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Gulliver's Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Jonathan Swift

After failing to maintain a successful practice as a surgeon, Lemeul Gulliver departs London for the excitement of the open seas. Shipwrecked on his voyage, Gulliver awakens on an unfamiliar island, where he is held captive by a race of people a fraction of his size. From here, Gulliver's fantastical adventures continue, as he goes on to visit other bizarre nations, where his language, customs, and way of life render him a complete misfit. Through Gulliver's unbiased narration of these events, Irish author Jonathan Swift creates a brilliant satire examining the arrogance, ignorance, and corruptibility of eighteenth century society. Swift's novel was originally published in 1726, but the publisher edited out controversial portions. The entire manuscript was published in 1735. This unabridged version uses text from an 1892 edition and includes illustrations by Thomas Morten, which were published in a 1900 edition.

The Hound of the Baskervilles: Another Adventure Of Sherlock Holmes (classic Reprint) (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Sir Arthur Doyle

Every mystery has an explanation, and detective Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are sure to explain why a supernatural black hound seems to be plaguing the Baskerville family. The recent death of Sir Charles Baskerville has renewed the family's fear in the beast. Using his quintessential blend of observation and deduction, Holmes—with the help of Watson—untangles a knot of suspects including an escaped convict, a mysterious woman, and the killer hound to solve the mystery. This is an unabridged version of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's most popular Sherlock Holmes crime novel, which the Scottish author first published in the UK in 1902.

The House of the Seven Gables (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Old Hepzibah Pyncheon lives in her family's decaying mansion, a reportedly cursed house built about 200 years earlier. The Pyncheon family no longer has the riches it once did, and Hepzibah struggles to support herself and her brother Clifford. Their niece Phoebe arrives and asks to live with them, bringing hope back into the house. But another visitor—the conniving Judge Pyncheon—launches his plot to uncover a lost family fortune. As events unfold, the family encounters bloody secrets and sins in their ancestors' history. This is an unabridged version of American author Nathaniel Hawthorne's romance novel, first published in 1851.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Photo Novel (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Victor Hugo

Quasimodo, the hunchbacked bell-ringer of Notre Dame, faces insults and ridicule for his disturbing appearance. His adoptive father, Archdeacon Claude Frollo, is obsessed with the beautiful gypsy Esmeralda and orders Quasimodo to kidnap her. But when Quasimodo is caught and punished, Esmeralda takes pity on him. From that moment on, Quasimodo finds himself caught between love for the kind beauty and loyalty to man who raised him. A novel that challenges the value of appearances and social classes, this gothic romance by Victor Hugo was published in France in 1831. This is an unabridged version taken from the Isabel F. Hapgood translation of 1888.

The Iliad: From The Text Of Dindorf; Books I-xii (classic Reprint) (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Homer

The tenth and final year of the Trojan War comes to its climactic end in this infamous Greek epic. With the mighty Achilles brooding on the sidelines of the battle, the Greek army faces almost certain defeat. At the mercy of the intervening gods of Mount Olympus, the legendary warriors of Greece and Troy fight to the death in the name of honor, love, and vengeance. Originally written around 750 BCE, the authorship of this epic poem remains uncertain, but most scholars ascribe it to a blind Greek poet named Homer. William Cowper first published his translation in 1791; this unabridged edition comes from the work edited by Robert Southey, LL.D., with notes by M. A. Dwight, which was published in 1860.

Ivanhoe: A Romance (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Sir Walter Scott

Twelfth-century England is in turmoil. The Third Crusade failed; King Richard is imprisoned in Austria; Prince John—the king's evil brother—controls the throne; and country's ruling class, the French-descended Normans, are taking advantage of Saxon landowners and nobles. Before the knight Wilfred of Ivanhoe left for the crusades, Cedric, his Saxon father, shunned him for supporting King Richard. Now that Ivanhoe has returned, he attempts to save his love, Lady Rowena, and right the many wrongs—with the aid of a mysterious Black Knight as well as Robin Hood and his merry men. Filled with jousting, sword fighting, and damsels in distress, this historical romance by Scottish author Sir Walter Scott also examines topics such as prejudice and reconciliation. This is an unabridged edition of the classic novel, which was first published in England in 1820.

