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Kiss of a Spider Woman (Mandarin Edition)

by Manuel Puig

In the still darkness of their cell, Molina re-weaves the glittering and fragile stories of the film he loves, and the cynical Valentin listens. Valentin believes in the just cause which makes all suffering bearable; Molina believes in the magic of love which makes all else endurable. Each has always been alone, and always - especially now - in danger of betrayal. But in cell 7 each surrenders to the other something of himself that he has never surrendered before. 在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯监狱的一间牢房里关押着两个囚犯 一个是政治犯瓦伦丁 另一个是同性恋者莫利纳 特务机关派到瓦伦丁身边的卧底 两人之间展开了一场奇妙的对话 呈现出一幅幅电影与现实交错的画面 本书1976年发表后 被翻译成多种文字 小说的魅力迅速蔓延开去 转化到各种表现形式 歌舞剧多年来久演不衰 成为百老汇经典 改编的电影产生过巨大的影响

The Borrowers Aloft (Mandarin Edition)

by Mary Norton

Pod, Homily, and Arrietty Clock's huge adventures have been thrilling children young and old for fifty years--and their appeal is as strong as ever in these handsome new paperback packages. While the original beloved interior illustrations by Beth and Joe Krush have been retained, Marla Frazee's striking cover illustrations capture these little people with a larger-than-life appeal.退休的老珀特先生童心灿烂 闲来无事在家里建起了一个微型村庄 波德一家人迁居来到这里 过起了安逸生活 好心的孟奇思小姐看到了他们 并和阿瑞埃蒂成为好朋友 时常暗中帮助他们 但好景不长 一天 他们被一对贪婪的夫妇抓到自己家的阁楼上 准备到春天就把他们关到玻璃笼子里招徕游客 波德一家人再次陷入绝境 他们在阁楼上度过了漫长的被囚禁的冬天 终于在春天到来前想到了逃走的办法 他们学着报纸上人类制作热气球的技术 制作了一个逃生的气球 再次回到了野外

The Borrowers Afloat (Mandarin Edition)

by Mary Norton

Pod, Homily, and Arrietty Clock's huge adventures have been thrilling children young and old for fifty years--and their appeal is as strong as ever in these handsome new paperback packages. While the original beloved interior illustrations by Beth and Joe Krush have been retained, Marla Frazee's striking cover illustrations capture these little people with a larger-than-life appeal.波德一家在斯皮勒的带领下成功脱险 来到小男孩汤姆的住处 与生活在墙里的亨德瑞利舅舅一家会合 但不久 汤姆和爷爷就离开了这里 没有人迹的地方不可能支持两家小人的生活 所以波德不得不又带领家人走上流浪之旅 寻找新的家园 他们从地下管道出走 来到小河边的水壶中安顿下来 但一场突来的大雨将水壶冲到了河水中 小人开始了一场水上漂流冒险 他们最终能找到新家吗

The Borrowers Afield (Mandarin Edition)

by Mary Norton

Pod, Homily, and Arrietty Clock's huge adventures have been thrilling children young and old for fifty years--and their appeal is as strong as ever in these handsome new paperback packages. While the original beloved interior illustrations by Beth and Joe Krush have been retained, Marla Frazee's striking cover illustrations capture these little people with a larger-than-life appeal.波德一家在人类的大搜捕中逃离了地板下的家 开始了颠沛流离的野外生活 他们打算去投奔住在獾洞里的亨德瑞利舅舅一家 但到那里时 亲戚们已不知去向 他们捡到一只破靴子 把它拖到河岸的洞里搭建了一个临时的家 阿瑞埃蒂结识了从吉卜赛人那里借东西的男孩斯皮勒 斯皮勒时常用自己的打猎收获接济这些初到野外的同类 冬天来了 住在靴子里的波德一家弹尽粮绝 喝光最后一点酒后沉沉睡去 醒来发现到了一辆吉卜赛人的大车上 这是怎么回事呢 他们能从吉卜赛人那里逃脱吗 斯皮勒又是怎么帮他们和亨德瑞利舅舅一家团聚的呢 雪貂男孩汤姆是他们的福星还是杀手

The Borrowers Avenged (Mandarin Edition)

by Mary Norton

Pod, Homily, and Arrietty Clock's huge adventures have been thrilling children young and old for fifty years--and their appeal is as strong as ever in these handsome new paperback packages. While the original beloved interior illustrations by Beth and Joe Krush have been retained, Marla Frazee's striking cover illustrations capture these little people with a larger-than-life appeal.波德一家逃离了阁楼里的囚禁生活 回到了模型村庄里的家 因为害怕普拉特夫妇再度前来 他们在斯皮勒的带领下搬迁到了教区长住宅 并遇到了一直居住在那里的博学多才的小人皮尔格林 在大家的帮助下 他们重新找到了适合居住的家园 和亨德瑞利舅舅一家比邻而居 普拉特夫妇心有不甘地继续到处搜寻小人的下落 复活节快到了 阿瑞埃蒂吃惊地发现普拉特夫妇来到了教堂 小人能逃过他们的追捕吗 那贪婪残酷的一对是如何受到惩罚的呢

