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Tic-Tac-Terror (Hardy Boys Mystery Stories #74)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Frank and Joe are baffled at first by the mysterious code name Bob. They soon figure out that Bob is a top secret government agency fighting crime globally. Their father Fenton Hardy has gone on a mission for Bob and the Hardy boys are worried when they do not hear from their famous father. Soon the Hardys must help a member of the gang Bob is fighting defect to the American side before the gang elimates him forever!

Triumphant Return (Left Behind: The Kids #40)

by Chris Fabry Tim Lahaye Jerry B. Jenkins

The book we've been waiting for! Find out who in the young Trib Force is left to see the Triumphant Return of Christ!

The Billion Dollar Ransom (Hardy Boys Mystery Stories #73)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Fenton Hardy is asked by an old friend to do security for a magician's show, but Frank and Joe are given the job.

Be More Chill

by Ned Vizzini

Jeremy Heere is definitely not one of the Cool crowd, but he desperately wants to be. He and his nerdy friend Michael hang out together, with Jeremy secretly pining for a popular girl named Christine. When a school friend tells Jeremy about a "squip" - a microcomputer that sits in your brain and helps you learn to be cool - Jeremy decides to get one. Suddenly his world begins to change. Communicating telepathically with the squip, he gets new clothing, hangs out with the Cool crowd, and attracts girls. What could be better? With the help of the squip, Jeremy sets out to try to win Christine. But things just don't work out as planned...

The Shore Road Mystery (Hardy Boys #6 - original 1928 text)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Frank and Joe chase after local car thieves. Vehicles along the Shore Road keep disappearing and the Bayport police have had no luck on the job. Where could the cars be going?<P> This is the original 1928 unrevised version of The Shore Road Mystery.

Double Exposure (Hardy Boys Casefiles #22)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Family skeleton When Frank and Joe decide to meet their father's latest contact on their own, they get more than they bargained for. The young detectives come face-to-face with their long-lost brother, Chris Hardy! But a hail of bullets cuts their meeting short. . Suddenly Frank and Joe find themselves trapped in a deadly cross fire between a brutal gang of spies and a high-tech computer scam. Odds are their new brother is the triggerman-aiming to wipe out an old family debt. ======== From the inside of the book: FAMILY HORROR Frank popped the cassette in the VCR and set it to Play. "Let's see what's on this tape," he said to Joe. For a moment there was static, then a picture appeared with no sound. On the screen it was winter. Two men-one old, one young-both wearing army uniforms stood on the steps before a large white house. "Those are Russian uniforms!" Joe exclaimed. Frank nodded. "The older man's a colonel." On the screen the two men were arguing now. The younger man's face became an expressionless mask as he raised a gun. The older man fell backward down the steps of the building, his blood staining the snow. Joe's eyes widened. "Frank-that soldier.. ." Frank nodded, his mouth suddenly dry. The face on the screen, the man who had shot the older officer- It was their brother, Chris.

Marlfox (Redwall, Book #11)

by Brian Jacques

A new presence is aprowl in Mossflower Woods-- the Marlfoxes. Stealthy, mysterious, they can disappear at any time, in any place, and they are out to plunder and destroy everything in their path.

The Road to War: Facing the Guillotine (Left Behind #39)

by Jerry B. Jenkins Tim Lahaye Chris Fabry

Join the young Trib Force as they grow closer and closer to the return of Christ.

Heat Wave (Left Behind: The Kids #37)

by Chris Fabry Tim Lahaye Jerry B. Jenkins

The planet is enduring the newest judgement from God... a true scorcher. Will they survive? Will Judd and Lional finally make it to Wesconsin? Join Judd, Vicki, Lional and the others cfor a new adventure.

Disaster for Hire (Hardy Boys Casefiles #23)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Timber War Frank and Joe race to Seattle to help their father, Fenton, who stands accused of murder! In their father's rented house, they're met by burglars, who try to gun them down. When the brother detectives follow their trail, they learn that valuable timber is being destroyed by a deadly virus. They also find an entire town has been sealed off to prevent a mysterious flu epidemic. Meanwhile Fenton Hardy is the hostage of a sinister scientist with a formula for certain death. And if the brother team can't reach him in time-he'll become the victim in a doomsday experiment. ======= From inside the book: HOT PURSUIT Frank was already working on the doctor's ropes. "Soon as I get you loose, get clear of here," he ordered. "We'll get Jenny and Dad." Joe ran for the staircase leading up to the next floor, where Jenny Bookman and their father were imprisoned. Frank paused long enough to grab up the doctor's notebook and tuck it under his shirt. Then he started after his brother. They'd just started up the stairs when the far wall of the lab began to breathe smoke. Then, with a great gust of flame, the lab was ablaze.

Thick as Thieves (Hardy Boys Casefiles #29)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Frank and Joe get mixed up with a gang of thieves, including their old nemesis Charity.

