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Make Believe

by Susan Beth Pfeffer

When her best friend's parents separate, a seventh grader struggles to keep their friendship alive When Carrie and Jill are alone together, they can be anyone in the whole world. Whether they're pretending to be movie stars, environmental activists, or the leaders of the free world, there is one thing they don't have to imagine: They are as close as any friends could be. Going into seventh grade, there is a lot that Carrie is afraid of, but she knows Jill will be by her side forever--until, suddenly, she's not. When Jill's father announces that he wants a divorce, it puts a distance between the two friends that never used to be there. As Jill's life falls apart around her, Carrie must find a way to talk to her friend again and save her from a problem that's anything but make-believe.

Marly the Kid

by Susan Beth Pfeffer

Sometimes you just have to pack a suitcase and walk out the door Marly knows her older sister, Kit, is tall, beautiful, and outspoken--everything Marly isn't. But does everyone have to remind her of it all the time? Since her parents' divorce, her mom hasn't had a single nice thing to say--and even if she did, she's always working. So Marly packs her bags and catches the bus to stay with her dad. She knows he'll want her, and hopefully his new wife will too. Ed and Sally are surprised to find Marly on their doorstep but excited to take her in and become a family. They cook together and laugh together, and no one ever shouts at anyone else, a big difference from Marly's life with her mom. Marly has kept quiet up until now, which has given her a reputation for being well behaved. But once she starts getting used to being treated like an actual person, she begins talking about what's important to her. She may not be able to stop--and she may not want to.

A Matter of Principle

by Susan Beth Pfeffer

When Becca and her friends publish an underground newspaper, their principles are put to the test Becca and her friends are fed up with having their school paper controlled by the faculty. They want to run stories that reflect the real challenges high schoolers are facing at Southfield, and they'll do it themselves if they have to. Except when they do put out an independent underground newspaper, the first edition gets them into a lot of trouble. Becca's dad, a lawyer, is helping her stand on principle, but not everyone can afford to deal with the repercussions the same way she does--financially or emotionally. Can Becca learn to love her friends and still let them make their own decisions, even if they make mistakes? If she doesn't, she might not have any friends left.

Starting with Melodie

by Susan Beth Pfeffer

When Melodie's glamorous parents split up, all she needs is a friend--but can Elaine be there for her? Elaine Zuckerman's parents are definitely not glamorous--her dad does something boring with computer chips, and her mom is a dentist whose office is in their house. They're nothing like her friend Melodie's family. Melodie's mom, Constance King, is a beautiful Broadway star, and her dad, Trevor Ashford, has a thrilling British accent. Even Melodie's name is glamorous! And Elaine would trade her oblivious older brothers for Melodie's little sister in a heartbeat. But glamour won't keep Constance and Trevor's marriage together or make them stop fighting in front of their daughters. And Elaine isn't sure how to help the friend who's always had everything, especially when the Zuckermans get caught in the middle. What will it take for Melodie's parents to behave like the grown-ups they're supposed to be?

The Beauty Queen

by Susan Beth Pfeffer

Playing the role of a happy pageant winner is not exactly the acting career Kit had in mind Kit Carson keeps trying to tell people that she didn't do anything. All she did was put on a bathing suit in front of the judges, and suddenly she's a beauty contest winner. It's true that the money will come in handy--new dresses and college educations don't grow on trees when your mom is a nurse and your dad doesn't always remember to help out--but all Kit really wants is to try out her dream of being an actress. Not a famous one, just successful enough to have a career in a modest theater and make a living doing what she loves. But now that Kit's a beauty queen, people seem to expect a lot from her. Above all, they seem to think she should gratefully accept the limited roles she's being offered, which are mostly those of beautiful, not-too-independent, all-American girls. Between pageant ambitions and romantic interests, Kit gets the sense that there could be plenty of opportunities in her future--as long as she's willing to play the part.

