the Beck-Moreau family expectations. Then Gus gets a new piano teacher who is young, kind, and interested in helping Lucy rekindle her love of piano -- on her own terms. But when you're used to performing for sold-out audiences and world-famous critics, can you ever learn to play just for yourself?National Book Award finalist Sara Zarr takes readers inside one girl's struggle to reclaim her love of music and herself. To find joy again, even when things don't go according to plan. Because life isn't a performance, and everyone deserves the chance to make a few mistakes along the life isn't a performance, and everyone deserves the chance to make a few mistakes along the way.


by Aristophanes

Aristophanes' play, Lysistrata, takes place toward the end of the Peloponnesian War and centers on the lives of the soldiers' wives. One woman, Lysistrata, under the impression that a man's libido is ultimately his driving force in life, comes up with an interesting peace solution: to deny their husbands sexual relations until they can settle on a peace agreement that will end the war. However, Lysistrata's strategy effectively creates even more war than before as the sexes begin to feud with each other. Aristophanes' play is both comic and poignant as it reveals the relationship between men and women in classical Athens society.

Mac in the City of Light

by Christopher Ward

Mac’s school trip to Paris turns into an adventure she never imagined. Fourteen-year-old California girl Mackenzie, known as Mac, goes on a school trip to Paris where she meets up with an old musician friend of her dad’s, Rudee Daroo, who now makes a living as a cab driver. Rudee reveals that some of the greatest monuments in Paris are being either destroyed or stolen and that the city is slowly becoming darker.Mac finds herself in league with a crew of crazy cabbies and their friends as she tries to right these wrongs. She encounters sinister, shadowy characters who live in the Paris underground, a philosopher gendarme, a gypsy who can dance people into dream states, and gargoyles come to life. From dodging her school group to a heart-stopping encounter atop Notre Dame Cathedral, Mac needs all the resources she can muster to help Paris remain the "City of Light."

Machines and Weaponry of the Gulf War (Machines that Won the War)

by Charlie Samuels

One of the most successful military campaigns in American history was won with heavy firepower and high-tech weaponry. Readers explore the world of military machines and the science behind the United States battles in the Persian Gulf. Firsthand accounts from soldiers who developed and operated these weapons will help readers understand how the development and application of technology can mean the difference between winning and losing the biggest battles in history.

Made You Look: How Advertising Works and Why You Should Know

by Shari Graydon

Intended to educate children about advertising-talks about the history of advertising from ancient Greece, through the Industrial Revolution, down to digital advertising today.

The Madman's Daughter

by Megan Shepherd

For fans of Libba Bray, this first book in a gothic suspense trilogy is inspired by H. G. Wells's The Island of Dr. Moreau and has been hailed by New York Times bestseller Carrie Ryan as having "beautiful writing, breakneck pacing, a pulse-pounding mystery, and an irresistible romance."Following accusations that her scientist father gruesomely experimented on animals, sixteen-year-old Juliet watched as her family and her genteel life in London crumbled around her--and only recently has she managed to piece her world back together. But when Juliet learns her father is still alive and working on a remote tropical island, she is determined to find out if the old accusations are true. Accompanied by her father's handsome young assistant, Montgomery, and an enigmatic castaway, Edward, Juliet travels to the island, only to discover the depths of her father's insanity. Torn between horror and scientific curiosity, Juliet knows she must end her father's dangerous experiments and escape her jungle prison before it's too late. Yet as the island falls into chaos, she discovers the extent of her father's genius--and madness--in her own blood.

The Madman's Daughter Trilogy: The Complete Collection

by Megan Shepherd

Megan Shepherd's gothic suspense trilogy, inspired by the stories of H.G. Wells, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Mary Shelley, is perfect for fans of Libba Bray, Leigh Bardugo, and classic horror and science fiction. This collection also contains a sneak peek of The Cage, the first book in Megan Shepherd's gripping new series about teens held captive in a human zoo by an otherworldly race.The Madman's Daughter, inspired by The Island of Dr. Moreau, is the story of Dr. Moreau's daughter Juliet, who travels to her estranged father's island only to encounter murder, madness, and a scintillating love triangle.Her Dark Curiosity: Inspired by The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, this tantalizing sequel explores the hidden natures of those we love and how far we'll go to save them from themselves.A Cold Legacy: With inspiration from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, this breathless conclusion to the Madman's Daughter trilogy explores the things we'll sacrifice to save those we love . . . even our own humanity.

Maeve's Times

by Maeve Binchy

'Maeve's Times is funny and clever and kind, which are excellent qualities in both books and people' Irish Times'As someone who fell off a chair not long ago trying to hear what they were saying at the next table in a restaurant, I suppose I am obsessively interested in what some might consider the trivia of other people's lives.'Maeve Binchy is well known for her bestselling novels, but for many years Maeve was a journalist. From 'The Student Train' to 'Plane Bores' and 'Bathroom Joggers' to 'When Beckett met Binchy', these articles have all the warmth, wit and humanity of her fiction. Arranged in decades, from the 1960s to the 2000s, and including Maeve's first and last ever piece of writing for the Irish Times, the columns also give a fascinating insight into the author herself.With an introduction written by her husband, the writer Gordon Snell, this collection of timeless writing reminds us of why the leading Irish writer was so universally loved.

Magic Zero

by Christopher Golden Thomas E. Sniegoski

The most dangerous boy in the world?Timothy is a freak, a weakling, an impossibility. He's the only person in existence without magical powers and has spent his entire life hidden on a remote island. When Timothy is finally taken back to the city of this birth, he is fascinated by the current of magic that fuels the world, and mesmerized by the buildings and orbs that hang weightlessly in the sky. But he is also marked for death.Assassins are watching his every move, and the government wants him destroyed. Timothy can't imagine what threat he could possible pose; after all, he wields no power in this world.Or does he?

Make the Grade: Everything You Need to Study Better, Stress Less, and Succeed in School

by Lesley Schwartz Martin

Every teacher, school, and class is unique, but there are certain things that successful students have in common no matter what. Make the Grade helps students everywhere stay on top of schoolwork by dissecting the school week as students actually experience it, and offering realistic solutions to common problems, from difficult teachers and over-booked schedules to boring homework and the endless variety of distractions. This book also includes sections on memory tricks, reading tips, note-taking, organization, and test preparation.

The Mammoth Book of Prison Breaks

by Paul Simpson

True stories of prison breaks including those of Frank Abagnale, whose story is told in Catch Me If You Can; Henri Charrière who claimed to have escaped from the supposedly inescapable Devil's Island - the true story as opposed to his questionable memoir, Papillon; Bud Day, said to be the only US serviceman ever to have escaped to South Vietnam; the six prisoners who escaped from Death Row in Mecklenburg Correctional Center; and Pascal Payeret, the French armed robber who escaped not once, but twice from French prisons with the help of a helicopter.

The Mammoth Quiz Book: Over 6,000 questions in 400 quizzes to tax even hardcore quiz fanatics

by Nick Holt

A comprehensive category killer, with over 6,000 varied questions on every topic imaginable - as well as some you might not imagine. The 400 quizzes are a mixture of general knowledge and specialist rounds all aimed at the popular pub or society quiz market on science and technology; nature and the universe; human geography; history; life as we know it; arts and culture; sports and games; popular culture; celebrities and trivia. The questions are up-to-date, interesting and, unlike much of the competition, accurate.

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