See No Evil (Hardy Boys Casefiles #8)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: SPECIAL DELIVERY MURDER Frank Hardy's girlfriend, Callie Shaw, is determined to join him and Joe in solving crimes. So when she bumps into a mailman and mistakenly recovers a top-secret codebook, Callie thinks she's found the perfect case. She challenges the brother detectives to help her break the code. Trouble is, the real owner is deadly serious about getting it back. Joe is knocked cold during a daring burglary, and when he comes to, the black book is missing. But not before Frank has uncovered a link to a secret network of fraud, corruption, and murder. It seems Callie has stumbled on to a major scandal-will Frank and Joe end up taking the fall? ========== From inside the book: DEATH TRAP The truck driver flicked on his headlights. Lisa and Joe were caught in their glare. "Duck," Joe said. "He's got a gun!" His warning came too late. There was a sharp cracking noise. Lisa gave a cry, stiffened, and fell. Joe's gut twisted. No, he thought. The man with the gun raised his hand again. Run-fast, a voice inside Joe's head cried, but he couldn't make himself move. Another crack-and Joe felt the pain. This time I've bought it. He swayed on his feet. Then the darkness closed in.

The Genius Thieves (Hardy Boys Casefiles #9)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: School for crime A daring million-dollar bank robbery leads Frank and Joe to Chartwell Academy. Certain that the high-tech thief is someone at the exclusive prep school, Frank enrolls as a student, and Joe gets a job as a janitor. But going undercover on the secluded campus proves extremely dangerous. From battling a raging dorm fire, to being hunted through a graveyard by a masked gunman -the brother detectives find they're up against a brainy enemy who's intent on making a twin killing. =========== From inside the book: HIS BROTHER'S GRAVE Joe was shoveling furiously, throwing mounds of dirt around Frank. Within ten minutes Frank was practically covered. "Joe! Think of what you're doing!" Frank yelled. But Joe was now foaming at the mouth. His eyes were rolling in their sockets, and he was babbling nonsense words. Just as Frank was about to be covered, Joe began to shriek insanely. He backed away from the grave as if he were being attacked. "Finish your job!" the masked man demanded. But Joe was too far gone. The masked man aimed his gun at Joe. "I was hoping not to do this, my friend, but you've failed me." Bracing the gun with two outstretched arms, he fired. . . .


by David Badger

From the Book Jacket: Frogs have long played a role in tales of legend and lore-symbolizing fertility, omens, ... and more. Frogs is an introduction to the world's most fascinating frogs and toads, including detailed frog characteristics, their life cycles, musical repertoires, and conservation issues. David Badger's interesting text and John Netherton's brilliant, up-close photographs bring these fascinating creatures to life as you've never before seen them. Discover the world's animals in the World Life Library from Voyageur Press. This highly acclaimed series brings you the latest research from leading naturalists, along with stunning color photographs of your favorite animals.

Across the Nightingale Floor (Tales of the Otori #1)

by Lian Hearn

This is the story of a young man whose family is massacred and who is rescued by a noble. It is also the story of a young girl who has been imprisoned in a castle simply to be held hostage for the good behavior of her family. It is a story of magic and loyalty and love. It won a number of awards for young adult fiction.

Good Teaching: A Guide for Students

by Richard A. Watson

From the back cover: EDUCATION From junior college to Ivy League university, the level of teaching ranges from "great to awful," according to Richard A. Watson, who explains not only how to survive but how to profit from and enjoy your college experience. To help students make important personal choices- What school? What major? What classes?-Watson discusses such broad areas as administrative structure, institutional goals, and faculty aspirations. Charging the student with the ultimate responsibility for learning, Watson presents certain academic facts of life: teaching is not the primary concern of either faculty or administration in most institutions; few professors on the university level have had any training in teaching, and even fewer started out with teaching as their goal; senior professors do not teach much-the higher the rank and salary, the less time in the classroom-and those seeking tenure must emphasize research to survive; and almost certainly, the bad teacher who is a good researcher will get paid more than the good teacher who does not publish. This is a book about good teaching and how to find it. Rejecting the conventional wisdom that a professor devoted to research will not be good in the classroom, Watson advises that you take classes from that "old bear" you are afraid of, from the professor you may have been cautioned to avoid. "Professors who are really devoted to research in their fields are the best teachers," Watson counsels, "at least for students who know what they want and are willing to give their all for it." The reason: "Most college professors are where they are because they fell in love with a subject matter. They think nothing else in the world is more important than learning it."

Las Dos Queremos a Jim

by K. A. Applegate

¿Cómo podía traicionar a su mejor amiga?

The Year When Stardust Fell

by Raymond F. Jones

Mayfield was the typical college town. Nothing too unusual ever happened there until a mysterious comet was suddenly observed by the scientists on College Hill. And then one day the modified engine on Ken Maddox's car began overheating mysteriously. By morning it didn't run at all. . . .

