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Moving Mama to Town

by Ronder Thomas Young

Freddy James Johnson becomes the man of the family when his daddy runs off. He knows he must keep his family, so they move to town. An International Reading Association award winner.

Loamhedge (Redwall, Book #16)

by Brian Jacques

In which young haremaid Martha Braebuck, wheelchair-bound since infancy, learns that the cure for her condition may be found at the mysterious ancient Abbey of Loamhedge. Other books in this series are available from Bookshare.

Taggerung (Redwall, Book #14)

by Brian Jacques

"Readers of all ages who enjoy fantasy can happily lose themselves in Redwall's cozy world, where they'll enjoy zestful fights, lengthy descriptions of scrumptious food, and endearing animals speaking in thick dialects. Jacques's characters vibrate with personality.... It's great fun, and not just for Redwall fans." -Kirkus Reviews From the book: Who can outrun the wind Yet turn on a single leaf, Stand silent as an amberfly Or steal the breath from a thief? The Taggerung! Who can outswim a pike Whose eyes are keen as the hawk's, Who brings death in his wake Yet leaves no mark where he walks? Zann Juskarath Taggerung! Other books in this series are available from Bookshare.

A Crown Disowned

by Andre Norton Sasha Miller

Andre Norton has long been known as a "master" fantasist. With this new cycle she is joined by Sasha Miller and between them they tell a complex an riveting story of good and evil and magic.

Curious Notions (Crosstime Traffic, Book #2)

by Harry Turtledove

Following on last year's Gunpowder Empire, a new novel of "Crosstime Traffic"- In the San Francisco of a parallel-world in the twenty-first century in which the Kaiser's Germany won World War I and went on to dominate the world, Paul Gomes and his father, Lawrence, are secret agents from our timeline, posing as traders from a foreign land. They run a storefront shop called Curious Notions, selling what in our world is routine consumer technology-record players, radios, cassette decks-all of which is better than anything in this world, but only by a bit. Their real job is to obtain raw materials for our timeline. Just as important, they must guard the secret of Crosstime Traffic-for of the millions of parallel timelines, this is one of the few advanced enough to use that secret against us. Now, however, the German occupation police are harassing them. The police want to know where they're getting their mysterious goods. Under pressure, Paul and Lawrence hint that their supplies come from San Francisco's Chinese ... setting in motion a chain of intrigues that will put the entire enterprise of Crosstime Traffic at deadly risk.

Not on a White Horse

by Nancy Springer

Something white moved, floating like the mist, and the Arabian stood there on the old mine road. White as an angel in the dark woods he stood, beneath the gray-green hemlocks, swan white against the black gravel of the road, so white he made Rhiannon's heart ache. And the proud lift of his head as he saw her, the flash of dark eyes and the flex of his fine neck, made her breath catch in her throat. She was so stunned when she saw him there that she didn't know what to do. Her bike hurtled toward him, and in the next instant he was gone like a wild bird. She caught a glimpse of long mane and flying tail, and then there was only the soft drumming of hooves somewhere beneath the trees. Then silence.


by Florence Crannell Means

From the Book: This vivid story, full of the warmth and picturesque detail of Mexico City, tells of one year in Alicia Baca's life -a very important year. Nineteen, beautiful, and with ambitions to become a newspaper correspondent, Alicia takes her Junior year away from Briggs College in the East to study in the University of Mexico. Twenty-Five Cosme, the beautiful old pension in which she stays, holds many surprises, the most wonderful being her lively, blond roommate, Honey Bennett. In Denver where she grew up, her Spanish ancestry embarrassed Alicia and made her feel inferior, but here with her flawless Spanish she helps Californian Honey through many scrapes. Leeshy herself (as Honey calls her) has a few of her own problems, in particular, two ardent young suitors who both arrive unexpectedly, and at the same moment, to spend a week during the Christmas holidays. Honey's natural candor and humor are invaluable in this difficult situation, and later on when Alicia has some serious decisions to make.. From the day when the wall caves in on them and they are trapped in an ancient teocalli or pyramid, to the time the two girls spend with the Friends' Youth Camp at Lake Chapala, their lives are full of excitement, new interests - and countless admirers. To older girls, who have snared many of Alicia's hopes, dreams, and tribulations, this novel will have special appeal.

1 and 2 Peter: Courage In Times of Trouble

by John Macarthur

An uplifting Bible study in which MacArthur guides the reader through a clear exploration of St. Peter's two letters.

