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The Three Musketeers: The Three Musketeers Student's Book With Audio Cd (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Alexandre Dumas

Young, poor D'Artagnan is off to seek his fortune in Paris. Even before he reaches the city, he gets himself into mischief and, shortly after arriving, he offends three of the King's musketeers. But those adversaries soon turn into close allies, and together they confront increasingly complicated situations. The four friends take on kidnappers, secret lovers, blackmail, and murder plots as they save the innocent and punish the wrongdoers (but not without some fun in between). French author Alexandre Dumas penned this romantic, swashbuckling historical novel in 1844; this is an unabridged edition of the English translation.

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar: Large Print (First Avenue Classics ™)

by William Shakespeare

Marcus Brutus, a Roman politician, considers Emperor Julius Caesar to be a friend, but a senator—Caius Cassius—convinces Brutus that Caesar has too much power. Brutus would rather Rome be a republic than an empire ruled by a tyrant, so he participates in a conspiracy to kill Caesar. Though Brutus believes his actions will benefit Rome, Caesar's murder brings about more bloodshed, including Brutus's own. The play examines friendship and patriotism, the succession of leadership, and the roles of fate and free will. Shakespeare wrote this drama, rooted in Roman history, in 1599; it was published in 1623, after Shakespeare's death. This is an unabridged edition of the tragic play.

The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice: Edited, With Notes (classic Reprint) (First Avenue Classics ™)

by William Shakespeare

Othello, a general in the Venetian army, has married the lovely Desdemona, and Roderigo is not at all happy. He was hoping to woo Desdemona for himself. Roderigo's jealousy is all Iago, Roderigo's sneaky friend, needs, as he has his own reasons to be angry with Othello. By weaving an intricate web of deceit, infidelity, and envy, Iago is able to plant false suspicions and lead people to commit crimes that will destroy the relationships dearest to them. This is an unabridged version of one of William Shakespeare's most famous tragedies, first published in England in 1622.

The War of the Worlds (First Avenue Classics ™)

by H. G. Wells

When a meteorite lands in Surrey, the locals don't know what to make of it. But as Martians emerge and begin killing bystanders, it quickly becomes clear—England is under attack. Armed soldiers converge on the scene to ward off the invaders, but meanwhile, more Martian cylinders land on Earth, bringing reinforcements. As war breaks out across England, the locals must fight for their lives, but life on Earth will never be the same. This is an unabridged version of one of the first fictional accounts of extraterrestrial invasion. H. G. Wells's military science fiction novel was first published in book form in 1898, and is considered a classic of English literature.

The Wind in the Willows (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Kenneth Grahame

Spring has finally arrived, and with it, new adventures. Friends Rat and Mole go on a river cruise or stop by Toad Hall to visit their friend Toad. Toad is a friendly fellow, but he obsesses over the latest fads. From boats to horse-drawn caravans, his adventures get bigger and bigger. When Toad discovers the shiny, fast motorcar, Mole and Rat have more on their hands than they can handle. The two team up with Badger to save their friend…but more trouble awaits them than they could possible imagine. Scottish author Kenneth Grahame wrote this tale of friendship and forgiveness, which was first published in 1908 in the UK. This is an unabridged version of the 1913 edition, with illustrations by Paul Bransom.

Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Lewis Carroll

Alice is bored at home, but not for long—suddenly, she finds she can step through her mirror into a fantastical world where everything is backwards. From insulting flowers to giant insects to the nonsensical Tweedledee and Tweedledum, Alice's confusing journey through the world of Looking-Glass House is anything but easy. Is it all really just a dream, or could it be something more than that? Featuring the infamous poem "Jabberwocky," this is the unabridged version of Lewis Carroll's sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. It was first published in the UK in 1871.

Twelve Years a Slave: Autobiography, Slave Narrative. Illustrated (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Solomon Northup

For more than thirty years, Solomon Northup lived in New York as a free man. But in 1841, while pursuing a job offer in Washington DC, Northup was kidnapped and sold into slavery. After being brutally beaten for insisting on his right to live freely, Northup grew silent about his past. It was not until twelve years later that he shared his story with Samuel Bass, a white abolitionist, setting in motion the chain of events that would finally bring him home in 1853. Penned in his first year of renewed freedom, Northup's memoir unveils the inconceivable cruelties—and rare moments of kindness—he experienced during his enslavement. The revelations in his narrative served as a powerful contribution to the fight against slavery. This unabridged version of Northup's work is taken from an 1855 copyright edition.