Moby Dick: or, The Whale (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Herman Melville

Ishmael joined the crew of the whaling ship Pequod expecting a simple whaling voyage. Little did he know that the captain of the ship is thirsty for revenge against Moby Dick, the great white whale responsible for his missing leg. As the crew sails the ocean, Captain Ahab searches unceasingly for Moby Dick, ignoring warnings and prophecies of doom. When the white whale is finally spotted, a battle ensues that makes this novel by author Herman Melville one of the most epic sea stories of all time. This is an unabridged version of the American classic, which was first published in 1851.

The Odyssey: 1 (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Homer

Odysseus, the hero of the Trojan War, longs to return home to his kingdom in Ithaca, where a horde of suitors (who believe the long-absent Odysseus to be dead) are courting his beloved wife. Odysseus had angered the sea god, Poseidon, and for the past ten years, he's been beset by a host of challenges. The Greek hero must rely on wit, strength, and the aid of the gods of Mount Olympus to survive tumultuous storms, battles with great beasts, and the seductive powers of witches, sirens, and nymphs as he makes his way homeward. Originally written around 700 BCE, the authorship of this epic poem remains uncertain, but most scholars ascribe it to a blind Greek poet named Homer. This unabridged translation by William Cowper was originally published in 1791.

Paradise Regained: Large Print (First Avenue Classics ™)

by John Milton

A companion to the epic poem Paradise Lost, John Milton's Paradise Regained describes the temptation of Christ. After Adam and Eve are expelled from the Garden of Eden, Satan and the fallen angels stay on earth to lead people astray. But when God sends Jesus, the promised savior, to earth, Satan prepares himself for battle. As an adult, Jesus goes into the wilderness to gain strength and courage. He fasts for 40 days and nights, after which Satan tempts him with food, power, and riches. But Jesus refuses all these things, and Satan is defeated by the glory of God. This is an unabridged version of Milton's classic work, which was first published in England in 1671.

The Red Badge of Courage: An Episode of the American Civil War (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Stephen Crane

Drawn by visions of glory on the battlefield, Henry Fleming joins the Union Army to fight the Confederates. But his dreams of valor are outweighed by his fear, and after one battle, Harry runs away. As he runs, he meets several wounded men whose "red badges of courage" make him even more ashamed of his cowardice. Henry returns to the front line and, inspired by the men who sacrificed their limbs and lives, fights with a passion he never knew he had. This is an unabridged version of the classic Civil War novel by American author Stephen Crane, first published in 1895.

Sense and Sensibility: A Novel (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Jane Austen

Mrs. Dashwood's husband has died, leaving her and her three daughters—Elinor, Marianne, and Margaret—homeless and poor. They move in with distant relatives, the Middletons. Elinor is ruled by logic. When she learns her beloved Edward is engaged to another, she keeps her heartache a secret. Meanwhile, Marianne lives by her emotions and is smitten with the dapper Mr. Willoughby. When he proves false, Marianne is devastated. Through a series of romances and heartbreaks, Elinor and Marianne learn to balance sense and sensibility in order to find happiness. First published in 1811 in the UK, this is one of Jane Austen's most famous comedies of manners. This is an unabridged version of a 1902 edition, including illustrations by Hugh Thomson.

Tess of the d'Urbervilles: A Pure Woman (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Thomas Hardy

A poor peddler, John Durbeyfield learns he is related to an ancient noble family: the d'Urbervilles. To gain part of the fortune, he sends his eldest daughter, Tess, to the d'Urberville mansion. But the relationship is not as it seems, and she ends up working as a servant. The wealthy family's son, Alec d'Urberville, tries to seduce Tess and eventually rapes her. Left pregnant, Tess returns home to have the baby, but the baby dies. Later, Tess falls in love with a man named Angel. She keeps the painful secret until their wedding night, when she reveals the horror in her past. Will Angel stay with her? This unabridged version of Thomas Hardy's important novel challenges the Victorian notions of female purity and double standards. It was first published in 1891 in the UK.