Crime in the Kennel (Hardy Boys Mystery Stories #133)

by Franklin W. Dixon

The Hardys are hot on the trail of a dog-napper and the fur is about to fly! Frank and Joe's friend Iola is in the doghouse at work. In fact, she's lost her job at the Doghouse Pet Motel. A purebred collie vanished without a trace on Iola's shift, and the blame has fallen on her. But the boys discover that dogs are disappearing all over Bayport... and that the connection is absolutely criminal! The closer Frank and Joe come to their suspects, the more dangerous the investigation becomes, as they find themselves dodging runaway trucks and fending off snarling pit bulls. The dog-nappers are baring their teeth, and their bite is definitely as bad as their bark. The Hardys are in a dogfight, but the enemy isn't about to roll over and play dead!

The Stone Idol (Hardy Boys Mystery Stories #65)

by Franklin W. Dixon

While still in New York City, Frank and Joe decide to answer a newspaper ad. South American Antiquities hires the Hardys to recover a small statue. When the boys arrive at the company's South American offices they stumble upon the idol almost instantly. But the idol is snatched away just as fast. A pursuit leaves the Hardys emptyhanded. Eventually the Hardys search leads them to Easter Island where they learn the idol had originated. But the idol shouldn't have never left Easter Island, now Frank and Joe must find it and return it to the islanders, while making sure to catch the crooks and not anyone innocent.

Blood Relations (Hardy Boys Casefiles #15)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Family ties are deadly Frank and Joe Hardy are enjoying some time off when the two new boys in town, Greg and Mike Rawley, convince them to investigate their stepfather, Walter. Greg and Mike suspect him of plotting to kill their mother, Linda. But there's a hitch: Walter Rawley is one of Fenton Hardy's oldest friends and an upstanding citizen of Bayport. With the Rawley boys' help, the Hardy brothers check out the contents of Linda Rawley's safe, looking for the diary of Walter's first wife, which contains the murderous evidence. Then Linda is kidnapped. Using themselves as bait, the Hardy boys flush out the kidnappers -only to find that they are mere pawns in an elaborate scheme against their father's old friend. ================= From inside the book: DARK ALLEY DECEPTION Mr. Rawley and his stepsons turned toward the black car expectantly. But nobody expected what came next. Two men jumped out of the black car. They tore the briefcase out of Walter Rawley's hand and hustled Greg and Mike at gunpoint into the back seat of the car. Walter Rawley stood empty-handed and openmouthed as the car roared off. In the alley, Frank and Joe and the others stood openmouthed too. Linda Rawley found her voice first. "You were all wrong," she whispered. "Dead wrong!"

Too Many Traitors (Hardy Boys Casefiles #14)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Triple treat When Frank wins an all-expense-paid vacation to Spain's Costa del Sol, the brother detectives are set for some good times in the sunny paradise. But instead of flamenco music and bullfights, Frank and Joe find themselves running from the law. It seems their official tour guide has been murdered, and the evidence points directly at them. To make things worse, the Hardys are also being hunted as spies by the KGB-and as traitors by the Network. Trapped in very tight spots, Frank and Joe need every ounce of daring and keep from being shipped home in matching boxes. ================ From inside the book: DIRECT HIT An explosion in front of the Audi brought it to a halt and spattered it with dirt. The car half vanished in the gathering smoke. As Frank watched helplessly from the roadside, a third missile screamed down. Shock waves hurled him back as the car went up in a ball of fire. "Joe!" Frank called as he picked himself up off the ground. "Joe!" No sound came from the Audi except a steady crackling, and no movement but the dancing of the flames.

Perfect Getaway (Hardy Boys Casefiles #12)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Underworld express It's the ultimate criminal operation. For a huge fee Perfec Getaway Travel, Ltd. will provide a clean escape from the long arm of the law. To crack the ring, Frank and Joe pose as a pair of crooks looking for a safe hideout. But when they finally manage to reach the end of the line, the brother detectives find themselves trapped in a private kingdom. A garden of evil, ruled by a murderous crime lord-where an exit visa costs a cool five million dollars. . . . ============ From inside the book: JUNGLE RODEO Joe started across the corral, slowly. From the stable, he heard the whinny of a horse-in a cubicle near the gate, the chief sat astride a palomino. The door of the cubicle shot up, and the horse raced right for Joe as the chief gave a wild, ear-shattering whoop. At the first sound, Joe started moving. His feet were pumping beneath him, his heart was pounding in his chest, and his lungs felt as if they would burst. He rounded the corral, approaching the gate from the opposite side, steadily getting closer. Then he felt the rope drop down over his shoulders and tighten. And he heard the chief's cry of triumph. "You lost, boy. You're dead!"