Prairie Fire

by E. K. Johnston

Listen! For the song of Owen Thorskard has a second verse. Every dragon slayer owes the Oil Watch a period of service, and young Owen was no exception. What made him different was that he did not enlist alone. His two closest friends stood with him shoulder to shoulder. Steeled by success and hope, the three were confident in their plan. And though Siobhan McQuaid was the first bard in a generation, she managed to forge a role for herself and herald Owen as a new kind of dragon slayer for a new kind of future. But the arc of history is long and hardened by dragon fire. Try as they might, Owen and his friends could not twist it to their will. Not all the way. Not all together. Listen! I am Siobhan McQuaid. I know the cost of even a small bend in the course of history. Listen!

Doing Right (Locked Out)

by Patrick Jones

Every adult wants to give DeQuin advice. His father, who's serving a life sentence, thinks DeQuin needs to toughen up. His uncle wants DeQuin to work hard and keep his head down. Then there's his grandfather, lecturing DeQuin at every turn―when he's not rambling about his glory days in the 1960s civil rights movement. DeQuin is doing fine without their help―until a fun night with friends gets out of control. Now he has to deal with the fallout. Should he fight, as his dad suggests? Should he run and hide, as his uncle would do? Or should he follow his grandfather's example of peaceful resistance? Whatever he chooses, he's still just one confrontation away from losing everything.

Guarding Secrets (Locked Out)

by Patrick Jones

Everyone has secrets in high school. But no one has a secret quite like Camila Hernandez's. For as long as Camila can remember, her mother has been in prison. And Camila has tried to make sure no one finds out. She avoids all friendships. She keeps to herself. Because if people get too close to her, they might find out the truth. And once they know, they will see her only as a criminal's daughter. Sure, some of Camila's classmates also have parents doing time. But her mother isn't any ordinary criminal. Her mother is on death row.

Raising Heaven (Locked Out)

by Patrick Jones

Deja's mom has never been there when Deja needed her. She's lied, run off, and gotten into trouble with the law more times than anyone can count. She always promises to change―and always breaks those promises. Now―seventeen years after Deja was born in prison―her mom is back behind bars and having another baby. Deja agrees to raise baby Heaven until her mother returns home. She's determined to give Heaven the loving family life Deja never had. But being a substitute parent is harder than Deja expected. She'll need help from her friends, her grandmother, and even the mother she stopped trusting a long time ago. And she hopes that maybe―just maybe―she can keep her promises to Heaven.

Returning to Normal (Locked Out)

by Patrick Jones

Life is looking up for Xavier. Things are good with Jennie, his baseball coach believes in him, he's earned the role of closer, and his dad's coming home after serving ten years. But making up for lost time with his dad doesn't go as Xavier had hoped. It seems his dad's always angry with him. Or drinking. Or out. Or lecturing Xavier on what it means to be a man. When the tension at home builds, Xavier's own hot temper flares, threatening to send him down the same path as his father. Xavier is determined to make a different life. Can he figure out how to control his actions to keep his baseball dreams alive?

Taking Sides (Locked Out)

by Patrick Jones

Todd and Tina Morgan were both there the night their mother died. They both saw their father kill her. But they can't agree on what actually happened. To Tina, their father is a murderer. Their mother was trying to defend herself. To Todd, their father is a protector. He saved Todd and Tina when their mother turned a knife on them. Now their father is on the run. Todd and Tina are in separate foster placements. Todd knows there's only one way to clear his dad's name: get Tina to change her story. Get her to tell the truth. But the truth may not be as simple as Todd thought. Whose story is right? And whose side should Todd really be on?

Love or Something Like It (The Mostly Miserable Life of April Sinclair #4)

by Laurie Friedman

Now that April is officially going out with hot-boy-next-door Matt, she's head over heels. She loves how he makes her feel . . . most of the time. But one minute he's sweet and attentive, and the next, it's as if he's forgotten they're together. April just wants things to be great between them, like when they started going out. Now as summer approaches, she has to decide if she'll go to camp with her best friends, Billy and Brynn, or stay home and be with Matt. April wishes she could do it all―keep up with friends, have summer adventures, please her annoying family, and save her new relationship. But with Matt's affection running so hot and cold, she has some tough decisions to make.

Give It Up (The Swoop List #1)

by Stephanie Perry Moore

When five girls at Jackson High School find themselves on a nasty list, they must join together and face the rest of their school. But will their struggles be too much to bear?

On Your Knees (The Swoop List #2)

by Stephanie Perry Moore

When a gang shooting causes tensions to rise, the swoop-list girls must discover how to keep their cool and have faith in each other. Can they maintain their friendship under these stressful circumstances?