The Three Musketeers: The Three Musketeers Student's Book With Audio Cd (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Alexandre Dumas

Young, poor D'Artagnan is off to seek his fortune in Paris. Even before he reaches the city, he gets himself into mischief and, shortly after arriving, he offends three of the King's musketeers. But those adversaries soon turn into close allies, and together they confront increasingly complicated situations. The four friends take on kidnappers, secret lovers, blackmail, and murder plots as they save the innocent and punish the wrongdoers (but not without some fun in between). French author Alexandre Dumas penned this romantic, swashbuckling historical novel in 1844; this is an unabridged edition of the English translation.

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar: Large Print (First Avenue Classics ™)

by William Shakespeare

Marcus Brutus, a Roman politician, considers Emperor Julius Caesar to be a friend, but a senator—Caius Cassius—convinces Brutus that Caesar has too much power. Brutus would rather Rome be a republic than an empire ruled by a tyrant, so he participates in a conspiracy to kill Caesar. Though Brutus believes his actions will benefit Rome, Caesar's murder brings about more bloodshed, including Brutus's own. The play examines friendship and patriotism, the succession of leadership, and the roles of fate and free will. Shakespeare wrote this drama, rooted in Roman history, in 1599; it was published in 1623, after Shakespeare's death. This is an unabridged edition of the tragic play.

The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice: Edited, With Notes (classic Reprint) (First Avenue Classics ™)

by William Shakespeare

Othello, a general in the Venetian army, has married the lovely Desdemona, and Roderigo is not at all happy. He was hoping to woo Desdemona for himself. Roderigo's jealousy is all Iago, Roderigo's sneaky friend, needs, as he has his own reasons to be angry with Othello. By weaving an intricate web of deceit, infidelity, and envy, Iago is able to plant false suspicions and lead people to commit crimes that will destroy the relationships dearest to them. This is an unabridged version of one of William Shakespeare's most famous tragedies, first published in England in 1622.

The War of the Worlds (First Avenue Classics ™)

by H. G. Wells

When a meteorite lands in Surrey, the locals don't know what to make of it. But as Martians emerge and begin killing bystanders, it quickly becomes clear—England is under attack. Armed soldiers converge on the scene to ward off the invaders, but meanwhile, more Martian cylinders land on Earth, bringing reinforcements. As war breaks out across England, the locals must fight for their lives, but life on Earth will never be the same. This is an unabridged version of one of the first fictional accounts of extraterrestrial invasion. H. G. Wells's military science fiction novel was first published in book form in 1898, and is considered a classic of English literature.

The Wind in the Willows (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Kenneth Grahame

Spring has finally arrived, and with it, new adventures. Friends Rat and Mole go on a river cruise or stop by Toad Hall to visit their friend Toad. Toad is a friendly fellow, but he obsesses over the latest fads. From boats to horse-drawn caravans, his adventures get bigger and bigger. When Toad discovers the shiny, fast motorcar, Mole and Rat have more on their hands than they can handle. The two team up with Badger to save their friend…but more trouble awaits them than they could possible imagine. Scottish author Kenneth Grahame wrote this tale of friendship and forgiveness, which was first published in 1908 in the UK. This is an unabridged version of the 1913 edition, with illustrations by Paul Bransom.

Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Lewis Carroll

Alice is bored at home, but not for long—suddenly, she finds she can step through her mirror into a fantastical world where everything is backwards. From insulting flowers to giant insects to the nonsensical Tweedledee and Tweedledum, Alice's confusing journey through the world of Looking-Glass House is anything but easy. Is it all really just a dream, or could it be something more than that? Featuring the infamous poem "Jabberwocky," this is the unabridged version of Lewis Carroll's sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. It was first published in the UK in 1871.