The Number File (Hardy Boys Casefiles #17)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Hot water in the Bermuda Triangle Frank and Joe are soaking up some sun in Bermuda and doing a little sleuthing on the side. Their father wants them to check out a shady character named Bernhard Kruger the suspected kingpin of a big credit card scam. But the brothers aren't making any headway-so far Kruger is clean. When the Hardys spy on Kruger's villa, one of his thugs spots them. Before they know it, they're being tailed by a black sedan and run off the road into the ocean! This is not the act of an innocent man. Their vacation shot, Frank and Joe resolve to nail Kruger. But he's on to them, and he has other plans-like arranging for the brothers to vanish in the Bermuda Triangle. =============== From inside the book: DEATH SWIM Frank and Joe tore down the rocky hill to where the red MG was hidden. In minutes they were crossing a bridge, on their way back to Somerset Village. Near the end of the bridge a powerful black BMW started to pass them. Dark-tinted windows on the sleek performance car made it impossible to see the driver. The BMW held its position, creeping closer to the MG. "Watch out!" Joe shouted. Before Frank could hit the brakes, four thousand pounds of BMW slammed into the side of the little MG. Frank fought to stay on the bridge, but the car spun out of control, jumping over the small curb. The brothers were tossed forward as the car plummeted down the steep incline toward thirty feet of water.

The Borgia Dagger (Hardy Boys Casefiles #13)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Deadly arts Beautiful, rich, and very spoiled, Tessa Carpenter is all trouble from the moment she sideswipes Callie Shaw's car-and meets Frank Hardy. She invites Frank and Joe to a party for a close-up look at her priceless treasure, the Borgia dagger. But in the middle of the party the lights go out and Tessa is almost killed. Fearing the ancient curse on the jeweled dagger, Tessa asks the brother detectives to protect her. The question is-will two bodyguards be enough for someone with enemies on both sides of the grave? ============= From inside the book: LEGEND OF THE LOST Dr. Lansdale's voice became lower as she recounted the story of the Borgia dagger. All of Tessa's guests leaned closer to hear. "With the life flowing out of her, Marisol flung open the bedroom shutters, letting in the light of the full moon. And as she raised the dagger over Armando's bed, she screamed his name so loud they say it shattered the windows in the room." By then Tessa's parlor had become so quiet, Frank could hear the beating of his own heart. "From that day on, the legend goes, whoever takes possession of the dagger dies mysteriously within four months of having touched it."

The Tower Treasure (Hardy Boys #1)

by Franklin W. Dixon

When Tower Mansion is robbed, its owner, Hurd Applegate is furious. He immediately wants Fenton Hardy to recover the missing loot and to have his handy man arrested. Frank and Joe are convinced though that Perry's father is innocent. Perry's family is forced to leave Tower Mansion and stay in a run down section of Bayport. Perry thinks he will soon have to drop out of school and abandon his dream of college because no one will hire his dad. The Hardys find clues that the treasure is hidden in one of the towers., but after two exhaustive searches that have Hurd Applegate insisting the boys no nothing, Frank and Joe are stumped. If the treasure isn't in Tower Mansion, then where will Frank and Joe look next? This is the revised 1959 version of The Tower Treasure.

Hostages of Hate (Hardy Boys Casefiles #10)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Double-edged death An antiterror convention in Washington, D.C., is rocked by a real-life hijacking-and Frank Hardy's girlfriend, Callie Shaw, is among the hostages. When Callie appears on the TV news she sends the Hardys a coded message. Trouble is, the government doesn't believe them. Agent O'Neill orders Frank and Joe off the case, forcing them to try a rescue on their own. Suddenly the brother sleuths are running from the law, straight into a terrorist death trap-while Callie watches her life tick away. ============== From inside the book: SCREAMING DEATH Frank opened his hand, studying the detonator for a long moment. "Drop it, I say!" The ragged edge to Habib's voice was far more convincing than the volume he used. Shrugging, Frank turned his hand, letting the detonator fall. Passengers screamed as they saw the instrument of their destruction drop to the floor. Even Habib flinched, drawing back from the expected explosion. Frank used that second to stomp on the detonator, crushing its radio microcircuits. Then he dove for the floor, praying that Joe would take his lead.

Danger Unlimited (Hardy Boys Casefiles #79)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Flight of fury! Joe's girlfriend, Vanessa Bender, has introduced the Hardys to an old friend of her family, Brett Cooper. Bret is the pilot and designer of Brett's Beauty, the high powered piston-engine prop plane set to compete in the upcoming Bayport Unlimited Air Races. But while he's aiming to break the world speed record, someone else has targeted him for terror! The' key to the case is the mystery of Brett Cooper himself-his hidden past, his hidden enemies. For Frank and Joe, the investigation quickly turns into a crash course in danger, as they fly blind into a web of blackmail, sabotage, and murder. They're about to learn that in a world of daredevil pilots and death-defying stunts, the risks can be sky-high. ============= From inside the book: BIRD OF PREY Joe rolled down the window of the van and gazed up at the plane. Suddenly the landing gear descended from the Mustang. "Now what?" Joe muttered as the plane's nose dipped. When the plane swooped down in front of the van, Frank veered to the side of the road and slammed on the brakes. "Get out!" he shouted. Joe and Frank ran into the field beside the road and fell to their stomachs. An instant later, the Mustang thundered over the van The wheels of the plane connected with the roof, and the van tipped over and crashed onto its side. Joe got up and shook his fist at the airplane. "Come down and fight us face-to-face, you coward!" "Get down!" Frank yelled, pulling Joe into the grass. The wind from the propeller threw grass and dirt into the air, and the wheels were so low they almost skidded across Joe's back. "We're trapped!" Frank shouted. "The van is out of commission and there's nowhere to hide!"