Fantasy Summer (Perfect Image #1)

by Susan Beth Pfeffer

Robin doesn't want to be perfect, but it would be nice to be more than perfectly average Robin can't believe it: Out of the thousands of girls who applied for the Image magazine summer internships, she's one of only four winners who will be spending the summer in New York City. Robin knows she'll be working hard at the popular teen magazine, but she hopes there will be plenty of time for shopping, eating out, and living the fabulous life. Her excitement is only a little dulled when she hears her cousin Annie got one of the other spots. Robin and Annie used to be close, but now that their mothers compare them to each other all the time, both girls feel like they can't win. So when they meet at their hotel, the cousins agree: All they want is to be themselves and have a perfect summer. Along with their roommates, Ashley and Torey, Robin and Annie dive into their new responsibilities--and into the parties, makeovers, and social lives they've always dreamed of. But while their friendships are getting stronger, life in the public eye is harder than it looks, and all four girls know that only one intern can be chosen for the cover of the special Image issue. Will Robin's dream of the perfect summer survive reality?

Kid Power Strikes Back (Kid Power #2)

by Susan Beth Pfeffer

To save her business, a young entrepreneur dreams bigger than ever before When she wanted a new bike, Janie started doing odd jobs around the neighborhood for a dollar an hour. She promised her clients that no job was too big or too small--and Kid Power was born. By the end of the summer, she had regular clients, employees, and a steady stream of income--all the makings of a tiny business empire. But after Labor Day, summer work vanished, and Kid Power was no more. Janie is about to give up on the business when she realizes that there will be snow on the ground soon--snow that needs shoveling. She reinvents Kid Power as a cold-weather company, doing all the winter chores that people will pay her to do. But when the money starts rolling in, so does trouble. Kid Power may be headed for the deep freeze.

Blue Star Rapture

by James W. Bennett

A high school junior fights to protect his best friend from the dark side of college athletics Tyron has finally shed his baby fat, and he's starting to look like a star. He moves with grace on the basketball court, showing the brilliance that eludes him everywhere else. He has the talent to win himself a college scholarship that could change his life--but he might not be strong enough academically to take full advantage of it. His best friend, T.J., is committed to making sure Tyron doesn't squander his shot at an education. A basketball player himself, he has none of Tyron's talent, but he's smart enough to look out for his friend. At a one-week summer basketball camp, Tyron is overwhelmed by scouts, sportswriters, and recruiters. To keep Tyron out of trouble, T.J. will have to move quicker than he ever has on the court.

Plunking Reggie Jackson

by James W. Bennett

His brother dead, a baseball star struggles to fill his footsteps Coley Burke's brother, Patrick, taught him how to throw a baseball, how to get girls, and how to keep their overbearing father off his back. Everything came easily to Patrick, whose natural talent on the baseball diamond had him set up for a career in the major leagues--right until the drunk-driving accident that ended his life. With Patrick gone, Coley is lost. His grades are slipping, and if he doesn't get them back up, he won't be allowed to play baseball this season. No baseball means no scholarship, and no scholarship means he will never play in the majors. For Coley's father, that kind of failure is unacceptable. As the pressure overwhelms him, Coley looks for a way out. With his girlfriend, Bree, by his side, he runs away from home. Coley has the potential to be a great ballplayer--but first he'll have to learn who he is off the diamond.

Faith Wish

by James W. Bennett

A teenage girl is drawn to a Christian preacher who could save her soul--or destroy her life Anne-Marie has gone to church her whole life, but until she sets foot in the revival tent, she has never felt the power of faith. She goes to watch Brother Jackson preach not because she's interested in what he has to say, but to accompany a friend who has a crush on one of the boys in the congregation. But when this handsome, charismatic preacher takes the stage, Anne-Marie feels herself swept up in the moment. He speaks to his flock, and she answers as though she were one of them. She feels the love of Christ, and she wants to feel more. Anne-Marie's newfound faith draws her into the orbit of Brother Jackson, who is not the kindhearted man he appears to be. To escape with her soul intact, Anne-Marie will have to confront a kind of evil she never dreamed possible.