Twelve Years a Slave: Autobiography, Slave Narrative. Illustrated (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Solomon Northup

For more than thirty years, Solomon Northup lived in New York as a free man. But in 1841, while pursuing a job offer in Washington DC, Northup was kidnapped and sold into slavery. After being brutally beaten for insisting on his right to live freely, Northup grew silent about his past. It was not until twelve years later that he shared his story with Samuel Bass, a white abolitionist, setting in motion the chain of events that would finally bring him home in 1853. Penned in his first year of renewed freedom, Northup's memoir unveils the inconceivable cruelties—and rare moments of kindness—he experienced during his enslavement. The revelations in his narrative served as a powerful contribution to the fight against slavery. This unabridged version of Northup's work is taken from an 1855 copyright edition.

Prairie Fire

by E. K. Johnston

Listen! For the song of Owen Thorskard has a second verse. Every dragon slayer owes the Oil Watch a period of service, and young Owen was no exception. What made him different was that he did not enlist alone. His two closest friends stood with him shoulder to shoulder. Steeled by success and hope, the three were confident in their plan. And though Siobhan McQuaid was the first bard in a generation, she managed to forge a role for herself and herald Owen as a new kind of dragon slayer for a new kind of future. But the arc of history is long and hardened by dragon fire. Try as they might, Owen and his friends could not twist it to their will. Not all the way. Not all together. Listen! I am Siobhan McQuaid. I know the cost of even a small bend in the course of history. Listen!

Doing Right (Locked Out)

by Patrick Jones

Every adult wants to give DeQuin advice. His father, who's serving a life sentence, thinks DeQuin needs to toughen up. His uncle wants DeQuin to work hard and keep his head down. Then there's his grandfather, lecturing DeQuin at every turn―when he's not rambling about his glory days in the 1960s civil rights movement. DeQuin is doing fine without their help―until a fun night with friends gets out of control. Now he has to deal with the fallout. Should he fight, as his dad suggests? Should he run and hide, as his uncle would do? Or should he follow his grandfather's example of peaceful resistance? Whatever he chooses, he's still just one confrontation away from losing everything.

Guarding Secrets (Locked Out)

by Patrick Jones

Everyone has secrets in high school. But no one has a secret quite like Camila Hernandez's. For as long as Camila can remember, her mother has been in prison. And Camila has tried to make sure no one finds out. She avoids all friendships. She keeps to herself. Because if people get too close to her, they might find out the truth. And once they know, they will see her only as a criminal's daughter. Sure, some of Camila's classmates also have parents doing time. But her mother isn't any ordinary criminal. Her mother is on death row.

Raising Heaven (Locked Out)

by Patrick Jones

Deja's mom has never been there when Deja needed her. She's lied, run off, and gotten into trouble with the law more times than anyone can count. She always promises to change―and always breaks those promises. Now―seventeen years after Deja was born in prison―her mom is back behind bars and having another baby. Deja agrees to raise baby Heaven until her mother returns home. She's determined to give Heaven the loving family life Deja never had. But being a substitute parent is harder than Deja expected. She'll need help from her friends, her grandmother, and even the mother she stopped trusting a long time ago. And she hopes that maybe―just maybe―she can keep her promises to Heaven.

Returning to Normal (Locked Out)

by Patrick Jones

Life is looking up for Xavier. Things are good with Jennie, his baseball coach believes in him, he's earned the role of closer, and his dad's coming home after serving ten years. But making up for lost time with his dad doesn't go as Xavier had hoped. It seems his dad's always angry with him. Or drinking. Or out. Or lecturing Xavier on what it means to be a man. When the tension at home builds, Xavier's own hot temper flares, threatening to send him down the same path as his father. Xavier is determined to make a different life. Can he figure out how to control his actions to keep his baseball dreams alive?

Taking Sides (Locked Out)

by Patrick Jones

Todd and Tina Morgan were both there the night their mother died. They both saw their father kill her. But they can't agree on what actually happened. To Tina, their father is a murderer. Their mother was trying to defend herself. To Todd, their father is a protector. He saved Todd and Tina when their mother turned a knife on them. Now their father is on the run. Todd and Tina are in separate foster placements. Todd knows there's only one way to clear his dad's name: get Tina to change her story. Get her to tell the truth. But the truth may not be as simple as Todd thought. Whose story is right? And whose side should Todd really be on?

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