Back That Thing (The Swoop List #3)

by Stephanie Perry Moore

When relationship, family, and friend problems make life rough, the swoop-list girls must examine their lives and make positive changes. But can they handle the challenge of confronting their own mistakes?

Feel Real Good (The Swoop List #4)

by Stephanie Perry Moore

Between facing drama from haters, getting ready for their senior prom, and mentoring young girls, the swoop-list girls have a lot to tackle. But will giving back to their community lead them to new levels of happiness?

Sit on Top (The Swoop List #5)

by Stephanie Perry Moore

As the truth about who wrote the swoop list surfaces, the girls struggle to maintain their friendship amid the chaos. Will honesty strengthen their bond or tear it apart?

Beowulf (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Anonymous

King Hrothgar of Denmark has a problem: though his land prospers, his great mead-hall is plagued nightly by a horrible beast, Grendel, that pillages and kills his men. Leaving his home in Sweden, the warrior Beowulf sails to the king's aid. Beowulf and his men camp in the mead-hall to wait for Grendel. When the beast attacks, Beowulf grabs him by the claw and rips his arm off, making the beast flee in defeat. But Grendel isn't the only challenge facing Beowulf and, even in his native Sweden, adventures and dangers await. Written between the 8th and 11th centuries, Beowulf is the oldest surviving epic poem written in Old English. This unabridged version is taken from the translation by published by John Lesslie Hall in 1892.

Hedda Gabler: Large Print (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Henrik Ibsen

Hedda Gabler is bored with everything, even her new marriage. Resigning herself to a life of domesticity, she becomes nervous when her husband, George Tesman, tells her they are tight on money. George hasn't become the success Hedda thought he would. When George's academic rival, Eilert Lövborg, enters the picture, Hedda begins manipulating the lives of others, leading to multiple tragedies. First published in 1890 in Norway and performed in 1891 in Germany, this play by Norwegian dramatist Henrik Ibsen explores the consequences that can arise from a desire for freedom and power. This is an unabridged version of the translation by Edmund Gosse and William Archer.

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: The Modernist Classic Novel By James Joyce (First Avenue Classics ™)

by James Joyce

Late 19th-century Ireland is full of social, political, and religious turmoil. It is in the midst of this strife that Stephen Dedalus grows up. From his struggles with his classmates as a schoolboy to the sexual and Christian awakenings he experiences as a young adult, Stephen's life is shaped by the state of Ireland around him. Ultimately, he must decide if the life of beauty he desires can even be found in Ireland at all. This renowned coming-of-age story by Irish author James Joyce was originally published in serial form in the London-based literary magazine The Egoist from 1914-1915 and in novel form in 1916 in the United States. This is an unabridged version.

The Jungle Book: Children's Book (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Rudyard Kipling

This collection of fables is set in India and features talking animals, both wise and cruel, to teach about the human world. Several of the stories include Mowgli, the "man-cub" left in the jungle and raised by wolves. Mowgli's adventures with Baloo the bear and Bagheera the panther illustrate the value of friendship and following rules. This collection also contains "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi," the story of a loyal mongoose that saves his human companions, and "Toomai of the Elephants," where Little Toomai is shown a secret by the elephants that no other human has seen. English author Rudyard Kipling first published The Jungle Book in 1894. This version comes from a 1910 edition, featuring illustrations by Rudyard's father, John Lockwood Kipling.

The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Howard Pyle

Ballads, legends, and poems about the legendary Robin Hood have been around since the middle ages. In The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, the bandit and his merry men ramble through the Sherwood Forest in England, stealing from those who are weighed down with too much gold and giving the plunder to villagers who don't have enough money to feed themselves. Thanks to this set of stories, Robin Hood became commonly known as a hero and friend to those in need. American author and illustrator Howard Pyle created this compilation of legends for children, first published in the United States in 1883.

Heidi (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Johanna Spyri

When Heidi's parents pass away, her aunt takes her in, but she soon sends Heidi to live with her grandfather in the Swiss Alps. At first, Heidi's grandfather seems gruff, but over time he becomes fond of her. Heidi grows to love the mountains and spends many hours with the goats and Peter, the goatherd, until she is sent to back to the city to be a companion to Clara, an invalid, and receive an education. Heidi learns that though the people in the city have more money, the people in the country lead richer lives. This classic Swiss children's book by Johanna Spyri was published in two parts in 1880 and 1881. This unabridged version comes from a 1915 edition, translated from the original German by Elisabeth P. Stork and illustrated by Maria L. Kirk.

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