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Iron or the War After: Or, The War After

by S. M. Vidaurri

It is the aftermath of a long war, in a world of constant winter. An intelligence spy from the Resistance?the rabbit, Hardin?steals secret information from a military base of the Regime. His actions set off a chain of events that reverberates through the ranks of both sides, touching everyone from Pavel the crow to Giles the goat, from the highest-ranking officials to the smallest orphaned child. When the snow finally settles, who will be the true patriot and who the true traitor? In this spellbinding, beautifully illustrated anthropomorphic tale, the actions of a spy set off a chain reaction that affects both sides of the struggle, making each animal question their loyalty to their side.

Comet Rising (Shadow Weaver #2)

by MarcyKate Connolly

The thrilling conclusion to MaryKate Connolly's Shadow Weaver duology follows Emmeline and Lucas as they face the darkness once and for all.Emmeline and Lucas are safe from the evil Lady Aisling and her soldiers for the time being. The only thing that mars their peaceful life is Emmeline's imprisoned former shadow, Dar. Then one night the Cerelia Comet, the reason for their magical abilities, returns... but it's twelve years too early. The return of the comet can only mean one thing: Lady Aisling has a Sky Shaker under her control and is hoping for a new batch of talented children to add to her collection. Emmeline and Lucas decide to journey to find other magical children to help in the fight against Lady Aisling. But when Dar escapes, and the two friends realize many of the children they seek have already been taken, they know they are in for the fight of their lives.

Steven Universe Original Graphic Novel: Camp Pining Play (Steven Universe)

by Rebecca Sugar Nicole Mannino

When Peridot and Lapis discover Camp Pining Play fanfiction, they fall in love with Lars’ secret story and decide to put on a live performance for Beach City! With Steven, Connie, and the Crystal Gems, Peridot and Lapis become true thespians and work together to find a solution when parts of the story remind Lapis of her time with Jasper and jeopardize the play’s production. Join writer Nicole Mannino (This is Not Fiction) and artist Lisa Sterle (Long Lost) in this newest Steven Universe story that will prove there’s no stopping Steven and the Crystal Gems when the show must go on! <P><P> <i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i>

Steven Universe: Just Right (Steven Universe Ongoing #4)

by Grace Kraft

After so much time defending the Earth, Steven and the Crystal Gems know the value of teamwork and asking for help. Join Steven on a series of one-on-one adventures with your favorite characters from around Beach City. Explore what it means to feel at home with Lapis and Peridot. See Greg relive his days as a rock star and join Garnet on a solo mission. Oh, and sneak out with Amethyst to join Jenny and Kiki at a concert! Writer Grace Kraft (Ornithia) and artist Rii Abrego (Rick & Morty) guide Steven and the Crystal Gems as they learn what it means to rely on one another in these all-new stories from Cartoon Network’s Steven Universe.

Adventure Time: Marceline The Pirate Queen (Adventure Time #6)

by Pendleton Ward

It’s Adventure Time with Marceline and you! Join Marceline the Vampire Queen on a rocking tour throughout all her best adventures in the Land of Ooo. From going with Princess Bubblegum on a band tour with the Scream Queens, to derby racing across the Ice Kingdom, to banding together with Finn and Jake to fight her monstrous dad Hunson Abadeer, Adventure Time™: Marceline collects all the stories that make the Eisner Award-winning series perfect for fans of all ages. Join an all-star cast of creators, including Faith Erin Hicks (Buffy: The High School Years), Hanna K (Adventure Time™ Storyboarder), S.M. Vidaurri (Steven Universe™: Harmony), Aatmaja Pandya (Elements: Fire), Jorge Monlongo (Over the Garden Wall™: Hollow Town), and more in this timeless collection of Marceline’s greatest Adventure Time™ stories.