The Story of the Champions of the Round Table: With Linked Table Of Contents

by Howard Pyle

Kings, queens, and great adventure await in the legendary land of Camelot It all began with a boy and a sword. When young Arthur pulls an enchanted sword from a stone, his destiny is sealed: He is to become the king of England. Full of powerful wizards and valiant knights, the timeless tale of King Arthur, Camelot, and the Knights of the Round Table is a mix of jealousy, wonder, and heart that has captivated imaginations for centuries. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea: Or, The Marvellous And Exciting Adventures Of Pierre Aronnax, Conseil His Servant, And Ned Land, A Canadian Harpooner (Extraordinary Voyages)

by Jules Verne

The classic tale of the wonders and terrors lurking in the deep A monster has been wreaking havoc in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The US government has sent forth a team featuring Pierre Aronnax, a French marine biologist; Ned Land, a Canadian harpoonist; and Aronnax&’s servant Conseil to take care of the problem. Their mission: Kill the beast. But what they find is the submarine Nautilus and its helmsman, the fearsome Captain Nemo. Onboard Nemo&’s ship, Aronnax has a vision of ocean life that he never believed possible. In Nemo he sees a man who is entirely liberated yet completely shackled to his past—a scientist with the power to go anywhere in the world but held back by fierce anger. Written in 1870, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea was one of the earliest novels of science fiction literature and has remained a classic of the genre over a century later. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

Treasure Island: Prince Otto

by Robert Louis Stevenson

Robert Louis Stevenson&’s classic tale of pirates, treasure, and daring deeds on the high seas Jim Hawkins, son of an English innkeeper, finds a map promising buried treasure and feels the call of adventure. Enticed by the promise of untold wealth, Jim goes to sea as a cabin boy. The Hispaniola and its crew, under the leadership of Long John Silver, sail the Spanish Main seeking hidden riches. But the voyage is far from tranquil, and before the ship drops anchor, a mutiny plot is discovered. Robert Louis Stevenson&’s timeless yarn takes readers on a perilous journey to an island far from home. This world, populated by peg-legged pirates, swashbuckling sailors, and pet parrots is as thrilling now as it was over a century ago. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.


by Rodman Philbrick Lynn Harnett

When Luke and Mandy start experiencing strange hallucinations and blackouts, they know something is seriously, out-of-this-world wrong Luke Ingram is on his way home one evening when the sky goes black and seems to swallow him whole—but four hours later he wakes up in his own room with no idea how he got there. And Luke isn&’t the only one experiencing these strange occurrences. The last thing Mandy Durgin remembers before waking up on her front porch is falling asleep in her bed hours before. When their creepy classmate Quentin starts following them around and harassing them, Luke and Mandy realize Quentin may know more about their lost time than he&’s letting on. They know something isn&’t right, but what could possibly have caused them to black out at the same time? And why are they having the same terrifying hallucinations about cold operating tables and large, bug-like eyes? Mandy knows there has to be a rational explanation, but Luke isn&’t so sure. Those faces in his visions were so . . . alien. Still, the thought of alien abductions is absurd. But when Luke and Mandy black out again the next night, Luke is ready to consider the possibility that their troubles might have an extraterrestrial cause.

Night Spell

by Robert Newman

Tad Harper is determined to find out the truth behind Mr. Gorham&’s tragic past, no matter what it takes Tad Harper believes all orphans develop a sixth sense that tells them when something bad is going to happen. But that doesn&’t mean he&’s prepared to spend the summer with Martin Gorham, an old friend of his grandfather&’s. And since refusing would mean losing his scholarship at school, Tad has no choice. He arrives at Mr. Gorham&’s spooky mansion a few days later, but the only people there to greet him are the servants. When he finally meets the old man, Mr. Gorham makes it clear that he doesn&’t care what Tad does as long as he stays away from him. With no friends and nothing to do, Tad knows it&’s going to be a long, miserable summer. Then he meets Karen Nelson, a girl who lives across the harbor. With Karen to hang out with, Tad thinks the summer might turn out better than he thought. But he soon discovers that Mr. Gorham has a tragic past—and that somehow, Karen is connected to it.