The Crowning Terror (Hardy Boys Casefiles #6)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: A dangerous game of double cross When Frank and Joe join their uncle Hugh for lunch, the main course turns out to be a bizarre kidnap plot. After a violent scuffle, Uncle Hugh is whisked away, and the boys suddenly find themselves in deep trouble with a U.S. espionage unit. Special Agent Starkey is out to prove Hugh is a traitor and accuses the boys of helping him escape. To complicate things a beautiful mystery woman called Charity is also on their uncle's trail. Meanwhile Frank and Joe are stranded in a strange city far from home, being hunted down by two desperate gangs-with orders to shoot to kill.... =============== From inside the book: INTO THE JAWS OF DEATH As they ran across the Golden Gate Bridge, a bullet spanged off a girder. Frank looked over his shoulder. Feodor and Oleg were out of the car, shooting at them. "We'll never make it," he said. Joe eyed the dark waters below. "There's one chance," he said. "Too dangerous," Frank said. "If we get caught in the undertow-" He cut himself off as he glanced over his shoulder, then back at Joe. Feodor was down on one knee, taking careful aim. "Right," said Joe. He knew that look in his brother's eye, the look that said one chance in a million was better than no chance at all. "Let's do it."

Survival Run (Hardy Boys Casefiles #77, Ring of Evil #2)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: The killer conspiracy Working undercover for an Atlanta airline, the Hardys have uncovered an international terrorist ring-the Assassins-bent on high-stakes smuggling and cold-blooded murder. But who is in control? What is their ultimate aim? Who will be the next to die? The dangerous truth lies in the rough and rugged wilderness of faraway Alaska.... The perilous passage north takes Frank and Joe into the heart of a titanic struggle. The Assassins are preparing to square off against the ultrasecret government agency, the Network, and it is a battle in which no one is safe-and no one can be trusted. Caught in a treacherous cross fire, the boys have only one ally, the beautiful Gina Abend, and even she may be leading them into a fatal trap! ============ From inside the book: ROAD TO NOWHERE Joe slammed his foot down on the kick starter, and the dirt bike roared. He motioned to Gina, and she hopped on behind him. The engine screamed as Joe raced toward the oncoming Jeep. At the last second, he swerved to veer past the Jeep, turning onto a rutted trail that disappeared in the trees. "Are they still following us?" he yelled. "Yes!" Gina told him. "And they're gaining!" Now Joe knew he was going to have to push the bike to the limit. He crouched low over the handlebars and leaned hard into a sharp turn. "Look out!" Gina screamed as they came out of the curve. Joe's head reared back, and he slammed on the brakes when he saw a second Jeep blocking the trail. Two men wearing camouflage jumpsuits stood in front of the Jeep. The submachine guns in their hands told Joe this was the end of the line.

Hostage in the Woods

by Cynthia Wall


Bones on Black Spruce Mountain

by David Budbill

Seth and Daniel had been warned about Black Spruce Mountain, about the mysterious boy whose bones lay hidden near the misty peak, and about the howling screams many campers had heard in the deep of the night.

A Pattern of Roses

by K. M. Peyton

The discovery of old drawings with the same initials as his leads a 16-year-old boy on a journey into the past, where he relives the experiences of the artist.

The Usual Rules

by Joyce Maynard

Wendy loses her mother in the World Trade Center disaster. She has to pick up the pieces and thinks the best place to do this is in California with her natural father. Will her family survive?

Starbridge (Starbridge #1)

by A. C. Crispin

The crew of the Desiree was unprepared. The Simiu were unexpected ... Earth's first contact with an alien race turns to disaster when a friendly encounter erupts into inexplicable violence and the threat of interstellar war. But two young individuals--Mahree Burroughs, an ordinary woman with a gift for friendship, and Dhurrrkk', a male Simiu with boundless curiosity-- have forged a bond of understanding that bridges their many differences. Along with a reluctant Robert Gable, brilliant young ship's physician, they make an astounding journey across the stars, to seek a way to save the future of the galaxy! note: Some strong language.

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