China: Museums (Mandarin Edition)

by Miriam Clifford

China: Museums unlocks the doors to over 200 must-see museums, ranging from art and archeology, science and technology to history and politics. Pertinent information supplements entries and highlights of key objects are illustrated with over 500 color images. 本书作者是三位外国记者与专栏作家 他们在中国游历多年 特别是参观了中国两百多家博物馆 以外国人的角度介绍了各博物馆的藏品及展览特色等 本书介绍的博物馆 按地区,省,市划分 使用方便 特别收录了易被忽视的博物馆,介绍了博物馆必看展品以及适合儿童参观的博物馆 提供了迄今最准确的地址,联系方式,网址 中英文对照的博物馆名称 并配有近千幅精美图片 书中记录的每一家博物馆都会给你带来启发 依此而游 博物馆的藏品与展览之旅会令你的旅行大为增色 当然也会成为进一步理解中国艺术,文化,社会与历史的起点

We All Look Different

by Melissa Higgins

Blue eyes Brown eyes Freckles Braces What features make you unique? Let's share and celebrate what makes us special

Reading Is Everywhere

by Martha E. H. Rustad

Street signs, menus, game directions -- words are everywhere! Where else do you put your reading skills to use? READ this book to find out.

The Parts Of A Book

by Martha E. H. Rustad

What has a spine, a table, and a cover? A book, of course Open this cover to learn about the parts of a book.

How Books Are Made

by Martha E. H. Rustad

To make a book, you first start with an idea. What comes next? Crack open the cover to find out how books are made.

Pink Pig (Miss Rhonda's Readers)

by Rhonda Lucadoma

Learn about the pink pig. The sun is shining. The pink pig is hot! Can it find a way to cool off?

My First Human Body Book

by Donald M. Silver Patricia J. Wynne

Here's the most entertaining way for children to learn how the human body works: 28 fun and instructive, ready-to-color illustrations that explore the muscular, skeletal, nervous, digestive, respiratory, and immune systems. Kids will discover how their voice box works, how many bones they have, how thousands of "tasters" on their tongues help them distinguish flavors, how the DNA in their cells is different from everyone else's, and so much more. Filled with astonishing details, this head-to-toe survey of the body is fascinating to read and fun to color!

Let's Go To The Library

by Martha E. H. Rustad

You know libraries are full of books. But what else do they have to offer? Look inside this book to find out

Thornton Burgess Bedtime Stories

by Thornton W. Burgess Mary Hauge Carl Hauge

A beloved storyteller takes young readers--and listeners--to the Green Forest to recount the adventures of Peter Cottontail, Mrs. Quack, Jimmy Skunk, Danny Meadow Mouse, and other woodland friends. Author and conservationist Thornton Burgess (1874-1965) wrote thousands of stories reflecting his fascination with wildlife and concern for nature, teaching generations of children gentle lessons about ecology and respect for the environment. These stories are exclusive to this edition and are unavailable in any other Burgess collection. Numerous color illustrations, rendered in a charming mid-century style, enhance the tales of Buster Bear's fishing trip, Paddy the Beaver's argument, Reddy Fox's new trick, and Unc' Billy Possum's escape. Boomer adults will delight in sharing this nostalgic storybook with the next generation.

Aesop's Fables for Children

by Milo Winter

For centuries, children and adults have treasured the stories handed down by Aesop, a slave who lived in ancient Greece approximately six centuries B.C. Known for their charm and simplicity, these simple tales feature brief adventures of animals, birds, and beasts -- with a message hidden in each narrative. Every child should meet up with "The Hare and the Tortoise," "The Ants and the Grasshopper," "The Goose and the Golden Egg," "The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing," and other characters. This splendid gift edition features more than 130 of Aesop's beloved fables, enhanced with full-color illustrations.

Nancy Clancy Seeks a Fortune (I Can Read! #7)

by Robin Preiss Glasser Carolyn Bracken Jane O'Connor

Nancy Clancy learns all about starting a business and making a fortune in the seventh chapter book in the Nancy Clancy chapter book series by New York Times bestselling team Jane O'Connor and Robin Preiss Glasser! <P><P>How great would it be to be wealthy--that's elegant for rich. Nancy Clancy sure thinks so, and with the help of her best friend, Bree, she sets out to make a fortune one way or another. <P>But when things don't go as planned, Nancy learns something even more valuable--some of the best things in life are free.