Percy Jackson y los dioses griegos (Percy Jackson #Volumen)

by Rick Riordan

Percy Jackson nos ofrece en este libro una visión muy cercana de los olímpicos, añadiendo una pizca de su magia particular y un montón de comentarios sarcásticos al conocimiento de la mitología. Como hijo de Poseidón y madre humana, nadie puede hablarnos de los dioses griegos con mayor autoridad que Percy Jackson. En un breve paréntesis de sus fabulosas aventuras, que tantos fans han cosechado en el mundo entero, Percy nos dará en este libro todo lo que queremos saber sobre los olímpicos. Además de un breve repaso al quién es quién de las deidades clásicas, Percy nos explica en qué consistió la creación del mundo, y, sin morderse la lengua, nos advierte: «Si os gustan las películas de terror, los baños de sangre, las mentiras, los robos, las puñaladas por la espalda y el canibalismo, seguid leyendo, porque sin duda aquella fue la Edad de Oro de todo eso.» Dioses bajo la lupa de Percy Jackson:Afrodita, Apolo, Ares, Artemisa, Atenea, Deméter, Dioniso, Hades, Hefesto, Hera, Hermes, Hestia, Perséfone, Poseidón, Zeus

Exilio: . (Los Gatos Guerreros | El Poder de los Tres #Volumen 3)

by Erin Hunter

Exilio, cuarta entrega de la saga «Los Gatos Guerreros | El Poder de los Tres», contiene batallas emocionantes, y más aventura e intriga que nunca. Único aprendiz del Clan del Trueno que conoce la oscura profecía que determina tanto su vida como la de Leonino y Carrasquera, sus hermanos guerreros, Glayino se siente fascinado por el poder que este conocimiento puede otorgarle. Por ello, decide indagar en el pasado lejano, en la historia de los gatos ya fallecidos que antaño caminaron por esos mismos bosques y ahora acechan sus sueños. La búsqueda de respuestas apunta hacia el hogar de la Tribu de las Aguas Rápidas, y como sea que Carrasquera y Leonino también quieren ir a las montañas, aunque por razones distintas, los tres hermanos se unen a un grupo de gatos de los cuatro clanes y juntos emprenden un viaje que los ha de conducir a la revelación de los secretos que guardan las claves de su destino. «El Poder de los Tres» es la tercera saga de «Los Gatos Guerreros», una serie que se ha traducido ya a 36 idiomas, lleva vendidos más de 30 millones de ejemplares en todo el mundo y ha permanecido durante más de dos años en la lista de grandes éxitos de The New York Times.

Eclipse: Los gatos guerreros - El poder de los tres IV (Los Gatos Guerreros | El Poder de los Tres #Volumen 4)

by Erin Hunter

Eclipse, cuarto libro de «Los Gatos Guerreros | El Poder de los Tres», ofrece nuevas aventuras, intrigas y emocionantes batallas felinas en el mundo épico de los clanes. Tras su agitada travesía por las montañas, Glayino, Leonino y Carrasquera inician el camino de vuelta a casa. Cada uno anhela en secreto un poder: Leonino sueña con ser imbatible en la batalla, Carrasquera ansía ser una gran líder y Glayino sabe que solo él puede ver el pasado y el futuro. Ya en el campamento, los aprendices perciben una gran inquietud: miembros del Clan del Viento han cruzado la frontera, generando una creciente hostilidad en su territorio. Mientras los guerreros del Clan del Trueno intentan frenar las incursiones, Carrasquera vislumbra un extraño gato de pelaje largo y multicolor, con ojos de color amarillo claro. Dice llamarse Solo y viene a entregarles un mensaje que provocará una crisis de efectos imprevisibles. «El Poder de los Tres» es la tercera saga de «Los Gatos Guerreros», una serie que se ha traducido ya a 36 idiomas, lleva vendidos más de 30 millones de ejemplares en todo el mundo y ha permanecido durante más de dos años en la lista de grandes éxitos de The New York Times.

READ 180 Real Book [Stage A]

by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

NIMAC-sourced textbook

La encrucijada (The Crossroads)

by Alexandra Diaz

Jaime y Ángela descubren lo que es vivir como inmigrantes indocumentados en los Estados Unidos en la continuación de El único destino, libro ganador del premio Pura Belpré Honor.Jaime Rivera pensó que después de cruzar México y entrar en Estados Unidos, lo peor había quedado atrás. No podía ser muy dificil comenzar en una escuela nueva. Pero lo es. Y no solamente porque casi no habla inglés. Mientras que su prima hermana Ángela se adaptó rapidamente e hizo nuevos amigos y se envolvió en actividades después de clases, Jaime siente que este lugar extraño no es su “hogar.” Su hogar de verdad es con sus padres, con abuela y con el resto de su familia y no en este lugar donde hay más cactus y ganado que personas y donde él siente que no puede ser él mismo—un muchacho de Guatemala. Cuando llegan malas noticias de sus padres en Guatemala sentimientos de impotencia y culpa atormentan a Jaime. La violencia de las pandillas en Guatemala significa que no puede regresar. Pero tampoco está seguro de que se quiera quedar. Los Estados Unidos no son la maravilla que todos le habían dicho que era, especialmente si no tienes papeles, si estás indocumentado. Pero cuando las cosas lucen sombrias la esperanza llega de lugares inesperados: un muchacho callado en el autobús, una maestra de música, un viejo que trabaja en el rancho. Con su cuaderno de dibujar siempre en sus manos Jaime comienza a usar sus dibujos para demostrar lo que significa ser un ciudadano de verdad.