Generation Warriors (Planet Pirates #3)

by Anne Mccaffrey Elizabeth Moon

Lunzie, fresh from her adventures in The Death of Sleep, has discovered that the one good heavy-worlder she ever met isn't so good after all... Fordeliton, sent off to investigate the connection between the super-rich and the planet pirates, is now dying of a mysterious slow poison. His aunt's spiritual advisor wants to give him her "special cure". Dupaynil, having made the mistake of pushing sassinak too far, has been exiled to Seti space aboard a tiny escort vessel-where he's discovered that the crew are in the pay of the planet pirates... Aygar, the idealistic young Iretan, is out to prove he has brains as well as heavy-worlder brawn... but there are plenty who'd like to blow them out before he can learn to use them. Then there's Sassinak, ordered to report to Fed Central for the trial of the mutineer Tanegli. She'd been told to disarm her ship when it enters restricted space; she'd been told her crew can't have liberty or leave; and she'd been told to follow all the rules. You remember Sassinak...the only person who might be able to stop the disaster ahead has never been one to follow the rules... The Planet Pirate Series Dinosaur Planet Dinosaur Planet Survivors Sassinak The Death of Sleep Generation Warriors

Toddy (Orphan Train West)

by Jane Peart

After her mother leaves six year old Toddie at the county children's home,she is chosen by a minister's wife to go west on the Orphan train and is taken in by a wealthy widow as a companion for her sickly granddaughter.

The Yellow Feather Mystery (Hardy Boys #33)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Frank and Joe are called upon to help a college student prove that his grandfather left a will leaving a private academy to him and not the deputy headmaster. The youths are perplexed by the sign of the yellow feather and are determined to seek out his identity. Can Frank, Joe, Chet and the other Hardy friends find the will before it can be destroyed? This is the original unrevised text of The Yellow Feather Mystery (1953).

Prince William

by Terri Dougherty

Profiles the eldest son of Great Britain's Prince Charles and Princess Diana, from birth to his acceptance at the University of St. Andrews.

Stepping Heavenward: One Woman's Journey to Godliness (Inspirational Library Series)

by Elizabeth Prentiss

This charming journal of a nineteenth century girl takes us from her sixteenth birthday ("How dreadfully old I am getting!") to her last entries when she was ill and in her forties, aware that she had very little time left. It is a story of the shaping of a soul-of her learning day by day, in the seemingly insignificant little events of an ordinary life, that deep happiness is found, not in seeking fulfillment for oneself, but in a glad and free self-offering for the sake of others. We follow her maturing to womanhood, we learn of her narrow escape from commitment to the wrong man, and of her engagement and marriage to the right one. But there was not as much "honey" on the honeymoon as her dreams had predicted. She had had no practice in giving up her own preferences in a day-to-day relationship with a man. She says to herself, at one point in her journal, "I would like to know if there is any reason on earth why a woman should learn self-forgetfulness which does not also apply to a man?" When little Ernest is born she finds he has a passionate temper and a good deal of self-will, along with fine qualities. "I wish he had a better mother. I am so impatient with him when he is wayward and perverse! ... Next to being a perfect wife I want to be a perfect mother. How mortifying, how dreadful in all things to come short of one's standards!" Having in-laws living with the family is another opportunity to "step heavenward," receiving grace to help as grace is continually needed. This book is a treasure of godly and womanly wisdom, told with disarming candor and humility, yet revealing a deep heart's desire to know God. We need such intimate accounts, need them desperately when the word commitment is so little understood and so seldom practiced.

The Crooked House

by Dave Duncan

This series is a little shorter and is intended for the young teens. The heroes in this series are much younger.

I Am Charlotte Simmons

by Tom Wolfe

<p><p>DUPONT UNIVERSITY-the Olympian halls of learning housing the cream of America's youth, the roseate Gothic spires and manicured lawns suffused with tradition... <p>Or so it appears to beautiful, brilliant Charlotte Simmons, a wide-eyed, bookish freshman from a strict, devout, poor and poorly educated family in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. <p>But Charlotte soon learns, to her mounting dismay, that for the upper-crust coeds of Dupont, sex, Cool, and kegs trump her towering academic ambitions every time. <p>As Charlotte encounters the paragons of Dupont's privileged elite - her roommate, Beverly, a Groton-educated Brahmin in lusty pursuit of lacrosse players; Jojo Johanssen, the only white starting player on Dupont's godlike basketball team, whose position is threatened by a hotshot black freshman from the projects; the Young Turk of Saint Ray fraternity, Hoyt Thorpe, whose sense of entitlement and social domination is clinched by his accidental brawl with a bodyguard for the governor of California; and Adam Gellin, one of the Millennial Mutants who run the university's "independent" newspaper and who consider themselves the last bastion of intellectual endeavor on the sex-crazed, jock-obsessed campus -she is seduced by the heady glamour of acceptance, betraying her values and upbringing before she grasps the power of being different and the exotic allure of her innocence. <p>With his celebrated eye for telling detail, Tom Wolfe draws on extensive observation of campuses across the country to immortalize college life in the '00s. I Am Charlotte Simmons is the latest triumph of America's master social novelist, our spot-on chronicler of the way we live now.

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