New Friends

by Michelle Misra Samantha Chaffey

Slide down rainbows, sprinkle glitter, and sew silver linings with angel-in-training Ella and her friends in the first book of the sparkling new Angel Wings series!Ella might seem like your everyday girl, but she's anything but! She's a trainee angel at the Guardian Angel Academy. But Ella is more impulsive than your average angel, and can't help getting herself into all sorts of trouble. Luckily for Ella, her friends Poppy, Tilly, and Jess are always around trying to keep her out of mischief--and away from their not-so-angelic classmate, Primrose! Join Ella and her friends as they set off on an adventure to Rainbow's End, a magical place and home to the Forgotten Flower--and their first stop on the journey to becoming a guardian angel. But will Ella's flair for trouble keep her from earning her wings?

The Budding Chef

by Kate Kuhn

Curious kids will delight in the 50 fun-filled recipes in The Budding Chef! Full of great ways for parents and their budding chefs to have fun together, this introduction to cooking is brimming with kitchen adventures and is perfect for kids aged 3 to 6. The easy-to-follow instructions and easy-to-find ingredients helps parents share their love of cooking in kid-friendly ways while creating special moments that they--and their child--will cherish forever. With a cup of wonder, a teaspoon of laughter, and a scoop of fun, these recipes bring parents and children together to share magical moments!

The Budding Gardener

by Mary Rein

Curious kids will discover their green thumbs with the fun-filled gardening activities in The Budding Gardener! With great ways for parents and their budding gardeners to create memories together, this book shows parents and kids how to plant a seed and watch it grow, create a garden marker, make a spider web out of sweet pea seeds and bamboo, and beautify the garden with a stone path or rock tower. Perfect for kids aged 3 to 6, this kid-friendly introduction to gardening features easy-to-follow instructions and easy-to-find materials that will help parents cultivate a love of the outdoors with their child in imaginative, new ways. With a little dirt, some water, and a few tools, these activities will bring parents and children together to share magical outdoor moments!

Night Buddies, Impostors, and One Far-Out Flying Machine

by Jessica Love Sands Hetherington

For young John Degraffenreidt, a sleepless night is no reason to fret when tossing and turning in bed brings a bright red crocodile named Crosley out from under his bed. Night Buddies like Crosley promise an evening of adventure to any not-tired-yet kid--and tonight is no different! Out of bed, and into the city, John embarks on a one-of-a-kind program with his crocodile pal. It seems like Cros is a one-of-a-kind individual--that is, until red crocs start popping up all over the city, creating confusion, committing crimes, and causing Crosley to go bananas at the sight of them.

Never Box with a Kangaroo #11

by Nancy Krulik Sebastien Braun

Sparky goes down under!When Sparky chomps on his magic bone, this time it kabooms him to Kangaroo Island, Australia! There he discovers a fox terrier puppy named Mick who's lost his family. But Sparky has a plan--he'll help Mick find a new family! They ask everyone they come across: bats, penguins, kangaroos, even bees! But will anyone give Mick a home?


by Sean Callery

A brand-new levelled reader program from Scholastic. Kids are encouraged to think about just who was telling the truth as they read about the world's most famous disaster at sea. Eyewitness accounts include amazing stories of courage and survival against the odds.

HomeWork Hassles: Simple tips and strategies to reduce frustration

by Pam Goodman

You'll decrease everyone's frustration levels with this powerful go-to guide. Educate yourself with proven, easy to apply tips and strategies that empower young children to become independent with homework and embrace the love of learning. This guide is packed with knowledge gathered from over 14 years of hands-on experience with children. By adopting Pam Goodman's strategies, you'll enjoy watching your child blossom into a confident, successful, and independent student. Who knows--you both might end up liking homework!


by Michael J. Berson Tyrone C. Howard Cinthia Salinas

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Guinness World Records: Awesome Entertainers!

by Christa Roberts

A brand-new Guinness World Records book for kids!Awesome Entertainers! is the ultimate book of jaw-dropping performances, from the circus to the stage and beyond. Meet the world's youngest professional drummer, the comedian who performed the longest stand-up show, the magician who escaped from the most handcuffs in 24 hours, and many more amazing acts whose superstar exploits and captivating talents have earned them a Guinness World Records title.Guinness World Records chapter books present the stories behind the greatest records through full-color photos and 100 records per book. The easy-to-read text is organized into engaging chapters that will captivate the most avid and reluctant young readers alike!

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