Alice's Abenteuer im Wunderland: Large Print (Classics To Go)

by Lewis Carroll

Alice im Wunderland gilt als eines der hervorragenden Werke aus dem Genre des literarischen Nonsens. Gemeinsam mit der 1871 erschienenen Fortsetzung Alice hinter den Spiegeln wird dieses Kinderbuch zu den Klassikern der Weltliteratur gezählt. So ist die Erzählung heute beispielsweise Bestandteil der ZEIT-Bibliothek der 100 Bücher. Die britische Zeitung The Guardian nahm 2009 sowohl Alice im Wunderland als auch Alice hinter den Spiegeln in die Liste der 1000 Romane auf, die jeder gelesen haben muss. Die Erzählweise und -struktur, die Figuren und die Metaphorik haben unverändert großen kulturellen Einfluss. Alice im Wunderland erfuhr Adaptionen für die Bühne und im Film. Figuren der Erzählung, wie zum Beispiel die Grinsekatze, der Jabberwocky, der Märzhase und der verrückte Hutmacher, oder einzelne Episoden, wie beispielsweise die der Teegesellschaft, in die Alice hineingerät, wurden in der Popkultur immer wieder aufgegriffen und zitiert. (Wikipedia)

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Webster's Italian Thesaurus Edition (Classics To Go)

by Lewis Carroll

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to Alice in Wonderland) is an 1865 novel written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It tells of a young girl named Alice falling through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. The tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as with children. It is considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense genre. Its narrative course, structure, characters, and imagery have been enormously influential in both popular culture and literature, especially in the fantasy genre. (Wikipedia)

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Webster's Italian Thesaurus Edition (Classics To Go)

by Lewis Carroll

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to Alice in Wonderland) is an 1865 novel written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It tells of a young girl named Alice falling through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. The tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as with children. It is considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense genre. Its narrative course, structure, characters, and imagery have been enormously influential in both popular culture and literature, especially in the fantasy genre. (Wikipedia)

We Got This

by Cornelius E. Minor II

Exactly how he plans and revises lessons to ensure access and equity Ways to look anew at explicit and tacit rules that consistently affect groups of students unequally. Suggestions for leaning into classroom community when it feels like the kids are against you. Ideas for using universal design that make curriculum relevant and accessible. Advocacy strategies for making classroom and schoolwide changes that expand access to opportunity to your students.

Dear Enemy: Large Print (Classics To Go)

by Jean Webster

Dear Enemy is the sequel to Jean Webster's novel Daddy-Long-Legs. First published in 1915, it was among the top ten best sellers in the US in 1916. The story is presented in a series of letters written by Sallie McBride, Judy Abbott's classmate and best friend in Daddy-Long-Legs. Among the recipients of the letters are Judy; Jervis Pendleton, Judy's husband and the president of the orphanage where Sallie is filling in until a new superintendent can be installed; Gordon Hallock, a wealthy Congressman and Sallie's later fiancé; and the orphanage's doctor, embittered Scotsman Robin 'Sandy' MacRae (to whom Sallie addresses her letters: "Dear Enemy"). Webster employs the epistolary structure to good effect; Sallie's choices of what to recount to each of her correspondents reveal a lot about her relationships with them. (Wikipedia)

A Debt of Honor: The Story Of Gerald Lane's Success In The Far West (Classics To Go)

by Jr. Alger

Gerald Lane heads west to seek his fortune and claim the money owed his father by an unscrupulous former business partner.