Three Names of Me

by Mary Cummings Lin Wang

Ada has three names. Wang Bin is what the caregivers called her at her Chinese orphanage. Ada is the name her American parents gave her. And there is a third name, a name the infant Ada only heard whispered by her Chinese mother.

The Boy on a Black Horse

by Nancy Springer

Gray&’s life changes forever when she meets a boy as wild as an untamed stallion When Chav walks into Gray&’s class at school for the first time dressed all in black, with wild hair and fierce eyes, Gray knows that her life is about to change. What she doesn&’t yet know is that her mysterious new classmate is as fascinated by her as she is by him. Gray and Chav are drawn to each other by their shared love of horses. But Chav&’s home life is more complicated than Gray could ever have imagined. Chav is a Gypsy and doesn&’t trust gadjo, or non-Gypsy people. He and his siblings have run away from a painful past and he will do anything to defend his family. But when his brother and sister suddenly get sick, Chav needs help—Gray&’s help. And earning Chav&’s trust turns out to be harder than breaking a wild horse.

Blood Trail

by Nancy Springer

The gruesome murder of a popular high school student turns two small-town neighbors against each other Aaron Gingrich is a well-liked high school senior who always seems to have a smile on his face. He and Jeremy Davis have been inseparable since elementary school. But one day Jeremy senses that something is wrong at Aaron&’s house—and then Aaron is found brutally murdered. Reeling from the loss of his friend, Jeremy has no one to turn to. His small town is suddenly abuzz with grisly rumors, and Jeremy was the last person to see Aaron alive. Subjected to polygraph tests, ostracized by the whole community, and treated like a criminal, Jeremy knows he needs to go to the police. Meanwhile the killer still walks free—closer than anyone can imagine. And no one but Jeremy suspects the truth.

The Friendship Song

by Nancy Springer

When Harper and her dad move to a new house, a creepy stepmom is the least of her worries Harper is not too happy to be moving in with her soon-to-be stepmother, Gus. The eccentric woman&’s home, which the neighbors call the Spook House, has a yard full of weird metal sculptures. Gus is nothing like Harper&’s dad&’s other girlfriends, and Harper would take her former trailer home over the Spook House any day. Luckily, a girl named Rawnie lives right across the street. Harper and Rawnie have lots in common, including the same favorite band: Neon Shadow. When the girls start hearing mysterious rock music coming from Gus&’s yard, they get suspicious. Then something terrible happens at a Neon Shadow concert, and Harper and Rawnie have no doubt that there are dark forces at work . . . and that Gus is involved. With their favorite singer in danger, they just might be the only two who can save him.

Looking for Jamie Bridger

by Nancy Springer

Winner of the Edgar Award: A search to find her parents becomes a quest that shakes Jamie Bridger&’s identity to its core Raised by her grandparents, fourteen-year-old Jamie Bridger has never known who her parents are. When she presses for details, her grandmother protests that she doesn&’t remember things that happened years ago, and her grandfather reacts by flying into a rage. But who could forget the birth of their only grandchild? And how could a mother give up her baby for good? Shouldn&’t Jamie&’s parents have tried to get in contact with her? Jamie is determined to find answers, and she&’ll go to any lengths to get them, even if it means traveling all the way to New York to find a man who shares her name—a man she believes to be her father. But as she starts to put together the pieces of her past, Jamie learns that the truth is more shocking than anything she could have anticipated.