Treasure Island: Prince Otto (Classics To Go)

by Robert Stevenson

The narrator, James "Jim" Hawkins, is the young son of the owners of the Admiral Benbow Inn. An old drunken seaman named Billy Bones becomes a long-term lodger at the inn, only paying for about the first week of his stay. Jim quickly realizes that Bones is in hiding, and that he particularly dreads meeting an unidentified seafaring man with one leg. Some months later, Bones is visited by a mysterious sailor named Black Dog. Their meeting turns violent, Black Dog flees and Bones suffers a stroke. While Jim cares for him, Bones confesses that he was once the mate of a notorious late pirate, Captain Flint, and that his old crew-mates want Bones' sea chest. Some time later, another of Bones' crew mates, a blind man named Pew, appears at the inn and forces Jim to lead him to Bones. Pew gives Bones a paper. After Pew leaves, Bones opens the paper to discover it is marked with the Black Spot, a pirate summons, with the warning that he has until ten o'clock to meet their demands. Bones drops dead of apoplexy (in this context, a stroke) on the spot. Jim and his mother open Bones' sea chest to collect the amount due to them for Bones' room and board, but before they can count out the money that they are owed, they hear pirates approaching the inn and are forced to flee and hide, Jim taking with him a mysterious oilskin packet from the chest. The pirates, led by Pew, find the sea chest and the money, but are frustrated that there is no sign of "Flint's fist". Customs men approach and the pirates escape to their vessel, all except for Pew, who is accidentally run down and killed by the agents' horses.... (Excerpt from Wikipedia)

The Tree of Appomattox: A Story Of The Civil War's Close (Classics To Go #Vol. 8)

by Joseph Altsheler

Joseph Alexander Altsheler (April 29, 1862 – June 5, 1919) was an American newspaper reporter, editor and author of popular juvenile historical fiction. His seven series comprise a total of thirty-two novels, each containing an independent story. The entire French and Indian War Series is very well written and accurate in its details. The characters were well developed and it is an excellent series combining historical fact and adventure with good fiction as are all of Altsheler's War Series.

The Fallen Spaceman

by Lee Harding

After crashing to earth, a giant spacesuit starts a wild rampage through a forest, endangering the lives of its small human-like alien and a curious boy who has crawled aboard.

Abigail Adams: First Lady of Faith and Courage

by Evelyn Witter

Abigail Adams relates the story of her life from childhood to the end of her husband's term as second President of the United States.

Stonewall Jackson: Loved in the South; Admired in the North

by Charles Ludwig

A biography of the Confederate general who gained the nickname Stonewall for his stand at the first batle of Bull Run during the Civil War.

Every Last Drop: Bringing Clean Water Home (Orca Footprints)

by Michelle Mulder

In the developed world, if you want a drink of water you just turn on a tap or open a bottle. But for millions of families worldwide, finding clean water is a daily challenge, and kids are often the ones responsible for carrying water to their homes. Every Last Drop looks at why the world's water resources are at risk and how communities around the world are finding innovative ways to quench their thirst and water their crops. Maybe you're not ready to drink fog, as they do in Chile, or use water made from treated sewage, but you can get a low-flush toilet, plant a tree, protect a wetland or just take shorter showers. Every last drop counts!

Rise of the Zombie Scarecrows (Orca Currents)

by Deb Loughead

Dylan is back, and this time he is making a movie, The Rise of the Zombie Scarecrows, with his best friend, Cory, and his girlfriend, Monica. The film is for school credit, and their plan is to film on Halloween. Everything is falling into place until Dylan and Monica encounter a zombie scarecrow that causes Mr. Dalton, a friend of Dylan's grandmother, to have a heart attack. Dylan and Monica learn that a couple of zombie scarecrows are pranking a local neighborhood. The police shut down Dylan's project until the pranksters are caught. But Dylan is determined to see his film through to completion, no matter what the cost.

Takashis Voyage: The Wreck of the Sindia

by Lucinda Churchman Hathaway ; Ellen DiPiazza

In this fact-based adventure, Takashi, a young Japanese boy is shanghaied aboard the Sindia, a sailing ship bound for New York in 1901. As the Sindia heads for Cape Horn, Takashi's love of sailing overcomes his homesickness and the hardships of a long journey... but nothing could prepare him for the climactic conclusion of his voyage along the Atlantic coast. This is a fictional adventure story based on an actual shipwreck that occurred off the New Jersey Shore.

Stay Away from Simon!

by Carol Carrick

Lucy and her younger brother examine their feelings about a mentally handicapped boy they both fear when he follows them home one snowy day.

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