Possessing Jessie

by Nancy Springer

When Jessie&’s brother dies, something takes hold of her in this chilling supernatural story of guilt, possession, and obsession Jessie wakes up knowing exactly what she needs to do. Gazing at her reflection in the bathroom mirror, she begins cutting off her beautiful locks, leaving herself with a short, boyish cut—just like her brother&’s. Jason died in a car crash, and since the funeral, Jessie hasn&’t been the same. Now, wearing her brother&’s clothes, her hair spiked just the way he used to wear his, she can face herself again. But what starts out as a difficult grieving process becomes something much more serious. Before long, she is sleeping in his bedroom, talking like him, even hearing his voice in her head. She is no longer just acting like Jason . . . she is starting to become him.

Secret Star

by Nancy Springer

When a strange and wild boy walks into her life, Tess is forced to confront a past she had long ago forgotten Fourteen-year-old Tess can&’t remember the first ten years of her life—and if they were anything like her life now, she&’d prefer that they stay forgotten. Since her mother&’s death, she and her disabled stepfather have lived without a phone, electricity, or even much food on the table. At school, her classmates think she&’s weird, but she&’s bigger and stronger than all of them. And at least she has music to keep her company. When a mysterious stranger named Kamo shows up looking for his dad, he is convinced that Tess and her stepfather may have the answers he&’s been searching for. The more time she spends with Kamo, the more she realizes how much they have in common. Then she hears a song on the radio called &“Secret Star&”—a song so mesmerizing that every time she hears it, Tess&’s past comes bubbling up, and she knows she won&’t be able to keep it hidden for much longer . . .

Sky Rider

by Nancy Springer

Everything changes when a handsome stranger rides off into the night on Dusty&’s horse There&’s no way around it: Dusty&’s horse Tazz needs to be put down. Once a champion jumper, Tazz can barely walk now due to hoof pain. And that&’s not the only thing that&’s wrong in Dusty&’s life. Since her mother&’s death, Dusty&’s dad hasn&’t stopped drinking—even after his drunk driving put Dusty in the hospital with a now-chronic back injury. Why don&’t they just put me down too? she wonders. While Dusty is giving Tazz one last grooming, his ears suddenly prick up as a stranger approaches: a young boy with an otherworldly beauty. He offers to take Tazz with him, and the two race off into the distance as though Tazz were in perfect health, with the boy perched on his back. Who could this person be? And what is he doing here? It&’s only when Dusty returns to school the next day that she hears about the boy who was killed. When she sees his photo in the newspaper, she knows that he&’s the mysterious guy who rode off on Tazz. What she doesn&’t know is that he will soon return.

Toughing It

by Nancy Springer

Winner of the Edgar Award: When Tuff&’s brother is killed, he loses the best friend he ever had—but he may be about to find the father he never knew Tuff was there when Dillon died. Riding behind his older brother on the back of his dirt bike, Tuff saw it all—except who shot him. Now Tuff has no one. When his mother, too drunk to know which way is up, hears the news that her son has died, her response is, &“Well, one less to worry about.&” Tuff has never been close to his half siblings either. Dillon was all he had, and now he&’s is gone. Tuff is no crybaby. He&’s used to fending for himself. With a picture of Dillon in his pocket, he leaves home—but not before his mother reveals the identity of the boys&’ father. What started out as a search for justice soon becomes much more. Dillon and Tuff had dreamed of finding their father their whole lives. With Dillon gone, can their dreams of family happiness be realized?

The Boy on a Black Horse

by Nancy Springer

Gray&’s life changes forever when she meets a boy as wild as an untamed stallion When Chav walks into Gray&’s class at school for the first time dressed all in black, with wild hair and fierce eyes, Gray knows that her life is about to change. What she doesn&’t yet know is that her mysterious new classmate is as fascinated by her as she is by him. Gray and Chav are drawn to each other by their shared love of horses. But Chav&’s home life is more complicated than Gray could ever have imagined. Chav is a Gypsy and doesn&’t trust gadjo, or non-Gypsy people. He and his siblings have run away from a painful past and he will do anything to defend his family. But when his brother and sister suddenly get sick, Chav needs help—Gray&’s help. And earning Chav&’s trust turns out to be harder than breaking a wild horse.

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